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#121 : Jour d'adoption

C'est le grand jour de l'adoption de Callie et Jude, mais les choses ne se passent pas comme prévues et seul l'un d'entre eux sera adopté.

Suite à une révélation surprenante pour Stef et Mike, ce dernier reste introuvable et Brandon s'inquiète. Mariana, quant à elle, tente d'aider un ami et Jesus doit faire face à son hyperactivité. Enfin, Brandon voit son rêve s'envoler lorsqu'il paie le prix dur pour ses actes passés...


4.8 - 5 votes

Titre VO
Adoption Day

Titre VF
Jour d'adoption

Première diffusion


121 - Promo

121 - Promo


121 - Promo VOSTFR

121 - Promo VOSTFR


121 - Sneak Peek n°2

121 - Sneak Peek n°2


121 - Scènes Stef et Lena n°1

121 - Scènes Stef et Lena n°1


121 - Scènes Stef et Lena n°2

121 - Scènes Stef et Lena n°2


121 - Scènes Stef et Lena n°3

121 - Scènes Stef et Lena n°3


121 - Scènes Stef et Lena n°4

121 - Scènes Stef et Lena n°4


121 - Scène Jude, Callie et Brandon

121 - Scène Jude, Callie et Brandon


121 - Scène Callie, Wyatt et Brandon

121 - Scène Callie, Wyatt et Brandon


121 - Scène Jude et Connor

121 - Scène Jude et Connor


Photos promo

Stef et Lena

Stef et Lena

Mariana et Jesus

Mariana et Jesus

Lena, Callie, Stef, Jude, Mariana, Jesus et Brandon

Lena, Callie, Stef, Jude, Mariana, Jesus et Brandon

Lena, Callie, Stef, Jude, Mariana, Jesus et Brandon

Lena, Callie, Stef, Jude, Mariana, Jesus et Brandon

Lena, Callie, Jude, Mariana, Jesus et Brandon

Lena, Callie, Jude, Mariana, Jesus et Brandon

Stef et Lena

Stef et Lena

Stef et Lena

Stef et Lena

Stef et Lena

Stef et Lena

La famille Adams Foster au complet !

La famille Adams Foster au complet !

Callie et Jude

Callie et Jude

Callie et Jude

Callie et Jude

Jude, Callie et Lena

Jude, Callie et Lena

Stef, Lena et leur avocate

Stef, Lena et leur avocate

Callie, Jude, Mariana, Brandon et Jesus

Callie, Jude, Mariana, Brandon et Jesus

Mariana et Brandon

Mariana et Brandon

Callie et Jude

Callie et Jude

Jude, Mariana et Jesus

Jude, Mariana et Jesus


Logo de la chaîne Freeform

Etats-Unis (inédit)
Lundi 24.03.2014 à 21:00
1.29m / 0.5% (18-49)

Plus de détails

Scénario : Brad Bredeweg et Peter Paige
Réalisation : Norman Buckley

  • Station de police

Dans la voiture de police, Brandon explique qu'il a donné l'argent à Ana et Mike n'en revient pas qu'il ait pu la soudoyer. Brandon dit qu'il voulait seulement l'empêcher d'aller en prison, s'excuse et Stef s'assure qu'il ne parlera de ça à personne. Stef met ensuite Mike au courant du chantage d'Ana et il s'énerve, disant qu'il pourrait la tuer. Stef lui conseille de rester loin d'elle, dit qu'elle va s'occuper de tout ça et annonce par la même occasion qu'elle veut récupérer Brandon à la maison.


  • Appartement de Mike

Mike et Dani se disputent sur le fait qu'elle ait donné l'argent à Brandon et qu'elle lui ait caché toute la vérité. Elle dit qu'elle s'inquiétait pour lui et sa sobriété, qu'elle et Brandon ne voulait pas le blesser. Il finit par rompre avec elle et la met dehors, Brandon entend toute la scène dans sa chambre.

  • Chez les Foster

Stef annonce à Lena qu'elle a exigé que Brandon revienne et Lena s'inquiète de la situation entre Brandon et Callie. Elles se demandent s'il sera expulsé du lycée pour les fausses cartes d'identité et ce qu'il a bien pu arriver pour qu'il en arrive là.

  • Chez Zac

Mariana vient voir Zac et tombe sur Amanda qui a l'air en meilleur état que la veille. Seuls, Mariana veut convaincre Zac que sa mère a un problème mais Zac lui annonce qu'elle a un Alzaihmer précoce et que s'il l'envoie dans un centre, il devrait aller vivre avec son père en Arizona mais il ne veut pas la quitter.

  • Appartement d'Ana

Stef vient voir Ana pour lui donner rendez-vous pour lui donner l'argent qu'elle lui réclame mais la prévient qu'après elle ne veut plus jamais la revoir.

  • Chez les Foster

Dans le salon, Connor et Jude jouent aux jeux vidéos lorsqu'une fille de leur classe, Maddie, appelle Jude pour lui proposer d'aller au cinéma. Connor semble déçu et après s'être assuré que Jude n'aime pas Maddie, lui demande s'il peut l'inviter à sortir.

Dans la cuisine, Jesus parle des filles et plus précisément d'Emma avec Mariana. Cette dernière lui conseille de reprendre ses pilules pour son hyperactivité, disant qu'elle aimerait bien retrouver son frère.

  • Appartement de Mike

Mike prévient Brandon qu'après avoir parlé avec Stef et Lena, il peut rester encore un jour chez lui pour se concentrer pour son audition. Brandon tente une nouvelle fois de s'excuser mais Mike lui dit qu'il n'a jamais été aussi déçu.

  • Restaurant

Lena et Timothy se trouvent dans un restaurant pour que Timothy signe le contrat de donneur mais il refuse, disant que finalement il voudrait faire partie de la vie du bébé et que signer le contrat le détruirait.

  • Chez les Foster

Lena l'apprend à Stef qui s'énerve, elle a peur que Lena soit déjà enceinte et dit qu'il aurait fallu attendre que Timothy signe le contrat. Elles se disputent sur ce point et Stef finit par avouer à Lena qu'elle ne veut pas qu'elle tombe enceinte.

  • Appartement de Mike

Callie vient voir Brandon pour s'assurer que son adoption ne le fera pas souffrir. Elle lui dit que c'est ce qu'elle veut le plus au monde mais que si cela le blesse, cela pourra être la seule chose qui l'arrêtera. Il lui assure que non, elle lui fait un câlin et s'en va.

  • Chez les Foster

Dans la chambre de Stef et Lena, Stef vient s'assurer que Lena va bien mais celle-ci sort de la salle de bain et lui annonce qu'elle a ses règles. Stef lui dit alors qu'elle n'en est pas heureuse mais qu'avoir un autre enfant l'effraie parce que dès que l'un d'entre eux fait une erreur, elle le prend personnellement. Elle lui explique ensuite pourquoi Brandon avait besoin de tant d'argent et le chantage d'Ana. Elle dit qu'elle va aller au rendez-vous et porter un micro.

  • Appartement de Mike

Brandon est sur le canapé, soûl après avoir bu des bières lorsque Dani rentre pour récupérer ses affaires. Il lui explique que Callie est venue et qu'elle est passée à autre chose. Dani veut alors le mettre au lit puisqu'il a son audition le lendemain. Elle l'emmène dans sa chambre et met son alarme sur son portable mais elle s'assoit à côté de lui et commence à lui dire qu'un jour il rencontrera une fille qui le verra tel qu'il est. Ils s'embrassent alors et finissent pas coucher ensemble.

Le lendemain matin, Brandon se réveille seul et écoute un message vocal que son père lui a laissé pendant la nuit : il est soûl et lui dit qu'il est désolé. Brandon appelle alors Dani mais tombe sur la messagerie et lui demande si elle a vu son père, qu'il n'est pas rentré de la nuit et qu'il s'inquiète.

  • Lycée Anchor Beach

Maddie vient voir Jude pour savoir s'il peut aller au cinéma et Jude lui dit que oui. Connor arrive alors et ne comprend pas pourquoi il a dit oui alors qu'il lui avait dit qu'il voulait sortir avec elle. Il s'énerve et lui dit qu'il ne viendra pas à son adoption puisque ce n'est que pour la famille et les amis et que clairement, ils ne le sont pas.

  • Audition de la symphonie Junior

Une jeune femme joue du violon dans un auditorium puis Brandon est appelé et joue du piano parfaitement.

  • Lycée Anchor Beach

Jesus vient voir Emma et lui apprend qu'il a repris ses médicaments et lui demande si elle sort toujours avec Kyle. Elle lui dit que non mais se montre distante alors que lui veut recommencer les choses depuis le début. Ils s'embrassent alors.

Vico et Brandon se retrouvent à l'extérieur du bureau de la directrice, attendant leurs parents pour savoir ce qu'il va leur arriver. Vico dit qu'ils ne peuvent pas être expulsés puisque ses parents sont des membres du conseil et qu'il donne des subventiones à l'école. Brandon est dégoûté qu'il s'en sorte aussi facilement mais Vico lui dit qu'à cause de lui, son père l'a fait quitté l'équipe de lutte avec laquelle il aurait pu avoir une bourse et enfin partir de chez lui. Il ajoute qu'il a détruit son rêve.

  • Chez les Foster

Dans la cuisine, Lena rentre du travail et trouve Jude en train de se mettre du vernis. Jude lui demande alors quand est-ce qu'elle a su qu'elle était gay parce qu'il est jaloux que Connor veuille sortir avec Maddie. Lena lui dit alors que tout le monde est jaloux lorsque ses copains ont des copines et que ça ne veut pas dire qu'il est gay ou qu'il ne l'est pas.

  • Chez Zac

Zac explique à Mariana que sa mère était en train de repasser mais que d'un coup elle ne se rappelait plus qui il était et qu'elle a commencé à s'énerver et a finit par le frapper avec le fer. Mariana lui dit qu'il n'a plus le choix, qu'il doit la faire aller dans un centre et appeler son père, ce qu'il fait.

  • Lycée AnchorBeach

Brandon est sur le parking pour rentrer chez lui et reçoit un appel de Dani qui l'informe qu'elle a retrouvé Mike et qu'il était en effet soûl mais que maintenant il va se reposer, Brandon la remercie.

  • Appartement de Mike

Lorsqu'elle raccroche, Dani va dans la cuisine où Mike est étendu par terre, ivre mort.

  • Restaurant

Stef attend à une table Ana mais celle-ci n'arrive pas. Elle finit par aller chez elle et demande au concierge qui l'informe que des voisins l'ont vu se disputer avec un homme la veille et que depuis ils ne l'ont pas revue.

  • Appartement de Mike

Dani nettoie Mike et s'aperçoit que ses vêtements et ses mains sont tâchés de sang, elle pense qu'il s'est bagarré.

  • Tribunal

Stef arrive et vient voir Callie et Jude, elle est toute heureuse. Lena demande à lui parler et lui annonce que Brandon ne sera pas exclu de l'école mais que Vico s'en sort sans problème. Stef lui annonce qu'Ana ne s'est jamais montrée et qu'avec un peu de chance, elle a quitté la ville. Ensuite elles parlent du bébé et Lena annonce que finalement, elle a eu un appel des laboratoires et qu'elle est bel et bien enceinte. Stef est finalement très heureuse et l'embrasse.

Mariana est triste à cause de Zac et Brandon s'inquiète : elle lui dit qu'elle veut seulement qu'il soit en sécurité mais qu'elle a l'impression que tous ceux qu'elle aime finissent pas la quitter. Brandon la serre dans ses bras.

Wyatt arrive pour voir Callie et elle est heureuse de le voir mais encore plus lorsqu'elle s'aperçoit que toutes les filles de Girls United et aussi Rita sont venues assister à son adoption.

L'avocate de la famille vient voir Stef et Lena pour leur annonce qu'il y a un problème avec les papiers de Callie, que Donald Jacod n'est pas son père biologique.

Plus loin, Connor arrive finalement après eu le message de Jude lui annonçant qu'il ne sortira pas avec Maddie. Jude s'excuse de nouveau et Connor lui dit qu'ils pourront sortir tous ensemble. Callie arrive et dit à Jude qu'elle n'arrive pas à croire qu'ils vont enfin être adoptés.

Stef et Lena viennent chercher Callie et Jude pour les informer des problèmes dans les papiers de Callie. Cette dernière comprend alors qu'elle ne pourra pas être adoptée en plus d'apprendre que son père n'est pas Donald mais un homme du nom de Robert Quinn. Jude refuse alors d'être adopté sans elle mais elle lui dit que c'est hors de question, qu'ils ont attendu ça trop longtemps.

Callie sort alors prendre l'air et Rita la rattrape. Callie lui explique le problème et lui confie qu'elle a l'impression que l'univers est contre elle. Rita la rassure alors : l'univers apporte son lot de problèmes à tous et qu'au lieu de fuir comme elle a tendance à le faire, elle doit se battre pour ce qu'elle veut.

Dans la salle d'audience, Jude est enfin adopté et tout le monde signe les papiers. Callie est heureuse pour lui et ils prennent tous une photo avec le juge.

  • Chez les Foster

Dans la cuisine, tout le monde célèbre l'adoption de Jude et Lena dit à Callie de s'accrocher, qu'un jour elle le sera aussi. Callie lui répond alors qu'elle va bien et sort dans le jardin.

Dans le jardin, Callie joue de la guitare et Brandon arrive. Il lui dit alors qu'il va chercher ses affaires chez son père, qu'il veut faire ça au plus vite et qu'il reviendra pour le gâteau. Il la complimente aussi sur sa façon de jouer et propose de jouer ensemble quelques fois.

Wyatt arrive et demande à Callie si le fait qu'elle ne soit pas adoptée change quelque chose par rapport à Brandon, elle lui répond que non et l'embrasse. Il lui demande de jouer un morceau.

  • Appartement de Mike

Alors qu'il se gare devant chez son père, Brandon se fait agresser par Vico et des copains à lui. Ils le tabassent et alors que Brandon tente de s'accroche à sa voiture, Vico claque la portière sur sa main.

Fin de l'épisode.

Ecrit par Emeline53.

Police station

Mike: What?
Brandon: I gave the money to Ana so she'd change her story. I was...
Mike: Wait, wait, wait. You bribed her? No, it wasn't I just wanted her to...
Stef: To lie?
Brandon: No, she was already lying. I just wanted to make sure Dad didn't go to prison or something.
Stef: Does anyone know about this?
Brandon: No.
Stef: No one?
Brandon: No one.
Stef: Ok, you cannot tell anyone about this, Brandon. Not until we figure out what to do. Do you understand?
Brandon: Yeah, yes.
Stef: I mean it, I'm serious. This could end up very badly if this gets out.
Brandon: Ok. I'm sorry. I was really trying to help.

Mike: Well, at least no one knows.
Stef: Ana does.
Mike: So?
Stef: So, she came to me the other day and threatened to go to the DA with it, unless I give her money.
Mike: You're kidding.
Stef: Ten thousand.
Mike: Why is this the first time I'm hearing about it?
Stef: Because she said, "Your son gave me a bribe." And I just assumed it was Jesus. I asked him, he had no idea what I was talking about. It never occurred to me...
Mike: It could be Brandon? So what are we going to do? You can't pay the woman, that's a crime. Stef: And what's to stop her from going to the DA anyway? Or coming back again and again and demanding more.
Mike: We have to do something. Because if she goes to the DA with it, he'll think that you put Brandon up to it. They'll reopen the case and he'll use it against you. That freakin' woman, I could kill her.
Stef: Hey, take it easy.
Mike: Ok. So, how do we make this go away?
Stef: Well, "we" are not going to do anything. You are going to stay as far away from that woman as possible. I will handle Ana, ok?
Mike: Ok.
Stef: I want Brandon to come home.


Mike's flat

Mike: You didn't think I was gonna find out?
Dani: No, Mike. I was worried about you. You have had such a hard time lately. And Brandon, he didn't want to upset you, ok? So I did a stupid thing.
Mike: Yeah, you did.
Dani: I did it to protect you.
Mike: Protect me? From what?
Dani: I was worried about your sobriety.
Mike: Oh, come on. Give me a break. I don't need that kind of protection. Because of you, Stef is making him move back home.
Dani: She can't do that.
Mike: She can! She has custody. She can do whatever she wants. Get out.
Dani: What?
Mike: Get out! We're done!
Dani: Please!
Mike: You know what? No. You can get your stuff tomorrow. Get out of here.

Foster's living room

Stef: I've told Mike that Brandon is coming home.
Lena: Do you think he's ready for that after what he did tonight?
Stef: He's going to have to be. The whole confession was a lie anyway, Lena.
Lena: The part about him setting up Callie was a lie, but the rest of it? I'm not so sure.
Stef: Well, Callie and Jude are being adopted on Monday. So he's got to get over it. Now.
Lena: Why was he selling fake IDs to begin with? I don't understand it. What could he possibly need that much money for?
Stef: Good news is we didn't have to arrest him. What about school? What's Sanchez going to do?
Lena: I gave her the names Brandon gave you. Maybe one of them will give up Vico. But I'm pretty sure that she's going to expel him.
Stef: What happened to our son?
Lena: I don't know.

Zac's house

Amanda: Mariana. Good morning.
Mariana: Good morning, Mrs. Rogers.
Zac: Hi.
Amanda: Hey, honey. I will let you two snugglebugs alone.
Zac: Ok.
Mariana: She seems ok today.
Zac: Yeah.
Mariana: But last night she didn't even know who you were. Does that happen a lot?
Zac: I don't know. Sometimes.
Mariana: And sometimes she thinks you're your dad.
Zac: Yeah.
Mariana: Look, Zac. She needs to get some help, she needs to see a doctor.
Zac: You don't understand.
Mariana: What?
Zac: She... she has Alzheimer's.
Mariana: She what? She's so young.
Zac: It's called early onset or something. She's not even that bad yet. I mean, this is why I didn't want us to start dating. I just really need to take care of her right now.
Mariana: But who's going to take care of you?
Zac: Look, besides, if she gets put into a home or something, they'll make me go live with my dad. So I'd have to leave you. And I really don't want to leave you.

Ana's flat

Stef: So I will get you the money. Meet me tomorrow at the diner on Alavera at three. You know it? But on one condition. Once I give it to you, you are out of our lives forever, ok?
Ana: Ok.
Stef: I mean it. I get you that 10,000 and I never want to see you again.

Foster's house

Connor: Open the chest.
Mariana: Jude, you have a phone call.
Jude: I do? Who is it?
Mariana: I don't know.
Jude: Hello?
Mariana: It's a girl. Who do you think it is?
Jude: Yeah. Ok I have to ask my moms first.

Jesus: Who's Jude talking to on the phone? He looks all nervous and twitchy.
Mariana: I don't know. Some girl. Maybe you could give him some advice?
Jesus: Me? Advice on girls? Yeah, that's not a good idea.
Mariana: What do you mean? Smooth operator like you?
Jesus: Well, Emma seems to think I'm more of a jackass than a Jack of Hearts. She's not even talking to me.
Mariana: Why?
Jesus: I got up in Kyle's face at the dance. What?
Mariana: Well, you kind of have been a jerk lately. I know you hate it when I get all sisterly on you and I give you advice and stuff, and I know how much you really wanted to get off your meds, but I gotta tell you, I kind of want my brother back.

Connor: Who was that?
Jude: Maddie from school.
Connor: Maddie? What did she want?
Jude: Um she just wanted to know if I wanted to go see a movie with her next week.
Connor: She did? What did you say?
Jude: I said I would ask my moms and let her know at school tomorrow.
Connor: Do you want to go, like do you like her?
Jude: No. No. Not like that. No.
Connor: Are you sure?
Jude: Yeah. Yeah, no.
Connor: Then is it ok if I ask her out?
Jude: Um Yeah. Sure.

Mike's flat

Mike: So, I talked to your mom. She's fine if you wanna go back tomorrow, so you can work on your audition and focus.
Brandon: Dad. I'm really sorry. For everything. Didn't think...
Mike: No. No, you didn't. And I've never been so disappointed, Brandon.


Lena: So you read the donor contract?
Timothy: I did, I did. And I don't think I can sign it. I really thought I could do this, but when I actually read the contract, and saw it all laid out I couldn't get past the idea that there would be this kid in the world that came from me, who I wouldn't get to love or hold or play with. I... I think it would just destroy me. I'm sorry.

Foster's kitchen

Stef: What if you're already pregnant?
Lena: I know, I know that. That's why I stopped to get a blood test at Urgent Care on my way home.
Stef: And?
Lena: It's not instant, honey. It's going to take 24 hours.
Stef: Ok, this is what I was worried about. Using a donor that we know. We should never have inseminated before he signed that contract.
Lena: Are you saying this is my fault? Because you were the one who agreed that we should do it while I was ovulating.
Stef: Yeah, because it was pretty obvious how much you wanted to do it.
Lena: Ok.
Stef: Let's just hope that that you're not pregnant.
Lena: Stef, if you don't want me to have a baby, you need to say it.
Stef: I don't want you to have a baby, Lena. Honey...

Mike's flat

Brandon: Hey.
Callie: So we're getting adopted tomorrow, and after that, there's no, you know, going back.
Brandon: Yeah, I know.
Callie: Yeah and I just feel ever since I got here, I've been ruining your life.
Brandon: No, Callie, no.
Callie: I don't want to do that.
Brandon: You're not.
Callie: Really? Brandon, I want this. I want to be a part of this family more than I have ever wanted anything in my whole life. If there is one thing that can make me blow this all up, it's knowing that I'm hurting you. Am I? Hurting you?
Brandon: No.
Callie: Are you sure?
Brandon: Yeah.

Stef and Lena's room

Stef: Lena? Honey?
Lena: You'll be happy to hear that I just got my period.
Stef: Honey, I'm sorry. I am not happy, I'm sorry about what I said I know how much you want this and I want you to have everything you wanted, but when I think about a baby, a little tiny helpless person, I get so overwhelmed. The kids are all having a rough time, one way or another, and every time they make a mistake, I feel like it's my fault. Like, I'm screwing this up, I'm screwing them up.
Lena: They're just teenagers. They're just making teenage mistakes.
Stef: Remember you asked me why Brandon needed all that money from the IDs? He used it to bribe Ana.
Lena: Ana? Not the twins' Ana.
Stef: So Mike wouldn't go to jail. And Ana, being the delightful person that she is, showed up and demanded 10,000 dollars from us or she would go to the DA.
Lena: So, what are we gonna do? You're not gonna pay her.
Stef: No, I'm not gonna pay her. I'm going to wear a wire and record her trying to extort a police officer.

Mike's flat

Dani: Hello?
Brandon: Yeah?
Dani: Brandon...
Brandon: Callie came by.
Dani: Oh, no. What happened?
Brandon: She's over me.
Dani: You poor thing. What are you doing? Isn't your audition tomorrow?
Brandon: Yeah.
Dani: Well, I'm not going to let you blow it. It's time for bed.

Dani: Sit. Take off your pants.
Brandon: Wow. Bossy.
Dani: Where's your phone?
Brandon: In my pants.
Dani: I want to set your alarm. So you can't hit snooze, ok? I don't want you missing this.
Brandon: I'm sorry about everything. You know? My dad.
Dani: It's ok. It's not your fault. Sucks about Callie. You deserve better. Before you know it, you're going to find her, someone who appreciates just how kind and amazing and handsome and talented you are.

Voice mail – Mike: Brandon, it's me, Dad. I love you. I love you and I feel like I'm failing you as a dad and I'm... I'm sorry. I'm sorry I was mean today. I know I messed everything up and... and you're a good son and I'm sorry.

Voice mail – Dani: Hi, this is Dani. You know what to do.
Brandon: Uh, hey, it's Brandon. Sorry to bother you. It's look, I know it's kind of weird that I'm calling. But I just got a message from my dad that he left last night, and he sounded super drunk, and he's not home yet and I'm kind of freaking out. Uh, have you seen him? If you hear from him, or anything, will you let me know? Thanks.

Anchor Beach

Maddie: So did you ask your moms? About the movie? Can you go?
Jude: Um Yeah. They said it was ok.
Maddie: Ok, cool.
Connor: I thought you said you didn't like her.
Jude: So I changed my mind.
Connor: You only like her 'cause I said I do.
Jude: No, that's not it. It doesn't matter. She doesn't like you. She likes me.
Connor: Yeah, whatever. You know what? I don't think I can come to your adoption thing today since it's just for good friends and I'm obviously not a good friend.

Brandon's audition

Woman: Brandon Foster.

Anchor Beach

Jesus: Hey. So, I talked to my moms. I'm going to go back on my meds.
Emma: I know that wasn't an easy decision.
Jesus: So, are you still going out with that Kyle jerk?
Emma: Why do you ask?
Jesus: Why do you think?
Emma: No.
Jesus: Can we start over?
Emma: Hm. I don't know.
Jesus: Really? You're gonna be like that? How about we wrestle for it?
Emma: Are you sure you want to take that chance? With your record?
Jesus: I always wins when it counts.

Vico: Our folks are inside. Talking to Sanchez. This is all your fault, you know...
Brandon: Oh, yeah? It's my fault you set up Callie?
Vico: I told you I was gonna hit you where it hurt.
Brandon: Well, nice. Now we're both gonna get kicked out of school.
Vico: Relax. Nobody's getting kicked out.
Brandon: Dude we made fake IDs in the school machine. You brought booze to the winter dance.
Vico: My parents are taking care of it. They're founding members of the charter, my mom's head of the parent board. She basically signs Sanchez's checks.
Brandon: I can't believe you're gonna get away with this.
Vico: You think I'm getting away with this? My dad's a total bastard. He's making me quit wrestling.
Brandon: So?
Vico: So I was going to get scouted. I was going to get a scholarship. Finally get out from underneath his thumb. But not anymore. Life's crazy, you know? One minute, you're just cruising along. Next minute? Someone swoops in and kills your dream.

Foster's kitchen

Lena: Oh, hey, bubby. Painting them for the big day? Are you excited? You ok?
Jude: When did you know you were gay?
Lena: What do you mean?
Jude: There's this this girl at school, Maddie, and Connor wanted to go out with her, and I got all, kind of, jealous, I guess.
Lena: Ok. That happens.
Jude: But I don't think I'm jealous about Maddie.
Lena: Oh, honey. That's totally normal. Not normal, that's not what I mean. Let's not use the word normal at all. Honey, everybody gets jealous when their friend gets a boyfriend or girlfriend. Everybody. And it doesn't necessarily mean that you're gay or that you're not. And if you are or you're not, it really doesn't matter to us either way. We love you no matter what because you're you.
Jude: I know. Ok. I'm going to go get changed.
Lena: Ok.

Zac's house

Zac: She was doing some ironing and came into my room. And she didn't know who I was. She started screaming and I tried to get the iron out of her hands, and she, um she hit me. I finally got her to watch some TV.
Mariana: You've got to do something about this. This, this is not ok. She's going to hurt you even worse or somebody else or herself.

Zac: Uh, yeah, Linda? It's me, Zac. Is my dad there? Hey, Dad, it's me. I need some help. Mom's really, really sick.

Anchor Beach

Brandon: Hey.
Dani: I found him. He's fine.
Brandon: He is? Are you sure?
Dani: Yeah, he's been drinking. He's going to need to sleep it off, but he's ok.
Brandon: Thank you for doing that.
Dani: Don't worry. It's all good. Bye.

Ana's flat

Stef: You haven't seen Ana, have you?
Man: She went out yesterday and never came back. One of the residents did mention that they saw her get in a screaming match with some guy. I just hope she's ok.
Stef: Ok, thank you.

Mike's flat

Dani: What happened? Were you in a fight?


Stef: Hey, I'm here! This is so exciting. Hi, babies. All right, let's do this.
Lena: Hey, can I talk to you for a sec?
Stef: Yeah.

Stef: So, how'd it go with Sanchez? Gonna have to start looking for new schools for Brandon?
Lena: No, thank God, but...
Stef: But what? She's not expelling him. That's great, right?
Lena: Of course, but she's also not going to do anything about Vico. There's something wrong with that kid.
Stef: Really?
Lena: Yeah, this is why this entire thing will go away. Because Sanchez is afraid of Vico's parents. It just makes me furious. So, did you meet with Ana?
Stef: Uh, no. She didn't show. She wasn't at the halfway house when I went there after. They said she never came home last night. So, now I'll have to wait till she shows up again. Listen, are we ok? I I said some things yesterday that I know hurt your feelings.
Lena: I thought about what you said, and I think you're right. We've got all these beautiful kids and they need us right now.
Stef: Really?
Lena: Really. Uh, it's just I heard back from Urgent Care and I didn't start my period. It was just spotting because I'm pregnant.
Stef: I thought when I heard those words I would feel I don't know what I thought I'd feel but I feel nothing but love right now, baby... Love for you and for this beautiful baby we're going to have. Oh, my God Oh, baby. I'm so happy.

Brandon: You ok?
Mariana: Yeah, it's just it looks like Zac is going to have to move in with his dad for awhile.
Brandon: Oh, yeah?
Mariana: In Arizona.
Brandon: Oh. That sucks.
Mariana: It's ok. I just want him to be safe.
Brandon: Yeah, of course you do. But you finally get a boyfriend and...
Mariana: And yeah. I just I feel like everyone I love ends up leaving.
Brandon: Hey That's not true.

Callie: Hey. You didn't have to come.
Wyatt: Are you kidding me? And look who I found outside.
Callie: What? Hi!
Kiera: Damn girl, it's adoption day!
Rita: We're so happy for you and I'm so proud of you.

Lawyer: Hey.
Stef: Hi.
Lawyer: Can I talk to you for a sec?
Stef: Yeah.
Lena: Sure.
Lawyer: Over here.

Connor: Hey.
Jude: Hey, you got my message? I wasn't sure you'd come.
Connor: Well, it's for family and friends, right?
Jude: Um, I'm sorry about the whole Maddie thing. If you like her...
Connor: No, I don't know. Maybe all three of us can go see a movie sometime?
Callie: Hey, Connor.
Connor: Hey, Callie.
Callie: I can't believe this is about to happen. We're about to get adopted.

Stef: Hey, guys. Hey Connor, how are you?
Connor: Hey.
Stef: Can we talk to you for a sec?

Stef: So, there's there's a problem with the adoption, with Callie's paperwork.
Callie: What? What is it?
Lena: The court needed your original birth certificate. There were only duplicates in your foster care file. And when they got yours...
Stef: There was a different name listed for father.
Callie: So, Donald isn't my dad?
Lena: Not according to the birth certificate It says, Robert Quinn? Does that name mean anything to you?
Callie: Um well, Quinn is my middle name. But Mom told me it was a family name, so... What does this mean?
Lena: We don't really know.
Stef: We'll talk to Donald. See what he knows. We'll figure something out, I promise. Ok? But until then...
Callie: I'm not getting adopted.
Lena: Not today, but you are getting adopted, Callie. We promise.

Jude: Well, I'm not getting adopted without you.
Callie: No, Jude. We have waited too long for this day, ok? I'm not going to let you do this.
Jude: But...
Callie: No, it's ok. It's ok. Hey, I'm ok, all right? Today is your day. And you are going to walk into that courtroom and officially, officially, officially become a member of this family, ok?
Jude: Ok.
Callie: Ok?
Jude: Ok.
Callie: Ok. Ok. Yeah. Here we go, ok? I'm just going to step out and get some air.
Stef: Callie...
Callie: I'll be back in a minute.
Brandon: What happened?

Rita: Callie? Hey! Hey! Callie? What's going on? What happened in there? What?
Callie: I, um I can't get adopted. Apparently, there's something wrong with my birth certificate. I feel like nothing nothing ever works out, you know? Like the whole freakin' universe is against me.
Rita: I'm gonna let you in on a little secret, Cal. The universe isn't against anybody. I know it feels that way right now, but I'm telling you, that's not how it works. Life is a mixed bag. We all get some good and we all get some bad. The more time that you spend figuring out all the ways that the world is trying to screw with you? Well, the more you're going to find. Listen, this sucks. I know. Big time. And I don't know how this is going to end. I don't know how this is gonna play out. But I know you. I know when it gets hard that you want to run. But I'm telling you, you got to fight that. Sometimes you've got to stick around long enough for your luck to find you.

Foster's kitchen

Lena: It's still true, you know.
Callie: Yeah. I'm ok. Promise.

Foster's garden

Brandon: Think I'm gonna go get my stuff from my dad's.
Callie: We haven't even cut the cake.
Brandon: No, I'll have some later. Just want to get it done, you know?
Callie: Ok.
Brandon: You're getting really good.
Callie: I've been practicing.
Brandon: Maybe we can jam a little when I get back home.
Callie: Yeah, I'd like that. Wait, Brandon, I forgot. What happened with the audition for the symphony?
Brandon: Oh I got it.
Callie: You did?
Brandon: Yeah.
Callie: That's amazing.
Brandon: Thanks.

Wyatt: I need to know something. If you can't or if you're not going to be able to get adopted, does that change anything?
Callie: About Brandon? No. No, it doesn't change anything.
Wyatt: Play me something.
Callie: Ok.

Kikavu ?

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choup37, 15.04.2024 à 10:15

Il manque 3 votes pour valider la nouvelle bannière Kaamelott... Clic clic clic

chrismaz66, 15.04.2024 à 11:46

Oui cliquez;-) et venez jouer à l'animation Kaamelott qui démarre là maintenant et ce jusqu'à la fin du mois ! Bonne chance à tous ^^

Supersympa, 16.04.2024 à 14:31

Bonjour à tous ! Nouveau survivor sur le quartier Person of Interest ayant pour thème l'équipe de Washington (saison 5) de la Machine.

choup37, Hier à 08:49

5 participants prennent part actuellement à la chasse aux gobelins sur doctor who, y aura-t-il un sixième?

chrismaz66, Hier à 11:04

Choup tu as 3 joueurs de plus que moi!! Kaamelott est en animation, 3 jeux, venez tenter le coup, c'est gratis! Bonne journée ^^

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