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#117 : Mauvais élèves

Callie trouve un moyen d'utiliser ses talents de photographe pour une bonne cause mais met une personne à laquelle elle tient dans une position inconfortable. Afin de se donner bonne conscience, Brandon décide de faire confiance à la mauvaise personne et les choses s'empirent condidérablement.

Mariana doit faire face aux conséquences par rapport à Chase tandis que des tensions apparaissent entre Emma et Jesus lors d'un combat de lutte. Pendant ce temps, Stef et Lena envisagent un grand changement dans leur famille.


4 - 5 votes

Titre VO
Kids in the Hall

Titre VF
Mauvais élèves

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117 - Scène Lena et Stef n°1

117 - Scène Lena et Stef n°1


117 - Scène Lena et Stef n°2

117 - Scène Lena et Stef n°2


117 - Scène Lena et Stef n°3

117 - Scène Lena et Stef n°3


Photos promo



Lena et Mariana

Lena et Mariana

Callie et Brandon

Callie et Brandon

Callie et Mariana

Callie et Mariana

Chase et ses copains

Chase et ses copains

Chase et ses copains

Chase et ses copains

Stef et Lena choisissent un doneur

Stef et Lena choisissent un doneur

Stef et Lena

Stef et Lena


Logo de la chaîne Freeform

Etats-Unis (inédit)
Lundi 24.02.2014 à 21:00
1.48m / 0.6% (18-49)

Plus de détails

Scénario : Megan Lynn et Wade Solomon
Réalisation : Michael Grossman

  • Lycée Anchor Beach

Lena et les enfants arrivent au lycée tandis que Mariana se plaint d'être en retard. Alors que tout le monde se dirige vers le lycée, Callie prend à part pour lui demander si elle peut aller chez Daphne avec Kiara après les cours. Lena lui confie qu'elle et Stef ne sont pas très confortables avec l'idée qu'elles soient seules dans un appartement sans surveillance et lui dit qu'elle peut les inviter à la maison.

Dans le couloir, Mariana croise Zac qui lui adresse à peine la parole et elle ne comprend pas. Elle observe d'un mauvais oeil Jesus qui chahute avec Emma et lui rappelle qu'il a une copine et il fait de l'ironie. Elle s'éloigne et voit alors Chase avec ses copains se moquer d'elle à propos de l'autre soir.

Dans son bureau, Lena reçoit la visite du Katrina qui souhaite lui parler de Callie : elle pense qu'elle devrait plus s'investir dans l'école parce qu'elle doit remplir un dossier pour son agent de probation. Lena tente de lui faire comprendre que Callie a du mal malgré les encouragements et Katrina lui fait comprendre que c'est essentiel puis se montre critique du fait que Callie sort de détention, que Jude a à peine passé le test d'entrée et que les jumeaux ont tous les deux été suspendus cette année. L'alarme incendie retentit et alors qu'elle sort de son bureau, Lena croise Brandon qui observe Vico profiter de l'alarme pour s'introduire dans le bureau de Lena.


  • Lycée Anchor Beach

Brandon s'empresse d'aller voir Vico pour voir si cela a fonctionné mais il lui dit qu'il a eu un problème et a peur lorsqu'il voit Stef arriver en tenue de policier ne sachant pas que c'est la mère de Brandon. Il s'en va et alors qu'ils discutent, Brandon annonce à Stef que Mike a une copine, Dani. Elle tente alors d'en savoir plus mais il ne veut rien dire.

Alors qu'elle déjeune avec Lena dans son bureau, Stef ne peut s'empêcher de se demander qui est cette Dani tandis que Lena veut se concentrer pour choisir le donneur pour leur bébé. Stef comprend alors qu'elle cherche quelqu'un d'afro-américain pour qu'il lui ressemble et finit par l'accepter.

A l'heure de déjeuner, Callie croise Brandon et lui propose de manger ensemble mais il pense que c'est trop tôt et il s'éloigne. Elle tombe ensuite sur Mariana qui ne comprend pas pourquoi toutes ses copines ont préféré Kelsey à elle et lui parle de Zac qui l'ignore. Callie lui fait alors comprendre qu'à la soirée du théâtre, il pensait que c'était un rendez-vous et qu'elle a délibérément draguer Chase sous son nez. Mariana lui avoue alors pour l'histoire de la culotte et Callie se moque d'elle.

Brandon rejoint Vico et celui-ci lui annonce qu'il va devoir se procurer le code puisqu'il y a une alarme dans le bureau et lui avoue qu'il a du cran de faire ça alors que ses mères sont vice-principale et policière. Brandon lui répond que ce n'est que pour une fois et Vico lui propose d'aller tester sa nouvelle fausse carte dans un bar le soir-même.

Mariana va voir Zac pour s'excuser puisqu'elle ne savait pas qu'il pensait qu'ils étaient plus qu'amis mais Zac lui dit qu'il ne pense pas et que puisque la pièce est terminée, elle n'a pas à faire semblant d'être amie avec lui et s'en va. Des garçons de terminales passent devant Mariana et elle remarque alors qu'ils ont mis une culotte dans leur poche de pantalon. Elle va alors voir Chase qui lui assure qu'il n'a rien raconter à personne mais elle ne le croit et le traite de piètre acteur et s'en va.

  • Chez les Foster

Daphne et Kiara arrivent chez Callie et sont impressionnées par la maison. Elles discutent du programme d'indépendance et Daphne avoue que c'est plus dur qu'elle ne le pensait puisque personne ne veut engager une fille qui sort de détention mais qu'elle a besoin d'un travail pour récupérer sa fille Tasha. Kiara quant à elle annonce qu'elle a trouvé une famille d'accueil et que c'est grâce à Callie et une photo d'elle qu'elle avait faite. Stef arrive alors et de suite Daphne se montre plus distante et souhaite partir. Callie les raccompagne devant la maison.

  • Dans un bar

Vico et Brandon arrivent dans le bar et entrent sans problème. Brandon n'est pas à l'aise et ne sachant pas quoi commander, il prend un cosmo qui est généralement servi aux filles. Vico le supplie d'avoir l'air moins coupable car c'est lui qui va finir par les faire arrêter.

  • Chez les Foster

Dans la cuisine, Lena parle de la discussion qu'elle a eu avec Katrina et dit ne pas apprécier le ton de reproche qu'elle a utilisé. Stef de son côté d'inquiète de voir Callie ne pas faire d'amie au lycée mais aussi de beaucoup traîner avec Daphne et Kiara, elle a peur de l'influence qu'elles pourraient avoir sur Callie.

Cette dernière arrive et parle de Kiara qui a trouvé une famille d'accueil grâce à sa photo et partage son envie de faire une séance photo pour d'autres qui nécéssitent une famille. Stef et Lena pensent que c'est une excellente idée et Callie pense qu'elle pourrait faire ça au lycée et demander à Daphne et Kiara de l'aider.

  • Dans un bar

Vico tente alors d'en savoir plus et veut savoir pourquoi il a tant besoin d'argent et Brandin finit par confier qu'il doit rembourser son père et qu'à la base l'argent était pour Callie. Vico veut alors trouver une fille à Brandon pour qu'il se change les idées mais en approchant d'une table, Brandon reconnaît Dani qui est train de boire des shooters et s'en va.

  • Appartement de Mike

Mike rentre de son service de nuit et s'en veut de ne pas être là pour prendre le petit-dej avec Brandon. Celui-ci le questionne sur la sobriété de Dani et Mike lui assure qu'elle est solide et qu'elle est sobre depuis 5 ans. Il veut ensuite reparler des leçons de piano que Brandon veut arrêter mais ce dernier l'assure que ce n'est pas définitif, juste qu'il veut faire une pause.

  • Lycée Anchor Beach

A l'entraînement de lutte, c'est l'heure de la pesée et Jesus a réussis à perdre du poids et passe dans la catégorie inférieur, il pourra donc quitter le banc. Mais il s'avère qu'Emma elle a pris du poids et se retrouve dans la même catégorie que Jesus : ils devront alors faire un combat pour voir qui ira sur le tapis et qui restera sur le banc de touche.

Dans les couloirs, Timothy essaie de soudoyer Lena pour qu'elle le laisse prendre les costumes de théâtre car il en a besoin pour la pièce qu'il organise dans une maison de retraite. Elle est impressionnée par sa gentillesse et sa dévotion et ne comprent pas pourquoi elle ne l'a pas su avant mais il dit juste que cela fait longtemps.

Toujours dans le couloir, Callie d'aller vers des filles qui parlent de réseaux sociaux mais les filles la rembarrent en disant qu'elles sont amies avec Talya. Elle va alors voir Mariana qui pense que tout le monde parle d'elle mais Callie lui dit de ne pas y faire attention. Mariana pense qu'elle a raison mais alors qu'elle ouvre son casier, un tas de boxers en tombent et alors qu'elle tente de les mettre à la poubelle, Lena arrive et la voit.

  • Chez les Foster

Stef et Lena veulent avoir une conversation avec Mariana mais cette dernière ne veut pas parce qu'elle trouve ça trop humiliant. Ses mères lui font comprendre que ce n'est pas la bonne façon de faire comprendre à un garçon qu'on l'aime bien et finissent par comprendre que l'idée était de Talya qui l'a utilisée sur Brandon. Mariana les rassure en disant que c'était un malentendu et qu'elle ne voulait pas coucher avec lui.

Après Stef annonce à Lena qu'elle a invité Mike et Dani à dîner afin de mieux la connaître mais Lena n'était pas au courant et elle a invité Timothy. Aucune ne veut annuler et elles décident donc de faire le dîner tous ensemble.

  • Lycée Anchor Beach

Callie accroche des affiches pour son shooting photo dans le couloir et Brandon arrive. Elle lui explique son projet et il semble impressionné, il lui dit qu'elle est vraiment une bonne personne.

Lors de l'entraînement de lutte, le combat qui oppose Jesus et Emma a lieu et Emma gagne mais pas à la loyale : elle pense que Jesus l'a laissée gagner parce que c'est une fille. Il lui dit que non mais Emma en est persuadée et ne veut pas être traitée comme une fille lorsqu'elle est sur le terrain. Elle finit par l'embrasser et Jesus, surpris, répond à son baiser avant qu'elle ne s'en aille.

Le soir, Kiara arrive pour la séance photo et est impressionnée par le lycée. Callie et elle parlent de leur inquiétude concernant Daphne, elles ont peur qu'elle retourne dans les histoires de gans si elle n'arrive pas à avoir sa fille.

  • Chez les Foster

Timothy arrive en apportant une bouteille de vin, suivi de Mike et Dani qui fait enfin la connaissance de Stef et Lena. Chacun s'asseoit à table mais Stef et Lena avaient prévu des places différentes pour chacun et finalement chacun choisit sa place.

  • Lycée Anchor Beach

Kiara et Jude se prêtent au jeu des modèles sous l'objectif de Callie qui trouve ça drôle. Michelle arrive ensuite puisqu'elle a emmené Cole qui présente sa nouvelle colocataire de chambre, Callie est heureuse de le revoir. Daphne arrive ensuite et les filles remarquent qu'elle a refait ses tresses.

La séance photo se passe bien et tout le monde passe sous l'objectif. Daphne veut aller aux toilettes et Callie lui donne les clés au cas où ce serait fermé.

  • Chez les Foster

Le dîner bat son plein et Lena vente les mérite de Timothy face à une Stef qui veut tout savoir sur Dani. Une fois dans la cuisine, Stef veut savoir ce qu'il se passe et Lena lui confie alors qu'elle a pensé que leur donneur pourrait ne pas être anonyme et être Timothy. Stef est stupéfaite mais ne repouse pas l'idée bien qu'elle ait peur d'introduire un nouveau parent dans leur vie déjà bien compliquée.

A table, Dani et Brandon se retrouvent seuls et Dani tient à s'expliquer sur l'autre soir : ce n'était qu'un dérapage mais il n'était même pas sensé être présent. Brandon veut savoir si elle va le dénoncer à son père mais elle lui assure que non puisqu'il a déjà eu pas mal d'ennuis ces derniers temps.

  • Lycée Anchor Beach

Timothy vient voir Lena dans son bureau et la remercie pour le dîner. Lena s'excuse de son comportement mais Timothy plaisante sur le fait qu'il adore entendre des compliments puis lui dit plus sérieusement que si elle et Stef veulent l'utiliser comme donneur, il est d'accord.

Mariana lit le journal du lycée et découvre la critique de la pièce qui compare Chase à un porte-manteau, elle comprend que c'est Zac qui a fait ça et le remercie. Elle lui dit qu'ils sont bel et bien amis sinon il n'aurait pas fait ça et il accepte de lui pardonner.

Callie se retrouve avec Lena dans le bureau de la principale Sanchez : des tablettes ont été volées la nuit dernière et même si Lena sait qu'elle n'est pas responsable, elles veulent savoir si elle a donné les clés à quelqu'un. Callie ment et dit que non.

  • Sur la plage

Callie a fait venir Daphne et l'accuse d'avoir volé les tablette ce que Daphne réfute. Callie lui explique qu'elle est la seule à qui elle a donné les clés mais Daphne s'énerve de penser que Callie la pense coupable et lui dit que Brandon était aussi sur les lieux, ce que Callie refure de croire.

  • Lycée Anchor Beach

Callie vient voir Brandon pour dissiper un doute et celui-ci assure qu'il n'était pas présent au lycée. Calle ne pose pas de questions et le croit de suite, lui expliquant que des tablettes ont été volées et que c'est probablement Daphne qui a fait ça.

Jesus vient voir Emma et s'excuse de ne pas l'avoir prise au sérieux la veille pendant le combat, il sait qu'elle s'est battue pour être dans l'équipe. Elle accepte ses excuses et Jesus l'embrasse. Emma le prévient qu'elle ne pas qu'il trompe Lexi et il lui annonce alors qu'il compte la quitter.

Dehors, Brandon rejoint Vico et comprend que c'est lui qui a volé les tablettes et lui dit de les remettre à leur place avant que quelqu'un ne prenne la responsabilité à leur place. Vico lui donne l'argent et Brandon s'en va.

  • Chez les Foster

Dans la cuisine, Stef et Lena sont en train de s'occuper des factures et Callie arrive : elle leur avoue s'être rappelée qu'elle a donné les clés à Daphne pendant la séance photos et tente de leur dire que l'indépendance est plus compliquée que ce que Daphne pensait.

Dans sa chambre, elle regarde les photos avec Jude et ils parlent de leurs impressions. Mais sur certains clichés, Callie voir quelque chose en arrière-plan et après avoir agrandi et éclairci, elle se rend compte que c'est la voiture de Brandon qui lui a menti et qui était bel et bien présent la veille.

Fin de l'épisode.

Ecrit par Emeline53.

Anchor Beach

Mariana: Ugh! I hate being late to school.
Jesus: Then stop hogging the bathroom.
Mariana: Callie took longer than me.
Callie: Yeah, that happened. And in other news, the laws of space and time no longer apply in the bathroom. I don't care who's to blame.
Lena: From now on, the car leaves at 7:30. Whoever's not in it can walk to school.
Jude: I'm always ready.
Lena: I know, honey, that's why you're my favorite.
Kids: Hey!
Lena: Go!

Callie: Um, so was wondering would I be able to go to Daphne's after school? Michelle at Girls United is taking Kiara and said she could pick me up and bring me home.
Lena: I don't think we're that comfortable having you go to someone's apartment unsupervised. What if they come to our house?
Callie: Ok. I can see if they can come to me then.

Mariana: Hi.
Zac: Hey.

Emma: Just one more day until weigh-in, Foster. Do you have what it takes? Can you resist pastry perfection?
Jesus: You're gonna have to try a different trick. Or some better food. I mean, scones, really?
Emma: Yeah, really. And it's a family recipe, have some respect.
Jesus: Eat away. Ice runs through these veins.
Emma: Ok, Ice Man. Hmm? Hmm?
Jesus: What are you… Really? Really!
Emma: Yep, yep.

Mariana: You have a girlfriend, you know?
Jesus: Thank you, Captain Obvious. Emma's just a friend.
Mariana: That better be all she is.

Lena: Thank you, again, so much for letting Callie come back to Anchor Beach. I know the last thing you need is more paperwork.
Principal Sanchez: Well, actually, I wanted to talk to you about that. I need to fill out a progress report for Callie's P.O.
Lena: She has been here every single day.
Principal Sanchez: He's looking for more than just attendance, and to be honest, I am, too. She needs to participate. A club, sports, student government, anything. Callie needs to show that she wants to be a part of this community.
Lena: I understand that, and we have spoken to her about getting more involved in school. But not every kid is a joiner.
Principal Sanchez: And not every kid is a runaway, either. Look, I know you and Stef have your hands full with five teenagers.
Lena: We are managing.
Principal Sanchez: Mariana and Jesus have both been suspended this year, and Jude barely passed his proficiency test. Brandon is the only one...
Lena: That what, isn't a normal teenager? Everyone's kids make mistakes, Karina. Are mine supposed to be held to a higher standard because I work here?
Principal Sanchez: Lena, that's not what I'm saying.
Lena: What are you saying?
Principal Sanchez: I want Callie to succeed here. I really do. And the more roots that she puts down, the harder they are to pull up, and the easier my paperwork gets. Oh. I forgot about the fire drill.

Lena: I know the school's not really on fire, but the drill doesn't work unless we pretend.
Brandon: Of course, Vice Principal. Going.


Anchor Beach

Brandon: Hey. Did you get in? Did it work?
Vico: We got a problem.
Brandon: Oh, hell.
Vico: We got two problems. A cop. Be cool.
Stef: Hey, B, how are you?
Brandon: Hey, Mom. What are you doing here?
Stef: I'm having lunch with Mama. Hi.
Brandon: Uh this is Vico.
Stef: How are you?
Vico: Nice to meet you.
Stef: Nice to meet you.
Vico: Uh class.

Stef: New friend?
Brandon: Nah, not really.
Stef: How are you? I miss you.
Brandon: I'm good.
Stef: Come to have dinner with us tomorrow at the house?
Brandon: I can't, actually. I have a "getting to know you" thing with Dad and his girlfriend, so...
Stef: Your dad has a girlfriend? That's nice. How long has that been going on?
Brandon: I don't know.
Stef: It must be serious if he's asking you to meet her, right?
Brandon: Well, we met before. We just haven't...
Stef: Oh, I see. She's been by the apartment. Is she spending the night there?
Brandon: Mom, I don't...
Stef: No, no, B, listen. You're living with your dad, and I just want to make sure that it's a healthy environment.
Brandon: I'm not gonna get in the middle of this.
Stef: Ok.
Brandon: So if you wanna know about dad's girlfriend, ask him.
Stef: Will do. How old is she?
Brandon: Ok. Mom.
Stef: What, is she 30? At least? Come on. Love you.
Brandon: I love you.

Lena's office

Stef: You know, it just it's hard enough with Brandon not living under our roof. His father has got girls going in and out, and coming and going.
Lena: One girl. One girl.
Stef: Remember the pet psychic?
Lena: Oh, God. She was young.
Stef: Yeah, she said that our cat used to be Cleopatra in a former life. Remember that?
Lena: I forgot about that. Mmm, here's one. "African-American, six foot, Masters in poetry. Loves dogs."
Stef: You know, if she's gonna be spending the night at the apartment, exactly what kind of an example is that setting for Brandon? We should definitely meet her. African-American?
Lena: Well…
Stef: Yeah, no, I just... You know, if we're can't have the baby together, just that maybe I thought we could find a donor that has more of my characteristics.
Lena: You mean white?
Stef: And smart and loyal and charming and sweet and loving and caring.
Lena: See, the thing is that I'm half white so if we go with a donor who's also white, then the baby might not end up looking like me at all.
Stef: No, no, no, I get it. I get it. I get it. It's just it's going to be our baby. And that's fine. That's all that matters. It doesn't have to look like me so African-American it is. Totally. Let's do this.

Callie: Hey, friend.
Brandon: Hey, pal.
Callie: So do we should we eat lunch together?
Brandon: I don't know. That kind of seems like advanced-level friendship.
Callie: Well, it was a good effort.
Brandon: Yeah, baby steps. Boom.

Mariana: I can't believe Kelsey got the friends in our break-up. It's 'cause they're scared of her, right?
Callie: Yeah.
Mariana: I don't blame them. She's scary. Meanwhile, Zac's acting like I set his lighting plans on fire or something, which is lame. He's the one who left me at the cast party.
Callie: Yeah, he left because he thought you two were on a date.
Mariana: No, we're just you came with us.
Callie: Yeah, he wasn't too happy about that.
Mariana: Oh, no.
Callie: What?
Mariana: Zac was there, when Chase went upstairs, after I... After I put my underwear in Chase's pocket.
Callie: Wait! You did what?
Mariana: I don't wanna talk about it. Look, and the whole time, I was on a date, with Zac.
Callie: Yeah. A pretty bad one.

Brandon: Hey. What happened? Did you get caught?
Vico: No, there was an alarm. It wasn't on today, but it will be after hours.
Brandon: So we're screwed?
Vico: Unless you can get the code.
Brandon: Sure. I'll ask my mom.
Vico: She's gotta have it written down somewhere, right? It's worth it, dude. The machine works like a charm.
Brandon: Ok. I'll see what I can do.
Vico: You got balls, Foster. With a cop and a vice principal for a mom.
Brandon: It's only a one-time thing. Once I get the money I need, I'm out.
Vico: Totally. But first things first. We're putting that bad boy to the test. We're hitting the bars tonight.

Mariana: Zac.
Zac: I have a newspaper meeting, like now, so I'm sorry.
Mariana: For the misunderstanding at the cast party. I didn't know that you thought we were together together.
Zac: I didn't think that.
Mariana: You didn't?
Zac: No. We worked on the play together, we went to the party as friends.
Mariana: Oh. Good. Ok. So we're ok?
Zac: No. You don't ditch a friend to go hook-up with some no-talent toolbox.
Mariana: Ok, I did not hook up with Chase.
Zac: Whatever, Mariana, don't worry about it. The play's over. We don't need to be friends.

Mariana: You told people?
Chase: What are you talking about?
Mariana: The pant the panties.
Chase: What? No.
Mariana: Is this because I didn't hook up with you?
Chase: Look, it wasn't me. You must have told someone. Or somebody saw you. You weren't exactly stealth about it.
Mariana: No, you're lying. You know how I know you're lying? Because you're a terrible actor.

Foster's house

Callie: Hey! Come in. Hi. Dang! Look at you.
Kiara: She cleans up good, doesn't she?
Daphne: My P.O. makes me wear this for interviews. Feel like I'm in a Halloween costume.
Callie: So how'd it go?
Daphne: We'll see.
Callie: Well, thanks for coming to me. I can only be here or at school, so It's kind of like I never left Girls United.
Daphne: Ain't nothing about this place like Girls United.
Kiara: You ran away from here?
Callie: Um, you guys want some food? I can, like, make us sandwiches or something.

Daphne: Just glad I'm not eating ramen.
Callie: So how is independent living?
Daphne: It's a challenge. They don't pay enough to cover my bills. No one's trying to hire a kid out of juvie, no matter how many recommendation letters Rita or Michelle write.
Kiara: And they won't give you Tasha back without a job?
Daphne: I get a supervised visit with her next week. Yeah. I want to buy her this tricycle, like the one I had when I was kid. So she won't forget me while I'm trying to get her back. That's why I need a job. So what's up with you?
Callie: Um, you know.
Kiara: No, we don't know.
Callie: It's all good. I'm supposed to be making friends and joining clubs, I guess. I don't really have anything in common with the kids I go to school with, so...
You didn't have much in common with us, either, but we're all friends.
Kiara: And Brandon?
Callie: Not an issue. He moved in with his dad.
Kiara: Not an issue? He's everywhere you look, and you're in school with him.
Callie: Yeah, no, Brandon and me, we're good.
Daphne: Well, Kiara has some good news.
Kiara: Mmm, mmm, mmm...I got me a foster family.
Callie: What?
Kiara: Yeah. All because of you. That picture you took of me in photography class, they used it on the website.
Callie: Um, it's just a picture.
Kiara: No, your pictures are different. They're more real. Your picture brought out all of my inner beauty.
Daphne: The pictures CPS takes of us makes us all look like dogs at the pound.
Stef: Well, hello, ladies.
Kiara: Hi, Mrs. Foster.
Stef: Hi. Go ahead and call me Stef, all right? Glad that you guys could come and visit. That's wonderful. You want anything else?
Daphne: No, thanks.
Stef: Well, if you change your mind, just help yourself, right?
Daphne: Michelle's gonna pick us up at any moment. So we should probably wait for her. Thanks.
Callie: Yeah, I'm gonna walk you out so I can say hi to Michelle.
Kiara: Thanks, Mrs... Stef.
Stef: You're welcome. Bye.

In a pub

Vico: What'd I tell you, man? These things are golden.
Brandon: Fine, we got past the doors, but what if someone else figures us out? We could get arrested.
Vico: No one is getting arrested. I'll have a Rusty Nail.
Brandon: Yeah, I'll have a Cosmopolitan?
Waiter: Well or shelf?
Brandon: What do you recommend?
Waiter: Top shelf.
Vico: You know what is gonna get us busted? You standing there looking all uptight and guilty. Hell, I'm about to arrest you. Our IDs kick ass. Enjoy this moment.
Brandon: Yeah, you're right.
Vico: Good. So why did you need the money so fast?
Brandon: Long story.
Vico: Bars were invented for long stories. Nice. It's like drinking with my little sister.
Brandon: 12$?
Vico: Top shelf, bro.

Foster's kitchen

Lena: So I meant to tell you about the conversation I had with Karina today about how we have our hands full with all these kids.
Stef: Yeah, well, we do.
Lena: Her tone was more critical than concerned. They have been getting into some trouble.
Stef: What else did she have to say?
Lena: She has to do Callie's progress reports for her P.O. and she really thinks that Callie should be getting more engaged in school.
Stef: Ok, should we be concerned she's spending so much time with Daphne and Kiara?
Lena: Why, 'cause they're juvenile delinquents?
Stef: Well, because she's not making friends at Anchor Beach. But now that you mention it.
Lena: They're good girls.
Stef: Yeah, at heart, but they do have a history of drugs and gangs. The rate of recidivism with girls like them...
Lena: Callie is a girl like them.

Stef: Hey.
Callie: Need some help?
Stef: I think we're good, thanks.
Callie: Um, I took a picture of Kiara while I was at Girls United and I guess it helped her find a foster family.
Lena: That's wonderful.
Callie: Yeah, so I was thinking maybe I could do that for other kids that need foster homes. Take pictures, I mean. So I can talk to my P.O., and see if it would count towards my community service hours. And maybe I could use the photo lab at school?
Lena: Great. I think that can be arranged.
Stef: Yeah, maybe you can ask some of your classmates for some help. Or make some new friends.
Callie: I was actually gonna have Daphne and Kiara help me out, just for their hours, too.
Lena: Ok, that makes sense. But Principal Sanchez would really like to see you getting more involved in school.
Stef: Yeah, and we would, too.
Callie: I will try.

Lena: Well, she wants to do it at school. That's a step in the right direction, right?
Stef: Yeah.

In the pub

Vico: All right, let me guess. Huge gambling debt. And if you don't get the money ASAP, a bookie's gonna come break your legs. Or you're a male prostitute on the run from your pimp.
Brandon: You caught me. No, I owe it to my dad, actually. He was giving it to me for my piano lessons, and I quit going.
Vico: So you just pocketed it?
Brandon: Well, I was saving it for Callie.
Vico: So you're willing to break bad for the girl. You must be in love.
Brandon: You know what? Forget I told you.
Vico: So what, she took the money and ran off with Wyatt?
Brandon: No. I used it for something else. And now I have to pay my dad back before he finds out. He's just been going through a lot of stuff lately. And I just don't want to stress him out anymore.
Vico: You're a good man, Charlie Brown.
Brandon: You're an ass.
Vico: Is that any way to talk to your wingman?
Brandon: What are you doing?
Vico: I'm getting you laid, bro. Best thing for a broken heart.
Brandon: I gotta go.
Vico: Don't be a wuss.
Brandon: No, I gotta go.

Mike's flat

Mike: I missed breakfast?
Brandon: You had to work.
Mike: All right, when I go back to my regular schedule, it's me, you and pancakes every morning, just like Mom's. Or you know, cereal. But together. Uh, so you know that dinner with Dani tonight? It's been moved yeah, to Mom's house. Apparently, someone told her I had a girlfriend.
Brandon: Oh. Right, I'm sorry. So, um how long has Dani been sober?
Mike: Five years. Why?
Brandon: Are you I mean, do you worry about dating another alcoholic? I mean, like, if she were to start drinking again, would that maybe make you wanna...
Mike: Brandon, I appreciate the concern. But she's a rock, ok? Look, I know I've given you reason to worry in the past, but my sobriety is not tied into anyone else's. Ok?
Brandon: Ok.
Mike: I'm in a good place.
Brandon: All right.
Mike: Oh, I called your piano teacher.
Brandon: When?
Mike: Last week. And when he calls me back, I'm gonna tell him to save you a spot.
Brandon: The spot's long gone. He has a waiting list.
Mike: So I sweet-talked him once, who's to say I can't do it again?
Brandon: I just don't want to take from him, ok? I'm still playing piano, so... He was kind of a pompous ass anyway. So just don't call him again.
Mike: Are you sure?
Brandon: Yeah.
Mike: Ok.

At wrestling practice

Vico: How is it possible you got scrawnier, Foster?
Jesus: You get dumber every day, so...
Emma: Torched!
Coach: Jesus, you're up. Oh, down a class. Looks like someone's getting himself off the bench.
Emma: Never doubted it for a moment.
Jesus: Thanks for your support.
Coach: Emma, you're up. Whoa, would you look at that? I take it back, Foster. Emma gained. Now you're in the same class. Looks like we're gonna have a wrestle-off this afternoon.
Vico: Torched!
Coach: Vico, step up to the plate.

Anchor Beach

Timothy: I was just on my way to see you with a gift. Actually, more of a bribe, truth be told.
Lena: Ok, what exactly are you hoping to get in exchange for this delectable baked good?
Timothy: I was wondering if it's possible that I take some of the props from the drama club this weekend to the nursing home with me.
Lena: The nursing home? Are you moving in?
Timothy: No. I direct the residents in productions of Shakespeare. This weekend's our performance.
Lena: Well, of course. Take whatever you need. How did I not know this, that you're doing Shakespeare in a nursing home?
Timothy: I don't know. I've been doing it a long time, so I never thought to mention it, I guess.
Lena: That's amazing, Timothy. I'm very impressed.
Timothy: Well, you needn't be, but thank you. And the Sunshine Valley Home for the Aged production of Coriolanus thanks you as well.

Girl: She didn't "like" my pic, so I was all, "Wish yourself a happy birthday."
Girl 2: Ugh, just unfollow her already.
Girl: I know, but then it's weird 'cause it's like when does she notice, and when she does, does she think it's an accident?
Girl: Hi.
Girl 2: Hey.
Callie: Hey. I'm Callie.
Girl: We know. We're friends with Talya.

Callie: This place is so high school.
Mariana: I know. I feel like everybody's talking about me.
Callie: Who cares? Everyone thinks that I stole Brandon from Talya.
Mariana: Well, you kind of did steal Brandon from Talya.
Callie: Right, and you kind of did put your underwear in Chase's pocket.
Mariana: Anyway, I know it's embarrassing, but in the scheme of things to worry about, what these people think of you, it's not one of them.
Callie: You're right.
Lena: What's going on here?

Foster's kitchen

Lena: Mariana, would you please open your eyes?
Mariana: No. Because if I do, then I have to acknowledge that this is actually happening.
Lena: Look, honey, we just want to talk to you about the right ways to let a boy know that you like him.
Mariana: Oh, my God, please don't do this.
Stef: Sorry, but this is important, Mariana. All right? We don't want anyone to get the wrong impression. You don't that's what it was, the wrong impression?
Mariana: Yes, nothing happened.
Stef: Ok.
Lena: Mariana, where did you even get such a crazy idea?
Mariana: Talya. She used it on... Never mind.
Stef: Yes, please, stop there.
Mariana: Look, I just no one would believe that a boy like Chase would like me. I just I wanted to prove them wrong.
Stef: Mariana.
Lena: Honey, trust me one day soon, much too soon for us, the right boy is gonna want to be with you.
Mariana: Yeah, that's what everybody old says.
Stef: Yes, and you should listen to them because they are wise, and by the way, not that old. Beat it.

Stef: Whatever happened to do you like me, circle yes or no? By the way, I invited Brandon and Mike over for dinner tonight.
Lena: What? You did?
Stef: Yeah, and Mike's new girlfriend. I told you this yesterday.
Lena: No, honey, just because you think something, doesn't mean you ever said it out loud.
Stef: Ok, then I'm telling you now. I've invited Brandon and Mike and Mike's new girlfriend over for dinner. You said that we should met her.
Lena: I agree. I think that's great, but I invited Timothy over for dinner.
Stef: Timothy? Well, then you can reschedule.
Lena: Come on. Why should I reschedule?
Stef: Because we know that Timothy is not going to turn out to be a 20-year-old hussy who might someday be our son's stepmother.
Lena: It's too late. It'd be rude.
Stef: Well, fine. Then we're having a dinner party. Whoo! Let's break out the hummus.

Anchor Beach

Brandon: Graffiti is a crime, you know?
Callie: Ha-ha. No, it's, um...
Brandon: This is you taking the photos? That's pretty awesome.
Callie: Yeah, um Michelle is bringing some of kids from Girls United. She's put the word out to other homes, as well, so hopefully, it'll be a good turnout. I wanna help them. And I have to for community service, so...
Brandon: They're just letting you use the school?
Callie: Yeah. Lena's gonna come and get me and lock up after.
Brandon: Cool. You're a really good person.

At wrestling practice

Boys: Two men enter, one man leaves! Two men enter, one man leaves! Two men enter, one man leaves! Whoo!
Coach: Shake hands.
Jesus: Guess you shouldn't have eaten all those scones.
Coach: Congrats, Emma.
Vico: Hey, Foster, the bench isn't gonna warm itself.
Jesus: Nice move. You deserve it.

Jesus: Hey! Hey! Why are you mad? You won.
Emma: It's how I won. You saw me as a girl.
Jesus: You think I let you win because you're a girl?
Emma: No, I think I won because it got weird.
Jesus: It wasn't just me.
Emma: I have busted my ass, worked a hundred times harder than any of you guys to be on this team.
Jesus: I know you have.
Emma: On that mat, I'm not a girl.
Jesus: Fine, you're not a girl.
Emma: God, you make me mad.

At Anchor Beach

Kiara: Damn, y'all. This school is fancy.
Callie: Right? Yeah, it's way nicer than the ones Jude and I grew up going to. Hey, how's Daphne doing?
Kiara: It's rough. I'm worried about her.
Callie: Yeah, me, too. Does Rita know?
Kiara: They check in on her, but you see that brave face she puts on like she don't need no help.
Callie: She's gonna go back to the gang if she doesn't get Tasha back.
Kiara: I hear you.
Callie: You think she's gonna show?
Kiara: I hope so.

Foster's house

Timothy: Hi. I was going to bring dessert but I'm a terrible cook, so...
Lena: I doubt you're terrible at anything. But thank you so much. It was so, so kind of you. Stef, this is my brilliant coworker Timothy.
Stef: Yes, we've met before, honey.
Timothy: Hi, Stef.
Stef: Hi, how are you? Good too see you.
Timothy: Thank you.

Stef: Oh. Hi, come on in. You must be Dani.
Dani: You must be Stef. Thanks so much for having us over. I've heard so much about all of you.
Stef: I wish we could say the same.
Mike: You promised.
Lena: Well, why don't out of the doorway, shall we? Dinner's ready.
Stef: Yes, come on. Come sit down. Mike and Dani, why don't you come sit over here next to me?
Mike: Don't you wanna sit next to your wife?
Stef: I eat dinner with her every night.
Lena: No, actually, Stef, I thought you could sit over here next to Timothy.
Stef: Uh I thought Brandon could sit there.
Lena: No, no, Brandon could just sit right here.
Stef: Why don't I just move down one, and then Brandon could...
Lena: No, you're a guest, you can sit wherever you like. Stef, just Right here. Right there.

At Anchor Beach

Callie: Beautiful! Oh, so cute! Yeah, back to back. Like it.
Cole: Your models are here.
Callie: No way!
Cole: Hey, you!
Callie: Oh, my gosh, hi.
Michelle: Aww, hey, honey. Oh! I love that you're doing this. And I heard back from some people, and we should have kids from at least two other homes.
Cole: Oh, uh, this is my roommate, Monica. This is the one I told you about. The notorious sandwich thief.
Callie: Seriously. Don't listen to him. Really. If he gets on your nerves, just tell him to listen to The Smiths. Works every time.
Cole: Yeah, whatever.
Kiara: Quit it you two. Let the new girl get her picture taken.
Jude: Sign-in is over here.

Kiara: His parents won't take him back. So he's looking for a foster home.
Callie: One that'll take in a transgender kid?
Kiara: You best take some good pictures. Took you long enough. You were supposed to help us set up.
Daphne: You know how many buses I had to take to get here?
Kiara: You put your cornrows back in.
Daphne: Yeah.
Callie: So did you hear about the job?
Daphne: Didn't get it.
Callie: You'll get the next one.
Daphne: I didn't know they had schools on the beach. This is like one of them resorts in Mexico. What, they give you a piña colada with your homework?
Callie: Come on, let's get started.

Callie: Yes, I love that. Ok, and just, um, look over here. Yeah. Do you see that boy over there? That's actually my little brother. Hey, Jude. Come meet a friend of mine.
Jude: Hi.
Callie: Perfect! Thanks for the assist.
Jude: I'm here for you, but I think someone oughta take your picture.
Callie: No. Jude, stop it. I'm serious. Stop it. Daphne, save me.
Daphne: No, no, no, no. I am no one's human shield, girl. Where's the girls room?
Callie: It's down the hall and to the left. Wait. Just in case it's locked. Out. Go!

Foster's house

Dani: This looks amazing.
Stef: Thank you.
Mike: Hey, bud. Where you been?
Brandon: Sorry, studying. Lost track of time.
Timothy: No doubt grappling with the motifs of guilt and deception in Hamlet.
Lena: Timothy was a Rhodes Scholar.
Mike: Well, that's impressive.
Timothy: It's really not a big deal.
Lena: No, it's a huge deal. It recognizes academic achievement and character and leadership ability.
Timothy: Or in my case, an ability to write an essay that swindled a committee to believe I had all that.
Dani: None for me, thanks. I'm sober.
Stef: Oh, you're in the program, too?
Dani: Five years. That's actually how I met Mike.
Brandon: They're sober buddies.
Stef: Are sober buddies allowed to date each other?
Mike: Yes, if they're consenting adults.
Lena: You know, Bill Clinton was a Rhodes Scholar, as well, I believe, wasn't he?
Timothy: Uh, yeah.
Stef: So what do you do, Dani?
Dani: I'm a dog walker.
Mike: A business owner actually. She has five employees and what, over 100 clients?
Lena: Timothy is an animal lover. Big time.
Mike: Maybe I should date Timothy.

Stef: What is going on in there? I'm trying to figure out if that woman is a good influence on our son and all you're talking about is Timothy.
Lena: All right. I have been thinking maybe we shouldn't go with an anonymous sperm donor. Maybe we should ask Timothy.
Stef: Ok, maybe you should ask me first.
Lena: I wanted you to get to know Timothy better without the pressure of, you know, thinking of him like that.
Stef: Well, if you had talked to me first, then maybe I could have saved you the trip to awesometimothyfacts.com because I'm not comfortable with you seeing our child's father every day at work.
Lena: Like you and Mike?
Stef: Come on, that's different. Lena, the... Think about how challenging everything has been so far. Do you really wanna open the door to someone else's involvement in our lives? The baby's life?
Lena: If it means knowing our child's history, yeah, maybe.
Timothy: Hi. Just checking. Can I help with anything?

Mike: Excuse me. I'm gonna hit the head.
Dani: So, I understand you're a little concerned about my sobriety.
Brandon: No, I...
Dani: You're worried about your dad. If I fall off the wagon, he'll fall off the wagon. Which leads me to believe someone saw me out last night. I know I saw you.
Brandon: It was a one-time thing.
Dani: I understand. It was for me, too. I slipped up. It won't ever happen again.
Brandon: Are you going to tell him?
Dani: Your dad has had a rough time lately. He doesn't need any bad news. So I don't see any reason to tell him about any of this. Right?

At Anchor Beach

Timothy: Hey! Thanks for dinner last night.
Lena: I am so sorry about that. Oh, my God.
Timothy: About what? Saying amazing things about me? No apology necessary.
Lena: I just really wanted Stef to know how much I respect you and how much I cherish our friendship.
Timothy: Well, thank you. And if you're interested in using me as you know a sperm donor I'm in. If you want.
Principal Sanchez: Excuse me. I need to speak with you.

Mariana: "In his role as the Gentleman Caller, Chase Dillon has all the charm and skill of a hat rack. Though perhaps that is an insult to hat racks, which at the very least, have purpose. His performance is an insult to the entire concept of live theater itself." "Also he abuses kittens." Wow. Honestly, that was much nicer than I would have been. How did you do this? Doesn't the paper have to be approved by, like, a teacher?
Zac: Well, I might do the paper's layout, and I might have made a tweak or two after our faculty advisor gave final approval. What Chase did to you was a total douche move. There's no way I was gonna let him get away with it.
Mariana: Why? 'Cause I'm your friend?
Zac: No, because I was righting a wrong.
Mariana: Sorry, don't believe you.
Zac: I'm like Batman.
Mariana: We're totally friends.
Zac: All right, fine, we're friends, quit rubbing it in.

Principal Sanchez: Someone got into the administrative office last night, and a number of Kindle Paperwhite e-readers are now missing. Do you know anything about that?
Callie: Well, it wasn't...
Lena: We know it wasn't you, honey. During your photo shoot, you didn't give my keys to anyone, did you?
Callie: No.

Callie: I gave you the keys to go to the bathroom. I know your life's not easy right now.
Daphne: So it's gotta be me, right? Something goes missing, it's gotta be the poor girl with the cornrows?
Callie: That's not fair.
Daphne: You called me out here, made me take three buses across town, just so you can accuse me of stealing?
Callie: They're making me give them a list of everyone who was there.
Daphne: I didn't take nothing. But FYI, you know who you can put on that list? Your boy Brandon.
Callie: No, he wasn't there. He was he was at my house having dinner.
Daphne: Well, I saw him lurking around in the halls. So unless he can be in two places at once...
Callie: Why didn't you tell me last night if he was there? He's your temptation.
Daphne: And we're supposed to have each other's back, remember?

Brandon: Hey.
Callie: Hey, um You didn't come by school during the photo shoot last night, did you, to say hi or something?
Brandon: No, I was at the house having dinner. Why?
Callie: It's stupid, um, Daphne said she saw you.
Brandon: What's wrong?
Callie: Some stuff was stolen from the office. Pretty sure Daphne did it. I gotta go.
Brandon: Ok.

Jesus: Um two things. First, I know how hard you've worked to be on this team. So if I offended you yesterday, I apologize.
Emma: Ok, accepted. What's the second thing? What about Lexi?
Jesus: I don't know. She's in Honduras. Who knows when I'll see her again?
Emma: Right. But I don't do cheating.
Jesus: I know. Me neither. I think I have to break up with her.

Vico: Your cut.
Brandon: When you were in the office last night making the IDs, did you steal some stuff, too?
Vico: So what?
Brandon: Moron. Now they know someone was in there.
Vico: But they don't know it was us, do they?
Brandon: No.
Vico: So what's the problem?
Brandon: Someone's gonna go down for this!
Vico: That's a good thing.
Brandon: Ok, whatever you took, put it back. Ok, this was not part of the deal.
Vico: All right, Nancy, relax. I can't just walk in and hand it to them...
Brandon: Just put it back or they'll find it. Anonymously. And don't take anything else.

Foster's kitchen

Callie: Oh, um No I'll come back.
Stef: No, that's fine. What's up?
Callie: So last night, um I just remembered I gave Daphne the keys.
Lena: Thank you for telling us.
Callie: Independent living is a lot harder than she thought it was gonna be so...

Mariana and Callie's room

Callie: What do you think?
Jude: I like the ones where they're not looking at the camera.
Callie: Yeah, me, too.
Jude: I wanna see those.
Callie: No, no, no wait.
Jude: What are you doing?
Callie: I have to zoom in.
Jude: What's that?
Callie: Let me brighten it. It's Brandon's car. He was there last night.

Kikavu ?

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choup37, 15.04.2024 à 10:15

Il manque 3 votes pour valider la nouvelle bannière Kaamelott... Clic clic clic

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Oui cliquez;-) et venez jouer à l'animation Kaamelott qui démarre là maintenant et ce jusqu'à la fin du mois ! Bonne chance à tous ^^

Supersympa, 16.04.2024 à 14:31

Bonjour à tous ! Nouveau survivor sur le quartier Person of Interest ayant pour thème l'équipe de Washington (saison 5) de la Machine.

choup37, Hier à 08:49

5 participants prennent part actuellement à la chasse aux gobelins sur doctor who, y aura-t-il un sixième?

chrismaz66, Hier à 11:04

Choup tu as 3 joueurs de plus que moi!! Kaamelott est en animation, 3 jeux, venez tenter le coup, c'est gratis! Bonne journée ^^

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