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#111 : La lune de miel

Le lendemain du mariage, Stef et Lena sont sur leur petit nuage jusqu'à ce qu'elles apprennent que Callie s'est enfuie de la maison et qu'elles ne parviennent pas à la retrouver. Wyatt tente d'en savoir plus sur sa compagne de route mais celle-ci se fait discrète.

De son côté, Brandon tente de savoir ce que pense Jude et n'apprécie ce qu'il lui dit. Enfin, Jesus et Mariana doivent se préparer au départ de Lexi pour l'Honduras.



4.6 - 5 votes

Titre VO
The Honeymoon

Titre VF
La lune de miel

Première diffusion


111 - Promo

111 - Promo


111 - Promo VOSTFR

111 - Promo VOSTFR


111 - Sneak Peek n°2

111 - Sneak Peek n°2


111 - Sneak Peek n°3

111 - Sneak Peek n°3


111 - Sneak Peek n°4

111 - Sneak Peek n°4


111 - Scènes entre Callie et Wyatt n°1

111 - Scènes entre Callie et Wyatt n°1


111 - Scènes entre Callie et Wyatt n°2

111 - Scènes entre Callie et Wyatt n°2


111 - Scène Brandon parle à propos de Callie

111 - Scène Brandon parle à propos de Callie


111 - Scène Lena et Stef n°1

111 - Scène Lena et Stef n°1


111 - Scène Lena et Stef n°1

111 - Scène Lena et Stef n°1


Photos promo

Callie prend la fuite

Callie prend la fuite

Lexi et Mariana travaillent

Lexi et Mariana travaillent

Jesus interrompt le travail de Lexi et Mariana

Jesus interrompt le travail de Lexi et Mariana

Lexi et Mariana travaillent

Lexi et Mariana travaillent

Callie cherche du travail

Callie cherche du travail

Callie cherche du travail

Callie cherche du travail

Callie prend la fuite

Callie prend la fuite

Callie prend la fuite

Callie prend la fuite

Brandon et Jude se disputent

Brandon et Jude se disputent

Brandon console Jude

Brandon console Jude

Jude et Brandon

Jude et Brandon



Brandon console Jude

Brandon console Jude

Jude, Mariana, Jesus et Brandon

Jude, Mariana, Jesus et Brandon




Logo de la chaîne Freeform

Etats-Unis (inédit)
Lundi 13.01.2014 à 21:00
1.92m / 0.7% (18-49)

Plus de détails

Scénario : Bradley Bredeweg et Peter Paige
Réalisation : James Hayman

Captures | Photos tournage

Info : Season premiere de la saison 1B.

  • Chez les Fosters

Dans la chambre de Stef et Lena, les deux femmes se réveillent dans les bras l'une de l'autre le lendemain du mariage, plus heureuses que jamais. Elles se réjouissent de porter enfin le même nom et décident de rester au lit et de profiter de leur lune de miel.

Dans la cuisine, Sharon fait le petit-déjeuner pour tout le monde et a passé la nuit à ranger et à nettoyer la maison. Elle est contente que Stef et Lena aient eu un beau mariage puisque le sien avec Frank s'est passé à Las Vegas dans un endroit miteux. Brandon s'inquiète d'où est Callie et Jude lui lance un regard lourd de sens, disant qu'elle est à son cours de guitare. Stef et Lena arrivent dans la cuisine et sont ravies de l'aide de Sharon mais elles doivent décharger et recharger la voiture et demandent de l'aide à tout le monde. Une fois tout le monde à la voiture, Sharon en profite pour glisser deux mots sur l'adoption de Callie et Jude à Stef, disant qu'il est peut-être trop tôt mais Stef lui assure que non.

  • Station essence

Wyatt et Callie font une pause et alors que Callie veut remonter dans la voiture, Wyatt exige de savoir pourquoi elle s'est échappée, sans quoi il la laisse sur place. Elle monte et sur la route elle lui dit finalement que les choses ne fonctionnaient pas et qu'elle a fait un bêtise mais Wyatt ne comprend toujours pas.

  • Chez les Foster

Brandon et Jude sont en train de faire du rangement et Brandon veut s'assurer que Jude va bien mais celui-ci est en colère contre lui. Il lui dit alors qu'il ne peut pas sortir avec Callie et que finalement, il n'est pas mieux que Liam. Brandon s'énerve à son tour, disant qu'il n'est en rien comme lui puisqu'il aime vraiment Callie et Jude s'en va.


  • Chez les Foster

Dans la chambre de Stef et Lena, Sharon est avec un monsieur qui vient d'installer le nouveau lit dans leur chambre. Jude arrive alors et lui dit qu'elles vont la tuer mais Sharon lui montre que le lit peut monter et descendre, ils s'amusent alors avec le lit.

Dans la chambre de Mariana et Callie, Mariana et Lexi sont en train de travailler sur leur projet d'anglais. Jesus vient le déranger pour passer un peu de temps avec Lexi avant qu'elle ne parte en Honduras mais Lexi choisit de rester avec Mariana puisque celle-ci a l'air énervée. Elle lui avoue alors qu'à chaque fois qu'elle est chez eux, elle finit par aller avec Jesus et qu'elle ne s'intéresse plus à elle. Lexi s'excuse alors mais lui dit que le jour où elle tombera amoureuse, elle comprendra et Mariana le prend mal.

  • Quelque part en Californie

Wyatt et Callie sont arrêtés au niveau d'un site où des extraterrestres seraient venus sur Terre et Wyatt affirme qu'kil croit dur comme fer aux extraterrestres, aux fantômes et aux voyages dans le temps. Il veut savoir alors où Callie aimerait aller si elle pouvait voyager et elle lui répond qu'elle aimerait se retrouver 5 ans plus tard. Wyatt s'inquiète de ce que Jude peut faire sans Callie mais celle-ci lui répond qu'il se porte mieux sans elle.

  • Chez les Foster

Jude va dans le salon pour jouer à la playstation mais remarque alors dans un coin la guitare de Callie. Il court alors dans la chambre de Mariana et Callie où les filles sont toujours en train de préparer leur exposé et il fouille dans les placards. Jesus et Brandon arrivent aussi et se demandent ce qu'il se passe, Jesus annonce alors que Callie s'est enfuit puisqu'elle a pris toutes ses affaires.

Dans la cuisine, Stef et Lena tentent de savoir ce qui a bien pu se passer et ont peur que leur décision de les adopter ait fait peur à Callie. Elles décident alors d'appeler son agent de probation pour prévénir sa disparition. De son côté, Lena s'assure que Jude va bien, il a peur que Callie retourne en détention.

  • Dans un motel

Les deux jeunes se sont arrêtés pour la nuit dans une chambre d'hôtel. Callie va faire sa douche et Wyatt voit alors son portable sonner mais ne répond pas. Il écoute ensuite le message vocal et il s'agit de Lena qui lui demande de les contacter s'il sait où est Callie. Il supprime alors le message.

  • Chez les Foster

Dans sa chambre, Stef est au téléphone avec l'agent de probation lorsque Sharon arrive. Stef ne veut pas qu'elle lui dise que ça finirait par arriver mais Sharon lui dit au contraire que quoiqu'il arrive avec Callie, elle espère qu'elle et Lena adopteront Jude. Stef remarque ensuite qu'elles ont un nouveau lit et se plaint puisqu'elles aimaient leur ancien lit mais Sharon lui fait la démonstration en disant que c'est son cadeau de mariage. Elle s'en va ensuite puisqu'elle a un avion à prendre.

  • Dans un motel

Wyatt et Callie mangent et Wyatt veut savoir si elle compte contacter Stef et Lena pour les rassurer mais elle ne veut pas. Il lui demande alors ce qu'elle compte faire une fois en Arizona et elle lui dit qu'elle voudrait trouver un travail, avoir un appart et finir ses études. Wyatt ne comprend pas pourquoi elle n'essaie pas de contacter son père Callie lui apprend qu'il est en prison et qu'il a arrêté de lui écrire depuis longtemps.

La nuit tombe et ils se couchent alors dans le même lit. Pendant la nuit, Callie bouge et se blottit contre lui mais il ne peut pas dormir, préoccupé par cette situation. Le matin, il se réveille et veut partir tout de suite, ce que Callie ne comprend pas. Il va alors mettre de l'essence dans la voiture mais Stef et Lena lui tombent dessus, il les a appelées la nuit dernière. Callie les voit par la fenêtre et avant qu'elles n'arrivent avec Wyatt dans la chambre, elle s'est enfuie de nouveau.

Wyatt explique alors à Stef et Lena qu'il pensait que c'était mieux si Callie venait avec lui plutôt que de se retrouver seule dans la rue mais Stef est en colère que Callie leur ait échappé une nouvelle fois, elle et Lena ne comprennent pas pourquoi Callie s'enfuit. Elles appellent alors la police pour annoncer sa disparition.

  • Chez les Foster

Le matin, Mike s'occupe des enfants puisque Stef et Lena sont parties chercher Callie. Il découvre que personne ne veut la même chose pour déjeuner, il tente alors de mettre tout le monde d'accord. De son côté, Brandon parle avec Mariana pour savoir si Callie s'est remise avec Wyatt mais celle-ci lui répond qu'elle ne pense pas. Mike découvre alors qu'ils vont être en retard et leur donne les clés de Lena pour qu'ils aillent à l'école en voiture mais la voiture ne veut pas démarrer, Mike décide alors d'emmener tout le monde.

  • Dans la rue

Callie s'arrête et descend du camion qui l'a prise en stop et se retrouve dans une rue. Elle croise d'autres fugueur et aperçoit un restaurant.

  • Lycée Anchor Beach

Au lycée, Timothy vient voir Mariana pour lui annoncer qu'elle va devoir trouver quelqu'un d'autre pour le projet d'anglais mais elle ne comprend puisqu'elle est déjà avec Lexi. Il lui annonce alors que Lexi part en Honduras et ne reviendra pas.

  • Restaurant

Callie veut postuler pour un job de serveuse mais elle se heurte au patron qui lui demande une adresse, un numéro de portable et une carte d'identité. Elle lui dit qu'elle n'a rien de tout ça et lui dit alors qu'il a une fille de son âge et que si c'était elle, il aimerait qu'on lui dire de rentrer chez elle, Callie s'en va.

  • Dans la voiture

Stef et Lena tournent en rond pour trouver Callie et Lena veut entendre les reproches de Stef puisque lorsque Wyatt les a appelées, elle voulait appeler la police mais Lena l'en a dissuadée et que maintenant, elles ont reperdu Callie. Stef s'agace disant qu'elle avait raison, qu'elles auraient dû appeler la police et s'arrête en plein milieu de la route pour laisser les verres sur le bord de la route puisque leur bruit l'énerve. Lena lui demande si elle se sent mieux mais elle lui répond que non.

  • Chez les Foster

En rentrant des cours, Jesus découvre un message sur la porte et se dirige dans le jardin où un repas est préparé. Lexi lui annonce que Mariana leur a préparé ça et elle dit que c'est son cadeau de départ. Jesus ne comprend pas puisqu'elle ne part que deux semaines et Mariana s'éclipse. Lexi annonce alors à Jesus qu'elle ne reviendra pas, que son père a perdu son travail et que ses parents en ont marre d'avoir peur. Jesus est triste mais lui dit qu'il l'attendra le temps qu'il faut parce qu'il l'aime.

Le soir, tout le monde dîne et Mike reçoit un appel de Stef qui lui annonce que Callie s'est de nouveau enfuie et lui demande s'il peut s'occuper encore pendant une nuit des enfants. Il raccroche et leur annonce la nouvelle, Jude part de table.

  • Dans la voiture

Stef et Lena s'expliquent sur leur dispute : Stef sait qu'elle est impulsive mais elle pense que pour une fois, aucune des deux n'avait raison puisqu'à l'évidence, elles se sont trompées toutes les deux sur Callie.

  • Chez les Foster

Brandon vient voir Jude dans sa chambre et lui explique qu'il vient de réaliser que si Callie était partie, c'était à cause de lui parce qu'il l'avait embrassée. Mais Jude lui annonce que c'est à cause de lui puisqu'il s'est disputé avec Callie, qu'il l'a traitée d'égoïste et qu'elle gâchait tout pour lui et pleure. Brandon leur rassure en disant qu'il n'y est pour rien.

  • Dans la rue

Callie prend un bus au hasard et après plusieurs heures de route, elle doit descendre au terminus et se retrouve au milieu de nulle part. Elle aperçoit des prostituées dont une qui vient lui parler pour savoir si elle a besoin d'aide mais Callie lui demande son portable. Elle appelle alors la prison de Lompoc où est détenu son père et demande les heures de visite mais l'homme au téléphone lui annonce que Donald Jacod est sorti de prison il y a un an.

Elle rentre alors dans une boutique et commence à prendre et à manger ce qu'elle voit. Le vendeur lui dit qu'elle doit payer mais elle lui dit qu'elle n'a pas d'argent. Il lui ordonne de reposer tout ce qu'elle a pris sinon il appelera la police et le regarde alors avec un air de défi et croque dans une barre chocolatée. Le vendeur appelle la police pour dénoncer un vol.

Fin de l'épisode.

Ecrit par Emeline53.

Stef and Lena's room

Lena: Good morning, Mrs. Adams Foster.
Stef: Good morning, Mrs. Adams Foster. No hyphen, right? We agreed, yes?
Lena: No hyphen. But how much do I love that we all have the same last names now.
Stef: I love it, I love it, I love it. Is that bacon?
Lena: Your mom must be making breakfast.
Stef: Oh, I love her in this moment right now... I love her very much.
Lena: Does that mean we have to join them?
Stef: No. It's our honeymoon, it's our honeymoon. Do we have to? Please say no.
Lena: The only thing you have to do...
Stef: Yeah?
Lena: Is kiss me.
Stef: Morning breath, that's not going to happen.
Lena: I don't care. Come here, woman.
Stef: I love it when you call me "woman."

Foster's kitchen

Sharon: Well, I thought that that was just the most beautiful wedding that I'd ever seen. You know, Stef's dad and I got married in Las Vegas, in one of those awful theme chapels. Good morning, darling. Sit down and eat.
Brandon: Wow, you've been busy, Grandma.
Sharon: Well, you know, they don't tell you when you do a DIY wedding that you're gonna have to un-DIY it yourself. I mean, look at all this stuff.
Brandon: Where's Callie?
Jude: She has guitar lessons Sunday morning.
Stef: Wow, Ma! Did you even sleep?
Sharon: Sleep is so over-rated. I wanted to make sure we got everything done before I fly out tonight. You know, I don't want to leave you with any of this.
Stef: Thank you.
Lena: That is so sweet, Sharon, thank you.
Sharon: I'm loading up the glasses and the dishes now, I already got the tables in the SUV.
Stef: You loaded the tables?
Sharon: Well, Jesus helped me.
Stef: You did?
Lena: Good boy.
Stef: That's great because the tables...
Jesus: That's all I'm doing. It's Lexi's last day before she leaves, and I'm spending it with her.
Mariana: Um, no. Lexi's coming over and we're working on our English project. And we're totally behind because every time she comes over here, she ends up hanging out with you.
Jesus: But that's not due for like a month.
Mariana: Yeah, and Lexi's going to be gone for awhile. We're not saving it until the last minute, we're supposed work on it all semester.
Lena: Where's she going?
Mariana: To Honduras to see family.
Stef: Wait, how's that going to work? Her dad has a way, I guess.
Sharon: When is she supposed to be back?
Jesus: Um, two weeks.
Sharon: The way you said it I thought she was moving away forever.
Mariana: God, no. I think I'd die.
Stef: Hey, Ma. Thank you so much for everything you've done. I can't believe you loaded the tables in the SUV because unfortunately...
Mike: Hey! Why are all the tables in your SUV? I thought I was supposed to pick them up to return them?
Sharon: I'm sorry, my fault.
Stef: It's fine, but the glasses and the dishes...
Lena: And the chairs.
Stef: And the chairs they have to go back after the glasses.
Lena: We could do the glasses first but it makes more sense geographically if we start with the chairs and work our way around the loop ending with the glasses.
Mike: A word of advice to the newly married, we say yes. It's so much easier.
Stef: You never do, so shut up.
Lena: All right, well we got tables to unload and reload.
Stef: That means everybody. Let's go, let's go!
Mariana: I just got dressed.

Sharon: Guys, I'm so sorry.
Stef: Mom, it's fine.
Sharon: I was just trying to help.
Stef: Yes, and you were a very big help and we appreciate it.
Sharon: Listen, I didn't want to say anything yesterday 'cause the wedding and all, but Adoption? Really? I mean, I think Jude and Callie are great kids, I really do, but they've only been here a little while, you don't really know what they have been through and you've got three other kids you need to take care of. Have you thought this through?
Stef: Yes, Mom. Yep.

Gas station

Callie: Wyatt
Wyatt: I'm not letting you in until you tell me what's going on.
Callie: Come on, Wyatt.
Wyatt: No. I don't think I want to be harboring a known fugitive unless I know why.
Callie: Fine. Can I please get in?
Wyatt: I'm not moving.
Callie: Things just weren't working out, ok? I was probably gonna get sent to another foster home and I just I can't do it anymore. I want... I need to be in charge of my own life for once, you know?
Wyatt: What do you mean, things weren't working out? You seemed pretty happy.
Callie: Yeah? Yeah. Sure, I was. It's just...
Wyatt: Did you do something? Or something?
Callie: Well, it's nothing illegal, no.
Wyatt: No, no, I mean like, like something bad.
Callie: Maybe.

The Foster's house

Brandon: So, I didn't get to talk to Callie last night, and I know that yesterday was kind of weird, what happened and everything, and I just, you know, wanted to make sure you're cool.
Jude: No, you don't. You just wanna know if I'm gonna tell.
Brandon: What? No, that's...
Jude: So, what? You think you're gonna be with my sister now? You can't be together. They won't adopt us.
Brandon: Well, we'll figure something out, you know. We'll talk about it when she gets back from her guitar lesson.
Jude: You're no better than Liam.
Brandon: Hey! I'm not Liam. I'm nothing like Liam. I love Callie.


Stef and Lena's room

Man: This is the button for massage...
Sharon: Yeah, yeah, yeah. I I know how it works. Here's a little something. You'll share that with your friend. Yeah. Ok, great. Thank you. You two can see yourselves out, can't you?
Jude: They're gonna kill you.
Sharon: They are not. Shh! Come here and check this out. They're going to love it and I know they are, because I love this bed so much I love this bed like like Sleeping Beauty loves her Prince. As a matter of fact, if Sleeping Beauty had had this bed, I don't think she would've even wanted that prince to wake her up. Back home in Tampa I have this boyfriend, and, well, he's kind of a nimrod, but I'm not gonna break up with him, you know why? Because I love his bed. Here, check it out. You can raise the feet up or you can raise the head up if you wanna read. Yeah, there you go. You're doing it. All right. Ok, whoa! Hey cowboy! Ahh! Give me that. Whoops. Jack your own side up there, buddy. That's better. Yeah.
Jude: Wouldn't it be better to get rid of the nimrod and buy yourself a bed?
Sharon: You don't pull any punches, do you? You're just like my daughter. Ok, here we go. There he goes.
Jude: Look, I'm a taco.
Sharon: Look, I'm a corpse.

Mariana and Callie's room

Jesus: Can I have some time with my girlfriend now?
Mariana: No, we have to get this done, Jesus. Leave us alone.
Jesus: Can't you take a break?
Mariana: What part of no don't you understand?
Jesus: Lexi, come on.
Lexi: Um, I can use a few minutes.
Mariana: Ok, fine. We'll finish this later.
Lexi: Wait, Mariana's right. We should probably keep working, but I'll come find you later?
Mariana: Go on, it's fine.
Lexi: Girl, it's obviously not fine. What's up?
Mariana: Look, I'm totally cool with you dating Jesus, really, it's just every time you come over here, you always end up hanging out with him and, I don't know.
Lexi: And I don't pay any attention to you. I'm sorry.
Mariana: It's ok.
Lexi: You'll understand once you fall in love. It's just what happens.
Mariana: Ok. So, I don't understand because I've never really had a boyfriend before? You know what? I could use a break. I'm going to get a soda. Do you want one?

Somewhere in California

Callie: So, you actually believe that all that's real? That hole in the ground is where an alien spaceship went in?
Wyatt: No, totally fake.
Callie: Ok, but you think aliens are real.
Wyatt: One hundred percent.
Callie: No, I don't get it. You just admitted that all this is fake.
Wyatt: That's how you know it is real. The government is going through such lengths to make everything seem fake. To throw us off. Can we have two, please?
Callie: Right. I see, so... So, the fakeness itself is what makes it real?
Wyatt: Totally.
Callie: You're weird.
Wyatt: It's the best way to be.
Callie: Do you believe in ghosts? And time travel?
Wyatt: Yeah, 100 percent.
Callie: Ok, then why haven't the people in the future made themselves known here today?
Wyatt: Because it's dangerous they would mess with the future. Haven't you seen a movie, like, ever? All right, when you're a time traveler you have to stay invisible, you have to disappear so that you don't wreak havoc on history. You'd be a really good time traveler.
Callie: No, I wouldn't. I wreak havoc wherever I go.
Wyatt: Well, if you could travel anywhere in time, where would you go?
Callie: Five years in the future.
Wyatt: Five years? That's it?
Callie: Yeah. I'd be 21, living on my own. Jude would be almost 18. We wouldn't have to worry about foster families and CPS and stuff.
Wyatt: What about Jude?
Callie: He's better off without me.

Mariana and Callie's room

Mariana: Jude, what are you doing? We're trying to work here.
Jesus: Everything ok?
Brandon: Hey, what's going on?
Jude: She ran away.

Stef: So no one knows anything? Ok, that's great. When was the last time anyone saw her? Mariana?
Mariana: When we went to bed last night.
Stef: Ok.
Mariana: When I woke up this morning she was gone, but I figured she'd already left for her guitar lesson.
Stef: I don't believe this. We just told her we wanted to adopt her, is that what this is about? Did we freak her out?
Lena: I don't know, maybe.
Stef: We're going to have to call her probation officer.
Lena: What if she comes back? Maybe she just needed a day to herself.
Stef: With every single item she owns? Lena, come on.
Lena: Won't calling her PO just make things worse?
Stef: She makes things worse for herself, Lena. And you know as well as I do that we have to follow procedure so that they don't...
Lena: Yes, I know, you're right. Go ahead.

Lena: Hey, you ok?
Jude: Is Callie going to go back to juvie?
Lena: I don't know, honey. I don't know, but I promise you that everything's gonna be ok.


Callie: I need to get in the bathroom.
Wyatt: I know.
Callie: Have a shower.

Lena: Uh, Wyatt, it's Lena here. Have you seen Callie? Have you heard from her? Uh, I don't know why I'm waiting for you to answer, this is your voicemail. Ok, um if you know anything, anything at all, please call me. Thank you.

Stef and Lena's room

Stef: Of course, we will. Yes. Ok, thanks. Mom, I really don't need an "I told you so" talk right now.
Sharon: Hey, I did not come in here with a "My God"...
Stef: That's good.
Sharon: I just wanted to say, you know, no matter what happens with Callie, I certainly hope that, well, I hope you keep Jude. He's he's a really, really special kid.
Stef: Yeah he's amazing and so is his sister. I just don't understand. I don't understand... I don't understand, Mom.
Sharon: Shh... My love Teenagers are just, they're just as confusing as all get out, you know. Boy, raising you was like reading hieroglyphics blindfolded.
Stef: What?
Sharon: That's it. I told your dad, "I'm shipping her off to Nana."
Stef: You have a flight to catch, Mom.
Sharon: I can stay if you want, you know.
Stef: It's fine, Mom. It's fine. We'll be fine. We have plenty of help. What happened to our bed, Mom?
Sharon: Happy wedding!
Stef: We loved our old bed, Mom.
Sharon: Wait a minute wait a minute! This one goes up and down.


Wyatt: So... Are you gonna call them? Stef and Lena, I mean. Don't you think you should...
Callie: No, I can't just ruin things for Jude. Besides, I just finally did probation.
Wyatt: So, what's your plan? You coming all the way to Indy with me?
Callie: Maybe. Would that be so bad?
Wyatt: I'm not sure how my grandparents are going to feel about me just bringing someone to live with us.
Callie: Right. Yeah. Sure No, I just thought I could come with you to Indiana, and I could find a job, get my GED, find a place to live I mean, how hard can it be? People way dumber than us do it every day.
Wyatt: I know your mom's not around anymore, but what about your dad? Could you maybe stay with him?
Callie: In prison? Besides, even if he wasn't in prison, he doesn't want us.
Wyatt: How do you know that?
Callie: I used to write to him. He stopped writing a long time ago.
Wyatt: I just don't understand why you're so sure he just abandoned you. It's like you automatically assume that everybody gives up on you. Maybe he's maybe he's looking for you.

Callie: What are you doing?
Wyatt: I'm going to make a bed on the floor.
Callie: You can sleep in the bed with me, fool.
Wyatt: You sure?
Callie: Yeah.

Callie: Morning. Oh, where are you going?
Wyatt: We should get on the road soon.
Callie: What's the hurry?
Wyatt: It's nothing, just... We've got a lot of miles to cover today.
Callie: What happened to breakfast?
Wyatt: Grab something on the road, ok?
Callie: Yeah, ok.
Wyatt: I'm going to go gas up the car. Will you meet me down there as soon as you can?

Stef: Hey, are you going somewhere? Where is Callie?
Wyatt: Can I have a second to explain to her what I did?
Lena: You did the right thing by calling us back.
Wyatt: Callie? Callie? Callie?
Stef: Callie! Callie!

Wyatt: I didn't know about it until she showed up at my house. She was definitely going somewhere, and I figured she was better off with me than on the streets alone.
Stef: Like she is now?
Lena: Why? Why would she leave to begin with?
Wyatt: She said things weren't working out. How she's probably getting sent to another foster home.
Lena: What? What could she possibly mean by that? We just told her we wanted to adopt her.
Stef: Stay here. Gentlemen, please...

Foster's kitchen

Mike: Hey, bud I know you're worried. I get it, but they found her, right? So you're going to school and when you get home, she'll be here. Eat up.
Mariana: Ooh I'm not eating eggs anymore.
Mike: Why not?
Mariana: Chickens are treated really badly. Like, awful. Like a thousand of them crammed in a shoebox or something.
Mike: Well, I think these are cage-free.
Jesus: More for me.
Jude: Would it be ok if I had cereal?
Mike: Yeah, sure. Uh, cereal cereal... Ok. B, you should eat something.
Brandon: Uh Dad, no ham.
Mike: Why not?
Brandon: I mean, it's fine for me, but Mariana won't eat it because of the pigs, and Jude doesn't like it.
Mike: Jesus, you like ham?
Jesus: Ham's good. I'm going to need two sandwiches, otherwise I'm starving to death.
Mike: Then I can make turkey for you, too? The birds? Ok... How about peanut butter? Anybody abusing the peanuts?
Mariana: I mean, it's kinda fattening. But that's cool.
Mike: Good. Ok, peanut butter for you.

Brandon: So, do you think she's back together with Wyatt? I mean, do you think they're a couple again? Did she say anything to you?
Mariana: No, I don't think so. I'm pretty sure they broke up a month ago.
Brandon: And she didn't say anything to you? I just, I don't get how she could just... Take off.
I know. I was kind of starting to feel like I had a sister.

Mike: Wait what time does school start?
Brandon: Uh, 7:55.
Mike: What? Aren't you guys supposed to walk? Brandon, help me with these. Put them in there. Good, good, good, good, good. We got this. Ok, so that's ham, two of Wait, you know what? Why don't you take Lena's car. Anybody know where the keys are? Keys Keys, where are the keys? Keys! Keys Keys! Ok. Good. All right, so, we've got... Let me see. Yep. Two hams for you. A ham for you. Turkey for you. And a slightly fattening but still ok peanut butter for you. Wait, wait, wait. Ok. All right, good. All right, now go! B You can't be late, your moms are gonna kill me.
Brandon: Mom's car won't start.
Mike: Ok, uh Everyone in my car. Let's go. Let's go, let's go.


Callie: Thanks.
Boy: Hey, you got any change?
Callie: Do you?

Anchor Beach

Timothy: Mariana. You got a sec? So, you're gonna need a new partner for your Gatsby project. I was thinking you could ask Abby since she doesn't have a partner...
Mariana: But I'm doing it with Lexi.
Timothy: Um, I don't think Lexi's not coming back to school. They're moving. She didn't tell you?


Man: You forgot to put down your phone number.
Callie: Yeah, I kinda don't have one right now.
Man: Well, how am I supposed to get in touch with you?
Callie: Why, I just figured I could stop back in.
Man: And Lismore Street? Where's that?
Callie: It's the other side of town.
Man: Oh. Ok. I'll just need to see an ID. You didn't fill any of this out.
Callie: I don't have an ID.
Man: You can't get a job without an ID, and I've lived here my entire life, I've never heard of Lismore Street.
Callie: Yeah. So, you can't get a place to live without a job, you can't get a job without a place to live.
Man: Uh, sweetheart I have a daughter and if she were out on the streets on her own I'd want someone to tell her to go home.
Callie: Thanks.

Stef's car

Lena: Just say it.
Stef: Say what?
Lena: What you're thinking.
Stef: How do you know what I'm thinking?
Lena: 'Cause I know you.
Stef: Well, if you know me, I shouldn't have to say it. So just drop it.
Lena: But you want to. You want to say, "I told you so," "I was right. " "I should've called the police as soon as Wyatt called us, but I let you talk me out of it, and if we had done what I wanted to do, then Callie would be safe right now."
Stef: Yes, that's exactly what I want to say, because it's true. I know that you think I am impulsive sometimes, Lena. I know you think I rush into things without thinking about...
Lena: Like Ana's house.
Stef: Yes, like Ana's house. Yeah, but sometimes, sometimes I am right.
Lena: Obviously, sometimes you are right.
Stef: Obviously.
Lena: Are we just gonna keep driving around in circles? Shouldn't we stop, maybe get a map, make a plan.
Stef: There's not a mark on a map that says "Callie is here," ok? So, this is the plan. All right? This is the plan. We drive, we look for her. This is the plan. This is all I've got. You know what else I was right about? Should've returned the damn glass first before the place closed!
Lena: What, you're just going to leave them there? We have to pay for those!
Stef: Yes, we're just going to leave them there.
Lena: Feel better?
Stef: No.

The Foster's house

Jesus: What's going on?
Lexi: Mariana did this for us.
Mariana: My going away present. To both of you.
Jesus: She's only going away for a couple weeks.
Lexi: We're not coming back.
Jesus: What what? Hold on. Hold on. What do you mean?
Lexi: They told me this morning. I was gonna call you guys, but I was afraid I wouldn't be able to get on the plane if I saw you.
Jesus: Why are they doing this?
Lexi: Well, my dad's job figured out he wasn't here legally and they fired him. And I guess that was the final straw, you know? I think they're just tired of being afraid all the time.
Jesus: Oh, my God. This sucks.
Lexi: I can't believe this is happening. I'm gonna miss you so much. And I'm gonna figure out a way to come back. Like, maybe for college or something. I can get a student visa. But I don't want you to wait for me or anything, ok?
Jesus: Lexi...
Lexi: No, no. I'm serious. Don't say anything you don't mean, ok?
Jesus: Well, I mean this: I love you. If I have to wait a while till I'm gonna be with you again Well, then that's what I'm gonna do. I'm gonna wait for you.

Foster's kitchen

Mike: Hey. Of course. Don't worry about it. Stef, it's fine. All right. Yeah. Bye.
Brandon: What's going on, Dad? Is she still with Wyatt? Did they find her?
Mike: She took off again.

Stef's car

Stef: You know who I am, Lena, and I know that it's frustrating as hell for you sometimes.
Lena: Same here. We're so different it's baffling to me sometimes. But I think that's why we work? We balance each other out. Usually, at least one of us is right.
Stef: Well, the sad thing is this time I think we were both wrong. I think we were both wrong about Callie.

The Foster's house

Brandon: Ever since we found out she was gone, I've been racking my brain trying to figure out why the hell would Callie leave. And for a minute there, I thought she was with Wyatt and she must still be into him. Then she took off on her own. And I realized that, no, she didn't run away with Wyatt. She ran away from me. I kissed her and she ran away. I completely screwed this up. I'm really, really sorry.
Jude: She didn't leave because of you. She left because of me. I told her that she was selfish and that she ruined everything for me. So she left.
Brandon: Hey. It's not your fault, Jude. Ok? It's not your fault.


Bus driver: End of the line, little darling. You've got to go.

Girl: Looking for the shelter? Good. Stay out of there unless you want real trouble. You want a place to stay? You don't talk much, huh?
Callie: Sorry. I'm just...
Girl: Don't worry. It's crazy out here. I get you. Hell, I used to be you. Well, if you need a place to crash, me and some of the girls, we got a place. You can hang with us.
Callie: Thanks, I'm cool. Hey, um Sorry. Do you have a phone I could use?
Girl: Calling home?

Man: Lompoc.
Callie: Yes, um I need to speak to an inmate there. Jacob. Donald Jacob.
Man: That's not how it works. Prisoners have to call you collect.
Callie: Yeah I can't really get calls right now.
Man: That's not my problem.
Callie: No. No, I know it's not. Could you at least tell me when visiting hours are? I'm gonna come see him. My dad. Come see my dad.
Man: What's his name again?
Callie: Donald Jacob.
Man: Hold on. Look, there's no point in coming here for visiting hours. Donald Jacob was released over a year ago.
Callie: Ok. Thanks.

Girl: Everything ok?
Callie: Yeah.
Girl: Well, if you need anything You know where to find me.

Food's store

Man: Hey, you gotta pay for that.
Callie: I don't have any money.
Man: Then put it back. I said, put it back. Hey! I don't know what your problem is, but if you take one bite of that candy bar, I'm gonna call the cops. Do you understand me? One bite... Yeah, this is the Liquor Palace. I want to report a robbery.

Kikavu ?

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choup37, 18.04.2024 à 08:49

5 participants prennent part actuellement à la chasse aux gobelins sur doctor who, y aura-t-il un sixième?

chrismaz66, 18.04.2024 à 11:04

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choup37, 19.04.2024 à 19:45

Maintenant j'en ai plus que deux, je joue aussi sur kaa

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