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#107 : Confidences

Après la révélation de Mariana, Jesus se sent trahi et les jumeaux se disputent violemment. Lorsque les parents de Lexi prennent une décision radicale pour l'empêcher de voir Jesus, celle-ci prend une décision désespérée, ce qui pourrait avoir de graves préjudices sur ses parents.

Pendant ce temps, Lena tente de convaincre Callie de participer aux thérapies de groupe mais c'est finalement auprès de Brandon qu'elle décide de se confier, il l'aide alors à faire face à son passé.

De son côté, Jude espère d'impressionner Connor alors qu'il vient chez lui travailler sur un projet scolaire.


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The Fallout

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107 - Promo

107 - Promo


107 - Promo VOSTFR

107 - Promo VOSTFR


107 - Sneak Peek n°1

107 - Sneak Peek n°1


107 - Sneak Peek n°3

107 - Sneak Peek n°3


107 - Scène Stef et Lena

107 - Scène Stef et Lena


107 - Scènes Jude et Connor n°1

107 - Scènes Jude et Connor n°1


107 - Scènes Jude et Connor n°2

107 - Scènes Jude et Connor n°2


107 - Résumé de l'épisode

107 - Résumé de l'épisode



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Etats-Unis (inédit)
Lundi 15.07.2013 à 21:00
1.79m / 0.6% (18-49)

Plus de détails

Scénario : Zoila Amelia Galeano
Réalisation : Jeff Melman

Captures | Photos tournage

  • Maison des Fosters

Jesus et Mariana sont en train de se disputer à cause de ce qu'elle a dit aux parents de Lexi. Jesus la traite de rapporteuse, de gamine et d'égoiste mais Mariana lui dit que maintenant il ressent ce qu'elle a ressenti lorsqu'ils sont sortis ensemble. Jesus la menace d'aller dire à Stef et Lena qu'elle a revu Ana et qu'elle lui a donné de l'argent. Stef vient calmer le jeu puis lorsque Jesus sort, dit à Mariana qu'elle est en tort. Mariana pense alors que ses mères aiment plus Lexi qu'elle mais Stef la rassure et lui dit que faire ce qu'elle a fait, ce n'est pas la personne qu'elle veut être.


  • Sur le perron

Lena parle à Callie de son groupe de soutien pour enfants placés en famille d'accueil et lui qu'elle a eu un appel du thérapeute qui se plaint qu'elle ne partage pas avec les autres. Callie lui demande alors si elle peut changer de groupe, se plaingnant des autres jeunes qui sont avec elle. Lena lui dit qu'elle appelera Bill mais qu'en attendant, elle doit continuer d'assister aux réunions.

  • Cuisine

Callie rentre dans la cuisine suite à sa discussion avec Lena et tombe sur Brandon qui ne lui accorde pas un mot ni un regard. Callie veut savoir s'il fait la tête et il lui répond qu'il lui en veut d'avoir emmené Mariana à la fête chez Wyatt et de l'avoir ramenée soûle. Callie remet alors les choses en place : c'est Mariana qui l'a forcée à y aller et en plus elle ne l'a pas écoutée lorsqu'elle lui a conseillée de ne pas boire. Brandon s'excuse alors et sur une phrase inachevée, Callie part de la cuisine.

  • Bord de la mer

Ana chante une chanson à Mariana, lui confiant qu'elle l'adorait lorsqu'elle était petite. Elle lui annonce aussi qu'elle est clean depuis une semaine et qu'elle voudrait aller dans un centre de désintox mais qu'elle n'a pas l'argent nécessaire. Mariana lui dit alors qu'elle n'a pas d'argent et Ana lui propose de voler quelque chose chez elle pour qu'elle puisse le revendre et que puisqu'elles sont de la même famille, elle doit l'aider.

  • Lycée Anchor Beach

Wyatt vient voir Callie et lui parle du fait qu'elle a mis son compte en privé sur Instagram. Elle tente d'expliquer maladroitement mais il comprend que ça à voir avec Liam et cherche à savoir qui il est et s'il la menace. Elle lui assure que c'est juste une ancienne connaissance et qu'elle ne sent pas menacée.

De son côté, Jesus tente de savoir auprès de Kelsey où est Lexi mais elle ne lui répond pas et s'en va.

En classe, la professeur de Jude leur annonce qu'ils vont devoir faire un travail de groupe et il se retrouve en duo avec Connor. Il lui propose qu'ils se retrouvent le samedi après-midi pour le faire, Jude accepte.

  • Maison de Lexi

Jesus la rejoint et ils s'embrassent ; Lexi dit que ses parents lui ont tout confisqué et que ses parents sont très énervés contre elle.

  • Lycée Anchor Beach

Lena voit les parents de Lexi sortir du bureau de la Principale et s'empresse d'aller voir ce qu'il voulait. Elle apprend alors qu'ils veulent retirer Lexi du lycée et Lena se fait sermonner sur son comportement, à savoir d'avoir donné la pilule à Lexi sans mettre au courant ses parents. Lena a peur qu'ils puissent aller jusqu'au Conseil.

A l'extérieur, Jesus arrive près de Mariana et lui crie dessus, disant que ses parents envoient Lexi en pensionnat au Texas.

Brandon propose à Callie de rentrer avec elle mais celle-ci annonce qu'elle attend Wyatt et il s'en va. Liam arrive alors en voiture et menace Callie, lui disant de s'occuper de ses affaires et lui prend le bras violemment. Wyatt arrive alors et se jette sur Liam pour le frapper. Callie tente de les séparer mais Brandon voit la scène de loin et intervient. Liam s'en va et Callie est furieuse contre Wyatt, disant qu'il ne fait qu'empirer les choses, il s'en va alors énervé.

  • Bord de mer

Callie et Brandon rentrent pied et il demande des explications à Callie sur ce qui vient de se passer. Elle lui explique alors que Liam était le fils d'une famille dans laquelle elle a été placée, qu'elle a eu une relation avec lui et il comprend alors que Liam avait 19 ans et elle seulement 14 ans à l'époque. Il lui confie que ce qu'a fait Liam n'était pas bien et que ce n'est pas de sa faute. Elle explique alors que maintenant Sarah vit chez eux et qu'elle pense qu'il fait la même chose avec elle.

  • Cuisine

Lena explique à Stef qu'elle pourrait se faire virer si les parents de Lexi vont jusqu'au Conseil mais Stef ne comprend pas ce qu'elle a fait de mal puisque c'est elle qui a donné la pilule, pas Lena. Elles se disputent mais Jude arrive et demande timidement si Connor peut venir le samedi après-midi pour travailler sur leur projet, Stef et Lena acceptent et il s'en va. Elles reprennent leur dispute et Lena tente d'y mettre fin.

  • Extérieur de bureaux

Jesus est venu voir le père de Lexi à la sortie de son travail pour essayer de le persuader que c'était qu'une erreur et qu'ils s'en veulent. Mais son père ne veut rien entendre.

  • Chambre de Stef et Lena

Stef tente de mettre les choses à plat avec Lena mais celle-ci est toujours énervée et ne veut pas discuter. De son côté, Callie ne trouve pas le sommeil.

  • Maison des Fosters

De bon matin, les parents de Lexi arrivent et annoncent à Stef et Lena que Lexi s'est enfuie. Ils demandent alors à Jesus s'il sait quelque chose mais ils assurent que non puis demandent à Marina qui leur dit aussi qu'elle ne sait rien et que Lexi ne se tournerait probablement pas vers elle. Elle reçoit alors un texto d'Ana qui veut savoir si elle a quelque chose pour elle et s'en va. Stef propose de traquer le portable de Lexi mais ses parents lui ont confisqué. Elle veut alors qu'ils aillent au commissariat mais ils ne veulent pas et disent qu'ils vont chercher par eux-mêmes pour le moment. Stef dit alors qu'elle et Erni peuvent aller chercher du côté de l'école et de la plage et que Sonia et Lena peuvent rester à la maison et appeler ses camarades de classe.

  • Cuisine

Callie joue de la guitare et Brandon arrive, ils parlent alors de Liam et Brandon pense que Callie devrait en parle à Bill, son assistant social. Sauf que si Callie fait ça, elle se retrouvera en situation d'enfant à hauts risques, ce qui ruinerait ses chances d'être mise en famille et d'être adoptée un jour.

  • Chambre de Mariana et Callie

Alors que Mariana met des affaires à la hâte dans son sac, Jesus arrive pour lui parler mais Mariana le rembarre, ne voulant pas entendre d'autres insultes et s'en va.

  • Voiture de Stef

Stef se trouve avec Erni pour chercher Lexi et elle comprend alors qu'à la base, Sonia voulait envoyer Lexi vivre chez sa tante en Honduras mais que lui ne voulait pas puisque le pays est dangereux et que la seule chose sur laquelle ils ont réussi à se mettre d'accord est l'internat.

  • Chez les Fosters

Lena tente de parler à Sonia et s'excuse d'avoir donné la pilule à Lexi mais Sonia ne veut rien entendre et ne comprend pas comment elles peuvent être aussi compréhensives. La sonnette retentit alors, c'est Connor arrive pour travailler avec Jude et ils vont dans sa chambre.

  • Ancienne maison de Wyatt

Mariana rentre dans l'ancienne maison de Wyatt dans laquelle a eu lieu la fête et y retrouve Lexi, à laquelle elle a amené des affaires. L'occasion pour elles de se rapprocher : Mariana lui confie alors qu'elle a revu Ana, qu'elle se sent mal pour elle et qu'elle lui a encore demandé de l'argent.

  • Chambre de Jesus et Jude

Jude prépare les affaires pour leur projet tandis que Connor tente de faire la conversation mais ne parle que des affaires de Jesus. Jude lui avoue qu'il n'en a pas beaucoup puisqu'à force de changer de maison d'accueil, il ne vaut mieux pas en avoir trop. Connor se montre compréhensif et s'étonne que Jude ne dit jamais rien de mal sur personne mais il lui répond que cela ne servirait à rien.

  • Ancienne maison de Wyatt

Les filles s'amusent à prendre des photos et parlent ensuite de la première fois de Lexi. Elle dit alors à Mariana que c'était à la fois génial et terrifiant, que Jesus s'est montré très attentionné mais qu'elle ne pense pas qu'ils pourront le refaire très bientôt. Mariana s'en va et Lexi la remercie.

  • Extérieur groupe de soutien

Brandon emmène Callie à son groupe de parole et ils attendent de voir Sarah arriver. Callie sort alors de la voiture et tente de lui parler mais Sarah ne veut rien entendre et rendre dans le bâtiment.

  • Chambre de Jesus et Jude

Jude montre un couteau qui appartenait à son père et Connor demande ce qui lui ait arrivé. Jesus commence à dire qu'il est en prison mais se rattrape et dit que maintenant il est sorti, qu'il va bien et qu'il vit sur île où lui et Callie iront le retrouver dès que sa situation sera meilleure. Connor sent qu'il ment et lui dit qu'il n'y ait pas obligé, pas avec lui. Il lui donne ensuite sa console pour qu'il un peu.

  • Cuisine

Stef et Erni reviennent sans avoir trouvé Lexi et Stef insiste sur le fait qu'ils doivent aller à la police. Mais les parents de Lexi leur avouent qu'ils ne peuvent pas car ils sont sans papiers. Jesus, caché dans les escaliers, entend tout.

  • Sur le perron

Mariana revient et croise Jesus qui lui annonce que les parents de Lexi sont toujours là et qu'ils risquent de prévenir la police. Mariana panique alors, se demandant si Lexi pourrait avoir des ennuis mais Jesus lui annonce que le vrai problème est que ses parents sont des sans-papier et que Lexi aussi.

  • Ancienne maison de Wyatt

Mariana revient, accompagnée de Jesus et ils annoncent à Lexi qu'elle doit rentrer avec eux puisque ses parents sont sans-papier et qu'elle aussi.

  • Groupe de soutien

La thérapeute demande à Callie de partager un peu son expérience et elle parle de quand elle vivait chez Liam, s'adressant à Sarah. Elle explique qu'elle l'aimait bien, qu'il était attentionné envers elle et que malgré le fait qu'elle est peut être spéciale, elle ne l'était pas pour lui. Sarah finit par s'enfuir et Callie la rattrape, lui disant qu'elle peut venir avec elle dénoncer Liam mais Sarah ne veut rien faire et s'en va. Brandon tente de rassurer Callie en lui disant que c'est son choix mais Callie lui dit qu'en réalité, elle n'a aucun choix. Brandon ne comprend pas et Callie lui annonce alors qu'une nuit, Liam est rentré dans sa chambre et l'a obligée à faire l'amour avec lui. Elle lui avoue qu'elle s'est toujours sentie coupable et qu'elle pensait que c'était de sa faute mais qu'aujourd'hui, elle sait que ce n'est pas le cas. Brandon la regarde, bouleversé et lui dit qu'il est désolé.

  • Cuisine

Stef assure aux parents de Lexi que la police ne s'intéressera pas à leur statut s'ils vont à la police et ils semblent rassurés. A ce moment, Mariana et Jesus arrivent avec Lexi et ses parents l'embrassent mais Lexi prévient qu'elle est revenue mais qu'elle ne veut pas aller en pensionnat et que s'ils décident de l'envoyer au Texas, elle se rendra elle-même à la police pour les dénoncer. Jude arrive pour prévenir que Connor s'en va et avant de partir, il lui donne sa console. Jude refuse mais Connor insiste et s'en va, Jude est ému.

  • Chambre de Mariana et Callie

Jesus arrive et parle de ce qui vient de se passer avec Mariana, se demandant ce que les parents de Lexi vont faire. Mariana lui fait comprendre qu'elle ne leur en veut plu, Jesus s'en va. Mariana reçoit un message d'Ana qui lui rappelle qu'elle n'a pas d'argent pour le centre mais elle ignore le message.

  • Salon

Stef et Lena se posent sur le canapé avec un verre de vin, avouant être exténuées après ce journée. Stef s'excuse d'avoir donné la pilule et dit qu'elle ne se doutait pas que cela pourrait prendre cette tournure.

Callie et Brandon arrivent alors et Callie leur annonce qu'elle doit leur parler, elle demande aussi à Brandon de rester. Elle commence alors à raconter son histoire avec Liam à Stef et Lena...

Fin de l'épisode.

Ecrit par Emeline53.

Foster's house

Save it, Mariana, I don't want to hear it. You're a freakin' tattletale. You're like some hurt little girl on the playground. "Jesus and Lexi had sex and I feel left out, so I'm gonna tell on them."
Mariana: It's the same thing you guys did to me.
Jesus: Yeah, what world is that the same thing?
Mariana: You guys were sneaking around behind my back, lying to me.
Jesus: Because we knew you were gonna get your feelings hurt.
Mariana: No. You knew what you were doing was messed up, or you wouldn't have been hiding it. Don't lie, Jesus. You know it's exactly the same thing.
Jesus: If that's the way it's gonna be, if we're keeping score now, maybe I should just tell moms who you've been talking to.
Mariana: Jesus, shut up.
Jesus: I think they'd be very interested to know you've been giving Anna money.
Mariana: That would just get you in trouble, too, and you know it.
Jesus: What do I care? What are they gonna do, ground me? The only person I wanna see is Lexi, and her parents won't let her talk to me.
Mariana: Sucks, doesn't it? I haven't been able to talk to her for weeks.

Stef: Hey! That is enough, you two! You guys are gonna have to figure this out. For better or for worse, you're a family, and you're gonna have to find a way to get along.
Jesus: No one on this Earth can get along with her, not even the Dalai freakin' Lama could get along with a monster like her.
Stef: I'm sorry to say this, babe, but you kind of brought this on yourself. Drinking like that and outing your brother and Lexi to her parents was, uh, that was really none of your business.
Mariana: I can't believe you're taking their side. You might as well adopt Lexi. You like her so much better than me.
Stef: That is not true and you know it. We love you more than anything. We just don't love the way you've been acting. Is this really who you wanna be? Hmm?


Foster's house

Lena: Well, I got a call yesterday from Dr. Kodema.
Callie: The therapist?
Lena: From your group, yes. And she expressed some concern that while you have been showing up every week, you haven't really been participating.
Callie: Yeah. Um I was gonna ask you, actually
Lena: Yeah.
Callie: Can we, maybe, find another group?
Lena: Why? Don't you like Dr. Kodema?
Callie: Yeah, she's ok. It's just the kids. I don't know, I don't feel very comfortable.
Lena: Huh. Ok. Well, I can talk to Bill about it, but therapy is one of the terms of your probation. So until we can get something else worked out, you're gonna have to...
Callie: Keep going.
Lena: Yeah.
Callie: Ok.

Foster's kitchen

Callie: Hey, do you want some?
Brandon: Mnh-mnh.
Callie: Is there juice? Are you, like, not talking to me or something?
Brandon: No. Why?
Callie: I don't know, 'cause you're kind of not talking to me.
Brandon: Hmm.
Callie: Did I do something?
Brandon: I don't know. Um, you took my sister to a rager and got her drunk.
Callie: First of all, I didn't take Mariana anywhere. She took me.
Brandon: She took you? To Wyatt's party?
Callie: Yeah. She was whining about being around when Lexi and her parents came over. And second, I told her not to drink, and she ignored me. So if you wanna be pissed at someone, take it up with her.
Brandon: Oh. Sorry.
Callie: It's fine, don't worry about it.
Brandon: I just thought that maybe...
Callie: Yeah, I know what you thought.


Ana: Arroz con leche, Me quiero casar, Con una señorita, Que sepa bailar, Que sepa coser, Que sepa planchar, Que sepa abrir la puerta para ir a jugar... You used to love that song when you were little.
Mariana: So how are you doing?
Ana: A lot better. I've been clean for like a week now.
Mariana: That's great.
Ana: Yep. And there's this place that I can go, this treatment center, to stay that way.
Mariana: Wow.
Ana: The problem is, I can't afford it.
Mariana: I wish I could help, but I don't I don't have any more money.
Ana: No, if you don't have any cash, that's cool. I mean, there probably is something at your house, something that you guys don't use, something that your moms wouldn't miss. And then you can give that to me and I could sell it. I just really want to get better, you know?
Mariana: I, um, I don't think I can...
Ana: It's just, we're family, you know, and family takes care of family.

Anchor Beach

Wyatt: So I woke up in the middle of a dream about you, and I'm not gonna lie, it was kind of dirty, and anyway I was thinking things, and I went online to look at your sweet pics again but when I got there, your account was private.
Callie: Yeah, you know, I just I suddenly realized that, like, anyone can see it, you know. Don't worry about it.
Wyatt: This doesn't have anything to do with that Liam douche, does it? I could tell he kind of freaked you out at the party and then I saw that comment he made on the shot of the tree. And I thought, "Is he flirting with her? Is he threatening her?"
Callie: No. No, um, he was just kidding.
Wyatt: Oh, he's hilarious, then.
Callie: No. He's just got like a weird sense of humor, I guess.
Wyatt: So who is he? How do you know him?
Callie: Why? You want to date him? Yeah.
Wyatt: Yeah, he's totally my type. So...
Callie: He's just some guy I used to know. Ok?

Jesus: Hey. Have you seen Lexi?
Kelsey: Sorry, babe.
Jesus: Have you heard from her, anything?
Kelsey: Oh, better get to class before you get someone else pregnant.
Jesus: I didn't... Forget it.

Teacher: And I think it'll be best if we work in pairs, that'll make it easier with two of you. So, everybody needs to pick a partner.
Connor: Do you have a... ?
Jude: No.
Connor: Do you want to be mine? How about I come over on Saturday? My mom doesn't like it when kids come over. She says it gives her migraines.
Jude: Yeah, ok. I mean, I have to ask, but...
Connor: Ok. Well, let me know.
Teacher: Ok, everybody, back in your seats.

Lexi's house

Lexi: What are you doing here? You're not mad at me?
Jesus: Of course not. Oh my God, why would I be mad at you?
Lexi: My parents took away my computer and my phone and I couldn't figure out a way to reach you, and I just thought...
Jesus: Are you ok?
Lexi: It's awful. My mom cries every time she looks at me.
Jesus: You're kidding?
Lexi: No. My dad hasn't talked to me since that night.
Jesus: Is this why you haven't been in school?

Anchor Beach

Lena: Was that the, um ? What were the Riveras doing here?
Principal: They're pulling Lexi out of school.
Lena: Oh my God. They shouldn't they are completely overreacting.
Principal: Are they? Because they're under the impression that you gave Lexi emergency contraception without their consent or knowledge. I tried to assure them that couldn't possibly be the case seeing as it's school policy that we do not administer so much as an aspirin without parental notice. But they seemed pretty certain.
Lena: Did they? Are they planning on going to the Board?
Principal: Not that they mentioned. But if they're angry enough to pull Lexi out of school...

Jesus: I hope you're happy.
Mariana: What?
Jesus: You've ruined her life 'cause you're so freakin' pathetic and jealous.
Mariana: What are you talking about?
Jesus: Lexi. They're sending her to a boarding school in Texas. All thanks to you. Way to take care of the people you love.

Brandon: Hey. I'm headed home, but, uh, you know, I could take the long way.
Callie: I'm waiting for Wyatt, so...
Brandon: Oh.Cool. All right, I'll see you at home then.
Callie: Yeah, see you at home.

Liam: I thought I told you to shut the hell up!
Callie: I didn't... What do you?
Liam: Your little boyfriend just sent me a threat online.
Callie: Well, I wonder where he got that idea.
Liam: What'd you tell him.
Callie: I didn't tell him anything. Leave me alone. Ow! Liam, let me go.
Liam: I'm not gonna warn you again. Stay away from me, and stay away from Sarah, and tell your freak of a boyfriend to keep his mouth shut or else...
Callie: Hey, stop it! Wyatt, let him go! Liam, enough!

Brandon: Hey! Get... Hey! Come on!
Callie: Hey! Get the hell out of here!
Wyat: Stay away from Callie! If I ever see you again...
Callie: Shut up! I told you to stay out of it, and now you've just made things worse.
Wyatt: I was just trying to...
Callie: Go home, Wyatt.
Wyatt: Fine. You want me to stay out of it, I'll stay out of it for good.

Brandon: So you wanna tell me what that was all about? I mean, who was that guy? And why was he fighting with Wyatt?
Callie: That was Liam.
Brandon: The foster brother you told me about? How old is he, though? I mean, he looks like he was 30.
Callie: He's 20. I guess he's 21 by now.
Brandon: I figured he'd be, you know, more our age. And how long ago was this? I mean, when you guys were together?
Callie: Like a year or two.
Brandon: So he was like 19 and you were... That's not cool, Callie. You know that, right? That what he did wasn't cool.
Callie: I guess. What's really not cool, though, is, uh, there's this girl, Sarah, she's younger than us, and she's living with his family, and, um, I'm pretty sure...

Foster's kitchen

Lena: I'm not sure you're listening to me here, Stef. My job could be in jeopardy.
Stef: Ok, I hear you. But what I don't understand is why. I gave Lexi the pill, not you.
Lena: Let's hope the Parent Board sees it that way.
Stef: They're going to the Board?
Lena: I wouldn't be surprised.
Stef: But you didn't do anything. I don't...
Lena: Yes, but you did. And everything that you do comes back on me. We're partners.
Stef: I was trying to protect you, and I was trying to protect Lexi. She needed help. She's been like a daughter to us, Lena.
Lena: Yes, but she's not our daughter, which is why we shouldn't have done it.
Stef: Ok, I am sorry that things have gotten so messy, I really am, but I don't think I did anything wrong. Lexi would have gone to her parents if she felt safe enough to do so, and she didn't. So it came down to us. You didn't want to do anything...
Lena: I couldn't do anything.
Stef: I'm sorry. You couldn't do anything, so I did. I did the right thing.

Stef: Hi, honey. What's up?
Jude: Hey. I can come back.
Lena: No, no, no. It's fine. It's fine. We're fine.
Ok. So, we have this assignment in school where we have to build a model of DNA or RNA.
Stef: Uh-huh.
Jude: Those are the things that make up genes.
Stef: Yeah, I know.
Jude: Oh. So, we have to work in pairs, and I was wondering if my friend Connor could come over tomorrow.
Lena: Oh. Is that it?
Stef: Yeah, sure. Absolutely.
Lena: Of course.
Stef: Hey, do you want a snack? It's gonna be a little while till dinner.
Jude: I don't really like to eat between meals.

Stef: Never met a kid who didn't like a snack.
Lena: I'm glad he's making friends.
Stef: Listen, I am happy to talk to the Riveras.
Lena: No, absolutely not. Karina made it more than clear that I am not to engage with them at all, and that means you, too.
Stef: This is ridiculous.
Lena: It might be ridiculous, but this is my career, Stef. It is my career. You know what? Never mind. Never mind. We gotta start dinner.

Ernesto's job

Jesus: Mr. Rivera.
Ernesto: I've got nothing to say to you.
Jesus: Then just listen to me.
Ernesto: You've got a lot of nerve showing your face after what you did.
Jesus: I know. I'm sorry. We made a mistake. I wish I could take it back.
Ernesto: Well, you can't.
Jesus: Come on. Haven't you ever made a mistake before?
Ernesto: Yes, trusting you with my daughter.

Stef and Lena's room

Stef: You know it's a bad idea to go to bed angry, right?
Lena: Yeah, well, I gotta sleep sometime, so guess I'm out of luck.
Stef: Good night.

Foster's house

Stef: Uh, hi.
Ernesto: Hi.
Sonia: Hi.
Stef: Lena, the Riveras are here! Come on in.
Lena: Hello.
Ernesto: Is, um is Lexi here?
Stef: No.
Sonia: Are you sure?
Stef: Yeah, the kids are all still sleeping. Why?
Sonia: Because when we woke up this morning, she was gone. She had packed a bag and she was gone.

Foster's living room

Stef: So you haven't seen her?
Jesus: No. I just woke up.
Lena: Are you sure?
Jesus: Yeah, I swear.
Stef: Ok.
Jesus: Maybe should I go and look for her?
Stef: No, no, no. You stay put. But if you think of anywhere she might be, you let us know.

Ernesto: He knows something.
Stef: I don't think so. He's never been a very good liar.
Mariana: What's going on?
Sonia: Have you seen Lexi?
Mariana: Not since the other day. Why?
Stef: She ran away.
Mariana: When?
Ernesto: Sometime last night. We're not exactly sure.
Mariana: Well, I'm sure she hates me now, so I doubt I'll hear from her, but I'll let you know if I do. It's not from her. I'm sorry.

Stef: You know what? We can track Lexi's cell phone.
Sonia: No. We took it away.
Stef: Ok. Um I think that we should file a police report. I really do.
Sonia: Let's look for her first. She's probably at a friend's house, or maybe she went to the school.
Stef: Ok. Then how about, Ernie, you and I go looking for her. We'll check the school and the beaches, any of her usual hangouts. Sonia, you and Lena can stay here and make phone calls to her classmates.
Lena: I have contact numbers for the whole school.
Stef: That way if she does come here looking for Jesus, one of you will be here to talk to her.
Sonia: Ok.
Ernesto: Ok.

Foster's kitchen

Brandon: Hey. How'd you sleep?
Callie: Not great.
Brandon: So, I was, uh, I was thinking, maybe you should call Bill.
Callie: Why am I gonna call my social worker?
Brandon: Well, you know, to tell him about Liam.
Callie: No. It won't do any good. I mean, it'll be my word against his, and he'll just deny it.
Brandon: But, I mean, it'll at least be like a red flag or something, right? Here's the thing.
Callie: Um, if I go in and tell Bill what happened, it won't just be about Liam, it'll to on my record, too. If I admit to having any kind of relationship with a foster brother, even a kiss, it goes in my file and I get put in the high-risk category. And if they decide that I am you know, sexually volatile, then they could put me in a group home. And once you become one of those kids, you never get fostered again.
Brandon: I mean, that's crazy, though.
Callie: It's the system.
Brandon: So what about Sarah?

Mariana and Callie's room

Mariana: What?
Jesus: Nothing. I was just...
Mariana: Look, if you came in here to give me another lecture about what a horrible person I am, don't bother. I got the message. Now, excuse me.

Stef's car

Stef: So she's not at the school. We'll check the beaches where the kids hang out, all right?
Ernesto: Sounds good. I don't know why I'm checking. She doesn't even have her phone.
Stef: Well, you never know, she might borrow one, or... We're gonna find her, Ernie. We're gonna find her. I promise, ok?
Ernesto: Thanks. She's just so stubborn.
Stef: Most teenagers are. It's their job, I think.
Ernesto: Oh. Not Lexi, my wife. She gets so angry and there's no talking to her.
Stef: She's not alone in that.
Ernesto: Sending Lexi away, really?
Stef: So, you don't...
Ernesto: Of course she needs to be protected, but...
Stef: So why are you?
Ernesto: Sonia wants to send Lexi to live with her aunt, in Honduras. But I had to remind her why left in the first place. There's so much violence. Sending Lexi back there to keep her safe well, that just doesn't make much sense. A boarding school was a compromise we could both live with.

Foster's living room

Sonia: Ok. Ok, thank you. Thank you. Good-bye.
Lena: I know you're angry with us. And I get it, I do. But I just I wanted you to know that we didn't condone Lexi and Jesus having sex. And we taught our kids about safe sex and about birth control, so I can't believe...
Sonia: And yet you say you didn't condone it?
Lena: Look, the reality is teenagers have sex. Dealing with that, it's well, it's different than giving them a big thumbs-up.
Sonia: But why put those thoughts in their heads, why, when they're 15?
Lena: Ok. Regardless of our differences, we should have never given Lexi that pill. And I'm sorry.

Lena: Oh. Hey come on in. Jude, Connor's here! So how's your Saturday?
Connor: Pretty good. We won our soccer game.
Lena: Very nice.
Jude: Hey.
Connor: Hey, Jude.
Lena: The Beatles!
Jude: It's a band that old people like.
Lena: Ok, ouch. Why don't you guys head up to your room and get started. Jude has everything you should need.
Jude: Come on.

Wyatt's former house

Mariana: Hello. It's Mariana. I brought the stuff.
Lexi: Hey.
Mariana: Hey.
Lexi: Thanks.
Mariana: Your parents were at my house this morning, looking for you.
Lexi: What did they say?
Mariana: Not much. They think Jesus knows something, but not me. You know, since we're not talking.
Lexi: I don't have to stay here too long, right?
Mariana: I don't know. It's up to you.
Lexi: I guess as long as I miss my flight tomorrow, well, maybe that will give my parents time to calm down.
Mariana: They seemed pretty scared.
Lexi: This place is gross.
Mariana: Sorry. It was the only place I could think of at the last minute.
Lexi: No, I... It's great. So what's been going on with you?
Mariana: Well, I saw Anna yesterday.
Lexi: I thought you were done with that.
Mariana: I just feel bad for her. Anyway, she asked me for money, again. And then she said the most screwed up thing to me. She said, "We're family and family takes care of family.”

Jesus and Jude's room

Connor: It's too bad they let Tomlinson go. They haven't been the same since. They were so close to the Super Bowl. Who's your favorite player?
Jude: Oh. Uh I like, you know, uh what's his name? Actually, it's not mine. It's Jesus'.
Connor: Oh, that's cool. Do you board?
Jude: That's Jesus' too. Pretty much everything in here is Jesus'.
Connor: Where's all your stuff?
Jude: I don't really have that much stuff. When you move around all the time, things get lost or stolen. So this is pretty much it.
Connor: Everybody has too much stuff anyway. I mean, like Zack? All he talks about is I got this new thing this weekend. It's stupid, right? He's such a jerk. Right? Hey, you don't ever talk bad about anybody, like ever. Even those guys who called you names and stuff, you never say anything mean about them.
Jude: What's the point? We should probably get started.

Wyatt's former house

Mariana: Oh my God! Hot! And give it to me. Model face. Oh, my God, this is so Vogue, you being all hot in this dump. Ooh! That's a good one.
Lexi: Let me see! Oh my God, that's terrible. You have to delete that.
Mariana: Actually, I should probably delete all of these. Just in case someone sees my phone or something. So... What was it like? You know, having sex, I mean.
Lexi: Well, you know how everybody says your first time isn't that great? Well, that's not exactly right. I mean, it's sort of great and sort of awful and kind of weird, I guess. I mean, Jesus was super gentle...
Mariana: Ok. Mnh-mnh. You can't say his name. You're grossing me out.
Lexi: Sorry. He was super gentle, and I don't know. It did make me feel really close to him.
Mariana: Are you guys, you know, gonna do it again?
Lexi: I don't think so. At least not now, anyway.
Mariana: I should probably get home. Are you gonna be ok here by yourself?
Lexi: Yeah. Thank you for all of this.
Mariana: Hey, we may not have the best accommodations, but you're always welcome at Hotel Mariana.

Foster's support group

Callie: Here goes nothing.
Sarah: I told you to stay away from me.
Callie: Look, I just need to talk to you, Sarah, just for a minute.
Sarah: Leave me alone.

Jesus and Jude's room

Jude: Can I show you something? It was my dad's. It doesn't open anymore, but I just like the fact that he carried it around.
Connor: Yeah. Hey, what happened to your dad?
Jude: He's in jail. Well, he was in jail, but then he had to leave the country and now he lives in, um, on an island.
Connor: Oh, ok.
Jude: He made a lot of money and some people got mad, so he had to leave. But he'll come back and get us. And he's gonna take us to his really nice house, and it's right on the beach, and there's a pool and these really awesome cars. And that's where all my stuff is at, at my dad's.
Connor: Why are you lying?
Jude: I'm not.
Connor: You don't have to lie.
Jude: I just... Sorry.
Connor: Hey, you wanna play Ridge Racer? You go first.
Jude: Whoa, this is cool.

Foster's kitchen

Stef: I know that this is not something you want to hear, but we need to file a police report and we need to file it now. Time is everything and we need as many people out there looking for her as possible. Is something going on?
Ernesto: Um, well, yes, I guess. Um, we didn't go to the police because, um... Because we're undocumented.
Lena: Wait, you're...
Sonia: Illegal. We are illegal immigrants.

Foster's house

Mariana: What's up?
Jesus: The Riveras are still here. What? Why? They're about to file a police report.
Mariana: Why? Lexi just ran away, right?
Jesus: I don't know. I think.
Mariana: I mean, she can't get in trouble with the police for that, can she?
Jesus: If they find her, that could be the least of her problems.

Wyatt's former house

Mariana: Lexi?
Lexi: Wait. Why did you bring him here?
Jesus: You gotta come back with us.
Lexi: No way. I'm not gonna go home just so my parents can send me to some boarding school.
Mariana: You have to.
Jesus: Because your parents are undocumented. And there's something else.
Mariana: You're undocumented too.

Foster's support group

Alex: So I guess that's good, right? It sounds like they want to adopt me.
Therapist: I think that's very good, Alex. And I'm very happy for you. So who would like to share next? Callie? Would you like to?
Callie: A little while ago, a year or two I was in a different foster home. And I liked my foster brother. I mean, really liked him. It started out like no big deal. He was nice and funny and... And he paid a lot attention to me, which that doesn't happen a whole lot. He even he used to hide candy bars in my bag, so that every day I'd got to school and open up my backpack and I'd think of him. And when we'd watch TV he would sit beside me and take my hand so that his parents wouldn't see. Or if we were alone in the house for a little while, he would tickle me or he told me I was special. I believed him.
Therapist: You are special, Callie.
Callie: I may be. Yeah. But not to him.
Therapist: Sarah? Where are you?
Callie: I'm sorry.
Therapist: Callie, stop!

Callie: Sarah, wait!
Liam told me you would do something like this.
Callie: He doesn't love you, Sarah. He's just using you.
You don't know that.
Callie: Yeah, I do. 'Cause I used to be you. Look, why don't you come with me, ok? And we can tell.
If you tell anyone anything, I'll deny it. Everyone will think it's just you. That you made it up. Or you're in love with him, or you're crazy. It'll go on your record. Don't waste your time. It's just gonna come back on you.

Brandon: At least you tried. You did everything you could. Now it's up to her. It's her choice.
Callie: No, it isn't.
Brandon: What?
Callie: It isn't her choice. At least it wasn't mine. Um... One night Liam he came into my room and he asked me to you know? And, um and I told him I wasn't ready. He he forced me um, he forced me to have sex with him.
Brandon: I'm sorry.
Callie: I always thought it was my fault. You know... But it wasn't. It wasn't my choice, and it wasn't my fault.

Foster's kitchen

Stef: Look, I know it's scary, but I promise you, the only thing the police are gonna be interested in is finding your daughter. They are not gonna ask questions about your status. Ok?
Erenesto: Yeah, ok.
Sonia: Ok. Oh, my God, Lexi. Where were you? Where have you been?
Lexi: It doesn't matter where I was. I only came back because you're not sending me to boarding school.
Sonia: I don't know what Mari and Jesus told you, but we are...
Lexi: They told me that I'm undocumented. And so are you. And if you send me anywhere, I'll call Immigration myself.

Lena: Oh, hey, sweetie. What do you, uh, what do you need?
Jude: Connor's mom is here to pick him up.
Lena: Oh, ok. Bye, Connor. We will see you again soon.
Stef: I'll walk you.
Jude: No, it's ok. I got it.
Stef: Ok. Bye.

Jude: Ok, I'll see you at school.
Connor: Uh, wait. Here, keep it.
Jude: I can't.
Connor: Yes, you can. I mean, it's cool. I want you to. Ok. See ya.

Mariana and Callie's room

Jesus: Hey. So what do you think her parents are gonna do?
Mariana: I don't know, but I don't think she's going away any time soon.
Jesus: I mean, wow.
Mariana: Right?
Jesus: I had no idea that she was...
Mariana: Yeah, me neither.
Jesus: Did you see the look on her mom's face? Man, that Lexi's she's a wild one.
Mariana: Well, you're the one who's, you know...
Jesus: You can't even say it. Say it. "Dating her"?
Mariana: No, I can't. So, you know what? Just take what you can get.
Jesus: Cool.

Foster's living room

Lena: Oh, God. I'm so tired.
Stef: I'm so exhausted.
Lena: Seeing people scared like the Riveras were today, it really puts your problems into perspective.
Stef: You don't think they're gonna go to the Parent Board, do you? I doubt it, but If I had known how messy things were gonna get...
Lena: I know. Me too.
Stef: Well, at least everyone's ok for now.
Lena: Hey, guys.
Stef: Hey, where you been?
Brandon: Oh, I, uh, I took Callie to group.
Stef: That was nice of you.
Lena: Did you share?
Callie: I did.
Brandon: I'll let you guys talk.
Callie: You can stay. Um, I have something I need to tell you. A little while ago, I was living with another family. Um, it was a pretty good situation, and they had a boy with...

Kikavu ?

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choup37, 15.04.2024 à 10:15

Il manque 3 votes pour valider la nouvelle bannière Kaamelott... Clic clic clic

chrismaz66, 15.04.2024 à 11:46

Oui cliquez;-) et venez jouer à l'animation Kaamelott qui démarre là maintenant et ce jusqu'à la fin du mois ! Bonne chance à tous ^^

Supersympa, 16.04.2024 à 14:31

Bonjour à tous ! Nouveau survivor sur le quartier Person of Interest ayant pour thème l'équipe de Washington (saison 5) de la Machine.

choup37, Hier à 08:49

5 participants prennent part actuellement à la chasse aux gobelins sur doctor who, y aura-t-il un sixième?

chrismaz66, Hier à 11:04

Choup tu as 3 joueurs de plus que moi!! Kaamelott est en animation, 3 jeux, venez tenter le coup, c'est gratis! Bonne journée ^^

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