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#218 : Se faire entendre

Mariana préfère se concentrer sur l'organisation d'une manifestation contre le lycée plutôt que les changements qui sont en cours chez les Foster.

De son côté, Callie est tentée de désobéir à Stef et de mettre sa vie en danger afin de sauver Kiara, très mal au point. Enfin, Jude confronte Connor quant à son comportement contradictoire et leur relation prend une tournure à laquelle Jude ne s'attendait pas.


4.25 - 4 votes

Titre VO
Now Hear This

Titre VF
Se faire entendre

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218 - Promo

218 - Promo


218 - Sneak Peek n°1

218 - Sneak Peek n°1


218 - Sneak Peek n°2

218 - Sneak Peek n°2


218 - Sneak Peek n°3

218 - Sneak Peek n°3


218 - Sneak Peek n°4

218 - Sneak Peek n°4


218 - Callie avoue la vérité à Stef

218 - Callie avoue la vérité à Stef


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Callie et Daphne discutent

Callie et Daphne discutent

Callie et Daphne discutent avec Rita et la nouvelle

Callie et Daphne discutent avec Rita et la nouvelle

Callie et Daphne discutent avec la nouvelle arrivante

Callie et Daphne discutent avec la nouvelle arrivante

Callie et Daphne discutent avec Rita

Callie et Daphne discutent avec Rita

Une nouvelle arrivante chez GU

Une nouvelle arrivante chez GU

Callie et Daphne discutent avec Rita

Callie et Daphne discutent avec Rita

Callie et Daphne discutent

Callie et Daphne discutent

Callie et Daphne discutent avec Rita

Callie et Daphne discutent avec Rita

Photo de l'épisode #2.18

Photo de l'épisode #2.18

Photo de l'épisode #2.18

Photo de l'épisode #2.18

Callie et Daphne discutent

Callie et Daphne discutent


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Etats-Unis (inédit)
Lundi 02.03.2015 à 20:00
1.23m / 0.5% (18-49)

Plus de détails

Scénario : Thomas Higgins
Réalisation : Rob Morrow

  • Chez les Foster

Stef, Lena et Callie annoncent aux autres que Callie va aller vivre chez Robert. Mariana le prend très mal et ne comprend pas pourquoi ses mères laissent Callie faire ça et s'en va.

Avant de se coucher, Brandon s'assure dans le couloir que Callie ne fait pas ça à cause de lui mais elle lui assure que non, qu'elle en a juste marre de se battre et qu'elle sera encore beaucoup dans les parages.

Dans leur chambre, Callie s'excuse auprès de Mariana qui ne veut rien entendre et part dans la salle de bain. Callie reçoit alors un appel inconnu et lorsqu'elle répond, elle reconnaît Daphne au bout du fil qui lui annonce qu'elle s'est dénoncée sans parler de Callie ou Brandon pour le kidnapping afin qu'elle puisse rester chez les Foster et qu'elle se trouve à Girls United.


  • Chez les Foster

Lena se rend dans la chambre de Mariana et Callie et se rend compte que Mariana n'est pas habillée. Mariana lui annonce qu'elle ne va pas aller au lycée puisqu'en tant que présidente des élèves, elle organise une manifestation contre le renvoi de Timothy.

Dans la cuisine, Callie touche à peine à son repas tandis que Brandon interroge Jude sur sa nouvelle petit-amie Taylor mais il lui dit qu'ils ne sortent pas ensemble. Lena arrivé contrariée que Mariana n'aille pas à l'école mais Brandon lui annonce que les Terminales n'ont pas cours non plus. Elle prend alors Stef à part pour lui demander du soutien mais Stef ne sait pas quoi faire puisqu'elles ne peuvent pas les forcer à aller au lycée s'ils ne veulent pas.

Lena décide alors de leur enlever toutes sources de distractions en confisquant internet, les ordinateurs portables et les portables. Les ados et Stef trouvent la réaction disproportionnée mais Stef aide néanmoins Lena à mettre son plan en action sous les réactions choquées de Brandon, Jesus et Mariana.

  • Chez les Girls United

Devant la maison, Daphne et Callie parle du fait que Daphne s'est dénoncée pour empêcher Callie d'aller vivre chez Robert mais cette dernière lui dit que c'est trop tard puisqu'elle l'a déjà dit au juge et qu'en plus, cela empêcherait Brandon d'aller en tournée si elle disait toute la vérité. Rita arrive alors et est surprise de trouver Callie mais elle les fait rentrer dans la maison et elles découvrent que Carmen est de retour à Girls United.

  • Lycée Anchor Beach

Monte et Lena font le point sur tous les élèves absents au lycée aujourd'hui et Monte est sur les nerfs. Elle lui demande d'envoyer un mail indiquant que s'ils ne viennent pas lundi, ils seront tous suspendus. Lena trouve ça extrême et l'encourage à accepter la discussion avec eux mais Monte ne veut rien entendre, disant que ce lycée a besoin d'une direction forte, ce qu'elle n'a pas eu jusqu'ici.

Alors que Jude regarde Connor et Daria s'embrasser, Taylor lui dit qu'il finira par s'habituer. Elle leur demande ensuite s'ils veulent aller à la foire ce week-end mais Daria dit qu'ils avaient prévu d'aller en bord de mer avec Connor. Celui-ci dit alors qu'ils pourront aller une autre fois et préfère aller à la foire tous ensemble mais Jude annonce qu'il ne peut pas parce qu'il a un week-end camping en famille.

  • Chez les Girls United

Les filles sont en train de parler des autres filles, de ce qu'elles sont devenues et Carmen apprend aux autres que Kiara a été vue à El Cajon, un lieu pas très fréquentable où travaillent les prostituées.

  • Chez les Foster

Dans la chambre de Brandon, Lou regarde ses affaires et voit une ball de base-ball signé par un joueur que son grand-père lui a légué. Elle sous-entend qu'elle pourrait se vendre bien et pourrait lui payer la tournée mais celui-ci ne peut pas vérifier puisqu'il n'a pas internet. Lou monte alors sur le lit et lui dit que heureusement, il y a d'autre façon de s'amuser. Elle commence à l'embrasser langoureusement puis lui dit qu'en tournée, ils pourront faire ça tous les jours. Brandon lui dit de se taire et ils couchent ensemble.

  • Chez les Girls United

Callie veut faire quelque chose pour Kiara mais Rita lui dit que ce n'est pas leur rôle, que si Kiara veut être aider elle doit se dénoncer et alors Rita pourra convaincre le juge de la laisser revenir. Carmen dit alors qu'il faudrait lui dire qu'il y un nouveau Girls United. Rita assure qu'on a toujours le choix et qu'en fugant elle a fait le mauvais parce qu'aujourd'hui elle n'est pas dans un meilleur endroit à se prostituer.

  • Chez les Foster

Brandon raccompagne Lou à la porte et alors qu'ils s'embrassent, Mariana fait remarquer sa présence sur le perron. Brandon dit à Lou de l'appeler et elle lui dit qu'elle le fera s'il a de la chance.

Brandon demande ensuite à Mariana ce qu'elle fait avec sa liseuse sur le perron et elle lui explique qu'elle essaie de capter le wifi de leur voisin mais ne trouve pas leur mot de passe. Elle réalise ensuite avec tristesse que Callie ne sera pas là au prochain Noël avec eux. Brandon lui dit que quoiqu'il arrive ils seront toujours une famille mais Mariana lui rétorque que ce ne sera pas pareil puisqu'ils ne se verront plus tous les jours.

  • Lycée Anchor Beach

Jude vient dans le bureau de Lena pour rentrer à la maison et elle lui apprend que Connor va passer la nuit chez eux puisque son père est en déplacement et qu'il n'a pas pu rentrer. Elle va à la voiture et alors qu'ils sont seuls, Connor comprend que le week-end camping en famille de Jude était un mensonge.

  • Appartement de Mike

Brandon arrive chez son père pour dîner avec lui. Mike lui demande s'il a parlé de Idyllwild à ses mères mais Brandon lui dit que non puisqu'il veut vraiment partir en tournée. Mike comprend que Lou est la raison de cette envie et Brandon se confie à lui sur leur relation mais lui assure qu'il veut partir en tournée aussi pour lui, parce qu'il pense que cera une aventure qui pourrait changer sa vie. Brandon lui demande ensuite conseil quant à la balle de base-ball, si ce ne serait pas offensant qu'il la vende puisqu'il n'a jamais été fan de sport mais qu'il pourrait l'utiliser pour faire quelque chose qui lui plaît. Son père lui répond que c'est à lui de choisir et que ce n'est pas une décision facile.

  • Chez les Foster

Dans la cuisine, la famille est en train de dîner quand Mariana s'indigne du mail qu'ils ont reçu. Lena s'étonne qu'elle ait pu le voir puisqu'ils n'avaient pas internet mais Jesus leur avoue que Mariana a hacké leur liseuse pour aller sur internet. Stef et Callie sont impressionnées, elles ne savaient pas que c'était possible et Callie tente une blague pour se réconcilier avec Mariana mais cela ne fonctionne pas. Lena veut alors changer de sujet puisque Connor est présent mais il leur assure que cela ne le dérange puisque manger seul avec son père c'est très ennuyeux. Mariana en profite alors pour lancer une pique à Callie avant que Stef ne l'arrête et dise à Connor que ça faisait longtemps qu'ils ne l'avaient pas vu. Jesus les charrie alors en disant qu'ils pourraient dormir dans une tente dans le jardin et faire comme s'ils campaient.

Dans leur chambre, Stef et Lena parlent du père de Connor qui soudainement accepte que Connor vienne chez eux parce qu'il pense que Jude a une copine. Elles parlents ensuite de leur orientation sexuelle mais Lena ne pense pas que Jude est encore sûr de lui et elle pense que peut-être Connor pourrait avoir un coup de coeur pour Jude. Alors qu'elles se taquinent, Stef ne peut s'empêcher de penser au départ de Callie, se refusant de réaliser qu'elles vont la perdre.

Dans la chambre de Jesus et Jude, Connor confie à Jude qu'il pense que Jesus ne l'aime pas mais ce dernier lui répond qu'il voulait juste taquiner. Connor s'intéresse alors au jeu auquel joue Jude mais il est coincé à un niveau et Connor lui montre comment passer au suivant. Ils s'installent alors tous les deux sur le lit et jouent ensemble.

Alors qu'elle ferme les portes dans la cuisine, Callie vient parler à Stef de Kiara qui a été vue sur El Cajon. Elle voudrait aller la voir mais Stef lui interdit catégoriquement, disant que le quartier est vraiment dangereux puisqu'il est le centre des dealers et des gangs. Callie accepte et Stef dit alors qu'elle pourra envoyer une patrouille mais que Kiara doit se dénoncer.

Callie va alors se coucher dans sa chambre et demande à Mariana si elle compte un jour lui reparler. Mariana ne répond pas et Callie s'énerve violemment, disant que tout ne tourne pas autour d'elle et qu'elle ne peut pas l'expliquer mais qu'elle n'a pas le choix de partir, que ça la fait aussi souffrir. Mariana s'excuse alors de son comportement, expliquant qu'elle lui manque déjà. Callie lui dit qu'à elle aussi elle lui manquera.

  • Sur El Cajon

Rita vient voir Kiara qui est sur le trottoir pour la convaincre de partir maintenant mais son souteneur la regarde du coin de l'oeil et s'approche. Kiara crache alors au visage de Rita, disant qu'elle n'est pas lesbienne. Son souteneur arrive et demande s'il y a un problème, Rita dit que non, juste qu'elle pensait qu'elles se connaissaient et s'en va, sous le regard attristé de Kiara.

  • Chez les Foster

Le lendemain, Connor et Jude jouent au base-ball dans le jardin et finissent par chahuter. Connor finit par coincer Jude par terre et un silence s'installe entre eux. Connor reçoit alors un sms de Daria lui demande s'ils veulent les rejoindre. Jude lui demande s'il va y aller et Connor lui dit que pourquoi pas puisqu'ils n'ont rien à faire ici. Jude le prend mal et va dans sa chambre, Connor reste par terre, ne sachant pas quoi faire.

Dans le salon, Jesus informe Lena que finalement, il ne veut plus aller à Clintwood et qu'il n'est donc pas nécessaire que le recruteur vienne les voir. Lena est étonnée qu'il ne veuille même pas l'écouter et se doute que c'est en rapport avec Mariana. Jesus lui explique alors qu'avec le départ de Callie plus le fait qu'elles ne vont pas adopter le bébé d'Ana, ça fait comme si elle perdait deux soeurs. Lena lui dit que ce n'est pas son rôle de veiller sur Mariana mais Jesus est décidé à ne plus y aller.

  • Lycée Anchor Beach

Alors qu'elles arrivent toutes les deux au lycée, Monte et Lena se croisent sur le parking. Monte s'excuse alors auprès de Lena pour la veille mais qu'elle est un peu surmenée par les évènement puisque dès ses premières semaines elle doit faire face à une manifestation. Elle lui confie qu'elle a besoin de l'aide de Lena pour y arriver.

  • Chez les Foster

Le recruteur arrive chez les Foster pour voir Jesus et c'est Mariana qui ouvre la porte. Elle ne comprend pas ce qu'il se passe puisque Jesus n'est pas là et est étonnée qu'une école veuille lui offrir une bourse. Elle comprend alors que l'école serait dans le Colorado. Le recuteur s'en va en espérant avant une autre occasion de parler avec Jesus.

  • Sur la jetée

Monte et Lena parlent et se mettent d'accord sur la façon de gérer la manifestation, Monte réalise qu'elle doit être plus ouverte à la discussion. Lena lui dit ensuite que lorsque ses enfants n'ont pas voulu aller au lycée, elle a enlevé tous les objets éléctroniques de la maison et Monte rigole. Lena se confie ensuite sur la perte de Frankie et le fait qu'Ana veuille qu'elle et Stef adoptent le bébé. Monte lui avoue qu'elle a, elle aussi, fait une fausse couche et qu'elle n'aurait jamais pu adopter un autre bébé tout de suite après, qu'elle a besoin de temps pour faire son deuil et guérir. Lena lui avoue aussi que Timothy était leur donneur et Monte éclate de rire.

  • Chez les Foster

Connor arrive dans la chambre de Jude et lui annonce qu'il a refusé d'aller chez Daria. Jude continue de lui faire la tête et Connor le taquine alors pour qu'il arrête. Jude finit par donner un coup de pied dans le ventre de Connor sans faire exprès et s'inquiète de lui avoir fait mal. Connor ne comprend pas pourquoi il réagit ainsi et Jude s'énerve en disant qu'il ne le comprend pas puisque lors du camping, il l'a embrassé et qu'au cinéma il lui a tenu la main. Connor l'embrasse alors.

  • Centre pour jeunes

Alors qu'elle travaille, Callie aperçoit Kiara qui est venue lui parler. Elle l'emmène alors dans un autre endroit pour être tranquilles.

  • Chez les Foster

Dans la cuisine, les jumeaux discutent et Jesus ne comprend pas pourquoi Mariana est énervée puisqu'il ne va pas aller dans son école mais Mariana lui dit qu'elle est déçue qu'il ne lui ait pas parlé. Mariana lui dit ensuite que cela semble être une très bonne école et qu'elle pourrait lui convenir. Jesus comprend alors qu'elle pourrait accepter qu'il parte et elle lui confie qu'elle ne veut pas mais qu'elle pense qu'il devrait car ce serait bien pour lui.

Dans sa chambre, Brandon a mis aux enchères la balle de base-ball et il réussit à la vendre pour 1500$, il est heureux avant d'apercevoir l'adresse à laquelle il doit l'envoyer.

  • Centre pour jeunes

Callie tente de convaincre Kiara de se dénoncer mais celle-ci ne veut pas en disant qu'elle est heureuse, qu'elle a trouvé une famille mais Callie lui assure que ce ne sont pas des gens biens, qu'ils l'obligent à se prostituer. Elle lui parle de la nouvelle maison de Girls United, que Daphne et Carmen y habitent et que si elle se dénonce elle pourrait y rester jusqu'à ses 18 ans et obtenir son diplôme. Kiara s'en veut alors d'avoir cracher au visage de Rita mais Callie lui assure que Rita est forte et qu'elle lui pardonnera. Kiara accepte alors mais à condition de retourner chez elle chercher des affaires. Callie lui dit alors qu'elle l'accompagnera pour être sûre qu'elle revienne.

  • Appartement de Mike

Brandon arrive chez son père et lui annonce qu'il a réussit à vendre la balle. Mike est content et Brandon lui donne alors la balle. Mike se sent idiot puisqu'il pensait que ce serait envoyé par le site et que Brandon en verrait pas l'adresse. Brandon le remercie et pense donc que son père n'était pas d'accord pour qu'il la vende mais Mike lui dit que c'était simplement pour qu'il n'ait pas de regrets un jour.

  • Dans la rue

Callie rejoint Kiara pour aller récupérer des affaires à elle mais elle aperçoit le souteneur de Kiara et comprend qu'elle l'a appelé. Kiara lui explique qu'elle ne veut pas retourner en détention, elle s'excuse mais la police arrive alors et à son tour Callie s'excuse, elle ne pouvait pas la laisser retourner là-bas. Son souteneur s'en va pour ne pas se faire arrêter et Kiara aperçoit Rita qui lui demand de se battre, elle la prend alors dans ses bras.

Callie est bouleversée mais Stef la rattrape et lui dit qu'elle a fait la bonne chose, qu'elle est fière d'elle. Callie lui dit alors qu'elle ne peut pas être fière d'elle et finit par tout avouer pour ses mensonges, qu'elle a décidé de partir vivre chez Robert parce qu'elle avait peur qu'elle et Lena lui demandent de partir. Stef lui assure alors que rien de ce qu'elle pourrait faire pourrait pousser Stef et Lena à ne plus vouloir d'elle. Callie s'effondre alors dans les bras de Stef.

  • Chez les Foster

Dans la chambre de Brandon, Callie s'excuse auprès de Brandon pour avoir tout avouer puisqu'il pourrait ne pas partir en tournée dorénavant mais il lui assure qu'il est content qu'elle l'ait fait. Il ajoute qu'il est prêt à abandonner la tournée et beaucoup d'autres choses pour s'assurer qu'elle ait une famille et qu'il pensait qu'elle l'avait compris depuis le temps. Callie dit qu'au moins maintenant ce sera plus facile pour elle d'aller vivre chez les Quinn sans avoir à mentir.

  • Chez les Quinn

Stef débarque le soir et agresse Robert en disant que Callie leur a tout dit et qu'il n'a pas intérêt à la pousser à leur mentir une nouvelle fois. Il se défend en disant qu'il voulait juste faire le meilleur pour sa fille et Stef a un rictus quand il dit "sa fille". Il lui conseille alors d'abandonner puisque c'est trop tard mais Stef lui assure qu'elle n'abandonnera pas sans se battre pour Callie.

Fin de l'épisode.

Ecrit par Emeline53.

In the living room

Brandon: So how soon?
Stef: Uh Well, there's paperwork to be done, I don't know...
Lena: Probably a few days?
Mariana: How could you just let her do this?
Stef: Sweetheart, we need to respect and support Callie's decision.
Lena: We're still a family.
Mariana: Families live together.

In the hallway

Brandon: Hey. Are you sure about this? You won't change your mind?
Callie: I can't. I told the judge.
Brandon: It's not, uh... It's not because of...
Callie: No. Brandon, no. It's... I'm just really tired of fighting. And, it's not like I'm not gonna be around a lot, still.
Brandon: Yeah, I mean... I hope so.
Callie: Well, good night.

In Mariana and Callie's room

Callie: Hey, are you awake? Well, just in case, I just want you to know I'm sorry.

Callie: Hello?
Daphne: Hey, it's me.
Callie: Daphne? Where are you?
Daphne: I'm at Girls United.
Callie: Isn't it kinda late?
Daphne: Look, I can't talk. I just wanted you to know, I told the police about Tasha. That I took her.
Callie: Daphne...
Daphne: And that I did it alone. So you and Brandon don't have to worry.
Callie: Why aren't you in juvie?
Daphne: Rita made it so I could stay at Girls United, until my hearing.
Callie: Why did you...
Daphne: So you don't have to go live with Robert. It's over. You're safe. Look, I gotta go.
Callie: Daphne...


In Mariana and Callie's room

Lena: Why aren't you dressed?
Mariana: I'm not going to school.
Lena: Are you sick?
Mariana: No.
Lena: Does this have to do with Callie?
Mariana: No, this doesn't have anything to do with Callie. There are other things going on in my life, you know. I'm protesting. In case you've forgot, you fired my favorite teacher yesterday.
Lena: I didn't... You are going to school.
Mariana: No, I'm not. And it's not just me. It's the whole sophomore class.
Lena: You are the daughter of the Vice Principal...
Mariana: And a member of the Student Council. But because you are my mother I will tell you, we're organizing a rally for Monday. And we're hoping for media coverage.

In the kitchen

Stef: You want something else for breakfast, love?
Callie: Uh, no, thanks. I'm fine.
Brandon: So I hear you have a girlfriend. What's her name? Trina?
Jude: Taylor. And she's not my girlfriend.
Lena: Well, apparently the twins aren't going to school today.
Brandon: Oh, yeah, me either. The juniors are protesting, too.
Stef: Protesting what?
Brandon: That mom fired Timothy.

Lena: I... Can I talk to you for a second, please? What are we gonna do?
Stef: I'm not sure what we can do.
Lena: I need your support here.
Stef: And you have it. But they're a little too big to carry out the front door. I could arrest them for truancy...
Lena: This isn't funny.
Stef: Look, it's one day. And trust me, they're gonna be so bored by the end of it they're gonna be dying to go back to school on Monday.
Lena: Bored? With their computers and their phones and their video games.

Mariana: But how are we supposed to do our homework?
Lena: You have got pencils and paper and text books, don't you? I'll be taking your phones as well, please. I could take you off the family plan anytime I want.
Jesus: What? Mom! What if we need to get in touch with you?
Lena: Use the home phone.
Brandon: What if we're not home?
Lena: Oh, no. You are staying home from school, you are staying home.
Stef: Um, you do realize this means we can't record our shows, right?
Lena: Not helping. Did you get the wireless router?
Stef: Yeah, it's right there.
Brandon: You're taking the Internet? You can't do that!
Mariana: Yeah, I'm pretty sure this is like unconstitutional. You're obstructing our attempt to organize, Mama.
Lena: You can still call your comrades on the land-line.
Mariana: Yeah, like we know anyone's number.
Lena: I'm not trying to shut down your protest, just your entertainment.
Mariana: Be careful!
Jesus: Just take it easy.
Lena: What?
Jesus: We've got our whole lives in there.
Lena: Enjoy your day off.
Stef: Hey, here. Let me help you with that. OK.

At Girls United

Daphne: I'm the one that took Tasha. And I'm the one's that's gotta pay for it. All you and Brandon did was help me take her back. Stef don't have to report that.
Callie: I'd still have to tell them everything. And I'd be getting Brandon in trouble and he's got the tour...
Daphne: So you're gonna go live with Robert so Brandon can play a few gigs in some dive bars? Girl, that's just like stupid.
Callie: It doesn't matter. The judge isn't going to let me change my mind now, all right? It's too late.

Rita: Daph, hey Callie? What are you doing here? Come here, I got a surprise for you. Come on. Look who who's back at Girls United.
Carmen: Word.
Rita: Yes! A little love. Little love.

Anchor Beach

Lena: More than half the sophomores and a good two-thirds of the juniors either called in "sick" or just didn't show.
Monte: They're calling us dictatorial and monocratic online. At least they know some big words.
Lena: Thanks to Timothy in part. Listen, I've also had quite a few calls from parents and a few board members. Do you think we made a mistake firing Timothy?
Monte: Well, technically I fired him.
Lena: And I certainly understand why. You had every reason to be upset, but...
Monte: You think I was wrong?
Lena: I think you asked him to teach more non-fiction and, yes, he was being an ass, but a complying ass.
Monte: If this were a business and an employee was that insubordinate...
Lena: This is not a business. In an academia we encourage debate and opinions that may differ from the administration's.
Monte: This is Anchor Beach, not Harvard, Lena. And what this school needs to get out of debt, is strong leadership, which it has not had. We...We can't lead if the students have control. So I need you to send an email letting them and their parents know if they are absent on Monday without a legitimate excuse, they'll be suspended.
Lena: Suspended? Isn't that a little bit extreme?
Monte: It's not open for debate. Either you send it, or I will.

Taylor: You'll get used to it. I just pretend like I'm watching a super boring documentary about, like, the mating rituals of meerkats. And then it's like they're not even here. Hey! Have any of you guys been to the fair yet? It's the last weekend. I was thinking we could all go tomorrow?
Daria: We're going to the pier, but you guys should totally go.
Connor: The fair sounds fun. We can go to the pier anytime.
Jude: I can't. I have plans with family.
Connor: What about Sunday?
Daria: Perfect. Then we can still go to the pier.
Jude: All weekend. We're going camping.
Connor: Didn't you just go camping?
Jude: We're going again. Sorry.

At Girls United

Carmen: So you gotta go live with your birth dad? Dang.
Callie: What's up with you?
Carmen: Just glad to be outta juvie. It's messed up in there. Girl's busting on each other like dudes.
Callie: Is Becka still in, or ?
Carmen: Nah, they got her in some drug rehab last I heard. But Gabi's back in.
Daphne: She is?
Carmen: She said she's seen Kiara.
Callie: Where?
Carmen: South East. On El Cajon.
Daphne: Damn.
Callie: What?
Daphne: That ain't a street you wanna be on.
Callie: Why? What goes on there?
Rita: What, am I interrupting something? Carmen, feet, please. What're we talking about?
Callie: Gabi saw Kiara.
Carmen: On El Cajon.
Rita: Working?
Callie: What's she doing, selling drugs?
Daphne: Worse.

Brandon's room

Lou: Tory...
Brandon: Tony. Gwynn. Played right field for the Padres.
Lou: I didn't know you were into sports.
Brandon: I'm not, really. But my grandfather was. He gave it to me, before he died, so...
Lou: What do you think it's worth?
Brandon: I'm not sure.
Lou: Look it up online.
Brandon: Well, um, my mom sort of, uh took the Internet away. You know, to make sure we're not having any fun.
Lou: There are other ways to have fun. And that's probably why you asked me over.
Brandon: Well, she didn't say we had to stay home alone.
Lou: Seriously. Maybe you could sell it for enough to go on the tour.
Brandon: Yeah, well, my other mom would probably kill me and I don't know, it kinda feels disrespectful, I guess, to my grandfather.
Lou: It's not like he'll ever know. Unless you think he's looking down on you from heaven?
Brandon: Well, I don't know about heaven, but I think they can maybe see us.
Lou: So, do you think he's watching us now?
Brandon: I sort of hope not. And talk about a buzz kill.
Lou: We could do this every day. On tour. Just saying...
Brandon: Stop talking.

At Girls United

Callie: We have to do something.
Rita: We're not in the business of chasing after runaways, OK? We're not the police. This is not a prison. If Kiara wants to turn her life around, she's gonna have to turn herself in. And if she does, maybe I can convince the judge to allow her to come back here.
Callie: She only ran way because she was in a messed up foster home and they were going to send her back there. She didn't have a choice.
Rita: We always have a choice, you know that. Sometimes the choice sucks, but is she really in a better place now on the streets, selling herself? I don't think so.
Carmen: Maybe if she knew that there was a new Girls United?
Rita: Maybe. Maybe not. But it is not our job to save Kiara. Excuse me, ladies.

In front the house

Brandon: So, I was thinking, maybe next time...
Lou: Mm, you think there's going to be a next time?
Brandon: Well, I kind of hope so.
Lou: Not even gonna ask. Bye.
Brandon: OK, bye. Call me.
Lou: If you're lucky.

Brandon: What are you doing?
Callie: I'm trying to hack my reader, so I can get onto Facebook.
Brandon: Why are you holding them like that?
Callie: So I can pick up Mr. Nesbit's Wi-Fi. If you were an old man, what would your password be?
Brandon: One, two, three, four. Well, I don't know. Go next door and ask for it then.
Callie: I would if he was home. Where does a retired man go all day?
Brandon: I don't know. Maybe there's a sale on Christmas decorations. What's wrong?
Callie: I just realized that Callie won't be with us for Christmas next year.
Brandon: Well, I mean, she'll still be over a lot. It's not like she's leaving the country.
Callie: Yeah, but it's not the same as living under the same roof, seeing each other every day. That's what makes you a family.
Brandon: Hey, we'll still be a family, even when we all go to college in a couple years.
Callie: Exactly. We're all gonna be gone. This is all we've got. I just... I'm not ready for things to change yet.
Brandon: Yeah.

In Lena's office

Jude: Hey, you ready?
Lena: I am. But it looks like we're gonna have some company. Connor's father called and asked if he could spend the night tonight.
Jude: Uh why?
Lena: Because he's out of town on business and his flight got canceled. Hey, it'll be fun. We'll order some pizza, I'll bake some cookies. OK?
Jude: Yeah.
Lena: OK. Uh, I've got to drop something off. I'll meet you guys at the car.
Jude: OK.
Connor: What happened to your family camping trip?

At Mike's flat

Mike: Hey!
Brandon: Hey. Free for dinner?
Mike: Uh yeah.

Mike: So what about Idyllwild? Where are you with that?
Brandon: Uh I guess kind of nowhere. I don't know. I really wanna go on tour.
Mike: Oh, yeah?
Brandon: Yeah, I don't know. I wanna have some adventure. And I'm actually really into the music we're playing.
Mike: Plus you're really into that girl too, right? You guys getting serious?
Brandon: I, uh I guess so. Yeah.
Mike: What? What's that smirk?
Brandon: Nothing, I just... We had a good day today.
Mike: Oh. I see.
Brandon: What? Don't give me that patented safe sex speech.
Mike: I wasn't going to. All right, maybe I was. So, what, that's the reason you're all gung-ho on the tour and all that?
Brandon: No! No, I swear. I think it'd be kind of, I don't know, like, life-changing. Problem is, I still don't have the money, but...
Mike: Well, your mom's pretty adamant about you guys staying in motels, so I don't think I'm gonna be able to change her mind on that one.
Brandon: No, I mean, that wasn't what I was asking. I was wondering, um if you think Mom would freak if I sold that autographed baseball that Grandpa gave me.
Mike: The Tony Gwynn?
Brandon: Yeah, I don't know. I looked it up online. If I sold it, I would basically be able to cover the whole tour. But, you know, I don't know. I don't wanna be disrespectful to Grandpa's memory either.
Mike: That's a tough one, Brandon.
Brandon: So you think it'd be wrong?
Mike: I think it's your baseball. And it's not like Grandpa gave it to you with any conditions.
Brandon: And I'm not into sports, you know. And...
Mike: I know!
Brandon: Don't you think he'd want me to use it for something I really am into? You know, something I really want?

In the kitchen

Mariana: That was not an email, that was an act of oppression. All we want is the chance to be heard.
Lena: And how is it you saw this act of oppression with no access to the Internet?
Mariana: We got online using Mr. Nesbit's Wi-Fi. You can pick it up in certain areas of the house.
Jesus: Like the front porch.
Mariana: Would you shush! The front porch is technically part of the house.
Lena: Never said it wasn't.
Stef: And what exactly did you get online with?
Jesus: Mariana hacked our readers.
Mariana: What part of "shush" don't not understand?
Stef: Oh, I did not know you could do that.
Callie: Me either.
Mariana: You can if you know how.
Stef: I gotta say, it's pretty impressive...
Callie: Right? You're like a cute Steve Jobs.
Lena: OK, all right. Can we please just change the subject? We have a dinner guest here and I'm sure he's bored to tears.
Connor: I'm not bored. Having dinner with just me and my dad? That's boring.
Mariana: Well, that's the nice part about being in a big family. Don't know why anyone would wanna give that up.
Stef: Mariana.
Callie: It's fine.
Stef: Well, Connor, it is very nice to have you. It's been a long time since you've spent the night.
Jesus: Not long enough. I got an idea. Why don't you sleep in the tent in the backyard? And you guys can pretend like you're camping.

In Stef and Lena's room

Stef: So now that Connor's dad assumes that Jude is straight, it's suddenly OK for his son to spend the night?
Lena: I didn't know what to say. He was in a bind and I was on the spot.
Stef: It's not that Connor isn't welcome...
Lena: I just can't fight another battle today.
Stef: You think Jude's OK with it?
Lena: Nah... They have been hanging out a lot more.
Stef: Yeah, in groups.
Lena: I think he's just happy to have his best friend back.
Stef: Do you think Jude has a crush on Connor?
Lena: Oh, I don't even think Jude's sure about his sexuality.
Stef: He's questioning it, which I don't think he would do if he was straight.
Lena: He was straight?
Stef: I don't know. I guess kids are freer to question things these days. You know, I just When I was 13, I had a crush on my best friend. She dressed like Madonna, you know, the leather jacket, the bracelets Ooh! She was the bomb! But, uh, we were inseparable until she got a boyfriend and I was utterly heart-broken.
Lena: Madonna?
Stef: Mm-hm!
Lena: I was more of a Whitney girl. So how do you know that Connor doesn't have a crush on Jude?
Stef: Really? Connor doesn't seem gay to me.
Lena: Well, no one ever seems to think I seem gay.
Stef: Oh. Unlike me, I guess.
Lena: Well, the cop uniform doesn't exactly help.
Stef: Well, I'm afraid I'm going to have to arrest you then.
Lena: For what?
Stef: For profiling. And for perpetuating sexual stereotypes.
Lena: Ahh, you're gonna have to cuff me first.
Stef: Oh, you'd like that, wouldn't you?
Lena: What?
Stef: You really think this is what Callie wants?
Lena: She says it is.
Stef: And we're just supposed to take her at her word? I don't... Oh, just I can't believe we're losing her.

In Jesus and Jude's room

Connor: Hey, thanks for the pajamas.
Jude: Thank Jesus.
Connor: I don't think he's very happy I'm here.
Jude: He's cool. Are you still going to the pier tomorrow?
Connor: Nah. My dad's not gonna be back until late, so I'm supposed to just hang here 'til he picks me up If that's OK?
Jude: Sure.
Connor: What are you playing?
Jude: Star Wars: Commander. But I can't beat the Krayt Dragon.
Connor: You gotta use your Stormtroopers to lure him out. Then you just hit it with your other troops. Here, can I show you? See here? This is the fastest way to level up. See these no more of these troops, we have to bring in some of these guys over here. And they will distract him.
Jude: Yeah, you also gotta send troops over there, too. Nice! Good job!
Connor: Yes! We got it!
Jude: Finally. On to the next one.
Connor: Yeah.

In the kitchen

Stef: What's up?
Callie: Um, someone saw Kiara on El Cajon. They said she's, uh, working as a prostitute.
Stef: Oh yeah? Who's they?
Callie: A friend of Daphne's. Or someone she knows, I guess.
Stef: Well, that's a pretty rough part of town.
Callie: Rita said that there's nothing that we can do.
Stef: You talked to Rita?
Callie: Daphne did, yeah.
Stef: Hmm. Well, I guess I could talk to some Vice cops, and ask them to keep an eye out, but short of her getting arrested...
Callie: Couldn't we go looking for her?
Stef: No. Absolutely not. You most certainly cannot. That's a horrible part of town. It's not just prostitution, there's a major gang presence, and Kiara's not The girls working there are not working for themselves. They have pimps, who have them brainwashed and on drugs. And the girl that you would find down on El Cajon is not the Kiara you know. So please, promise me that you will not go down there looking for her.
Callie: I won't. I promise.

In Mariana and Callie's room

Callie: Still not used to you wearing those. Forget Steve Jobs, you're like a cute Clark Kent. Are you ever gonna speak to me again, or? Mariana, I'm sorry that you're upset...
Mariana: Aren't you upset?
Callie: Of course I'm upset. You're like my sister.
Mariana: I thought I was your sister. And what about Jude?
Callie: OK, Mariana, not everything is about you, OK? And your coding and your dance team and your frickin' abandonment issues, OK? There are some things I just can't explain to you. And I need you to get it, this isn't easy for me. And just not make me feel any worse than I already do.
Mariana: I'm sorry. I just I'm gonna miss you.
Callie: I'm gonna miss you, too.

On El Cajon

Kiara: Yo, baby.
Man: Hello.
Rita: Kiara. Kiara, come on. Let's go, let's go, let's go. My car is parked right there. We gotta get here, honey, but we gotta go now. Let's go. Come on.
Kiara: Rita...
Rita: You got people who care about you, I care about you. You know you're better than this. Come on! Come on...
Kiara: I said I don't do bitches! Get outta my face before I cut you!
Pimp: We got a problem?
Kiara: I told her I ain't no dyke!
Rita: No, we don't. I thought I knew...
Kiara: I don't know you, bitch.
Rita: I'm sorry.
Pimp: Yeah, you are sorry. Get outta here.
Rita: OK. OK.
In the garden

Jude: Nice catch. Go back. Double play. Go again. Three in a row. Whoa!
Connor: I'm sorry.
Jude: Very funny. Oh, sorry! That was an accident.
Connor: Oh yeah?
Jude: No. No! Go away. Nope. No, get away. OK, OK. OK, I give up!

Jude: What are you doing?
Connor: Sorry, Daria just texted me. She wants to know if we wanna come over.
Jude: Do you?
Connor: I mean, what else is there to do?
Jude: You should go then, if you want to.
Connor: No, it's fine, we don't have to.
Jude: Whatever, just go.

In the living room

Jesus: I decided I don't want to go to boarding school anymore.
Lena: Why?
Jesus: I'm not ready to leave home.
Lena: Uh OK. Are you sure you don't want to hear the guy out?
Jesus: No.
Lena: Does this have something to do with your sister? Jesus.
Jesus: I can't leave her, Mom. She's already freaking out about Callie. If she finds out you and Mom aren't adopting Ana's baby, she'll have a meltdown. It's like she's losing two sisters. And then if I go away I can't do that to her.
Lena: It's not your job to look after Mariana.
Jesus: Look, Mom, I don't want to go. Just cancel it, please?
Lena: OK. I will talk to Mom.

Anchor Beach's parking

Monte: We've got to stop meeting like this. Look, I'm sorry. OK? I... It's my first month on the job and I've got students staging a walkout. I felt less pressure managing multi-million dollar businesses.
Lena: It's a hard job.
Monte: And that's why I need your help.

At Foster's house

Dan: Hi, I'm Dan Cruz. I'm here to meet with Jesus.
Well, no one's here except, a bunch of my guy friends on the football team.
Dan: Well, um, we had an appointment.
You had an appointment? With Jesus?
Dan: Yeah, I'm a recruiter with Flintwood Academy. We're interested in offering your brother a scholarship.
An academic scholarship?
Dan: Well, no, um... Yes. We're also recruiting for wrestling.
Oh, um... Well, maybe they forgot?
Dan: Well, you can give them my card. They can call to reschedule.
OK. Uh, wait. Where is this school?
Dan: Colorado. See ya.

On the beach

Lena: Hear the kids out. Let them have their say, even if it isn't the final one. It makes them feel respected and who doesn't need that?
Monte: OK. We'll hear them out. As long as they show up for school on Monday.
Lena: That sounds fair to me. Now if I could only get my own kids to listen to reason.
Monte: What happened?
Lena: Well, if you promise not to tell anyone...
Monte: Mm-hm.
Lena: When they refused to go to school yesterday, I... I may have packed up all their electronics, including the DVR, and rolled it out the front door in a suitcase.
Monte: That's gotta be hard being their mom and their vice principal.
Lena: Especially when I'm not doing a great job at either. Before you came to Anchor Beach, right before, I was, uh, I was five months pregnant and I lost the baby.
Monte: Lena, I'm so sorry.
Lena: Yeah, it's been hard, I'm not gonna lie.
Monte: Of course.
Lena: And now, our twins' birth mom is pregnant, and she's asked Stef and me to adopt her baby. And I feel terrible because just a few months ago I wanted one so badly. So how do I explain to my daughter, who really wants us to bring this baby into the family that now I don't want to. It's her half-sister. I just feel like I'm being really selfish.
Monte: I had a miscarriage. I was only a few months in, but if somebody had asked me to adopt a baby just a little while later I wouldn't have been ready. You need time to grieve, and it's not your fault.
Lena: Thank you. That helps. And I'm sorry about your...
Monte: Oh, thanks.
Lena: And, uh, since we're sharing, I guess you should know Timothy was our donor.

In Jesus and Jude's room

Connor: Hey, um, I texted Daria back and I told her I'm just gonna stay here.
Jude: It's not nice to lead people on.
Connor: OK, well, I'm not. Come on.
Jude: Stop it. Are you OK? I didn't I didn't mean to kick you that hard.
Connor: Why'd you kick me at all?
Jude: You kissed me, remember? In the tent? And then at the movie theater, you held my hand. And now, all day you've been... I just I don't get this. I don't get you.

At the youth center

Callie: Hey. Are you OK? Come with me.

In the kitchen

Jesus: I don't know why you're mad, I'm not going.
Mariana: I'm mad because you didn't tell me.
Jesus: I didn't tell you, because I'm not going.
Mariana: Why not?
Jesus: Because I'm not ready to leave home.
Mariana: I looked it up on line. It's a really good college prep school. I mean, it's military, but I can see you getting into the whole G.I. Joe thing. And there's no girls, which is good.
Jesus: Not for me.
Mariana: Yes, for you.
Jesus: Well, wait, do you want me to go?
Mariana: No.
Jesus: OK, well I'm not.
Mariana: But I think you should.
Jesus: Why?
Mariana: Because I see how hard it is for you, at school and there's so much going on around here, you know, distractions and stuff, and... And they want you, which is super cool. And I want what's best for you, even if it's hard for me.

In Brandon's room

Brandon: Yes!

At the youth center

Kiara: Just tell her to stay away.
Callie: Why don't you tell her?
Kiara: I don't need nobody trying to save me. I got it good right now.
Callie: What, selling yourself on the street? I know what you're doing. How is that good?
Kiara: I don't need you judging me.
Callie: OK, OK! I'm not judging you. I'm really not. I'm just really scared for you.
Kiara: You don't gotta be. I finally got a roof over my head and someone who cares about me. And there ain't no way in hell I'm going back in the system! We're like a family.
Callie: What are you... A family? What about Girls United? Rita's got a new house now. And Carmen and Daphne are there. And Rita said if you turn yourself in...
Kiara: They'll take me back to juvie.
Callie: Yeah, for a few days. But Rita's gonna call the judge and have you placed with her. OK? That's probably what she was trying to tell you last night. You won't ever have to go to another foster home. You can live at Girls United until you're eighteen. Go to school, get a diploma. You can become a social worker, like you wanted, and work with kids. And I will see you all the time. Me and Rita and Daphne, we are your family. Please, Kiara. I can't do this without you.
Kiara: I spit in her face. Do you think she'd still want me, after that?
Callie: Oh, Rita's pretty tough. I guarantee she's took worse.
Kiara: OK. I'll turn myself in. But, I gotta go to my place, get some of my stuff.
Callie: No, they'll just take it from you in juvie.
Kiara: Not if you keep it for me.
Callie: It's just stuff.
Kiara: No, it ain't. James bought me some nice clothes and shoes and a diamond necklace.
Callie: You think he's just gonna let you take it all and leave?
Kiara: He ain't around during the day. How you think I'm here now? You know how it is, you've been in the system. I never get to keep nothing. Every time they moved me to a new foster house, they'd take my stuff away, or they make me leave it behind. And I ain't doing that again. Nobody ever bought me nice things.
Callie: OK, I'm going with you.
Kiara: Callie...
No, I'm not letting you go there alone. My shift's almost over. Just wait here, OK? I mean it. Wait here. OK?
Kiara: OK.

At Mike's flat

Mike: Well, I can't believe someone bought it, B. That's great!
Brandon: Yeah, so all I have to do now is ship it to the buyer but then I figured, why waste the postage, right? I know your address, Dad.
Mike: I thought they shipped through the website.
Brandon: You can't afford this.
Mike: Hey, it's an investment, right? I mean, it's value's just gonna keep going up and this way it stays in the family.
Brandon: So you think it was wrong for me to sell it.
Mike: No, I don't think it was wrong. I just think... I don't know, Brandon, I just thought maybe one day you'll regret it and then, well, you can buy it back from me, for more than I paid.Think of it as a loan, with collateral.
Brandon: Thanks, Dad.

In the street

Callie: You ready? So we have to take the southeast bus, right?
Kiara: Yeah.
Callie: OK.
Kiara: I called him. Sorry.
Callie: No, Kiara...
Kiara: Let go of me!
Callie: No, I'm not... You're just scared, Kiara...
Kiara: You don't wanna mess with him.
Callie: I'm not gonna let you do this!
Kiara: You wanna get yourself beat the hell up? Callie, just let me go!
Callie: I couldn't let you go back there. I'm sorry.
Rita: Please, don't give up on yourself. Come on. Come on. Come on. Come on.

Stef: Hey, hey, hey, hey. Listen to me, it's OK. You did the right thing. I'm proud of you for calling me, love.
Callie: Don't be proud of me.
Stef: OK, what's going on? You need to talk to me and you need to talk to me now. Now.
Callie: I did something wrong and I couldn't tell you.
Stef: OK. What? Why?
Callie: Because, I was afraid.
Stef: Afraid of what? Afraid we were gonna get mad afraid you'd get in trouble?
Callie: Both, I guess. I... I just thought I was afraid because I lied, again. And because I didn't come to you again. And because I messed up again. I thought that maybe that would mean that you wouldn't want me anymore. Like you would just finally give up on me.
Stef: And is this why you're going to live with Robert?
Callie: I just I thought that if I left on my own, it wouldn't hurt as much as if you told me to go, but it does! It hurts so much!
Stef: OK, listen Hon, look at me! Nothing you can do is gonna make us not want you. You hear me? Nothing. Nothing, baby. OK. Nothing. Come here. Come here.

In Brandon's room

Callie: Do you hate me?
Brandon: I'm glad you told them.
Callie: What if they don't let you go?
Brandon: I would give up the tour and just about anything else for you to be a part of this family. Don't you get that by now? I just I wish you'd told them before...
Callie: I know. It'll be easier going to live with Robert, knowing I don't have to lie about it.

At Robert's house

Stef: I know what you did. Callie told us everything. And if you ever tell her to lie to us again, I swear...
Robert: Look, I was just doing what I thought was best for my daughter.
Stef: Your daughter?
Robert: Yes. My daughter. It's over. All right? The judge has decided.
Stef: We'll see about that.
Robert: You're just wasting your time, Stef. You're too late.
Stef: Well, I'm not going down without a fight.

Kikavu ?

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Il manque 3 votes pour valider la nouvelle bannière Kaamelott... Clic clic clic

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Oui cliquez;-) et venez jouer à l'animation Kaamelott qui démarre là maintenant et ce jusqu'à la fin du mois ! Bonne chance à tous ^^

Supersympa, 16.04.2024 à 14:31

Bonjour à tous ! Nouveau survivor sur le quartier Person of Interest ayant pour thème l'équipe de Washington (saison 5) de la Machine.

choup37, Hier à 08:49

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Choup tu as 3 joueurs de plus que moi!! Kaamelott est en animation, 3 jeux, venez tenter le coup, c'est gratis! Bonne journée ^^

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