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#112 : Nouveau foyer


Callie atterrit chez Girls United, un foyer pour adolescentes à problèmes, mais pense qu'elle n'a rien à faire dans cet endroit qu'elle est très différente des filles présentes. Elle fait la rencontre de son nouveau mentor et retourne devant la justice.

De son côté, Mariana est encouragée à intégrer le club de théâtre, tandis que Jesus rencontre une nouvelle fille alors qu'il commence la lutte.


4.4 - 5 votes

Titre VO
House and Home

Titre VF
Nouveau foyer

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112 - Promo

112 - Promo


112 - Promo VOSTFR

112 - Promo VOSTFR


112 - Scènes Lena et Stef n°1

112 - Scènes Lena et Stef n°1


112 - Scènes Lena et Stef n°2

112 - Scènes Lena et Stef n°2


112 - Scènes Lena et Stef n°3

112 - Scènes Lena et Stef n°3


112 - Scène finale

112 - Scène finale


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La famille dîne sans Callie

La famille dîne sans Callie

Bienvenue à Girls United

Bienvenue à Girls United

Séance de parole à Girls United

Séance de parole à Girls United

Séance de parole à Girls United

Séance de parole à Girls United

Séance de parole à Girls United

Séance de parole à Girls United

Séance de parole à Girls United

Séance de parole à Girls United

La famille dîne sans Callie

La famille dîne sans Callie

Mariana et Jesus

Mariana et Jesus

Jesus et Stef

Jesus et Stef



Stef et Lena veulent toujours adopter Jude

Stef et Lena veulent toujours adopter Jude

Stef et Lena sont en colère

Stef et Lena sont en colère

Bienvenue à Girls United

Bienvenue à Girls United

Callie à Girls United

Callie à Girls United

Bienvenue à Girls United

Bienvenue à Girls United

Bienvenue à Girls United

Bienvenue à Girls United

Rita de Girls United

Rita de Girls United

Bienvenue à Girls United

Bienvenue à Girls United

Callie à Girls United

Callie à Girls United

Bienvenue à Girls United

Bienvenue à Girls United

Bienvenue à Girls United

Bienvenue à Girls United

Bienvenue à Girls United

Bienvenue à Girls United

Bienvenue à Girls United

Bienvenue à Girls United

Callie à Girls United

Callie à Girls United

La famille dîne sans Callie

La famille dîne sans Callie




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Etats-Unis (inédit)
Lundi 20.01.2014 à 21:00
2.14m / 0.9% (18-49)

Plus de détails

Scénario : Joanna Johnson
Réalisation : Martha Mitchell

Captures | Photos tournage

  • Centre de détention juvénile

Callie fait la rencontre de son nouvel agent de probation, Ed, qui cherche à savoir pourquoi elle s'est enfuie de sa famille d'accueil. Callie lui assure qu'elle ne veut pas retourner chez les Foster mais qu'elle veut qu'ils adoptent son frère Jude. Ed tente de lui faire comprendre qu'elle a besoin d'une famille mais elle préfère qu'ils l'oublient.

  • Chez les Foster

Dans la cuisine, tout le monde dîne dans un silence de plomb. Stef annonce qu'elle va reprendre le travail et Mariana avoue qu'elle a un peu peur. Jude veut savoir ce qu'il va arriver à Callie et s'ils veulent toujours d'elle mais Stef lui répond que la vraie question est de savoir si Callie veut d'eux. Brandon assure que oui et avoue pourquoi Callie s'est enfuie : il l'a embrassée.



  • Chez les Foster

Dans le jardin, Stef et Lena tentent d'en savoir, sous le choc de la nouvelle. Brandon avoue que cela s'est passé au mariage et malgré Lena qui veut apaiser les choses, Stef s'énerve. Il leur dit alors que Jude les a supris et que c'est probablement pour ça qu'elle s'est enfuie, pour ne pas tout foutre ne l'air pour lui et ajoute qu'il ne peut pas empêcher de ressentir ce qu'il ressent pour elle.

Brandon va ensuite dans sa chambre où il tombe sur Mariana qui est très énervée contre lui : elle le compare à Liam et Brandon s'agace, disant qu'elle ne peut pas comprendre puisqu'elle n'a jamais eu de copain et elle s'en va. Il cherche du soutien près de Jesus et veut comparer leur relation avec Lexi mais Jesus dit qu'ils n'ont jamais envisagé de l'adopter et que les choses sont différentes.

Dans le jardin, Stef et Lena sont sous le choc et ne comprennent pas comment elles ont pu passer à côté de ça. Jude arrive et s'excuse de ne pas leur avoir dit et Stef et Lena lui assurent que ce qu'il se passe avec Callie ne change en rien le fait qu'elles veuillent toujours les adopter et qu'elles les aiment.

  • Tribunal

L'audience de Callie est arrivée et tandis que Callie ne trouve rien à redire sur ses actions, Stef et Lena sont présentes et parlent en sa faveur : Stef assure que Callie a fait beaucoup de progrès et qu'elle s'est ouverte mais que cependant, elles ne sont pas prêtes à la reprendre chez elles pour le moment. Callie ne les regarde pas mais a les larmes aux yeux.

  • Lycée Anchor Beach

Alors que Mariana déjeune seule, un élève de dernière année Chase, arrive pour lui proposer de rejoindre la pièce de théâtre pour s'occuper des costumes, disant qu'il avait déjà remarqué ses talents de création. Mariana est heureuse.

Plus loin, Brandon fait répéter une pièce à Talya mais semble ailleurs. D'un coup, il lui annonce qu'il veut rompre et elle veut savoir si c'est à cause de Callie, histoire de lui prouver qu'elle n'est pas folle. Brandon avoue alors et Talya lui assure qu'elle lui fera du mal mais Brandon se contente de lui dire qu'elle n'est pas au courant de tout et elle s'en va.

Plus tard au club de théâtre, Mariana arrive et tout de suite remarque Chase et ne semble même pas voir Zac, un garçon du club qui vient lui parler. Il ne s'étonne pas qu'il n'y ait que des filles qui soient venues pour se proposer d'aider. Chase prend alors la parole pour parler de la pièce et trouver des costumières, ce à quoi Mariana lève tout de suite la main et derrière Kelsey aussi. Chase leur propose alors de bosser ensemble, ce qui ne semble pas ravir Mariana.

Après le club de théâtre, Kelsey vient parler à Mariana pour lui proposer d'aller faire du shopping mais Mariana lui assure qu'elle ne veut pas travailler avec elle puisqu'elle avait balancé Callie pour la vente des pilules. Kelsey lui répond qu'elle voulait juste la protéger puisqu'elles sont amies mais que si ce n'est pas le cas, elle devrait peut-être avouer que c'est elle.

  • Chez les Foster

Brandon arrive du lycée et rentre directement dans la maison tandis que Mike et Jesus jouent au basket. Brandon veut savoir où est Callie mais Stef et Lena lui annoncent qu'elle ne va pas rentrer chez elles tout de suite puisqu'elle a été placée dans un foyer pour jeunes. Brandon s'énerve, disant que Callie va se sentir abandonnée et demande à la voir. Mais ses mères lui disent que non puisqu'ils ont besoin d'espace pour surmonter leur affection l'un pour l'autre mais Brandon leur annonce qu'ils sont amoureux et que les éloigner n'aidera en rien. Stef et Lena semblent étonnées de l'entendre dire qu'ils sont amoureux.

  • Girls United

Callie arrive dans le foyer pour jeunes accompagnée de son agent de probation qui lui dit qu'elle pourra partir quand le juge sera sûr qu'elle ne va pas s'échapper de nouveau. Elle rencontre Rita, la responsable de la maison puis fait la connaissances du règlement et des filles qui y habitent. Elles sont toutes présentes pour ventre, possession et consommation de drogue, pour des histoires de gangs ou des actes de violence et Callie annonce qu'elle n'appartient pas cette maison puisque tout ce qu'elle a fait c'était voler un sandwich.

  • Chez les Foster

Brandon va dans la chambre de Jesus et Jude pour s'excuser auprès de ce dernier mais Jude ne veut rien entendre et lui claque la porte au nez. Brandon va alors dans sa chambre et cherche les foyers pour jeunes présents à San Diego mais en trouve plusieurs et a besoin de savoir le nom exact.

Dehors, Jesus et Mike jouent au basket tandis que Stef compte les points et Mariana arrive pour dire que le dîner est prêt. Elle annonce aussi qu'elle va s'occuper des costumes pour la pièce du lycée et Stef est fière d'elle. Tout d'un coup, Jesus ressent une faiblesse et fait un malaise.

Dans la cuisine, Jesus pense que c'était juste un problème de déshydratation tandis que Lena raccroche avec son médecin qui pense que cela peut être dû à ses pilules contre l'hyperactivité. Mike pense que ça pourrait valoir le coup de le faire arrêter ses pilules et peut-être de le mettre à un sport de contact, comme la lutte. Jesus est emballé par l'idée et Stef et Lena finissent par accepter pour un essai.

  • Girls United

Callie nettoie la cuisine sous la supervision de Cole qui peut recevoir un avertissement si c'est mal fait. Kiara intervient en la faveur de Callie et Becka et Cole se disputent sur le fait que Cole s'appelle en fait Nicole est une fille mais Cole veut devenir un garçon. Carmen arrive pour s'assurer que tout est place et demande à Daphne de montrer à Callie où sont les poubelles.

Daphne et Callie sortent alors dans l'arrière-court et Daphne demande à Callie si elle se rappelle d'elle, ce que Callie lui confirme puisque c'est elle qui l'avait frappée le jour de sa sortie détention. Daphne s'excuse et lui dit que cela se passe bien ici pour elle et elle veut savoir si elles sont quittes mais Callie lui assure que non et s'en va.

  • Chez les Foster

Brandon est dans sa chambre en train d'écouter de la musique lorsque Mike vient pour lui parler de Callie. Il lui dit qu'il peut comprendre puisque techniquement, Callie n'est pas encore sa soeur, qu'elle est jolie et qu'ils ont vécu des choses ensemble. Mais Brandon lui assure que c'est plus que ça avant que Mike ne le ramène à la réalité en disant qu'elle s'était enfuie avec Wyatt et qu'il y avait sûrement une bonne raison. Brandon s'énerve en disant que non mais Mike lui dit qu'elle prévoyait de s'installer avec lui en Arizona. Brandon remet son casque sur ses oreilles.

  • Girls United

Dans leur chambre, Callie demande quelques infos sur la vie quotidienne au sein du foyer à Kiara, sa colocataire. Elle apprend alors qu'elle peut avoir des privilèges et voir sa famille le samedi "jour de visite" et qu'elles ont des excursions d'organisées de temps en temps. Rita arrive pour s'assurer que tout va bien et prévient Callie que la première nuit est la plus dure. Elle lui demande comment avoir des privilèges et Rita lui répond que ce sont les autres filles qui votent pour elle et s'en va. En se couchant, Kiara assure Callie que si elle fait ses corvées et qu'elle parle lors des groupes de parole, les autres filles ne l'empêcheront pas de voir son frère.

  • Chez les Foster

Mariana est dans sa chambre et lit quand Jude apparaît et regarde le lit de Callie. Il dit à Mariana qu'il veut juste prendre un oreiller supplémentaire et Mariana lui propose de dormir dans son lit pour qu'elle se sente moins seule. Jude accepte et se blottir dans le lit de Callie.

  • Centre commercial

Le lendemain, Mariana et Kelsey font les magasins pour trouver les costumes des personnages de la pièce. Mariana se rend compte que Kelsey n'a même pas lu la pièce et qu'elle ne s'intéresse qu'à elle ou Chase. Elle repère un chapeau pour Chase mais qui coûte trop cher et alors que Mariana va essayer une robe pour le rôle de Laura, Kelsey lui glisse dans son sac à dos. A la sortir du magasin, il leur est demandé de montrer leur sac et alors que Mariana commence à ouvrir son sac à dos, le vigile leur demande seulement les sacs du magasins.

  • Girls United

Lors du groupe de parole, Becka avoue être en manque et raconte un peu l'histoire de sa famille, disant que sa grand-mère et sa mère étaient des droguées aussi et que sa meilleure amie est morte d'une overdose. Elle dit vouloir être heureuse plus tard et que quelqu'un se soucie d'elle.

Puis les filles demandent à Rita de parler un peu d'elle et de savoir son addiction. Rita avoue alors avoir un peu consommé de drogue lorsqu'elle était jeune mais rien de grave et que sa réelle addiction est la nourriture puisqu'elle s'est battue avec toute sa vie. Gabi leur avoue alors être addict aux garçons et Cole au fait de vouloir changer de sexe. Lorsque tout le monde demande à Callie ce à quoi elle est addict, elle dit qu'elle ne sait pas et qu'elle veut juste avoir des privilèges pour pouvoir voir son frère et lui expliquer pourquoi elle est partie.

  • Chez les Foster

Stef vient voir Jude qui se trouve dans la chambre de Mariana et lui annonce que le lendemain, il pourra voir Callie puisqu'elle a le droit à de la visite. Brandon passe dans le couloir et entend le nom du foyer. Jude est content et Mariana, qui veut faire ses devoirs, ouvre son sac et découvre le chapeau dans son sac.

  • Girls United

Becka vient emprunter une lotion à Kiara dans leur chambre et en profite pour dire à Callie qu'elle pense qu'elle n'est qu'une égoïste et qu'elle a peut-être eu tout le monde avec son coup des larmes mais qu'elle ne l'a pas eue elle. Callie lui avoue qu'elle se fiche de l'opinion d'une droguée. Elle va alors dans la salle de bain et découvre Cole en train de mettre des bandes pour cacher sa poitrine. Cole s'énerve et la pousse, Callie le pousse alors et Cole tombe la vitre de la douche qui se brise.

Dans le salon, Rita veut savoir ce qu'il s'est passé et Callie dit que rien tandis que Cole assure avoir glissé par terre et être tombé. Rita a du mal à le croire mais leur annonce que lorsque deux filles ne s'entendent pas, on les met dans la même chambre.

  • Chez les Foster

Stef et Lena arrivent dans la chambre de Jesus et Jude et découvrent Jude qui s'est fait tout beau pour aller voir Callie. Mais elles lui annoncent que Callie a perdu ses privilèges suite à une altercation avec une fille du foyer et qu'il ne peut pas aller la voir. Jude est déçu et ne veut pas sortir comme lui propose ses mères.

  • Lycée Anchor Beach

Mariana arrive furieuse au club de théâtre et accuse Kelsey de lui avoir mis le chapeau dans son sac mais celle-ci lui dit que tout va bien puisqu'elle ne s'est pas faite prendre et qu'en plus elles ont le chapeau. Chase l'aperçoit et le trouve très beau, Mariana dit alors que c'est elle qui l'a trouvé.

Au gymnase, Jesus vient assister à un entraînement de lutte et dit que cela semble plutôt facile. Le coach l'envoie sur le tapis pour un essai et demande à Emma, la seule fille de l'équipe, de lui faire une prise. Jesus se moque un peu mais en un mouvement elle l'écrase au sol et il ne fait plus le malin.

  • Girls United

C'est jour des visites de la famille et Callie ne veut pas descendre lorsque Rita lui demande et préfère rester dans sa chambre. Rita lui assure que Callie comprendra pourquoi elle est là avec le temps et que chaque action a une conséquence et s'en va.

De la fenêtre, Callie aperçoit alors Brandon de l'autre côté de la rue. Elle sort alors de la maison, se dirige en courant vers Brandon et lui saute dans les bras, sous les yeux de Rita et des autres filles de la maison.

Fin de l'épisode.

Ecrit par Emeline53.


Ed: Callie, I'm Ed Craig, your new P.O. Have a seat. How're you doing in here?
Callie: Ok.
Ed: This is your second time in juvie?
Callie: Yeah.
Ed: You were in last time for taking a bat to your foster father's car?
Callie: He was beating my little brother at the time.
Ed: You love your brother?
Callie: Of course.
Ed: Just two weeks ago you told your social worker you liked your new foster home. Did something change?
Callie: They asked us if they could adopt us.
Ed: And that's not what you want?
Callie: I'm sixteen. I don't need to be adopted.
Ed: Any idea what you do need?
Callie: Yeah to be out of the system on my own.
Ed: Then why'd you get yourself arrested and sent back here? Callie, you're still a kid. Like it or not, you need an adult to care for you. Whether it's in the system or back with your foster moms.
Callie: No, I can't go back there. You can send me to a different foster home, or leave me here, I don't care. Just I want them to adopt my little brother. I do. So, just tell them...
Ed: To give up on you?

Foster's kitchen

Stef: So I'm going back to work next week. Just wanted to let everybody know.
Brandon: What about dad?
Stef: Captain Roberts says that he should be cleared in a couple days.
Mariana: Are you scared?
Stef: I'm not. Are you?
Mariana: A little.
Stef: Yeah?
Jude: Can't you get like a desk job or something?
Stef: Did you know being a cop is not even one of the top ten most dangerous professions?
Lena: That's true. We're lucky she's not an airplane pilot. Or a logger.
Stef: Or a crab fisherman. That's very dangerous.
Jesus: Or an ice road trucker.
Stef: Is that what it's called an "ice road trucker"?

Jude: What's gonna happen to Callie?
Stef: Well, tomorrow, sweetheart, she gets to go before the judge and the judge will decide if she gets more probation or...
Jude: Stays in juvie? She got beat up last time.
Lena: I know it's scary, sweetheart, but we're gonna do whatever we can.
Brandon: Can we go to court with you? What?
Stef: Callie doesn't want us to be there.
Brandon: Too bad. You have to talk to the judge, right? So that way she can come home.
Jude: Unless you don't want her anymore.
Mariana: Of course we want her.
Stef: It is not a question of whether we want Callie. It is it is whether she wants us.
Brandon: She does.
Lena: She ran away, Brandon. For no reason.
Stef: I'm not really sure that she wants to be here.
Brandon: She didn't run away for no reason.
Stef: Is there something you want to share with us? Something you know that we don't?
Brandon: She ran away because I kissed her.


Foster's house

Stef: When did this happen?
Brandon: At the wedding.
Stef: When at our wedding?
Lena: Honey...
Stef: Do you have any idea what you've done?
Brandon: I didn't expect this to happen.
Stef: Well, what did you expect?
Lena: Let's just take a second.
Stef: No. You expected that we were gonna adopt her and the two of you would date?
Brandon: I don't know!
Stef: I... I can't.
Lena: Brandon, did Callie run away because she didn't feel safe?
Brandon: What? No. No! Jude saw us. And he freaked out. He said that you guys wouldn't adopt them. That's why she left, so she wouldn't screw things up for him.
Lena: Honey. If CPS found out, they could take Callie and Jude out of this house.
Stef: You knew that, Brandon. I warned you.
Brandon: I'm sorry.
Stef: Well, sorry doesn't hack it.
Brandon: I can't help how I feel.
Lena: Go inside, please. We need to talk.

Brandon's room

Mariana: Are you so horny you can't keep your hands off our foster sister?
Brandon: Ok, you know what? She kissed me too. I'm tired of everyone's making me seem like I'm some sort of...
Mariana: Liam?
Brandon: Screw you.
Mariana: I'm surprised you haven't tried.
Jesus: Mariana, that's gross.
Brandon: Look, I didn't grow up with Callie. She's been here two months and until a few days ago, this was only supposed to be a temporary thing.
Mariana: Well, then, why would you say that we could adopt them?
Brandon: Because I wanted her to be happy.
Mariana: And you think she's happy now? In juvie?
Brandon: I don't expect you to understand. Ok, you've never even had a boyfriend.
Mariana: Well, you know what I can understand? You've royally screwed this whole family.
Brandon: Look, you get it, right? You couldn't help how you felt about Lexi.
Jesus: We weren't gonna adopt Lexi. Why did you tell?
Brandon: Because now that they know why she left, they'll bring her back.


Stef: I should have seen this was happening.
Lena: Me too.
Stef: When did we become these parents who have no idea what the hell is going on underneath their own roof?
Lena: When we became the parents of teenagers. Who are impulsive and secretive. Even the Brandons.
Stef: What are we gonna do?

Lena: Hey, sweetheart.
Jude: I'm sorry I didn't tell you.
Stef: Come here and sit, please.
Lena: We want you to know that this does not change anything. It does not change how much we love you.
Stef: And want to adopt you. Ok?
Jude: Well, what about Callie?
Stef: We're not giving up on either one of you. I promise.


Judge: Callie Jacob? Just nine weeks out of juvie and you're back for running away, violating your probation and stealing. Do you have anything you want to say?
Callie: No... Your Honor.
Ed: Your Honor, Callie's foster moms are present in the court, and would like to speak on her behalf.
Judge: Go ahead.
Stef: Your Honor, in the time that Callie has been with my wife and me and our three other children, we saw her make great strides. She opened up to us emotionally, she did well in school, she followed our rules, and we feel that she has come to trust us, as we have her. She brought a great deal of love and joy into our family and we just we feel she deserves a second chance. However we are not prepared to bring her back into our home at this time.

Anchor Beach

Chase: Hey. You're Mariana, right?
Mariana: Yeah.
Chase: Can I sit?
Mariana: Um, sure.
Chase: Cool. I'm Chase.
Mariana: I'm Mariana oh you you're a senior.
Chase: That's true.
Mariana: How do you know who I am?
Chase: You helped hang posters for the last school play. Check it out. Were doing the Glass Menagerie next, and we need people to help crew.
Mariana: And, you like, remembered me?
Chase: You made an impression. So, if you're interested, we're having a meeting after school. It'd be cool to see you there.

Talya: "Where have you been all this time?"
Brandon: "I have been to the movies."
Talya: "All this time at the movies?"
Brandon: "There was a very long program"
Talya: We don't need to do this speech. Ok. "Tom, shhh!"
Brandon: We have to break up.
Talya: I'm pretty sure that's not a line in the play.
Brandon: I'm so sorry, Talya. We... I should have never gotten back with you.
Talya: Then why did you?
Brandon: I don't know. I really care about you, ok, I really do but...
Talya: You don't love me. So, honestly this time is it because of Callie?
Brandon: Talya...
Talya: Just I just need to hear you admit it. So I know I'm not crazy.
Brandon: Yes. It's Callie.
Talya: Brandon.
Brandon: What?
Talya: She's just going to hurt you.
Brandon: You you don't know...
Talya: I don't.
Brandon: Everything.

Theater club

Zac: Sending Chase out with flyers was obviously the right strategy. Of course, not a lot of boys showed up. But that's ok. Girls work harder. Except me. I'm the lighting designer, which is kind of a big deal since I'm only a freshman. Oh, but I'm fifteen. My parents held me back a year so I'd be better at sports. Definitely not the right strategy. Uh I'm Zac by the way.
Mariana: Mariana.
Chase: All right, let's get started. First, thanks for representing. It's awesome to see so much interest in the school play.
Zac: Yeah, right. The play.
Chase: Now, we need to fill a lot of crew positions, but, one the most important, is costumes. Otherwise, we're going to be like, on stage naked. But seriously, the costume designer helps us create our characters. It's a totes collaborative thing.
Zac: "Totes?"
Chase: Mariana. And Kelsey.
Zac: Don't feel too bad, he knows everyone's name. I mean, except, mine.
Chase: I have an idea, it's a big job so, why don't the two of you work together?

Kelsey: So, there's this hot new vintage store downtown. I was thinking...
Mariana: I can't do costumes with you.
Kelsey: But, I thought we made up at Wyatt's party?
Mariana: You lied. You put the blame on Callie.
Kelsey: I was covering your ass. Look, everybody knows I went to rehab. But what they don't know is that you were my dealer. Do you know why? Because I kept that a secret because I thought you were my friend. I guess I was wrong.

Foster's house

Brandon: Are they here?
Mike: Inside. Hey, wanna give me a hand...
Jesus: I'll help.
Mike: Great.
Jesus: You gotta beat me at a game of 21 first.
Mike: All right. You're on.
Jesus: Age before beauty.
Mike: Too easy.

Brandon: Hey. Is she here?
Stef: No.
Brandon: Well, what did the judge say? When is she coming home?
Stef: Sit. Let's talk. Callie's not coming home.
Brandon: Forever?
Stef: No, but not...
Lena: Not until we've all had time to figure out how this can work. With the two of you under the same roof.
Brandon: I'll go live with dad then.
Stef: That's not an option.
Brandon: Why not?
Lena: Callie has bigger issues to deal with.
Stef: She makes reckless decisions, Brandon. Whenever she feels out of control or confused.
Lena: She needs to learn coping skills.
Brandon: So she's going to learn them in juvie?
Stef: Judge agreed to send her to a group home.
Brandon: What? Once you're in a group home you're considered like high risk. She told me. No one will ever want her again.
Stef: We still want her.
Brandon: Well, that's not what she's gonna think. She's gonna think you're giving up on her. Like you're throwing her to the wolves.
Stef: Well, we hope that eventually she'll see we're doing this because we don't want to give up on her.
Lena: And because we love her.
Brandon: So, what is this like "tough love" then? You know how this is gonna feel to Callie? After all she's been through? Like no love. I want to see her.
Stef: No.
Lena: Not right now.
Brandon: Why not?
Stef: Because you and Callie need a little time and space to...
Brandon: What? To get over each other? Well, that's not gonna happen. Ok? We're in love. And keeping us apart, it's not gonna to change that.

Girls United

Callie: How long do I have to be here?
Ed: Until the judge is convinced you won't run away again. This is a safe place.
Rita: Hey, Ed. Hi, Callie, I'm Rita. Welcome to Girls United. Come on in. I'll show you to your room after you meet all the girls. There are seven girls who live here full-time. Actually one just went home yesterday, so, your timing was kind of perfect.
Ed: We appreciate you taking Callie on such short notice. Your foster moms worked very hard to get you in here.
Callie: Do I have to share a room?
Rita: Yes, you will.
Callie: Why are there no bars or security gates? How do you lock us in?
Rita: We don't. We trust that you won't leave the premises. But, if you violate that trust, then you go back to juvie. Or you're placed in a more restrictive group home. The choice is really yours.

Rita: Hey, girls. Come meet Callie. Ok, ladies, you know how this works. We're gonna go around the room, tell a little about yourself. Your age, where you're from, how long you've been here, why you're here. All right, we're gonna start with you, Kiara, since you're Callie's roommate and you'll be her sponsor. Why don't you start us off.
Kiara: Ok. Hi. I'm Kiara. I'm fifteen. I've been in juvie, like, three times? No, four. The first time I got arrested was for throwin' bricks at a building when I was like eleven, and then for gang stuff you know, possessing and selling drugs, assault with a deadly weapon. But that was like, not my fault, anyway. That's me.
Becka: I'm Becka, I'm sixteen...
Kiara: Oh, and I been here two months. And I'm always interrupting.
Rita: Yes, you are.
Becka: Yeah, so, Kiara's been interrupting me the four weeks I've been here.
Rita: Becka. Feet.
Becka: I'm in for drugs. Using and selling. And I, like, punched a cop. I was shooting drugs in my neck before I came here. So, if I wasn't here, I'd probably be dead now.
Carmen: I'm Carmen, I'm 17, I wanna join the army are we suppose to say what we wanna be?
Rita: That's ok, honey, keep going.
Carmen: So, like I been in this home for six months. In juvie three times for gangs, drugs um, what else...
Kiara: Kidnapping.
Carmen: Yeah.
Rita: Really?
Kiara: She asked.
Rita: Ok. Zip it. Cole, you're up.
Cole: My name is Cole. I'm 15. I've been here 3 weeks. I hate it. What else?
Rita: Why are you here?
Cole: Stealing and prostitution.
Rita: Thank you for sharing. Daphne, you're up.
Daphne: I'm Daphne, 17, been here for about six weeks. In for gangs, drugs, armed robbery and assault.
Rita: Oh, and just so you know, Callie, we have a zero tolerance policy for violence. If you put your hands on anyone else you'll be asked to leave. No exceptions, all right?
Gabi: I'm Gabi, I'm fifteen. I've been here a month. I'm in for home invasion, robbery, and cyber bullying.
Rita: So, now you know a little bit about everyone, why don't you tell us a little bit about you.
Callie: I'm sixteen. I ran away. I stole a sandwich. I don't belong here.
Rita: Anyone else feel they don't belong here? Ok. Happy to have you, Callie.

Foster's house

Brandon: Jude. I really thought that I had no idea that they'd do this. Ok? I'm sorry.

Jesus: Let's go.
Mariana: Dinner's ready. Mama said to ask Mike.
Jesus:Really? Traveling!
Mike: What?
Stef: Ah, it was so traveling! It's Jesus' ball.
Mike: No way!
Stef: How was school, young lady? Anything new and exciting?
Mariana: I'm doing costumes for the school play.
Stef: You are? That's a big undertaking. You can handle that?
Mariana: Well, if it's only a four character play.
Stef: Well, good for you, I'm very proud of you.

Stef: You ok, babe? What's wrong, baby? Jesus? Jesus, what's going on? What is going on? Mariana, go get Lena. Jesus. Jesus. Relax, relax. Shh. Slow. Slow breaths.

Jesus: I'm fine. I probably just got, like, dehydrated.
Lena: So, Dr. Levinson thinks it's just a short term side-effect from upping his meds.
Mike: So, what's in his meds that would make his heart race?
Stef: Well, they're stimulants, Mike.
Lena: In kids with ADHD it actually help them to calm down and to focus.
Mike: And there's no other way to treat it without medication?
Lena: There is behavioral modification.
Stef: It's controversial, Mike. And, it's not like we haven't talked about it a thousand times.
Jesus: Well, not with me. I don't wanna take this stuff. If I can get off it, don't I get a say?
Lena: Jesus, remember when you went off the pills for those few days? You got really aggressive.
Stef: And you were bouncing off the walls too, dude, remember?
Mike: I mean, come on, I was bouncing off the walls when I was his age. What about getting into a contact sport? I mean, it helped me.
Lena: Like football, no, no way.
Mike: No, like wrestling.
Jesus: No way. I'm not groping dudes.
Mike: It's not groping. It's using strategic moves to take down your opponent. It's physical, gets the aggression out, teaches you mental focus. I mean, that's what he needs, right?
Jesus: Can I at least try it?
Stef: Lena? Ok?
Lena: Ok. But, Jesus, you need to be extremely disciplined.
Stef: Very.
Jesus: I will be. Do I have to wear a unitard?
Mike: Ok, rule number one. Never, ever call it a unitard. It's called a singlet.

Girls United

Cole: Uh yeah, this needs a touch up.
Callie: Why?
Cole: It's sticky, you gotta wipe it again.
Callie: Looks clean to me.
Cole: Well, I'm kitchen foreman and if you don't do your job, I get a UA.

Becka: Cut the newbie a break, Nicole.
Cole: That's not my name.
Becka: Really? 'Cause it says on your birth certificate. But, then it also says you're a girl.
Cole: I'm a transgender male. Look it up, bitch.
Becka: Ooh, who's gettin' a UA now.
Kiara: Why you gotta be like that? It's not Cole's fault he was born in the wrong body.
Daphne: Look, you all trippin'. Let's just do our jobs without no drama for once?
Carmen: We all done in here?
Becka: Yeah, so done.
Carmen: All right, yeah, looks good. Hey, Daphne, show Callie where the trash is.
Cole: I'm lookin' at it.
Carmen: Chill out, everybody.

Daphne: Let's go. Most of the food waste we compost for the community garden, blue's for bottles and cans only, green's for..
Callie: Green waste. Yep. It's not my first time taking out the trash.
Daphne: You know me, right?
Callie: Yeah. I know you. Why? You wanna take another crack at my face?
Daphne: Look, I put hands on you, in juvie, and I'm sorry about that. I'm doin' real good here. I got my privileges, and if I keep tight, I'll be out in two weeks. So. We straight?
Callie: No, we're not straight.

Brandon's room

Brandon: Hey. How about you knock?
Mike: How about you check the attitude? Move over. So, mom and Lena told me about Callie.
Brandon: Ok, dad, I'm not really in the mood for another lecture.
Mike: I'm not in the mood to give one. Look, I understand. She's not your sister. Yet. You two have been through a lot together. She's pretty. I get it.
Brandon: It's more than that.
Mike: I know, Brandon. But, you'll get over it. Trust me.
Brandon: If you're talking about mom, no offense, but you didn't really have a choice.
Mike: Look, Brandon. Callie didn't just run away, she ran away with a guy. A guy she'd been dating. For all you know, that was part of the plan all along.
Brandon: It wasn't.
Mike: Really? Has she reached out to you? At all? Mom and Lena told me, Wyatt wasn't just a ride. She was planning to go all the way to Indiana to live with him.
Brandon: No. Why are you telling me this?
Mike: Because you need to hear it.

Girls United

Callie: What's a UA?
Kiara: It's a "unacceptable." For like not doing your jobs or gettin' into it with the other girls. If you get five you get a consequence, like an extra job.
Callie: This is worst than juvie.
Kiara: Yeah, they're hard on you here, but it's better than other homes I been in. Like this one I broke this girl's nose, I mean, like, I didn't mean to. She was on the ground and I was kicking her, but like the staff didn't even care. At least here they care about you.
Callie: Um so other than school, do we ever get out of here?
Kiara: Yeah, sometimes we go on field trips, and every once in a while we get to go to the mall. Saturday's family day. If you got your privileges, you can have visitors. Your mom or dad around?
Callie: No, I'm in foster care with my brother.
Kiara: I have a brother. That's him.
Callie: Does he ever come visit you?
Kiara: Nah. I don't know when I'll get to see him again. He just got twenty-five to life.

Rita: Hey, girls? How ya doin' K? You settling in ok, Callie?
Callie: Yeah.
Rita: Ok, listen, I know the first night can be a little bit rough. So, we got Michelle downstairs, if you need anything, just get a hold of her, ok?
Callie: How do I get my privileges?
Rita: The girls in the house vote on that.
Callie: Yeah um so, like what's your job?
Rita: My job? Mostly I'm here to encourage peer accountability. Which in laymen's terms means I'm the referee. Get some sleep. All right, ladies? Good night, K.
Kiara: Hey, you can't trust any of these girls with like underground stuff, but if you do your jobs and you talk in group, they won't vote against you gettin' to see your brother.

Mariana and Callie's room

Mariana: Hey. You ok?
Jude: Yeah. I just, needed an extra pillow.
Mariana: Well, I'm sure Callie wouldn't mind. So, it's kind of silly, but, I've been kind of scared sleeping alone since Callie left. Do you would you want sleep in here tonight?
Jude: Sure.


Kelsey: Oh, hey, what do you think?
Mariana: For Laura?
Kelsey: No, for me.
Mariana: We're not shopping for ourselves.
Kelsey: It's so boring shopping for other people. How hot would Chase look in this hat?
Mariana: Yeah, it's practically our whole budget. And we're shopping for Laura.
Kelsey: Right. Laura. Which one is she again?
Mariana: Have you even read the play?
Kelsey: Nah, I'm not into reading. Like, what's her vibe?
Mariana: Um insecure, crippled, virgin, overbearing mother. Oooh that could work.
Kelsey: Yeah. Try it on.
Mariana: Why do I have to try it on?
Kelsey: Come on, insecure, crippled, virgin... Just kidding. I didn't wear any panties today, geez.

Kelsey: So, I'm totes having sex with Chase by opening night. Not that he's boyfriend material, but you know, he's hot for a theater nerd. Don't you think?
Mariana: Yeah, I guess.
Kelsey: One down, how many other characters to go?
Mariana: Three. You should really read the play.
Kelsey: Isn't there like a movie version?
Mariana: I need to check your bags. Just the shopping bags and receipts.

Girls United

Becka: I don't know. I'm I'm so tired. And sick of everything.
Rita: Well, you've been through a lot, Becka. I'd be tired too.
Becka: Can someone else just talk?
Kiara: You gotta talk about it.
Becka: Why? It sucks. I suck. I just wanna get high.
Daphne: You're gonna kill yourself with dope because you can't deal?
Becka: I don't wanna deal. Ok? I don't need to talk about how my mom's boyfriends messed with me when I was just a kid. Because who cares?
Gabi: Where was your mom, she shouldn't have let that happen.
Becka: She was gettin' high. Look, I started smokin' dope with my grandma when I was 11. The only person who ever cared about me is my best friend, and she OD'd.
Kiara: I care about you.
Rita: You know, Becky, you need some life goals. You know, honey, something to look forward to. I mean, what do you want to be when you grow up?
Becka: Happy.
Rita: Well, that is one great goal.

Gabi: Hey, how come you never share?
Rita: What do you mean?
Kiara: Yeah, how old are you, what drugs have you done, what's your addiction?
Rita: Seriously?
Girls: Yeah.
Rita: Ok. Um I'm fifty years old.
Daphne: I knew you was old. Older than Michelle.
Becka: No way! I thought you were like 30.
Rita: Really? You are now my favorite. As for you, Daphne, hmm...
Daphne: Just sayin'.
Rita: No, I'm fifty, and for drugs, not too much, you know? When I was young I smoked a little weed. And for like half a second, I did some speed.
Kiara: Speed?
Carmen: For real?
Rita: That's for real.
Carmen: How'd you stop?
Rita: One day, I just decided that doing drugs wasn't gonna get me where I wanted to go, so I quit. Now, listen, not everybody can do that.
Daphne: You ain't no addict.
Rita: I am an addict. I'm addicted to food. I've struggled with it my entire life. You know, everyone is addicted to something.
Gabi: Not me. I don't do drugs.
Kiara: No? You're addicted to boys! You don't ever shut up about your boyfriends.
Gabi: I haven't talked to my boyfriend since I've been here.
Carmen: Well, I haven't done meth since I been here, but that's still my addiction.
Gabi: Why you always raggin' on me, Carmen? What about Cole? He's always sayin' he's not addicted to nothin'.
Becka: She's addicted to being a boy.
Rita: Use the pronoun "he" please.
Cole: I am a boy. And, you know what, I belong in an LGBT home where...
Rita: And I told you, I am working on that, ok?
Daphne: Be grateful you're here and not in juvie gettin' your ass beat every day. You may be a boy but you ain't no butch.
Cole: What about you? What's your addiction?
Callie: I've never done drugs. I've had a couple beers.
Rita: Well, Callie, your addiction doesn't have to be drugs or alcohol.
Callie: I really don't know. Um I feel like I have to tell you that I'm addicted to something so that I can get my privileges. But I'd just be making it up.
Kiara: Why'd you run away from your foster home?
Callie: I kissed my foster brother.
Becka: Oh, snap.
Gabi: La la la. Is he hot?
Carmen: So, you want your privileges so you can see your boyfriend?
Callie: No. I need to see my little brother. He needs to know why I left.

Mariana and Callie's room

Stef: So, Jude, I just got off the phone with Rita at Girls United. Girls United is the group home where Callie is, and she gets to have visitors tomorrow for family day.
Jude: I'm gonna get to see her?
Stef: Yes, sir.
Mariana: Can we all come?
Stef: You know, I think it best if Jude doesn't have to share Callie just yet. Ok? Good night. The two of you don't stay up too late. Love you.
Mariana: Love you. Are you excited?
Jude: Yeah. I mean, I can't believe it.
Mariana: You know what I can't believe? That I'm doing homework on Friday night. I'm so overwhelmed with the play. And, I have a book report due on Monday, and I haven't even started reading.
Jude: Cool. Where'd you get it?

Girls United

Becka: Can I borrow your lotion?
Kiara: On my shelf.
Becka: So, you run out on your brother and you think that makes you some kind of martyr?
Kiara: Group's over, Becka.
Becka: You just turn on the water works and you think you got us all fooled? Well, not me. You know what I think you are? A selfish bitch.
Callie: Well, fortunately, I don't care about the opinions of a drug addict.

Callie: Um I'm sorry.
Cole: Get out! Get out!

Rita: All right, Callie, why don't you go first. What happened?
Callie: I accidentally walked in on Cole in the bathroom.
Michelle: I heard yelling.
Cole: I told her to get out.
Rita: And then what happened?
Callie: Nothing.
Rita: Nothing? Cole?
Cole: I slipped on some water and fell back into the shower door.
Rita: Wow. It was a pretty hard fall.
Cole: Pretty wet floor.
Rita: Mmm Girls, anybody see anything? Nothing? Well, Callie, you know, we do have a solution when two girls don't get along here in this house. We make them roommates.

Jesus and Jude's room

Jude: I wasn't sure if you had to dress up.
Lena: You look very handsome.
Jude: What's wrong?
Stef: Sweetheart, listen, it would seem that Callie has lost her privileges. So, she's not allowed to have visitors today.
Jude: Why? What'd she do?
Lena: We're not sure. But, there was some kind of an altercation with another girl last night, and Rita just thinks Callie needs a little more time to think about why she's there. Hey, you know what? Brandon is at piano and Mariana and Jesus are busy, so why don't the three of us just do something fun?
Stef: We could go to a movie?
Lena: Yeah. Go biking?
Stef: The aquarium?
Jude: I actually have a lot of homework. I think I just want to stay here, if that's ok.
Stef: Of course. Whatever you want, hon.
Lena: Just let us know if you change your mind.

Anchor Beach

Mariana: Guess what I found in my backpack?
Kelsey: Could it be a sexy, brown fedora?
Mariana: You could have gotten me arrested for shoplifting!
Kelsey: Yeah, but I didn't and now we have an awesome hat for Chase.
Mariana: We're not keeping it. You snuck it out, you sneak it back in.

Chase: Whoa, is that for me?
Kelsey: Yeah, it is.
Chase: Sweet.
Kelsey: You look really hot in that hat.
Chase: Totes. Mariana, you're genius.
Kelsey: Actually, I saw it first.
Mariana: But, I carried it out of the store. I mean, 'cause I thought it would help you create your character.
Chase: This hat is like the key to Jim. It's like flashy, but made of felt. You know what I mean?
Mariana: Totes.
Chase: I got to go show this off.
Kelsey: You're welcome.

Coach: One! Two! Three! Four! Nicely done! Nicely done! Let's go whales!
Jesus: They let girls wrestle?
Mike: Not in my day. So, what do you think?
Jesus: Doesn't seem that hard.
Mike: Really?
Coach: Jesus, you wanna come on in, give it a try? Just pop your shoes off for me, ok? Circle up, everybody. This is Jesus. We are going to teach Jesus about a basic breakdown. That is a move that takes your opponent off his or her base, and drops them straight to the mat. Ok? Emma, why don't you come on in and take top position. We'll do a tight waist, far ankle. Ready?
Emma: Nice effort.

Girls United

Rita: Hello? Cole, Callie, you're welcome to join us downstairs for refreshments.
Callie: No, thanks.
Cole: Is there ice cream?
Rita: I think so. And chocolate sauce. I'm pretty sure I saw some of that too. Yes. Hey, I'm really sorry you didn't get to see your brother today.
Callie: Really? Is that why you took away my privileges for no reason?
Rita: Callie. I didn't see what happened between you and Cole, but I'm not stupid. You don't get to act out and then run away from the consequences. Not in this house. In fact, not anywhere in life. The sooner you learn that, the better off you're gonna be.
Callie: Is that it?
Rita: That's it. And that's a lot. So, think it over, all right? I hope you come down and join us.

Kikavu ?

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choup37, 18.04.2024 à 08:49

5 participants prennent part actuellement à la chasse aux gobelins sur doctor who, y aura-t-il un sixième?

chrismaz66, 18.04.2024 à 11:04

Choup tu as 3 joueurs de plus que moi!! Kaamelott est en animation, 3 jeux, venez tenter le coup, c'est gratis! Bonne journée ^^

choup37, 19.04.2024 à 19:45

Maintenant j'en ai plus que deux, je joue aussi sur kaa

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