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#102 : Conséquences

Tandis que Stef et Lena décident de ne pas punir Brandon pour avoir fuit avec Callie afin de sauver Jude, Mike n'est pas d'accord et des tensions apparaissent. Brandon est alors puni mais monte un plan pour faire le mur et retrouver Talya dont les parents ne sont pas en ville.

De son côté, Jesus décide d'arrêter de prendre des médicaments contre son hyperactivité afin de couvrir Mariana qui les vend mais il devient vite agité et se bat avec un autre élève. Et alors qu'un élève est surpris en possession de ces pilules, Callie est accusée et Mariana doit faire un choix entre la culpabilité et se dénoncer.

Pendant ce temps, Jesus entame une relation secrète avec la meilleure amie de sa sœur, Lexi. Lena et Stef font leur possible pour que Callie et Jude se sentent comme chez eux mais le partage d'espace se révèle difficile pour les autres Fosters.



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102 - Résumé de l'épisode


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Jesus au lycée

Jesus au lycée

Jesus, Lexi et un élève au lycée

Jesus, Lexi et un élève au lycée

Mariana et Kelsey dans le couloir du lycée

Mariana et Kelsey dans le couloir du lycée

Fouille des casiers au lycée

Fouille des casiers au lycée

Fouille des casiers au lycée

Fouille des casiers au lycée

Brandon et Talya dans le couloir du lycée

Brandon et Talya dans le couloir du lycée

Brandon et Talya dans le couloir du lycée

Brandon et Talya dans le couloir du lycée

Jesus et Mariana dans le couloir du lycée

Jesus et Mariana dans le couloir du lycée

Jesus, Timothée et un élève au lycée

Jesus, Timothée et un élève au lycée

Jesus se bat avec un autre élève

Jesus se bat avec un autre élève


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Etats-Unis (inédit)
Lundi 10.06.2013 à 21:00
1.70m / 0.6% (18-49)

Plus de détails

Scénario : Peter Paige et Brad Bredeweg
Réalisation : Timothy Busfield

Captures | Photos tournage

  • Cuisine des Fosters

Lena et Jesus se chamaillent tandis que Callie et Jude attendent bien sagement à table. Lena regarde alors par la fenêtre et voit Brandon parler avec Stef.

  • Le jardin

Stef réprimande Brandon sur ses actions de la veille mais lui affirme qu'il ne sera pas puni. Bien qu'elle aurait aimé qu'il le soit, Lena pense qu'il a compris la leçon et une punition serait inefficace. Il lui promet qu'il ne recommencera jamais.

  • La cuisine

Stef et Brandon se joignent au petit déjeuner. Mariana rejoint la famille mais elle est en colère. Comme il y a beaucoup de monde dans la maison maintenant, elle n'a pas pu se sêcher les cheveux. Elle pensait encore avoir le temps mais ce matin, les enfants doivent partir à pied à l'école, Stef et Lena ont rendez - vous avec Bill. Elles leur laissent donc 10 minutes avant de devoir partir. Callie est très protectrice de Jude qui dévore les pancakes pendant que Stef rappelle à Jesus de prendre ses pillules. S'appercevant qu'il n'en reste plus que 3, il fait semblant d'en prendre une et repose la boîte...


  • Devant le lycée

Mariana parle avec Lexie, sa meilleure amie. Elle lui explique qu'elle ne peut même plus se préparer tranquillement puisque la maison est envahie. Elles sont rejointe par Kelsey, une de leurs amies. Jesus arrive et embête Lexie pendant que Kelsey en profite pour demander à Mariana si elle peut lui vendre d'autres gellules. Mariana lui dit qu'elle ne lui en vendra plus jamais. Kelsey s'en va et Lexie revient à sa hauteur pour lui demander comment s'est passé le rendez - vous avec sa mère. Elle lui apprend que Jesus a tout découvert et que le rendez - vous a tourné court.

  • Cuisine des Fosters

 Stef demande à Lena si elle a réfléchi à propos de Jude et Callie. Lena est traumatisée, elle ne peut s'enlever de la tête l'image de Stef tenant une arme dans cette maison avec Brandon. Elle aimait croire qu'elle mettait des contraventions ou aider des chats à descendre des arbres, pas qu'elle mettait sa vie en danger en exercant son métier. Elle pense que ce qui est arrivée hier soir est la faute de Callie. Bien qu'elle aimerait ne pas remettre les enfants dans le système, elle a des doutes. Bill arrive.

  • Dans les couloirs du lycée

Callie passe et Talya l'apperçoit. Elle s'en étonne auprès de Brandon, pensant qu'elle allait être exclu de la maison après les événements de la veille. Brandon lui explique qu'elle est toujours là. Talya lui demande si c'est toujours ok pour vendredi comme ses parents ne sont pas là, il lui répond que oui.

  • Cuisine des Fosters

Bill a rejoint Stef et Lena. Il leur explique l'histoire de Callie. Quand elle avait 10 ans sa mère est morte brutallement. Son père ne pouvant pas les prendre, Callie et Jude ont été envoyé dans le système. Malheureusement ils n'ont jamais pu rester plus de 6 mois au même endroit. Ils ont essayé de leur trouver un endroit permament mais à chaque fois quelque chose se produisait et ils devaient bouger. Stef lui demande si c'est quelque chose comme hier soir. Bill s'excuse à propos de ça, il lui dit que c'est totalement sa faute, qu'il était occupé sur un autre cas et que du coup il n'a pas reconnecter Callie et Jude. FInalement, il leur explique que ce sont de gentils enfants, ils n'ont seulement jamais eu de chance. Il cherche quelque chose de permanent pour eux mais Stef lui rétorque qu'elles ont déjà trois adolescents... Néanmoins elle ne peut s'empêcher de remarquer combien Jude est heureux en train de s'amuser dans l'arbre.

  • Bureau de Lena

Lena et Jude arrive au lycée. Elle lui explique comment se déroulera sa scolarité ici et qu'il pourra voir Callie puisqu'ils seront dans le même bâtiment. Timothy les interrompt. Il veut parler à Lena. Jude attend dehors. Timothy donne à Lena une note qu'il a trouvé dans la poubelle parlant de pillules et de drogue...

  • Casiers du lycée

La sécurité du lycée se met au travail. Un garde fouille tous les casiers sous les yeux de Lena. Mariana est très inquiète car il s'approche du casier de Kelsey, la fille à qui elle a justement vendu les pillules. Jesus la regarde inquiet également. Le garde fouille le casier de Kelsey. Il ne trouve qu'une boîte d'ibuprophène. Elle lui dit que c'est pour les crampes et donc la fouille ne donne rien. Jesus rattrape Mariana pour lui dire qu'elle a eu chaud.

  •  Dans la voiture de police, en patrouille

Stef raconte à Mike que Brandon était content qu'elles ne l'aient pas puni. Mike ne comprend pas, il mérite une punition et s'enerve que Lena et Stef ne l'aient pas inclu à la décision.

  • Couloirs du lycée

Vico fait des avances à Lexie qui essaye de le repousser en vain. Jesus arrive et plaque Vico viollement contre les casiers. Prêt à le frapper, il est interrompu dans son geste par Timothy qui a assisté à la scène.

  • Salle de classe

Callie rend une petite visite à Jude pendant son cours. Elle veut savoir si tout se passe bien et si il sait ce qu'a dit Bill ce matin. Il l'ignore.

  • Bureau de Lena

Jesus est réprimandé par Lena suite à son altercation avec Vico. Elle veut savoir s'il a pris ses pilules. Il lui répond que oui mais ses genoux qui tremblent inquiètent Lena qui songe à prendre un rendez - vous avec le docteur. L'agent de sécurité arrive au moment où Jesus sort. Ce dernier retrouve Mariana qui lui demande pourquoi il s'est bagarré. Il lui explique qu'il a sauté quelques pilules pour la couvrir. Elle ne lui dit même pas merci ce qui énerve Jesus qui s'en va.

  • Salle de musique

Callie déjeune dans la salle pour éviter de déjeuner toute seule en bas. Brandon arrive. Elle commence à jouer quelques accords et Brandon veut savoir si elle sait en jouer. Elle lui dit que sa mère lui a appris quelques trucs avant qu'elle ne meure. Brandon lui pose alors la main sur la cuisse en gage d'affection. Talya assiste à toute la scène à travers la porte.

  • Cuisine des Fosters

C'est la fin de la journée. Lena est déjà à la maison quand Stef arrive suivie de Mike. Stef s'excuse d'avance auprès de Lena pour ce qui va se passer. Mike souhaite en effet rediscuter l'absence de punition de Brandon. Lena lui rétorque que c'est trop tard, elles lui ont déjà dit qu'il ne serait pas puni. Mike s'emporte et dit à Lena qu'elle n'est pas en mesure de décider quoique ce soit pour Brandon, que ses parents sont lui et Stef. Lena est en colère et Stef se trouve au milieu des deux. Quand Lena lui demande d'intervenir, elle répond à Mike que Lena est sa mère tout comme elle mais que Mike marque un point sur le fait de punir Brandon. D'ailleurs, celui - ci arrive dans la cuisine. Mike lui dit qu'il va finalement être puni. Brandon d'agace et commence à dire à son père qu'il est qui pour lui donner des ordres. Il ne le voit qu'une fois par semaine, ne s'appelle que 5 minutes par jour. Finalement, il demande à qui il doit obéir dans cette maison. Il monte à l'étage très énervé puis Mike s'en va.

  • Chambre de Jesus

Jesus est en train de s'amuser sur son ordinateur avec des vidéos de figures de skate. Mariana lui dit qu'il ne devrait pas sauter ses pillules, qu'il devrait les prendre jusqu'au bout puis dire à leurs mères qu'il les a fait tomber dans l'évier. Elle s'excuse enfin pour tout.

  • Dans le salon

Jude est en train de travailler ses maths. Il demande de l'aide à Callie, il a des lacunes en math. Alors qu'ils se chamaillent, Jude lui demande combien de temps ils vont rester chez les Fosters mais Callie ne connaît pas la réponse.

  • Dans la cuisine

Stef retrouve Lena en train de cuisiner. Elles se diputent à nouveau au sujet de la place de Lena vis - à - vis de Brandon. Lena se sent humiliée par rapport à ce que Stef a dit au cours de la conversation d'avant. Elle se sent plus que jamais la belle  - mère du garçon. Stef lui explique que Brandon a trois parents et ce sera toujours le cas, qu'il n'y a rien d'autre à ajouter. Finalement, elles se réconcillient.

  • Chambre de Brandon

Stef demande à Brandon d'appeler son père pour s'excuser, ce qu'il va faire. Il ne pensait pas un mot de ce qu'il disait. Stef remarque alors la première guitare que Brandon avait pu se payer lui - même, puis elle s'en va en faisant une petit blague au sujet de Lena qui n'a pas l'effet attendu...

  • Dans la cuisine

Lena continue de préparer le repas quand Jude arrive. Il demande quelles corvées vont lui être confiées. Lena est très étonnée puis elle demande de l'aider à mettre les fourchettes à salade. Il en profite pour lui demander si elle et Stef sont mariées. Elle lui répond qu'elles ne le sont pas légalement, seulement dans leurs coeurs, ce qui revient au même pour Jude.

  • Dans le salon

Toute la famille est réunie au salon. Lena et Stef ont quelque chose d'important à annoncer aux enfants. Elles sont décidées d'accueillir Callie et Jude pendant quelques temps, jusqu'à ce que Bill leur trouve une vraie maison. Elles veulent que ce soit leur dernière étape. Elles ne peuvent malheureusement pas les accueillir pour toujours. Du coup, Jude ira dormir dans la chambre de Jesus et Callie avec Mariana, ce qui n'enchante pas cette dernière...

  • Chambre de Jesus

Jesus est en train de faire de la place pour accueillir Jude. Lexie rentre pour le remercier de l'avoir défendu plus tôt au lycée. En réponse, Jesus l'embrasse. Quand ils terminent leur baiser, Mariana vient chercher Lexie pour l'aider à faire de la place dans sa chambre.

  • Au salon

Callie trouve la guitare de Brandon posée sur son lit. Il lui a donné.

  • Devant le lycée

Talya et Brandon discutent, elle a du mal à comprendre pourquoi Brandon est puni et pas Callie alors que c'est elle la responsable. En plus, elle ne repart même pas en détention. Bref, Talya est jalouse de Callie.

  • Dans la voiture de police

Mike et Stef discutent. Il ne sent pas assez impliqué dans l'éducation de Brandon et pense que tout ce qu'a dit Brandon était vrai. Stef lui dit que non, que c'est un bon père.

  • Aux tables, devant le lycée

Callie cherche quelqu'un avec qui s'asseoir. Kelsey ne peut s'empêcher de répeter à tout le monde que Callie sort de détention alors que Mariana lui avait dit de ne rient dire. Finalement, Talya invite Callie à sa table. Elles échangent des banalités, l'objectif de Talya est de lui faire savoir que Brandon est sa propriété...

  • Devant les casiers

Jesus rejoint Lexie et ils discutent rapidement du baiser qu'ils ont échangé hier, Jesus lui faisant croire que ce n'était pas le seul.

  • Dans les toilettes

Lena est venue se laver les mains. Kelsey est dans une cabine en train de préparer une pillule pour la snifer. Lena fait semblant de quitter la pièce après avoir entendu un bruit suspect. Quand Kelsey sort, elle tombe directement sur Lena.

  • Maison des Fosters

Lena et Stef attendent impatiemment quelqu'un. Mariana, Callie et Jude arrivent. Mariana stresse de voir que les voitures de ses deux mère sont là. Elle pense qu'elles sont là pour elle. En fait, elles veulent voir Callie. Kelsey a prétendu que c'était Callie qui lui avait vendu la drogue, elles demandent donc à Callie si c'est vrai. Cette dernière répond que simplement que non. Stef et Lena souhaitent alors discuter toutes les deux, Callie sort donc dehors avec sa guitare. Mariana a tout entendu.

  • Dans la rue

Jesus et Brandon discutent. Jesus lui dit que Callie est 'hot' ce qui expliquerait pourquoi Talya agit comme ça. Brandon n'avait jamais vu Callie ainsi et Jesus lui conseille dont de trouver une solution pour rassurer Talya. Brandon appelle donc Talya pour lui dire qu'il va faire le mur ce soir pour aller la voir.

  • Jardin des Fosters

Mariana vient demander à Callie pourquoi elle ne l'a pas dénoncée. Elle lui répond qu'elles ne l'auraient pas crue.

  • Chambre de Mariana

Mariana se sent très mal suite à ce qu'il s'est passé. Jesus vient lui dire qu'elle ne peut pas laisser leurs mères penser que c'est Callie qui a fait ça. Mais Mariana a peur de le dire à leurs mères, elle a peur qu'elles soient tellement déçues qu'elles la rejettent. Jesus lui dit qu'il faut le faire et qu'il va venir avec elle.

  • Dans le jardin

Brandon va voir Callie qui s'essaye à la guitare. Il lui fait une blague au sujet des pillules sachant pertinnement que ce n'est pas elle qui les a vendues. Il lui montre alors quelques accords à la guitare.

  • Dans la cuisine

Mariana et Jesus interromptent Stef et Lena. Mariana n'arrive pas à parler du coup Jesus avoue à ses mères que c'est lui qui a vendu ses pilules. Que Kelsey savait qu'elle permettait d'être plus concentré et plus intelligent et qu'elle lui en a demandé. Une puis plusieurs et c'est devenu incontrôlable. Il s'excuse alors.

  • Dans le jardin

Stef et Lena viennent voir Callie. Elles demandent donc à Brandon de les laisser. Elles viennent s'excuser d'avoir pensé que c'était la faute de Callie. Elles aimeraient pouvoir avoir confiance en elle mais c'est quelque chose qui se travaille.

  • Maison des Fosters

Callie s'intalle dans sa nouvelle chambre et Jude lui dit qu'il aime bien cet endroit, ce à quoi Callie lui répond de ne pas trop l'aimer. Jesus reçoit un texto de Lexie lui disant que Mariana lui a appris ce qu'il avait fait. Elle le traite d'idiot ce qui le fait sourire.

Callie joue de la guitare avec Brandon. Il reçoit un texto de Talya lui demandant qu'il va arriver. Il lui répond qu'il ne pourra pas quitter la maison car tout le monde est sur son dos... Mariana est assise sous le porche, plus mal que jamais. Stef et Lena sont dans leur lit, elles se tournent le dos quand Stef tend la main vers Lena qui la prend alors.

Fin de l'épisode.

Ecrit par Cresus87.

Foster’s house

Lena : Jesus, the trash needs to go out. I shouldn't have to remind you.
Jesus : I took them out yesterday.
Lena : Well, it's full again. And get off your skateboard, please.

Stef : And, it's not because what you did last night wasn't really dumb. And I don't use those words for lack of bigger ones. It was really dumb. My God, what were you thinking? Running off, chasing after some girl. Come one… Even if it was to help her brother. Why didn't you just call me?
Brandon : I know, I know. It was a big mistake.
Stef : It could have been a fatal mistake, love, you had no idea what you were walking into. Could have been much much worse than that.
Brandon : I mean, it won't happen again.
Stef : You're damn right it won't happen again. I gotta be honest with you, my friend. I was ready to drop the hammer. But after talking with Lena, we have decided that you are probably very aware - of the potential consequences of your actions, yes?
Brandon : Yes.
Stef : And this is pretty out of character for you, so we are not going to ground you, but I am telling you, this will never ever happen again.

Stef : Hmm, where's Mariana?
Lena : Oh, she's still in the bathroom.
Stef : Mariana, come on! Let's go, babe. We've gotta eat.
Lena : Callie, can you put juice out for everybody?
Callie : Yeah.
Mariana : I didn't have time to do my hair.
Stef : Well, it's too late now sweetie.
Mariana : We still have 15 minutes.
Stef : No no no. You guys have to walk to school today. We have a thing. Come on. Come and eat.
Mariana : Ok, I am not going to school with my hair like this.
Stef : Well then you're not going anywhere, ever again.
Lena : Stef, your pancakes are burning.
Mariana : Great. I get to spend all day looking like a ***.
Lena : Enough. Ok, guys you have to be out the door in 10. Stef and I have a meeting with Bill. And then I'm gonna take Jude to come later to school, to show him around. He'll be ok. I promise. I'm not gonna let them split you two up again, ok?
Callie : Yeah.
Stef : All right, pancakes everybody. Who wants pancakes? You want pancakes? Brandon, pass them around, please. Ow! Ok, Jesus, how many times have we said, no skateboard in the house? Have you taken your pill this morning?
Jesus : Yes.
Stef : No.
Jesus : No.
Callie : Jude, dude, come on.
Jude : Sorry.
Stef : Some fruit, you guys.
Jesus : Let's do this!


Anchor Beach

Lexie : What are you doing?
Mariana : I didn't have time to dry my hair this morning. There were like 300 people in the bathroom.
Lexie : You look fine, I'm sure no one's going to notice.
Kelsey : What happened to your hair?
Lexie : Jesus, you’re an idiot!
Kelsey : He may be an idiot, but damn your brother's so hot.
Mariana : Oh my God, ew.
Kelsey : Hey, do you have any more you know what? I only have a couple left.
Mariana : No, and I can't get any more.
Kelsey : Really?
Mariana : Really.
Kelsey : Ok, see you babes at lunch.
Lexie : Bye. So, what happened last night with your birth mom?
Mariana : Jesus found out.
Lexie : He found out? Did he freak?
Mariana : Completely.
Lexie : Did he go with you?
Mariana : No. He yelled at me.
Lexie : So, how was it?
Mariana : Honestly? It kind of sucked.
Lexie : Well, at least you don't have to invite her to your quinceanera. That would've been awkward. Come on, we're going to be late.

Foster’s house

Stef : Have you thought any more about what you want to do?
Lena : About Callie and Jude?
Stef : Mm.
Lena : No. To be honest, I just keep thinking about seeing you and Brandon in that house with a gun
Stef : We were fine.
Lena : I know you were fine. I know that. But in my mind, when you go to work, you are writing parking tickets and pulling cats out of trees.
Stef : That's firemen.
Lena : You know what I'm saying.
Stef : Don't insult me.
Lena : You know what I mean. I just keep flashing back to you storming into that house with your gun pulled out
Stef : It's what I do, love.
Lena : I get this awful feeling in my stomach. And I cannot help but connect that back to Callie.
Stef : Meaning?
Lena : Meaning, I know that you said we're not going to put them back in the system but, I have some really serious concerns.
Stef : That's Bill.
Lena : There's Bill.

Anchor Beach

Talya : Ok, bye.
Brandon : Hey.
Talya : Hey, you Ah, did I just see Callie down the hall?
Brandon : I don't know, did you?
Talya : I'm just surprised is all. I mean, I figured after last night they would've
Brandon : Would've?
Talya : Sent her back to juvie, or another foster home or something.
Brandon : Yeah, well, they're not. I mean, not now, at least.
Talya : Mm. Good.
Brandon : You ok?
Talya : Totally. I'm fine.
Brandon : You're sure?
Talya : Brandon, I'm fine. Are we still on for Friday? It's not every weekend my parents go out of town.
Brandon : You know I'm down.
Talya : Good.
Brandon : Now get to class.

Foster’s house

Bill : Then a few years later, when Callie was 10, I think yes, that's right. Her mother died suddenly. Her father obviously wasn't in the picture, and there were no other family members to call on. So, they were put into the system. Unfortunately, they haven't been able to land anywhere, for more than six months at a time. Could I trouble you for some more coffee, please?
Stef : Yeah, of course.
Bill : Now, we keep trying to put them somewhere permanent, but then something happens, and we have to move them onto somewhere new.
Stef : Something happens? What exactly does that mean?
Lena : Something like last night?
Bill : I feel terrible about that. That is my fault. I had an emergency on another case. Otherwise, I would've been there for Callie and connected her with Jude, and none of that would've happened. Thank you. Look, they're really great kids, they've just had bad luck.
Lena : That's just so heartbreaking. So you are looking for something permanent for them?
Bill : Always.
Lena : We already have three teenagers. What do you think?

Lena’s office

Lena : So, the seventh grade classes are mostly on the south corridor.
Jude : With all the high school kids?
Lena : Yeah.
Jude : Does that mean I get to see Callie?
Lena : Well, not all the time, but she'll be around. And if you need anything at all, I'm always here, ok? Hey.
Timothy : Morning.
Lena : Everything all right?
Timothy : Um.
Lena : Hey Jude, why don't you wait out in the hall, and I'll take you to class in a sec.
Timothy : Hey.
Lena : What's up?
Timothy : So, I was on my way to class and I found this lying by a trash can.
Lena : Pills. Well, you know what this means.

Anchor Beach

Police Guy : Locker search. Everyone line up…. What's this?
Kelsey : It's ibuprofen. Over the counter. For cramps.
Police Guy : Uh, you're good.
Jesus : How many kids are you selling to anyway?
Mariana : I don't know, five or six?
Jesus : You better hope none of them are keeping their stash in their lockers.

In police car

Mike : Got the report filed.
Stef : Good boy.
Mike : You driving?
Stef : I'm driving.
Mike : Ok. So, that was quite a night?
Stef : Yes, it was.
Mike : Anybody run away this morning?
Stef : That's funny. No. Nope. Gave Brandon quite a talking to though. But I've decided not to ground him, so he's thrilled.
Mike : What? You're kidding, right?
Stef : No.
Mike : The kid basically went awol last night, damn near got himself killed.
Stef : Yeah, exactly. So, Lena thought that he's very well aware of the consequences and no benefit to punishing him.
Mike : Oh, Lena thought.
Stef : Ok, take it easy. Easy. First time he's ever done anything like this before.
Mike : Right, which is all the more reason to set boundaries.
Stef : We set plenty of boundaries for him.
Mike : Well, apparently not enough.
Stef : God.
Mike : Look, I'm sure hippie-dippie Lena with her PhD in child whatever the hell it is, has some opinions about why punishing him would damage his blossoming sense of self, but the thing is, Stef, I'm his dad.
Stef : Yes, Mike.I'm well aware of that.
Mike : Right, and you should've talked to me about it first.

Anchor Beach

Vico : Come on, it'll be fun.
Lexie : I told you nobody'd go.
Vico : I thought we had a good time.
Lexie : Well, I don't know what to tell you.
Vico : Tell me that you'll go out with me again.
Lexie : Yeah, I don't think so.
Vico : Why do you have to be such a bitch? Come on.
Jesus : Hey, she said no, man.
Vico: Yeah, I heard her.
Jesus : So, why are you still in her face? Take a walk.
Vico : Why don't you just relax, ok?
Jesus : Why don't you get out of here?
Vico : Watch yourself, crackhead.
Jesus : What'd you call me?
Lexie : Jesus, knock it off I can take myself
Timothy : Hey! What is going on here? Huh?

Teacher : Need the bathroom, Jude? Go ahead.
Callie : Are you ok?
Jude : Mm-hm.
Callie : Finding everything?
Jude : Yeah.
Callie : Ok, good. I just wanted to make sure. Did you see Bill?
Jude : Yep.
Callie : Did he say anything?
Jude : Like what?
Callie : I don't know. Like anything?
Jude : He said, "hi." Why?
Callie : Just wondering. Now get back in there. Learn something.

Lena : This is not like you to get into a fight.
Jesus : I know, I'm sorry. The guy was being rude to Lexi.
Lena : Ok. So, you can't have a conversation about that? Why did this have to get physical?
Jesus : I don't know.
Lena : Did you take your pill today?
Jesus : Yeah.
Lena : Are you sure?
Jesus : Yeah. A hundred percent.
Lena : Ok, maybe it's time we called Dr.Hitchin's and set another appointment.
Jesus : I don't need to see can't I have a bad day once in awhile without being some psych case?
Lena : All right. Don't let this happen again. If you feel yourself getting worked up, just take a deep breath and walk away. Ok? Go to class.

Mariana : Hey, you got in a fight? Lexi told me.
Jesus : I didn't take my meds, so I was kind of jumpy.
Mariana : Why aren't you taking your pills?
Jesus : I'm skipping a few days to save your ass so mom wouldn't notice the pills are missing. Don't worry, they didn't find anything in the lockers, so you're fine.
Mariana : Hey, calm down. You're gonna get us both busted.
Jesus : Us or you? You're welcome, by the way.

Brandon : Hey.
Callie : Hey. I was just avoiding the whole "who do I sit with at lunch" thing.
Brandon : Gotcha.
Callie : I'll let you practice.
Brandon : No, no. You can stay.
Callie : Are you sure?
Brandon : Yeah.
Callie : So, you're really not getting grounded or anything? Are your moms usually that cool or is it just 'cause you never do anything wrong?
Brandon : No, I mean, I do stuff. It's not like I've never got in trouble before.
Callie : Really?
Brandon : Yeah.
Callie : Like?
Brandon : Like, I …I got caught stealing.
Callie : Yeah?
Brandon : Yes.
Callie : What?
Brandon : A car. Yeah. A matchbox when I was five.
Callie : Yeah. No, you're bad news.
Brandon : Yeah.
Callie : Yeah. Hm.
Brandon : What?
Callie : Nothing. No, I just I wonder how you even know who you are if you just do what everybody else thinks you should do?
Brandon : Nice, do you play?
Callie : Uh, a little. I used to. My mom taught me some before she
Brandon : Before she?

Foster’s house

Stef : Lena, honey?
Lena : Hi.
Stef : Hey. Listen, I'm sorry. Mike is right behind me.
Lena : Why is Mike coming over?
Stef : Because he thinks we should have a discussion, a conversation perhaps, in regards to Brandon.
Lena : Hey.
Mike : Hey.
Stef : Mike and I, we were talking at work and he feels that perhaps, we've gone a little too easy onBrandon, and that he may indeed need some sort of punishment.
Lena : Ok, I hear that. But unfortunately, we already spoke to Brandon.
Mike : We can speak to him again.
Lena : Mike, I think that Brandon really understands the consequences of his actions and there's no value
Mike : With all due respect, what you think isn't really my concern
Stef : Hey, wait a minute, Mike. Lena is his parent, too.
Mike : Respectfully, that may be true. But I am his father and you're his mother.
Lena : Excuse me?
Mike : You know what I mean.
Lena : I know what you mean.What do you think?
Stef : Lena, you know that I think you are his mother, too.
Lena : No, that's fine. That's fine. I'm not his mother, I'm not his father. Mike is right.
Stef : No, he is not.
Lena : What do you think about Brandon's punishment?
Stef : I think that Mike has a point.
Mike : Hey bud.
Brandon : What's up? What are we talking about?
Stef : We're having a discussion right now. The three of us, if you don't mind.
Mike : Actually, we're talking about your punishment.
Brandon : But I thought I wasn't punished.
Mike : You are. You're grounded, one week. School and home, that's it.
Brandon : What? No, but I made plans.
Mike : Oh, you made plans.
Brandon : Yeah.
Mike : Oh, that's funny, 'cause you didn't have any trouble blowing off your plans to be at the music competition, did you?
Brandon : Ok, and since when do you even care?
Mike : Excuse me?
Stef : Brandon?
Brandon : Where have you been? No, no, seriously, dad. When do you even care? You're never around. When have you ever cared? You call me once, like every two days, five minute phone calls. Why should I even listen to you? Great. This is awesome. Let me know who I'm supposed to be taking orders from.
Mike : That went well.
Stef : Honey, listen, that's not supposed to be the way

Jesus : I'm listening to that.
Mariana : You can't skip your pills.
Jesus : Well, what do you want me to do? Thanks to someone I seem to be missing a whole bunch. You got a better idea?
Mariana : You still have a few left, right? How many? Like a week or so?
Jesus : Like, three.
Mariana : Ok, how about this you keep taking them and you take them till you run out, and we can tell moms you dropped the rest down the sink.
Jesus : Yeah, ok. Fine.
Mariana : In case I haven't said it
Jesus : You haven't.
Mariana : Well, I'm sorry. For all of this.
Jesus : It's cool.

Jude : Sixteen. And this one?
Callie : No, you know that. What do you have to do? You have to divide it by the "y". It's four. The answer's four. You should've known that.
Jude : You should've known that.
Callie : I did know that.
Jude : No, you didn't.
Callie : Yeah, I did.
Jude :Uh-uh.
Callie : Yeah! So cheeky!
Jude : Stop it!
Callie : No, you stop it.
Jude : How long are we going to be here?
Callie : I don't know, kid. Finish your homework.
Jude : Ok.

Stef : I am sorry I ambushed you, Lena. All right? This was something that Mike felt very strongly about, obviously. When you feel like talking to me, Lena. Let me know.
Lena : I thought we were on the same page. I thought we agreed. I've never felt like such a stepmother in my entire life.
Stef : Lena
Lena : And just so we're clear, I am done disciplining Brandon if this is the way it's going to be.
I'm just going to be good-time stepmom from now on. You want some candy, Brandon? Sure, help yourself! Want some cigarettes? Smoke it up! Lung cancer be damned! Want some booze? No? How about some heroin?
Stef : Oh, wow. Point taken. Please put down the knife. You're scaring me. Lena, come on, love. What was I supposed to do? Mike is Brandon's father. This was a big decision and we didn't include him in it. Can you imagine how you would feel if something like this - happened with Mariana or Jesus?
Lena : It's not the same thing. Mike is not the twins father.
Stef : Obviously. You know that's not what I meant.
Lena : You would not like it - If parental decisions were being made without me, without you.
Yes, I get that, but in what world is it ok for you to take Mike's side in front of me?
Stef : I didn't take his side, Lena. I simply said…
Lena : You humiliated me in front of him.
Stef : I'm sorry, that is not what I meant to do. But you asked, what was I supposed to say?
Lena : You lie, Stef. You lie.
Stef : Ok, I'm sorry. It's not easy for me either, you know. It's no fun playing peacekeeper between you and Mike when you're acting like Israel and Palestine. It kind of stinks. Look, Brandon has three parents, period. No getting around it. Mike had no right to say otherwise. I know that's not what he thinks, I really do. And we're all just trying to do our best to figure this out. I'm going to go talk to Brandon. All right? We're ok for now?
Lena : We're good.
Stef : Great.

Stef : B?
Brandon : Yeah?
Stef : I get that you're frustrated, it seems to be a common theme around the house these days. But, that's no reason to talk to your father that way. He's a good man, he's a good dad, and he does care very, very much, he always has.
Brandon : I know, I know. I'm sorry.
Stef : You're sorry?
Brandon : I'm sorry. I didn't mean any of it. It's just.
Stef : I know. You know what you need to do. By the way, Lena wants you to know, that if you ever need any heroin, she's happy to help.
Brandon : Huh?
Stef :Never mind, that was funnier in my hear.
Brandon : I'm sorry.
Stef : Oh, you playing again? I remember the day you bought that. Saved up all your money, all on your own, I was so proud of you. Call your dad.
Brandon : Yeah.

Lena : Hi. Dinner is not quite ready yet. Do you want something to drink or ? Is everything ok?
Jude : Yeah, I was just wondering if you had any chores for me.
Lena : Chores?
Jude : Yeah, well, foster families are gonna send us away right away, they usually give us chores and stuff.
Lena : You know what? You could really help me I forgot the salad forks.
Jude : So, are you and Stef married?
Lena : Well, not exactly. Not legally, no. We're married in our hearts, I guess.
Jude : That's basically the same thing, right?
Lena : Basically, yeah.
Jude :Yeah.

Stef : Everyone, grab a seat. So, we have something to talk about, obviously.
Lena : Uh, Stef and I had our meeting with bill, and we've come to a decision. We are not in a position to offer Jude and Callie a home forever.
Stef : But we would like you guys to be as comfortable and safe as possible, until bill does find you a permanent home. However long that may take.
Lena : It could be a week, it could be a year. We just don't know.
Stef : Yeah. We want this to be your very last way station ever, ever, ever. Ok?
Lena : So, that means, we need to get you guys out of the living room. I think you'll be ok to camp down there one more night, but tomorrow we're having some beds delivered, so after school let's help get them settled in, ok?
Stef : Yes, Brandon and Jesus, could use a little muscle, all right? Jude, my sweet, new, young friend.
You'll be moving in with Jesus. And Callie, you'll be moving into Mariana's room, all right?

Stef : Hey Mariana! Lexi is here!
Lexie : Hey.
Jesus : Oh, hey.
Lexie : I just wanted to say thanks. I know you were just trying to stick up for me. I I didn't mean to yell at you. You didn't have to go all Iron Man on his ass, but, you know, thank you.

Mariana : What are you doing? Come on, I need your help. I have to get rid of a bunch of stuff so Callie can move into my room. It's a freaking nightmare. Seriously, I don't understand why they just can't move into the dining room? It's not like we ever use it, right?
Brandon : Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah.Maybe we can put them in the closet or under the stairs, like in Harry Potter? I mean, come on guys. Let's think about how they must feel. They're not here forever. Let's try to make them feel a little more welcome.
Jesus : Easy for you to say. You're not giving up anything.
Mariana : Lexi, come here.

Anchor Beach

Talya : Wait, what do you mean? I thought you weren't getting grounded? What about Callie? If you're getting punished, is she going back to juvie?
Brandon : No. No, she's actually going to be living with us for a while now. Wait you're not jealous, are you?
Talya : Of Callie? No.
Brandon : Ok. 'Cause you have no reason to be.
Talya : Yeah, obviously. You know, that's cool of your moms. Letting her stay. She was just trying to help save her brother, right?
Brandon : Yeah.

In police car

Stef : Brandon called you, right?
Mike : Yeah, said he was sorry.
Stef : Good.
Mike : He was kind of right, though.
Stef : No, he was not. He was not right to talk to you
Mike : Not about the me not caring part. I mean, look, when was the last time that you and Lena really talked to me about Brandon?
Stef : Ok, listen, Mike. You're right. We have
Mike : No, no, no.
Mike : I'm not blaming you. I'm not saying it's your fault. That's not what I mean. You guys are so good and involved and there all the time. I just feel like it was so easy to turn the reins over. I don't want to do that any more, Stef. I don't want to hand my kid over. I don't want to be some half-assed version of a dad.
Stef : You're not a half-assed version of a dad.
Mike : I know, but you know what I mean.

Anchor Beach

Kelsey : You guys know she just got out of juvie, right?
Mariana : Kelsey, I told you not to tell anyone.
Kelsey : I know, but I think that they should know. Watch out, she'll totally shiv you or something.
Mariana :Shank.
Kelsey : Huh?
Mariana : A shiv is a thing, a shank's what you do with it.
Kelsey : Oh.
Mariana : My mom's a cop.
Kelsey : Damn girl, it's like Grand Theft Auto around your place. Seriously.

Talya : Hey Callie! Over here. So, how are you? I mean, I know it's been a crazy couple of days for you.
Callie : Uh, no, I'm fine. Thanks.
Girl : So, where are you from?
Callie : Just around.
Girl : Uh-huh. Great.
Talya : Is that your brother you were talking to this morning?
Callie : Yeah, that's Jude.
Talya : Wow, he's totally adorable.
Callie : Ah, he's all right.
Girl : I like your bracelets.
Callie : Thank you.
Talya : I should get some like that. So cool.
Callie : Yeah, I really like your scarf.
Talya : So, how long are you guys gonna be here for? A couple weeks, a month six months?
Callie : I have no idea. It's not really up to me.
Talya : Right 'cause we should get you in some clubs. You know, so you can meet more people. It's got to be hella boring hanging out with Brandon all the time.
Callie : You'd know a lot about that.
Talya : Right? We're together pretty much all the time. Stef and Lena are so supportive of our relationship. Stef even buys his condoms. Hello! How great is that?
Callie : Oh, it's really great.

Jesus : So I just
Lexie : Yes.
Jesus : So, I wasn't really right in the head yesterday.
Lexie : Meaning Meaning,
Jesus : um, I probably shouldn't have
Lexie : It's cool. But you probably shouldn't go kissing me every time you have a bad day.
Jesus : Oh yeah? Who said you're the only girl I kissed yesterday?
Lexie : Oh, really?
Jesus : Really.

Lena : You got a little … What is it and who gave it to you? You can tell me or we can call the police and you can tell them. It's up to you. What's it gonna be, Kelsey? Where'd you get the drugs?

Foster's house

Stef : Where is she?

In the street

Jude : This one kid, Connor, was pretty nice, though. They're reading this book, a Wrinkle in something.
Callie : Time?
Jude : Huh?
Callie : A Wrinkle in Time.
Jude : Oh yeah, that's it. Anyways, I don't get it. It's kind of confusing.
Callie : What?
Mariana : Why are both my moms home? …What's going on?

Foster's house

Stef : Mariana, could you take Jude upstairs, please? We need to talk to Callie.
Lena : Yeah, sweets, it's ok. She'll be right up.
Stef : Callie? We've been told that you stole Jesus's pills? And have been selling them at school? Is this true? Is this true?
Callie : No.
Stef : You sure about that?
Callie : Uh-huh.
Lena : Then why would this student say that you did?
Callie :I guess I'm just an easy target.
Stef : Right. Will you give us a minute, please? .. So, what do we do?
Lena : I don't know, maybe we should call Mike.
Stef : Oh, yes, feisty.
Lena : Uh-huh.
Stef : I'm trying, love.
Lena : I know.
Stef : Mike didn't mean what he said about
Lena : I know, I know. Mike called me, we talked.
Stef : Really, what'd he say?
Lena : That's between me and Mike.

In the street

Jesus : So, did you ask Talya to have lunch with Callie?
Brandon : Wait, what? They had lunch? Talya has lost her mind.
Jesus : She's insecure, bro. I mean, suddenly got this hot 16 year old girl
Brandon : You think Callie's hot?
Jesus : You don't?
Brandon : I better figure something out, or Talya's going to have a complete meltdown on me.
Jesus : Better do something big. Make her feel special.
Brandon : But I'm grounded, remember?
Jesus : Improvise.
Brandon : Hey, you didn't make any plans tonight, right? No, good, don't. I I'm gonna sneak out, and come see you. No, I don't care if I get in trouble. It's worth it. Ok. Bye.

Callie : Where's Jude?
Mariana : He's reading magazines in my room. He's ok.
Callie : Good I don't know what I'm gonna tell him.
Mariana : So, what happened?
Callie : They think that I stole your brother's pills.
Mariana : What did you tell them?
Callie : Well, I didn't tell them that it was you, if that's what you're asking me.
Mariana : Why not? As if they'd believe me.

Jesus : Hey. Are you really going to let Callie take the fall for you? They're gonna send her away.
Mariana : They're gonna be so mad at me. The other night, when Ana just took all that money from me like I was an ATM or something, not even a person, much less her daughter. I thought, "well, hey at least, I have two moms at home who love me." They're gonna hate me.
Jesus : They're not gonna hate you. I promise.
Mariana : They're totally going to cancel my quinceanera. Will you come with me to tell them?

Callie : Surprised you want to consort with a known drug trafficker.
Brandon : Well, did you do it?
Callie : What do you think?
Brandon : I think you're playing the G chord wrong. Try the six string on the third fret. There you go.
Callie : Thank you for the guitar.
Brandon : You're welcome.
Callie : I can't remember anything.
Brandon : I think that was a C there.
Callie : I was right?
Brandon : Here. And then, I think if you move these two down, you'll make another chord there.
Brandon : Nice.

Lena : Hi.
Jesus : It was me, I did it.
Stef : Did what?
Jesus : The pills.
Lena : Ok.
Stef : You care to explain.
Jesus : I was feeling like a freak. Just tired being the kid with add. Everyone always asking me, "did you take your pill?" "Did you take your pill?" You know, so I stopped. I started hiding them in my pocket. Kelsey saw them at school and she told me she heard they make you really smart, and really focused. She needed some for a paper she had to write. So, I gave her one. And some more. And things just got out of hand.

Brandon : G, C
Lena : Hey Brandon, will you excuse us for a sec?
Brandon : Uh, yeah.
Stef : Um, well it would appear that we were given some false information.
Lena : And I promise I'm going to find out how that happened exactly.
Stef : Yeah, we're very sorry that we didn't believe you. We feel that trust is something that has to be earned. Right?
Lena : We would really like to start earning yours.
Callie : Yeah Ok.
Stef : All right. Let's go.

Jude : I'm glad we're staying. I like it here.
Callie : Yeah? Don't like it too much.

Callie : God, I can't remember anything.
Brandon : Just keep trying. I mean, it'll come back.

Kikavu ?

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