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#118 : Premier combat

Stef et Lena révèlent à Callie et Jude qu'il y a un problème dans leur adoption : il faut que leur père biologique, Donald Jacob, abandonne légalement la garde.

Tandis que Jesus doit avoir son premier match important de lutte, il a des problèmes de concentration et doit en plus faire un choix entre Lexi et Emma.

Brandon continue ses affaires illégales et Callie doit décider entre le protéger ou aider quelqu'un qu'elle connaît. Mariana rencontre la mère de Zac et est surprise de la tournure des choses.


3.8 - 5 votes

Titre VO
Escapes and Reversals

Titre VF
Premier combat

Première diffusion


118 - Promo

118 - Promo


118 - Sneak Peek n°3

118 - Sneak Peek n°3


118 - Scènes Lena et Stef n°1

118 - Scènes Lena et Stef n°1


118 - Scènes Lena et Stef n°2

118 - Scènes Lena et Stef n°2


118 - Scènes Lena et Stef n°3

118 - Scènes Lena et Stef n°3


118 - Scènes Lena et Stef n°4

118 - Scènes Lena et Stef n°4


118 - Scène Callie et Brandon

118 - Scène Callie et Brandon


Photos promo

Jesus à la lutte

Jesus à la lutte

Jesus à la lutte

Jesus à la lutte

Jesus à la lutte

Jesus à la lutte

Jesus à la lutte

Jesus à la lutte


Logo de la chaîne Freeform

Etats-Unis (inédit)
Lundi 03.03.2014 à 21:00
1.51m / 0.6% (18-49)

Plus de détails

Scénario : Joanna Johnson
Réalisation : Melanie Mayron

  • Chez les Foster

Dans sa chambre, Callie revoit les photos qu'elle a prises au lycée et ne peut s'empêcher de réfléchir à la voiture de Brandon qui était là. Lena vient la voir pour lui demande la liste des personnes présentes : Callie ne veut pas qu'elle parle de Daphne à la principale Sanchez puisqu'elle essaie de récupérer sa fille et que puisqu'elle a la majorité, elle pourrait aller en prison. Lena s'excuse mais elle n'a pas le choix et la remercie de leur avoir dit.

Dans sa chambre, Jesus est en train d'écrire un mail de rupture à Lexi et hésite à l'envoyer. Stef l'appelle alors pour qu'il vienne prendre le petit-déjeuner et il l'envoie. Jesus arrive dans la cuisine et a la surprise d'y trouver Lexi qui vient passer la semaine chez eux.


  • Chez les Foster

Lexi lui saute dessus mais il semble plus sur la réserve. Stef et Lena expliquent qu'ils ne seront pas autorisés à dormir ensemble mais Lexi fait clairement comprendre à Jesus qu'elle a envie de lui. Alors qu'elle a oublié son portable, Jesus en profite vite fait pour effacer le mail. Avant de partir au lycée, Lexi fait une gaffe concernant Brandon en demandant pourquoi il n'est pas là.

  • Appartement de Mike

Dani prépare le petit-déjeuner quand Brandon fait son apparition et dit ne pas vouloir car il est en retard. Dani tient à s'expliquer avec lui et ne veut pas que leur relation soit bizarre, il acquiece. Mike arrive alors mais Brandon s'en va et Dani lui confie qu'elle est inquiète pour Brandon qu'il soit seul à l'appart : elle lui propose donc d'emménager mais Mike semble réticent et pense que c'est trop tôt. Néanmoins, elle lui dit qu'ils sont adultes et que s'ils sont bien ensemble, ils devraient foncer.

  • Lycée Anchor Beach

Jesus vient voir Emma et lui annonce qu'il n'a pu rompre avec Lexi puisqu'elle est présente. Lexi arrive d'aileurs et rencontre enfin Emma, qui semble gênée de la situation. En voulant faire une blague, elle se coince le doigt dans son casier et Jesus s'empresse de l'emmener à l'infirmerie. Lexi demande alors à Mariana si elle devrait s'inquiéter mais Mariana lui assure que non puisqu'elle a surveillé la situation.

Mariana et Lexi arrivent à hauteur de Zac et il rencontre enfin la meilleure amie de Mariana. Celle-ci se chamaille gentimment avec lui et Lexi lui fait remarquer qu'ils ne sont pas amis puisqu'elle craque pour lui. Mariana le réfute puisqu'elle n'a jamais pensé à Zac de cette façon-là mais finit par se rendre à l'évidence.

A l'extérieur, Brandon s'assure que Vico a rapporté les tablettes comme prévu et l'engueule d'avoir fait ça puisque c'était idiot. Vico tente de le convaincre de continuer avec lui dans leur trafic de fausses cartes mais Brandon lui assure que ce n'était que pour une fois. Un garçon arrive pour récupérer sa carte et Brandon s'en va. Alors que Vico fait la transaction, Callie l'observe et rentre dans son jeu pour comprendre de quoi il s'agit : elle lui fait alors croire qu'elle veut une carte et il la prend en photo.

Callie rejoint Stef, Lena et Jude dans le bureau de Lena pour parler de l'adoption. Elles doivent envoyer des papiers à Donald, leur père biologique pour qu'il abandonne ses droits parentaux et elles veulent être sûres qu'ils sont d'accord avec ça. Callie en profite pour avouer à Jude que leur père n'est plus en prison puisque lorsqu'elle s'est enfuie, elle a essayé de le contacter et cela faisait déjà 1 an qu'il était sorti. Jude lui en veut de lui avoir caché et s'en va. Alors qu'elles sont seules, Stef exprime son désir d'avoir recours à un donneur anonyme pour éviter ce genre de problème mais Lena continue de vouloir Timothy et avoue même à Stef qu'il est partant. Celle-ci se sent blessée d'être mise à l'écart et s'en va.

Brandon retrouve une nouvelle fois Vico qui lui donne sa part. Vico tente une nouvelle fois de le convaincre de continuer leur trafic mais Brandon est résolu à s'arrêter là. Vico le menace alors en lui montrant la photo de Callie.

Cherchant Callie, Brandon tombe sur Jesus qui lui explique que Lexi est revenue mais qu'il a embrassé Emma et qu'il voulait donc rompre avec elle mais que maintenant il ne sait plus et qu'en plus elle veut absolument faire l'amour avec lui. Brandon ne comprend rien et lui donne les clés de chez son père pour qu'il ait un endroit calme où retrouver Lexi.

Brandon s'empresse d'aller trouver Callie pour avoir des explications : elle lui dit alors qu'elle sait qu'il était présent lors du shooting et qu'elle ne comprend pas pourquoi il vend des fausses cartes. Il ne veut rien lui dire et Callie lui avoue alors qu'elle ne le reconnaît plus et s'en va.

Dans les couloirs, Mariana demande à Zac de venir à la compétition de lutte pour encourager Jesus qui a pris la place d'Emma suite à sa blessure. Elle semble flirter avec lui mais il n'est pas très réceptif et ne comprend pas pourquoi elle agit ainsi mais accepte finalement.

Sur le parking du lycée, Brandon entend un garçon parler des fausses cartes et va le voir pour racheter sa carte, prétextant un défaut de fabrication conduisant à se faire attraper. Le garçon lui redonne tandis que Brandon le rembourse.

  • Compétition de lutte

Alors qu'ils s'échauffent, Emma tente de rassurer un Jesus nerveux concernant son premier combat. Il souhaite ensuite lui parler de Lexi mais elle ne veut pas savoir puisque sur le tapis, elle n'est pas une fille. Cependant, il lui avoue qu'il ne savait pas qu'elle viendrait et Emma lui répond que c'est peut-être mieux ainsi, qu'il pourra lui annoncer en face-à-face plutôt que par mail.

Dans les gradins, Callie envoie des messages à Daphne pour s'excuser mais elle ne lui répond pas. Stef et Lena arrivent alors, lui conseillant de ne pas trop être proches de Daphne ou Kiara le temps que sa probation soit terminée. Callie a du mal à l'accepter et préfère rejoindre Mariana qui arrive avec Zac et Lexi. Lena avoue alors à Stef qu'elle n'a pas tort mais Stef lui rétorque que elles non plus. Mariana de son côté rejoint les autres.

Le coach vient voir Jesus pour lui dire ses dernières recommandations. Alors que le jeu a commencé, Mariana et les autres tentent de comprendre les règles sans savoir ce qu'il se passe. Brandon arrive alors et va s'asseoir à côté de Callie pour pouvoir créer le "J.E.S.U.S" que Mariana a créé. De leur côté, Stef et Lena s'inquiètent de plus en plus pour Jesus en voyant l'agressivité des combats puis discutent d'éventuellement prendre Timothy comme donneur.

C'est l'heure pour Jesus d'aller sur le tapis : toute l'équipe compte sur lui puisque Vico vient tout juste de les ramener dans le jeu. Sur le tapis, Jesus a du mal à s'en sortir et a des troubles de la vision puisqu'il a pris un médicament contre l'hyperactivité. Toute la famille scande son nom et l'encourage mais malgré tout, Jesus ressent un malaise : le coach vient alors s'assurer qu'il va bien et l'encourage, c'est à lui de gagner ou de perdre dorénavant. Jesus retourne sur le tapis et après quelques minutes, met à mal son adversaire et fait remporter la victoire à son équipe.

Dans le public, Lexi qui veut envoyer un mail ne peut pas parce que sa poubelle est pleine : elle découvre alors le mail de Jesus et devient livide. Mariana s'assure qu'elle va bien et elle lui répond que oui. De leur côté, Brandon annonce à Callie qu'il racheté toutes les cartes qu'il avait pu et lui avoue que c'est l'argent qu'il doit à son père, argent qu'à la base il avait gardé pour elle. Callie lui dit qu'il n'aurait pas dû faire ça mais Brandon lui répond qu'il était prêt à tout faire pour qu'elle soit bien et que c'est toujours le cas.

Jesus de son côté est félicité par son équipe et il explique alors à Emma qu'il l'aime vraiment bien mais qu'il aime Lexi. Emma comprend et Jesus rejoint sa famille, Emma a les larmes aux yeux. Stef et Lena rejoignent donc les ados et tous se réjouissent : Jesus arrive en héros et chuchote à Lexi qu'il a un endroit tranquille où ils peuvent se retrouver.

  • A l'extérieur du gymanase

Zac s'apprête à partir pour rejoindre sa mère mais Mariana est déçue et lui dit qu'elle voudrait bien aller boire un verre ou quelque chose. Zac lui demande alors s'il s'agissait d'un rencard et Mariana lui dit que non, sauf s'il voulait que c'en soit un. Il fait alors une blague sur l'histoire de la culotte dans le pantalon mais Mariana le prend mal et commence à partir. Zac la retient et l'embrasse. Il lui propose à l'avenir d'avoir un vrai rencard avant que sa mère n'arrive et soit très agressive.

  • Gradins du terrain de foot

Vico a compris que Brandon a racheté toutes les cartes et est furieux : il menace violemment Brandon et lui dit que personne n'essaie de le lâcher. Alors que Brandon s'en va, il envoie alors la photo de Callie à son contact pour lui faire une fausse carte.

  • Appartement de Mike

Alors qu'ils s'embrassent, Lexi stoppe Jesus : elle lui avoue alors avoir embrassé un garçon en Honduras. Jesus se sent mal et veut savoir qui il est mais Lexi lui dit que c'est peut-être trop dur d'être éloignés et qu'ils devraient se séparer. Jesus lui dit qu'il l'aime et Lexi aussi mais ils se rendent à l'évidence.

  • Chez les Foster

Dans la chambre de Mariana, Lexi prépare ses affaires pour repartir sous le regard attristé de Mariana qui voudrait qu'elle reste toute la semaine malgré tout mais Lexi lui dit qu'elle ne peut pas. Mariana lui demande si elle a alors vraiment embrassé un autre garçon et Lexi lui répond que non, mais qu'elle finira sûrement par rencontrer quelqu'un d'autre.

  • Appartement de Mike

Dani rentre dans l'appartement et annonce à Brandon que son père lui a donné les clés pour qu'elle puisse préparer à manger mais Brandon lui répond qu'il veut parler à son père, seuls. Dani veut alors savoir ce qu'il se passe et il lui avoue concernant l'argent qu'il doit à son père mais que Mike ne le sait pas.

  • Chez les Foster

Zac vient voir Mariana qui s'étonne de le voir chez elle mais Zac est présent pour mettre fin à leur relation. Mariana est triste et veut savoir si c'est à cause de sa mère mais Zac dément et dit qu'il n'a juste pas le temps pour une petite-amie.

Dans la cuisine, Callie vient voir Jude et s'excuse de lui avoir caché, disant qu'elle voulait juste le protéger. Il comprend mais il lui répond que ne pas savoir craint. Stef et Lena arrivent alors pour leur annoncer que leur avocat a retrouvé leur père et qu'il va signer les papiers. Elles proposent aussi qu'ils aillent voir leur père mais Callie ne veut pas. Jude dit que lui, il veut malgré le non de Callie.

  • Appartement de Mike

Brandon est en train de redonner l'argent à son père, argent que Dani lui a prêté en attendant qu'il récupère les 900$. Il s'excuse auprès de son père et Mike le remercie de lui avoir avoué mais dit à Dani qu'il ne comprend pas pourquoi Brandon a fait ça puisque ce n'est pas son genre. Dani de son côté s'étonne qu'il ne l'ait pas fait plus tôt, puisque ses mères ont adopté les jumeaux puis maintenant Callie et Jude et que c'est perturbant pour lui.

  • Chez les Foster

Dans le salon, Stef et Lena se demandent si elles doivent être inquiètes que Jude veuille voir son père mais elles en concluent que c'est normal. Stef annonce alors à Lena qu'est d'accord pour le bébé et avoiir recours à Timothy mais qu'ils devraient s'asseoir tous les trois et en discuter. Lena est ravie et alors qu'elles pensent que Callie est à son grope de soutien et qu'elles ont du temps devant elles, elles commencent à se faire un câlin sur le canapé.

  • Appartement de Donald

Callie n'est pas à son groupe de soutien mais frappe à une porte qui révèle Donald, son père biologique. Celui-ci semble surpris et dit à Callie qu'elle est exactement comme sa mère.

Fin de l'épisode.

Ecrit par Emeline53.

Mariana and Callie's room

Lena: Morning. How did you sleep?
Callie: Ok.
Lena: Did you make a list of everyone who was there at your photo shoot?
Callie: Yeah. Are you going to tell Principal Sanchez about Daphne?
Lena: I think I have to, honey.
Callie: She's trying to get her daughter back.
Lena: Well, we have to file a police report for the insurance.
Callie: She's almost eighteen. They could send her to prison. There were other people there.
Lena: Not people who had keys to the office.
Callie: I shouldn't have told you.
Lena: Honey, if Daphne didn't take anything then she's got nothing to worry about. I know it was really hard but you did the right thing. Ok?

Foster's kitchen

Stef: Jesus, breakfast! Let's go!
Jesus: Seriously, we're out of milk?
Lexi: Guess I drank it all.
Family: Surprise!
Jesus: You're back?
Lexi: Are you surprised?!
Jesus: Are you kidding?
Lexi: Oh, I missed you so much.
Jesus: Me, too.


Foster's kitchen

Mariana: You should've seen your face, Jesus, totally priceless.
Lexi: No one tipped you off?
Jesus: No. I can honestly say I was blind-sided by this one. So, how long are you here?
Lexi: For a week. Isn't that great?
Jesus: Great!
Stef: But no closed doors in this house. She's staying in Mariana's room.
Lena: We promised Lexi's parents, there will be no funny business.
Jude: I know what funny business is.
Stef: Hey, you be careful, young man.
Callie: Lexi, these pictures are really beautiful. I had no idea Honduras was so...
Mariana: Tropical? You live in, like, paradise.
Lexi: I know, right? I move over 2,000 miles away and I'm still going to school by the beach.
Lena: Oh, speaking of school, we gotta roll you guys.
Lexi: Oh, yeah.
Stef: Like now. Let's go.
Jesus: You're coming with us?
Lexi: I thought I'd surprise some of my girls. When I'm not spending every free second I have with you, that is.
Stef: Oh, Lexi! You forgot your phone, sweetheart.
Jesus: I'll take it to her.
Stef: Thanks, Jesus.
Lexi: Hey you, plenty of time for photos later.
Jesus: Sorry, just wanted to see for myself.
Lexi: Well, maybe we'll just take a few of our own then. Say tonight? By the way, where's Brandon?

Mike's flat

Dani: Hot, hot. Ow!
Brandon: You know, I'm sure Dad has a spatula somewhere for that.
Dani: Spatulas are for wusses. I hope you like French Toast.
Brandon: I do, but I'm actually running late. So, thanks.
Dani: Brandon.
Brandon: Yeah.
Dani: I don't want things to be weird between us.
Brandon: Yeah, no, I mean...
Dani: We both made mistakes. We're gonna fix it, right?
Brandon: Right.
Dani: Which means you gotta get rid of that fake ID I'm not going to tell your dad, but if you got caught using it you can get in a lot of trouble.
Brandon: I'm not going to use it again. I'm getting rid of it.
Dani: Good.

Mike: Good morning, son.
Brandon: Goodbye, Father.
Mike: Good talkin' to ya.
Dani: He's late.
Mike: What do we have here?
Dani: Breakfast. I don't like you and Brandon having cereal every morning. And with you working nights, I thought I'd at least get one good meal in him today.
Mike: I know. I've been trying to get back to days, but no luck.
Dani: Well, until you do, Brandon's gonna keep coming home to an empty house, and, uh I worry.
Mike: What? That he's not eating right?
Dani: And other things.
Mike: Other things? Like what?
Dani: I don't know, getting in trouble?
Mike: Brandon's never been in trouble. I mean, other than this Callie business. Besides, it's temporary, him being here.
Dani: Are you sure? I mean, do you really think he's gonna be able to live under the same roof as Callie?
Mike: I dunno. I mean, don't get me wrong, I'd love to have him here long term, but he's so used to a full house.
Dani: What if I moved in? Wouldn't be a full house, but at least it wouldn't be empty.
Mike: Don't you think it's a little soon?
Dani: Come on, Mike, we're not kids. We know when it's right. And this is right. Why wait? Why not, ya know lean in?

Anchor Beach

Jesus: Hey, I need to talk to you.
Emma: Are you ok? Did you break up with Lexi?
Jesus: No. I tried, I did, but I couldn't because...
Emma: She's here.
Jesus: I had no idea she was coming back.
Lexi: Bye. Hey. You're Emma. We met online.
Emma: Yeah, I crashed your "Jesus time."
Lexi: My what?
Jesus: She's just joking. Lexi's staying with us for a whole week!
Lexi: I totally surprised him. You should have seen his face.
Emma: I would have loved to. Well, since you're here, we'll see you at the meet later.
Jesus: Oh, to watch me ride the bench? You don't need to do that.
Lexi: I wanna be wherever you are today, silly.
Emma: Yeah silly.
Jesus: Oh, my God!
Emma: Ow!
Jesus: You need to see the nurse.
Emma: I'm fine.
Jesus: No, you're really not fine. I'll see you at lunch.

Lexi: Should I be worried?
Mariana: Not at all. She's totally in the friend-zone. Trust me, I've been all over that. If anything was going on, I'd know.

Mariana: Zac. This is Lexi. Best friend. Meet my best new friend.
Zac: Only new friend.
Mariana: Hey!
Zac: Well, it's nice to finally meet you. She talks about you all the time.
Lexi: Yeah, you too.
Zac: Really? Well, I'm glad to know someone else on Team Mariana. Again, it's a team of one, so we could use a few more bodies.
Lexi: Ok, you can not be friends with that guy.
Mariana: What? Why not? You don't like him?
Lexi: I mean, he's adorable, but he's not your friend. He's your crush.
Mariana: Oh, right. He was into me for awhile but...
Lexi: No, you're into him.
Mariana: What?
Lexi: Girl, you like, like him.
Mariana: I have never thought about him that way.
Lexi: Ok, well, your mind better catch up with your body because your body kinda wants to have his babies right now.
Mariana: You have sex on the brain.
Lexi: I didn't fly across the world to have another video chat. Ok?

Brandon: Did you do it?
Vico: Relax. The Kindles are back, ok? And you'll have your 900 bucks this afternoon. So chill.
Brandon: I can't believe you stole them in the first place. What an idiot move.
Vico: You know what's an idiot move? Making this a one time thing. All I'm sayin' is after you pay back your dad, you could make some real bank for yourself. Money equals freedom, bro. Think about it.
Brandon: Yeah, well, I don't need to. I'm done.
Vico: I've gotta take this.

Callie: Didn't know you could read.
Vico: I like the pictures. What can I do for you?
Callie: I want in.
Vico: On what?
Callie: You know what I'm talking about.
Vico: Really? I just assumed a girl like you already had a fake.
Callie: Fake ID?
Vico: Hey, no judgment. It's just, you know, you are juvie girl.
Callie: Well, I don't have one.
Vico: I'll need a photo.
Callie: Ok.
Vico: Stand over here, by the wall.
Callie: So, where do you make them? The IDs?
Vico: Afraid that's classified information.
Callie: Here at school?
Vico: Say, happy-hour!

Lena's office

Callie: What's going on?
Lena: Oh, nothing bad, honey. We... Stef came by for lunch and we thought this might be a good time to talk to you two alone.
Stef: Uh, so, it's about the adoption.
Lena: But before we start I wanted to let you know that the Kindles were returned last night.
Callie: They were?
Lena: Yes. So we don't need to talk to Principal Sanchez about anything.
Stef: So, anyway, as you know we've started the adoption process, but before we can petition the court we we have to ask permission from your father.
Jude: What does that mean?
Lena: He has to sign away his parental rights.
Callie: Why does he have any rights? He hasn't written us or tried to contact us in years.
Stef: Well, legally, he's still your biological parent.
Jude: Could he say no?
Callie: He won't.
What if he does?
Stef: Then, we will petition the court to take away his rights, but hopefully that won't be necessary.
Lena: We just need to know from you guys if it's all right if we ask him to let us be your parents.
Callie: It's fine.
Jude: Do you have to ask him in person?
Stef: No, no, the lawyer will do that.
Jude: In jail?
Callie: He's not in jail prison anymore. After I ran away, I tried to call him. And they said he got out a year ago.
Jude: Why didn't you tell me?
Callie: Because, obviously, he doesn't care about us anymore and...
Jude: And you were trying to protect me again? Can I go eat lunch?
Stef: Sure.
Callie: Jude.
Lena: Honey. You've had time to process this. He just needs some, too.

Stef: That is why I want to go with an anonymous donor.
Lena: Well, what if Timothy would agree to be anonymous? There are contracts.
Stef: We don't even know if Timothy is interested. Or do we?
Lena: He, uh he mentioned it, after that dinner.
Stef: That's great. Tell you what, why don't you give me a ring when the baby is born and I'll swing by the hospital and pick you up. Unless you already have a ride?
Lena: Honey.
Stef: I have to get to work.
Lena: Stef!

Vico: What, you don't trust your business partner?
Brandon: We're not business partners.
Vico: We could be. We've already got ten new clients lined up ready to fork over twice what the first batch paid. If you don't do it, I'm going into business with my buddy at Coronado Springs.
Brandon: Just go for it. I'm out.
Vico: Ok, but, I don't trust him as much as I trust you.
Brandon: Not my problem.
Vico: It could be. Considering one of my new clients is her.

Jesus: Hey, man, I need your help.
Brandon: Hey, dude, have you seen Callie?
Jesus: Lexi's here.
Brandon: I thought she was back in Honduras.
Jesus: So did I. And I kissed Emma, and I liked it. And I was going to break up with Lexi, but now I'm not sure. And Lexi totally wants to have sex, like, tonight...
Brandon: Yeah, that's fine. My dad's at work, I'm not home 'til after six. Just don't do it on my bed.

Brandon: A fake ID? Really?
Callie: I don't know what you're talking about.
Brandon: Don't lie to me.
Callie: Wow! That is rich coming from you.
Brandon: What?
Callie: I know you were at school the night of my photo shoot. And now I know why you were here. Making fake IDs in the office.
Brandon: Look I didn't want to get you involved.
Callie: Did you steal the e-readers, too?
Brandon: Vico did. I didn't know anything.
Callie: I accused Daphne of taking them!
Brandon: I made him bring 'em back.
Callie: Too late. I told Stef and Lena, and now they think she did it.
Brandon: I'm sorry.
Callie: I lost a friend because of you.
Brandon: What am I supposed to do?
Callie: Why are you selling fake IDs?
Brandon: I needed the money.
Callie: What for?
Brandon: I can't tell you that. I'm sorry.
Callie: No, I am. I don't even know who you are anymore.

Mariana: Hey, did you get my text?
Zac: Yup, emojis and all. I had no idea you had such school spirit.
Mariana: Yeah, well, it's my brother's first time competing. Um, I kinda got a little carried away. But, can you come? Lexi and I are gonna make giant cards that spell out his name, and we need you to hold one.
Zac: I'm supposed to go straight home after school.
Mariana: Please, he needs all the support he can get. Emma broke her finger, and now he's gotta wrestle. And, um after I was thinking maybe we could all go out. You, me, Lexi, Jesus. Just four people. Hangin' out. In a totally non-weird way.

Man: Yeah, so I just got this in today. It looks totally legit, right?
Brandon: Hey. I need to talk to you. Vigo sent me. Yeah, it sucks, but I guess one of the fakes got confiscated last night at a bar. Bouncer called the kid's parents and everything so we're gonna need to get 'em back.
Man: Seriously?
Brandon: Yeah, they're totally a bust. But, uh, don't worry I'll get you your money back. Here you go. Now, spread the word, ok? We don't want anyone else getting caught, right?

Wrestling competition

Coach: All right, let's count it out...One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight.
Emma: Don't worry, you're not wrestling that guy.
Jesus: Whew, thank God.
Emma: You are wrestling him.
Jesus: The human pretzel?
Emma: He's slippery, but you can take him.
Jesus: I'm sorry about...
Emma: Yeah, whatcha gonna do? But hey, big day, your first time competing. How do you feel?
Jesus: Nauseous. Eh - Listen, about Lexi...
Emma: Lexi who? Out here, I'm not a girl. Remember?
Jesus: I was gonna break up with her, but...
Emma: But what?
Jesus: She came all the way from Honduras.
Emma: Maybe that's a good thing. I mean, if it were me, I'd rather be broken up with in person.

Lena: Who are you texting?
Callie: Oh. Um Daphne. Telling her that the Kindles were returned. She didn't take them.
Stef: Don't you think it's a little suspicious, honey? That you confronted her and the very next day they reappeared?
Lena: Our concern is that you're in a vulnerable position. We all are.
Stef: The court was hesitant to let you come home so soon. And we we're all on probation.
Lena: Principal Sanchez has to fill out your progress reports at school, and we can't control the way she perceives certain things.
Stef: Like the company you keep.
Callie: What are you saying? I can't be friends with Daphne and Kiara?
Stef: No, of course you can, just at a distance for now. At least until your adoption goes through and we're your legal parents.
Callie: So I have to make nice with the privileged kids because they're the right kind of company. Even though they're probably the ones who stole the stuff.
Stef: We understand this is confusing, Callie...
Callie: No, I'm not confused. This is exactly how the system works. Can I go sit with Mariana?
Stef: Callie...
Lena: Sure, honey. She's not wrong.
Stef: No. But neither are we.

Callie: Hey.
Lexi: Hey!
Mariana: Hi.
Callie: Hey.
Lexi: Oh, my God, I can't wait to see his butt in that little leotard.
Mariana: Ok, A: it's called a singlet. And B: may have just thrown up a little bit in my mouth.

Coach: Nervous?
Jesus: A little bit.
Coach: Good. Harness that energy, and focus. Focus is key. Got it?
Jesus: I got it.
Coach: All right.

Coach-Team: Come on Come on! - Get up!
Mariana: Ok, so there's an escape, that's one point, a reversal, which is worth two, and then there's something called a near fall, which varies points-wise, and as far as I can tell, kinda just looks like sitting on someone's head.
Zac: So, basically, we still have no idea how the scoring works.
Mariana: Yeah, not a clue.
Brandon: Hey, am I too late?
Mariana: No, thank God. Here you go.
Brandon: What is it?
Mariana: A "J." Sit next to Callie.
Brandon: Ok.
Mariana: Ok, so everybody has their cards, so when it's Jesus's turn we're all gonna hold them up.

Lena: Oh! Should we be worried? Why am I suddenly worried?
Stef: Because our son's about to go into mortal combat.
Lena: Did we make a mistake, letting him do this?
Stef: No, it's been good for him.
Lena: He was just so jumpy this morning.
Stef: Was he?
Lena: Yeah, I mean... He would come to us, right? If he wanted to get back on his medication. There's no shame in that.
Stef: Not for us. But for him? He has a certain charisma.
Lena: He's really popular with the students.
Stef: He's certainly attractive.
Lena: He's a Rhodes Scholar.
Stef: Scholar, I remember that. And he's an animal lover, too.
Lena: He also published a novel when he was 29, and he plays the sitar.
Stef: What is that?
Lena: It's like an Indian guitar, or something. Honestly, I have no idea what it is. But it's really cool, don't you think?
Stef: And he's kind?
Lena: Very.

Coach: Alright, Jesus, you're up. All you gotta do is keep Palomar off the board and we've got this.
Jesus: The board?
Vico: Scoreboard, Foster. I just put us in the lead. So don't blow it.
Emma: Just stay off your back and you'll be fine.
Coach: Go get 'em, Jesus.
Mariana: Ok, now! Ready?
Family: Whoo! Jesus!
Coach: What's he doing out there? Come on, focus up, Foster, we're running out of time.
Man: Hey, kid. You ok? You hurt? Hey, coach?
Coach: We'll take an injury time-out. Foster, what gives? You good? Listen to me, you gotta make a choice, you gotta make it now. It's win or lose. It's up to you, Foster. So what do you want?
Family: Jesus, Jesus, Jesus Whoo!
Coach: Let's go get 'em.
Family: Jesus, Jesus
Man: One! Escape! Yes! Nice! Two points.
Coach: That a boy!
Team: Get out of there! Pin!
Coach: Yes!
Man: Match to Anchor Beach. Anchor Beach takes the meet, 27-20.

Mariana: What's wrong? Are you ok?
Lexi: Yeah.

Brandon: So, I wanted you to know, I bought back all the IDs. Well, as many as I could. And I destroyed them.
Callie: Well, I'm glad to hear that.
Brandon: I stopped going to piano for a few weeks, but I kept my dad's money. And I need to pay it back.
Callie: Why did you do that?
Brandon: For you. For your apartment. When you were going into independent living. I wanted to make sure you had everything you needed.
Callie: You shouldn't have done that.
Brandon: I would've done anything to help you. And I still will. Because you do know who I am.

Lena: How exciting was that?!
Stef: That was amazing!
Lena: It was.
Stef: Oh, my gosh.

Emma: You were really great out there, Foster.
Jesus: Thanks, that means a lot. Listen, um...
Emma: I know. You're not gonna break up with Lexi. I may be benched but I'm not blind.
Jesus: I really like you. But I love Lexi. And I told her I'd wait.
Emma: I get it.

Stef: Let's go get the car, you guys, come on.
Jesus: I've, um I've got somewhere we can be alone.

Zac: Ok, see ya.
Mariana: Hey, wait. Why the rush?
Zac: Sorry, I just I gotta get home.
Mariana: Oh, ok. I just, I thought, you know Maybe we could all you know?
Zac: Is this are we, like, on a date?
Mariana: Well, no, I mean unless you want it to be a date. What're you doing?
Zac: Just looking through my pockets, for panties.
Mariana: Oh, very funny. You know, forget it. Ok, so...
Zac: Do you wanna go on a real date? One we both know we're on?
Mariana: Uh-huh.
Zac's mum: Zachary! Get in the car, right now.
Zac: I... I gotta go.
Mariana: Who is that?
Zac: My mom. Sorry.
Zac's mum: Now!
Football field

Vico: You're telling people our IDs don't work?
Brandon: I changed my mind.
Vico: Well, I didn't change mine!
Brandon: It's a felony, Vico. I did us both a favor.
Vico: Oh, yeah? Well, now I'm gonna return the favor.
Brandon: What does that mean?
Vico: Nobody screws me over.

Mike's flat

Lexi: Uh, wait, wait. I think we need to talk.
Jesus: About what?
Lexi: I kissed someone. Back in Honduras.
Jesus: You... Who?
Lexi: This boy. I don't even know if it it'll turn into anything, but I wanted you to know.
Jesus: So what does this mean?
Lexi: Maybe it's just too hard. You know? To wait.
Jesus: But I love you.
Lexi: I love you, too. But I really think we need to break up.

Mariana and Callie's room

Mariana: Lexi, come on, you don't have to do this.
Lexi: What, I'm gonna stay here? I just broke up with your brother, Mariana.
Mariana: Ok, fine, but you don't have to go all the way to Honduras. I mean, we were supposed to have a whole week to...
Lexi: I can't. I'm sorry. I just need to go home.
Mariana: Can I just ask... Is there really a boy in Honduras?
Lexi: There will be.

Mike's flat

Dani: Oh, hey! Sorry to just barge in like this. Your dad gave me a key so I could get dinner started. Lasagna! Your favorite, right?
Brandon: That's really nice, um, but I kinda need to talk to my dad when he gets home. Alone.
Dani: Ok sounds serious. Anything you wanna tell me? I think you know you can trust me with a secret. Maybe I can help.
Brandon: I owe my dad 900 dollars.
Dani: He hasn't mentioned that.
Brandon: Because he doesn't know.

Foster's house

Mariana: Hey. Why didn't you just ring the doorbell.
Zac: I just I can't stay long.
Mariana: Oh, well, based on your lack of emojis, I'm assuming it's something serious.
Zac: Yeah I, um I just I think that we should just be friends.
Mariana: Why?
Zac: I just, I have a lot of commitments right now and I just don't think...
Mariana: Is this because of your mom, or something? Was she mad?
Zac: No! No, it doesn't have anything to do with her. It's me. I just I don't have time for a girlfriend right now. So I'm I'm sorry.

Foster's kitchen

Callie: Hey.
Jude: How come it says "T.J. ?" Dad's name is Donald.
Callie: Those are grandpa's initials: Thomas Jacob.
Jude: Did I ever meet him?
Callie: When you were really little. He died pretty young though. Hey, um I should have told you that Dad's out of prison. I'm sorry. I just thought, the more you know, the more it hurts.
Jude: Yeah, well, not knowing sucks.
Callie: We're better off without him.
Jude: I know.

Stef: Hey there.
Lena: Everything ok?
Jude: Yeah. We're ok.
Lena: Good.
Stef: So, listen, the adoption lawyer has found your father.
Callie: Where?
Lena: Not far from here, actually. North Park.
Stef: Now the lawyer spoke to your father, and he has agreed to sign away his parental rights.
Callie: That's good.
Stef: But the lawyer would like to know if you two would like to see your father first.
Callie: Oh, we don't.
Jude: I do.
Callie: Jude...
Jude: You don't have to. But I wanna see my dad.

Mike's flat

Brandon: You're probably gonna ground me, or whatever. But I just wanted to tell you the truth.
Mike: I'm glad you told me. So, what did you do with the money, since you didn't give it to Callie? Thanks.
Brandon: I'm sorry, Dad.

Mike: I can't believe he did this. It's so not like him.
Dani: Frankly, I'm surprised he hasn't acted out before now.
Mike: What's that supposed mean?
Dani: Imagine how he must have felt when Stef and Lena moved in the twins. He went from being an only child to having two instant siblings. And now they've done it again with and Callie and Jude. It's just another reason why he needs to be with us. Before he makes another bad decision.

Foster's living room

Stef: Should we be worried? About Jude seeing his father?
Lena: He just needs closure. I think it's a good thing. I think Callie could use some, too.
Stef: You think she'll change her mind about seeing him?
Lena: She's pretty angry. Am I crazy?
Stef: Is this a trick question?
Lena: To want to have a baby when we've got all these kids?
Stef: All these kids are gonna be off to college, hopefully, in a few years. The house is gonna seem awfully empty, I think. If you want to use Timothy, I think we should get together, all three of us, and talk about it.
Lena: Really?
Stef: Yeah, really. What time do we have to pick Callie up from group?
Lena: About an hour. We've got time.
Stef: Time for what Mrs. Adams Foster?

Donald's flat

Donald: You look just like your mother.

Kikavu ?

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choup37, 19.04.2024 à 19:45

Maintenant j'en ai plus que deux, je joue aussi sur kaa

CastleBeck, Hier à 11:48

Il y a quelques thèmes et bannières toujours en attente de clics dans les préférences . Merci pour les quartiers concernés.

Viens chatter !