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#212 : Sens dessus dessous

Alors que Callie et Brandon doivent faire face aux conséquences de leurs actes, une personne a un problème de santé chez les Quinn. Lena et Stef se retrouvent en conflit, notamment à cause de la décision soudaine de Lena de quitter son travail.

De son côté, Brandon se voit offrir une chance de faire un stage de musique très prestigieux. Pendant ce temps, Mariana est déboussolée lorsque sa chorégraphie change à la dernière minute. Enfin, Jesus décide d'aller secrètement à une réunion des AA et est stupéfait de ce qu'il peut entendre.


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Over Under

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Sens dessus dessous

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212 - Promo

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212 - Sneak Peek n°1

212 - Sneak Peek n°1


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Stef et Lena parlent à leurs enfants

Stef et Lena parlent à leurs enfants

Stef et Lena discutent avec jude

Stef et Lena discutent avec jude

Tout le monde écoute Lena lors du petit-déjeuner

Tout le monde écoute Lena lors du petit-déjeuner

Stef et Lena parlent aux enfants

Stef et Lena parlent aux enfants

Brandon, Jude, Mariana et Callie accusent le coup

Brandon, Jude, Mariana et Callie accusent le coup

Stef rassure Jude, Lena et Callie sont derrière

Stef rassure Jude, Lena et Callie sont derrière

Callie appyée contre le mur

Callie appyée contre le mur

Brandon, Jesus, Mariana et Callie accusent le coup

Brandon, Jesus, Mariana et Callie accusent le coup

Brandon, Jesus, Tia et Mariana

Brandon, Jesus, Tia et Mariana

Mariana s'entraîne avec Tia

Mariana s'entraîne avec Tia

Mariana s'entraîne avec Tia

Mariana s'entraîne avec Tia

Brandon, Jesus, Tia et Mariana

Brandon, Jesus, Tia et Mariana

Mariana s'entraîne avec Tia

Mariana s'entraîne avec Tia

Mariana s'entraîne avec Tia

Mariana s'entraîne avec Tia

Lena et Callie

Lena et Callie

Lou et Brandon se rapprochent

Lou et Brandon se rapprochent

Lou et Brandon chantent ensemble

Lou et Brandon chantent ensemble

Lou et Brandon se rapprochent

Lou et Brandon se rapprochent


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Etats-Unis (inédit)
Lundi 19.01.2015 à 20:00
1.45m / 0.5% (18-49)

Plus de détails

Scénario : Brad Bredeweg et Peter Paige
Réalisation : Peter Paige

  •  Maison des Quinn

Chez les Quinn, une ambulance arrive et elle est destinée à Robert qui a fait une attaque de panique qui ressemble beaucoup à une crise cardiaque. Jill est très inquiète, sous les yeux de la famille Foster mais aussi de Sophia qui arrive dans le salon.


  • Maison des Quinn

L'ambulancier assure à Robert que ce n'était pas une crise cardiaque, même si cela semblait très similaire. Il part quand même en observation à l'hôpital.

  • Cuisine des Foster

Tout le monde n'en revient pas que Robert ne veuille plus signer les papiers et Stef dit que les gens ne semblent pas toujours être ce qu'ils prétendent. Lena se montre optimiste et dit que Robert va probablement revenir sur sa décision une fois que tout sera passé.

  • Sous le porche

Brandon vient voir Callie qui joue de la guitare et alors qu'il souhaite lui parler, elle lui dit qu'elle ne pourra pas encaisser une autre mauvaise nouvelle dans la journée. Brandon lui dit juste qu'il ne veut pas qu'elle abandonne.

  • Chambre de Jesus et Jude

Lena vient voir si Jude va bien et veut le remercier de lui avoir dit ce qu'il s'était passé dans la tente lors du camping organisé pour les cinquièmes. Jude veut savoir si Lena compte en parler mais elle lui dit que n'étant plus Vice-Principale, rien ne l'oblige à le dire au père de Connor, histoire de calmer le jeu.

  • Maison des Quinn

Le lendemain, Stef va chez les Quinn afin de faire changer d'avis Robert et elle s'adresse à Jill. Cette dernière lui confie alors qu'elle se doutait que ça allait arriver si Robert et Sophia s'investissaient trop dans cette histoire mais que finalement, elle aussi voudrait donner une chance à son mari de mieux connaître sa fille. Robert arrive alors et annonce à Stef qu'il a engagé des avocats et qu'il veut se battre pour avoir la garde de Callie.

  • Garage

Brandon et Jesus font de la musculation. Jesus en profite pour demander à Brandon s'il a déjà été à des réunions des AA avec son père et en quoi ça consiste. Brandon veut savoir pourquoi il lui demande ça et si ça a un rapport avec Ana mais il lui assure que non.

  • Jardin

Tia entraîne Mariana pour son solo pour la compétition de danse qui arrive dans quelques jours. Mariana n'y arrive et veut abandonner mais Tia la motive et lui dit qu'elle peut y arriver et bluffer le jury.

  • Garage

Le soir, le groupe répète sous les yeux de Mariana et tandis que Brandon et Lou chante en duo, Mariana est sous le charme et trouve qu'ils vont bien ensemble. Elle raccompagne Mat et Lou tenten de savoir où ils en sont elle et Brandon.

  • Cuisine des Foster

Alors qu'ils sont en train de s'embrasser, Mariana voit bien que quelque chose tracasse Mat et ce dernier lui confie que ça le gêne que Brandon et Lou sortent ensemble, de peur que ça fasse éclater le groupe. Mariana n'en revient pas qu'ils sortent ensemble et trouve que tout prend son sens dorénavant.

  • Chambre de Mariana et Callie

Alors que Brandon et Lou sont en train de chahuter dans le jardin, Callie les observe.

  • Chambre de Stef et Lena

Les deux femmes se disputent concernant la visite de Stef chez les Quinn sans qu'elle en ait parlé à Lena, qui lui aurait vivement déconseillé. Elle pense qu'elle a empiré les choses et Stef lui parle alors d'elle qui a quitté son travail sur un coup de tête. En colère, Lena veut dormir sur le canapé mais Stef lui dit qu'elle ne fera pas ça puisqu'ils ont une maison pleine d'enfants et qu'elles ne veulent pas qu'ils sachent ce qu'il se passe. Lena revient alors dans le lit mais créé une barrière avec des coussins.

  • Lycée Anchor Beach

Haylay vient voir Jesus et s'excuse de son comportement de ce week-end, elle boudait puisque Jesus a préféré aller à la collecte de fond plutôt que d'être avec elle.Il lui dit qu'elle compte pour lui et qu'il va venir la voir à sa compétition de danse.

Dans les couloirs, un professeur de musique vient voir Brandon pour lui annonce qu'il a décroché une bourse d'étude pour un stage de musique dans la prestigieuse école Idywilld, l'une des plus réputées du pays. Mais Brandon ne semble pas heureux, il dit alors qu'il a passé l'audition avant son agression et que maintenant il ne peut plus jouer comme avant. Le professeur l'encourage à quand même y aller.

Lors d'une réunion avec des conseillers, Lena fait son apparition et dit à Monty qu'elle veut récupérer son emploi.

De son côté, Connor va voir Jude et lui dit qu'il n'est pas colère contre lui pour la dernière fois mais lui conseille d'arrêter de tout répéter à ses mères.

Lors de la répétition de l'équipe de danse, Kaitlyn annonce qu'elle veut inverser les solos de Mariana avec quelqu'un d'autre de l'équipe, ce qui fait que le rythme sera beaucoup plus rapide sur cette partie de la musique. Tia ne comprend pas ce changement.

  • Salon

Callie rentre de cours lorsqu'elle entend Brandon jouer dans le salon. Elle ne dit rien et l'écoute puis le félicite lorsqu'il termine. Il lui dit qu'il a eu une proposition de bourse d'étude pour un stage mais ne montre pas autant d'enthousiasme que Callie.

  • Cuisine

Dans la cuisine, Stef tente d'aider Jude en math mais jete l'éponge quand Lena arrive et annonce qu'elle a récupéré son travail. Elle annonce aussi à Jude qu'en tant que vice-principale, elle est obligée d'éclaircir les choses avec le père de Connor mais le rassure et lui dit que tout va bien se passer.

  • Chambre de Mariana et Callie

Alors qu'il fait nuit, Mariana n'arrive pas à dormir à cause du stress de la compétition de danse qui a lieu le lendemain. Callie tente de la rassurer et Mariana se sent ridicule puisque ses problèmes ne sont rien comparés à ceux de Callie. Callie lui demande ensuite si Brandon sort avec Lou, ce que Mariana confirme.

  • Lycée Anchor Beach

Dans le bureau de Lena, Jude doit expliquer au père de Connor que lors du camping, des filles ont rejoint la tente de Jude et Connor après l'extinction des feux et qu'ils ont fait un jeu où ils devaient s'embrasser. Lena fait amende honorable auprès du père de Connor et il dit qu'il ne devrait plus mettre de claque à son fils.

En sortant du bureau, Jude dit à Connor que son père a bien réagit mais Connor est en colère : il ne veut pas être ami avec quelqu'un qui rapporte tout ce qu'il lui arrive à ses mères.

  • Compétition de danse

Un peu avant leur passage, Mat arrive pour voir Mariana avec des fleurs et lui dit qu'il est fier d'elle. Elle rejoint ensuite l'équipe et Kaitlyn annonce que pour se mettre au niveau des autres équipes, elle a décidé de couper le dernier solo, soit celui de Mariana. Tia prend sa défence et accuse Kaitlyn d'avoir saboter son solo en le changeant la veille. Le ton monte et Tia décide de quitter l'équipe et est stupéfaite lorsqu'elle voit que Mariana ne fait pas de même.

  • Bureau du juge

Les Adams Foster et les Quinn s'affrontent dans le bureau du juge qui trouve le cas de la garde très compliqué : il propose alors une période d'essai de 180 jours durant laquelle Callie continuera à habiter chez les Foster mais elle devra voir une fois par semaine Robert. Callie accepte mais affirme clairement qu'elle ne veut pas aller chez eux, ni voir Jill et Sophia.

  • Compétition de danse

L'équipe réduite tente de faire des arrangements de dernières minutes mais personne n'y arrive et Mariana montre que ce n'est qu'une question de géométrie. L'équipe rentre ensuite en scène mais pendant le show, Kaitlyn ne veut pas partager la scène. Mariana réussit parfaitement son solo et le public les applaudit, sous le regard dégoûté de Tia.

  • Réunion des AA

Pendant la compétition de danse, Jesus décide finalement d'aller à une réunion des AA pour voir Ana. Il l'entend alors parler mais reste en retrait : il comprend alors qu'elle est enceinte.

  • Restaurant

Alors qu'elle travaille, Sophia vient voir Callie mais celle-ci lui dit de partir, que rien de ce qu'elle pourra lui dire ne la fera changer d'avis. Sophia menace de mettre danger à sa vie mais Callie pense qu'elle exagère et lui dit de partir. Alors qu'elle continue de nettoyer des tables, elle entend un accident avoir lieu et voir Sophia au milieu de la route.

  • Compétition de danse

Mat vient féliciter Mariana et celle-ci va voir Tia : elle lui explique alors que l'équipe s'est qualifiée, ce qui veut dire qu'elle aussi. Elle annonce alors qu'elle veut quitter l'équipe et monter la leur et assister à la compétition nationale. Tia la félicite d'avoir eu cette idée tandis que Mariana interpelle Kaitlyn et lui dit qu'elle quitte l'équipe.

  • Restaurant

Sophia explique aux policiers et à ses parents qu'elles se sont disputées elle et Callie et qu'elle a traversé sans faire attention et elle s'excuse. Robert dit qu'il va bien entendu payer pour les frais des autres automobilistes mais une fois que les policiers sont partis, Callie dit la vérité à Robert et Jill. Sophia finit alors par acquiescer et dit que parfois, elle a envie de mourir. Ses parents sont bouleversés et tandis que Jill part avec Sophia, Robert s'effondre devant Callie qui lui montre un peu de soutien.

  • Cuisine des Foster

Callie donne des nouvelles de Sophia et dit qu'elle va être suivie pour son problème. Lena veut alors s'assurer que si l'un deux ressent ce sentiment un jour, il faut qu'il en parle absolument. Jesus arrive et prétend avoir été à l'entraînement de lutte. Il demande comment était la compétition et est content de savoir que l'équipe s'est qualifiée pour la finale.

Brandon va voir ses mères pour parler d'une tournée que voudrait faire le groupe cet été. Stef se montre plutôt fermée sur le sujet mais Brandon tente de la convaincre et Lena lui dit qu'elles y réfléchiront.

  • Jardin

Brandon s'échappe pour aller dans le garage répéter et Callie le suit, surprise qu'il n'ait pas parlé à ses mères de sa bourse. Il lui dit qu'il ne veut pas en parler et qu'il préfère aller en tournée. Callie veut savoir si c'est à cause de Lou et Brandon pense que même si ça ne fait pas de mal, elle n'est pas l'unique raison pour laquelle il veut y aller. Callie insiste sur Lou et veut savoir si c'est à cause d'elle que Brandon ne veut plus être avec elle mais il finit par lui dire que c'est elle-même la raison pour laquelle il ne peut pas être avec elle et lui confie qu'il n'a pas confiance en elle. Elle se vexe et Brandon lui dit que tous les deux c'est fini.

 Fin de l'épisode.

Ecrit par Emeline53.

Quinn's house

Jill: Quickly, please, in here. Please, hurry.
Stef: OK, everybody back. Let's give them some room.
Jill: He was telling me he was upset about a fight he'd just had with his And he just grabbed his chest, like, he couldn't breathe, and he started shaking, I had to help him to the ground. Is he...
Sophia: What's happening?


Quinn's house

Man: Panic attack.
Jill: It wasn't it wasn't a heart attack?
Man: Nope. Happens all the time.
Robert: Really?
Man: The symptoms are pretty similar: chest pain, shortness of breath, rapid heartbeat.
Jill: And you're sure?
Man: I'm pretty sure, yeah. The EKG looks fine. But we should probably take you in for some observation, just to be 100 percent certain.
Robert: No, no. I'm fine.
Jill: No, Robert. You should...
Robert: Ok, if you think I should.

Sophia: What's going on?

Foster's house

Jude: I mean, he said he signed the papers. Shouldn't he have to, like, stick to that?
Stef: You'd think so, wouldn't ya?
Lena: Well, he was clearly upset by the whole thing. I think I hope, anyway, that with a little time and space from the drama of it all, he'll come to his senses.
Stef: You really think that's gonna happen?
Lena: I do, actually. This all went down so fast, and there was so much emotion involved. He just needs a little room to change his perspective. He's gonna do the right thing, I know it.
Mariana: I can't believe he pulled this. He seemed like such a nice guy.
Stef: Yeah, well, not everyone is not what they seem. It's a lesson for all of us. Hey, Callie hey. It's gonna be ok. We're gonna work this out. You hear me? Ok. Ok, listen, why don't you all go get changed out of your clothes. Put on something comfortable, we'll put something out for dinner. Ok?

Brandon: Hey.
Callie: Hey.
Brandon: I was looking for you before dinner, but I...
Callie: No, I know. I, um I came out here hoping you...
Brandon: Yeah, I know, I saw you go so I figured... Callie I...
Callie: You know, actually, I don't think I can handle anymore bad news today, Brandon.
Brandon: It's not bad news. Not really. I just don't want you to give up.
Callie: I know. I know.
Brandon: OK. Good night, then.
Callie: Night.

Jesus and Jude's room

Jude: Hey.
Lena: Hey, bub. I just wanted to check up on you. It's quite a day, huh? Are you all right? About all the Callie and Robert stuff?
Jude: Yeah. It's gonna be ok though, right?
Lena: Yes, honey it's gonna be fine. And thank you for telling me about what happened on the camping trip. I know that wasn't easy for you, and I really appreciate your being honest with me.
Jude: Are you gonna tell Connor's dad?
Lena: Uh no, I don't think so. I don't work at Anchor Beach anymore, so I don't have to, and I really don't see any reason to upset things any further. You know, honey, what you guys did, it wasn't wrong. It just, it wasn't appropriate on a school trip. I just don't want you to feel ashamed for you know, for being curious.
Jude: Ok.
Lena: Ok.

Quinn's house

Stef: She's just devastated, as I'm sure you can understand. So I was hoping that you you could talk to your husband.
Jill: I know why you're here. I understand completely. But I'm not sure I agree. I was with you, I really was. I knew that Robert and Sophia were getting too invested in Callie, and I knew they were gonna get hurt, but I also knew that they would be fine, because they only want what's best for Callie. And then it sort of dawned on me. They only want what's best for Callie. Because they love her. And when she called him her father yesterday, seeing how he lit up and And how devastated he was that he upset her, he had a panic attack, for God's sake. I just... I just think he deserves a chance to get to know her a little better before all this is decided.
Robert: Hi. I didn't know you were...
Jill: Stef stopped by to talk about...
Robert: Yesterday. Yeah, of course. All right, look, um I feel awful about everything that went down. Sincerely.
Stef: I'm sure you do. And that's why I'm here.I'd just like to see you make things right.
Robert: That's what I'm trying to do.
Stef: No, Robert, I think you need to sign the papers.
Robert: Look, um I just wanna have some sort of relationship with my daughter.
Stef: Well, she doesn't want to have a relationship with you. Not now. And after that stunt yesterday, Lena and I are not going to try to persuade her otherwise.
Robert: Well, I've been trying to figure out a way to handle this. I was hoping it would be a little more civil, but you don't leave me any choice. You'll be hearing from my lawyers tomorrow. I'm gonna petition the court for custody.


Brandon: Damn. Good job.
Jesus: Hey... You ever been to one of your dad's AA meetings? Like to see him get a chip or something?
Brandon: Uh, yeah, a couple times.
Jesus: Why? What's it like?
Brandon: AA? Kinda weird, but, you know, my dad was happy I went though.
Jesus: Why was it weird?
Brandon: Uh, everyone's sitting around, talking about all the horrible things they did, and then everyone else is laughing.
Jesus: Laughing at them?
Brandon: No, no, no, more like with them. Like, they've done worse stuff, so... What what's the matter? You think you got a little drinking problem? Is this about Ana?
Jesus: Nah, I was just curious.
Brandon: OK. Dude, don't get all wrapped up in...
Jesus: So do you think it really works? AA?
Brandon: I think so, yeah. I hope so. I kinda have to, you know?
Jesus: All right, man, you're up.
Brandon: Right. You know, maybe we should...
Jesus: Lower it?
Brandon: Yeah, lower it.


Tia: One, two, three and four. And five, six, seven, eight. And one, two, three, four. Five, six and... That was really good. It was! Except for the end.
Mariana: Maybe we could, like, simplify it?
Tia: We could, but, I mean, don't you wanna end with a bang? You know, really impress the judges? You're gonna get it.
Mariana: When? The competition's this week! Maybe I should just give up my solo...
Tia: What? No, no. Absolutely not.
Mariana: It'd be better for the team.
Tia: No, it wouldn't! Mariana, when you're on, you're fierce. Hey, and I know you didn't make me spend all my free time coaching you just so you could bail at the last minute. OK, now come on, let's do that last eight. You just gotta spot that turn. Ok?
Mariana: Ok.
Tia: And five, six, seven, eight.


Brandon and Lou: Wait for it [both] Wait for it Here it comes Like a cannon sounding But you can't break from the crowd You been to the Caught in the crossfire Here it comes You try to outrun the pounding When they storm in like a cloud It must make you so tired Be caught in the crossfire...
Mariana: Oh, my God, you guys are so good together!
Mat: Come on, walk me out.
Lou: So, apparently, we are good together.
Brandon: Mm.
Lou: At least that's what your sister thinks. What about you?

Foster's kitchen

Mariana: What are you being so weird about?
Mat: Nothing. I just I just hope the band doesn't go all Fleetwood Mac. No Doubt?
Mariana: Huh?
Mat: I hope Brandon and Lou dating doesn't ruin everything.
Mariana: Brandon and Lou are dating? Oh, my God. That makes sense. I was wondering why she kept giving him those bedroom eyes. Don't worry, I'm sure it's all gonna be fine.
Mat: Come on, I gotta get home.
Lou: Brandon, stop it.

Stef and Lena's room

Lena: Why? Why did you have to go over there?
Stef: Wait, you think this is my fault? Are you're kidding me! You think that Robert decided that he wanted custody of Callie, simply because he saw me standing on his patio? Seriously?
Lena: I'm sure it didn't help, seeing you standing there all defensive and territorial! He was already upset. Why couldn't you just give things a little time to cool down? You're so impulsive! You can't ever leave well-enough alone.
Stef: Well, I'm sorry, Lena, I am who I am. But I'm not gonna be blamed for being impulsive by a woman who quit her job on a whim.
Lena: I was trying to defend Jude.
Stef: What do you think I was trying to do for Callie?! And protect Jude from what? From getting into trouble for the shenanigans in the tent? Which he actually did! I love this about you, how passionate and idealistic you are, Lena, how you would do anything to protect our kids, but by trying to protect one, you are hurting all of them.
Lena: Excuse me?
Stef: We cannot raise this family on one salary.
Lena: I'm gonna get another job.
Stef: Before the mortgage is due? What are you doing?
Lena: I'm going to sleep on the couch.
Stef: No, you're not.
Lena: You gonna stop me?
Stef: You're not gonna sleep on the couch, because we have a house full of kids, and as soon as one of them sees you, they're all gonna know that something's wrong, and we're gonna have five freaked out teenagers and nobody wants that! So get your ass in bed! Please. Please. Listen... What are you doing? What is that?
Lena: A wall. To make sure you don't touch me tonight.
Stef: Well, you don't have to worry about that.

Anchor Beach

Haylay: I'm sorry. I know I was being all cranky on Saturday when you went to that fundraiser thingy.
Jesus: You totally gave me the silent treatment yesterday.
Haylay: I did not!
Jesus: Hayley, I texted you like 50 times.
Haylay: And I replied. Once.
Jesus: With a big pile of dookie emoticon that's not a reply.
Haylay: Ok, ok I'm sorry. I was talking to my mom about it and she was all, "Being there for people you care about it is really important." And I know you care about Callie. I mean, she's like your sister. And you care about me, right?
Jesus: Yeah, you know I do.
Haylay: So you're coming to the dance competition? My solo's, like, amazing.
Jesus: Yeah, my whole family is gonna be there.
Haylay: Your whole family is coming to see me?
Jesus: Yeah, well, I mean, I guess I am. Mariana's on the dance team, remember?
Haylay: Oh. Right.

Teacher: So I got a very interesting phone call this morning.
Brandon: Uh-huh.
Teacher: It seems one of the big-wigs at Idyllwild saw you play at some music competition last fall, and would like to offer you a full ride to go to their summer music program. Yeah, I know, it's just one of the most prestigious programs in the country.
Brandon: But I...
Teacher: Brandon, you know how this looks on a college application? You can basically write your own ticket to any music school in the country.
Brandon: No, I know, but my hand remember?
Teacher: Right.
Brandon: I mean, that competition was before all this happened. I can't play like that anymore.
Teacher: Ok, I hear you. But if you were gonna give it one more shot, Idyllwild would be the place to do it. They got some of the best teachers, experts therapists in the world.
Brandon: But, I just...
Teacher: Will you think about it? I got a little time before we need to let them know.
Brandon: All right.

Monte: I just want you to know I hear your concerns. It's not something I take lightly, and we'll review again at the end of the year, ok? Anybody have any questions?
Lena: I have a question.

Connor: Hey. You don't have to avoid me, ok. I'm not mad.
Jude: You're not? You seemed pretty mad the other day.
Connor: Well, I'm over it, ok. It's fine. You just gotta stop telling your moms everything, ok? Did your mom really quit her job? Why, like, because of my dad? Wow. Is she ok?
Jude: I think so. We're ok?
Connor: Yeah. Did you do the science homework? I didn't get it at all...

Kaitlyn: Coach Kim wants everyone to read the rules for the competition. A few years ago we lost because of a technicality and she's all flipped out that we're gonna, like, have the wrong barrettes or something and get disqualified so... Really? Nobody?
Mariana: What? I like to be informed.
Kaitlyn: Ok. So I've been thinking, and I think we need to rearrange the orders of the solos.
Tia: Wait, the competition is tomorrow, why are we making changes?
Kaitlyn: I think we have to flip Mariana's and David's, so when we end up in formation for the last section, we make a better inverted triangle.
Haylay: So I'm still third?
Mariana: And I'm last? But the music's really different at that part.
Kaitlyn: It's still two counts of eight. Can we just try it please?

Foster's house

Callie: That was beautiful.
Brandon: Thank you.
Callie: Where is this coming from?
Brandon: Um I got offered a scholarship for this summer program. Um Idyllwild, if you've...
Callie: Yeah, of course.
Brandon: Yeah.
Callie: That's so cool.
Brandon: Yeah. Hungry.

Stef: Two-thirds or sixth that's not I don't know, bud. You're going to have to talk to one of your siblings about this, 'cause back in my day, math did not look like that. Hey.
Lena: Hey. So, I have got good news and I have some less good news. The good news is, I got my job back.
Stef: You did?
Lena: And the less good news is I'm going need to sit down with Connor and his dad and talk about the camping trip. It's important to Monte, and, to be honest, it's important to me, too. There are some things, as a mom, that I can overlook, but that as an administrator, I have to deal with, and this is one of them. But, I'm sure everything's gonna be fine. I don't want you to worry, ok. I just wanted to let you know.
Jude: Ok.

Mariana and Callie's room

Callie: You roll over anymore I'm giving you a dog treat.
Mariana: I'm sorry, I'm just freaking out about the competition tomorrow. I know it's stupid, it's just a contest.
Callie: No, it's not stupid. You've been working really hard and it's important to you.
Mariana: Well, yeah, but it's kind of nothing compared to what you're going through.
Callie: You know what game no one wins? Let's Rank Our Troubles. Besides, it's super not fun. I'm just sorry I have to work so I'm gonna miss your big win unless you blow it. Hey, is Brandon with Lou?
Mariana: Oh, yeah. Totally. Mat's, like, freaking out about it. He's almost 100 percent sure they're walking into, like, a "No Doubt" situation, which I totally didn't get until he told me that Gwen Stefani used to be with that drummer guy or wait, which one was it? Which one has the crazy eyes? Anyway...
Callie: We should probably get some sleep.
Mariana: Yeah, right. Like that's gonna happen.

Anchor Beach

Lena: Jude, why don't you tell Mr. Stevens what you told me, about what happened in the tent.
Jude: So, um, that night, after bed check, we had some girls come into our tent and we played some games and stuff. Then we ending up making out with them and...
Adam: And?
Jude: Uh, nothing. That's it.
Adam: Well, that was exactly what I was afraid of...
Lena: Is it? Exactly?
Adam: Yeah. It is. Look, I know you think I'm some sort of big homophobe or something, but I'm not. I just want to make sure that my kid's properly supervised when he's supposed to be.
Lena: You're absolutely right, sir. We hear you, loud and clear, and we are gonna make some changes in the way we we chaperone trips like these.
Adam: Thank you. I just want Connor to be able to be a kid. Not grow up so fast. But he is growing up, and, maybe you're right about one thing, he's getting a little old for me to be spanking him, so you're still grounded, but that's it. Ok?
Monte: Well, I think it's safe to say we all learned a little something here. Why don't you head back to class.

Jude: Well, that's good your Dad's being cool.
Connor: I can't believe you told your mom. Again.
Jude: I didn't tell...
Connor: I can't I... I can't be friends with a little bitch that tells his mom every time something happens.

Dance competition

Mariana: Oh! You made it!
Mat: Like I was gonna miss a chance to see you shine.
Mariana: Aw, thank you.
Mat: I'm really proud of you. Wow. They're really good.
Mariana: I know.
Kaitlyn: Mariana.
Mariana: Oops, gotta go.
Mat: I'll be the one hollering the loudest.
Kaitlyn: Ok, so I've been doing a little recon, and after seeing what the other teams are doing, I think we should cut that last solo and put in that double time section we've been working on.
Mariana: Wait you're cutting my solo?
Tia: What the hell?
Kaitlyn: I'm sorry, but it's the weakest one.
Tia: No, it's not! And why do we have to cut a solo anyway?
Kaitlyn: We need a bigger finish if we're gonna win. And Mariana was a hot mess at practice yesterday.
Tia: Yeah, because you changed her placement! The music was totally different! I mean, you basically sabotaged her.
Kaitlyn: I'm sorry, are you accusing me of something?
Tia: Yeah, I'm accusing you of being a jerk.
Kaitlyn: Well, this jerk happens to be team captain, and since Coach Kim isn't here, what I say, goes. If you don't like it, you don't have to dance.
Tia: What did you just say?
Haylay: Come on, Kaitlyn. Tia's like our best dancer.
Mariana: You don't have to do this.
Kaitlyn: You heard me. This is a really important competition for us and I don't think Mariana is ready. If you disagree, you don't have to be on the team.
Tia: You know what? You're right, I don't. I quit. Good luck, guys.

Judge office

Stef: Your Honor, we found him, like you wanted. Uh, we served him papers, like you asked. Um, he even signed them.
Judge: So where are they?
Stef: Well, from what I can gather, his daughter destroyed them.
Robert: That is true, Your Honor, but it's also true that I regretted signing them the second I did it. Look, this whole, horrible mess it's made me clear on one thing Callie is my daughter and I love her. And we all... We believe that Callie belongs with us.
Judge: And what do you think, Callie?
Woman: Go ahead, tell him.
Callie: I think the Adams Fosters are my family. And nothing is going to change that.
Judge: Well, like all custody issues, this is a tricky one. Both sides make compelling arguments: familiarity, in the case of the Adams Fosters, vs. biology, in the case of the Quinns. Arguments that, under other circumstances, would be the definitive winner. But these are not other circumstances. So here's what I think we should do Let's take the remainder of the 180-day abandonment period and make sure we're making the most informed decision possible. Until that time, Callie will remain in her current foster home. But I'd also like Callie to spend one day a week with her father.
Callie: Fine. I'll see Robert once a week But I won't see anyone else. I won't go to the house, I won't see Jill and I won't see Sophia.

Dance competition

Haylay: You guys, we can't do this without Tia.
Kaitlyn: Well, I'm not dancing if she is, so...
Mariana: You guys, it really shouldn't be that hard. It's really just comparative geometry. OK, look, OK, we're going from seven people, an odd formation, to six, an even one. Anytime we're in three, five, seven it just becomes two, four, six. There's never a point person. So if that's you, you just give up the middle, reset so you're equidistant from your partner and the midpoint.
Woman: OK, Anchor Beach, you're up.

Mariana: Kaitlyn, we're supposed to share...
Lena: Come on, Mariana.

AA's reunion

Ana: Everybody comes up here and talks about how they hit rock bottom and then started turning their lives around but not me. I hit rock bottom, definitely the time I left my kids on Christmas day to go get high. Merry Christmas, kids, Mommy got you some crack. I mean, who does that? So, yeah, I hit rock bottom, stayed there for about a decade, and then decided I was ready. So, I think one day at a time, God willing, things are different now. God, I hope so. I just pray that I can do better for this baby than I did for my twins. Thank you.


Callie: Go away, Sophia.
Sophia: Please, just listen to me.
Callie: No.
Sophia: I just wanted to apologize.
Callie: I don't care, you've ruined my life. All right? So leave me alone.
Sophia: I didn't mean to, Callie. Ok, I'm sorry. I am so, so sorry.
Callie: Save it, Sophia. Ok. There's nothing that you can say that will make me forgive you.
Sophia: Don't say that! If you don't forgive me I'll kill myself.
Callie: Don't be melodramatic.
Sophia: I mean it.
Callie: Just go home. I have work to do.

Dance competition

Mat: Oh, my God! You were amazing!
Mariana: Duh! I know! But thank you. Oh, be right back.

Tia: Don't even talk to me right now. I stuck my neck out for you and...
Mariana: And we qualified.
Tia: Yeah. I saw. Congrats.
Mariana: You're not hearing me. We qualified. You remember those rules that Kaitlyn was handing out? You know, the ones you made fun of me for taking?
Tia: Uh-huh.
Mariana: Well, I actually read those, and it turns out only one member of the qualifying team has to be on the competing team at State. And I qualified. That's why I didn't walk off with you.
Tia: Ok, so...
Mariana: So, let's start our own dance team. If I have to listen to Kaitlyn for one more second, I'm gonna shoot somebody. Most likely her. And I'm way too pretty to go to jail.
Tia: I can't believe you. God, you are so sneaky, you know that?
Mariana: Sometimes I use my powers for good. So you in?
Tia: Yes, yeah, abso-freaking-lutely.
Mariana: Good.
Mat: All good?
Mariana: Oh, yeah. Ooh, hey, Kaitlyn, guess what? I quit! Bye!


Sophia: We got in a fight, and I was upset, so I wasn't looking when I walked into the street. I'm so embarrassed...
Police officer: Well, you need to pay more attention. Thank God nobody was seriously hurt. This could have been really terrible for you and a lot of other people.
Robert: All right, I uh... I gave both the drivers my information, so, obviously, we're going to pay for all the damages here, so thank you.
Police officer: OK, have a good night. Be careful.
Robert: And thank you, Callie, for calling us.

Callie: It wasn't an accident.
Robert: What?
Callie: We were having a fight, and she told me that if I didn't forgive her she'd kill herself. I didn't realize it at the time, but she meant it. She walked into traffic. You know it wasn't an accident.
Jill: Sophia? Is that is that true?
Robert: Uh Why ? Why would you...
Sophia: Sometimes I just wanna die.
Jill: What?
Sophia: I don't really think I can do this any more.
Jill: Come on. Come on, let's get you home. See you at home.

Foster's kitchen

Stef: So what's gonna happen to her?
Callie: Well, Robert said they're gonna get her some help, so...
Lena: Oh, thank God. If any of you is ever feeling like that, I want you to come talk to us, ok? And if you don't wanna talk to us, talk to a sibling, or somebody. There's always someone who'll understand, ok. You promise?
Stef: Hey, bub, I've got a plate for you in the oven.
Jesus: Thanks.
Lena: No, I got this. So what was it? Wrestling?
Jesus: Coach was in a mood, made us stay late.
Mariana: Hayley was pretty upset that you weren't there tonight. Honestly, I was, too.
Stef: It's hot, it's hot...
Jesus: How was your performance?
Jude: She was amazing. And she totally saved the show.
Jesus: Really? I'm sorry I missed it.
Callie: Yeah, me too. But we're gonna see it when they go to State.
Jesus: What? You made it?
Mariana: Looks like it.
Jesus: Nice! Hey, how was your solo?

Brandon: So, I was, uh, thinking about this summer...
Stef: Mmm-hmm.
Brandon: And, uh, here's the thing the band is gonna go on tour.
Stef: Yeah, well, good for the band.
Brandon: Mom.
Stef: Brandon, you're 16.
Brandon: Seventeen. Almost.
Stef: OK, almost 17. Do you really want to spend the summer between your junior and senior years of high school playing gigs in dive bars in Albuquerque?
Brandon: Yes.
Lena: Why don't you let us talk about it for a little while, it's a big decision.
Brandon: Ok, all right, yeah. As long as you think about it.
Stef: Oh, we'll think about it.
Brandon: Ok.


Callie: Hey... Are you really serious about this? The tour?
Brandon: Yeah.
Callie: What about the scholarship? You're not even gonna consider going to Idyllwild? Are you gonna tell Stef and Lena?
Brandon: No, and I would appreciate it if you didn't either.
Callie: Fine, but you're just going to give that up? Brandon, classical music is that's like your one true love.
Brandon: Well, we don't always get to have our one true love, do we?
Callie: Is it because of Lou? Is that why you wanna go on tour? 'Cause you're seeing her, right?
Brandon: It doesn't hurt, sure. But, no, that's not why I'm going on tour. I'm going on tour because I think it would be freaking awesome.
Callie: Is Lou why you can't be with me?
Brandon: No.
Callie: It's not?
Brandon: No, you're the reason why I can't be with you, Callie. You don't know what you want. You're just reacting all the time. And you only ever come to me when things get hard for you, or when everything is going wrong. Do I have feelings for you? Of course, I have feelings for you. I'm always gonna have feelings for you. But I don't I don't trust you.
Callie: Wow.
Brandon: I didn't mean it in a bad way.
Callie: Is there another way to mean it, Brandon?
Brandon: I'm done. We're done. We have to be done.

Kikavu ?

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choup37, 18.04.2024 à 08:49

5 participants prennent part actuellement à la chasse aux gobelins sur doctor who, y aura-t-il un sixième?

chrismaz66, 18.04.2024 à 11:04

Choup tu as 3 joueurs de plus que moi!! Kaamelott est en animation, 3 jeux, venez tenter le coup, c'est gratis! Bonne journée ^^

choup37, 19.04.2024 à 19:45

Maintenant j'en ai plus que deux, je joue aussi sur kaa

CastleBeck, Aujourd'hui à 11:48

Il y a quelques thèmes et bannières toujours en attente de clics dans les préférences . Merci pour les quartiers concernés.

Viens chatter !