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#209 : Débordements

Les ados Fosters se rendent à un festival mexicain : Callie veut apprendre à faire confiance à Wyatt et celui-ci fait tout ce qu'il peut pour l'aider, mais lorsqu'elle revoit une personne de son passé, cela pourrait menacer tous ses progrès tandis que Mat emmène Mariana au festival mais celle-ci semble offensée.

De son côté, Jesus veut montrer à Haylay qu'il n'est pas avec elle juste pour le sexe et finit par faire une énorme gaffe. Enfin, Mike et Ana tentent de monter un plan pour réparer leurs torts.


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209 - Sneak Peek n°5


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Mariana et Mat au festival de culture mexicaine

Mariana et Mat au festival de culture mexicaine

Callie et Wyatt discutent

Callie et Wyatt discutent

Callie tombe par terre

Callie tombe par terre

Brandon et Lou au festival de culture mexicaine

Brandon et Lou au festival de culture mexicaine

Jesus fait une surprise à Hayley

Jesus fait une surprise à Hayley

Ana et Mike discutent

Ana et Mike discutent

Jesus et Callie dans la cuisine

Jesus et Callie dans la cuisine

Brandon et Stef prennent le petit-déjeuner

Brandon et Stef prennent le petit-déjeuner

Callie est contraitée

Callie est contraitée

Callie tombe par terre

Callie tombe par terre

Mariana et Mat discutent avec Callie et Wyatt

Mariana et Mat discutent avec Callie et Wyatt

Mariana et Mat tombent sur Callie au festival de culture mexicaine

Mariana et Mat tombent sur Callie au festival de culture mexicaine

Callie au festival de culture mexicaine

Callie au festival de culture mexicaine

Mariana et Mat au festival de culture mexicaine

Mariana et Mat au festival de culture mexicaine

Une danseuse au festival de culture mexicaine

Une danseuse au festival de culture mexicaine

Une danseuse au festival de culture mexicaine

Une danseuse au festival de culture mexicaine

Mariana et Mat

Mariana et Mat

Mariana et Mat discutent avec Callie et Wyatt

Mariana et Mat discutent avec Callie et Wyatt

Mariana et Mat discutent avec Callie et Wyatt

Mariana et Mat discutent avec Callie et Wyatt

Mat et Mariana au festival de culture mexicaine

Mat et Mariana au festival de culture mexicaine


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Etats-Unis (inédit)
Lundi 11.08.2014 à 21:00
1.36m / 0.5% (18-49)

Plus de détails

Scénario : Cristian Martinez
Réalisation : Lee Rose

  • Chambre de Mariana et Callie

Mariana tente de trouver quelque chose à se mettre pour son rendez-vous avec Mat mais elle ne sait pas quoi puisqu'elle ne sait pas où il l'emmène. Elle discute avec Callie du fait qu'il dit toujours ce qu'il pense et qu'elle veut être bien : attirante mais vulnérable. Elle fait alors comprendre à Callie qu'elle veut sa veste.

  • Cuisine des Fosters

Tout le monde prend le petit-déjeuner et Stef explique aux enfants qu'elle a décidé de faire quelques heures supplémentaires puisque Lena n'est pas là et qu'elle va escorter à des funérailles. Jesus en profite pour savoir si elle va en avoir pour longtemps mais lorsqu'elle parle d'une fête, tout le monde se fige et Jesus rattrape le coup en disant qu'il a juste besoin d'être seul pour finir un devoir. Ils parlent ensuite des Girls United et de ce qu'il pourrait arriver suite à l'incendie. Stef rassure Callie, disant que Rita n'est pas du genre à abandonner. Brandon dit qu'il a prévu quelque chose avec Lou pour l'après-midi et Stef lui propose d'emmener Callie, elle est gênée mais finit par accepter. Marina arrive dans la cuisine avec la veste de Callie, elle se fait taquiner puis demande à Stef comment Lena va. Cette dernière répond qu'elle va bien, que la nature lui a fait du bien mais qu'il va falloir être très compréhensif et sympa avec elle à son retour : perdre un bébé est une des plus dures épreuves qu'il puisse y avoir.

  • Appartement de Mike

Brandon dépose ce que Stef lui a demandé de déposer chez Mike mais la rencontre est rapide : Mike dit ne pas avoir le temps de prendre le petit-déjeuner avec lui et Brandon cherche un moyen de s'en aller le plus vite possible.


  • Appartement de Mike

En réalité, Ana se trouve chez Mike et ce dernier s'excuse, qu'il n'était pas prêt à être confronté à Brandon, elle comprend. Ils reprennent la lecture des chapitres pour les Alcooliques Anonymes, il s'agit du chapitre sur le pardon.

  • Festival de rue mexicain

Mariana et Mat vont à l'endroit où Mat a prévu le rendez-vous et Mariana se demande pourquoi tant de mystère. Ils arrivent alors un festival de rue mexicain et Mariana, malgré ce qu'elle dit, semble déçue.

  • Bureau de la psychologue

Callie parle de ses crises d'angoisse suite à sa tentative de faire l'amour avec Wyatt. Elle demande à sa psychologue si c'est à cause de son viol mais la psychologue l'oriente plus vers un manque de confiance en elle, dû à son erreur de jugement avec Liam. Elle lui conseille alors de se faire confiance, de faire confiance à Wyatt et de voir où cela la mène.

  • Jardin des Foster

Jesus emmène Haylay qui a les yeux bandés dans le garage, là où ils ont fait leur première fois, qu'il a aménagé avec de la musique, des bougies et des fleurs. Mais lorsqu'Haylay voit cela, elle est déçue et pense que Jesus l'utilise seulement pour le sexe. Jesus se rattrape alors en disant qu'il a prévu autre chose et Haylay retrouve le sourire. Stef arrive alors, l'enterrement a été annulé : Jesus est gêné et dit que de toute façon ils sortaient Stef se moque de lui et lui rappelle qu'il ne peut pas être avec une fille dans une pièce fermée.

  • Festival de rue mexicain

Brandon retrouve Lou qui s'aperçoit que Callie est aussi venue, mais elle dit que cela ne lui pose pas de problème. Wyatt arrive alors, Callie l'a appelé : elle leur propose alors de se retrouver au concert plus tard, voulant faire un concours de nourriture avec Wyatt.

Mat et Mariana découvre le festival de rue et Mariana s'agace quand Mat lui demande si elle sait qui est Frida Kahlo, pensant qu'il lui demande ça à cause de ses origines. Mat commence à s'étonner de sa réaction mais elle dit que tout va bien.

Alors que Wyatt est parti chercher à manger, Callie fait une crise d'angoisse mais se calme lorsqu'il revient. Elle lui explique alors ses crises, son rendez-vous chez sa psychologue qui lui a conseillé de lui faire confiance. Wyatt dit qu'il est là et qu'il est content qu'elle l'ait appelé. Ils continuent de marcher et au loin, Liam est vu au festival avec un ami.

  • Chambre de Stef et Lena

Stef et Lena se parlent par webcam et Lena pense que Stef devrait prendre du temps pour elle puisqu'elle a la maison à elle-seule et qu'elle ne travaille pas. Elle lui conseille la méditation mais Stef se moque gentiment d'elle, Lena lui rappelle alors qu'elles sont toutes les deux en deuil.

  • Festival de rue mexicain

Jesus et Haylay arrivent au festival de rue et Haylay est impressionnée des recherches qu'a fait Jesus mais celui-ci aperçoit Brandon plus loin et tente de cacher à Haylay qu'il a piqué l'idée à son frère.

Brandon et Lou regardent un groupe de musique et Brandon est surpris que Lou aime ce rythme, disant qu'elle est pleine de surprise. Lou lui fait alors un sous-entendu mais Brandon fait semblant de ne pas voir compris.

  • Appartement de Mike

Ana fait la liste des personnes auxquelles elle doit demander pardon et Jesus et Mariana se retrouvent tout en haut de la liste. Mike pense que c'est dommage que Stef et Lena ne veuillent pas laisser s'excuser et dit que lui-même a en quelque sorte abandonner Brandon puisqu'il ne s'est pas battu pour avoir la garde, préférant boire. Mike lui propose alors de dire ce qu'elle dirait si elle pouvait voir les jumeaux mais elle n'y arrive pas. Il lui propose alors une pause bien méritée.

  • Festival de rue mexicain

Mat et Mariana mangent des churros lorsqu'ils tombent sur Callie et Wyatt. Elle leur propose de rester ensemble pour aller voir le concert mais Wyatt décide d'aller chercher autre chose à manger, Callie reste avec Mariana. Alors qu'il va à un stand, Wyatt aperçoit Liam et décide de le suivre.

  • Salle de bain de Stef et Lena

Stef décide de réparer un tuyau de la salle de bain qui fuit depuis des semaines et elle semble avoir réussi. Elle enregistre alors une vidéo pour Lena, montrant qu'elle a réussi mais le tuyau se remet à fuir, Stef s'énerve.

  • Festival de rue mexicain

Brandon et Lou regardent un tatoueur travailler et Brandon semble impressionner. Lou lui montre alors qu'elle a un tatouage et lui dit qu'elle ne peut pas lui montrer en public l'autre. Mais Brandon encore une fois fait comme si de rien n'était et Lou s'agace : elle pense qu'il n'est pas attiré ou qu'il n'est pas encore passé à autre chose depuis Callie mais il lui dit que non. Elle veut savoir alors pourquoi mais Wyatt arrive, disant qu'il a vu Liam et Brandon le suit.

Brandon comprend alors que Wyatt a suivi Liam pour lui dire de partir mais il préférerait retrouver Callie et lui dire de partir mais Wyatt ne comprend pas pourquoi c'est elle qui devrait partir.

Callie est toujours avec Mariana et Mat mais ce dernier propose d'aller au concert qui va bientôt commencer. Callie dit alors qu'elle va attendre Wyatt et qu'ils le rejoindront ; Mat et Mariana partent.

Wyatt et Brandon continuent de chercher Liam et tombent sur Jesus et Haylay : elle comprend alors qu'il a juste pris l'idée de son frère et lui reproche encore de se servir d'elle pour le sexe. Il lui assure que non, disant qu'il l'aime bien mais qu'il ne sait pas comment lui montrer.

  • Salle de bain de Stef et Lena

Stef continue son bricolage pour réparer le tuyau, à l'aide d'internet mais alors qu'elle doit donner un petit coup dans le tuyau, elle tape trop fort et le tuyau fuit de plus belle, commençant à inonder la pièce.

  • Festival de rue mexicain

En sortant des toilettes, Mariana tombe sur Mike et... Ana. Mike lui propose alors d'aller boire un verre pour parler au lieu de se braquer mais Mariana s'énerve. Ana lui dit qu'elle a écrit une lettre à Stef et Lena pour la voir elle et Jesus mais qu'elles lui ont dit non. Mariana dit qu'elle ne veut rien à avoir avec elle, qu'elle continuera juste à lui mentir et s'en va.

Mat la rattrape et Mariana se met à lui crier dessus : elle ne comprend pas pourquoi il l'a amenée ici, que c'est comme s'il voulait qu'elle soit plus mexcaine. Il ne comprend pas son énervement puisque c'est sa culture, qu'elle lui a montré des photos de sa Quinceanera. Mais elle ne lui répond que ce n'était qu'une fête, qu'elle ne ressent rien pour la culture mexiciane : il lui répond que clairement ce n'est pas le cas puisqu'elle a l'air bouleversée.

Wyatt finit par retrouver Liam, il lui dit alors de partir puisque Callie est ici mais Liam essaie de se faire passer pour la victime, disant qu'il n'a jamais forcé Callie et qu'elle avait envie de coucher avec lui. Wyatt s'énerve et ils commencent à se battre. Brandon arrive, tente de les séparer mais lorsque Liam le met un coup, il s'énerve à son tour et commence à le frapper. Des policiers arrivent en même temps que Lou et Callie chacune de leur côté ; les policiers les arrêtent et dispersent la foule.

Lou comprend alors que Brandon ressent toujours quelque chose pour Callie mais celui-ci assure que non : il est juste dans une mauvaise passe et que ce n'est ni de sa faute à elle, ni de la faute de Callie. Lou propose alors de partir du festival, Brandon acquiesce.

De son côté, Wyatt retrouve Callie et ne comprend pas pourquoi elle est énervée puisqu'il voulait juste la protéger. Callie lui dit que ce n'est ce genre de protection dont elle a besoin, qu'elle avait besoin qu'il reste avec elle. Elle en conclut alors qu'elle ne peut pas lui faire autant confiance qu'elle pensait et s'en va.

  • Salle de bain de Stef et Lena

Stef coupe alors l'arrivée d'eau et alors qu'elle cherche une serviette, tombe sur une serviette d'enfant et craque : elle s'effondre au milieu de la pièce et se met à pleurer. Lena l'appelle car elle a reçu la vidéo. Elle comprend quelque chose ne va pas et Stef lui avoue alors que le bébé lui manque, Lena lui dit qu'elle a aussi.

  • Maison des Foster

Stef remercie Mike d'être venu l'aider pour le tuyau et Brandon rentre, ses parents voient qu'il s'est battu. Dans la cuisine, Mike tente de le soigner et lui parle de toute la colère qu'il a en lui : Mike veut que Brandon se pardonne d'avoir couché avec Dani et il dit qu'il faut que lui aussi se pardonne de l'avoir fait rentrer dans sa vie.

  • Chambre de Mariana et Callie

Stef vient voir si Callie va bien après avoir revu Liam et Callie lui assure que oui. Elle lui dit en vouloir à Wyatt puisqu'il sait comment elle réagit face à la violence. Stef lui confie qu'elles se ressemblent beaucoup : elles veulent toutes les deux être très fortes pour les autres mais elle lui dit qu'il n'y a pas de honte à craquer des fois, que c'est normal. Jesus arrive et Stef se moque de lui en disant qu'il a intérêt à aller faire le devoir dont il ne fait que de parler.

  • Salle de bain

Jesus rentre dans la salle de bain et enlève son tshirt : un grand pansement couvre une partie de son torse et il l'enlève, il s'est fait tatouer le nom d'Haylay.

  • Festival de rue mexicain

Mariana avoue à Mat qu'elle ne déteste en rien la culture mexicaine, que c'est juste que ça lui fait du mal puisque la seule connexion qu'elle a avec c'est Ana et qu'elle la déteste tellement. Mat lui parle alors de son père qu'il l'a abandonné lui et sa mère alors qu'il n'avait que 5 ans et lui dit que s'il avait l'occasion de l'entendre s'excuser, ça lui ferait du bien. Un homme arrive avec des roses : Mat en prend une et la met dans les cheveux de Mariana. Ils se mettent alors à danser sur une ballade mexicaine.

  • Maison des Foster

Mariana rentre de sa journée et Stef l'accueille. Elle lui demande alors si Ana leur a vraiment envoyé une lettre, Stef acquiesce et Mariana dit alors qu'elle veut voir Ana.

Fin de l'épisode.

Ecrit par Emeline53. 


Mariana and Callie's room

Mariana: I seriously have like nothing to wear. And Mat won't tell me where we're going so I don't know what to wear! Too Big Bird?
Callie: I don't think you're not big anything. More Tweety Bird.
Mariana: Ha-ha. Seriously. I need something like, sexy but not too sexy, soft but not easy, that says I'm a girl, but don't treat me like one.
Callie: Right, so you're looking for really pretty armor?
Mariana: No. I just... Mat can be a little confrontational. Ok, a lot confrontational. I mean, the boy feels the need to say everything he thinks. So I wanna be pretty but protected.
Callie: Attractive, just not vulnerable.
Mariana: Yeah. Like you.

Foster's kitchen

Stef: You want some syrup for that, bud?
Brandon: Mm-hm.
Callie: Since when do you work Sundays?
Stef: I'm escorting a funeral. Since Mama and Jude aren't gonna be back until tomorrow, I thought I'd pick up a little off-duty security work. Unless you don't want me to go. That fire was pretty intense. I can cancel, you know.
Callie: No, no. I have therapy anyway. I'm fine.
Stef: Ok. You sure?
Callie: Yeah, I'm just happy everyone got out safe.
Stef: Yeah.
Brandon: Where's everybody now? All the girls, I mean?
Callie: They went back to juvie, until they can find a new place, if they can find place.
Brandon: What does that mean?
Callie: Well, I guess there aren't many landlords who wanna rent to a group home, so...
Stef: Well, I'm sure they'll find something. Rita doesn't strike me as the type of person who'd gives up easily.

Jesus: So what time is the funeral gonna be over?
Stef: As long as it takes to get the guy in the ground, I guess. Why? Planning another party?
Jesus: Whaddaya mean? I was just asking. I have a big paper I'm writing. It'd be easier to have no one here to distract me.
Brandon: Well I have a music thing with Lou downtown, so I won't be here.
Stef: Oh yeah? Why don't you maybe you could take Callie with you.
Callie: Oh no, I don't wanna crash your thing.
Brandon: It's not a thing. We're just hanging. You should come.
Callie: Really?
Brandon: Yeah. I could pick you up after therapy.
Callie: Um, ok, well I'll think about it.
Brandon: I'll call you after I'm done.
Callie: Ok.

Stef: Hey Miss Thang. Nice jacket.
Mariana: Cute, right? Thank you.
Callie: Like I had a choice.
Mariana: When are Mama and Jude coming home? At least they're nice to me.
Stef: Oh, poor baby. They'll be back tomorrow.
Mariana: How's she doing?
Stef: Uh, she's doing she's doing all right, I think. Yeah, it's been good for her being out in nature, you know, getting a little time off, a little time away. We all have to be extra sweet to her when she gets back. Losing a baby, is it's one of the hardest things you can possibly go through. All right, I gotta go. Oh, hey, B, will you drop this off at your dad's on your way out?
Brandon: Um can't you?
Stef: Yes I can but I asked you to. Thank you. All right, my babies, I'll see you later. All right.
Mariana: How's your dad doing, after the breakup? It's so weird. Didn't Dani just move in? What happened?
Brandon: Um, I dunno. He's fine. It's none of our business.

Mike's flat

Mike: Hey.
Brandon: Hey. Sorry I should have called. Mom asked me to...
Mike: Oh, thanks.
Brandon: No problem.
Mike: I'd make you come in and have breakfast, but I'm heading out in a minute.
Brandon: It's cool. I have stuff to do anyway.
Mike: Ok. I'll see ya soon?
Brandon: Yeah, sure.


Mike: Sorry about that. I just I'm not ready to get into this, with him.
Ana: No, don't worry about it. I wasn't really ready to face him either. Guess I can add him to my amends list.
Mike: He's already at the top of mine. Uh... You wanna read the next part?
Ana: Sure. "We have a list of all persons we have harmed and to whom we are willing to make amends. We made it when we took inventory. We subjected ourselves to a drastic self-appraisal. Now we go out to our fellows and repair the damage done in the past."

Street Mexican Festival

Mariana: So why all the secrecy? What kind of music festival is this? Is it like a rave? An underground warehouse death-metal battle of the bands?
Mat: Yup. I'm totally bringing you to 'The Seven Levels of Hell, a Sound Experience That Will Explode Your Eardrums!' I'm kidding. Look.
Mariana: Nice.

Therapist's office

Therapist: So when did these panic attacks start?
Callie: Well, I've been seeing Wyatt for a while now.
Therapist: Uh-huh.
Callie: And we decided we wanted to have sex.
Therapist: Ok. Is that something you feel like you're ready for? With Wyatt, I mean?
Callie: I do. I did, anyway. But when we tried, I freaked out. I couldn't breathe and I pushed him off of me. It's been happening a few times a week since. I even thought I saw Liam the other day, at work. I think... Do you think it's him, Liam?
Therapist: You mean, do I think the rape is the cause of the panic attacks? Maybe. But things like that generally start closer to the time of the event. Do you trust Wyatt?
Callie: Yeah, completely.
Therapist: But you also thought you could trust Liam, right? And you were wrong. So how can you trust your own judgment?
Callie: You think I can't trust my judgment?
Therapist: No. I think you think you can't. Especially when it comes to making yourself so vulnerable to another person. I think if you trusted yourself...
Callie: I wouldn't have panicked with Wyatt.
Therapist: I think it's a possibility.
Callie: So, what am I supposed to do?
Therapist: Did you see any signs that Liam wasn't who he pretended to be?
Callie: Um, I guess, yeah.
Therapist: People show us who they are, what they're capable of, If we're paying attention, listening to our gut, that's how we learn to trust ourselves, by trusting we will act on our instincts to keep ourselves safe. You say you trust Wyatt completely so trust your instincts. Until he gives you a reason not to.

Foster's house

Haylay: Hey!
Jesus: Sorry! We're almost there.
Haylay: Where are you taking me?
Jesus: I'm not telling you. That's kinda the point of the blindfold.
Haylay: Fine. What is this?
Jesus: This is where we, you know, the first time. It'll be like our first date all over again.
Haylay: You mean our first hookup? By the way, we haven't even had a real first date. Is this all you think I am? Some girl to get naked with in your garage?
Jesus: No! No. This is romantic. Look flower petals. I picked these myself.
Haylay: So this is it, huh? Your plan for our big "special date?" Sex on a nasty old couch?
Jesus: No! No, this is, um, this is just part one. I just wanted to spend some time alone together 'cause no one's home. Then I was gonna take you out.
Haylay: Where?

Stef: Hello?
Jesus: Um. Oh, God. Just wait.
Stef: Hello? Hi, Hayley. How are ya?
Haylay: Hi.
Jesus: Hi. Mom, I thought you were supposed to be working that funeral?
Stef: I can see that that's what you thought. But, well, they had to cancel. Someone forgot to dig the grave. So what's up?
Jesus: Just hanging out.
Stef: Uh-huh, well, you know the rules: no hanging out with girls behind closed doors.
Jesus: That's not fair. What if I was gay?
Stef: Are you? Gay?
Jesus: No, but...
Stef: Point taken. Then I guess there's no hanging out with anyone behind closed doors, that includes garage doors too.
Jesus: All right, we were on our way out, anyway.
Stef: I see. And what about that big paper that you had to work on?
Jesus: I'll finish it tonight. You ready?
Stef: I'll just finish blowing out these candles for you, bit of a fire hazard there, Jesus.

Street Mexican Festival

Brandon: Hey.
Lou: Hey, yo.
Callie: Hey. Sorry to crash.
Lou: No worries. The more, the merrier.
Callie: Well, thank you. Um, I'm glad you say that, actually.
Wyatt: Hey. Good to see ya.
Callie: You know Lou, right?
Wyatt: Yeah we met at your party. So what is this? Some kinda Mexican street festival? Seems cool.
Lou: Yeah, there's a main stage over there and they usually play some pretty great music.
Brandon: Nice. Cool.

Callie: Well, um, why don't we meet up with you there later? Wyatt and I are gonna have a chow-down.
Wyatt: We are?
Callie: Mm-hmm, yeah, we're both gonna eat one item from every food stall, and the first person to say "uncle," has to pay for it all.
Wyatt: Wait, so you think you're gonna out eat me?
Callie: No, I know I'm gonna out-eat you.
Wyatt: Ok, it's on, girl. How about we start with a little spicy corn, to line the stomach? Yeah, how about it? Let's do it.

Brandon: We're not doing that, right?
Lou: No.
Brandon: Ok, all right, cool. Let's go this way.
Lou: All right.

Mat: My grandfather used to bring me here every year. He's a musician. He loves Latin music. You like her?
Mariana: Who?
Mat: Frida Kahlo.
Mariana: Um I dunno. I mean, she could stand to tweeze a little.
Mat: Wait, you've never heard of Frida Kahlo?
Mariana: No. Why? Because I'm a Mexican?
Mat: No, because she's like a cultural icon.
Mariana: Yeah, a Mexican cultural icon.
Mat: Yeah, but no, she's kind of international?
Mariana: Well I didn't really grow up in a Latino home, so...
Mat: No, that's not what I meant. Is something wrong?
Mariana: No.

Callie: Wyatt? Wyatt?
Wyatt: Hey. You ok?
Callie: Yeah. Not exactly, no.
Wyatt: Ok, well, why not?
Callie: Um, I've been having these panic attacks, ever since we tried to....
Wyatt: Really?
Callie: It's not your fault at all. Um I'm just trying to I'm supposed to practice trusting myself. I know that sounds dumb but it's actually harder than you think.
Wyatt: Oh.
Callie: Anyway, I didn't really wanna come here today 'cause the crowds and everything. But I know that one of the things I can trust is you, so...
Wyatt: I'm right here. I was just getting these. For you, my lady.
Callie: Nerd.
Wyatt: Unless you're full? I mean, we can stop, anytime you want. All you've gotta do is say the word.
Callie: No, No, I'm starving.
Wyatt: You're starving, huh?
Callie: Mm-hm.
Wyatt: You'll definitely enjoy this meatball then.
Callie: Yeah, cheers.
Wyatt: Mm-hm. Cheers.
Callie: Mmmm. Delicious.
Wyatt: Right?
Callie: Tamale? Unless you've had enough.
Wyatt: Baby, we are just getting started.
Callie: Mmm.
Wyatt: Mm-hm. I'm really glad you called.
Callie: Me, too.

Man: Hey, Liam. I'm hungry, man. Let's go.

Stef and Lena's room

Lena: I'm so glad you're getting the day off, you deserve it. It'll be good for you, a little quiet time to yourself.
Stef: Not really sure what I'm gonna do with myself.
Lena: You don't have to do anything. Why not just be? I'm serious. That's what's been so great about this trip. All this time out in the woods has really let me connect, you know, with this.
Stef: Ok, Earth Mother. I got it.
Lena: We're both grieving, honey.
Stef: Yeah. I know. I'm ok.
Lena: Ok. Maybe you could, I dunno, meditate or something? I mean it.
Stef: I know you do. That's what scares me. I will try it, sweetheart. Thank you. I love you.
Lena: I love you, too.

Street Mexican Festival

Haylay: Oh, my God, this is so cool! How did you know about this?
Jesus: I told you, I wanted to do something that's really special, so I did a bunch of research on all the cool events that were happening this weekend.
Haylay: I'm sorry I doubted you. I'm very impressed. And hungry.
Jesus: Yeah? Let's go get you a taco. You know what? I read the best tacos are actually over here.
Haylay: Wow you did do your research. Thank you.

Lou: You like this? Hear that rhythm line? It's so intricate.
Brandon: What's that?
Lou: It's a guitarron.
Brandon: Yeah. A guitarron.
Lou: It's like a bass. But so much more. It's totally the backbone of the band. What?
Brandon: Nothing. I just didn't realize you were into all these different kinds of music. You're full of surprises.
Lou: There's more where that came from.

Mike's flat

Ana: And of course Jesus and sweet Mariana. "Taking money from her to buy drugs was probably the worst thing I ever did." I mean, how am I supposed to make amends to those two?
Mike: What'd your sponsor say? "Staying sober's a good start." But I get it. I feel the same way about Brandon.
Ana: Yeah, you didn't abandon your son.
Mike: No. Not literally. But I did it in all kinds of other ways. I mean, the relationship with Dani I shoulda never started that so soon after I got sober. I had Brandon living here with me. I shoulda made him a priority, instead of And it goes all the way back. After the divorce, I shoulda fought for custody. Or at least partial custody. But the truth is, I didn't think I could handle it. And it's a lot harder to drink all the time with a little kid running around.
Ana: I managed. With two of 'em. To drink, use coke, use crystal, some heroin. It doesn't even matter Stef and Lena are never gonna let me see them again. They made that perfectly clear.
Mike: It's too bad. I think it's a mistake, not just for you. What would you say to them? I mean, if you could?
Ana: Um... This is really hard.
Mike: You know what? We did a lot of work today. You wanna take a break?
Ana: Yeah.
Mike: Yeah. Ok.

Street Mexican Festival

Mat: Best in town. Well, that's what they say, anyway.
Mariana: Thanks. Callie? What're you doing here?
Callie: Oh, we tagged along with Brandon and Lou.
Mariana: They're here, too? Where are they?
Callie: Oh, I don't know we split up with them a little while ago. We're gonna meet them later though for the concert.
Mariana: Oh yay! We'll join you.

Wyatt: Hey, you know what I think we need? I think we need some dulce de leche, something sweet.
Callie: Yeah, no, I think that's exactly what we need... Hey, but no puking! Puking's against the rules!
Wyatt: Mm-hmm.

Stef and Lena's bathroom

Stef: I don't wanna be one to toot my own horn. Generally, I prefer you to do that. But since you're not here, I guess I'm going to have to indulge in a little self-congratulation. Check out that pipe! Look at that! No more leaky pipe! No more emptying the bowl into the toilet anymore. How hot is that pipe, huh? How hot is that pipe? And how hot is your mama, huh? In her hot tool belt? In her hot tool belt? Using power tools, oh, yeah, fixing things. Look at that pipe. Look at that pipe. Oh, crap! Oh, crap!

Street Mexican Festival

Brandon: Wow. That's intense.
Lou: You should get one.
Brandon: One: I'm not 18 and two: I'd like to live to be 18, which I don't think would happen if my moms found out I got one of those.
Lou: You don't have to be 18, for the record, not at a place like this.
Brandon: Really? Nice. What is it?
Lou: It's a Triple Spiral. It's the Wiccan symbol of feminine power. I've got another one, but I can't really show it to you here.
Brandon: Uh, what time does stuff start on the main stage?
Lou: So you're not into me? Is that what's happening? Because it's either that or you're completely oblivious, and I'm pretty sure you're not that stupid.
Brandon: No, I...
Lou: I mean, I basically just offered to let you see me naked.
Brandon: I'm not oblivious, ok, and I'm not stupid. I'm just...
Lou: You're not over Callie? Not into me?
Brandon: No.
Lou: Then what?

Wyatt: Hey, Brandon, Liam's here.
Brandon: What?
Wyatt: Liam's here!
Brandon: What? Hang on, Wyatt? I gotta go.
Lou: Who's Liam?
Brandon: He's this guy who I'll tell you later, all right? Wyatt? Hey, slow down. What are you doing?
Wyatt: I saw him over there. I lost him.
Brandon: You were following him?
Wyatt: Yeah. I don't want Callie to see him.
Brandon: Then let's grab Callie and get outta here.
Wyatt: No why should Callie be the one who has to leave?
Brandon: Hey, dude, think about this. This is not a good idea.

Mat: Hey, the concert's about to start, do you think we could..
Callie: You guys go ahead, yeah, I'm sure Wyatt's just gonna be a second. I'll meet you there. Save us a seat though.
Mariana: Ok.
Mat: Hurry.
Mariana: Uh, can we stop by the ladies room on our way?

Brandon: Excuse me. Pardon me. Sorry. Excuse me.
Jesus: Whoa! What are you guys doing here?
Brandon: I told you I was coming here this morning. Never mind. Damn it. I gotta go.

Haylay: So you did a bunch of research, huh? Was that just stealing your brother's idea, or was there more to it than that? So really you just wanted to use me? For sex?
Jesus: No. No. That's not it at all. I like you. I really like you.
Haylay: You know, there are plenty of guys out there that would treat me like this. I thought you were different.
Jesus: I am, I really am different. I mean it. What do I have to do to prove it to you?

Stef and Lena's bathroom

Video: So you wanna make sure it's in there as close as you can get it. And give it a whack. I shouldn't say "whack". I mean, tap it, very gently.

Street Mexican Festival

Mariana: Well, look who's here? Hey, Mike!
Mike: Hey. Ana and I...
Ana: We're working the program together. I got 60 days, 60 days clean. I wrote Stef and Lena. I wrote your moms. I told them I wanted to see you, and Jesus just to tell you how sorry I am.
Mariana: I can't. I don't wanna I can't do this...
Mike: Whoa whoa, let's just go somewhere and talk, ok?
Mariana: Why? So she can lie to me again? No. No.

Mat: Hey, Mariana! Mariana? Hey! Hey! What's going on? Are you ok?
Mariana: No, I'm not. Why did you bring me here? Is it because I'm not Latin enough? Is it because I dyed my hair? Why?
Mat: No, I brought you here because I love it. I wanted to share it with you.
Mariana: Oh, because I'm Mexican? If I were Korean, would you take me to Koreatown?
Mat: If I wanted good barbecue, yeah. Ok, I don't get it, are you offended that I brought you to a festival that actually celebrates your culture? I mean, it's not like I made you wear a sombrero and do tequila shots.
Mariana: Well, I'm sorry, this isn't my culture.
Mat: Didn't you show me a picture of your Quinceanera?
Mariana: That was just a party. Look, I grew up with Stef and Lena. I didn't eat churros, or dance flamenco...
Mat: Flamenco's not Mexican.
Mariana: Don't do that! See? This is what I mean! This isn't me. I don't have any connection to any of this! I don't feel anything!
Mat: Well, you clearly feel something. Why are you yelling at me? Is this about that woman? Who was that?

Wyatt: Hey, Liam? Hey, you need to get the hell outta here. Callie is here. I don't want her seeing you. So for once in your life, do the right thing and get the hell outta here.
Liam: Why don't you get out? Man, haven't you put her through enough? What about what she put me through? Huh?
Wyatt: What are you talking about?
Liam: Accusing me like she did, dragging me into court, in front of my parents and the whole freaking world.
Wyatt: So what, you're saying you didn't rape her?
Liam: Yeah, that's what I'm saying. I had sex with her, but trust me, she wanted it.
Brandon: Hey! Hey! Wyatt, stop! Stop! Come on!
Policeman: Hey, break it up! Hey, that's enough! Want me to call the cops?
Liam: No.
Policeman: Ok, folks, move on. Show's over.

Lou: Well, that was something.
Brandon: That guy, he, um did some bad stuff to Callie.
Lou: And you just had to jump in to defend her. I'm kidding. I'm sure you had your reasons. You're pretty rock-n-roll, Foster. I mean, you're an idiot, but come on.
Brandon: I'm sorry. I'm just kind of in a bad place right now. I can't. It's not you, ok? And it's not Callie. It's me. I promise. I'm sorry.
Lou: Let's get outta here.

Wyatt: Callie! Hey! What? What did I do? I was just trying to protect you.
Callie: I know.
Wyatt: Then what did I do wrong?
Callie: That's not the kind of protection I want, Wyatt. I told you, ok? I needed you today. I needed you. To be with me. I told myself that I could trust you but I guess I was wrong. You know how I feel about violence, or do you not remember me screaming at you the last time that you picked a fight with Liam. I can't believe we're having this fight again.
Wyatt: I was I was just trying to take care of you, Callie.
Callie: Well, maybe you don't know how to do that.

Stef and Lena's bathroom

Stef: Oh, God! Hi, honey.
Lena: Hi. I was just calling to say I got your video?
Stef: I sent it?
Lena: Yeah, I called the plumber. He's on the way.
Stef: Ok, thank you.
Lena: Hey, are you ok?
Stef: I miss the baby. We didn't even know her and I miss her so much.
Lena: I know, me too.

Stef: Thanks for the heads up.
Lena: Hey. What the hell happened?

Foster's kitchen

Brandon: That hurts.
Mike: It's supposed to hurt. What are you doin', getting in fights, anyway? Your hand just got better.
Brandon: I know, I know. I was trying to stop it, honest. But once I saw Liam, I got so mad, I... I couldn't.
Mike: Who you really mad at, B? Liam? Sure, maybe. He deserves some anger, but I gotta say, I don't think that's really what this was about. I think you're mad at me. And I think you're mad at yourself. I want you to forgive yourself for what happened with Dani. And I want you to forgive me for bringing her into our lives in the first place.
Brandon: I'm so sorry, Dad.
Mike: I know you are. I'm sorry, too. You can't avoid hurting the people you love. That's just what happens. That's that's family. But I got a feeling we're gonna be making amends to each other for the rest of our lives. The only thing that matters is we keep doing it.

Mariana and Callie's room

Stef: Hey.
Callie: Hey.
Stef: No, that can't have been fun, seeing Liam. You all right, my love? And Wyatt, how is he?
Callie: Um, a little bruised but he'll be fine. I get that he was just trying to protect me, but another fight? What good is that gonna do anyone, you know?
Stef: You're so amazing, you know that? You come here.
Callie: Mmm.
Stef: You and me, we're a lot alike. We think we gotta be strong, tough, think we gotta get with things and... You know, sometimes you do and sometimes... Sometimes, you just gotta let yourself fall apart. And there's no shame in that. Not even a little. Mariana, is that you?
Jesus: Nope, it's just me.
Stef: Oh. Where you been all day?
Jesus: Just out with Hayley.
Stef: Hmm. Have you talked with your sister? Mariana?
Jesus: No, why?
Stef: I'll talk to you about it later.
Jesus: Ok. I should get back to that paper I was working on.
Stef: Yeah, you should. You been talking about that all day. What am I gonna do with him?
Callie: I don't know.
Stef: I don't know either.

Street Mexican Festival

Mariana: I don't hate being Latin. I mean, how could you? It's just Ana's the only connection I have to being Mexican, you know? And I hate her so much. If you knew half of what she's done to my family I just think today, you know, seeing all of this, it just reminded me of her, the part of me that makes me feel so awful about myself. I'm sorry I was such a bitch today.
Mat: No. Remember when I told you how my dad left when I was six? Well, my mom always used to tell us it had nothing to do with us, that he was a total mess with a ton of problems. But even so, I still can't believe he's never called, he's never come by, not even to make sure we were alive, you know? I shouldn't care but I just think if if I could hear him say I'm sorry just once, that would be something, you know? Oh.

Foster's house

Stef: Hey. How was it?
Mariana: Good. It was good.
Stef: Mike stopped by and he said that he ran into you. And he was with Ana.
Mariana: Did she really send you a letter, asking if she could see us?
Stef: She did.
Mariana: Well I want to. See her.


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choup37, 18.04.2024 à 08:49

5 participants prennent part actuellement à la chasse aux gobelins sur doctor who, y aura-t-il un sixième?

chrismaz66, 18.04.2024 à 11:04

Choup tu as 3 joueurs de plus que moi!! Kaamelott est en animation, 3 jeux, venez tenter le coup, c'est gratis! Bonne journée ^^

choup37, 19.04.2024 à 19:45

Maintenant j'en ai plus que deux, je joue aussi sur kaa

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