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#104 : 15 ans

Lena veut que la fête quinceañera de Mariana soit la plus réussie possible, tandis que Stef regarde à la dépense. Encouragée par ses mères, Mariana demande à Callie de faire partie de sa court et Callie accepte. Pendant ce temps, Lexi confie à Jesus qu'elle ne veut plus se cacher de Mariana.

Stef remarque que des tensions apparaissent dans le couple de Brandon à cause de Callie et lui rappelle une règle élémentaire. Brandon fait la sourde oreille mais lorsque Talya dit à Callie ne pas devenir trop proche de Brandon, il doit se rendre à l'évidence.

Dana, la mère de Lena, arrive en ville pour la quinceañera et les tensions entre mère et fille se font tout de suite sentir. Mariana apprend une nouvelle qui pourrait potentiellement ruiner sa fête d'anniversaire.


4.5 - 6 votes

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15 ans

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104 - Promo

104 - Promo


104 - Promo VOSTFR

104 - Promo VOSTFR


104 - Sneak Peek n°1

104 - Sneak Peek n°1


104 - Sneak Peek n°2

104 - Sneak Peek n°2


104 - Sneak Peek n°3

104 - Sneak Peek n°3


104 - Scène de la danse

104 - Scène de la danse


104 - Scène finale

104 - Scène finale


104 - Résumé de l'épisode

104 - Résumé de l'épisode


Photos promo

Stef, Mariana et Lena

Stef, Mariana et Lena

Jesus et Mariana

Jesus et Mariana

Brandon et Lexi

Brandon et Lexi



Lena, Stef et Talya

Lena, Stef et Talya

Dana, Lena et Stef

Dana, Lena et Stef

Mike et Stef

Mike et Stef

Mama sandwich !

Mama sandwich !

Dana et Mike

Dana et Mike

Jesus et Mariana dansent sous les yeux de leurs mères

Jesus et Mariana dansent sous les yeux de leurs mères

Talya, Dana, Lena et Stef

Talya, Dana, Lena et Stef

Stef et Lena

Stef et Lena

Jesus et Mariana arrivent à leur anniversaire

Jesus et Mariana arrivent à leur anniversaire

Talya, Dana, Lena, Stef, Jesus et Mariana

Talya, Dana, Lena, Stef, Jesus et Mariana

Dana, Lena et Stef

Dana, Lena et Stef

Jude, Talya, Dana, Lena et Stef

Jude, Talya, Dana, Lena et Stef

Mariana et Jesus

Mariana et Jesus

Dana et Lena

Dana et Lena


Logo de la chaîne Freeform

Etats-Unis (inédit)
Lundi 24.06.2013 à 21:00
1.89m / 0.6% (18-49)

Plus de détails

Scénario : Joanna Johnson
Réalisation : Joanna Kerns

Captures | Photos tournage

  • Dans un magasin

Mariana est en train d'essayer sa robe pour sa quinceañera en compagnie de Lexi et Lena. Sa mère tente de regarder à la dépense mais n'arrive pas à dire non à sa fille tandis que Mariana se retrouve gênée de dire qu'elle ne pourra pas effectuer la danse traditionnelle père/fille puisqu'elle a deux mères, ce que Lena semble remarquer. Stef arrive et semble abasourdie de devoir dépenser 300$ pour une robe, elle demande à Lena de faire plus attention.


  • Chez les Foster

Dans la cuisine, Mariana, encouragée par Stef, demande à Callie si elle veut faire partie de sa court lors de son anniversaire. Callie accepte mais semble moins ravie d'apprendre qu'elle va devoir mettre une robe. Talya s'intéresse à qui sera son partenaire et Mariana propose Brandon, ce qui est loin de faire plaisir à la jeune femme. Brandon la rassure alors que Callie quitte la pièce.

Plus tard, Stef demande à Brandon si tout va bien entre lui et Talya et lui rappelle que les frères et soeurs d'accueil n'ont pas le droit de sortir ensemble. Brandon comprend et lui rappelle qu'il a une petite-amie. Lena rejoint Stef, elles parlent de Dana, la mère de Lena, qui arrive le lendemain mais sa fille n'a pas l'air contente. Lena parle du pressentiment concernant Mariana qui pourrait être gênée de danser avec deux mères mais Stef lui dit de ne pas se projeter tant que Mariana ne dit rien.

Dans la chambre de celle-ci, Lexi et elle continuent de parler de la fête alors que Lexi prétexte devoir aller aux toilettes. Seules, Callie et Mariana parlent de la danse et Callie veut s'assurer que Mariana veut vraiment d'elle à sa fête mais cette dernière lui dit qu'elle s'en fiche. Callie avoue ne pas savoir danser mais Mariana l'informe qu'une amie de ses mères va leur apprendre.

Dans la salle de bain, Jesus et Lexi s'embrassent tandis que Jude veut rentrer dans la salle de bain mais ne peut pas. Ils décident de dire la vérité à Mariana après sa fête d'anniversaire.

Dans la chambre de Jesus et Jude, Stef vient leur dire bonne nuit et félicite Jesus d'être aussi bon joueur envers Mariana et sa quinceañera. Une fois Stef partie, Jude regarde fixement Jesus puisqu'il se doute de quelque chose entre lui et Lexi.

Stef va ensuite dire bonne nuit aux filles dans leur chambre et en profite pour demander à Mariana si elle est embarrassée de danser avec elle et Lena pour sa fête mais Mariana est gênée et ne répond pas.

  • Lycée Anchor Beach

Callie déjeune seule lorsque Wyatt vient la rejoindre et tente de la faire sourire. Il finit par y arriver et lui propose de le rejoindre lui et ses amis sur la plage le samedi soir mais elle lui répond qu'elle a déjà quelque chose. Elle ne veut pas lui dire quoi par peur qu'il se moque et il lui propose de venir lorsque cela deviendra ennuyeux.

  • Salle d'entraînement

Mariana et ses amis présents à son anniversaire apprennent à danser la valse pour la danse d'ouverture sous les yeux de Talya. Brandon et Callie se rapprochent un peu tandis que la prof parle de connexion avec son partenaire.

  • Chez les Foster

Dana fait son arrivée chez les Foster et est ravie de revoir tous ses petits-enfants mais également de faire la connaissance de Callie et Jude. Lena semble plus sur la réserve mais Stef l'encourage.

Le lendemain, tout le monde est sur le 31 pour l'anniversaire mais Lena supporte de moins en moins les remarques de sa mère. Brandon bloque lorsqu'il aperçoit Callie en robe mais revient à la réalité lorsque Talya arrive. Une fois seules, Talya menace ouvertement Callie de dire à tout le monde ce qu'elle a lu sur Liam si elle ne s'éloigne pas de Brandon. Jude interrompt la conversation et se demande ce qu'il se passe.

  • À la fête

Tout le monde arrive pour la fête, Mike en profite pour complimenter Stef et lui donner une enveloppe pour aider à l'organisation de l'anniversaire. Stef ne veut pas accepter mais Mike l'assure que c'est tradition de recevoir de l'argent de la part de la famille et amis. Elle en profite alors pour lui demander s'il pourrait faire la danse père/fille avec Mariana. Mike est surpris et s'assure que Stef et Lena sont toutes les deux d'accord avec ça, il finit par accepter. Cependant Jesus arrive et semble énervé d'apprendre que Mariana veut danser avec Mike plutôt qu'avec ses mères.

Dans les toilettes, les filles se préparent pendant que Lexi donne un cadre qu'elle a confectionné avec des photos d'elle et Mariana petites, Mariana est touchée. Lena arrive pour offrir un dernier cadeau à sa fille : un diadème, Mariana est ravie.

Dans un couloir, Lexi veut tout arrêter avec Jesus par peur de blesser Mariana mais Jesus lui dit que c'est sa soeur l'égoïste puisqu'elle ne veut pas danser avec leurs mères alors qu'elles ont tout payé et qu'elle est encore en contact avec leur mère biologique après que Jesus l'ait aidé à sortir de ce mauvais pas. Mariana, présente dans le couloir à côté, entend tout et a les larmes aux yeux.

Dans le hall, les jeunes se préparent avant de faire la grande rentrée. Mariana en profite pour envoyer une pique à Lexi pendant que Lena, Stef et Talya se rendent dans la salle. Au dernier moment, Callie décide de changer de partenaire. La court fait son entrée sous les applaudissements des invités.

C'est l'heure de la danse parrain/fille, Mike danse avec Mariana tandis que Callie demande à Brandon de dire à Talya de se calmer, qu'elle n'est pas intéresser par lui.

Place maintenant à la danse de la court, Brandon décide finalement de danser avec Callie. Jesus et Mariana en profitent pour s'expliquer lorsque Mariana dit à son frère qu'elle sait pour lui et Lexi. Elle ne comprend pas que parmi toutes les filles, il ait décidé de sortir avec sa meilleure amie.

La fête bat son plein et tout le monde danse. Talya s'interpose entre Brandon et Callie, cette dernière prétexte avec soif et s'éclipse. Brandon décide alors de prendre Talya à part. Pendant ce temps, Mariana est toujours énervée envers Jesus et Lexi tandis que Callie rejoint son petit frère.

Plus loin, Brandon confronte Talya sur sa jalousie et celle-ci avoue avoir lu le journal de Callie. Brandon s'énerve et lui dit qu'il ne peut pas continuer comme ça. Enervée, Talya lui conseille alors de parler à Callie de Liam.

Aux toilettes, Mariana se remaquille lorsque Lexi débarque pour lui parler. Elles se disputent puisque Mariana leur en veut de lui avoir menti mais surtout d'avoir entendu tout ce que Jesus a dit sur elle et que sa meilleure amie ne l'a même pas défendue.

Au bar, Mike demande un autre verre lorsque Stef vient également commander deux vins blancs. Elle s'assure que Mike se contrôle mais il lui répond de se détendre car c'est une fête.

À table, Dana et Lena se disputent concernant les commentaires de Dana sur sa fille. Dana pense que la vie a été plus clémente envers Lena qui est métisse qu'envers elle qui est une femme noire mais Lena n'est pas d'accord et ne s'est jamais sentie acceptée dans aucune des deux communautés.

À part, Lexi se sent triste et veut partir mais Jesus lui demande de rester puisqu'après tout, c'est également son anniversaire. Au buffer, Callie les observe tandis que Jude lui apprend qu'il se passe quelque chose entre eux. Il lui demande également de ne pas faire de choses stupides avec Brandon.

Dehors, Lena prend l'air après sa dispute avec sa mère lorsque Stef la rejoint. Lena en veut à sa mère de penser qu'elle ne sait pas ce que c'est qu'être une femme noire mais Stef défend sa compagne. Lena explique aussi que c'est pour cette raison qu'elle voulait que la quinceañera soit parfaite pour Mariana, afin de connaître ses origines latines.

Alors que tout le monde danse, chacun rejoint sa place pour que Stef et Lena remercient tout le monde d'être venu et proposent de regarder un diaporama sur leur famille. Callie en profite pour câliner son frère tandis que Mariana est émue de revoir ces photos. À la fin, Stef et Lena offrent également un skateboard à Jesus pour son anniversaire. Ils posent ensuite tous pour une photo de famille avec Callie et Jude puis les jumeaux soufflent leurs bougies.

Dehors, Brandon avoue à Callie qu'il a rompu avec Talya puisqu'elle a lu son journal mais l'informe qu'il ne sait pas ce qu'il y avait d'écrit vu qu'il sait déjà tout ce qu'il a envie de savoir d'elle. Ils se rapprochent mais Callie prend la fuite. Brandon tombe alors sur Mike qui semble passablement éméché et propose de la ramener chez lui.

Dans le hall, Mariana est seule et triste. Ses mères arrivent et elle s'excuse auprès d'elles de ne pas avoir dansé avec elles alors qu'elles sont les meilleures mères du monde. Stef et Lena la pardonnent en faisant un mama sandwich.

À la plage, Callie rejoint Wyatt et son groupe d'amis comme il lui avait proposé. Il se moque gentiment de sa robe de soirée et lui propose une bière.

Dans la salle, Mariana dans avec ses mères tandis que les invités partent peu à peu.

Fin de l'épisode.

Ecrit par emeline53.

At store

Lena : Whoa, leave yourself some room to breathe, sweetheart.
Mariana : Come on, I don't need to breathe.
Lena : Yes, you do.
Mariana : Do you think the top is too
Lena : Busty?
Lexi : Boring?
Mariana : Right?
Lexi : You should jewel it.
Woman : Ah, si.
Lena : Uh, does that cost more?
Woman : Un poco.
Lena : Un poco.
Mariana : Por favor, mama?
Lena : Gosh, ok.
Mariana : Como?
Lexi : She's asking if your father's tie is going to match with your dress for the father-daughter dance.
Woman : Ah, que bueno. Uh, so you can dance with a padrino or a close friend de la familia.
Lexi : She's dancing with her moms. Right?
Woman : Oh.
Stef : Hey! Sorry, I'm late!
Lena : Hi, sweetie.
Stef : So, oh my goodness, you look beautiful, sweetheart!
Lena : So gorgeous.

Lexi : Did you see her face when Stef walked up in her uniform? Hilarious.
Mariana : I hate when people say "bueno," like you need their approval for something. When you tell people that you have a mom and dad, they don't say, "How wonderful."
Lexi : Who cares? I wish I had two moms throwing me a quinceanera. My parents refuse and we'reLatino. I mean, so are you, but you know what I mean.
Mariana : Yeah, totally. I just want this to be like, the party that everybody talks about for the whole rest of high school.
Lexi : You know what you need

Stef : Three hundred dollars?
Lena : Shh.
Stef : For a dress she's only going to wear once?
Lena : We'll cut it short and she can wear it to prom.
Stef : We're spending a fortune on this party.
Lena : It's not just a party, and we already set this money aside.
Stef : Yes, before we had two more mouths to feed. Love, I'm just asking can we just rein it in, please? Did you talk to her about the Kelsey situation?
Lena : Yes, I did.
Stef : And how did that go?
Mariana : So, Lexi and I were talking can we get a bubble machine for the party?
Stef : No.
Lena : Sure.
Stef : Sure.
Lena : Yes.


At Foster’s house

Stef : Make them thinner than that, sweetheart
Lena : I'm just making sure you have Mariana's playlist
Stef : Good job, buddy.
Lena : nothing too provocative or with any explicit lyrics.
Jesus : What's for dinner?
Stef : Not chips, my friend.
Brandon : Hey, can Talya stay for dinner?
Mariana : Ooh, Lexi, too?
Lena : Sure.
Stef : Hey Callie, how was your day? Uh, it was good.
Mariana : Uh, so Callie, you know my friend Kelsey?
Callie : Oh, the one who lied and said I sold her drugs?
Mariana : Yeah, well she's in rehab.
Callie : I'm sorry to hear that.
Mariana : So, do you want to take her place in my court?
Stef : I think that is a great idea, Mariana. Um, what do you think, Callie?
Callie : Uh, sure, I guess.
Lena : Great. We'll just have to hurry and get your gown fitted before Saturday.
Callie : I have to wear a gown?
Mariana : Well, you don't have to do anything.
Jesus : And we get to do a waltz.
Mariana : It's gonna be fun.
Jesus : Like eating glass.
Stef : Hey, shut it.
Talya : So, who does Callie get to dance with?
Mariana : Brandon.
Brandon : Yeah, I mean, but you're my date.
Talya : Well, duh.

Stef : Hey, B? Hey.
Brandon : Yeah?
Stef : Everything ok with you and Talya?
Brandon : Yeah, why wouldn't it be?
Stef : I don't know, just Brandon, listen. You know that, I'm assuming that you know that well, you know, foster siblings are not allowed to Hook up? I don't know what you guys call it these days?
Brandon : There's nothing going on between Callie and I.
Stef : Callie and me.
Brandon : Yeah, ok.
Stef : It's just, when the twins got here you were nine.
Brandon : Right, and now I'm a horny teenager.
Stef : Yes.
Brandon : Hm. Mom, I have a girlfriend and I know the rules.
Stef : Ok.
Brandon : Ok.
Stef : Will you do me a favor and take these to your brother? Tell him to please stop leaving his crap around the house. Crap is not a bad word.
Lena : It's not a nice word.
Stef : Well, give me a word to say then. How's your mom?
Lena : She's fine.
Stef : Yeah?
Lena : She's taking a shuttle from the airport tomorrow.
Stef : Well, that's good. That'll help us, right?
Lena : Yeah, what would help us is if she wasn't coming at all.
Stef : Oh, my gosh. I'll never understand why Dana stresses you out so much. She's nothing but lovely to me.
Lena : You're not her daughter. Speaking of daughters, I think ours might be feeling a little embarrassed.
Stef : About what?
Lena : About dancing with us at her party.
Stef : Did she say something to you?
Lena : No.
Stef : Well, stop projecting. Mariana's always been very proud of us, really. She's fine.

Mariana : Should I have Mariachi? That's traditional.
Lexi : So is having a Catholic mass and you're not doing that.
Mariana : Yeah, true. What about the shoe ceremony?
Lexi : Uh-uh. No.
Mariana : A doll thing?
Lexi : My mom's going to be here any minute. I'm going to go use the ladies' room.
Mariana : The ladies' room?
Callie : Hey, so I know your moms made you ask me to be in your party. So, I can tell them I don't want to do it.
Mariana : I don't know. Whatever. If you don't want to.
Callie : No, it's not that I don't want to. It's if you don't want me to.
Mariana : I don't mind. You know, you don't have to.
Callie : No, I know I don't have to.
Mariana : Ok, well, it's up to you.
Callie : Ok. Well, then yeah. But I don't know how to waltz.
Mariana : Well, neither do I. A friend of our moms is teaching us.
Callie : Cool.
Mariana : Cool.

Jesus : I'm in here.
Jude : Hey!
Lexi : You didn't lock the door?
Jesus : I'm sorry.
Lexi : I hate sneaking around like this.
Jesus : But, it's kind of hot.
Lexi : I mean it.
Jesus : Fine, let's tell her now.
Lexi : Not before her party.
Jesus : After.
Lexi : I shouldn't even be doing this.
Jesus : Yes, you should.
Lexi : I have to go home. I have to go home.
Jesus : No, you do not.
Lexi : Go. Go before Mariana thinks I fell in.

Stef : Hey.
Jesus : Hey.
Stef : I just wanted to say goodnight to you guys. And Jude, thank you so much for helping out with dinner, you did a great job.
Jude : Thanks.
Jesus : Night, Mom.
Stef : Hey you, Jesus Foster. You're being a real suport about Mariana's party, eh? You're a good brother.
Jesus : It's ok. Just as long as I'm the one who gets the car when we turn 16.
Jude : Yeah, that's gonna happen.
Stef : Yeah, what he said. All right, goodnight you guys.
Lexi : Thanks for dinner.
Stef : Yeah, of course.
Jesus : What?
Jude : Nothing.

Stef : Hey, where's Callie?
Mariana : Bathroom. Oh, those look fantastic, sweetheart. Good job. All right, goodnight, lovely. Mm.
Don't stay up late, ok?
Mariana : Ok, goodnight, Mom.
Stef : Oh Hey, listen, you know, Mama said something to me, and I just wanted to check in with you.
You're not embarrassed to dance with us at your party, are you?

At Anchor Beach

Wyatt : That's a sad lunch, but I guess it beats prison food.
Callie : Really? That's your opening line?
Wyatt : I was going to ask about your rap sheet, but I thought that was rude. That's where you're supposed to laugh, and you realize that we're both outsiders who nobody gets. And then you get my name tattooed on your neck, until it all goes terribly wrong, and you have to turn it into a snake just biting your earlobe.
Callie : What do you want from me?
Wyatt : What every guy wants. Stimulating conversation. And sex. That's probably off the table, huh? Look at that smile. So, listen, some of us are hanging out at the beach by the pier, Saturday night, you should come.
Callie : I can't, I have a thing.
Wyatt : What kind of thing.
Callie : The kind that you'd make fun of if I told you.
Wyatt : When your thing gets boring you know where to find me.

Woman : Don't be shy. Place your right hand on your partner's waist. And slightly around to the small of her back. Extend the left hand. Palm raised. Callie, rest your hand gently in his. Other hand, up on his shoulder like so. A little closer. Good, hold that position. In partner dancing, connection is key. So, Brandon and Callie, look into each others eyes. Breathe. Connect. And you two. And over here. Right hand, on her waist. Left hand

At Foster’s home

Stef : Everyone? Gram's here! Dana, you made it.
Dana : Of course I made it.
Stef : Good to see you.
Dana : Oh, hello beautiful.
Lena : Hi Mom.
Dana : Oh, your skin looks good. You've been moisturizing, but my God, you're pale. Baby, you need some sun.
Stef : Yeah, but she's gorgeous. Look at her.
Dana : Of course, she's gorgeous.
Mariana : Gram!
Dana : And there's my beautiful birthday girl. Oh, and my handsome birthday boy! Your grandfather's very sorry he couldn't be here, but he got stuck in Paris at a conference.
Mariana : I wish I was stuck in Paris.
Dana : You play your cards right and I will take you one day. Where's my other dashing grandson?
Stef : Uh, practice.
Dana : Well you must be Callie. And you must be Jude.
Jude : Yes, ma'am.
Dana : It's lovely to meet you both.
Callie : Thanks.
Dana : Everyone in this house calls me Gram. Guess what, I've got fabulous presents

Stef : Gotta be out the door in 15! Wow.
Lena : Wow yourself.
Stef : Mm, we should dress up for each other more often.
Lena : I know.
Stef : Or you could check your email.
Lena : Oh, I'm sorry
Stef : Everything's done, sweetheart. Let it go.
Lena : I just want her party to be perfect.
Stef : She's going to be the center of attention. For Mariana, it don't get no better than that.
Dana : Ok, you guys need another bathroom.
Stef : You look lovely, Dana.
Lena : You really do, Mom.
Dana : Thank you. It's a miracle because no black woman can tame the mane in 15 minutes. Luckily, you don't have that problem.
Lena : Yeah, I don't exactly just wake up like this.
Dana : Baby, that is a compliment.
Stef : Ok, gift bags.
Lena : Enough. It's good it's good like that.
Stef : Well, my you look handsome.
Brandon : Well, you too pretty, I mean.
Stef : Oh, right, I think. Help me with the gift bags. Bring 'em out to the car. Thanks.
Callie : Uh, you need help?
Brandon : What? Oh, uh no. I got it. You look nice.
Talya : Hey.
Brandon : Hey.
Talya : Look at you, hottie.
Brandon : Um Well, I should take these to the car.
Talya : You look pretty.
Callie : You, too.
Talya : It really is nice for Mariana to ask you to be in her court. Seeing as how, you know, this is a temporary situation.
Callie : Well, you never know. I mean, they might decide to keep us.
Talya : Maybe. I mean, unless
Callie : What?
Talya : They knew something.
Callie : Something?
Talya : Like what happened with Liam.
Callie : You make it a habit of reading other people's journals?
Talya : Just people I don't trust. Going to go help Brandon.
Jude : What's going on?

At the Quinceañera

Mike : Hey. You look nice.
Stef : Oh, thank you.
Mike : So do you. That Lena's one lucky lady, huh?
Stef : Ok.
Mike : So, listen. I wanted to give you this.
Stef : Child support? That's great.
Mike : It's for Mariana. It's for the party. Look, I know this is costing you guys a fortune and I asked around. It's tradition for friends and family to help out with these things.
Stef : It's very sweet, Mike. I really do appreciate it, but we can't accept this. I'm not taking that.
Mike : If you don't take it, I'm going to be deeply offended. And you, of all people, should know you don't want me deeply offended.
Stef : Well, thank you very much.
Mike : Ok.
Stef : Actually, Mike, there is something that you could do for me. Um, I know it's last minute, but Mariana has actually asked if you would do the father-daughter dance with her.
Mike : Really?
Stef : Yeah.
Mike : Seriously, me?
Stef : Yeah.
Mike : Wow. Yeah, of course. I'd be honored.
Stef : Ok.
Mike : I mean, you ok with that?
Stef : Yeah, well, apparently dancing with your two moms is not exactly quince tradition, so just roll with the punches.
Mike : What about Lena?
Stef : Oh no, it's fine, really. We want her to have the party she wants and this is what she wants.
Mike : Ok, well, she's lucky to have you two. You're great moms.
Stef : That hurt to say, didn't it.
Mike : No, not at all. Hey, look at you in your penguin suit.
Jesus : Huh?
Mike : Never mind. If I'm going to cut a rug with Mariana, I'm going to need a little liquid courage.
Stef : Ok.
Jesus : Wait, Mariana is dancing with Mike? I thought she was dancing with you two.
Stef : It's fine, Jesus. Will you please finish up this table for me? Thanks, love. Ok.

Lexi : You look like a princess.
Mariana : I feel like I'm going to throw up. What if it's no fun? What if I trip and fall on my face?
Lexi : You won't, and it's going to be amazing.
Mariana : What is that?
Lexi : Your birthday present. I wanted you to open it first.
Mariana : Help me open it. Oh, my God. Did you do this all yourself? Where did you get this picture?
Lexi : Your moms.
Mariana : I loved that dress!
Lexi : She was new to our school and she wore this princess dress every day for like a month.
Mariana : I was obsessed with Belle.
Lexi : And one day she fell on the playground and ripped it.
Mariana : And I burst into tears.
Lexi : Never mind the fact that her knee was all bloody.
Mariana : It was humiliating. Everybody laughed at me, except for Lexi. She helped me up and took me to the nurse's office. You were my first friend.
Lexi : And best friend.
Mariana : Thank you. I love you.
Lexi : I love you.
Lena : Can I interrupt?
Lexi : I'm going to go get everybody together. I'll see you out there.
Callie : Me, too.
Lena : Honey, you look beautiful.
Mariana : Thank you. So, what's in the box?
Lena : Open it and see.
Mariana : Oh, my God, it's gorgeous.
Lena : Every girl wears a tiara on her quinces.
Mariana : Oh God, it looks so expensive.
Lena : It was, don't tell Mom.
Mariana : Thank you.
Lena : Beautiful, beautiful.

Lexi : She's my best friend.
Jesus : So?
Lexi : So, I'm not thinking about her feelings, I'm being selfish.
Jesus : What are you talking about right now? You're not being selfish. Mariana's the selfish one. My mom's just spending a bunch of money on this stupid party, she's not even dancing with them. You know what else? She's still in contact with our birth mom. After I saved her ass. We're not ending this. Don't do this.
Lexi : I'm sorry.

Stef : Hi honey, did you find Lexi?
Mariana : No.
Stef : You ok?
Mariana : I'm fine.
Lena : Hey, have you seen Lexi?
Jesus : No.
Lexi : Sorry, I was in the bathroom.
Mariana : You're going to the bathroom a lot lately. Maybe you have a bladder infection.
Stef : Mariana? Here sweetie, on your left wrist. Ok, everybody, couple up. The DJ's going to announce the court, and then Mariana and Jesus, you'll make your grand entrance. You all look wonderful, beautiful, handsome. Good luck. Come on, Talya.
Lena : Ready?
Stef : All right.
Sam : What are you doing?
Callie : I think we should switch. Sam's too tall for Lexi.
Lexi : Works for me.
DJ : Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Mariana's quinceanera! Now, can I have everyone please rise and give a warm welcome as you receive her court. Starting with Lexi Rivera and Sam Wilkins. Let's keep it going with Callie Jacob and Brandon Foster!
Jesus : Relax, this is your big moment.
DJ : And now, the moment we've all been waiting for, ladies and gentlemen, Mariana Foster and her brother Jesus Foster. But first we'd like to kick things off with the traditional padrino dance. Please welcome family friend, Mike Foster.

Lexi : Is Mariana ok?
Jesus : She's fine.
Brandon : Hey, what was that about? Did I do something?
Callie : You need to tell your girlfriend to chill.
Brandon : Why, what she'd do?
Callie : She thinks I have a thing for you.
Brandon : What she said that?
Callie : Can you just tell her that she has nothing to worry about? Please?

DJ : Very nice. At this time, we'd like to welcome Mariana's court to the dance floor for the traditional Viennese Waltz.
Brandon : All right, you're dancing with me. Come on.
Mariana : I know.
Jesus : Know what?
Mariana : About you and Lexi. Dance.
Jesus : We didn't want to tell you. We didn't want to ruin your party.
Mariana : Well, you did.
Callie : Ok, forget what I said about Talya. I'm sorry.
Brandon : You have nothing to be sorry about.
Jesus : I don't get why it's such a big deal. This doesn't change anything.
Mariana : You could have any girl you wanted. Why'd it have to be my best friend?

DJ : Can we have everyone back to the dance floor, please?
Mike : What do you say, Dana? You want to get your groove on?
Dana : Why not.
Mike : Come on.
Stef : Oh, I don't know who should be more scared!
Mike : That's right.
Stef : Oh no, do we have to?
Lena : Yes.
Talya : You guys are so great.
Callie : Um, I'm thirsty.

Lexi : Mariana.
Mariana : I have nothing to say to you.
Lexi : Mariana, wait.

Talya : Brandon. Brandon? What is going on?
Brandon : Don't play dumb with me. Callie told me what you did.
Talya : Ok, I read her journal because
Brandon : Wait, wait. You read her journal?
Talya : Yes, and I'm glad I did
Brandon : I can't believe you. No. Shut up! I can't do this anymore! I'm done.
Talya : Brandon, but ask her. Ask her about Liam.

Lexi : Mariana. Can we talk?
Mariana : Talk about what? How my best friend and brother lied to me?
Lexi : We didn't lie to you, we just didn't tell you.
Mariana : Same thing. And you know what hurts the most? Hearing all the awful things that Jesus said about me. And you didn't even defend me. That's not what a best friend does.

Mike : Yeah, I'll have another double.
Barman : Neat. You got it.
Stef : Hey, two white wines, please. Hope you're pacing yourself, Mike.
Mike : It's a party, Stef. Have some fun.

Dana : This is a lovely party.
Lena : Thanks.
Dana : I know money's been tough for you and Stef
Lena : Mom, we're fine.
Dana : I know you're fine, but with two more mouths to feed, this is a lot to spend on a birthday party.
Lena : Well, it's not just a birthday party. This is about Mariana embracing her cultural heritage.
About being part of the Latino community.
Dana : Which, of course, she isn't. I'm just saying being that Latina isn't just about the color of her skin.
Lena : But being black is?
Dana : What?
Lena : For you being black has always been about the color of a person's skin.
Dana : That's not true.
Lena : Yes, it is.
Dana : All I've ever said is that dark skinned people, have a different experience than light skinned ones.
Lena : And by different, you mean more authentic.
Dana : I mean harder. Honey, dark skinned people face more discrimination. That is just a fact of life.
Lena : So, maybe we are trying to make up for what we couldn't give Mariana. But I understand how she feels.
Dana : Do you now? You were raised by a black mother.
Lena : And by a white father. And I never felt accepted by either community, Mom.
Dana : Well, I'm so sorry if you had such a tough time being a beautiful light skinned woman
Lena : Oh, Mom
Dana : But like it or not, the color of your skin has afforded you more opportunities than anyone like me has ever had.
Lena : That is what you've always assumed. That being biracial has made my life easier.
Dana : Because it has. Like it or not, you will never know what it is like to be a black woman in America.

Jesus : Look at the bright side, now we can dance together.
Lexi : I don't really feel like dancing. I should go home. Mariana doesn't want me here.
Jesus : No, I want you here. It's my birthday, too.
Lexi : How did she find out?
Jesus : I don't know. But look, she's not letting it ruin her party. We shouldn't let it ruin ours.

Callie : What's that about?
Jude : They have a thing for each other.
Callie : How do you know?
Jude : I pay attention. They're not going to keep us, you know.
Callie : What are you talking about?
Jude : Brandon.
Callie : Ok, Jude? I'm not stupid, ok?
Jude : But sometimes you do stupid things.
Girl : Excuse me. Do you want to dance?
Callie : Go.


Stef : Hey, I've been looking all over for you.
Lena : Is one of those for me?
Stef : Is one going to be enough?
Lena : There's not enough wine in this world.
Stef : This about your mom?
Lena : She just told me I don't know what it's like to be a black woman.
Stef : She's not right, you know that. She's right about one thing, and that's why I wanted to have this party for Mariana, and why I don't give a damn how much it costs, because I understand what that's like. Not knowing where you belong. I felt like that my entire life.
Stef : You know where you belong.
Lena : I shouldn't be doing this. This is Mariana's party.
Stef : Hey, hey, hey Listen to me. This is her party but you can cry if you want to.
Lena : I love you.

At the party

DJ : Can I have everyone's attention? Can everyone please find their seat? And can I have Stef and Lena join us on the dance floor? Mariana, your moms have something they'd like to say to you.
Stef : Ok, first of all, Jesus, will you please come join your sister? Ok, first we want to thank all of our friends and family for coming to join us and celebrating this very, very special birthday today.
Thank you. Our babies are 15! Could you believe this? To our beloved Jesus and Mariana, you have brought so much joy and love to your moms, and to your brother Brandon's life as well. He begged us and begged us for a brother or a sister, and got both in one fell swoop. Um, we love you so very much, and since a picture is worth a thousand words, I'm going to shut up and we're going to watch this. So, go over there.

Lena : Ok, and Jesus, just so you don't think we forgot about you Happy birthday!
Stef : Not in the house, young man.
Jesus : Thank you so much.
Photograph : Now, may I please have the rest of the family up here for a photo, please? Come on.
Stef : Come on, Callie and Jude. Callie, come on.
Photograph : All right, Fosters.
Stef : Come on.
Photograph : Everyone together now. Closer All right. Scooch in. Everyone scooch in. One, two, three.
Stef : Look at that.
Dana : Smile! Honey, it's a beautiful party.
Lena : Yay!
Callie : What happened to Talya?
Brandon : She left.
Callie : Are you ok?
Brandon : Nope.


Brandon : I broke up with Talya.
Callie : Because of me.
Brandon : No, no, I I mean, I'm sure that's what she thinks, but it's not. I broke up with her because she's doing stupid things. Like reading your journal.
Talya : She told you.
Brandon : She didn't tell me what it said. I didn't want to hear it. Callie, I already know everything I need to know about you. Hey. Callie? Hey. Callie? Callie, wait.

Mike : Hey! Brandon? You haven't said boo to your old man all night.
Brandon : Sorry.
Mike : Don't be sorry. Come here, come here. I love you.
Brandon : I love you, too.
Mike : I love you so much. Look at you, hm? You're a man, now. You're all grown up. I wish
Brandon : What?
Mike : I wish I could do it all over again.
Brandon : Dad.
Mike : Ok, I know it's a party, so go have fun. I'm going to go home.
Brandon : Ah, I think I should drive you home.
Mike : I think you're right. I am a police officer, and I have an example to set for the fine people I protect and serve. I'm this way.
Brandon : All right.

At the party

Stef : Mariana? Some of your guests are starting to leave.
Lena : What's the matter? Aren't you having a good time?
Mariana : I'm sorry.
Stef : For what?
Mariana : For being selfish.
Lena : Honey, what are you talking about?
Mariana : This party. It cost so much and you both worked so hard. I didn't dance with you. I should've danced with you. I have the best moms in the world and I should've danced with you.
Stef : Baby.
Lena : Honey, it's ok.
Mariana : No, it's not. I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
Stef : You know what you need? A mama sandwich!
Mariana : No!
Stef : Yes! Mama sandwich!
Lena : We love you.
Mariana : I love you, too.


Jesus : Lexi, I'm not letting you leave here without dancing with me.

On the beach

Wyatt : Did I say it was formal?
Callie : I just assumed.
Wyatt : You look dumb in that dress.
Callie : Thanks.
Wyatt : You're welcome. Do you want a beer?

Kikavu ?

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choup37, 19.04.2024 à 19:45

Maintenant j'en ai plus que deux, je joue aussi sur kaa

CastleBeck, Hier à 11:48

Il y a quelques thèmes et bannières toujours en attente de clics dans les préférences . Merci pour les quartiers concernés.

Viens chatter !