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#201 : La peur de l'inconnu

Toujours sous le choc que son père biologique n'est pas DonaldCallie voit ça comme une menace qui pourrait la séparer à nouveau de Jude.

Brandon est en proie aux doutes : il a du mal à se remettre de son agression, doit faire face à la culpabilité d'avoir couché avec Dani mais aussi ne sait toujours pas où était Mike la nuit où Ana a disparu. Au grand dam de Stef, Mariana, quant à elle, a décidé de subir un grand changement.


4.8 - 5 votes

Titre VO
Things Unknown

Titre VF
La peur de l'inconnu

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201 - Promo

201 - Promo


201 - Sneak Peek n°1

201 - Sneak Peek n°1


201 - Sneak Peek n°2

201 - Sneak Peek n°2


201 - Sneak Peek n°3

201 - Sneak Peek n°3


201 - Sneak Peek n°4

201 - Sneak Peek n°4


Photos promo

Brandon et Jesus

Brandon et Jesus



Mariana se teint en blonde

Mariana se teint en blonde

Callie aide Jude

Callie aide Jude



Stef et Lena

Stef et Lena

Stef et Lena

Stef et Lena



Jesus et Jude

Jesus et Jude

Callie et Jude

Callie et Jude

Brandon, Mariana, Jesus, Callie et Jude

Brandon, Mariana, Jesus, Callie et Jude


Logo de la chaîne Freeform

Etats-Unis (inédit)
Lundi 16.06.2014 à 21:00
1.47m / 0.5% (18-49)

Plus de détails

Scénario : Brad Bredeweg et Peter Paige
Réalisation : Norman Buckley

  • Chez les Foster

Dans sa chambre, Brandon revit les moments de son agression : il est par terre et réalise ce qui vient de lui arriver. Il se glisse avec beaucoup de mal dans voiture pour appeler à l'aide et appuie de toutes ses forces sur le klaxon. Son réveil le tire de son cauchemar et il la regard vide. Il sort alors sa main de sous sa couette et on découvre une attèle, il grimace en tentant de bouger ses doigts.


  • Chez les Foster

Le matin dans la cuisine, tout le monde prend son petit-déjeuner : Lena mange des chips et des spaghettis, elle dit que c'est le bébé qui en a envie. Stef arrive avec le courrier et Jude est ravie de voir c'est son nouveau certificat de naissance avec écrit son adoption dessus, tout le monde est content. Lena demande des nouvelles de la main d Brandon, il dit que ça va et Jesus arrive pour savoir où est Mariana puisqu'ils devaient aller en cours ensemble mais elle est déjà partie. Stef rappelle à Brandon qu'il a son rendez-vous chez le docteur après le déjeuner et rassure Callie quant à son adoption.

  • Au lycée Anchor Beach

Sur le parking, Dani vient voir Brandon pour lui annoncer qu'elle va emménager avec son père. Brandon a du mal à comprendre comment elle peut emménager avec lui après ce qu'ils ont fait mais elle dit qu'ils sont amoureux et que son père a besoin d'eux, qu'il est donc inutile qu'il sache pour son infidélité.

  • Au tribunal

Donald est appelé à témoigner à la barre où il avoue ne pas être le père biologique de Callie. Dans un flashback, on le voit dire la vérité à Callie : lorsqu'il a rencontré Colleen, elle avait déjà 6 mois. Son père biologique s'était enfuit lorsqu'il avait appris que Colleen était enceinte et il s'est toujours senti son père. Dans le présent, il dit qu'il a été présent pour ses premiers pas et ses premiers mots. Il retourne s'asseoir et le juge annonce que malheureusement, puisque le nom de Robert Quinn apparaît comme père biologique officiellement sur le certificat de naissance, il faut que ce soit lui qui signe les papiers d'abandon. La demande d'adoption est alors rejetée, Stef, Lena, Jude et Callie sont très déçus.

  • Chez le docteur

Dans un flashback, nous voyons Stef et Lena arriver à l'hôpital suite à l'agression de Brandon. Stef se jete à son chevet et le docteur leur annonce que ses os de la main sont fracturés, qu'il va avoir besoin d'être opéré. Lena s'inquiète de son futur de pianise mais le médecin leur avoue que pour le moment, ce serait déjà bien s'il récupère l'usage de sa main. Stef lui demande qui lui a fait ça, il répond que c'est Vico.

Dans le présent, la docteur lui fait faire des exercices de la main pour voir comment réagissent ses doigts. Elle annonce fièrement qu'il a récupéré entre 90 et 95% de l'usage de sa main et qu'il peut espérer rejouer du piano comme avant mais il semble moins emballé puisque certains doigts sont encore endormis.

  • Au lycée Anchor Beach

En attendant leur entraînement de lutte, Jesus et un garçon de l'équipe regarde Haylay, une fille de l'équipe de danse lorsqu'Emma arrive. On découvre une Mariana blonde qui est, elle aussi, dans l'équipe de danse. Jesus veut embrasser Emma mais elle ne dit qu'il ne faut pas lors de l'entraînement.

De son côté, le coach de lutte se plaint de devoir partager la salle dorénavant avec l'équipe de danse. Lena lui avoue que des coupes budgétaires ont été faites et il demande quand est-ce que le nouvel principal arrive mais Lena lui répond que pour le moment, il est coincé avec elle.

Les filles s'en vont de leur cours pour que l'équipe de lutte s'installe lorsqu'un garçon propose à Jesus de venir faire un paint-ball entre mecs. Il veut en parler à Emma mais le garçon insiste sur le fait qu'il ne veut que des mecs et Jesus finit par accepter.

Les filles de la danse rangent leurs affaires et Mariana remercie Haylay de l'aider avec quelques-uns de ses pas. Haylay lui dit qu'elle va finir par y arriver et la responsable de l'équipe, Kaitlyn lui dit qu'elle fait de gros progrès avant de lui faire remarquer que les racines de ses cheveux se voient trop.

  • Devant le commissariat

Mike et Stef se croisent, Mike en profite pour demander des nouvelles de Brandon puisque celui-ci ne répond pas à ses appels. Mike confie à Stef qu'il pense que c'est parce qu'il a l'impression qu'il l'a laissé tomber une nouvelle fois puisqu'il s'est fait tabassé devant son immeuble mais Stef le rassure en disant que ce n'est pas de sa faute. Un agent vient alors donner des informations sur la disparition d'Ana et Mike s'énerve de voir qu'elle est sur ce dossier puisque cela pourrait sembler suspect mais Stef lui confie ne pas supporter de ne pas savoir où elle est après ce qu'elle a fait à sa famille.

  • Chez les Foster

Callie rentre des cours et trouve Brandon qui tente de jouer du piano dans le salon. Brandon lui annonce que son médecin a dit qu'il a presque retrouver toutes les capacités de sa main. De son côté Callie lui avoue qu'elle ne pourra pas être adoptée sans que Robert Quinn ait signé les papiers. Elle a donc décidé de ne pas le chercher et d'attendre ses 18 ans. Elle monte se changer puisque Wyatt vient la chercher pour l'emmener au travail et c'est Brandon qui lui ouvre la porte, ils ne savent pas trop quoi se dire.

  • Au travail de Daphne et Callie

Callie annonce la nouvelle à Daphne et lui dit que Jude comprend pourquoi elle ne veut pas rechercher son père biologique. Wyatt lui confie que lui ne comprend pas mais Callie lui répond qu'elle n'est pas prête pour de nouvelles surprises et que pour une fois, elle veut la jouer sécurité. Daphne va servir un client et Wyatt flirte avec Callie puis l'embrasse.

  • Chez les Foster

Dans la salle à manger, Emma donne un cours d'algèbre à Jesus et lui dit qu'ils vont avoir besoin de plus de sessions avant l'examen. Elle lui propose le samedi mais il dit ne pas être libre à cause d'un truc de famille. Elle comprend et lui propose alors de repasser après le dîner, il accepte.

Stef va chercher Mariana que tout le monde attend pour dîner dans la salle de bain. Elle est en train de refaire sa couleur et Stef se plaint de cette nouvelle couleur, elle la préférait en brune.

Stef descend dans la cuisine et annonce à Lena qu'elles devraient forcer Mariana a redevenir brune plutôt que de l'autoriser à s'abîmer les cheveux. Elle ne comprend puisque ce ne sont que des cheveux mais Lena lui explique qu'adolescente, elle aurait tout donné pour avoir des cheveux lisses et qu'elles a dépensé une fortune dans des produits mais que plus sa mère la poussait à arrêter, plus elle continuait à le faire. Lena lui demande de lui faire confiance sur ce coup-ci et Stef accepte.

Tout le monde se réunit alors pour dîner dans la cuisine et Stef et Lena proposent de tous se retrouver quelques jours de la semaine pour manger tous ensemble parce qu'elles trouvent ça mieux. Tout le monde acquièce et Jesus qui est allé voir qui sonnait à la porte arrive en annonçant que c'est une assistante sociale. Elle annonce à Stef et Lena que leur licence de famille d'accueil est expirée et qu'elle doit donc retirer Callie de la maison.

Dans sa chambre, Callie prépare son sac tandis que Mariana s'insurge qu'ils puissent faire ça. Stef vient et s'excuse de la situation, elle lui promet d'aller voir le juge demain pour demander une extension de leur licence et que dès le lendemain, elle dormira dans son lit.

Callie est prête pour partir mais Jude arrive aussi avec son sac et lui dit qu'il veut aller avec elle. Stef lui annonce que maintenant qu'il est adopté, il ne peut pas suivre Callie et celle-ci lui promet que ça va aller, qu'elle va vite revenir.

Plus tard, Emma est revenue pour tutorer Jesus qui finit par lui avoue que le samedi il va au paint-ball avec les gars de l'équipe de lutte. Elle est vexée mais ne lui en veut pas, seulement elle ne veut plus qu'il lui mente. Il veut s'assurer qu'elle va bien et celle-ci avoue que ça craint puisque ce sont ses seuls amis, qu'elle n'a pas d'amie fille mais elle dit que ça va aller.

  • Dans la famille d'accueil

Callie a atterrit chez une vieille dame. Dans la cuisine, elle lui demande ses informations sur elle, combien de famille d'accueil elle a fait en combien d'année. Elle trouve ça triste qu'elle en ait fait autant et lui propose des cookies.

  • Chez les Foster

Dans sa chambre, Brandon tente de jouer sur son synthé et surprend Stef en train de le regarder. Il lui annonce que Dani va emménager chez Mike et Stef ne comprend pas qu'il soit toujours avec elle. Brandon lui avoue que la nuit du bal d'hiver, il avait rompu avec elle mais que le lendemain, inquiet de ne pas voir son père, il avait contacté Dani pour le retrouver et que depuis, son père doit penser ne pas être capable de s'en sortir sans elle. Stef ne comprend pas pourquoi Brandon ne l'a pas appelé mais il ne lui répond pas, comme si c'était évident. Brandon continue en disant que Dani a retrouvé Mike en piteux état, en sang après s'être battu dans un bar. Cela éveille l'attention de Stef mais Brandon ne s'attarde pas sur ça et avoue avoir peur d'être la cause de l'alcoolisme de Mike et de son retour avec Dani. Stef le rassure en disant que la seul personne dont il doit prendre soin, c'est lui.

  • Dans la famille d'accueil

Callie se trouve dans sa chambre et Helen vient voir si elle ne manque de rien. Elle lui annonce ensuite qu'elle ne veut pas qu'elle s'échappe et qu'elle va donc l'enfermer dans sa chambre mais que si elle a besoin de quelque chose, il suffit qu'elle tape contre le mur.

  • Au tribunal

Dans un flahback, nous apprenons que Vico s'en est sorti avec seulement 2 ans de sursis et qu'il a été envoyé en école militaire. Stef en était indignée mais ses parents sont très riches.

Dans le présent, Stef attend pour voir le juge pour faire revenir Callie chez eux mais personne ne s'occupe d'elle alors qu'elle poireaute.

  • Au lycée Anchor Beach

Emma vient trouver Jesus pour lui demander s'il a vraiment quitté l'équipe de lutte. Il lui dit que oui puisque c'était son truc à elle et qu'il ne veut pas l'en priver. Elle accepte alors et Jesus est surpris qu'elle accepte aussi facilement et qu'elle ne le remercie pas. Emma le traite alors d'idiot : elle peut se défendre toute seule face aux garçons de l'équipe qu'elle va aller voir et elle ne veut pas qu'il quitte l'équipe pour prendre soin d'elle, Jesus est content.

Mariana croise Kaitlyn dans les couloirs qui lui fait remarquer que ses cheveux sont beaucoup mieux. Dans un flashback, nous voyons Mariana alors découvrir qu'elle intégrait l'équipe de danse mais sa joie était coupée par une conversation entre Kaitlyn et une autre fille dans laquelle elle disait que Mariana avait été prise seulement parce qu'il y a des histoires de quotas.

Au tribunal

Alors qu'elle attend toujours, l'avocate arrive et dit à Stef que le juge est déjà parti et que Callie va devoir passer le week-end dans la famille d'accueil. Stef s'énerve et appelle Lena est très déçue que Callie ne puisse pas revenir avant. Elle ne veut pas l'annoncer à Jude qui s'apprête à lire son texte pour lequel il a reçu une récompense. Stef aperçoit alors le juge qui s'en va et lui court après. Elle veut le convaincre de faire quelque chose pour Callie et se montre agressive. Le juge lui conseille alors de faire très attention à ce qu'elle va dire.

  • Dans la famille d'accueil

Une fois de plus, Callie s'apprête à se coucher chez Helen qui l'enferme dans sa chambre. C'est alors que l'assistante sociale et Stef sonnent chez elle pour lui annoncer que Callie rentre chez les Adams Foster, Stef veut savoir où est sa fille.

  • Chez les Foster

Callie rentre à la maison et tout le monde est heureux de la retrouver. Callie veut savoir comment s'est passé la lecture de l'essai de Jude mais il lui dit qu'il n'avait pas vraiment de sens si elle n'était pas présente. Elle lui demande alors de le lui lire.

Dans le salon, tout le monde est réunit pour écouter le texte de Jude. Celui-ci parle du nom de l'école "Anchor" qui signifie ancre en disant qu'il a enfin trouvé une famille qui l'aimait, l'acceptait et que dorénavant il n'était plus perdu parce qu'il avait trouvé son ancre. Tout le monde est ému.

Alors qu'elle monte dans sa chambre, Stef et Lena viennent trouver Callie pour lui promettre de s'occuper de leur licence, qu'une telle chose n'arrivera plus. Callie leur annonce qu'elle ne veut plus être "expulsable" dès que quelque chose arrive et leur dit qu'elle veut retrouver son père biologique pour qu'il signe les papiers et qu'elle soit adoptée, elle dit qu'elle a besoin, elle aussi, de trouver son ancre.

  • Appartement de Mike

Mike est surprise de voir Brandon lui rendre visite. Celui-ci se renseigne sur l'emméngement de Dani et Mike lui dit l'aimer, qu'elle lui a sauvé la vie. Brandon ne va pas bien et confie à Mike qu'il a peur de ne jamais pouvoir rejouer du piano comme avant puisque c'est ce qui le définit. Mike lui dit que pour le savoir il faut essayer et dès les premières notes, Brandon sent que ce n'est pas pareil et se met à pleurer, il n'arrive plus à sentir les notes comme avant. Mike essaie de le réconforter et Brandon s'effondre dans ses bras.

  • Dans la rue

Dans sa voiture de policier, Stef reçoit un appel de leur avocate qui leur annonce qu'elle a retrouvé la trace de Robert Quinn et qu'elle va lui envoyer les papiers d'abandon. Stef est ravie et la remercie. Elle se rend alors devant l'immeuble d'en face pour interroger un témoin sur la disparition d'Ana. Elle lui pose des questions sur une dispute entre Ana et un homme et lorsqu'elle montre la photo de Mike, le témoin le reconnaît formellement.

  • Au travail de Daphne et Callie

Callie fait part de son envie de contacter Robert Quinn pour lui faire signer les papiers et Daphne pense que c'est une bonne idée. Callie espère juste que ce ne sera pas un homme bizarre et sert un homme qui lui donne un gros pourboire, elle le remercie.

  • Dans la rue

L'homme en question sort du fast-food, rentre dans sa voiture et donne le milk-shake à sa fille. Elle ressemble trait pour trait à Callie. L'homme observe Callie nettoyer les tables avant de s'en aller.

Fin de l'épisode.

Ecrit par Emeline53.


In the kitchen

Jude: Spaghetti and potato chips for breakfast?
Lena: The baby wants it, Jude. The baby wants it. How's it feel?
Brandon: Pretty good.
Stef: Hopefully we'll be done with that thing after today, right?
Jesus: Where's Mariana? We were supposed to walk to school together.
Lena: She already left.
Jesus: Whatever. Peace out.
Family: Peace out.
Stef: Ooh! Look at this.
Jude: Is that ?
Stef: Your birth certificate? Yes, it is! It is indeed! Go show Mama.
Lena: Oh, let me see! Let me see!
Jude: Oh! Your hands.
Lena: Let me see that. Oh, Jude. This is so great. So great. Oh! I just love you so much.
Jude: I love you, too.
Brandon: That's awesome, bud.
Callie: What is?
Jude: I got my birth certificate.
Callie: Oh, my God! That's amazing!
Stef: All right, you guys. Let's get to court. I will pick you up for your doctor's appointment after lunch.
Brandon: Got it.
Stef: Listen, please do not worry. You'll get a home run. Ok? Ooh! Ok, let's get out of here!

Anchor Beach

Dani: Sorry to ambush you like this. Your dad asked me to move in.
Brandon: You're moving in with him?
Dani: Because I'm in love with him, and he's in love with me.
Brandon: You're in love with him? You're not even faithful to him.
Dani: Wow. Really?
Brandon: Yeah. And you're keeping all sorts of secrets from him.
Dani: I keep secrets from him because I love him. He couldn't handle it, Brandon. Look, I never told you this but that night the night that your dad found out about everything you'd been up to when I found him, he was in really bad shape. He could barely talk he was so drunk. He had been in some sort of fight. He had blood all over his hands.
Brandon: He had blood on his hands?
Dani: Look, I'm not telling you this because I want you to feel bad, I just want you to know how hard he took all of that. So before you get any ideas about coming clean with him, just think about what it would do to him if he found out that we I mean, he could drink again, or he could hurt someone, or worse, he could hurt himself. Your dad needs me, and he needs you. So you got to get over what happened and just let it go.

At the court

Judge: So you are not Ms. Jacob's birth father?
Donald: No.
Donald: When I met your mom, you were about six months old. And she was with some she was married to some guy named Robert Quinn for a little while. But when he found out she was pregnant, he left. Callie, you gotta understand that the first time that I held you, I felt like you were mine. And by the time you were finally old enough to understand, it just seemed silly to try to explain it to you. I mean, you were my daughter. That was that. I mean, what is a father, anyways? Is it the guy who got your mom pregnant and left? Or is it the guy who changed your diapers...
Enf of the flasback
Donald: And held her when she was sick? I was there for her first words and her first steps.
Judge: Thank you. I appreciate that Donald did raise Callie until the age of ten, and that certainly makes a strong case for his being her presumptive father, and therefore being able to terminate parental rights. But because Robert Quinn was married to Callie's mom, and because his name is on her official birth certificate, yet he never signed it. It's possible he never knew about her and did not, in fact, knowingly abandon her as a baby. So he needs to be notified about all of this. I know it's frustrating but until there is signed consent from Robert Quinn, the adoption of Callie Jacob by Stefanie and Lena Adams Foster is denied.

Flashback – At the hospital

Stef: Excuse me, I'm sorry. I'm looking for Brandon Foster, please. I'm his mother.
Nurse: He's right this way.
Stef: Hey? Hey? Mama's here. I'm here, ok?
Doctor: He was beaten up pretty good, but the CT didn't show any internal bleeding or swelling in the brain.
Stef: Ok, what happened to his hand?
Doctor: Well, that's our biggest concern. He has compound fractures. The bones are shattered in several places. He's going to need surgery.
Lena: Shattered? He's a pianist. He just got into the junior symphony.
Doctor: Our concern right now is making sure he can still use it at all. I've got an orthopedic surgeon on her way.
Lena: Uh, thank you.
Doctor: He's gonna be ok.
Stef: Baby, hey. Who did this to you? Who did this?
Brandon: Vico.

At the doctor

Doctor: Ok, thumbs and pinky together. And resist, good. Relax. How's the feeling? Any tingling, numbness?
Brandon: A little, but that'll go away, right?
Doctor: Hopefully. I mean, we could operate again but any remaining nerve damage is going to be hard to repair, and could potentially just make things worse. But the bones are nicely healed. You've got between 90 and 95 percent function. I'm pretty happy with how it turned out.
Stef: Good, he'll be able to play the piano again? Like he used to, right?
Doctor: We hope so, yes. But we won't know until he tries.

Anchor Beach

Boy: Damn, yo. Heinz 57's looking good today.
Jesus: Heinz 57?
Boy: Yeah, you know that stuff you put on meat? Well, I want to put some of that on mine.
Jesus: Nice. Hey, babe. What's up?
Emma: Hayley's shorts, from the looks of it. No kissing at practice.

Coach: This is nuts. We're gonna have to do this every day?
Lena: I'm sorry, but we cannot afford the lease on the big gym anymore.
Coach: Great, just great.
Lena: Look, we have lost some major donors, and so until we can replace that revenue, we're just going to have to learn to share. Or if you prefer, we could always cut the wrestling program altogether. I didn't think so.
Coach: When are they starting the search for the new principal?
Lena: I don't know, but until then, well, you're stuck with me. Have a good practice.

Jesus: Guys, come on. It's our turn.
Boy: Hey, man. A bunch of us are going to play paintball on Saturday. You want to come? Uh, just us guys, though. Ok?
Jesus: Yeah, cool. Sounds good.

Mariana: Oh, by the way, thank you so much for helping me out with that end kick. I just could not figure that out.
Haylay: No problem.
Mariana: I just I really want to get it right, you know?
Haylay: Don't worry, you're doing great.
Mariana: Really? I am?
Kaitlyn: You're getting a lot better.
Mariana: Oh, my God, thanks.
Kaitlyn: Hey, by the way, your roots are showing. It's probably time for a touch-up.
Mariana: Oh! Yeah, I was I'm going to do that tonight.
Kaitlyn: Cool.

Stef: Hey.
Mike: Hey! How'd it go today? Doctor, right?
Stef: Yeah, you know, as good as could be hoped, I guess. Said Brandon's got about and should be playing the piano again before long.
Mike: So that good, right?
Stef: Yeah, absolutely.
Mike: Good, good. I mean, I'd asked him myself, but he barely picks up the phone for me anymore.
Stef: Yeah? And why's that?
Mike: I don't know. He probably thinks I let him down again. I mean, he did get beat up right outside my place, Stef.
Stef: What are you talking about? You didn't know he was coming over. You can't seriously blame yourself for being asleep, Mike. Come on.
Man: Hey, Foster. No one on 17th has seen her.
Stef: Ok, thanks. I appreciate you asking around for me.
Man: Sure thing.
Mike: What are you doing? Why are you looking for Ana?
Stef: It makes me nervous, not knowing where she is. I don't want her showing up out of nowhere, getting in touch with the twins or Brandon or something. After what happened last time, I just want to know where she is, ok?
Mike: No, Stef. No, it's not ok. I mean, she's gone. Just, can't you leave well enough alone? Do you really want to invite that mess back into our lives? And what if Captain Roberts or the DA find out you're looking for her? Don't you think it's going to look a little suspicious?
Stef: They're not going to find out.
Mike: How do you know? Just leave it alone, Stef, ok? Just leave it alone.

In the living room

Callie: So? You all cleared to play again?
Brandon: Yeah, yeah. They say I'm close to 100 percent.
Callie: That's great. Yeah, I was worried things weren't going to work out when I came to see you in the hospital.
Brandon: How about you? How was everything at court? We all cleared for take off?
Callie: Uh, no. We're not, yet. Yeah, they won't let me get adopted until we find Robert Quinn or until I turn 18.
Brandon: What? You're kidding? Uh, are you going to look for him then?
Callie: No, I don't think so. Eighteen's not that far away, and it's just a piece of paper, right? I'm already a member of the family.
Brandon: Yeah, yeah. Of course.
Callie: So we wait a couple years, then we won't need anyone's permission.
Brandon: Right.
Callie: Oh, crap. Wyatt's going to be here like any second. I got to change. Can you... Would you mind letting him in?
Brandon: Yeah, sure.

Brandon: Come on in.
Wyatt: Hey. So how's the hand?
Brandon: Oh, good as new. At least that's what they're telling me, so...
Wyatt: Yeah.
Brandon: Um, Callie's changing.
Wyatt: Cool, thanks.

At Daphne ans Callie's job

Daphne: Sorry about that stupid judge. How'd Jude take it?
Callie: He was pretty upset, but he definitely understands why I don't want to find this Robert guy.
Wyatt: He does? I'm not sure I do.
Callie: Look, there's got to be a reason my mom didn't want me to know about him. And I'm not sure I can handle any more surprises. I think I've had enough of those for like ten lifetimes.
Daphne: I feel you, girl.
Callie: I just don't think I can open up another door, without knowing what's behind it. For once, I just want to play it safe.
Man: Daphne, you got a customer.
Wyatt: Hey. You sure you're ok?
Callie: Yeah.
Wyatt: You sure?
Callie: Yeah.
Wyatt: Would you be better if I kissed you?
Callie: That's cheesy!
Wyatt: But would you?
Callie: Totally.
Daphne: Oh come on, y'all. People tryin' to eat around here.

In the living room

Emma: Ok, since the math midterm is next week, I think we probably need an extra tutoring session.
Jesus: Yeah, probably.
Emma: Or two, maybe?
Jesus: Yeah, sure.
Emma: What about Saturday? Can you do that?
Jesus: Um, I actually have plans this Saturday.
Emma: You do?
Jesus: We've got like a family thing.
Emma: Oh, ok. Well then we should probably study some more tonight. I have to go home for dinner, but I'll come back later.
Jesus: Ok.
Emma: Ok.

The bathroom

Stef: Mariana, let's go. Dinner's ready, everyone's waiting.
Mariana: Ok, I'll just be a few minutes. You guys can start without me.
Stef: Are you ok? You're not sick, are you?
Mariana: No, no, I'm just...
Stef: I can see. Sweetheart, is it really worth it? Oh, my gosh, you are so beautiful. Why do you need to do all of this? You know you spend hours and hours on it, and you're just damaging your hair, love. Mariana, I miss your old hair.
Mariana: Ok, well, I don't.
Stef: Really?
Mariana: Really, I like it blonde.
Stef: How about if we took you to a salon, and they got it back to brown...
Mariana: No!
Stef: Be down for dinner in three minutes, or I'm going to shave your head.

In the kitchen

Stef: Hey, I think we have to lay down the law with Mariana. This is it. She is completely obsessed with her hair, and she's absolutely ruining it. I think we need to tell her that she's going to go back to brown, and that's it.
Lena: Honey, we can't do that.
Stef: Why not? She'll get mad, and she'll get over it. What's she gonna do?
Lena: She's not going to just get over it. Not the way you think.
Stef: It's hair, come on.
Lena: Honey, to you it's hair. To me and to Mariana, it's more complicated than that. Listen. When I was a teenager, I would've given anything to have straight hair and I did. I spent every last dime that I had, and then some, on chemicals and hot irons and Frizz Ease. Drove my mother crazy because she loved my curls, and she would try and try to force me to stop. But the more she dug in, the more I dug in. You know, I... I ended up barely speaking to my mother for the better part of my junior year, because it was that important to me. Honey, you got to trust me on this, ok?
Stef: Ok.
Lena: Thank you.
Stef: And for the record, I love your curly hair.
Lena: Thank you.
Stef: Oh, speak of the devil. Hello, miss thing, nice of you to join us.
Lena: Come on, you guys! Everybody, it's dinner time! Well, this is very nice, having everyone together.
Stef: Yeah, I think we need to have more of these all-family dinners again.
Jesus: I'll get it.
Stef: Can we make a deal that everyone is home for Tuesdays and Thursdays and Sundays?
Lena: Oh, and don't forget, you guys. Tomorrow, we have Jude's award ceremony.
Jude: You guys don't have to come. I'm just reading my dumb essay.
Brandon: Dude, we're coming.
Lena: And excuse me, this is not a dumb essay, it is your award-winning essay...
Jesus: Um, there's a social worker at the door.

In the hallway

Stef: Hi, can we help you?
Elaine: Hi, there. I'm Elaine with CDSS.
Lena: Hi, I'm Lena, and this is Stef. What's going on?
Elaine: Well, I'm afraid it's come to our attention that your license to foster has expired.
Lena: What?
Stef: Expired? We weren't notified of anything.
Elaine: We had been told that you were formalizing and Callie and Jude's adoptions, and then this afternoon we received notification that Callie's adoption has been denied?
Stef: Well, yes. For now, but...
Elaine: Well, unfortunately, without a formalized adoption, and without a current license to foster, I'm sorry, but I'm going to have to take Callie from the home.

In Mariana and Callie's room

Mariana: How could they do this?
Callie: 'Cause they can. This is how it works.
Mariana: I know, but...
Stef: Honey, I am so sorry. I can't believe this. It's just so wrong. We thought the adoption would be long over by now.
Callie: No, it's ok.
Stef: It's not. But I promise you, tomorrow, we will get an emergency extension from the judge, and you will be back in your bed tomorrow night.

In the hallway

Lena: There's nothing you can do? You can't cut us just a little slack here?
Elaine: I'm sorry. I could lose my job. Ok, you ready?
Callie: Where's Jude?
Lena: Uh, Jude, what are you what are you doing?
Jude: I'm going with Callie.
Lena: Oh, Jude, you don't have to do that. You're adopted, it's all fine now.
Jude: I know. I want to.
Stef: Jude, sweetheart. You're no longer a ward of the state, so you you can't go.
Callie: Hey, listen to me. It's going to be fine. I'm going to be fine. I'm going to be back before you know it, in plenty of time for your big speech at school tomorrow night. So there's nothing to worry about, ok? Ok?
Jude: Ok.
Callie: Ok.
Stef: I got that.
Elaine: I'm so sorry about all this.

In the living room

Emma: Right? And that's negative three, so what's the root?
Jesus: There's no family thing on Saturday. I'm going to play paintball with the guys.
Emma: I see. What guys?
Jesus: From the wrestling team.
Emma: Ok.
Jesus: Are you upset?
Emma: No. I mean, I wish you didn't lie to me about it, but you know, whatever.
Jesus: I'm really sorry about that. This won't happen again. You're not mad?
Emma: I'm not mad. It kind of sucks, but I'm not mad. Look, ever since you and I started dating, well, I went from being one of the guys to Jesus's girlfriend.
Jesus: You're not just my girlfriend.
Emma: It bites. It's just... I don't know. Everything's kind of changed. I know it's stupid, but I feel like I lost all my friends. And you know I don't hang out with girls, and now that the guys are treating me like a girl, well... It just sucks.

In the foster home

Woman: So how many homes you been in? Foster homes, I mean.
Callie: Oh, um, six, I think? Yeah. Seven, if you count this one.
Woman: In how long?
Callie: About six years.
Woman: One a year, huh? That's too many. Sorry about that. That's gotta be hard. Not hungry? That's ok. It's pretty bad anyway. How about some dessert? I made cookies.

Brandon's room

Brandon: Hey. Um, I was just going over it, you know, before I...
Stef: Hey, it's going to be ok. You may be a little out of practice, but you'll be back to 100 percent before you know it.
Brandon: I know. I'm ok, Mom.
Stef: I just wanted to say goodnight, and I love you. And call your dad, please, he misses you.
Brandon: Uh, did he tell you that Dani's moving in with him?
Stef: Danni's moving in? No, he didn't. It's his life, though I still don't understand why he didn't break up with her, but that's none of my business, right?
Brandon: He did. The night, you know, the night of the dance. But then I guess he went out and got a little drunk pretty loaded, actually, and I didn't know what to do, so I told Dani, and she went out and found him.
Stef: Why didn't you call me?
Brandon: Why do you think, Mom? So, yeah, um he was all messed up. He'd been in like a bar fight or something, and Dani went out, found him, cleaned him up, and he's I guess been sober ever since. So you know now he feels like he can't stay clean without her.
Stef: He was in a fight? What happened?
Brandon: I don't know. He had like blood on his hands, I guess. But that's not really the point, Mom. I feel like it's my fault.
Stef: What? That he drank?
Brandon: Well, yeah, and the fact that he's back together with Dani.
Stef: B, baby. You are not responsible for your father. Or for me or for anyone else. The only person that you're responsible for is you.

In the foster home

Woman: You need the bathroom again?
Callie: Uh, no. I'm fine, thanks.
Woman: Ok, well, since you're a, you know, a flight risk, and they haven't got an ankle bracelet on you yet, I'm going to have to secure things. Never had anyone go AWOL on me, and I'm not going to start now. I'm a light sleeper. If you need anything during the night, just bang on the wall and I'll come unlock the door. All right, then? Sleep well. Good night.

Flashback – At the court

Lawyer: So Vico took the plea, two years probation, and his parents are sending him to military school.
Stef: Two years? Are you serious, two years probation? He almost killed my son.
Lawyer: I know, I'm sorry, but he has no record and a powerhouse attorney. At least he'll be out of your life.

Stef: Excuse me. Excuse me, I need to see the judge, please.
Man: He knows you're here.

Anchor Beach

Emma: So did I just hear Coach Spears right? You're quitting the team?
Jesus: Oh, yeah.
Emma: Really?
Jesus: Yeah. I just figured wrestling was your thing first. I can always go back to volleyball, right?
Emma: Right. Sure. So you feel pretty good about that?
Jesus: About quitting? Yeah, I guess.
Emma: Ok. Good.
Jesus: That's it? That's all you're going to say?
Emma: Well, what do you want me to say?
Jesus: I don't know. Thank you?
Emma: Thank you? For giving up something that you love to make me feel better? Dumbass! It's not your job to take care of me. If I'm unhappy, that's on me. It's my job to fix it, not yours. I'm going to talk to the guys, tell them they're being jerks. And you are going to be there because you are not quitting the team.

Mariana: Hi.
Kaitlyn: Hi. Much better.
Kaitlyn: Oh, hell. God, I'm sorry. You were way better than her. You totally were. I mean, she only made the team because she's Latin. They have to have diversity. They have like quotas or something. It's school rules.

At the court

Stef: Hey, hey, so?
Lawyer: The clerk said he left for the day. I'm sorry.
Stef: He left? I've been sitting here all day? Are you kidding me?
Lawyer: I know, I'm sorry.
Stef: So what now? What...
Lawyer: Unfortunately Callie's going to have to stay in the new foster home for the weekend.

Lena: Oh, my God.
Stef: I know, I feel awful. You better tell Jude.
Lena: Do I have to?
Stef: I know he's going to be disappointed, but I don't know what to do. I'm going to be there as soon as I can, ok? You know what? I gotta go. Your Honor! Your Honor!
Judge: I'm sorry. I have to get home. We can discuss your case on Monday.
Stef: Your Honor, they have taken Callie out of our house. Please, please, help us. Help her. You owe her that at least.
Judge: I appreciate this is a...
Stef: Sir, you cannot honestly tell me that you have to get home, when you're letting Callie be ripped out of ours. Do you not understand what is happening to this girl?
Judge: I'm sorry.
Stef: Sir?
Judge: You need to think very carefully about what you say next. You're on thin ice, my dear.

In the foster home

Woman: Tomorrow, we've got chores in the morning, and then you've got to go to your group, right? All right, then. Knock on the wall if you need me. Sweet dreams.

Elaine: Hi, Helen. Sorry to bother you so late.
Helen: No bothers. What are you doing here?
Stef: I'm here to get my daughter. Where is she?

At Foster's house

Callie: Hi.
Lena: Hi, welcome home.
Callie: Thank you.
Lena: Oh, God, I hope that's the last time I have to say those words.
Callie: Yeah. Hey. Oh. Hi. I am so sorry I didn't get to see you read your essay. How'd you do?
Jude: I didn't do so good.
Mariana: Yeah, you did, Jude. You did just fine.
Jude: I just without you there, I didn't even feel like what I was saying was true.
Callie: Oh, well, I'd like to hear it.
Jude: "What Anchor Beach Means to Me" by Jude Adams Foster. "My first day at Anchor Beach, I got lost. Getting lost is nothing new to me. I've been to five different schools in seven different grades and as soon as I learned my way around, I would be moved to a different one. Until I came to Anchor Beach. This is where I found my forever family. I think it's really cool that the symbol of our school is the anchor. Because before I came here I was always lost, always drifting from one home to another, one school to another. But now I have an anchor. When you're out in the middle of the ocean, you can be washed overboard and lost at sea. Once you have found your way into a harbor and dropped your anchor, you're safe." "So Anchor Beach is my safe harbor. Being part of a family, whether it's a real one or one like we have here at school, means you can be totally yourself, totally honest, because you're safe to do so. Actually, it means you have to be totally honest, because that's what family expects. I never thought it would happen, but I'm not lost anymore."
Stef: Oh, buddy.

Stef: Hey, Callie. So listen we've got 30 days to get re-certified, and the honorable Judge I-Want-A-Clean-Trail-On-This was not kidding.
Lena: Yeah, so that's what we're gonna do. I promise you, we're going to get this taken care of.
Callie: Wait, but there's something else.
Stef: What?
Callie: I don't wanna feel like I can just get yanked out of the house whenever something happens. I think I need I need an anchor. I think we should look for Robert Quinn.

At Mike's flat

Brandon: Dad?
Mike: Yeah. Hey!
Brandon: Hey.
Mike: What are you doing here?
Brandon: Is Dani here?
Mike: No, she's at an AA meeting. What's up?
Brandon: She's moving in, huh?
Mike: Yeah. How'd you know?
Brandon: I, uh, bumped into her. You really love her?
Mike: Yeah, I do. She saved my life, B. She's good for me. What's up? What's going on? You ok?
Brandon: I, uh I can't feel some of my fingers. They're still numb. And I don't I don't think I'm gonna be able to play anymore.
Mike: Have you tried?
Brandon: No, but what if I can't? Piano is like the thing that made me me, you know?
Mike: Look...
Brandon: What am I gonna do if I can't do it? Who am I going to be?
Mike: We won't know until we try, right? Ok? Come on.
Brandon: I've played this a million times, and it's not supposed to sound like that.
Mike: B, you're just out of practice.
Brandon: No, I can't. I can't feel the keys. I can't feel them anymore. Can't play.
Mike: Look maybe it'll come back, you know? The feeling?
Brandon: Yeah.

In the car

Stef: Hello?
Marie: Hey, Stef. It's Marie.
Stef: Hey, Marie. What's up? Any news?
Marie: As a matter of fact, we found Robert Quinn, and he's been served with abandonment papers.
Stef: Ok, that's great. That's great. Thank you so much.
Marie: You're welcome. And now we wait.
Stef: Ok, all right. I will tell Callie tonight, then.
Marie: Ok, great. I'll talk to you later.
Stef: You bet. Thank you again.

In the street

Stef: Mr. Watson!
Mr. Watson: So this is Officer Adams Foster. She has a couple questions she'd like to ask you.
Stef: Thank you so much for talking to me. So you saw Ana Gutierrez in an argument the night she went missing a few months ago?
Man: Uh, yeah.
Stef: Ok. Do you remember the guy that she was fighting with? What he looked like?
Man: Um, sorta? He was, I don't know, average height, broad shoulders, dark. Maybe Mexican or Italian?
Stef: Is this the guy?
Man: Yeah, this is the guy. That's him.
Stef: Ok, great. Thank you so much. Appreciate it.
Man: No problem.
Stef: Thank you, Mr. Watson.
Mr. Watson: Good luck.

At Daphne and Callie's job

Callie: So I decided we had to look for him.
Daphne: Smart girl.
Callie: I just hope he doesn't turn out to be some crazy loser or something.
Daphne: Me, too, girl. Me, too.
Callie: Ok, so that's one vanilla milkshake and one root beer. That's going to be $4. 79.
Man: Here you go.
Callie: Thanks.
Daphne: Hey, Callie, you want to go bus those tables?

In the man's car

Girl: Thanks, Dad.
Man: You're welcome.
Girl: Here.

Kikavu ?

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choup37, 19.04.2024 à 19:45

Maintenant j'en ai plus que deux, je joue aussi sur kaa

CastleBeck, Avant-hier à 11:48

Il y a quelques thèmes et bannières toujours en attente de clics dans les préférences . Merci pour les quartiers concernés.

Viens chatter !