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#103 : Actes Hostiles

Alors que les Fosters font face à un manque d'espace et d'intimité pour chacun avec l'arrivée de Callie et Jude, Mike propose que Brandon vienne vivre chez lui, ce qui mène à une dispute entre Stef et son fils.

Pendant ce temps, Jesus et Lexi tentent de mettre fin à leur relation pour ne pas ennuyer Mariana mais leur attirance est trop forte. Callie fait comprendre à Mariana que ce n'est pas juste que Jesus se soit dénoncé à sa place pour la vente des pilules. Et lorsque Timothy, le professeur de Callie, lui donne un devoir à faire sur le thème de la culpabilité dans son journal, un mystérieux nom du passé refait surface.


4.2 - 5 votes

Titre VO
Hostile Acts

Titre VF
Actes Hostiles

Première diffusion


103 - Scènes entre Stef et Lena

103 - Scènes entre Stef et Lena


103 - Scène entre Brandon et Stef

103 - Scène entre Brandon et Stef


103 - Scène entre Jesus et Lexi

103 - Scène entre Jesus et Lexi


103 - Résumé de l'épisode

103 - Résumé de l'épisode


Photos promo

Lena et la principale du lycée

Lena et la principale du lycée

Timothée, prof de littérature

Timothée, prof de littérature

Callie en cours de littérature de Timothée

Callie en cours de littérature de Timothée

Callie en cours de littérature de Timothée

Callie en cours de littérature de Timothée

Lena et Jude au collège

Lena et Jude au collège

Lena et Jude au collège

Lena et Jude au collège

Lena et Jude au collège

Lena et Jude au collège

Lena dans son bureau

Lena dans son bureau

Timothée, prof de littérature

Timothée, prof de littérature

Callie et Timothée en cours de littérature

Callie et Timothée en cours de littérature

Callie et Wyatt en cours de littérature

Callie et Wyatt en cours de littérature

Cours d'écriture en cours de littérature

Cours d'écriture en cours de littérature

Wyatt en classe

Wyatt en classe

Talya en classe

Talya en classe

Callie en cours de littérature de Timothée

Callie en cours de littérature de Timothée


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Etats-Unis (inédit)
Lundi 17.06.2013 à 21:00
1.25m / 0.5% (18-49)

Plus de détails

Scénario : David Ehrman
Réalisation : Melanie Mayron

Captures | Photos tournage

  • Maison des Fosters

Brandon tente despérement d'accéder à la salle de bain mais Mariana puis Jude l'en empêche. Il veut le PC mais Jesus chatte avec Lexie. Mariana planque ses bijoux pour ne pas que Callie ne les lui prenne. Toute la famille prend enfin le petit déjeuner et là Brandon se retrouve à prendre une douche froide...


  • Anchor Beach

Brandon se plaint à Talya du grand nombre personne qui habite maintenant dans la maison. Mariana se sent coupable pour Jesus et le dit à Lexie. Lena apprend de la principale que Jude va devoir passer une épreuve afin de pouvoir rester à Anchor Beach ce qui peine Lena. Timothy demande à ses élèves dont Callie et Wyatt de faire un devoir d'écriture sur la culpabilité. Ils ne sont pas enchantés.

Pendant que Jesus fait du volley - ball, il en profite pour draguer Lexie et plannifier un rendez - vous secret avant que Lena ne lui rappelle qu'il est puni.

  • Au club de base - ball

Mike propose à Brandon de venir vivre chez lui après qu'il lui ait parlé des problèmes qu'il rencontre chez les Fosters.

  • Maison des Fosters

Mariana toise Jesus au sujet de Lexie. Lena explique à Callie ce que va devoir faire Jude pour rester à l'école puis elle se met à le faire réviser. Brandon rentre à la maison et tombe sur Stef. Il commence alors à lui expliquer la proposition que lui a faite Mike. Stef la balaye en lui disant qu'elle lui parlera. Brandon ne comprend pas et Stef lui explique qu'il n'a pas le choix dans cette histoire, que c'est le juge qui a tranché. Brandon s'emporte et commence à répondre à Stef. Les deux haussent la voix puis Brandon quitte la maison en claquant la porte.

Mariana explique à Callie qu'elle n'a pas vendu les pillules pour elle mais pour donner l'argent à sa mère biologique.

Brandon revient à la maison et s'excuse auprès de Stef. Elle a décidé de lui laisser le choix et de lui dire quand il aura pris sa décision. Cette décision surprend et amuse Jesus.

  • Au lycée

Talya incite Brandon à aller vivre chez son père pendant que Timothy essaye de convaincre Wyatt d'écrire quelque chose pour son devoir.

  • Dans la rue

Stef confronte Mike au sujet de la proposition qu'il a faite à Brandon. Elle lui demande si c'est sa manière de lui faire payer pour l'avoir quitter pour une femme. Il lui répond que non, c'est lui qui grandit.

  • Au lycée

Callie rencontre Brandon et lui dit que Talya  lui a apprit qu'il voulait aller vivre chez son père. Elle lui demande si c'est à cause d'elle et Jude mais il lui répond que non. Elle se demande alors pourquoi il part, elle n'obtiendra pas la réponse. Jesus sort en douce de cours pour rejoindre Lexie qui attend sur la plage. Il tombe alors sur Mariana qui lui dit encore merci et qu'il est le meilleur des grands frères. Cela arrête Jesus dans son élan et il retourne en classe pour ne pas blesser Mariana.

Plus tard, Lexie confronte Jesus et le fait qu'il l'ait laissé seule sur la plage. Il lui explique qu'il ne peut pas sortir avec elle car Mariana ne veut pas. Elle lui demande si vraiment ils vont vraiment faire tout ce que Mariana veut. Il lui dit que oui.

Callie et Wyatt ne sont plus que tous les deux dans la classe de Timothy. Aucun des deux n'a écrit l'essai demandé. Timothy essaye de les pousser à le faire.

  • Maison des Fosters

Mike vient chercher Brandon, il lui dit même qu'il a cuisiné ce qui surprend tout le monde. Callie écrit dans son journal puis le calle dans sa table de nuit avant de quitter la chambre en y laissant Mariana seule.

  • Appartement de Mike

Mike explique à Brandon qu'ils vont manger devant la télé et lui indique un endroit où il pourrait mettre un piano. Brandon regarde alors une étagère et voit une miniature de bateau qu'a fait Mike. Il se rend compte combien son père est doué et combien il ne le connaît pas vraiment.

  • Maison des Fosters

Lena fait réviser Jude. Ce dernier lui dit alors qu'il a fréquenté 7 écoles auparavant ce qui attriste Lena.

  • Appartement de Mike

Brandon veut savoir si Mike joue toujours au poker. Il lui dit que non. Il est leur pour Mike de le ramener chez les Fosters mais Brandon lui dit qu'il va rester jusqu'à la fin du film.

  • Maison des Fosters

Lena décide d'arrêter les révisions et propose à Jude que toute la famille joue à un jeu. Alors qu'il est parti prévenir tout le monde, Talya arrive. Lena lui dit que Brandon n'est pas là mais qu'elle peut rester jouer. Elle monte dans la chambre de Brandon pour y déposer ses affaires. Pendant ce temps, Callie est surprise que la famille joue et Stef est trop contente car elle gagne tout le temps.

Brandon rentre alors et avoue à tout le monde qu'il veut aller vivre chez son père. Stef accuse le coup et part se réfugier dans la cuisine.

Brandon prépare ses affaires pour déménager et Callie veut lui rendre sa guitare. Mais il lui explique alors que ce n'était pas un prêt, qu'elle doit la garder et s'entraîner.

Jesus commence déjà à imaginer comment sera la chambre de Brandon une fois qu'il l'aura redécorée. Brandon lui rétorque que ce sera toujours sa chambre. Jesus lui avoue alors qu'il n'a pas venu ses pillules, Mariana l'a fait. Brandon est très surpris. Jesus lui explique les raisons et Brandon lui dit qu'un jour il devra laisser Mariana se débrouiller par elle - même.

D'ailleurs, Mariana et Callie se disputent. Callie accuse Mariana d'avoir lu son journal mais cette dernière dément. Lena s'en mêle et Callie lui dit qu'elle ne devrait pas croire Mariana. Sur le point de tout dévoiler au sujet des pilules, elle voit Jude inquiet et rétorque en disant qu'elle se trompe, personne n'a dû toucher son journal. Elle quitte la pièce et Mariana annonce à Lena qu'elle ne peut pas vivre dans la même chambre qu'elle. Lena lui dit qu'elle n'a pas le choix.

Jude se dispute alors avec Callie et lui demande pourquoi elle s'emporte pour un stupide journal. Elle lui fait lire et il découvre qu'elle a écrit au sujet de Liam.

  • Au lycée

Callie décide de détruire son journal avant de rentrer en classe. Wyatt l'imite. Pendant ce temps, Jude passe le test et demande à Lena si une note de 65 signifie bien qu'il pourra rester. Elle lui confirme.

Lena corrige son devoir. Malheureusement il atteint les 64. Lena décide alors de changer un 6 en 8 afin qu'il obtienne un point de plus et les 65.

Lexie voit Jesus en classe. Il lui sourit puis il décide de la suivre et l'embrasse dans les toilettes.

  • Maison des Fosters

Stef se demande ce qu'est ce bruit, c'est Brandon jouant au basket. Lena la force à aller lui parler, c'est que tout parent doit faire. Elle doit le convaincre de rester. Après avoir fait quelques tirs, elle lui parle à coeur ouvert.

Mariana se confie à Callie en lui disant qu'elle n'a pas lu son journal puis elle lui raconte qu'elle est aussi passée par ce sentiment d'insécurité par le passé.

  • Appartement de Mike

Brandon sonne à la porte, Mike ne l'attendait pas si rapidement. En réalité, Brandon vient lui dire qu'il ne viendra pas vivre chez lui, qu'il ne peut laisser sa mère. Mike lui dit que ce n'est rien, que ça ne devait pas être une contrainte. Brandon fond en larmes quand il voit que Mike avait loué un synthé.

  • Maison des Fosters

C'est soirée film en famille. Tout le monde est présent, même Talya et Lexie. Ils attendent Stef et Lena qui ramènent du pop corn. Jude est en train de faire ses devoirs bien sagement. Il cherche un prénom de garçon qui soit effrayant. Lena lui propose Sanchez, comme sa boss et Stef lui dit de ne pas prendre ça. Talya propose alors Liam. Jude jette un coup d'oeil à Callie qui comprend alors que c'est Talya qui a lu son journal.

Fin de l'épisode

Ecrit par Cresus87.

At Foster's house

Brandon : Ok. Let's go. Time's up. Mariana! My turn.
Mariana :  Girls take longer.
Brandon : No, no, no. But this isn't fair... Get out.
Jesus :  Just gimme a second.
Brandon : You're not supposed to be on the computer. If Moms find out they're gonna ream me.
Jesus : This sucks.
Brandon : Yeah, well you shouldn't have been giving away your freaking pills. Come on. Let's go. ... About time. Yeah. It hasn't been like So. thank you for that. What are you doing?
Jude : I gotta pee really bad.
Brandon : What? Jude! - I thought you were just....
Jude : I'll be really fast! I promise!
Mariana : If you wanna borrow something.
Callie : Uh, no. It's ok.
Mariana : Ok. I just thought you might be sick of wearing the same three things.
Callie : I'm not gonna steal your earrings. I mean, what am I gonna do? Sell them at school?
Mariana : Don't talk about things you don't understand.
Callie : Ok. Well, what don't I understand, Mariana? I mean you stole your brother's pills, you sold them at school, and then you let your brother take the fall for you.
Mariana : I never asked him to do that.
Callie : But you let him.
Stef : Buddy, can you do that in the bathroom like everybody else, please? Come on.
Jesus : What's that? We are brown baggin' I for a little while. It's better for you. Go spit.
Mariana : I don't eat cheese.
Lena : Since when? You had pizza like two nights ago.
Mariana : It's really bad for you. Can I have tuna?
Lena : If you want to make it.
Mariana : Mm.
Stef : All right, everyone. Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Where's Brandon? 
Brandon : Cold!
Mariana : Oops. I guess there's no more hot water.


Anchor Beach

Brandon : She spends like an extra 15 minutes in the shower I'm not even kidding. It's like my turn and they...
Talya : Sounds like you guys need another bathroom
Brandon : Or four less kids. I just want some privacy, really.
Talya : Yeah, well I don't think my parents are going out of town again any time soon, so I'm afraid you missed your chance for privacy, mister.
Brandon : Well, we can figure it out.
Talya : How? It's not like we'll be alone at your place ever again.

Lexie : Poor guy. How long is he in detention for?
Mariana : All week.
Lexie : Oof. That's rough.
Mariana : What do you care?
Lexie : I don't. I just feel sorry for him. What's with you?
Mariana : Nothing, I just look, I feel bad enough about it, ok?
Lexie : Ok, but you really don't have to. Think about all the times you covered for him. He'll be fine. It's not like he ever pays attention in class anyway.

Sanchez : Look, Jude seems like a good kid
Lena : He is.
Sanchez : But the Parent Board is all over me on this. Obviously, we're ok giving you a little leeway, but he has to pass the proficiency exam that the other kids took to get in, or I'm afraid you're going to have to send him somewhere else
Lena : I can't send him to another school. He would be completely lost. That's part of the reason he's so behind right now. Because he hasn't had anybody to look out for him.
Sanchez : Look, I'm not unsympathetic, Lena
Lena : The only sense of security this kid has in the world is his sister. Separating them would be terrible for him.
Sanchez : Look, I'm trying to protect you here, too. You know how this works. Our funding is based on performance. And now I have a new seventh grader who jumped the wait list, who isn't operating at even close to grade level.
Lena : Is it possible we could just give him more time? Before he has to take the exam, I mean? I know if I just had a little while to get him caught up I could Lena.
Sanchez : He passes the exam on Friday, or he's done at Anchor Beach.

Timothy : Now, he's guilty, insofar as he did commit the crime, But he doesn't feel that way until he actually gets caught. Ok. I want everyone to write about guilt in their journals this week.
Callie : Wait, write? Like with a pen? Like longhand?
Timothy : Yes, like longhand. And don't worry. No one's gonna read it. It's just for you to get in the habit of writing every day. [school bell rings] Ok, guys. Seriously, I want you to write about whatever it is that you feel weird or ashamed or guilty about. You'll feel better about it, I promise.

Lexie : Weak, Foster. Very weak. And quit "nudging" me online.
Jesus : Hey, meet me tomorrow.
Lexie : Meet you? Why? You're in detention all day, remember?
Jesus : I'm gonna have Douglas let me go to the bathroom. So, two o'clock. I'll meet you by the lifeguard stand.
Lexie : I don't know. I have to think about it.
Lena : Foster!
Jesus : What? I'll see you tomorrow.
Lena : What are you doing?
Jesus : Nothing. Talking to Lexi. What's the big deal?
Lena : No classes, no extra-curricular, no fun. In school detention and home. Period.
Jesus : But we've got a game this week. Not my problem. Jesus, you gave away your pills. Do you not understand how serious that is? This could have been a lot worse.

At Baseball's cages

Mike : Use your legs, B. You're not using your legs.
Brandon : The twins are both mad because Moms moved Callie and Jude into their room and not mine, so like everyone's all everyone's all tense all the time.
Mike : That's more like it. Nice. You want some water?
Brandon : Yeah.
Mike : So, I was thinking, maybe you might wanna spend some more time at my place? Maybe even move in with me.
Brandon : Why?
Mike : Well, you know I mean, the new kids in the house. The place is busting at the seams I only get you the one night a week. You're going be going off to college before too long and I kinda feel like I'm missing out.
Brandon : Really?
Mike : Yeah. Could be fun. Why not? Look, you don't have to say anything. Just think about it and let me know.

At the Foster's home

Mariana : You mind?
Jesus : What?
Mariana : The song. It's annoying. You're in a good mood tonight
Jesus : I'm always in a good mood.
Mariana : You're in a really good mood tonight. Are you is there someone you haven't told me about?Jesus : What? No.
Mariana : Really? Nothing's going on? Nothing at all? Nothing between you and Lexi?
Jesus : Not at all.
Mariana : That's not what it looked like this afternoon.
Jesus : When? At volleyball? We were just talking. I was helping her with her kill.
Mariana : With her kill, really?
Jesus : What can I say, I'm irresistible Relax. You know I wouldn't date one of your lame friends anyway.

Jude : So, I won't be able to go to school with everyone else?
Lena : No, no, no. Honey, listen, all we need to do is give you the test, and once you pass it, everything's gonna be fine.
Callie : If he passes it.
Lena : Well, yes, but all he needs a 65 or better, and we're good to go. You can do that, right?
Callie : This isn't fair.
Lena : No, it's not. But this is what I want to suggest, Jude, you and I are going to spend this week getting you ready, and that way you will ace it for sure. Deal?

Lena : Ok, remember to convert to a fraction first. Good.
Stef : Hey, B.
Brandon : Hey.
Stef : How were the batting cages?
Brandon : Oh, uh, good, you know.
Stef : Yeah? What's up?
Lena : Uh, bud? I think we got some good work done tonight. So, why don't you run upstairs and get ready for bed.
Brandon : Night, Bud.
Stef : Night Jude, we'll be up in a minute. What's up, babe?
Brandon : Uh, um Uh, Dad kinda asked me to move in with him today.
Stef : Wow. Well, he never mentioned anything to me. And I really think that he should have talked to me first.
Brandon : Yeah. I guess.
Stef : Um. All right, well don't worry about it. I'll talk to him.
Brandon : Yeah, ok I said, I'd think about it.
Stef : Well, there's really nothing to think about. I mean, it's not your choice. It's not really your father's either, for that matter.
Brandon : What do you mean, I don't get a choice? Why not?
Stef : Because you're, um - you're still a kid.
Brandon : I'm 16.
Stef : Yes, that's exactly my point. You're 16, you're not an adult yet.
Brandon : This is bull.
Stef : I'm sorry?
Brandon : This is bull. I should get a say in this.
Stef : Well, you don't. And we are done talking about this.
Brandon : Oh, right. Ok, we're done talking about this. Yeah, 'cause that's, that's your answer for everything.
Lena : Ok, let's just take a deep breath
Stef : Right, B. Because you're a prisoner being held captive in this charming Craftsman in Mission Bay.
Lena : Stef
Stef : What?
Brandon : When did I ever get to choose anything? Did I get to choose for you to divorce Dad? Did I get to choose who I was gonna live with?
Stef : You were five! Come on.
Brandon : How about choosing if I have two moms did I get to choose that?
Stef : That's enough, Brandon.
Brandon : Why? Because I'm not doing exactly what you want me to do?
Stef : No, because you're being disrespectful.
Brandon : Oh, I'm being disrespectful? How about you have a little respect for someone else!
Stef : You need to stop talking right now.
Brandon : Right, of course I do! Because that's your answer. Anytime anyone disagrees with you, it's stop talking! Be quiet! Do it my way!
Stef : You need to watch yourself, young man.
Brandon : Watch this, Mom.
Stef : Brandon! If you leave this house.
Lena : Stef. Stef! Let him go. He needs to cool down. And so do you 

Mariana : Are you gonna be up much longer? I can't sleep with the light on. I'm not just some selfish bitch, you know
Callie : Ok.
Mariana : I didn't sell the pills for me. It's not like I bought a new dress or something.
Callie : Then why'd you do it?
Mariana : For my birth mom. Did you hear me?
Callie : I'm listening.

Stef : Where were you? I went to Aiden's. You don't do that. You don't walk away.
Brandon : I know, I know. I was just I'm sorry.
Stef : I know. I'm sorry, too for raising my voice. But that can't ever happen again. You can get mad at me all you want to, but you are not allowed to walk away.
Brandon : It won't happen again. I promise.
Stef : Ok.
Brandon : And, and for the record, I I love having two moms.
Stef : That's good. Um, you really made your point, Brandon. I spoke with Lena and it's up to you where you want to live. You can stay here, or you can move in with your Dad. It's your choice. Just let us know what you decide. Well, don't stay up too long. 'Cause it's late, ok?
Brandon : Ok.
Stef : All right, love.

Jesus : You're back. That was some fight, man.
Brandon : You heard that? We all did.
Jesus : So what happened?
Brandon : They're letting me decide.
Jesus : Really? Wow. I mean, moms are gonna be devastated if you go.
Brandon : And my Dad will be devastated if I don't go.
Jesus : You wanted to choose. Good luck with that.

At Anchor Beach
Brandon : I just think, I mean, we're gonna get a lot more time alone. I just hope my moms don't get too upset.
Talya : Brandon they'll be fine. Really. You can go visit them, you know, whenever with all those kids in the house I doubt they'll even notice.

Timothy : Very good. I thought you'd have a lot of guilt. Good. Very nice. Lose your pen? Ok. Nice. Good.
Good. I see some of us are still wanting for inspiration. Tell you what, why don't you and Wyatt come see me after school today and we can see if we can get those juices flowing. That's not what I meant. You're incorrigible. Look it up. Every single one of you should know what that means. Ok, turn to page 45.

In the street

Mike : So, we gonna talk about the elephant in the car or what?
Stef : Not much to say. You wanted Brandon to have a choice. He does.
Mike : You could've told him no.
Stef : I tried. It didn't go well.
Mike : Hey, can I have a breakfast burrito, extra salsa, please? 
Seller : You got it.
Mike : Thank you. ...  So what, you just gonna be mad at me?
Stef : I don't know, Mike. Do I wish you had talked to me about it first? Sure. Would I have agreed to let B decide? Probably not. So, maybe this is for the best. But I'll tell you what you blind-side me with something like this again I'm gonna bury you deep in the desert.
Mike : Fair enough. Sucks being blind-sided, don't it?
Stef : So, all of this with Brandon is just payback? For what? Figuring out I was gay and leaving?
Mike : It's a little late for payback, Stef.
Stef : I think so. Mike, come on. If you're gonna rehash our marriage for ten hours a day, I'm going to ask Roberts for another partner. Seriously.
Mike : Stef, it's not payback it's regret. It's me growin' up. I got a kid who's going off on his own. I'm just trying to do something right.

At Anchor Beach

Callie : Hey. So, Talya told me the news Huh? You're moving in with your Dad?
Brandon : Yeah.
Callie : Um, it's not this might be stupid, but it's not because of me and Jude, is it?
Brandon : No. No, no, not at all.
Callie : Just 'cause I mean, from what I can tell, you seem pretty happy in the house.
Brandon : Yeah.
Callie : Hot water not withstanding.
Brandon : I am, I am. I mean, it's my house. It's where I grew up.
Callie : So, why are you leaving?

Jesus : Hey, shouldn't you be in class right now?
Mariana : We are. Drama. Leslie wanted to make sure the posters went up today, so How'd you get out of ISS?
Jesus : Oh, told Douglas that I had to take a leak. I should probably get back.
Mariana : Listen 
Jesus : Yeah?
Mariana : Thank you so much, for what you did. Telling Moms all that. You didn't have to do that.
Jesus : It's cool.
Mariana : I just wanted to let you know how much I appreciate it. You really are the best brother

Lexie : Foster! Foster. Hey! So, what happened? Douglas wouldn't even let you out to use the bathroom? Well, then what? I was sitting there for like half-an-hour.
Jesus : I'm sorry 'bout that.
Lexie : "Sorry 'bout that?" That's it?
Jesus : I don't I don't think this is a good idea.
Lexie : Why not?
Jesus : You know why
Lexie : 'Cause of Mariana? Do you honestly think that she's gonna care?
Jesus : I know she is. She told me.
Lexie :  Her brother and her best friend like each other, so? Most people would see that as a good thing.
Jesus : Yeah, well, she doesn't.
Lexie : We're just gonna do whatever Mariana wants?

Timothy : Try using those to write with.
Callie : I don't think it's gonna happen, Timothy. Maybe we're just not writers.
Timothy : Have you ever heard of Joan Didion? No? She's a writer. Tough lady. Kind of a pill. She called writing, "a hostile act" A way of "imposing your will on the world" Now, I don't mean to point fingers, but two of the three people in this room seem a little hostile. To me, anyway. The thing is, that sort of writing takes real courage. And you don't strike me as someone who is afraid of much Come on. Come on. One line. One thing that's been rattling around in your head forever. One thing you feel terrible about. Get it out. Get it down on paper. And see what happens.

At Foster's home

Mike : Hey, Bud.
Brandon : Hey. Ready. Where we going? The Grill?
Mike : No, my place. I thought I'd cook something tonight.
Brandon : Seriously?
Mike : Yeah, seriously. It's not like I never cooked before.
Brandon : Unless it's pasta? B, I'd be very careful. Seriously, he cooked me a piece of fish once in 1997, I can still taste it.
Mike : I'll have him back by nine.
Lena : I know. 

Callie : I'm gonna grab a snack. Do you want anything? 

At Mike's appartment

Mike : Oh, hey don't do that. Uh, we'll eat in front of the TV. I finally got the surround sound hooked up.
Brandon : Ok.
Mike : Oh and hey you know, if you move in, we could move that table out of the way, and you could put your keyboard and stuff there.
Brandon : Yeah, yeah, that would be that's cool.
Mike : Yeah, I mean, you know if
Brandon : Right, yeah, of course.
Mike : No pressure.
Brandon : Yeah. Hey what's what's this?
Mike : Oh, that? You like it? I made it.
Brandon : You made it? Yeah.
Mike : That's the ship I was on when I was in the Navy.
Brandon : Yeah, I remember the name but you made this? Good job, Dad.

At Foster's house

Lena : Remember, this is half base times height.
Jude : I keep forgetting the formulas. Maybe I'm just not smart enough.
Lena : Oh, honey. You are plenty smart. And trust me, I know smart. Considering you went to, what? Six different schools in the past four years, you're doing really great
Jude : Seven.
Lena : Seven different schools.

At Mike's appartment

Brandon : So, you still playing poker?
Mike : Uh, no.
Brandon : How come? I mean I remember you used to brag all the time about milking those guys for beer money
Mike : Ah, you know you do something for a while, people get busy then I don't know.You just let it go.
Brandon : Too bad.
Mike : It happens, kid. I gotta get you home.
Brandon : I mean, I can text Mom.
Mike : So, we can finish the movie.
Brandon : Yeah?
Mike : Yeah. Ok.

At Foster's house

Lena : Hey, I got an idea. Let's play a game. Why don't you run up and grab everybody and get something out of the game closet? ... Hey, Talya. Come on in. Uh, Brandon's not here, though. Tonight's the night he has dinner with his Dad, remember?
Talya : Oh, shoot. I forgot.
Lena : That's ok. You're welcome to wait if you want. He should be here soon. And we're just about to play a game, if you'd like to join.
Talya : Yeah, sure.
Lena : Ok. Why don't you throw that stuff in Brandon's room.

Talya : Hey, Callie!
Callie : Hey
Mariana : We're playing a game?
Lena : Yes, we are playing a game.
Mariana : All of us?
Lena : Yes, all of us. We used to do this all the time, remember? We just got out of the habit, and I think now that Callie and Jude are here, it would be fun to start the tradition again.
Stef : I'm sorry, did somebody say, "Game?"  Really? 
Lena : Mm-hm.
Stef : You better get ready to lose, lady. She always loses.
Lena : See? Fun.
Stef : Fun! Fun for everyone.
Talya : They're so much fun. I'm really gonna miss hanging out here. You know, now that Brandon's moving in with his Dad. Um, have you talked to him lately? 'Cause I just don't think that's happening.

Stef : A boomerang? 
Callie : A boomerang. Really, a boomerang? A weapon of some sort.
Stef : Hey, bud.
Brandon : Hey.
Stef :  We just started, We saved room for you.
Jude : You can be the top hat.
Brandon : So I think I'm gonna move in with my Dad.
Stef : Ok. Cool. All right. Um, before we get started, uh, does anybody want anything? I'm gonna get some tea. Do you want anything? Ok.

Callie : Hey.
Brandon : Hey.
Callie : So, you're really leaving, huh?
Brandon : Yeah.
Callie : Hey, uh, thanks for letting me use this.
Brandon : What are you doing? That wasn't a loaner.
Callie : Really?
Brandon : Yeah, no. It's for you.
Callie : I don't know what to say.
Brandon : You don't have to say anything. Just make sure you play it.
Callie : So, I guess you decided you need more hot water, huh?
Brandon : Yeah.
Callie :  Well, thanks.
Brandon : Yeah. No worries.

Jesus : So, I'm gonna move the bed to that wall. Get like a couch in here or something. Just, really make this place a serious bachelor pad.
Brandon : Settle down. This is still my room.
Jesus : What am I gonna do without you here, man? It's just gonna be me and a bunch of girls.
Brandon : And Jude.
Jesus : Yeah. And Jude.
Brandon : You'll be fine. Just stay out of trouble.
Jesus : Yes, you.
Brandon : Stop giving out all your pills to every cute girl in school, for one thing.
Jesus : It wasn't me.
Brandon : What?
Jesus : It was Mariana.
Brandon : You're joking, right?
Jesus : She wanted to have some money to give to our birth mom.
Brandon : What the hell, man. What are you doing? Why would she do that? And why would you take the blame for her?
Jesus : Mariana asked me to go with her to tell Moms what she did. She was just about to say something. I looked over at her face, just at her stupid, scared face. It looked just like it did when we moved into our first foster house. And I couldn't let her do it. I mean, everyone's always mad at me all the time anyway. So, I figured, what does it matter? But at least it's over. All of this being grounded, and In-School Suspension it was totally worth it, now that she knows what a loser our birth mom is.
Brandon : I mean, you know some day you're gonna have to let Mariana fend for herself.

Mariana : I never touched it!
Callie : Why would you do that?

Brandon : Good luck with those two.

Callie : It was moved! No one else has even been in here!
Mariana : I never touched it!
Lena : Hey! Enough shouting! What is going on? 
Callie : She read my journal.
Mariana :  No, I didn't.
Callie : Well, somebody did. I left it right here second from the bottom and when I came back, it was moved.
Mariana : Well, it wasn't me.
Lena : Mariana, tell me the truth
Mariana : I am! I never touched it.
Lena : Ok, Callie is it possible that it wasn't really moved? That you just think it was? 
Callie : Why? Because Perfect Mariana could never do anything wrong? Yeah, maybe you should get to know your daughter a bit better.
Lena :  Wait, what does that mean?
Callie : You know what? Forget it. Don't worry about it. You're probably right. It was probably my fault. I just forgot or something, probably.
Mariana : I can't live with her.
Lena : Well, you have to. So, figure it out.

Jude : Why'd you have to get so mad? Why can't you just get along with her?
Callie : She read my journal.
Jude : What do you care? It's just a stupid journal.
Callie : See for yourself.
Jude : You wrote about Liam?

At Anchor Beach

Wyatt : He said he wants a hostile act

Lena : Time's up, Jude. You all done? I'll correct it, and I'll let you know.
Jude : I only need a 65 and I can stay, right?
Lena : Yes listen to me. Whatever happens, I'm really proud of you, ok? Go on, get to class. I'll come find you later.

At Foster's house

Stef : What's that noise?
Lena : Brandon.
Stef : Brandon? Playing basketball? Oh, boy. He hasn't done that since he failed that final.
Lena : I think he's feeling guilty.
Stef : About what? About leaving us?
Lena : About leaving you.
Stef : Oh, please.
Lena : Go talk to him, Stef.
Stef : What am I supposed to say? He wanted a choice, he got a choice. He made a choice. I'm doing the best I can
Lena : That's not good enough.
Stef : What do you mean?
Lena : You don't get to do this.
Stef : Do what?
Lena : You don't get to have hurt feelings and pout.
Stef : I'm not.
Lena : Yes, you are. You have to step up. You have to go help your son. You have to put away whatever it is you might be feeling, and be the better person. 'Cause that's what parents do.

Stef : Oh.
Brandon : Lucky. 
Stef : Oh, please. I've been known to shoot a basketball or two, my friend.
Brandon : You and Dad were such jocks. What happened to me?
Stef : Oh, come on. You got the more important stuff. You're funny and smart and talented as hell. And more than that, you're kind. And you know who you are. You know what makes you happy. That's an amazing thing for someone your age, B. Don't take that lightly. Just do what makes you happy, B, ok? You do that and I'll be fine, I promise. That's the way it works. You don't, have to take care of me or your Dad or Lena. It's the other way around.

Mariana : I didn't read your journal. I know you don't believe me, and that's fine. I mean, why should you? I'm just the latest girl you've been forced to share a room with. I remember what that was like.
Being passed around all the time. I don't think I ever felt safe until I got here. It took me a long time to trust anybody. So, I get it. But I didn't read your journal.

At Mike's appartment

Mike : Yeah, comin'! Hey. What's going on? I thought we weren't moving you in till tomorrow?
Brandon : Um, yeah, um about that.
Mike : You ok?
Brandon : Yeah I just. I, uh, I can't You can't what? Move in with you.
Mike : Ok.
Brandon : I just, I'm sorry.
Mike ; It's ok!
Brandon : I just, I can't leave Mom and everybody else.
Mike : Don't worry about it.
Brandon : You sure?
Mike : Yeah, yeah, yeah, Look, listen this was never supposed to be a bad thing. You do what you gotta do. I'm gonna be all right. I mean it. Ok?
Brandon : Is that a, uh is it a piano?
Mike : Oh yeah, yeah. I rented it. But it's fine. You can come play whenever you want.
Brandon : I'm sorry.

At Foster's house

Brandon : Oh, about time.
Lexie : Sorry my parents wouldn't let me come.
Brandon : Hurry up. We've been waiting forever.
Lena : Ok, we were making popcorn. Unless, of course, you don't want any?
Stef : I don't think they want any. We'll just have this for us.
Brandon : I'll take some. Come on 
Lena : All right, ask nicely.
Stef : Pass that down. Here we go, here we go. This is ours.
Lena : Jude?
Stef : Pass it down, pass it down
Lena : What you working on?
Jude : English homework. I have to write a story, and I need a name for the bad guy.
Stef : You know we busted this dealer. Uh, his name really bad guy. His name was Freddy. That's a good name.
Lena : What about Sanchez?
Stef : Like your boss? No, no, no. Jude, you cannot use that.
Lexie : Does it have to be a boy? Or can it be a girl?
Talya : How about Liam?
Stef : Hear one you like?
Stef : Good. All right, Lena. Back in your seat. Let's go. No talking. Anybody. Quiet. I've killed for less. Talking during the movie.
Lena : What about you?
Stef : Hm? All right, here we go. Movie is starting.

Kikavu ?

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Supersympa, 16.04.2024 à 14:31

Bonjour à tous ! Nouveau survivor sur le quartier Person of Interest ayant pour thème l'équipe de Washington (saison 5) de la Machine.

choup37, 18.04.2024 à 08:49

5 participants prennent part actuellement à la chasse aux gobelins sur doctor who, y aura-t-il un sixième?

chrismaz66, 18.04.2024 à 11:04

Choup tu as 3 joueurs de plus que moi!! Kaamelott est en animation, 3 jeux, venez tenter le coup, c'est gratis! Bonne journée ^^

choup37, 19.04.2024 à 19:45

Maintenant j'en ai plus que deux, je joue aussi sur kaa

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