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#210 : Les soeurs

Dans le but d'aider Rita, Callie se tourne vers Robert pour lui demander une faveur et ainsi faire connaître Girls United. Cependant, une trahison pourrait ruiner la relation qu'elle était en train de forger avec les Quinn et la faire retomber dans de vieux travers.

Pendant ce temps, le père de Connor continue de faire pression sur lui pour qu'il ne voit plus Jude, ce qui pousse Lena à faire quelque chose d'irréfléchie. Malgré les avertissements de Mat, la tension montre entre Brandon et Lou.


4.4 - 5 votes

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Someone's Little Sister

Titre VF
Les soeurs

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210 - Sneak Peek n°1


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210 - Sneak Peek n°2


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210 - Sneak Peek n°3


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210 - Sneak Peek n°4


210 - Sneak Peek n°5

210 - Sneak Peek n°5


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Stef et Lena discutent avec Robert et Jill

Stef et Lena discutent avec Robert et Jill

Callie et Sophia se disputent

Callie et Sophia se disputent

Robert et Callie discutent

Robert et Callie discutent

Robert et Callie discutent

Robert et Callie discutent

Callie défend la cause de Girls United

Callie défend la cause de Girls United

Robert est heureux

Robert est heureux

Brandon réconforte Callie

Brandon réconforte Callie

Brandon réconforte Callie

Brandon réconforte Callie

Brandon réconforte Callie

Brandon réconforte Callie

Brandon essaie de parler à Callie

Brandon essaie de parler à Callie

Brandon réconforte Callie

Brandon réconforte Callie

Robert salue Stef et Lena

Robert salue Stef et Lena

Sophia fait la rencontre de Brandon

Sophia fait la rencontre de Brandon

Sophia fait la rencontre de Brandon

Sophia fait la rencontre de Brandon

Sophia fait la rencontre de Brandon

Sophia fait la rencontre de Brandon

Rita et Callie discutent

Rita et Callie discutent

Callie et Sophia se disputent

Callie et Sophia se disputent

Callie et Sophia se disputent

Callie et Sophia se disputent

Sophia quitte la pièce sous les yeux de Robert et Callie

Sophia quitte la pièce sous les yeux de Robert et Callie

Callie et Rita profitent du spectable

Callie et Rita profitent du spectable

Robert fait un discours

Robert fait un discours

Lou, Mat et Brandon se produisent sur scène

Lou, Mat et Brandon se produisent sur scène

Lou, Mat et Brandon se produisent sur scène

Lou, Mat et Brandon se produisent sur scène

Callie fait un discours

Callie fait un discours

Robert, Jill et Sophia assistent au discours de Callie

Robert, Jill et Sophia assistent au discours de Callie

Les filles de Girls United assistent au discours de Callie

Les filles de Girls United assistent au discours de Callie

Mariana, Callie, Jesus et Cole profitent du spectable

Mariana, Callie, Jesus et Cole profitent du spectable

Robert, Jill et Sophia assistent au discours de Callie

Robert, Jill et Sophia assistent au discours de Callie

Loui chante

Loui chante

Rita discute avec des personnes

Rita discute avec des personnes

Robert et Callie ne sont pas d'accord avec Sophia

Robert et Callie ne sont pas d'accord avec Sophia

Robert et Callie discutent

Robert et Callie discutent

Callie et Sophia se disputent

Callie et Sophia se disputent

Callie et Robert ne sont pas d'accord avec Sophia

Callie et Robert ne sont pas d'accord avec Sophia

Rita et Callie discutent

Rita et Callie discutent


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Etats-Unis (inédit)
Lundi 18.08.2014 à 21:00
1.48m / 0.6% (18-49)

Plus de détails

Scénario : Joanna Johnson
Réalisation : Norman Buckley

  •  Maison de Rita

Callie se rend chez Rita pour avoir des nouvelles sur l'avenir de Girls United. Rita se montre plutôt défaitiste et lui dit qu'elle est même menacée de se voir retirer sa licence. Callie ne comprend pas pourquoi et Rita lui confie qu'elle est fatiguée de se battre.

  • Restaurant

Callie et Daphne parlent de Rita qui ne veut plus se battre pour Girls United : Daphne pense qu'elles ne peuvent pas lui en vouloir et sous-entend que Callie pourrait demander de l'aide à Robert pour faire une collecte d'argent.

Robert arrive justement pour annoncer à quelque chose, elle en profite pour lui demander de faire la collecte de fond chez lui, il accepte.


  • Cuisine des Foster

A table, Stef parle d'Haylay qui passe beaucoup de temps à la maison mais Jesus se justifie en disant qu'ils travaillent et qu'en plus Haylay a besoin de lui en ce moment. Mariana se moque de lui, disant qu'il se fait exploiter. Callie arrive alors de son travail et Lena annonce que la nouvelle Principale commence le lendemain, Stef ne peut s'empêcher de dire que ça aurait dû être Lena. Callie annonce ensuite que Robert a accepté de faire une collecte de fond chez lui le samedi même pour Girls United et demande à Brandon si le groupe pourrait jouer. De plus, elle annonce que Robert a signé les papiers d'abandon et qu'elle pourra donc être adoptée : toute la famille montre sa joie.

  • Garage des Foster

Le groupe répète et Lou chante une chanson que Brandon a écrite mais elle la qualifie de trop « douce ». Brandon accepte plutôt mal la critique mais dit qu'il la réécrira. Lou annonce qu'elle doit s'en aller parce qu'elle a rencard. Alors qu'elle part, Mat tente de mettre en garde Brandon contre le fait de sortir avec Lou : elle est sortie avec d'autres joueurs du groupe qui ont fini par partir lorsque leur relation s'est terminée.

  • Cuisine des Foster

Mariana veut savoir si Stef et Lena ont pensé à organiser une rencontre entre elle et Ana et Stef dit que si ce qu'elle veut vraiment, elles vont le faire. Jesus montre sa désapprobation et file dans sa chambre, Mariana est énervée contre lui. Alors que Mariana sort les poubelles, Lena et Stef discutent du fait qu'elles ne comprennent pas comment Ana a pu les abandonner.

  • Lycée Anchor Beach

La nouvelle Principale, Monte Porter, arrive dans le bureau de Lena et lui fait comprendre qu'elle veut travailler main dans la main avec elle : elle gérera le côté finance du lycée et Lena s'occupera du côté pédagogique, elles semblent sur la même longueur d'onde. Elles sont interrompues par Jude qui veut parler à Lena de Connor.

  • Maison des Quinn

Callie et Rita sont chez les Quinn afin de discuter des préparatifs pour la collecte de fonds. Rita remercie les Quinn de leur geste, tandis que Robert et Jill veulent savoir ce qu'ils doivent dire à leurs amis quand ils leur demanderont leur lien avec Girls United. Callie dit qu'ils peuvent parler d'une amie mais Sophia prend mal le fait de ne pas pouvoir dire qu'elles sont sœurs. Callie propore de venir aider à tout installer le samedi matin mais Sophia suggeste que Callie passe la nuit chez eux le vendredi soir. Callie accepte.

  • Lycée Anchor Beach

Adam, le père de Connor, a été convoqué dans le bureau de Lena puisque Jude pense qu'il a frappé son fils. Il s'indigne et dit qu'il voulait juste lui mettre une claque mais que Connor s'est cogné par la suite. Lena et lui se disputent sur le fait qu'à la base, c'est de la faute de Lena, puisqu'elle n'aurait jamais dû laisser les deux garçons dormir dans la même tente lors du camping. Monte s'étonne et Adam annonce alors que Jude est gay. Lena réfute cet argument et pense que le père de Connor exerce une intimidation sur son fils.

  • Cuisine des Foster

Jude pense que Connor et lui ne devraient plus être amis vu comment les choses se passent avec son père mais Lena pense que ce n'est pas la solution. Jude s'en va et Stef se demande si au contraire, ce n'est pas une bonne idée. Lena s'agace, elle ne comprend pas comment Stef peut abandonner un combat aussi vite et elle pense qu'elles devraient se battre pour Jude.

  • Salle de bain

Mariana veut récupérer des vernis qui sont dans la salle de bain et Jesus accepte de la laisse rentrer mais s'enveloppe dans une serviette. Mariana se moque de lui et en tirant sur la serviette découvre le tatouage. Elle lui fait alors du chantage : s'il vient avec elle chez Mike pour voir Ana, elle ne dira rien à leurs mères.

  • Appartement de Mike

Stef, Mariana et Jesus arrivent pour écouter Ana et Stef insiste pour être présente, au vu des récents événements. Ana accepte et commence alors son excuse : elle s'en veut de les avoir abandonner, d'avoir préféré la drogue à eux mais remercie le ciel de leur avoir envoyé deux mères pour s'occuper d'eux.

  • Lycée Anchor Beach

Dans son bureau, Lena discute avec Monte de ce qu'elle va devoir faire pour dénoncer l'intimidation qu'Adam exerce sur son fils mais Monte n'est pas d'accord puisqu'il y a un conflit d'intérêt entre le fait d'être Vice-Principale et d'être la mère de Jude. Lena s'agace alors et propose de n'agir qu'en mère, ce qui revient à quitter son travail.

De son côté, Connor reproche à Jude d'avoir été raconté ça à sa mère et veut s'assurer que Jude n'a pas raconté ce qu'il s'est passé dans la tente.

  • Appartement de Mike

Ana a finit son discours et veut écouter les reproches de Mariana et Jesus : Mariana s'énerve en disant qu'elle n'est rien pour elle et s'en va. Jesus lui ne supporte de voir Ana pleurer et veut la réconforter mais celle-ci l'arrête : depuis tout petit Jesus veut la protéger mais ce n'est pas son rôle. Jesus la prend dans ses bras.

  • Chambre de Mariana et Callie

Lena vient voir Mariana et cette dernière lui demande si la raison pour laquelle elle voulait Frankie c'est parce qu'elle voulait un enfant à elle. Lena lui assure que non et qu'elle ne l'aimerait pas plus si elle l'avait faite et qu'elle l'aime. Mariana lui demande alors si elle pourrait l'aider à faire quelque chose.

  • Chambre de Stef et Lena

Après lui avoir dit que Mariana irait bien, Lena annonce à Stef qu'elle a quitté son travail.

  • Garage des Foster

Dans le garage, le groupe répète et Lou chante la chanson que Brandon a réécrite mais les paroles sont méchantes : elle comprend qu'elles lui sont destinées et se met en colère contre Brandon. Elle lui parle aussi de ses anciens petits-amis qu'elle a quitté parce qu'ils était drogués ou trop jaloux. Brandon lui assure que Mat lui a juste dit d'être prudent avec elle mais elle ne comprend pas pourquoi puisqu'il ne veut pas d'une relation avec elle. Alors qu'elle s'en va, il l'embrasse et elle lui rend son baiser.

  • Chambre de Sophia

Callie passer la nuit chez les Quinn et elle et Sophia parlent de musique puis de Wyatt et Brandon. Callie tente de fuir la discussion mais Sophia finit par aborder le sujet de Donald, qui a été en prison et dit à Callie que son père pourrait prendre soin d'elle. Callie assure que les Foster sont sa famille mais qu'elles seront toujours soeurs. Sophia lui propose alors de dormir dans sa chambre et lui raconte une histoire de chambre hantée, elles se mettent plaisantent sur le sujet.

  • Maison des Quinn

Jill va dans la chambre de Sophia pour réveiller sa fille et voit Callie avec elle dans le lit, elle semble attendrie. Une fois prête, Callie descend et découvre que Robert a exposé les photos qu'elle avait faites des filles et le remercie de tout ce qu'il fait.

Plus tard, la famille Foster arrive pour la collecte de fonds et Callie remarque que Mariana est redevenue brune. Ils sont tout heureux de se retrouver et Callie leur propose d'aller derrière près de la piscine. Jesus est beaucoup sur son portable parce qu'Haylay voulait qu'il reste avec elle mais il dit à Stef que des fois, il doit prendre soin de lui.

Dans le jardin, Stef montre sa désapprobation quant à la décision de Lena de quitter son travail mais elles sont interrompues par Jill et Robert qui font les présentations. Stef et Lena remercient Robert d'organiser cet événement mais aussi d'avoir signer les papiers.

Alors que Robert prend la parole pour présenter la collecte de fond, Mat va voir Mariana et lui dit qu'il la préfère en brune. Alors qu'ils vont s'embrasser, il est appelé pour jouer avec le groupe.

Lou commence alors à chanter en échangeant des regards avec Brandon et plus loin, Rita va voir Callie pour la remercier d'avoir fait tout ça. Elle lui confie aussi qu'elle ne comprend pas pourquoi elle ne veut pas d'une relation avec Robert qui lui, semble prêt à tout pour en avoir une avec elle.

De leur côté, Stef et Lena se disputent toujours concernant la décision de Lena et Mike vient les interrompre, il est venu faire un don. Lena s'éloigne tandis que Stef en profite pour parler à Mike de la décision de Lena et Jude, en retrait, entend tout.

Le groupe Someone's Little Sister fait une pause et donne la parole à Callie qui présente le groupe Girls United : elle présente ainsi Rita et vente ses mérites concernant son travail qui lui rapporte que trop peu de remerciements. Elle décide aussi de reconnaître devant tout le monde que Robert est son père et Sophia sa soeur : Stef et Lena sont surprises tandis que les Quinn sont heureux de cette annonce.

Ensuite Rita prend la parole mais se fait moins loquace, elle se contente de remercier tout le monde, très émue.

Sophia entraîne alors Callie dans la maison et lui dit qu'il n'est pas trop trad pour qu'elle soit avec eux. Elle lui dit qu'elle a déchiré les papiers d'abandon signés par Robert et Callie se met en colère.

Pendant ce temps, Stef et Lena veulent s'assurer que Jude est d'accord avec le fait que Callie définisse Robert comme étant son père et il leurs assure que oui. Il parle ensuite de la démission de Lena et confie avoir entendu une conversation. Il dit que Lena ne devrait peut-être pas le défendre parce qu'ils ont plus ou moins fait quelque chose de mal dans la tente.

Dans la maison, Robert demande à Sophia de s'éloigner pour qu'il puisse parler à Callie. Cette dernière tente de faire de son mieux pour ne pas être en colère contre Sophia mais elle a du mal. Robert lui confie alors qu'il ne pourra pas re-signer les papiers parce qu'il ne veut pas l'abandonner encore, même si ce qu'elle veut. Elle s'énerve alors et lui dit qu'il ne sera jamais son père. En partant, elle croise Sophia à qui elle dit qu'elle n'est pas sa soeur mais qu'une enfant pourrie-gâtée.

Tandis que Callie s'éloigne dans l'arrière-cour, Sophia montre dans sa salle de bain et ferme la porte.

  • Arrière-cour du jardin

Brandon, qui a vu Callie courir, la suit et tente de savoir ce qu'il se passe : Callie lui dit alors que Robert ne veut plus signer les papiers et qu'elle ne sera jamais adoptée. Elle dit aussi qu'elle a abandonné trop de choses pour être adoptée et regarde Brandon dans les yeux, faisant clairement allusion à leur relation. Les deux se regardent et finisent par s'embrasser.


Fin de l'épisode.

Ecrit par Emeline53.

 Rita's house

Rita: So would you like a drink or anything? I can water or iced tea. I can make you an Arnold Palmer.
Callie: No, thanks. I have to get to work. I was just dropped by to see how it's going, with Girls United.
Rita: Well, it's not really going anywhere. I mean, no one wants to rent to a group home.
Callie: Couldn't you buy a house?
Rita: Yeah, if I won the lottery. Hey, how'd you get my address?
Callie: Oh, um, you can pretty much find out where anyone lives on the Internet.
Rita: Well, this is it. What do you think?
Callie: I think I'd give you an unacceptable. So, um, what about the county? Can't they help you find you a house?
Rita: Right now they're threatening to revoke my license.
Callie: Why?
Rita: Because one of my girls nearly burned a house while we were in it.
Callie: That wasn't your fault.
Rita: No, but it's my responsibility.
Callie: There was underground stuff going on that we should have told you about.
Rita: Well, you know what? Maybe it's all for the best.
Callie: Why do you say that?
Rita: I don't know. I'm tired, Callie.


Callie: She can't just give up.
Daphne: You blame her? County's always breakin' her balls over things like loose toilet seats when other group homes are barely feedin' the kids. And you know most the girls, they all about attitude, not gratitude.
Callie: What if we, like, organize a fund-raiser?
Daphne: Like a bake sale? You know how much a house cost? Too bad one of us doesn't know somebody rich.
Callie: No. I'm not asking Robert for money.
Daphne: OK.
Callie: You know, if it wasn't for Sophia, I'm not even sure we'd have a relationship at all.
Daphne: Hmm.
Callie: What?
Daphne: Speak of the devil.

Robert: So, I probably should have called.
Callie: It's OK.
Robert: No, I promised I wouldn't show up, without your mom's knowing. But I wanted you to hear this from me, first.


Stef: She's been here a lot on school nights.
Jesus: We're studying.
Mariana: Yeah, right.
Jesus: Brandon gets to rehearse on school nights.
Brandon: Hey, leave me outta this.
Jesus: Hayley's going through a hard time, her parents are getting divorced.
Mariana: Boy, has she milked that one.
Jesus: I thought she was your friend.
Mariana: She is. It's just when it comes to guys she can be like super needy.
Jesus: Oh, I'll tell her you said so.
Mariana: You better not.
Jude: Connor can be kinda needy. It's not just girls.

Callie: Sorry.
Stef: Hey, you got slammed, huh?
Callie: Like five minutes before my shift was supposed to end. Thought we gave away food.
Lena: Let me make your plate.
Callie: No, it's OK.
Mariana: Why can't I get a job?
Stef: You can when you're 16.
Lena: All right, so I have some news, everyone. The new principal starts tomorrow.
Mariana: Have you met her?
Lena: Not yet.
Stef: It should have been you.
Lena: No sour grapes.
Jude: I hope she's nice.
Mariana: She can't be worse than Snatchez.
Stef: What did you call her?

Callie: Uh, I have some news, too.
Lena: Good, I hope.
Callie: Robert Quinn has offered to have a fund-raiser at his house for Girls United.
Lena: Wow, that's generous.
Stef: So, you asked him for help?
Callie: Well, I asked for Rita.
Lena: That was a nice thing to do.
Callie: Yeah, so it's this Saturday.
Stef: Wow, that's fast.
Callie: Yeah, Robert thinks they can pull it together.
Brandon: Can we help?
Callie: You know, maybe do you think the band would play?
Brandon: Really?
Callie: You guys are great.
Brandon: Yeah. I have to ask everyone.
Lena: What can we do?
Callie: Just come.
Jesus: Can I invite Hayley?
Stef: No.
Callie: It's mostly just gonna be their friends.
Lena: We'll, all be there.
Callie: And I have some other news, too. Robert signed the abandonment papers. So I can get adopted.
Stef: Talk about burying the lead! That's great.
Lena: Oh, my goodness.
Stef: Oh, our baby!
Lena: That's good news.


Brandon: You mean everything to me I'd give it all away If you say you'll stay True love isn't just a dream So shake me, wake me And make it a reality... So, you know, it's a work in progress. But it's got that 80's sound you were talking about.
Mat: I like it.
Lou: It's sweet.
Brandon: Sweet?
Lou: You know me, I'm not really a one true love kinda girl. It's a little soft, for me.
Brandon: I'll re-write it then.
Lou: I like the melody.
Brandon: Yeah, no, the lyrics, so I'll "edge" it up a bit. We should work on the set for this weekend.
Lou: Sorry, I gotta bounce.
Brandon: But we need to rehearse more.
Lou: Well, I can't cancel, I have a date. I'm free the rest of the week.
Mat: Yeah, I'm good. We'll have Jasper, too.
Brandon: All right.
Lou: Later.

Brandon: What?
Mat: Dude. Lou has a history, with boys in the band. She blows through them like the wind.
Brandon: But there's nothing going on.
Mat: Yet. Look, the other guys were no loss but we've got great chemistry. I don't want any drama.
Brandon: Me either. Don't worry. So, like, how many guys?

Foster's kitchen

Mariana: So, have you guys talked about Ana?
Stef: If you're sure you want to see her, we'll arrange it.
Jesus: She's just gonna cry and say how hard she's tried but nothing ever works because everyone's against her.
Mariana: You don't know what she's gonna say.
Jesus: I know she's the reason that mom got shot. And I know she knew it when she showed up at the women's shelter and acted like she needed my help when really she just wanted more money for drugs.
Mariana: OK, well, you don't have to see her.
Jesus: Don't worry, I'm not. I'm done. Can I go do my homework?
Stef: Yeah, OK, go ahead.
Mariana: You didn't take out the garbage!
Stef: Honey, I know, just...
Mariana: Fine. I'll do it.
Lena: It's hard not to resent Ana. She got to have her babies and she didn't take care of them. It's not fair.
Stef: I know.

Anchor Beach

Monte: I'm totally unqualified for this job. I know that's what you're thinking.
Lena: No, I wasn't...
Monte: That's what I'd be thinking. And I'd resent the fact that they hired someone with a business background instead of an experienced educator, like yourself.
Lena: Well, I'm sure they had their reasons. They think you can run a school like a business.
Monte: I think they're wrong. I can make Anchor Beach solvent. But I can't make it a good school, without you. I'm giving you complete authority over curriculum. We'll share administrative tasks and I'll focus primarily on budget and finance.
Lena: I would like to find the funds to reinstate the music and arts and school club programs.
Monte: And athletics. We don't want to lose students because we don't offer team sports.
Lena: Agreed.
Monte: Good. We're on the same page.

Lena: Oh, hi, Jude, come on in. This is our new principal, Ms. Porter. This is my son, Jude.
Jude: Oh, nice to meet you.
Monte: Nice to meet you. And you can call me Monte. Well, I'm gonna go get settled in.
Lena: Great. Hey, buddy, what's going on?
Jude: I need to talk to you about Connor.

Robert's house

Jill: So it's gonna be a casual garden party. We've invited mostly friends. It's short notice, but we expect a nice turn out.
Rita: Well, if there's anything I can do, please let me know.
Jill: I think it would nice if you spoke.
Rita: OK.
Joy: And Callie, we thought you could introduce her? Sure.
Robert: Maybe you could bring some of the girls, so they could share their stories with the guests? Rita: Hmm. You know, it would be difficult to get the girls in juvenile detention sprung for the day. But actually, Cole and Kiara are in group homes, so that shouldn't be a problem.
Callie: And Daphne.
Rita: Oh yeah, Daphne as well.
Robert: Uh, there's also something else need to discuss. When our friends ask us what our connection is with Girls United, and with you, Callie, what should we say?
Jill: We think it should be up to you. What we tell people.
Robert: And whatever you decide is OK with us.
Callie: Um I think, if you could just tell people we're friends or something.
Sophia: I can't tell people you're my sister?
Jill: Honey, Callie's going to be surrounded by a lot of strangers...
Sophia: What about when they say how much we look alike? Everybody always says something.
Joy: We smile and thank them for the compliment.
Robert: And we respect Callie's privacy.
Callie: So, should I come by early Saturday morning to help set up?
Jill: Sure.
Sophia: Why don't you sleep over, Friday night? Then you'll be here and we can get ready together.
Jill: You're welcome, of course.
Callie: Yeah, sure. That would be fun.

Anchor Beach

Adam: You think I hit my son in the face? Is that what you told them?
Connor: No.
Adam: I was trying to give him a spanking and he ran away from me, into a door jam.
Connor: That's what I said.
Adam: OK, so why am I here?
Lena: Connor, would you mind stepping out so we can talk to your dad? Mr. Stevens, do you think it's appropriate to spank a thirteen year old boy?
Adam: I think it's none of your damn business. And quite frankly, this is all your fault.
Lena: My fault?
Adam: Yeah, you were the chaperone on the seventh grade camping trip, and allowed our sons to spend the night in a tent together without my permission.
Monte: Why is that a problem?
Adam: Because her son is gay. Which I have no problem with...
Lena: Clearly you do...
Adam: Would you allow a boy and a girl to share a tent? No. You wouldn't.
Lena: My son has not defined his sexuality in any way.
Adam: The point is, Connor knows the rules.
Lena: Whose rules?
Adam: Mine, my rules, for my son. And he violated them, OK? And I punished him.
Lena: Do you know the definition of bullying?
Adam: Connor doesn't bully your son.
Lena: Making threats, spreading rumors, attacking someone physically or verbally or excluding someone from a group on purpose.
Adam: Connor stands up for Jude.
Lena: I'm not talking about Connor. I'm talking about you. You are the bully.

Foster's kitchen

Jude: I told him his dad would be angry if we shared a tent.
Lena: I'm partly to blame. I I knew he didn't want Connor spending the night here, but I guess I just think he's wrong and ridiculous.
Jude: Maybe we shouldn't be friends.
Lena: No, that is not the answer.
Jude: So, do you think it's true, that he didn't hit Connor?
Lena: I don't think he hit him in the face. Look, I don't want you to worry. OK? I'm dealing with this. OK, go up and do your homework.

Stef: Maybe they shouldn't be friends.
Lena: What? Why would you say that?
Stef: There are other kids in his grade who have parents who are progressive and kind.
Lena: So the bully wins and Connor suffers.
Stef: He's already suffering. And maybe trying to educate his dad is just making things worse.
Lena: Well, sometimes it's my job to educate the parents as well as the kids. And he's practically the only friend that Jude has.
Stef: Yeah, which isn't great. Jude needs more friends.
Lena: When have you ever backed down from a fight?
Stef: Let's say this was another kid at school. What would you tell his parents?
Lena: That if we didn't stand up to bullies and try to educate people we wouldn't have civil rights and marriage equality.
Stef: OK. How's the new principal?
Lena: More supportive than you.


Jesus: I'm in here!
Mariana: I just need to grab some nail polish. Nice look.
Jesus: Take the nail polish and get out.
Mariana: Hmm, what do you think? Cherry red or mint green?
Jesus: I don't care. Take them all.
Mariana: Seriously, what is with that towel? On my God! Moms are going to kill you!
Jesus: Not if you don't tell them.
Mariana: Oh, I'm telling them.
Jesus: No. No! No! No! No! No! What do you want, huh? What do you want to keep your mouth shut? I know you want something.

Mike's flat

Mike: Hey. Uh, come on in.
Stef: Uh, considering everything that happened, I'd like to be present.
Ana: It's fine.
Mike: I'll be in the other room.
Stef: OK, sit down.
Ana: You changed your hair.
Mariana: Oh, uh, yeah.
Ana: It nice. So, Stef, I want to thank you and Lena for allowing me to do this.
Stef: It was their choice.
Ana: Well, thank you. I don't really know exactly where to start. I, um I... I made an inventory. It's what they call it in AA. It's basically just a list of all the terrible things I did to you and ways I let you down when you were little and recently. It's long. It's too long. I think what I what I really want to say what I'm most ashamed of is that I loved getting high more than I loved you. And it wasn't because you weren't lovable. You were beautiful children who just got a really raw deal with me as your mother. I'm just so grateful that God found you two great moms who could love you and take care of you the way I should have.

Anchor Beach

Lena: What we do in these cases is to write a letter to the district as well as the State Department of Education.
Monte: For students engaged in bullying. We're talking about a parent.
Lena: Who is spreading rumors and participating in exclusion.
Monte: We don't know that he's told anyone but his son and...
Lena: Me, in your presence...
Monte: That he believes Jude is gay.
Lena: He didn't say "believes" he said "is."
Monte: He also said he doesn't have a problem with it.
Lena: He won't allow his son to share a tent with Jude during a school supervised trip.
Monte: But they weren't supervised, in the tent.
Lena: What are you suggesting?
Monte: I'm not suggesting anything.
Lena: None of the boys or girls were supervised in their tents. And Jude has not said he's gay. And no one has the right to label anyone.
Monte: I agree. And we don't have the right to label the parent as a bully because he has rules about who he allows his son to socialize with and under what conditions.
Lena: I disagree.
Monte: As a parent you have that right. But as Vice Principal of this school it's a conflict of interest for you to use your position to retaliate.
Lena: Retaliate?
Monte: That's how it could be construed. And we can't afford to get sued.
Lena: How about I just use my position as a parent then?

Connor: You should have asked me what happened.
Jude: I did. You wouldn't talk about...
Connor: I didn't want to tell you that my dad still spanks me.
Jude: I'm sorry. I just I know what it's like to get hit and feel like you can't tell anyone.
Connor: You didn't tell your mom what we did? Did you?
Jude: No.

Mike's flat

Ana: So is there anything you want to say to me? It's OK, you can tell me how you feel. You can be honest. Mariana? I know you, I know you must have something you want to say to me.
Mariana: You don't know me. You don't know anything about me. You want me to be honest? I feel nothing. I look at you and you're nothing. You're just a very sad stranger. I'm done. I'll wait outside.
Jesus: Don't cry. She didn't mean to hurt your feelings.
Ana: Don't do that.
Jesus: What?
Ana: Don't try to take care of me. You always used to do that. No matter how long I left you alone, to go get high Mariana, she would always get angry but you You would never stay mad at me because I'd cry and you'd try to make me feel better. That was not your job then and it's not your job now.

Mariana and Callie's room

Lena: Hey. You OK?
Mariana: You told me DNA doesn't make a family.
Lena: It doesn't.
Mariana: Then why did you want a baby?
Lena: I... I wanted...
Mariana: A real daughter.
Lena: Honey, you are my real daughter.
Mariana: But I'll always be adopted. And Ana will always be my birth mother. I hate that I come from her. Why couldn't I come from you?
Lena: Oh, my baby. I wish with all my heart that I could have carried you inside me. Sometimes I... I feel guilty that I wasn't there for you from the moment you were born. But I realized something when I lost Frankie? Was that you only carry a baby in your belly for nine months. But you carry your child in your heart forever. That's the only place that it counts. You do come from me. And from Mom. And giving birth to you, that wouldn't have made me love you any more than I do.
Mariana: Are you sure?
Lena: Would it make you love me more?
Mariana: No. That's crazy.
Lena: OK. So, how about we both stop acting crazy, huh? Come here. I love you.
Mariana: I love you. Will you help me with something tomorrow?
Lena: Anything.

Stef and Lena's room

Stef: Hi. How is she?
Lena: She's fine.
Stef: How are you?
Lena: I quit my job today.


Lou: You mean absolutely nothing to me You're just like the boys before And yeah there will be more You're hot stuff but I'm a supernova Taking, breaking and burning up the galaxy... You're an ass.
Brandon: I re-wrote it so, you know, you could relate to it.
Lou: And this is who you think I am?
Brandon: It's kinda how you advertise.
Lou: Did Mat tell you I have a history of screwing guys in the band?
Brandon: He just said to be careful.
Lou: Because I'm a cold-hearted bitch. Believe I don't believe in Prince Charming or happily ever after or "I can't live without you. "
Brandon: I think...
Lou: You know what Mat didn't mention was that one of those guys turned out to be a coke head and the other one was a crazy jealous freak.
Brandon: He just doesn't want anything to happen.
Lou: Well, neither do you. So what's the issue?

Sophia's room

Sophia: I really like Sia and Fiona Apple and like Alana Davis. Do you listen to them?
Callie: Yeah, kinda. They're sort of depressing.
Sophia: I like music that's about something. Is Brandon's band good?
Callie: Yeah, they're awesome.
Sophia: So, like the guy you told me about, before Wyatt, The one you loved, was it Brandon?
Callie: Why do you say that?
Sophia: Your eyes light up when you talk about him.
Callie: Well, that's because he's my best friend. And my brother, soon. You know, Robert signed the papers?
Sophia: What about Wyatt?
Callie: I don't know about Wyatt right now.
Sophia: Did you guys break up?
Callie: I'm not sure.
Sophia: Why do you call our dad Robert?
Callie: I guess, because Donald is my dad.
Sophia: Is it true? He killed your mom in a car accident?
Callie: Well, he was driving.
Sophia: And he went to jail?
Callie: He was drinking, so, yeah. But he's out now.
Sophia: So why aren't you and Jude with him?
Callie: You know, he's just... He can't take care of us.
Sophia: Our dad can take care of you.
Callie: I'm getting adopted by Stef and Lena.
Sophia: Will we still be friends?
Callie: Of course, yeah. We'll always be sisters. We should probably get some sleep.
Sophia: You should probably know, the guest room, it's haunted. I'm kidding. But if you want, you can sleep in here.
Callie: OK.
Sophia: But sometimes I wake up and see this woman standing at the end of my bed.
Callie: Stop it!

Robert's house

Callie: Where did you get these?
Robert: Rita told me about the pictures you took of some of the girls, that helped them get foster families. And, you know, these are really great photos. You're talented.
Callie: Thank you. And for doing this. It means a lot.

Stef: Hello?
Lena: Oh, wow, this is beautiful.
Callie: Hey.
Stef: Hi. Oh, my gosh, it's only been one night, but we missed you.
Callie: I missed you, too. Oh, my gosh, your hair is back.
Mariana: Well, it was never really gone.
Callie: No, I missed brunette Mariana.
Stef: Yeah, I did too.
Mariana: You just wanted to be the only blonde in the house.
Stef: You watch it.
Callie: So, Rita and the girls are downstairs by the pool where everything's kind of happening.
Mariana: They have a pool? Can I live here?

Stef: Hey hey, what's so important?
Jesus: Hayley's sort of freaking out.
Stef: Oh. Why?
Jesus: She wanted me to blow this off today to take care of her. I gotta take care of myself sometimes, you know?
Stef: Yeah, I do know.

Woman: It was so good to meet you.
Lena: I wouldn't mind living here.
Stef: We'll be lucky to still live where we do now that you quit your job.

Jill: You must be Lena. I'm Jill.
Lena: Hi. It's nice to finally meet you both.
Robert: I'm Robert. Thanks for coming.
Lena: Well, thank you for what you're doing for Callie and for Girls United.
Jill: It's our pleasure.
Stef: And, uh, thank you, for signing the papers.
Jill: Of course. I just want Callie to be happy.
Stef: Well, we love her very much.
Robert: Mm. Yes, I can see that.
Jill: How soon do you think before you can adopt her?
Stef: Well, we have to get a court date, but a couple weeks, probably.
Jill: Well, it looks like most everyone's here.
Robert: Yes, uh, let's get this party started.
Lena: Let's do it.

Robert: Could I have everyone's attention, please? Thank you all for coming, on such short notice. I guess now we know who our real friends are. Jill and I, we recently heard about Girls United through a friend. And we were very impressed by what this group home does for at-risk girls, providing a safe and..

Mat: You know, you look a lot like a girl I know.
Mariana: Really?

Robert: Unfortunately, they had a fire recently and they lost their house. And that's really why we're here today, it's to help raise money so that they can get a new home.

Mat: She's a blonde.
Mariana: Who is?
Mat: The girl you look like.
Mariana: Is she pretty?
Mat: Not as pretty as you. But I've always been into brunettes.

Robert: Enjoy Someone's Little Sister.
Lou: One, two, three... We are a desert isle And it's just you and I And all I wanna do Is get more stranded with you Don't need no lifeboat Figure it out as we go We are the main attraction They can't help react And don't need a pause We ain't found but we ain't lost We are a desert isle And we're still surviving Now now now now Hell yeah, we survive We survive we're surviving Hell no, don't divide Don't divide keep on fighting...

Rita: They're really good.
Callie: Yeah.
Rita: Yeah.

Lou: We ain't quitting Our voices never fading out Oh oh oh Oh oh oh oh...

Rita: Listen, thanks, for all this, for what you did for, well, for not only Girls United but for having my back, for not letting me give up.
Callie: It's really Robert we should thank.
Rita: But I know it wasn't easy for you, to ask him to do this.
Callie:Oh, he signed the papers. So I can get adopted.
Rita: That's great.
Callie:And he's not making me sign the, uh, liability waiver, whatever. Right, yeah. So he said that he trusts that I don't want anything from him.
Rita: And why? Why don't you want anything from him?
Callie: Like money?
Rita: No. Like a relationship. I mean, it's quite obvious, Callie, he loves you.
Callie: He barely knows me.
Rita: Oh, now come on. It doesn't take very long to love you, Callie. You're pretty amazing, you are. You're kind, you've got a compassionate heart. And besides, you're his daughter.
Callie: So.
Rita: So he never had the chance to be a father to you and, I mean, it's pretty clear that he wants to be. If you'll let him. I just I really can't figure out why you wouldn't.

Lou: Don't divide don't divide keep on fighting... Hell yeah I... I don't want to waste your time...

Stef: I'm just saying that maybe it's not too late to get back the job you have and love.
Lena: And what about Jude? Who fights for him?
Stef: I do. It's not a conflict of interest for me to write a letter. Frankly, I think that there's some grey area here, Lena.
Lena: So you agree with Monte?
Stef: I'm not saying that...

Mike: Hey.
Stef: Hey. I didn't know you were coming.
Mike: Yeah, I wanted to make a donation.
Stef: Oh, that's nice.
Mike: You should check out the silent auction.
Stef: Yeah?
Mike: But don't you dare outbid me on that trip to Puerto Rico.
Stef: Like that's gonna happen.
Lena: Excuse me. I need something to drink.

Mike: So, how are the kids? After meeting with Ana?
Stef: They're OK. They're OK. At the moment, I'm a little bit more concerned about my wife.
Mike: Why? What's going on?
Stef: She quit her job.
Mike: What? Why?
Stef: Not for the reason that she thinks. In my opinion, I think she lost the principal job and the baby. And she wants control over something and sometimes...
Mike: The only control you have is to quit. Hey.
Stef: Hey, babe.

Lou: Thank you. Thanks for listening. Uh, we're gonna go ahead and turn it over to the people you really came to hear from. Callie?

Callie: Hi. My name's Callie. And I... I was at Girls United. At first, I didn't think I belonged there, no one does. But Rita, the amazing woman that runs the whole thing, she she doesn't let you get away with your bad word deleted. Not because she's a hard ass, which she is, but because she cares.
She really cares about every girl that walks through her door. And it's because of her and the other girls and my wonderful brother and foster family, that I finally believed I could have faith in my future. Rita, you are the heart and soul of Girls United. You work tirelessly for not much money and not a lot of gratitude. But thank you for not giving up. You've given me the courage to embrace everything that I am. And to not be afraid of accepting love. So I want to acknowledge Robert Quinn for not only being a really nice guy but for being my father. It's a long story. We only really found out about each other recently. But I'm really grateful to have him in my life now. So thank you, Robert and thank you Jill and my sister, Sophia for being so kind to me. And now, Rita?

Rita: Hi, everyone, I'm Rita Hendricks. I met most of you at this amazing event. I really don't know what to say. We thought Girls United was over but, I don't know, love can move mountains, make miracles and maybe just get us a new house. I'll never forget this night and, um we all thank you, very much.

Sophia: Come here.
Callie: OK. OK. What'd you have to tell me?
Sophia: It's not too late! What's not? For us to be a family.
Callie: Sophia, I'm getting adopted by the Fosters.
Sophia: Dad didn't sign the papers. I mean, he did but they didn't actually ever get sent because I took them out of the mail and I ripped them up.

Stef: Hey. So are you OK? That Callie acknowledged Robert and Sophia?
Jude: Yeah. Are you?
Stef: I think so.
Lena: Yeah.
Jude: Did you quit your job because of me?
Lena: How did you know about that?
Jude: I overheard. Sorry. Is it my fault?
Stef: No.
Lena: No. No, I quit my job because someone has to stand up to bullying. I'm your mom first, and I care more about defending you than I do about keeping my job.
Jude: You shouldn't, defend me.
Stef: Why not?
Jude: Because we did do something on the camping trip that was wrong, I guess.

Sophia: Dad, please listen, OK, I just thought if she had more time that she would see we're a family.
Callie: The Fosters are my family.
Sophia: You just told everyone we are.
Robert: Sophia, let me talk to Callie alone, OK?
Callie: I'm trying not to be mad at her. I think she's just...
Robert: Gotten attached to you. Yeah, we all have.
Callie: So how long do you think until you can get new copies?
Robert: I can't. I can't sign the papers, again. Signing them the first time, was the hardest thing that I have ever done. And after hearing you today, say that I'm your father I can't abandon you. I know it's what you want. I love you.
Callie: I don't love you. And I will never live in this house with you. And I will never call you my father again.
Robert: Wait, Callie...
Callie: No, you promised me!
Robert: I know. I do, I want you to be happy...
Callie: I won't be happy. I'm never going to be happy.

Sophia: I'm so sorry, OK? I just want you to be with us. I'm your sister.
Callie: No, you're not. You're a spoiled little brat.

Brandon: Hey, Callie? What's going on?
Callie: Robert's not letting me get adopted.
Brandon: I thought he signed the papers?
Callie: I can't believe how stupid I am. I knew I couldn't trust him. I can't trust anything. And I knew this was gonna happen, Brandon, I knew it.
Brandon: Come here, come here, sit down with me. Take some breaths. OK, just take some deep breaths. No matter what, they can't make you live with them. We'll still be your family.
Callie: I'm never getting adopted.
Brandon: You don't know that.
Callie: Yes I do. If Robert doesn't sign the papers. Maybe this is the way it's supposed to be, Maybe this is the way it was always supposed to be. I gave up so much to be adopted.

Kikavu ?

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choup37, 15.04.2024 à 10:15

La chasse aux gobelins est en cours sur Doctor Who, venez (re)découvrir la série

choup37, 15.04.2024 à 10:15

Il manque 3 votes pour valider la nouvelle bannière Kaamelott... Clic clic clic

chrismaz66, 15.04.2024 à 11:46

Oui cliquez;-) et venez jouer à l'animation Kaamelott qui démarre là maintenant et ce jusqu'à la fin du mois ! Bonne chance à tous ^^

Supersympa, Avant-hier à 14:31

Bonjour à tous ! Nouveau survivor sur le quartier Person of Interest ayant pour thème l'équipe de Washington (saison 5) de la Machine.

choup37, Aujourd'hui à 08:49

5 participants prennent part actuellement à la chasse aux gobelins sur doctor who, y aura-t-il un sixième?

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