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#317 : Seize ans

Jesus est contrarié lorsqu'il apprend que ses projets d'anniversaire sont bouleversés par Mariana qui veut organiser une grande fête. Jude quant à lui est excité à l'idée d'aller rendre visite à Connor à Los Angeles pour le week-end mais se ravise lorsqu'il reçoit un SMS qui le préoccupe.

Enfin, Callie et Brandon se mettent d'accord pour ne pas amener leur copain et copine respectifs à des réunions de famille mais c'est sans compter sur la venue d'AJ à l'anniversaire des jumeaux.


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Seize ans

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317 - Promo

317 - Promo


317 - Sneak peek #1 : Brandon et Callie

317 - Sneak peek #1 : Brandon et Callie


317 - Sneak peek #2 : Toute la famille et Nick au petit-déjeuner

317 - Sneak peek #2 : Toute la famille et Nick au petit-déjeuner


317 - Sneak peek #3 : Mariana, Ana et Elena parlent de Gabe

317 - Sneak peek #3 : Mariana, Ana et Elena parlent de Gabe


Photos promo

Mariana et Lexi dansent et rigolent

Mariana et Lexi dansent et rigolent

Callie et AJ discutent

Callie et AJ discutent

Callie et AJ discutent

Callie et AJ discutent

Callie veut une autre musique

Callie veut une autre musique

Callie à la fête

Callie à la fête

Jude et Callie discutent à la fête

Jude et Callie discutent à la fête

Jude et Callie discutent à la fête

Jude et Callie discutent à la fête

Jude et Callie discutent à la fête

Jude et Callie discutent à la fête

Lena à la fête

Lena à la fête

Mariana et Lexi dansent

Mariana et Lexi dansent

Mariana danse avec ses copines

Mariana danse avec ses copines

Mariana et Nick dansent ensemble

Mariana et Nick dansent ensemble

Mariana et Nick dansent ensemble

Mariana et Nick dansent ensemble

Mariana et Nick dansent ensemble

Mariana et Nick dansent ensemble

Lexi danse

Lexi danse

Callie prend la pose avec ses copines

Callie prend la pose avec ses copines


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Etats-Unis (inédit)
Lundi 07.03.2016 à 20:00
0.84m / 0.3% (18-49)

Plus de détails

Scénario : Melissa Jo Cerar
Réalisation : Elodie Keene

  • Chez les Adams Foster

La famille est réunie pour le petit-déjeuner. Lena informe Jude qu’elle lui a imprimé ses billets de train pour aller voir Connor à LA. Nick passe prendre Mariana pour l’emmener au lycée. Les jumeaux se disputent sur leur soirée d’anniversaire : Jesus veut une soirée calme avec quelques copains et Mariana veut faire une grande fête avec ses amies et la famille ; Nick propose l’entrepôt de son père pour qu’ils puissent faire les deux. Brandon n’est pas ravi car les décors de la comédie musicale sont montés. Jude reçoit un sms de Connor mais Jesus l’intercepte par erreur, il est gêné de ce qu’il voit, Jude l’est également.

En partant pour le lycée, Brandon intercepte Callie pour savoir si AJ va venir à la fête. Il pense que ça peut être gênant s’ils ramènent quelqu’un. Callie pense qu’il faut qu’il s’habitue à se voir l’un et l’autre avec quelqu’un d’autre.

  • Anchor Beach

Lena parle à Monte de ce que Sally lui a rapporté : qu’elle aurait essayé de l’embrasser. Lena est surprise car Monte ne dément mais semble accuser le coup.


  • Anchor Beach

Monte rassure Lena : elle n’a pas essayé d’embrasser Sally mais celle-ci a essayé de l’embrasser. Lena s’énerve et pense que Monte aurait dû reporter ce problème mais Monte a été claire avec Sally et explique qu’elle ne voulait pas encore plus l’humilier en parlant de ce baiser. Lena annonce à Monte qu’elles ne vont pas avoir le choix car Sally a remonté le problème à ses parents.

  • Chambre de Jesus et Jude

Jude demande à Jesus s’il a déjà couché car il se pose des questions sur le sexto reçu de Connor : il ne pensait pas faire l’amour ce week-end mais peut-être que Connor oui. Jesus lui explique qu’il a appris à faire les choses en regardant des films pornos sur internet ; ils s’accordent pour créer un code pour laisser Jude tranquille quand il veut faire des « recherches ».

  • Dans un café

Mariana et Ana tentent de convaincre Elena d’écrire une lettre permettant de supprimer Gabe de la liste des délinquants sexuels. Elena n’est pas d’accord mais Mariana insiste en disant que cela permettrait à Jesus de connaître de son père biologique ; elle croit aussi aux secondes chances. Elena accepte d’en parler à Victor.

  • Chez Mike

Callie et AJ s’embrassent sur le canapé mais Callie veut partir car elle pense que Mike va bientôt rentrer. Elle essaie de décourager AJ de venir à la fête mais AJ insiste sur le fait d’y aller, il pense que ça va être cool et ça lui permettra de passer du temps avec Callie. Il fait une allusion que Callie considère comme sexuelle et cela la met mal à l’aise.

  • Chambre de Jesus et Jude

Jude suit le conseil de Jesus et regarde des vidéos pornos d’hommes gays sur internet mais est choqué de voir ces images.

  • Smoke House

Brandon et Cortney s’embrassent dans la voiture. Brandon voudrait un peu de temps seule avec elle et elle propose de se voir le lendemain car elle ne travaillera pas et Mason sera chez son père. Brandon est gêné car il y aura l’anniversaire de Mariana et Jesus mais lui propose de passer après la soirée chez lui.

  • Chambre de Stef et Lena

Les mamas discutent du cas de Monte et Stef pense qu’elle s’est mise elle-même dans cette situation en accordant trop d’importance à Sally.

Jude vient voir ses mères pour savoir si elles peuvent annuler les billets de train pour LA. Elles sont surprises mais Jude prétexte un match de foot pour Connor. Les mamas acceptent mais sont perplexes.

  • Anchor Beach

Lena rencontre Sally et ses parents. Ces derniers sont formels : ils veulent voir Monte renvoyée du lycée et n’acceptent pas que Sally témoigne devant le comité. Lena explique la version des faits de Monte mais Sally nie catégoriquement.

  • Chez Gabe

Mariana vient avec Ana pour lui expliquer la procédure pour se faire enlever de la liste des délinquants sexuels. Gabe est surpris que les parents d’Ana envisagent d’écrire cette lettre et que Mariana fasse tout ça. Mariana part pour préparer sa fête d’anniversaire mais Ana reste pour rattraper le temps perdu. Gabe lui propose innocemment une bière.

  • Fête d’anniversaire de Mariana et Jesus

Mariana est ravie que Nick ait organisé tout ça pour elle. Il a également créé un espace de skate au rez-de-chaussée pour Jesus et ses amis mais Mariana est ennuyée car elle n’a pas eu un seul moment avec Nick puisqu’il est avec Jesus.

Sally arrive à la fête, Brandon n’est pas ravi qu’elle soit présente mais Mariana explique qu’elle est populaire. Stef n’est pas surprise de voir que Sally est métisse, elle pense que Monte a un type de femme.

AJ arrive à la fête et embrasse Callie mais celle-ci est gêné et AJ le remarque. Elle voit Brandon les regarder et emmène AJ plus loin.

Callie et Jesus discutent : Callie s’étonne que Jude n’ait pas voulu aller à LA, Jesus explique l’histoire du sexto. Callie est affligée d’apprendre que Jesus a conseillé à Jude de regarder du porno pour apprendre des choses.

Les filles attirent l’attention des garçons en dansant pour qu’ils les rejoignent. Jesus est déçu de voir tous les garçons partir et Nick explique qu’il est le petit-ami de Mariana et qu’il doit aussi passer du temps avec elle. Jesus continue de skater tout seul.

Victor et Ana sont gênés de voir les filles danser de façon aussi sexy. Lena remarque que Sally est très proche des autres filles et lorsque celle-ci le remarque, elle arrêt immédiatement. Victor va voir Stef pour lui partager son désaccord sur le fait que Mariana aide Gabe à sortir de la liste. Stef n’était pas au courant et est très surprise.

Callie et Jude parlent tous les deux. Callie explique qu’elle évite AJ car elle pense qu’il veut qu’ils couchent ensemble mais elle n’est pas prête. Elle explique être inquiète de ne pas savoir comment faire le moment venu pour mettre Jude en confiance et lui expliquer que s’il n’est pas prêt, il peut en parler à Connor. Il lui répond alors d’en faire de même et d’être honnête avec AJ. Il est suspicieux et pense que Jesus a parlé à Callie.

Brandon s’éclipse de la fête pour aller rejoindre Cortney à la maison. AJ rejoint Callie et lui propose d’aller chez elle pour être tranquilles.

Lena trouve Sally et lui explique qu’elle le droit d’être qui elle veut malgré la pression de ses parents. Sally comprend que Lena sait qu’elle s’intéresse aux femmes et a les larmes aux yeux, elle lui demande de ne rien dire à ses parents. Lena explique que la vie de Monte pourrait être gâchée.

Stef essaie de convaincre Jesus de venir danser avec eux mais Jesus est énervé par Mariana a toujours ce qu’elle veut. Stef lui explique qu’elle fait pourtant tout pour que Gabe ne soit plus sur la liste pour qu’il puisse connaître son père biologique. Jesus n’est même pas sûr que Gabe voudrait apprendre à le connaître malgré ça. Stef explique que c’est normal qu’il soit curieux à propos de Gabe mais qu’elle veut qu’il gère mieux la situation qu’il ne l’a fait jusqu’ici. Mariana les interrompt pour les prévenir qu’Ana est présente mais très probablement high ou soûle.

  • Chez les Adams Foster

Dans la garage, Cortney et Brandon parlent de sa famille et comment les autres enfants ont été adoptés. Ils commencent à s’embrasser sur le canapé.

Callie et AJ arrivent à la maison, AJ embrasse Callie mais celle-ci explique qu’elle ne veut pas coucher avec lui ; AJ accepte avec humour et lui dit qu’il espère que ce n’est pas elle qui va prendre avantage de lui.

  • À la fête de Mariana et Jesus

Ana est soûle et fait une scène à ses parents : s’ils n’avaient pas dénoncé Gabe, ils auraient pu former une famille. Stef intervient mais Ana dit qu’elle a volé ses bébés. Stef la congédie et s’assure avec Jesus qu’elle rentre bien chez elle saine et sauve. Victor et Ana ne comprennent pas pourquoi Ana a resombré mais Mariana explique qu’elle pense que c’est de sa faute car elle a laissé Ana seule avec Gabe. Victor la rassure en disant que c’est de la faute de Gabe et qu’ils ne l’aideront pas à sortir de la liste.

  • Chez les Adams Foster

Callie et AJ s’embrassent sur le lit de Callie quand ils entendent un bruit au rez-de-chaussée. Callie va voir et tombe sur Brandon et Cortney. AJ la rejoint et la situation est gênante et palpable. Brandon et Cortney retournent dans le garage mais AJ préfère partir : il pense qu’il y a toujours quelque chose Brandon et Callie.

De retour dans le garage, Cortney fait le rapprochement entre Callie et la fille dont Brandon était amoureux mais avec qui il ne pourrait jamais être. Brandon la rassure en disant qu’il n’y a plus rien et espère qu’elle comprend. Elle explique alors qu’elle vit aussi avec son ex mais qu’elle cherche un autre logement. Ils s’embrassent.

Tout le monde est de retour à la maison et attend dans le salon lorsque Stef et Jesus rentrent. Lena propose d’aller manger le gâteau et ouvrir les cadeaux maintenant. Lexi intercepte Jesus à l’écart pour l’embrasser, elle dit que c’est son cadeau d’anniversaire. Jesus entend du bruit et découvre Gabe déposant des cadeaux sur le seuil. Il propose de le laisser rentrer mais Gabe lui donne les cadeaux et repart.

  • Chambre de Jesus et Jude

Jude est visio avec Connor : il lui explique qu’il en marre de cette relation longue distance. Ils discutent de la photo envoyée par Connor qui explique que ses copains le font avec leurs copines, alors il a pensé que ce serait une bonne idée. Jude pense qu’ils ne se parlent plus assez et ne sont plus amis. Il préfère rompre.

Dans la cuisine, les jumeaux soufflent leurs bougies. Brandon s’excuse auprès de Callie pour la situation précédente mais Callie répond que ce n’est rien. Jesus et Mariana ouvrent leurs cadeaux et les mamas les regardent attendries.

Fin de l’épisode.

In the kitchen

Jesus: Why can't we have two parties?
Stef: Jesus...
Lena: Hey, look who I found.
Mariana: Hey.
Nick: Hey. Thought I could drive you to school.
Callie: Aww.
Lena: Hey, Bubba, I went ahead and printed out your train ticket to LA.
Jude: Awesome, thank you.
Lena: You're welcome. And I've gotta go, early meeting.
Stef: Good luck.
Lena: Thank you.
Callie: How happy are you?
Mariana: Someone's gonna see his boyfriend.
Jude: I'm super happy. It just sucks that I'm gonna miss your party.
Jesus: What's to miss?
Stef: Hey!
Mariana: He's just pouting because we can't afford to rent a skate park for his birthday.
Jude: Hey, if it wasn't Connor's homecoming, I'd go a different weekend.
Mariana: You haven't seen him in forever. Totally forgiven.
Stef: Yeah, we'll have a family dinner when you bet home, babe.
Nick: Hey, you wanna use the warehouse?
Jesus: For what?
Nick: The skate park.
Jesus: Really?
Nick: Yeah. You can build some ramps out of plywood and stuff.
Brandon: What... Wait, no. I'm using the warehouse to rehearse R&J, and I already got the downstairs taped off...
Nick: And it wouldn't cost you anything.
Stef: Yeah? And your folks would be okay with that?
Nick: Oh, 100 percent. Dad's just stoked someone's actually using it.
Mariana: What about my dance party?
Jesus: No, this is my year.
Nick: Well, we can do both. I mean, we can turn the first floor into the skate park, and we can do your dance party upstairs.
Brandon: But the sets are upstairs.
Nick: Happy?
Jesus: Uh, no.
Mariana: Yeah.
Brandon: All right. I will allow it. But everyone has to be super careful around the sets.
Mariana: How many people can we invite?
Brandon: Not too many.
Jesus: I was just planning on ordering some pizza and inviting like, five or six dudes, you know? No girls, no drama.
Callie: Sexist much?
Jesus: Look, I'm just trying to avoid Quinceanera: the sequel.
Jude: Hey, that's my phone. What?
Jesus: Uh, nothing. You just you got a text from Connor. Looks like someone's pretty excited to see you this weekend, huh?
Stef: Okay, you guys all need to get off! Let's go! Look at the time!

In the hallway

Brandon: Hey, Callie. Um, is AJ, uh is he coming to the party?
Callie: I don't know. I think Mariana's inviting him.
Brandon: Okay.
Callie: Are you bringing Cort?
Brandon: Oh, no. I'm not inviting her. I thought it'd be uncomfortable.
Callie: Yeah. I get it. I mean, we're gonna have to get used to seeing each other with other people, right?
Brandon: Do we? I mean, I, um I saw you and AJ kissing out back. I was in the garage.
Callie: Oh.
Brandon: Don't feel weird or anything. I just think it'd be better you know, if if we didn't bring other people home or to family stuff.
Callie: Yeah, okay.
Brandon: Okay.

In Lena's office

Lena: So, Sally Benton came to see me yesterday.
Monte: Oh, well, if she's upset that we're letting Brandon do Romeo and Juliet off-campus, she's just gonna have to get over it.
Lena: No, well, she was upset, but it wasn't about that. She's upset because she she said that you kissed her. You didn't kiss her, did you?


In Lena's office

Monte: No, I didn't kiss a student. However, Sally tried to kiss me.
Lena: What? Why?
Monte: I have no idea, Lena. Maybe she misinterpreted my interest in her as a mentor as something else. Considering our history, I can only imagine what you're thinking.
Lena: Why didn't you report this?
Monte: Oh, I made it very clear what she did was inappropriate and unwelcome, and I didn't see the need to embarrass her any further.
Lena: What were you thinking? You know that any indiscretion between a student and a teacher or administrator has to be reported to the school board immediately.
Monte: Sally's 18, so there's no legal issue. There's no obligation to inform her parents.
Lena: What about the ethical issue?
Monte: I was considering the ethical issue by choosing not to humiliate the girl. Frankly, I know how that feels.
Lena: Why is she saying that you kissed her?
Monte: Maybe she thought I'd tell her parents.
Lena: Well, she told her parents. So we are going to have to deal with this even if she is 18.

In Jude and Jesus' room

Jude: Have you ever had sex?
Jesus: Um... Uh, well, yeah. Are you asking 'cause of that text from Connor? Were you guys, you know, thinking about hooking up this weekend?
Jude: I wasn't.
Jesus: But what, you thought you think maybe Connor was?
Jude: I don't know what he's thinking. How did you, like, learn how to do stuff?
Jesus: Like everybody else. Porn online.
Jude: Right.
Jesus: So, I mean, if you need to do some research, or have a little bit of Jude time...
Jude: Put a hat on the door?
Jesus: No. No, that's my thing. Uh, here. From now on, sock on the door means keep out, Jude time.

In a restaurant

Elena: You want us to write a letter supporting the man who got you pregnant and addicted to drugs? Now I know why you wanted to just meet me, and not Papa.
Ana: I thought he'd hear it better from you.
Elena: You're home now. And you're doing so well. I don't understand why you would want to open up all these old wounds.
Mariana: Helping Gabe was my idea.
Elena: Why?
Mariana: Because I think I think it would mean a lot to Jesus, just like it meant a lot for me to get to know Ana, to have that chance, at least. But he can't as long as Gabe is on that registry, because, legally, Gabe can't even be around minors.
Ana: Or live within 500 feet of a school. And you know how hard it is to get a job when you're on that list? He doesn't deserve it, Mama.
Elena: He was an adult. He knew what he was doing.
Ana: He was 18. And we were in love. And it was consensual.
Elena: Did Gabe put you up to this?
Mariana: No, he... He doesn't even know we're having this conversation.
Elena: So how do you even know he wants your help? What about your mothers? They approve of you involving yourself in this?
Mariana: My moms believe in second chances. You know, like the one we all gave Ana.
Ana: So you'll talk to Papa?

At Mike's

AJ: What's wrong?
Callie: Nothing. It's just Mike's gonna be home soon, so I should probably go.
AJ: Uh, okay. I guess I'll see you at the party.
Callie: Oh, you're gonna go? Um, listen, you totally don't have to, you know, if you're busy or whatever. It's probably gonna be lame.
AJ: Lame? Not according to Mariana's e-vite. A skate park and a dance party? That sounds cool to me.
Callie: So, you're like, an amazing skater, or something?
AJ: Nah. But I do know my way around a dance floor. Plus, it'll give me a chance to show you my moves. Unless you're not interested in seeing my moves?
Callie: Oh, I am interested.
AJ: Good. But if you wanna keep up, you better brush up on yours.

In Brandon's car

Cortney: Hey, I should get back. My break was over, like, ten minutes ago.
Brandon: Wait, maybe you could, like, take a night off? We could, like, go on a real date.
Cortney: Well, I'm working the early shift tomorrow, and Eddie's supposed to have Mason.
Brandon: Tomorrow I have a family thing that I have to get to. But maybe I could come over after?
Cortney: I kind of have this rule about bringing guys home. You know, 'cause of Mason. I'm just not that mom.
Brandon: Yeah, no. I mean, totally. I respect that. But won't Mason be with his dad?
Cortney: Well, yeah, but my place is kind of a mood killer. I mean, tripping over building blocks and sippy cups? Not hot.
Brandon: Right. Right. Um, well, you know, the party won't actually be at the house. So, no one's gonna be home. Maybe I could sneak away a little early. We could hang out there.
Cortney: Are you sure?
Brandon: Yeah, it's gonna be like, a typical high school party anyway. And I'm so over that.
Cortney: Of course you are. You're very mature.
Brandon: Oh, I am very mature.

In Lena and Stef's room

Stef: Monte created this situation where she could be alone with this girl. You know, a girl that you claim she builds up, gives special treatment, which is classic grooming behavior. I'm just just saying how well do you really, really know Monte? [Knocks at the door] Come in.
Jude: Hey. Do you, uh... Can you guys get a refund on the train ticket?
Stef: Why?
Jude: Oh, well, I don't wanna miss the party.
Lena: But isn't Connor's homecoming this weekend?
Jude: Uh, yeah, but he has football. So, I'd just be sitting in the bleachers bored. I can go another time. If that's cool.
Stef: Something happen?
Jude: No. No.
Lena: All right. Well, if you're sure about it, we'll see what we can do.
Jude: And if we, you know, can't get a refund, I can do chores or something to pay you guys back.
Lena: Okay. Thank you.

In Lena's office

Lena: First, let me assure you that we are taking this very seriously, and I want to be as sensitive to Sally as possible. The protocol in a situation like this is to bring Principal Porter and Sally in front of the school board, separately of course, to tell their sides of the story.
Mother: What do you mean "sides of the story"? What is Ms. Porter saying happened?
Lena: Well... She is saying that Sally initiated the kiss, a kiss that she refused.
Sally: That's not true.
Mother: Our daughter has a boyfriend. And, might I add, Ms. Porter is a self-described bisexual.
Lena: Where did you get that idea?
Mother: Sally found Ms. Porter's profile on some dating website soliciting men and women.
Lena: The term is "seeking," not "soliciting."
Mother: Whatever the case, our daughter's not going in front of any board. Incidents like these follow people, and Sally has worked too hard to have her reputation called into question.
Lena: I'm sorry if Sally's not willing to tell her story. I'm not exactly sure how you want us to handle this.
Father: We'd like to see Ms. Porter fired.
Lena: She can't be fired without documented cause.
Mother: Well, I'd try to find a cause if I were you, before you allow her to ruin the reputation of this school. In the meantime, make sure she stays away from our daughter. Sally.

At Gabe's

Mariana: Hey. Do you remember me?
Gabe: Uh, yeah, of course.
Ana: What about me?

Gabe: Tried to get off the list a few years back. You know, didn't happen. Talked to a lawyer, she said it was almost impossible.
Mariana: Impossible if you don't have a letter of support from the from Ana and her parents, the people who called the cops on you in the first place.
Gabe: Your folks are willing to do that?
Ana: I think they will be.
Gabe: So you haven't asked them?
Mariana: They're thinking about it. But I can be very persuasive. Everyone thinks I should be a lawyer one day.
Gabe: Well, I mean, I... I don't have money for one now, so...
Mariana: You don't need one. All you have to do is fill out this petition for a pardon and submit it along with the letters of support from Ana and her parents.
Gabe: Why are you doing all this? You know, trying to get me off the list?
Mariana: Does there have to be a reason?
Gabe: Can I think about it?
Mariana: Sure. Whatever you want. Oh, um, I have to go. It's my birthday or our birthday.
Gabe: Oh, I... Uh, happy birthday.
Mariana: Thanks. Ana?
Ana: I think I'm gonna stick around for a bit, to catch up.
Mariana: Right. So then I'll see you tonight at the party?
Gabe: Uh, hey, tell Jesus happy birthday.
Mariana: Sure. I'll do that.

Ana: So...
Gabe: Ha. Yeah. Um, can I get you one?

At the party

Lexi: Nick did all this? Really?
Mariana: I know, right.
Lexi: Oh my God, you so have it bad for him. What about Matt?
Mariana: Matt who? There's only one problem. I haven't gotten a second alone with Nick. He's been too busy bro-ing out downstairs with Jesus. I'm gonna get a drink.

AJ: Hey. Look at you. Everything okay?
Callie: Yeah, great. Come on. Come on.

Sally: Hi!
Girls: Oh, my God!

Brandon: Um, sorry, you invited Sally Benton? After she got R&J thrown off campus?
Mariana: Brandon, we can't be petty. I still have to work with her on honor board. Plus, she's like, really popular. If I didn't invite her, like, none of the senior girls would've come.

Sally: There she is!
Mariana: Hi!
Sally: Happy birthday!

Lena: Wow. Sally Benton's here.
Stef: Well, Monte sure does have a type, doesn't she? Still think Sally initiated that kiss?
Lena: I... I don't know.

Callie: You having fun?
Jesus: Yeah. Where's Jude?
Callie: Um, upstairs, I think. I don't know why he decided not to go to LA so he could just sit in the corner by himself. What?
Jesus: Oh, I just I might have an idea. Uh, he got this picture from Connor.
Callie: What kind of picture? Okay! Um, what, he told you about it?
Jesus: No, I sort of accidentally intercepted it. And I think it freaked him out a little. 'Cause he asked me where I learned to, you know, "do it."
Callie: And what'd you say?
Jesus: Porn.
Callie: What?

Mariana: Ahem.
Lexi: Attention, skater boys. If you're tired of playing with your half-pipe, I suggest you make your way up here for some real bumpin' and grindin'.

Jesus: Yo, seriously, you remember when this was just a skate party with like five dudes and some pizza? Yeah, me neither.
Nick: Dude, it's Mariana's birthday, too. And she's kind of my girlfriend. I can't just leave her hanging.
Jesus: Fine. Fine.
AJ: Hey, thanks, man.
Jesus: Yeah.
AJ: Are you ready for some dancing? Come on.Uh-uh.

Stef: Mmm, cupcakes are delicious, Victor.
Victor: Thank you. Mariana couldn't stop sampling them when she worked with us at the bakery.
Stef: I bet.
Victor: She's a good girl. You've done so well by her and Jesus.
Stef: Thank you, Victor.
Victor: But do you really think helping Gabe get off this sex offender registry is a good idea?
Stef: I'm sorry, who's helping Gabe?
Victor: Mariana.

Callie: Why aren't you dancing?
Jude: I don't really have anyone to dance with.
Callie: You can dance with me.
Jude: Shouldn't you be dancing with AJ?
Callie: Um, I'm sort of avoiding him.
Jude: Why?
Callie: Um, I don't really think it's something you want to hear about.
Jude: How do you know?
Callie: Okay. Um I think he wants to have sex. I told you.
Jude: No, it's okay. Do you want to?
Callie: I'm not sure.
Jude: Are you like, nervous that you won't know what to do?
Callie: Totally. Yeah, I actually went online to look at...
Jude: Pornography?
Callie: Yeah. You ever...
Jude: Yeah. Of course.
Callie: What'd you think?
Jude: Uh, I don't know. What about you?
Callie: I mean, it kind of freaked me out. It's so aggressive and impersonal. You know, and of course they're acting. They probably don't even know each other. Sex isn't like that with someone you love and trust. I mean, so I'm told.
Jude: Do you love AJ?
Callie: Not like you love Connor. But even if you do love someone, you still don't have to do anything you're not ready for.
Jude: Then why can't you tell AJ that?
Callie: Yup. No, you're right. I should.
Jude: Just tell him how I feel. Did Jesus say anything to you?
Callie: Huh? No, when do I ever talk to Jesus?

Brandon: Hey, uh, so you know, I thinkI'm gonna go home early, if that's okay.
Lena: Why? What's the matter?
Brandon: Uh, I just my stomach's not It's feeling a little weird. So, I might just go home.
Lena: Okay. Well, if you feel better, we're doing presents later at home.
Brandon: Okay. Yeah, uh, I'll rally.
Lena: Okay.

AJ: There you are.
Jude: I'm gonna go get some punch.
AJ: Am I being paranoid, or are you dodging me?
Callie: No, I just my family's here. I'm not that into PDA.
AJ: Well, we could always go someplace your family isn't.
Callie: Like where?
AJ: Like your house?
Callie: I can't just leave.
AJ: Why not? Look, I'm gonna take a swing and say that Jesus won't mind, and no offense, but you think Mariana's gonna even notice?
Callie: Okay. Let's go.

Lena: Tired of dancing?
Sally: Uh, no, just taking a break. Yeah, actually, I should probably go soon.
Lena: Already?
Sally: Yeah. I have a paper due Monday.
Lena: Leaving a party to go do homework. Your parents expect a lot from you, huh?
Sally: They just want me to succeed.
Lena: But still, you must feel a lot of pressure not to disappoint them.
Sally: I guess.
Lena: The thing is, being who you think your parents want you to be makes it kinda hard to be who you really are. You have a right to be yourself, to be proud. You don't need to feel ashamed. You know, it occurred to me that for you to have found Monte's dating profile like your parents said, you must have been registered on the site yourself. And for her profile to come up, you must have been searching as a woman looking for women.
Sally: Please, don't tell my mom. Monte's career is at stake, her reputation, Sally. This lie could ruin her life.

Mariana: Oh, um, I'll be right back.
Nick: Hey, we ever gonna dance through an entire song?
Mariana: Sorry. Two seconds. Hey, Ana. So, how was it? How'd it go with Gabe?
Ana: Fine.
Mariana: Fine? Great.

Stef: Hey, hey, hey. This is silly, honey. Come back and join the rest of us.
Jesus: Why? So Mariana can brag about her party being better?
Stef: No way.
Jesus: Yeah, I knew she'd get what she wanted, like always.
Stef: Mariana may know how to get what she wants, but she's got your back. She does, seriously. She's trying to help Gabe get off the sex offender registry for you.
Jesus: Why?
Stef: Well, I haven't asked her yet, but I'm guessing it's because she thinks if he's off the list, you guys can maybe get to know each other a little bit better.
Jesus: Yeah, but he doesn't want anything to do with me.
Stef: You were you were about eight when you asked me, um how many people someone was allowed to marry because you wanted Mama and me to marry a man. And I said, "well, sweetheart, you're only allowed to marry one person." And I asked you if you thought maybe there was something that you needed from a dad that maybe we could help make happen.
Jesus: What'd I say?
Stef: Nothing. I think it's hard to know what you want from something if you've never really had it. But it's okay to be curious, Jesus, it is.
Jesus: Gabe liked me until he knew I was his son.
Stef: That must that must hurt.
Jesus: You think you think if he got off that list he'd wanna know me?
Stef: I honestly don't know. But my main concern right now, my love, is making sure that you have enough self-esteem and enough love from Mama and me to handle this better than you have been. Okay? Come on. Let's go cut a rug. That's old speak for "dance." Whatever you kids do these days.
Jesus: Hey, you know I love having two moms, right?
Stef: We love having you, my sweet. Baby, love.

Stef: What's wrong, honey?
Mariana: Ana's here, and I think she's high or something.

In the garage

Cortney: Um, so how many of you are there, again?
Brandon: Uh, well, I have two moms, Callie, who they just adopted, and her little brother Jude. They've lived with us for like, a year now. And then there's the twins, Jesus and Mariana. I think we adopted them when they were like six and I was seven. But I mean, it just feels like they've always been around.
Cortney: Wow. Um... Never realized how boring my life was until now.
Brandon: What? Why?
Cortney: You know, just, your family. Your story. You. It's all so amazing.
Brandon: Well, you are anything but boring.

At the Fosters'

AJ: So, uh, how long till they get back?
Callie: Um, I don't know. Couple hours, maybe.
AJ: All right, so where should we...
Callie: Okay, FYI, we came home to be alone, not to you know. In case that's what you were thinking.
AJ: Wow. So that's what you think about me? That I'm just some kind of slut?
Callie: No! No, I... You wanna go upstairs?
AJ: Okay. But you better not take advantage of me.

At the party

Stef: What's going on?
Ana: You ruined everything! You ruined everything!
Victor: Calm down!
Ana: If you didn't send Gabe to prison, we would have been a family. We could have had a chance!!
Victor: Please!
Ana: I wouldn't have lost the twins.
Stef: Keep it down.
Ana: You! You ruined his life and you ruined mine.
Stef: Ana, honey, you need to calm down.
Ana: Don't you tell me to calm down! You took my babies.
Stef: Okay, Ana, you're out of control, I have to ask you to leave.
Ana: No!
Stef: Please, just come home with us. Let's go. Let's go!
Ana: I will go! I will go! But I'm not going anywhere with you or you!
Stef: Okay. Okay. Okay. No, no, no, I will make sure that she gets home safely.
Lena: Are you sure that's a good idea?
Stef: I'm sure, love, okay?
Jesus: I'll go with you.
Stef: Okay.

Victor: I don't understand. She was doing so well.
Mariana: It's my fault. I took her to see Gabe this afternoon and I left her alone. He was drinking a beer. I'm such an idiot.
Victor: It's not your fault, mija. It's Gabe's fault. He's always been trouble. This is just proof he doesn't deserve our support to get off that registry.
Elena: I'm sorry.
Victor: Let's go.

In Callie's room

AJ: Whoa. What was that? Is there someone home?
Callie: Let me check.
AJ: Wait, what if someone's trying to break in?
Callie: Don't worry, I'll protect you.

In the kitchen

Brandon: What the hell!
Callie: Oh my God, what are you doing?
Brandon: I dropped a glass. Why aren't you at the party?
Callie: Why aren't you?
Brandon: Well...
Cortney: Hey.
Brandon: Uh, Cort, this is this is Callie, my sister.
Callie: Nice to meet you.
Brandon: Yeah. We were just, uh, hanging out in the garage.
AJ: Hey. I just, uh...
Callie: That's okay. Um AJ, this is Cort, Brandon's girlfriend.
AJ: Hi.
Callie: Sorry, I didn't realize anyone was home.
Brandon: Yeah, no, I mean, me neither. Well, uh, we're probably just gonna go back out to the...

Callie: So, you wanna go back upstairs?
AJ: Nah. I think I'm gonna go home.
Callie: You sure?
AJ: Are you sure?
Callie: About what?
AJ: About you and Brandon? Just now? What was that? Why was that so weird, huh? Why were you two acting like you just got caught cheating on each other or something like that?
Callie: AJ, nothing is going on between me and Brandon, okay? Nothing.
AJ: Nothing doesn't feel like that, Callie.

In the garage

Cortney: So, that's her?
Brandon: What?
Cortney: Callie. She's the girl you loved and couldn't be with for some reason. Now I know why.
Brandon: Look, um... We really thought that her adoption was never gonna happen. And then it did. And we didn't want to destroy the family, so that was the end of us. Like, truly, forever. And no one can ever know.
Cortney: I would never say anything.
Brandon: And you know, if this is, like, too weird for you, I get that.
Cortney: It's not. At all. Actually, I think it's super mature. Not the bored with high school parties kind of mature, but the real kind.
Brandon: You do?
Cortney: A sacrifice like that? Definitely. Also, it kind of turns out, you're not the only one who lives with their ex. Me and Mason are still in our old place with Eddie. We don't we don't share a bed or anything. But that's why I've been picking up extra shifts, to save up to get a place of my own. You know, but it's just it costs so much, you know, with first and last and security. But look, I get it if this is too weird for you.
Brandon: You're amazing.

In the living room

Lena: How did it go?
Stef: Uh, fine. Ana's home. Passed out.
Lena: Okay. That's good, I guess.
Mariana: Do you really think Gabe got her high?
Stef: I don't know, sweetheart.
Lena: Well, since we didn't get to do the cake, why don't we do it now?
Stef: Okay.

Jesus: What was that for?
Lexi: Your birthday.
Jesus: Oh. I thought you were mad at me?
Lexi: I am. A little. What?
Jesus: Uh, there's someone outside.

Gabe: Sorry. I was just leaving these.
Jesus: Yeah. You wanna come in?
Gabe: Nah, I should go. Happy birthday.

Lexi: Who was that?
Jesus: That was my birth father.

In Judes's room

Connor: How was the party?
Jude: It was okay. How was homecoming?
Connor: Well, we won.
Jude: That's great.
Connor: I wish you'd been there.
Jude: Do you really?
Connor: Well, yeah, of course. I mean, I invited you.
Jude: Because you never come down to San Diego.
Connor: I have games on the weekends.
Jude: You didn't have to sign up for football and soccer and...
Connor: What what are you what's going on?
Jude: It's just so hard. I mean, we barely ever talk.
Connor: We text all the time, Jude.
Jude: Texting is not a real conversation.
Connor: Is this about the picture I sent you?
Jude: No. I mean, sort of. I just didn't know why you sent it. Are you trying to say you wanna have sex?
Connor: No, I I mean, I don't know. You know, a lot of the guys on the team, they send those pictures to their girlfriends, and I thought you might like it.
Jude: It's not I didn't like it, it's just I didn't know what it meant. You ever think that maybe the only reason why we got together was because we were the only two gay boys in our grade?
Connor: Do you think that? We were friends first.
Jude: I guess that's the problem. You don't feel like my friend anymore.
Connor: Okay, well, what do you want to do? Jude, do you want to break up?
Jude: Do you?

In the kitchen

All: Happy birthday to you! Whoo! Oh!
Stef: All right, Callie, why don't you help Brandon cut the cake? And who wants some presents? Who's ready for some presents?
Mariana: Yes! I am ready for some presents.
Stef: Let's do this.
Brandon: Hey, I'm sorry about earlier.
Callie: No, it's okay. She's pretty.
Mariana: Who's this one from?
Jesus: Gabe.
Mariana: Ooh.
Jesus: Look at this.
Lexi: That's great.
Mariana: Yeah, happy birthday, dork.
Jesus: You too, weirdo.
Stef: Make way, make way! There's more where this came from.
Mariana: Ooh, what's in this?
Stef: Sixteen. Where has the time gone?
Jesus: Yo, B, is this from you?

Kikavu ?

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chrismaz66, 15.04.2024 à 11:46

Oui cliquez;-) et venez jouer à l'animation Kaamelott qui démarre là maintenant et ce jusqu'à la fin du mois ! Bonne chance à tous ^^

Supersympa, 16.04.2024 à 14:31

Bonjour à tous ! Nouveau survivor sur le quartier Person of Interest ayant pour thème l'équipe de Washington (saison 5) de la Machine.

choup37, Avant-hier à 08:49

5 participants prennent part actuellement à la chasse aux gobelins sur doctor who, y aura-t-il un sixième?

chrismaz66, Avant-hier à 11:04

Choup tu as 3 joueurs de plus que moi!! Kaamelott est en animation, 3 jeux, venez tenter le coup, c'est gratis! Bonne journée ^^

choup37, Hier à 19:45

Maintenant j'en ai plus que deux, je joue aussi sur kaa

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