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#106 : Samedi

Les Fosters reçoivent les parents de Lexi à dîner alors que Stef s'inquiète de l'influence qu'ils pourraient avoir sur Jesus en terme de religion. Le père de Stef, très conservateur, débarque pendant le dîner qui finit par tourner au débat sur la moralité.

Pendant ce temps, Callie entame un thérapie de groupe pour les enfants placés en famille d'accueil et revoit une ancienne relation de son passé dont elle se serait bien passée. Wyatt organise une fête dans sa maison d'enfance, l'occasion pour Callie de voir qu'il n'est pas forcément celui qu'il prétend être. Elle doit aussi gérer Mariana qui l'a accompagnée à la fête et qui est bien décidée à profiter.

De son côté, Mike arrive en retard pour emmener Brandon passer une audition importante mais réussit à se rattraper.


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106 - Scène Callie et Liam

106 - Scène Callie et Liam


106 - Scène Callie et Mariana

106 - Scène Callie et Mariana


106 - Résumé de l'épisode

106 - Résumé de l'épisode


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Franck, le père de Stef

Franck, le père de Stef

Stef et Lena dînent avec les parents de Lexi, Lexi et Jesus

Stef et Lena dînent avec les parents de Lexi, Lexi et Jesus

Mariana arrive soûle au dîner

Mariana arrive soûle au dîner

Stef et Lena dînent avec les parents de Lexi, Lexi et Jesus

Stef et Lena dînent avec les parents de Lexi, Lexi et Jesus

Lexi et Jesus

Lexi et Jesus

Callie et Mariana

Callie et Mariana

Les parents de Lexi, Jesus et Lexi

Les parents de Lexi, Jesus et Lexi

Les parents de Lexi

Les parents de Lexi



Stef et son père

Stef et son père



Franck arrive au dîner

Franck arrive au dîner

Stef et Lena dînent avec les parents de Lexi, Lexi et Jesus

Stef et Lena dînent avec les parents de Lexi, Lexi et Jesus


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Etats-Unis (inédit)
Lundi 08.07.2013 à 21:00
1.77m / 0.7% (18-49)

Plus de détails

Scénario : Marissa Jo Cerar
Réalisation : Norman Buckley

Captures | Photos tournage

  •  Cuisine

Stef et Lena parlent des courses et des choses qu'elles ont à faire dans la journée. Mariana arrive et leur dit que son piercing la gratte puis ne répond même pas lorsque Stef lui propose de se joindre au dîner entre les parents de Lexi et elles. Brandon arrive, prend quelque chose à manger et s'en va, Lena dit qu'il est stressé à cause de son audition. Puis Callie et Jesus font leur apparition, Mariana vanne sur le fait que Brandon s'énerve sur ses partitions et Jesus veut savoir si tout est prêt pour le dîner. Stef et Lena se moquent de lui et il confie qu'il veut juste faire bonne impression. Lena découvre les talents de Callie pour la photographie lorsqu'elle regarder les photos sur son portables qu'elle a prises et Jesus les prévient que les parents de Lexi vont chaperroner un camping religieux le week-end d'après et qu'il voudrait y aller. Il se heurte à Mariana qui se moque de lui mais Lena lui dit qu'elles y réfléchiront. Mais une fois parti, Stef annonce qu'il en est hors de question puisque l'Eglise n'approuve pas leur propre famille.


  • Maison de Wyatt

Wyatt annonce à Callie qu'il va faire une dernière fête dans sa maison soir même avant qu'elle ne soit saisie par les huissiers. Callie s'étonne qu'il ne soit pas plus triste que cela de voir sa maison où il a grandit être saisie. Elle se moque de lui en faisant référence à la dernière fois où il l'a emmenée dans une maison qui n'était même pas la sienne mais il lui montre son ancienne chambre et les dessins qu'il a commencé à faire alors qu'il n'était qu'en primaire pour la convaincre. Elle les prend en photo et lui assure que ce n'est pas stupide de dessiner lorsqu'on est triste. Il lui demande s'ils sont en couple et Callie se moque de lui et le reprend en photo et il tente de la convaincre de venir le soir même à sa fête. Callie refuse à cause de sa probation et s'en va à son groupe de discussion pour les enfants placés en famille d'accueil.

  • Chambre de Brandon

Brandon s'entraîne et Lena l'observe et lui dit que c'était magnifique. Elle veut lui souhaiter bonne chance puisqu'elle ne le reverra pas avant que Mike vienne le chercher pour l'emmener à son audition. Elle veut s'assurer qu'il ne met pas trop d'espoir dans cette audition puisque c'est simplement pour avoir un professeur de piano, l'un des meilleurs du pays d'après Brandon.

  • Couloir

En sortant de la chambre de Brandon, Lena croise Mariana qui semble être pressée et elle lui confie qu'elle va déjeuner avec Garrett. Lena la taquine sur le fait qu'ils se voient beaucoup en ce moment et lui propose de l'emmener, Mariana accepte même si elle semble sur la défensive

  • Groupe de discussion pour enfants en famille d'accueil

Une jeune fille, Sarah parle de sa nouvelle famille d'accueil et lorsqu'elle prononce le nom de la famille, Callie lève le nez de son portable et semble chamboulée. A la fin de la séance, elle va voir la jeune fille en question et lui propose d'aller prendre un café pour parler de tout ça.

  • Restaurant

Mariana rejoint en réalité Ana et non pas Garrett. Elles parlent du nouveau piercing de Mariana puis du fait que Jesus sorte avec Lexi. Mariana la prévient ensuite qu'elle n'a plus d'argent et qu'elle a été surprise d'avoir de ses nouvelles mais Ana lui assure que ce n'est pas pour ça. Elles parlent de la quincenera de Mariana puis Ana lui offre un cadeau.

  • Maison des Fosters

Brandon est devant la maison et attend son père pour aller à son audition mais celui-ci ne vient pas malgré les appels.

  • Maison père de Stef

Stef apporte les courses à son père et ils parlent du dernier match des Padres diffusé à la télévision puis Stef mentionne le camp biblique auquel Jesus veut aller et son père est surpris puisqu'ils ne sont pas pratiquants. Il lui dit qu'il ne comprend pas de toute manière pourquoi elle a arrêté d'aller à l'église et elle lui dit qu'elle n'y va plus puisque à 16 ans il l'a envoyée rencontrer un pasteur après l'avoir vue faire un câlin à une de ses camarades lycée. Ils se disputent sur le faite qu'elle est gay et que son père pense toujours que c'est un pêché et qu'il ne comprend pas pourquoi elle a quitté Mike pour Lena.

  • Maison des Fosters

Mike finit enfin par arriver, prétextant s'être enformi devant un match mais Brandon lui dit que c'est le milieu de la journée, il est énervé.

  • Dans un parc

Sarah et Callie parlent de famille d'accueil et Callie lui pose des questions sur la sienne, notamment sur les autres enfants qui y sont. Sarah parle alors d'un autre garçon, plus âgé et alors qu'elle raconte une anecdote, Callie fait une bourde et prononce le nom de Liam, Sarah s'en va.



  • Chambre de Mariana et Callie

Callie prend en photo le coucher de soleil et Mariana lui dit que ses photos sont belles, puis parle de Wyatt en disant qu'il est sexy, Callie semble gênée. Elle lui dit qu'il fait une fête ce soir et Mariana la convainc qu'elles peuvent y aller ensemble, Callie finit par accepter.

  • Chambre de Stef et Lena

Les deux femmes se préparent pour le dîner et Stef fait une allusion sur son père, disant qu'elle ne se laissera pas juger dans sa propre maison par les parents de Lexi qui, très croyants, veulent emmener Jesus en camping biblique. Lena tente de la rassurer en disant que Jesus ne veut pas aller au camping mais seulement être avec sa copine.

  • Cuisine

Stef et Lena préparent le dîner, tandis que Callie et Mariana leur demandent si elles peuvent aller chez Wyatt regarder un film, les deux mères acceptent.

  • Audition de Brandon

En attendant l'audition, Mike insiste sur le fait que Brandon va réussir mais celui-ci veut aller prendre l'air. Mais le professeur arrive et Brandon rentre dans la pièce pour auditionner : il se trompe dans sa partition dès les premières et malgré le fait qu'il recommence, il bloque une nouvelle fois.

  • Maison de Wyatt

Mariana et Callie arrivent à la maison de Wyatt et en s'apercevant qu'il s'agit d'une grosse fête, Callie veut partir mais Mariana voit des amies à elle. Callie retrouve Wyatt et est surprise de voir que tout le monde est en train de saccager sa maison et qu'il ne s'en soucie pas. Wyatt le prend mal et s'en va, Callie le voit avaler un verre d'un coup. De son côté, Mariana parle avec Kelsey qui s'en prend à Callie et Mariana la remet à sa place. Elles continuent de parler en buvant.

  • Chez les Fosters

Le dîner avec les parents de Lexi se passe bien jusqu'à ce qu'ils abordent la relation de Lexi avec Jesus. Ses parents ne veulent pas qu'ils se retrouvent seuls à aucun moment mais Stef et Lena ne voient pas les choses comme ça, disant qu'elles ne veulent pas que leurs enfants se sentent prisonniers. Le père de Stef fait alors interruption et s'invite à manger, Stef semble contrariée.

  • Audition de Brandon

Mike retrouve Brandon après son audition mais ce dernier est énervé d'avoir échoué et que son père soit arrivé en retard et puant l'alcool. En apprenant que Brandon a raté son audition, Mike va voir le professeur et tente de le convaincre que c'est de sa faute et qu'il faut lui laisser une seconde chance.

  • Maison de Wyatt

Callie et Wyatt s'observent de loin tandis que Wyatt enchaîner les verres. Mariana est toujours avec Kelsey qui lui annonce que Jesus et Lexi ont couché ensemble et qu'en plus ses mères lui ont donné la pilule du lendemain ; Mariana est énervée et finit son verre d'un trait.

  • Maison des Fosters

Le dîner bat son plein et le père de Stef emmène la conversation sur le camping biblique auquel veut participer Jesus. L'occasion pour Stef d'exposer ses inquiétudes aux parents de Lexi sur le fait qu'elles ne veulent pas que Jesus entendent des choses négatives sur sa famille. Les parents de Lexi leurs assurent que non et qu'ils soutiennent cette famille quoiqu'il arrive. Le père de Stef est surpris et semble être d'accord avec cette réponse.

  • Maison de Wyatt

Soûl, Wyatt commencer à casser tout ce qu'il y a dans la maison puis se rend à l'étage et essaie de détruire les meubles puis les murs. Il crie que sa mère a travaillé sur pour payer cette maison et que c'est là où il a grandi. Callie est là pour le calmer en lui disant que ce n'est qu'une maison et qu'ils ne pourront pas prendre ce qui compte vraiment, elle sert Wyatt dans ses bras puis l'embrasse. Wyatt se lève alors et arrache un bout de mur où il avait dessiné pour le garder et propore à Callie de partir. Callie veut aller chercher Mariana et rencontre Talya qui lui dit qu'elle ne lui en veut pas puisqu'elle ne semble pas s'intéresser à Brandon mais que par contre Brandon lui s'intéresse à Callie.

  • Audition de Brandon

Brandon a l'occasion de rejouer son morceau et y arrive parfaitement. Le professeur lui dit alors qu'il ne peut pas lui donner la bourse puisqu'il l'a déjà donnée mais qu'il veut le prendre comme élève parce qu'il a du potentiel. Il lui annonce que ce sera 150$ l'heure et minimum deux heures par semaine et alors que Brandon veut refuser, Mike dit que ce ne sera pas un problème.

  • Maison des Fosters

Le père de Stef débat avec les parents de Lexi sur le fait qu'être bon un bon catholique veut dire ne pas être en faveur du mariage pour homosexuel mais les parents de Lexi protestent. Stef et Lena tentent de mettre fin à la discussion et Jesus leur dit d'avoir confiance en lui, que ce n'est pas un camp qui le fera penser du mal de sa famille.

  • Maison de Wyatt

Calle retrouve Mariana complètement bourrée et celle-ci ne veut pas partir et va aux toilettes. Callie pense que Stef et Lena vont les tuer et alors qu'elle prend des photos de la soirée, Liam arrive. Il va la voir et lui dit qu'apparemment elle pose des questions sur lui. Il la menace et lui dit d'arrêter de poser des questions et surtout de rester loin de Sarah. Wyatt arrive et Liam s'en va, Callie récupère Mariana et alors qu'elles s'en vont, Callie aperçoit Talya, soûle qui danse devant des garçons. Elle lui propose de la ramener mais celle-ci refuse.

  • Maison des Fosters

Le père de Stef s'en va et Stef le raccompagne. Il tient à s'excuser de l'avoir emmener un spécialiste aussi jeune et que cela ait pu créer un fossé entre elle et Dieu et s'en va. Lena la rejoint et la réconforte.

  • Dans un bar

Brandon et Mike mangent un morceau et Brandon est mal à l'aise face à l'argent que devra dépenser son père mais Mike l'assure qu'il va se débrouiller.

  • Chez les Fosters

Callie et Mariana rentrent de la soirée et Callie tente de cacher Mariana qui est complètement soûle mais sans succès et alors qu'elles viennent dire bonsoir, Stef remarque que Mariana a bu et préfère écourter le dîner. Mais les parents de Lexi proposent à Mariana de venir elle aussi au camping biblique mais celle-ci annonce que Lexi et Jesus ont déjà couché ensemble, la nouvelle fait l'effet d'une bombe.

  • Chambre de Mariana et Callie

Stef et Lena sont en train de disputer Mariana mais celle-ci étant soûle ne réagit même pas. Elles disent qu'elles en reparleront demain. Une fois ses mères parties, Mariana prend le nounours qu'Ana lui a offert dans ses bras.

  • Couloir

Stef et Lena croisent Callie dans le couloir et la remercient de ne pas avoir bu et d'avoir pris soin de Mariana mais que la prochaine fois, il faut les appeler.

  • Chambre de Mariana et Callie

Callie dépose un verre d'eau et des médicaments sur la table de chevet de Mariana puis va se coucher. Elle répond au sms que Wyatt lui a envoyé et le remercie de les avoir ramenées. Puis elle reçoit une notification sur Instagram, c'est Liam qui a commenter une photo de l'arbre du jardin des Fosters et celui-ci fait la remarque : Callie comprend qu'il sait où elle habite.

Fin de l'épisode.

Ecrit par Emeline53.

Foster's kitchen

Lena: I'll take Jude to his tutor, then drop Jesus at practice. Mike is taking Brandon to his audition while you're at your dad's. How long do you think you're going to be?
Stef: Not long, just enough to stock the fridge, say hello, you know. Good morning, sweets.

Mariana:  Good morning.
Lena: Good morning, sleepy head.
Mariana: Is this thing supposed to itch?
Stef: That's a excellent question, one you should have posed before you stuck a needle in your face.

Lena: Oh, since you're going to the store, will you pick up a couple bottles of white?
Stef: Yeah. What's wrong with what we have?
Lena: We're not serving wine in a box.
Stef: Ok, fancy-pants. But it's Lexi's parents. We're not trying to impress them.
Lena: Jesus' relentless micromanagement would suggest otherwise.
Stef: Speaking of which, you're still welcome to join us. I'm sure the Riveras would love to see you. Or not. Well, you're up and at 'em this morning.

Brandon: I got to practice.
Lena: You were up practicing pretty late night.
Brandon: It's a big day.
Lena: He stresses himself out every time he has an audition like this.
Stef: I know. He'll be fine.

Mariana: Brandon wake you up, too?
Lena: He's supposed to be wearing his headphones.
Mariana: He is. You can hear him banging on his keyboard through the walls. It's like a construction site in there.
Lena: Oh, everybody's up. Before 10:00. What kind of teenagers are you?

Jesus: Not Jude. That kid could sleep through the apocalypse. Did you guys decide what we're having for dinner tonight?
Stef: As a matter of fact, I do believe we're starting with some caviar, then lobster tails with Belgian escarole, and a side of truffled potatoes.
Jesus: Seriously?
Stef: No, of course not. Mama's making halibut.
Jesus: I just want to impress them.
Stef: If we have to have caviar to impress them, we're not going to make the cut. What are you so nervous for? This isn't a sit-down like The Godfather.
Jesus: The Riveras just want to be sure both families are on the same page.
Stef: We'll do our best to assure them we're not running a teen brothel, but we're not going to pretend to be something we aren't.
Jesus: I know, they're just old school.

Lena: Oh, Callie. Are you ok to walk to your support group, tonight?
Callie: Um, yeah.
Lena: Did you take those?
Callie: It's not like it requires talent. I just clicked a button.
Lena: No, these are great. Is this something you're into, photography?
Callie: I mean, I guess.
Lena: You better run and get a shower before you're late.
Callie: Ok.

Jesus: Oh, I almost forgot.
Stef: Let me guess, you'd like us to use the fine china?
Jesus: Lexi's parents are chaperoning a retreat next weekend, and I really want to go.
Mariana: Um, hello. We have the adoption fair next weekend. Since when are you religious?
Jesus: Since when are you a hipster?
Lena: Ok. Enough. We'll not make any promises, Jesus, but we'll we'll look into it.
Mariana: You never invited Lexi's parents over when we were friends.
Stef: Ok, church camp? So, we can subject our son to people who don't approve of our family? Um, no.


Wyatt's house

Wyatt: I figured, hey, it's still technically "ours", I might as well throw one last party.
Callie: You're not upset the bank's foreclosing on the only home you've ever lived in? That's like me throwing a party every time I got yanked out of one foster home and dropped in another.
Wyatt: It's just a house.
Callie: Is this really your house? 'Cause, last time we went to your house, I almost got arrested.
Wyatt: Come see.

Callie: How hard is it to sneak into a place with a marker?
Wyatt: Look.
You did this? Yeah, when I was little.
Wyatt: I started in fourth grade. When life sucked I'd go in there and just draw. This is stupid.
Callie: No, it's not stupid. I want to see more.
Wyatt: You want to see more of me?
Callie: Oh, you're really incapable of being serious for more than 30 seconds.
Wyatt: Do you want me to be serious? Let's talk about us. What are we? Are we dating? What do you call this thing that we're doing? I do not get you. I feel like I'm a girl in this relationship.
Callie: Relationship? If you could only see how ridiculous you look right now.
Wyatt: Come tonight.
Callie: No.
Wyatt: I want you at my party.
Callie: No way. Wyatt, I'm on probation. One close call is enough for me.
Wyatt: It's just a little get together.
Callie: Sorry, I have to go.
Wyatt: Got a hot date?
Callie: Yeah. With a bunch of angry foster kids.
Wyatt: Why don't you blow it off?
Callie: It's required. Bye.

Foster's House

Lena: Very nice.
Brandon: Oh, sorry. Was it too loud? I took my headphones off, my ears were hurting.
Lena: No, no, no. It was beautiful.
Brandon: Well we'll see.
Lena: I just wanted to wish you luck before I head out. We won't be back before your dad comes to pick you up this afternoon. You need anything?
Brandon: Um, I'm good. Thanks.
Lena: Hey I have all the confidence in the world that you're going to impress this guy, but this audition can't be the be-all, end-all of your life. He's just a piano teacher.
Brandon: No. No, he's not. He's one of the best in the state.
Lena: Well, he'd be lucky to have you.
Brandon: He didn't exactly feel that way last year or the year before that.
Lena: We're proud of you.
Brandon: No matter what.

Lena: Whoa, where are you headed in such a hurry?
Mariana: Garret invited me to lunch.
Lena: Ohh. You two are spending quite a bit of time together these days.
Mariana: Can I go? We were just going to meet at Paco's.
Lena: Sure, I was just about to leave, I can drop you off.
Mariana: Ok. But, can we hurry? I don't want to be late.

Foster kids group

Therapist: Sounds like you dealt with that really well, Nicole.
Nicole: Thank you.
Therapist: Sarah, we haven't heard from you yet.
Sarah: Well, um after a few misses, I think my third foster home's a match. The Olmsteads have really gone out of their way to make me feel welcome. They don't introduce me as their "foster daughter," and they take me everywhere. It's nice to feel like I belong. Even if it is temporary. And we lived happily ever after.
Therapist: Ok. Thanks for that, Sarah. It's time to break, but I hope next week we'll all participate.
Callie: Such a waste, right?
Sarah: Oh. Yeah.
Callie: I can't believe they make us do this crap on a Saturday.
Sarah: I know, right?
Callie: Hey, um. Do you want to talk about it over coffee or something? My treat.
Sarah: Yeah. Yeah, just let me text my foster mom.
Callie: Yeah.

Paco's restaurant

Ana: You came. Wow. Your folks must be mad, huh?
Mariana: Well, they're not exactly happy.
Ana: I like it. I'm sure you'd rather be hanging with your friends on a Saturday afternoon, so thank you for coming.
Mariana: Well, my weekends are pretty boring these days.
Ana: Don't you have a boyfriend? Pretty girl like you. And where are your girls? I remember when I was your age, I would not go anywhere without my girl Nati.
Mariana: Well, my Nati's name is Lexi and we aren't talking.
Ana: What'd she do?
Mariana: It's complicated.
Ana: Try me.
Mariana: She's been hooking up with Jesus behind my back.
Ana: Oh, man. Yeah, that sucks.
Mariana: Um I was surprised to hear from you again. Last time, you you know, took off so fast.
Ana: Yeah. Well, this is awkward.
Mariana: I don't have anymore money, if that's what you mean.
Ana: Oh, no. No, God, no. I was thinking about you on your birthday wishing I was there. Wondering if you even got to have a Quinceanera.
Mariana: I did, yeah.
Ana: That's so nice. I bet it was wonderful.
Mariana: Oh, yeah. It was amazing.
Ana: Well, I wish I could've seen it. Anyway I wanted to give you something.
Mariana: Wow. My God, thank you.
Ana: Do you like it.
Mariana: I love it.

Foster's house

Brandon: Dad, you were supposed to be here like 20 minutes ago! I'm going to miss this audition, where are you?

Frank's house

Stef: Hi Dad!
Frank: There's my favorite daughter.
Stef: You're only daughter. But I'm relieved I made the list.
Frank: Here, let me help you.
Stef: I got it.
Frank: I'm not an invalid. You don't have to keep doing this, you know.
Stef: If I don't stock the fridge you'll live on sodium-packed TV dinners. It's bad for your heart.
Frank: Come on, you're nuts. Your mother and I raised you on TV dinners.
Stef: And I still have nightmares about frozen peas and Salisbury steak. Spoke to mom last night by the way. She sends her regards from Florida.
Frank: Good for her. See the Padres game last night?
Stef: You mean the massacre? Barely heard the last inning. Jesus was screaming at the TV.
Frank: You got to love that kid. I should take him to a game since baseball isn't Brandon's thing.
Stef: They would both love an invite, Dad. Just not next weekend, Jesus wants to go to Bible camp.
Frank: Come again?

Stef: Your grandson wants to go to church camp. Catholic church camp.
Frank: Catholic? You're not raising the kids Catholic, are you?
Stef: Please, Dad. You know we don't do church.
Frank: Don't you think they need a church though? A good Christian church? I never understood why you stopped.
Stef: You're kidding, right?
Frank: What?
Stef: You never understood why I stopped? I know you remember Tess, Tess Brown, my friend from high school?
Frank: Yeah. Her.
Stef: Her. You sent me to see a youth minister because you caught us "cuddling" on the couch. Even though we weren't doing anything.
Frank: Was only trying to help.
Stef: How? You never talked to me about it.
Frank: You never asked me anything.
Stef: All you did was lock me in a room with some man, who proceeded to tell me that being gay was a sin.
Frank: I was being a parent, I was pushing you in the right direction.
Stef: Well, I was completely humiliated.
Frank: That's why you stopped going to church? One meeting 20 years ago?
Stef: How could I ever go back, Dad?
Frank: I didn't want you to make wrong choices. I'm just saying! You had a husband, and a son. And you still left Mike for Lena. You had everything, and made the choice to be gay.
Stef: It's not a... Oh, my God. Ok, let's pretend it is a choice, Dad. At the end of the day, who I love shouldn't be an issue for you, or anyone else. I have an amazing family. Lena is an amazing woman, whom I absolutely adore. So, yeah. I made a choice. I made a choice to be happy, Dad. I don't want to get into this right now. You're welcome for the groceries, Dad.

Foster's house

Mike: Sorry, I fell asleep watching the game.
Brandon: Yeah, well, it's the middle of the freaking day.
Mike: I said I'm sorry.
Brandon: Yeah, I heard you.


Sarah: I get my own room.
Callie: You're lucky. When I first moved in to my new house my roommate totally hated me.
Sarah: She come around?
Callie: Yeah. We'd probably never hang out if we weren't forced to live under the same roof, but as far as foster siblings go, I guess she's cool. So, what about you? Any other kids at the Olmsteads?
Sarah: One. He's older, he's out of high school, but he still lives at home. That's cute.
Callie: Give me your Instagram handle and I'll tag you. So, this boy. Is he cute? Do you hang out? What do you do?
Sarah: Jeez, you ask a lot of questions.
Callie: Sorry. I live with four other kids, so...
Sarah: Well, he and his dad like golf. Like, a lot. Like, obsessed. One time we went mini-golfing, you know, as a family, and he got so pissed when he missed this easy putt that he broke his club. Like, in half!
Callie: Wait, who? Liam or his dad?
Sarah: I never said his name was Liam.
Callie: You sure? I'm pretty sure you did.
Sarah: No, um I've got to go.

Mariana and Callie's room

Mariana: Looks like you're having a rockin' Saturday.
Callie: The sunset looks cool behind your elm tree. Look.
Mariana: Pretty. It's kind of your tree, too, you know? I never really noticed, but Wyatt's super cute.
Callie: You think?
Mariana: He's sexy. Like, messy-sexy.
Callie: Ok.
Mariana:So, what's up with you two anyway? Don't most girls with boyfriends consider Saturday date night?
Callie: Not my boyfriend. And even if he was, he's having a party tonight, so...
Mariana: Ok, excuse me? He's having a party tonight, and we're sitting here? We have to go.
Callie: Ok, it's not like you're missing prom or anything. It's just a stupid foreclosure party.
Mariana: I don't want to be home when Lexi and her parents get here, please and admit it, you don't want to be stuck here on a Saturday night either. And you totally like Wyatt.
Callie: Fine. Ok. If you really want to go.
Mariana: Yay!

Stef and Lena's room 

Lena: Don't force it.
Stef: It's stuck, can you hold on There we go. Ok. Sorry.
Lena: It's just a dinner party, babe.
Stef: It's not dinner, it's my dad. He just I don't know, maybe it is the dinner. What, we're supposed to sit there and make nice with these people who are trying to "save" Jesus or something?
Lena: Jesus isn't looking for a religious experience, he wants to spend the weekend with his girlfriend. I'm sure he'd rather be going to Disneyland. But before you jump to any conclusions, let's talk it over with the Riveras, ok?
Stef: I'm telling you this, I will not be judged in my own house.
Lena: You know what? We owe it to Jesus to find out more about the camp before we shut it down.
Stef: Probably think we're a couple of heathens who let our children run amuck without any supervision.
Lena: If the Riveras had any problems with us they wouldn't have allowed Lexi to sleep over with Mariana all the time. And Lexi and Jesus did have sex.
Stef: Not in the house.

Foster's Kitchen

Lena: Save some for the Riveras, please.
Mariana: Whatever you're cooking smells amazing.
Stef: Mama's cooking halibut and grilled asparagus.
Callie: Mm
Stef: Still time for you to join us.
Mariana: Actually, we were thinking about getting out of the house and watching a movie at Wyatt's.
Stef: The hair model? Oh, we like him.
Lena: Both of you?
Callie: Mm-hmm.
Lena: Together?
Stef: Wyatt's parents gonna be there?
Mariana: Um, hello? It's Wyatt's parents' house?
Stef: Ok, the two of you may go. Be home by 10:00, please. Call if you need a ride.
Lena: Have fun.

Mariana: What? I didn't lie.

Brandon's audition

Mike: I'm sorry he made you wait and audition last, but you're going to blow him away. I know it.
Brandon: Ok, Dad. All right.
Mike: No, I'm serious. You're gonna make him forget anyone else played today.
Brandon: Dad, seriously.
Mike: Sorry. I don't know who's more nervous, me or you.
Brandon: All right, I'm going to take a walk, Dad.

...: Thank you very much.
Professor: Brandon Foster?
Mike: Good luck, buddy.
Brandon: Um, I'm sorry. Can I start again? Ok.

Wyatt's party

Callie: Oh, my God. We should go.
Mariana: Oh, hells no.
Callie: Mariana. Ok, look, if you're going to drink just have one and sip it all night.
Mariana: God, don't worry. You act like I've never been to a party before.
Kelsey: Hey, girl!
Mariana: Hey !

Callie: Wyatt.
Wyatt: Hey, you made it!
Callie: Yeah, Mariana needed a babysitter, so...
Wyatt: Oh, way to make a boy feel special. Guess I'm stoked you came at all. Want a spray can, marker, glow-in-the-dark paint pen?
Callie: Thought you were just having a little get together?
Wyatt: Is that not what this is?
Callie: What exactly are you trying to accomplish by destroying your house?
Wyatt: I am giving the bank a remodel. Free of charge.
Callie: Everyone's destroying the house you lived in your whole life and you don't even care?
Wyatt: Don't tell me what I care about.
Callie: I'm just...
Wyatt: You know what? Have fun babysitting. 

Kelsey: I didn't think I'd run into you here, especially with juvie girl, but yay!
Mariana: Her name's Callie and she's fine.
Kelsey: Ok, what did I miss?
Mariana: A lot.
Kelsey: Wow.
Mariana: Looks like rehab really did the trick. Aren't you supposed to be, you know, sober?
Kelsey: Hello, I went to rehab for pills, not beer. And obviously, my parents overreacted.
Mariana: Obviously.
Kelsey: Cheers.

Foster's house

Sonia: Well, it's delicious.
Stef: Thank you.
Ernesto: Thank you for having us.
Stef: Absolutely.
Ernesto: When Lexi asked for our permission to date Jesus, you can imagine our hesitation.
Sonia: Well, she's 15 now, and if she wants to start dating, that's fine, but we do have concerns. But if she's going to keep spending time here, not as Mariana's friend, but as Jesus' girlfriend, we need to set some rules.
Lena: We agree. Boundaries are essential, and curfews, no closed doors.
Sonia: How about supervised visits only?
Lexi: Mami.
Sonia: Meaning. If Lexi and Jesus start spending time together, it'll be in a common area where siblings or parents will be present.
Lena: We want you to feel comfortable having her here, and we love Lexi like she was our own.
Stef: But we don't want our kids to feel like we're breathing down their necks.
Sonia: Well, that's exactly what we want.
Ernesto: She's joking.
Sonia: Yes. Well, a little. We aren't sure how we feel about Lexi spending the night with Mariana anymore.

Lena: Um, excuse me. I'll get it, hon.
Stef: Sorry for the interruption. More wine anyone?
Jesus: Fill 'er up.
Stef: He's kidding.
Lena: Um honey, look who's here.
Frank: I, I didn't realize you had company. Hello.
Stef: Dad. Uh, Ernie and Sonia Rivera, this is my dad, Frank.
Frank: Hi, how do you do?
Ernesto: Great to meet you.
Frank: Nice to meet you. Pleasure.
Jesus: Hey, Gramps.
Frank: How are you, kiddo?
Stef: What's up, Dad?
Frank: You know what? I'm going to go.
Lena: We were just about to start. Would you like to join us?
Frank: Uh sure, ok. Love to.
Stef: Uh I'll go get another plate.

Brandon's audition

Mike: Hey. Been looking for you. How'd it go?
Brandon: Can we go?
Mike: No, not until you tell me how it went.
Brandon: You were late.
Mike: Brandon, I'm sorry.
Brandon: And you stink like booze. You really think I wouldn't notice? Did you think it wouldn't matter?
Mike: What happened in there?
Brandon: I screwed up, ok? I failed performing a song that I've played perfectly a thousand times. So, let's go.
Mike: Wait here.
Brandon: Dad, what are you doing?
Mike: Just give me a second.
Brandon: Dad!

Mike: It's my fault he wasn't at his best. I was late picking him up, could you just please let him play again?
Teacher: It's been a long day, ok?
Mike: Look, I understand that. But, you're missing out. He's really amazing.
Teacher: I'm sorry, let's go.
Mike: Give him another shot. Please? Come on, don't make the kid pay for my screw up.

Wyatt's party

Kelsey: Oh, yeah. I totally get why you're still pissed at Lexi, and it's crazy that your parents are hanging out. It's kind of gross if you ask me. Oh, my God, do you think your moms are telling the Riveras they bought Lexi the pill?
Mariana: What?
Kelsey: Lexi wanted my help getting the morning-after pill. Hello, if you need a pill, call Kelsey after she and Jesus had sex. I couldn't help, so I guess they went to your moms. Oh, you didn't know? Oops.

Foster's house

And you should have seen Papi's face when he got to the top, he almost backed out.
Ernesto: That was my first and last zip-line adventure. Lexi's such a good girl, but she's always getting me into trouble.
Frank: So, Jesus tell me about this camp.
Jesus: What do you want to know?
Frank: Well, what do you, as a non-Catholic, expect to get out of this Catholic Bible camp.
Stef: Dad, we're not sure he's going yet anyway, so let's not get ahead of ourselves.
Sonia: Oh, you're not?
Stef: Uh, well, we have some concerns.
Sonia: There's nothing to be worried about. We're chaperoning. It's going to be a great weekend. Completely supervised, separate bunks for boys and girls.
Stef: That's not exactly what we're worried about. Our hesitation has nothing to do with chaperoning or sleeping arrangements. Our issue has to do with a difference in core values, I think.
We do not want to put Jesus in any kind of situation where he might hear anything negative about his family, or that his mothers' relationship is wrong in the eyes of God.
Sonia: Oh, no. No, no, no. There's been some misunderstanding. No, we would never let anyone ever we totally support this family.
Frank: You do?
Ernesto: Of course we do. What's more Christian than family?

Wyatt's party

Wyatt: Do it, man! Let's break it! Break it! What the hell do I care? Going to burn the whole freaking place down.
Callie: Wyatt. Wyatt!
Wyatt: I grew up in this house! My mom worked so hard to pay for it! They took it after a few missed payments!
Callie: Hey hey. It's just a house. It's not you, or your family, or your childhood. It's just a house. Some wood and some stone, and glass. I never had a house. Not in my whole life. I'm sorry they're taking yours away, but you don't have to let them take away what matters. Ok? All the memories and stuff. That's yours. They can't have it. Ok? Ok? What are you doing?
Wyatt: I'm keeping my memories and stuff. You want to get out of here? This party sucks.
Callie: Um, I'm going to go find Mariana, ok?
Wyatt: I'm going to wait outside.

Callie: Hey, has anyone seen Mariana?
Talya: No, I - Oh, hey. Wait.
Callie: Yeah?
Talya: You're a cool girl, you know? You and Wyatt are like a thing, now? Funny. Everyone I liked, likes you.
Callie: I told you that you had nothing to worry about with me and Brandon.
Talya: I know, I know. I freaked. Can you blame me? You're the shiny new girl. I should've realized that you were never into Brandon. He's into you.

Brandon's audition

Teacher: You're very fortunate to have such a relentless father. That was excellent. I'm impressed. But I'm sorry to say I can not offer you a scholarship. I already gave that out this afternoon.
Brandon: I understand.
Teacher: I'm not finished. I can't offer you a scholarship, but you have a lot of potential. So, I will make room in my schedule to take you on as a student.
Brandon: Wow thank you. Thank you so much. You won't be disappointed.
Teacher: Good. It'll be $150 an hour, and a minimum of two hours per week.
Brandon: Um I'm sorry...
Mike: Yeah, that's I got it. That'll be fine.
Brandon: Dad, no, you...
Mike: Shh. I'm paying.
Brandon: Thank you.
Teacher: All right. It's settled then. See you at 5:00 on Monday, Brandon.
Brandon: Yes, sir.
Teacher: And don't be late.

Foster's house

Frank: Wait, wait, wait. I'm no Catholic, but the Church is not in favor of...
Stef: Dad.
Frank: You know what I mean. Sorry, the Church is not in favor of same-sex marriage.
Sonia: Well, we are.
Frank: How can you do that? How can you claim to be Catholics and not follow the teachings of the...
Sonia: We don't have to subscribe to every teaching or guideline to be good Catholics or to be good people for that matter.
Frank: Well, you can't just pick and choose.
Sonia: With all due respect, everybody does. Or else I could sell you Lexi's hand in marriage. Or you could stone me to death for contradicting you. And no one wants that, do they? But, I have to ask you, you sit at this table and you call these people family, but you don't think your daughter has a right to marry Lena?
Frank: I believe that marriage is between a man and a woman.
Lena: All right, Dad. This is supposed to be a nice dinner, not a religious symposium.
Jesus: You guys, there's nothing anyone could say to change the way I feel about my family. I don't want to go to the stupid camp if it's going to cause World War III. But seriously, Moms, have some faith in me.

Wyatt's party

Callie: Hey, come on. Wyatt's going to walk us home. Really? Oh, my God, your moms are going to kill me.
Mariana: I'm fine. My turn.
Callie: Wait Mariana, wait! No!

Liam: Hey, Cal.
Callie: Liam.
Liam: Saw your shots on Instagram. You're pretty good with that thing.
Callie: What do you want?
Liam: I heard you were asking questions about me, so I figured I'd save you some time and catch up face-to-face. You look great. Can't believe how much you've grown in two years.
Callie: Look, when Sarah said she was staying with your family I was just curious, that's all.
Liam: So, you missed me?
Callie: I got to go.
Liam: Hey, I'm talking to you.
Callie: Let go of me.
Liam: I'm going to say this once, stop asking questions and stay the hell away from Sarah. Got me?Wyatt: Hey, everything ok here?
Liam: Yeah, everything's great. Just catching up with an old friend. See you around, Cal.

Callie: We got to go. Let's go. Hey! We're walking home. Why don't you come with us?
Talya: Oh, no. I'm staying.
Callie: Are you sure you're ok?
Talya: I'm great.

Foster's house

Franck: That that halibut was great. Thanks.
Stef: Yeah, of course. I can't remember the last time that you joined us for dinner.
Frank: I can't remember the last time I was asked.
Stef: Yeah, sorry about that. That's on me. You're welcome here anytime, Dad. A phone call would've been nice.
Frank: Sorry about that.
Stef: That's fine.
Frank: It's just that after our little talk this afternoon I got to thinking and I felt like I should...
Stef: That's fine, Dad.
Frank: No, no. It's not. I need to apologize. I never should've done that to you. Scared you like that when you were a kid. And if forcing you to talk to that minister drove a wedge between you and God Well, that's the biggest sin of all. And I'm sorry. For that.

Lena: You ok?
Stef: He he apologized. For the religious stuff. Not the...
Lena: Wow. Look at that. People can surprise you.
Stef: I think it's fine that Jesus goes to the Jesus camp. I mean, they named it after him. Right?
Lena: Yeah, well, let's spare the Riveras that joke, shall we? Things are going so well.


Brandon: Look, I appreciate it, Dad, but I mean we're not just talking a couple classes here. We're talking 1,200 a month.
Mike: Yeah, I can do the math. I'll pick up a few shifts, get a job doing security something. It's a couple extra hours?
Brandon: Dad, you don't have to...
Mike: Stop it. I'm doing it and that's it. Let me be the hero for once.

Foster's kitchen

Callie: Shh! Quiet.
Mariana: Ooh. Shh!
Callie: Ok. Hey. Chew and maintain. Shh!
Stef: Mariana? Callie, is that you?
Callie: Yeah.
Lena: Come on in and say hello.
Callie: Coming.

Hi, Mari. So nice to see you.
Mariana: Hello.
Lena: Callie, this is Sonia and Ernie.
Sonia: Hi.
Ernesto: Nice to meet you.
Callie: You, too. Um, we were just going to bed.
Sonia: No, no, Mari. It's been to long. Come. Come join us. Mariana, your nose.
Mariana: You like it?
Stef: Yeah, I think it's time we called it a night. What do you say?
Lexi: Yeah, Mami, I'm tired.
Sonia: Ok Mari, Jesus is going to join us at the church retreat next weekend, why don't you come, too?
Mariana: What? You're going to let them spend the night together when you know they're having sex?

Mariana and Callie's room

Lena: You're drunk and you lied to us. Do you have anything to say for yourself?
Stef: If your goal was to keep Jesus and Lexi from seeing each other, you have certainly succeeded.
Lena: We're going to continue this conversation in the morning, young lady.

Lena: Guess we should've made her take the nose-ring out.
Stef: If we made her take it out, she'd have come home looking like a Lite-Brite.
Callie: Sorry, I tried to get her out of there.
Lena: Who's idea was it to go to this party?
Stef: Was it Mariana's? Thank you very much for not drinking, and for getting her home in one piece. If this ever happens again, please, please call us. Understood?
Callie: Yeah.
Lena: Ok, get to bed. You ok?
Callie: Mm-hmm.

Kikavu ?

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chrismaz66, 15.04.2024 à 11:46

Oui cliquez;-) et venez jouer à l'animation Kaamelott qui démarre là maintenant et ce jusqu'à la fin du mois ! Bonne chance à tous ^^

Supersympa, 16.04.2024 à 14:31

Bonjour à tous ! Nouveau survivor sur le quartier Person of Interest ayant pour thème l'équipe de Washington (saison 5) de la Machine.

choup37, Avant-hier à 08:49

5 participants prennent part actuellement à la chasse aux gobelins sur doctor who, y aura-t-il un sixième?

chrismaz66, Avant-hier à 11:04

Choup tu as 3 joueurs de plus que moi!! Kaamelott est en animation, 3 jeux, venez tenter le coup, c'est gratis! Bonne journée ^^

choup37, Hier à 19:45

Maintenant j'en ai plus que deux, je joue aussi sur kaa

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