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#205 : Toute la vérité

Alors que Jude s'enterre dans le silence, Callie s'en veut de l'avoir blessé. De leur côté, la rupture de Jesus et Emma n'est pas si simple que ça et lorsque Jesus s'intéresse à une nouvelle fille, Mariana se retrouve bizarrement impliquée.

Stef continue son investigation concernant la disparition d'Ana et a de sérieux soupçons sur Mike. Pendant ce temps, Brandon part avec groupe en pleine forêt pour trouver de l'inspiration, mais pas de la façon dont il pense. Enfin, Callie doit faire face à ses craintes lorsque les choses avec Wyatt s'intensifient.


4.2 - 5 votes

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Truth Be Told

Titre VF
Toute la vérité

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205 - Sneak Peek n°1


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205 - Sneak Peek n°2


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205 - Sneak Peek n°5


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205 - Sneak Peek n°6


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Dani et Brandon discutent

Dani et Brandon discutent

Brandon est perplexe

Brandon est perplexe

Brandon est perplexe

Brandon est perplexe

Jesus, Mariana et Callie prennent le petit-déjeuner avec Stef et Lena

Jesus, Mariana et Callie prennent le petit-déjeuner avec Stef et Lena

Jesus, Mariana et Callie prennent le petit-déjeuner avec Stef et Lena

Jesus, Mariana et Callie prennent le petit-déjeuner avec Stef et Lena

Jesus, Mariana et Callie prennent le petit-déjeuner avec Stef et Lena

Jesus, Mariana et Callie prennent le petit-déjeuner avec Stef et Lena

Stef et Lena discutent

Stef et Lena discutent

Mariana est heureuse

Mariana est heureuse


Logo de la chaîne Freeform

Etats-Unis (inédit)
Lundi 14.07.2014 à 21:00
1.62m / 0.7% (18-49)

Plus de détails

Scénario : Kelly Fullerton
Réalisation : Ron Lagomarsino

  • Chez les Foster

Dans la chambre de Mariana et Callie, cette dernière se réveille en entendant des bruits bizarres provenant du côté de Mariana. Elle hésite à se retourner pour voir ce qu'elle fait mais elle découvre qu'elle s'entraîne pour la danse et elles s'amusent de la situation.

Callie se dirige dans la salle de bain où elle croise Jude. Ils se brossent les dents et Callie tente d'amorcer le contact pour parler mais Jude se contente de la regarder et ne lui parle pas.

Dans la cuisine, la famille prend le petit-déjeuner et parle de Jude qui n'est pas encore présent. Stef et Lena ont parlé avec son thérapeute qui pense que c'est un trouble de la parole, une façon de se défendre et se protéger. Tout le monde semble inquiet mais Stef et Lena assurent qu'il ne faut pas le forcer à parler. Jude arrive dans la cuisine et tout le monde change de conversation, Mariana leur dit alors qu'elle ne sera pas là pour dîner puisqu'il y a entraînement et Lena lui dit combien elle est fière d'elle. Quelqu'un sonne à la porte et lorsque Stef va voir, elle revient en disant que c'est pour Callie.

Devant la maison Callie découvre Sophia qui est passée par chez elle avant d'aller en cours pour lui apporter un cadeau. Il s'agit de la même veste qu'elle puisque Callie avait dit l'aimer. Callie est contente mais gênée et Sophia lui dit qu'elle peut aller l'échanger si elle ne l'aime pas, ce à quoi Callie lui assure que si. Sophia finit par partir en voulant très revoir Callie et lorsque Jude s'aperçoit que c'était sa demi-soeur, il part pour l'école sans adresser un regard à Callie.


  • Lycée Anchor Beach

Dans les couloirs, Callie discute avec Wyatt du fait qu'elle ne sait pas comment elle va dire à Sophia qu'elles ne peuvent plus se voir après ce matin où elle était tellement heureuse de la voir. Wyatt s'étonne qu'elle ne veuille plus la voir et lui dit que peut-être Jude n'a rien contre ce rapprochement mais peut-être que ne plus parler est sa façon d'être maître de sa vie. Callie n'y croit pas et pense que Jude ne veut pas qu'elle parle avec les Quinn.

Alors qu'Haylay vient de lui mettre la main aux fesses, Jesus trouve devant son casier Emma qui l'attend. Elle comprend que Mariana ne lui a pas dit qu'elle était passé la veille et les deux s'expliquent sur leur rupture. Emme sous-entend qu'elle se sent mal et explique à Jesus qu'elle pense que leur rupture était une erreur et qu'elle voudrait se remettre avec lui.

Dans le bureau de Lena, Connor vient la voir pour parler de Jude. Il se sent coupable du fait qu'il ne parle plus car il pense que c'est à cause de son père qui ne veut plus qu'il aille dormir chez les Foster parce qu'il pense Jude être gay. Lena lui explique alors que Jude sait la différence entre Connor et son père et qu'il faut juste lui laisser du temps pour aller mieux.

  • Au commissariat

Stef regarde de plus près le dossier sur la disparition d'Ana lorsque Mike arrive et le cache. Mike semble alors de très bonne humeur et ils blaguent sur la grossesse de Lena. Mike ajoute alors qu'il est très heureux pour elles parce qu'elles le méritent, Stef est touchée par ses compliments. Mike apprend aussi à Stef que dorénavant il fait du yoga avec Dani et aussi qu'ils vont faire à manger pour Brandon le soir-même.

Mike s'en va et Stef apprend alors par un autre agent qu'une femme non-identifiée a été retrouvée et qu'elle a été assassinée. Elle fait alors la relation entre le corps et la disparition d'Ana.

  • Appartement de Mike

Alors que Dani et Brandon l'attendent pour dîner, Mike appelle en disant qu'il va rentrer tard parce qu'il a du travail. Brandon veut alors partir mais Dani ne comprend pas et essaie de le convaincre de rester. Brandon s'énerve alors, il ne comprend pas comment elle fait pour faire comme rien ne s'était passé alors que lui arrive à peine à regarder son père dans les yeux. Elle lui rétorque alors qu'il s'est servi d'elle pour faire du mal à son père et que s'il dit tout, elle ne sera pas la seule à qui Mike ne pourra jamais pardonner. Brandon lui dit qu'il doit trouver comment vivre avec sa cupalbilité mais qu'il n'est pas obligé de manger avec elle et s'en va.

  • Chez les Foster

Alors qu'elle fait ses leçons dans sa chambre, Jesus vient voir Mariana pour savoir pourquoi elle ne lui a pas dit qu'Emma était venue la veille. Elle lui explique alors qu'il était avec Emma et qu'elle ne comprend pas pourquoi il ne dit à Haylay qu'il ne veut pas être avec elle s'il veut se remettre avec Emma mais il est perdu.

Dans la salon, Jude joue aux jeux vidéos et Lena demande à lui parler seul, Callie s'en va. Lena lui explique alors la discussion qu'elle a eu avec Connor et lui parle de ce que le père de Connor a dit. Elle est énervée contre Adam mais elle a de la compassion pour Connor qui doit vivre chez son père qui ne semble pas tolérant. Elle lui assure qu'il n'y a rien qu'il pourrait dire qui pourrait être mal perçu par elle ou Stef, qu'il est libre de parler.

Dans la chambre de Brandon, Stef vient le voir pour savoir comment était le dîner avec Mike et Dani mais il lui dit que son père étant au travail, il n'est pas resté manger. Il lui demande si le lendemain il peut aller avec les autres membres du group au Woodshed, un lieu qu'il ne connaît pas mais où ils ont l'habitude de répéter, Stef accepte.

Dans leur chambre, Lena fait toucher son ventre qui commence à s'arrondir à Stef. Cette dernière semble préoccupée et avoue à Lena qu'elle pense que Mike a quelque chose à voir avec la disparition d'Ana. Lena refuse d'y croire, avançant que même si Mike s'est disputé avec elle, il n'est pas un meurtrier. Stef lui dit alors que pour sa famille, Mike serait prêt à tout et qu'Ana les menaçait directement.

  • Dans les bois

Le lendemain, Brandon et le groupe sont dans les bois et Brandon ne comprend pas puisqu'il pensait répéter dans une salle. Les autres lui expliquent alors qu'ils viennent ici plus pour trouver l'inspiration et Jasper sort des space brownies. Brandon ne comprend pas tout de suite de quoi il s'agit mais les autres le poussent à en prendre, disant qu'il en a vraiment besoin.

  • Lycée Anchor Beach

Dans les couloirs, Jesus aperçoit Haylay et tente de lui parler mais elle l'embrasse et lui dit qu'il la comprend et qu'elle veut dire aux autres qu'ils sortent ensemble. Jesus tente de retarder le truc en lui disant qu'il ne veut pas pour ne faire pas de mal à Emma qui veut se remettre avec lui. Elle accepte alors de ne rien dire pour le moment.

  • Dans les bois

Le groupe est complètement stone : Lou chante n'importe quoi tandis que Brandon plane et n'arrive pas trop à parler. Lou propose alors de faire un jeu avec lui en lui disant des mots et il doit répondre au tac-au-tac ce que cela lui inspire. Quand viennent les mots "amour" et "sexe" et ils répond "désir" et "culpabilité" ce que Lou ne comprend pas. Il dit alors qu'il a besoin d'aller aux toilettes et s'en va.

  • Chez les Foster

Dans sa chambre, Callie et Wyatt sont sur le lit en train de s'embrasser. Wyatt pense qu'elle devrait se préparer pour aller au travail mais elle continue de l'embrasser et dit qu'elle ne veut pas s'arrêter. Il ne comprend pas puisque faire l'amour dans le cadre de sa probation est interdit. Elle lui explique alors qu'elle aussi, elle a envie d'être maître d'une chose dans vie et qu'elle l'aime, qu'elle a envie d'être avec lui.

  • Dans les bois

Brandon erre dans les bois et voit flou. Il croise un randonneur qui s'inquiète de son état et décide de s'asseoir pour appeler quelqu'un. Dans un premier temps il veut appeler Callie mais finalement il finit par appeler Lena pour qu'elle vienne le chercher.

  • Chez les Foster

Alors qu'ils sont en train de faire l'amour, Callie se sent mal et commence à faire un crise de panique. Elle l'arrête et s'enfuit dans la salle de bain, laissant Wyatt en plan dans le lit qui ne comprend pas ce qu'elle a.

  • Dans les bois

Lena arrive pour récupérer Brandon et dans la voiture il lui explique qu'il a pris de l'herbe et que maintenant il ne se sent pas du tout bien. Il est angoissé et semble perdu dans ce qu'il raconte mais Lena lui dit que ça va bien se passer, qu'elle est là pour lui. Il la remercie mais elle lui dit qu'elle est sa mère et que c'est normal qu'elle fasse ça.

  • Lycée Anchor Beach

Sur le chemin du retour, Haylay annonce à Mariana que sa relation avec Jesus est officielle et qu'ils sortent ensemble. Mariana a du mal à la croire puisque la veille il disait préférer Emma et essaie de ralentir Haylay dans son élan de joie. Haylay pense néanmoins qu'Emma devrait le savoir puisque tout se sait au lycée et dit alors à Mariana qu'elle devrait lui dire avant qu'elle ne l'apprenne par quelqu'un d'autre.

  • Dans la voiture de Wyatt

Wyatt amène Callie au restaurant pour qu'elle travaille et veut savoir ce qu'il se passe. Elle lui dit qu'elle n'a pas très envie d'en parler et Wyatt lui dit alors que si elle a besoin de temps, il peut attendre. Elle semble gênée et veut partir travailler mais Wyatt la retient en lui disant qu'il l'aime, elle lui répond que elle aussi, que tout va bien.

  • Au commisariat

Dani est venue voir Stef pour avoir l'emploi du temps de Mike. Stef lui assure qu'elle ne le connaît pas puiqu'ils ne travaillent plus ensemble et veut savoir pourquoi Dani s'inquiète. Elle lui annonce alors que Mike rentre tard, part tôt et qu'il a même annulé le dîner avec Brandon. Elle pense qu'il a une liaison mais Stef l'arrête en disant que ce n'est pas son genre. Dani a alors peur qu'il se soit remis à boire ou pire à se droguer et convainc Stef de vérifier, si ce n'est pas pour elle, pour Brandon.

Une fois Dani partie, l'agent revient la voir et annonce à Stef que les empreintes sont parties au légiste et qu'ils devraient savoir dans pas longtemps si elles appartiennent au corps retrouvé, Stef est inquiète.

  • Dans un parc

Lena et Brandon se promènent pour faire revenir Brandon et Lena lui explique que les choix que font les gens finissent par les changer et déterminent leur vie. Brandon part alors dans une métaphore de train qui part pour la Russie et s'arrête dans la mauvaise gare, ce à quoi Lena ne comprend pas tout mais Brandon semble préoccupé.

  • Au travail de Daphne et Callie

Alors que Callie a l'esprit ailleurs, Daphne lui demande ce qu'il se passe. Callie lui confie alors qu'elle a failli faire l'amour avec Waytt mais qu'elle a paniqué et Daphne s'étonne qu'ils ne l'avaient pas encore fait. Callie a peur que ce soit à cause de Brandon, qu'elle ne l'ait pas oubliée mais Daphne lui dit de ne pas laisser tomber Wyatt car c'est un mec bien. Alors qu'elle se remettent au travail, Callie croit apercevoir Liam pendant quelques secondes avant de réaliser que c'est quelqu'un d'autre.

  • Dans un parc

Lena et Brandon sont assis à une table et Lena s'étonne que Brandon l'ait appelée alors qu'il avait d'autres options. Il lui explique qu'il ne voulait pas appeler sa mère parce qu'elle a tendance à exagérer ses réactions mais Lena lui assure que c'est parce qu'elle l'aime. Elle tente de le rassurer en disant que tout ira mieux mais Brandon lui avoue qu'il a couché avec Dani et rien ne sera comme avant.

  • Au comissariat

Stef croise Mike qui part, il lui annonce qu'il n'est plus en horaire de nuit et qu'il rentre donc chez lui, elle lui souhaite bonne nuit.

  • Chez les Foster

Jesus vient voir Mariana dans sa chambre pour l'engueuler d'avoir dit à Emma qu'il sortait avec Haylay. Elle lui dit alors qu'il aurait dû lui dire plutôt que de la garder sous le coude au cas où ça n'irait pas avec Haylay. Jesus pense alors qu'elle a juste fait ça pour garder sa place dans l'équipe alors qu'elle se défend de l'avoir dit en tant que féministe puisqu'après Lexi et Emma, il a maintenant faire du mal à Haylay. Ils se disputent et il finit par lui dire qu'elle veut juste faire le mouton et être comme les filles de son équipe de danse.

Dans sa chambre, Brandon est allongé sur son lit et Lena vient voir comment il va. Brandon lui demande de ne pas dire pour lui et Dani mais Lena lui avoue qu'elle ne peut pas garder ça pour elle puisque ce qu'a fait Dani n'était pas bien. Brandon la supplie, disant que Stef pourrait tuer Dani et que Mike se remettrait à boire, il a peur qu'ils le regardent différemment après ça.

Dans la salon, Callie rentre du travail et s'asseoit près de Jude pour lui parler mais il ne répond toujours pas. Elle envoie alors un message en wifi qui apparaît à l'écran où elle lui demande de lui parler mais toujours rien. Elle en renvoie un autre où elle dit qu'elle a cru voir Liam aujourd'hui. Il la regarde alors et pose sa main sur la sienne.

  • Dans la rue

Stef a suivi Mike à la sortir du travail et se trouve un quartier de San Diego. Elle le voit rentrer dans une maison et l'appelle mais tombe sur la boîte vocale. Elle décide alors de se diriger vers la maison et lorsqu'elle frappe à la porte, il s'agit d'Ana qui lui ouvre.

Fin de l'épisode.

Ecrit par Emeline53.

Mariana and Callie's room

Mariana: Oh! Sorry!
Callie: No, it's fine. I'm just glad you weren't doing what I thought you were doing.
Mariana: What did you think I was? Ew! No, I... I don't do that.
Callie: Ok.

In the bathroom

Callie: Morning. Do you ever get overwhelmed knowing that you have to brush your teeth every morning and every night for the rest of your life?

In the kitchen

Stef: Hey, listen, everyone. We spoke to Jude's therapist.
Lena: The good news is there's nothing physically wrong with him.
Callie: Ok, so why isn't he talking?
Stef: We're not really sure, but they think it's something called selective mutism. It's a type of anxiety disorder.
Mariana: So he's choosing not to talk?
Lena: It's not as simple as that. It's, um, it's more like it's a coping mechanism.
Brandon: So what are we supposed to do then?
Stef: We all have to be patient. And do our best to keep his stress level down.
Lena: We're not gonna make a big deal out of his silence. We're not gonna pressure him to talk. And Jude'll keep seeing his therapist.
Callie: A lot of good that's gonna do, if he's not talking.
Stef: There are a lot of different ways to communicate, Callie. Like Mama said, we'll just act like business as usual...
Mariana: Uh...
Stef: Hey, buddy. We, uh, just...
Lena: So, uh...
Mariana: Oh, um, I'm probably gonna be late to dinner tonight. We have extra practice all week.
Stef: I'll, uh, I'll get that. Just you guys expecting somebody?
Lena: Well, I'm really proud of you, Mariana. You've been working really hard.
Mariana: Thanks. Apparently, I'm working a little too hard. Kaitlyn says my smile is way too big, and I look like I'm teaching Zumba to toddlers at the Y. So I'm shooting more for a medium smile. Is this a medium smile?
Lena: Sure.
Callie: Yeah, I guess so.
Stef: Callie. There's someone at the door for you.

In front of the house

Sophia: Hi. I know I should've texted or something, but I couldn't wait to give you this, so.. Here. You said you liked my jacket, so...
Callie: Wow! Um... You didn't have to...
Sophia: Oh, I know. I wanted to.
Callie: How did you even know where I live?
Sophia: I saw your address on some of my dad's legal papers, and I asked Marisol if we could drop by here on my way to school.
Callie: Who's Marisol?
Sophia: My nanny. And now I'm totally going to be late, so I gotta go. Do you like it?
Callie: Yeah. Yeah, of course. It's beautiful. Thank you.
Sophia: Because it's fine, you can totally return it if you want.
Callie: No. No, no. I... I love it.
Sophia: Ok. Marisol is literally going to kill me. See you soon?
Callie: Yeah.
Sophia: Ok.

Callie: Jude. Hey.


Anchor Beach

Callie: You should have seen Sophia's face when she dropped off that gift this morning. She was so excited. I don't know how I'm gonna tell her I can't see her anymore.
Wyatt: Hold up, hold up. Why are you gonna do that? Because of Jude? How do you even know that's what he wants?
Callie: Because I know my brother. And it's pretty obvious.
Wyatt: You two have been through a lot of bad stuff. All right, you've been jerked around, you've never known where you were gonna live or for how long. Maybe not talking is his way of feeling like he's finally in charge of something in his life. You know?
Callie: Or maybe I've just scarred him for life and he'll never speak again.

Emma: Hey.
Jesus: Hey.
Emma: Did, um didn't Mariana tell you I came over last night?
Jesus: You did?
Emma: I'm sure she just forgot.
Jesus: Yeah, probably. So...
Emma: Oh, it wasn't I just wanted to say, when we talked at practice I don't want you to think that I don't care. I mean, I actually feel pretty awful about how everything went down.
Jesus: It was my fault. I never meant to hurt you.
Emma: I know. And I'm sorry. I I started feeling all weird and insecure. I guess I just felt like that you weren't really attracted to me.
Jesus: That's not true at all.
Emma: But you're right, I'm bossy.
Jesus: No, I shouldn't have said it like that. You're strong and you know what you want and you ask for it. That's not a turnoff. Not at all.
Emma: I was thinking, maybe it was a mistake, breaking up.

Lena's office

Lena: Hey, Connor.
Connor: Hey. Can you talk for a minute?
Lena: Of course, have a seat. Everything ok?
Connor: Um, no, not really. I wanted to know, is there anything I can do to help Jude? Besides making sure the other kids don't make fun of him.
Lena: Are they making fun of him?
Connor: Not in front of me. Not anymore.
Lena: Well, thank you for that. I appreciate you looking out for him, being such a good friend. Did something happen?
Connor: My dad thinks Jude is gay. That's why I can't spend the night at your house anymore.
Lena: I see. Did he say that to Jude?
Connor: No. But I did.
Lena: You told Jude you thought he was gay?
Connor: No, I told him my dad did. But I didn't stand up to him. And I think that really hurt Jude's feelings. I'm sorry. I wish he'd talk to me again.
Lena: It's ok. It's ok. It's all right. You're not your father. Jude knows that. And he's gonna speak to you again. You know, I think we all just need to give him some space to figure out all the stuff he's feeling inside.
Connor: So, it's not my fault?
Lena: No, sweetie. It's not.

At the police station

Mike: Hey. Looking at your tax return?
Stef: Yeah. I wish.
Mike: So how's the pregnancy going? I remember the first trimester. Ugh! It can be a bear. The nausea, the mood swings, the weight gain. That was just me.
Stef: I see you still haven't taken off that baby weight yet.
Mike: Ha-ha.
Stef: Ha! Just kidding. You're looking good, Mike. Looking good.
Mike: Thanks. Actually, I owe it all to Dani. She's got me doing yoga.
Stef: You? Really?
Mike: Yeah! Says it's good for stress relief.
Stef: I could use a little of that myself. I'm about to have six children. Oh, my God! What were we thinking?
Mike: Come on, Stef. Anybody can manage that, it's you. You and Lena are unbelievable moms. I'm really happy for you guys.
Stef: Thanks, Mike. Means a lot. It does. You seeing Brandon tonight?
Mike: Yeah, Dani and I are gonna attempt to make empanadas.
Stef: Ooh!
Mike: So, um, you might wanna save some leftovers for Brandon. Just in case.
Stef: Mm-hm.
Mike: I may be doing yoga now, but I'm still not really an optimist. I'll see you later.

Man: That Jane Doe in the morgue you been asking about?
Stef: Yeah.
Man: They finally got a cause of death. Blunt force trauma. They're ruling it a homicide. You said you might know who she was?
Stef: Yeah.
Man: You ever get those dental records you were waiting for?
Stef: No. Not yet.

At Mike's flat

Dani: Hey. Oh, ok. Sure, it's no problem. Yeah, I'll tell him. Ok, fine. Yeah, we'll see you when you get here. Bye.
Brandon: Let me guess. He has to work late?
Dani: Yeah, he had a late arrest so he's got some paperwork to do.
Brandon: I'm gonna go.
Dani: Why? Dinner is ready, you should stay and eat.
Brandon: If my dad's not coming, then there's no reason for me to stay.
Dani: You don't have to worry. It's not like something's gonna happen.
Brandon: Yeah. I know.
Dani: So sit down and have dinner.
Brandon: How can you do this?
Dani: Do what?
Brandon: Move in with my dad, sleep next to him every night knowing what we did. I hate myself. I can barely look him in the eye.
Dani: First of all, your dad and I were broken up.
Brandon: So that makes it ok then?
Dani: No. But I didn't cheat on him.
Brandon: I was drunk.
Dani: You used me. You wanted to hurt your dad for all of the times he hurt you. You didn't screw me that night, you screwed him.
Brandon: You are so full of...
Dani: The truth? You know it and so will he. So before you consider unburdening yourself of all this guilt, keep one thing in mind. If your dad finds out, I'm not the only one he'll never forgive.
Brandon: I might have to figure out a way to live with myself, but I sure as hell don't have to have dinner with you.

In Mariana and Callie's room

Jesus: Why didn't you tell me Emma came by last night?
Mariana: Oh, I don't know, maybe because you were upstairs shoving your tongue down Hayley's throat?
Jesus: I wasn't... She was look, this... This thing with Hayley isn't serious.
Mariana: You could have said no if you were still hung up on Emma. Why do guys always act like they don't have a choice if a girl wants to have sex?
Jesus: We don't!
Mariana: Ok, that's just ridiculous. Does Emma want to get back together? Is that why she came over here?
Jesus: Maybe.
Mariana: So what did you say?
Jesus: I told her we both need to take some time to think about it.
Mariana: Is that code for you need some time to dump Hayley first? Look, Hayley is, like, super sensitive. She just had her heart broken, and she's my friend. She's kind of my only friend on the dance team.
Jesus: Look, I don't want to hurt anyone.
Mariana: Well, then don't. Be honest with them.
Jesus: Ok, I will.
Mariana: Ok, good.
Jesus: As soon as I figure out what to say.

In the living room

Lena: Hey, sweetie. Can I have a word with Jude?
Callie: Uh, yeah, sure.
Lena: You do your homework? Can you turn that off for a minute? So Connor came to see me today. He told me what his dad said. At first, I was... I was pretty angry at Connor's dad, and I'm not gonna lie, I'm still kind of mad. But, um, the truth is there's nothing I can do about what he thinks. The more I thought about it, though, um, I really just kind of feel bad for Connor. It must be hard to grow up with all that judgment around. I want you to know that I'm so happy that you're our son. And there is nothing that you can't tell us. Even if it's something you think we don't want to hear. Ok? Ok. So ten more minutes and then it's off to bed.
In Brandon's room

Stef: Hey. How were the empanadas?
Brandon: Uh, what?
Stef: Your dad said he and Dani were trying out some new recipe tonight.
Brandon: Oh, yeah. Uh, Dad had to work late so I didn't stay for dinner.
Stef: Why didn't you stay and eat with Dani? I hope you weren't rude. We raised you better than that. Didn't we?
Brandon: I wasn't rude. I just have a lot of homework. I still do.
Stef: Ok.
Brandon: I just, I want to get this project done. Oh, uh, the band also has this place they rehearse sometimes, I think it's called the Woodshed. Anyway, they wanna take me after school tomorrow. That cool?
Stef: Yeah, as long as your homework's finished. It's fine with me. Ok. You hang in there.

In Stef and Lena's room

Lena: I cannot wait for the supposed burst of energy that comes with the second trimester. I was just reading that that's a thing. Please tell me that's a thing.
Stef: That's a thing.
Lena: Look, I'm already showing.
Stef: Oh. Look at that. Mm...
Lena: What?
Stef: I'm afraid Mike might have had something to do with Ana's disappearance.
Lena: What? Why would you even think that?
Stef: I spoke to a witness at the halfway house where she was staying, and he said he saw Mike yelling at her the night she disappeared.
Lena: Stef, just because Mike fell off the wagon and yelled at her, doesn't mean he hurt her. I mean, she's a really easy person to yell at. Hell, I've yelled at her sober.
Stef: I didn't tell you this, but when Dani found Mike, he had blood on his hands. He said he'd been in a bar fight.
Lena: Well, look, you don't even know if Ana's hurt or where she even is.
Stef: They, uh... They found a Jane Doe that sort of vaguely fits Ana's description, but they can't make a positive ID. So I tracked down her dental records, but I have not turned them over to the coroner because Jane Doe's death was ruled a homicide, and if it is Ana, I could very well be linking Mike to a murder.
Lena: Oh, Stef, come on. I mean you know Mike. I know Mike. I trust him implicitly. I trust him with our kids. He's not capable of something like that.
Stef: Mike would do anything to defend his family. She was threatening us, Lena, she was threatening all of us. People you never know what they're capable of doing, trust me, especially given the right circumstances.
Lena: Well, honey, I think that you have to turn over those records. Either way, you need to know the truth.

At the Woodshed

Brandon: How much further?
Mat: Well, it depends how far you wanna go.
Brandon: Well, I thought we were going to, like, the Woodshed.
Lou: Oh The Woodshed isn't really a place, it's more a I don't know, a state of mind.
Brandon: What's that supposed to mean?
Lou: It's something jazz musicians used to do. Get away from your life for a little while, mix things up, get rid of distractions, really get into a piece of music.
Brandon: I've never heard of that before.
Lou: Wait, did I just school Mr. Music on something? Not bad for a high school drop-out.
Mat: All right.
Brandon: Ok, so where do you wanna start?
Lou: Look at this view. You're missing it.
Brandon: Yeah. It's nice. What are we thinking?
Lou: I mean it! Seriously, quit trying to force it. Can't we just be in the moment?
Jasper: These might help.
Brandon: Oh, no, thanks. I'm not really a brownie guy.
Jasper: Uh, no, dude. These are special brownies.
Mat: It's up to you, man, but some of our best stuff was written up here like this.
Lou: Come on, give "Brooding Brandon" a day off.
Jasper: Yeah, to quote the great Bob Marley, "Don't Worry, Be Happy."
Brandon: Actually, it was Bobby McFerrin who wrote that song. Yeah, Marley died in '81 and that song came out in the late '80s. It was actually the first a cappella song to reach number one on the charts, which is pretty cool.
Jasper: Dude, trust me. You need this. Bad.

Anchor Beach

Jesus: Hey. Hey, so, I...
Haylay: I was just thinking about you.
Jesus: Um, hey. Is there someplace you and I can go and talk?
Haylay: Why? Are you breaking up with me?
Jesus: No, no! But, to be honest with you, I didn't really think we were together, you know, officially.
Haylay: Of course we were together. I wasn't hooking up with anyone else. Were you?
Jesus: No.
Haylay: I feel like you get me. Even more than my friends. Like, you see the real me. I've been thinking I think we should tell people.
Jesus: Do you think we can keep this on the DL just a little bit longer? I don't wanna hurt Emma's feelings. I mean, we just broke up. I want give her some time to...
Haylay: I thought she broke up with you.
Jesus: It's complicated. She kind of wants to get back together. I just don't want to feel any worse. Is that cool?
Haylay: Ok. Yeah, sure. I get it, no biggie. We wait.

At the Woodshed

Lou: There's no me without you. You're the glue in this zoo. Be my boo. Haters! This is supposed to be a safe space.
Mat: Ugh! I can't believe how messed up I feel. That was hella strong.
Jasper: Yeah, damn. Me, too. How you holding up, Keys?
Brandon: What?
Jasper: How you holding up?
Lou: Here. Have some water. Let's play a game. I'll say a word and you say the first thing that comes to your mind. Ok?
Brandon: Ok.
Lou: Ocean.
Brandon: Um - Salt.
Lou: Sky.
Brandon: Clouds.
Lou: Love. Don't think about it. Love.
Brandon: Lust.
Lou: Sex.
Brandon: Guilt.
Lou: You associate love with lust, but sex with guilt? Interesting.
Brandon: I gotta go to the bathroom. I just, I'll be right be back.

In Mariana and Callie's room

Wyatt: Maybe maybe you should get ready for work. I don't want you to be late.
Callie: I don't want to stop. Oh.
Wyatt: What about probation?
Callie: You know what you said about me and Jude not having any control over our lives? You're right. I'm tired of it. I get to control this. Hey. I love you. And this is what I want.

At the Woodshed

Man: You ok, buddy?

In Mariana and Callie's room

Wyatt: You ok?
Callie: I can't...
Wyatt: You don't have to... Come here.
Callie: No, stop it! Stop!
Wyatt: What's wrong?
Callie: Sorry. I'm sorry. I can't do this.

At the Woodshed

Lena: Are you ok?
Brandon: Not really. No. I ate a pot brownie, and I'm freaking out. Is that normal? I don't feel normal. I feel nervous. Have you had pot before? I feel like you haven't, which is smart. But, you know, you guys told us to, uh, call if we ever need a ride home. I shouldn't have called. I'm sorry.
Lena: No, Brandon, I'm glad you did. It's ok. Some people can get anxious or paranoid. You never know how it's going to affect you. It'll wear off, but until it does, I'm here, ok? So just breathe. We're gonna get you through this.
Brandon: Ok. Thank you.
Lena: You don't have to thank me. I'm your mom, this is what we do.

Anchor Beach

Haylay: We made it official.
Mariana: What?
Haylay: We're a couple. Jesus just wants to keep it under wraps for now because he doesn't want to hurt Emma. Guess she wants to get back together. Spoiler alert: not gonna happen. I think it's really sweet of him to worry about her feelings. But people talk. The news is gonna get out. I just, I think it would be better if she heard it from a friend.
Mariana: Like who?
Haylay: Like you.
Mariana: Me?
Haylay: You're friends, right?
Mariana: Sort of. I mean, through Jesus.
Haylay: I would tell her myself, but I barely know her, so that would make me seem pretty awful.
Mariana: Ok, look. I love my brother. He's my twin and I would totally give him a kidney, anytime. But when it comes to girls, he can be a little all over the place. Not in a bad way. He's just not very good at expressing his true feelings. If he even knows what he's feeling. Which, most of the time, he doesn't. He's easily confused.
Haylay: Are you saying he doesn't like me?
Mariana: No, he does. I think he does.
Haylay: Then what are you trying to say? Do you not want me to date your brother? I thought we were friends.
Mariana: We are! And I am so stoked for you to date my brother. I just I don't want you to get hurt.
Haylay: That's sweet. But the person you should be worried about is Emma. I mean, it's totally up to you if you want to tell her or not. But I think it would be an awesome opportunity to do something nice. Girls have to stand up for each other, right?

In Wyatt's car

Wyatt: Did I do something wrong?
Callie: No. No.
Wyatt: Can you tell me what happened?
Callie: I don't know. I just... No I don't really want to talk about it.
Wyatt: It's ok if you're not ready. I'm not in any hurry.
Callie: No, I know. Thank you. I'm late.
Wyatt: Callie, please look at me. I love you.
Callie: I love you, too. Everything is fine.

At the police station

Stef: I really don't know his schedule, since we're not partners anymore.
Dani: But you can find out, right, if he's working a double? It can't be that hard.
Stef: What's this about, Dani?
Dani: He canceled dinner last night with Brandon. He wouldn't normally do that.
Stef: It's a dinner...
Dani: It's not just a dinner. He leaves early, he comes home late. I don't know what to think. Unless...
Stef: Unless he's drinking again?
Dani: I haven't smelled anything on him, but I don't know, maybe he's getting high some other way.
Stef: What, Mike? Drugs? No. That's...
Dani: Maybe he's just having an affair.
Stef: He's not a cheater, Dani. I don't know what to tell you.
Dani: I hope you're right. But if he is using or drinking again, it's something we're all going to have to deal with. So if you won't check up on him for me, do it for Brandon.

Stef: Hey, did you did those records go over to the coroner yet?
Man: Oh, yeah. The guy just left. Why?
Stef: Nothing. Never mind. Thank you.

At the Woodshed

Lena: Once I got to Paris, I just knew I was going to be a different person for the rest of my life. The things that we do, the choices we make, they change us, you know?
Brandon: Yeah. That's so cool. It's like you're cars on a train. Well, not on a train, cars of a train. They're all they're all in the right order and they're all just going down the track, you gotta get them into the right station. You know?
Lena: Sure.
Brandon: Unless you pull into the wrong station, and then everything's just screwed up forever because now you're in Moscow and you wanna be in St. Petersburg, and nobody wants to be in Moscow, unless you're, like, Raskolnikov, and you're trying to escape the anguish of what you did.
Lena: Maybe we shouldn't talk about Crime and Punishment right now. It's a little heavy.
Brandon: But not. You know?
Lena: I do.

At Daphne and Callie's job

Daphne: Girl, what'd that table ever do to you? Callie. Girl, where you at?
Callie: Sorry.
Daphne: Sit and spill. You and Wyatt get in a fight?
Callie: No. Not at all. Though he might think so.
Daphne: Why?
Callie: I was gonna have sex with Wyatt today for the first time.
Daphne: Hm...
Callie: I know it's a parole violation, but they can't tell me what to do with my own body.
Daphne: I agree.
Callie: Then why the face?
Daphne: I'm just surprised.
Callie: Because of Brandon?
Daphne: No, I just figured you and Wyatt were already doing it.
Callie: Oh. Uh, no. No, and we didn't today either. 'Cause I kind of freaked out.
Daphne: Why?
Callie: I don't know. All of a sudden, I... I couldn't breathe. And I felt like he was gonna crush me or something.
Daphne: Maybe you were just nervous.
Callie: Or maybe I'm still in love with Brandon.
Daphne: I thought you were over him.
Callie: Yeah, I thought so, too. But maybe I'm not. I never felt like that when we were together.
Daphne: Were you ever with Brandon?
Callie: No. No, not like that.
Daphne: Don't give up on Wyatt. He's a good one.
Callie: I'm not. I'm not. We should get back to work.
Daphne: Mm-hm. What's wrong?
Callie: Nothing.
Daphne: You all right?
Callie: Yeah, yeah. No, I'm fine. I just, I thought I saw someone I know.

At the Woodshed

Lena: Brandon, why did you call me? I mean, I'm glad that you did. But, you know, you have other options.
Brandon: Well, Jude and the twins can't drive. So... Neither can Callie, come to think of it. And, I don't know, um Mom tends to overreact to things, and I was just feeling so anxious, I couldn't imagine dealing with her yelling, on top of it all.
Lena: She only yells at you because she loves you so much.
Brandon: I know.
Lena: We both do. Unconditionally. Honey, it's ok. You made a mistake. Tomorrow everything's gonna be back to normal.
Brandon: No, things will never be normal again.
Lena: This is just part of growing up. It's ok.
Brandon: No. It's not. I slept with Dani.
Lena: Dani?

At the police station

Stef: Hey. Heading out?
Mike: Hey.
Stef: I thought you were still pulling doubles.
Mike: Luckily, no. I did my time.
Stef: Good for you.
Mike: I gotta run. I don't want to risk the wrath of Dani by being late for date night.
Stef: I hear you. I'm heading out, too. Have a good night.
Mike: Bye.

Mariana and Callie's room

Jesus: You told Emma about Hayley?
Mariana: You're welcome.
Jesus: What, you think you were doing me a favor?
Mariana: Yes.
Jesus: Emma's really upset. Why would you want to hurt her like that?
Mariana: Why would you? Why would you tell Hayley you were a couple, and not tell Emma? So you could string her along in case you change your mind again?
Jesus: It's none of your business.
Mariana: And whether you like it or not, your behavior, especially when it comes to girls on the dance team, affects me.
Jesus: You wanna protect your little spot on the dance team? News flash: you're a terrible dancer.
Mariana: Well, you're a terrible brother and an even worse boyfriend. You broke Lexi's heart, and now Emma's, and I'm pretty sure Hayley is next in line. So, you know what? I'm taking a stand for womankind. Deal with it.
Jesus: Don't get all high and mighty. This isn't about you taking a stand. This is about you trying to be like all those other girls.
Mariana: That's not true.
Jesus: Oh, please, have you looked at yourself in the mirror lately? If you wanna be a giant pain in my ass, at least admit why you're doing it. 'Cause you wanna fit in. 'Cause you're a sheep!

Brandon's room

Lena: Hey.
Brandon: What was all that slamming?
Lena: Your brother and sister.
Brandon: I feel a lot better.
Lena: I'm glad.
Brandon: You can't tell anyone what happened with Dani. You have to promise me.
Lena: What Dani did to you is not right. It's illegal. And I can't...
Brandon: Listen to me. Mom will kill her. And Dad might start drinking again, or who knows? Please, don't tell anyone.
Lena: You can't ask me to do that.
Brandon: Please! They'll never look at me the same way again.

In the living room

Callie: Can I join you? Remember when we lived with that really mean kid with the weird eyebrow, and he challenged us to play? We lost so bad. And the next time we played, you figured out that thing, that thing at the end. You know? His character stopped fighting and did that, like, crazy dance. It was hilarious. We're a good team. You're clearly the brains of the operation.

In the street

Mike's voicemail: Hey, this is Mike. Leave a message.

Kikavu ?

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choup37, 19.04.2024 à 19:45

Maintenant j'en ai plus que deux, je joue aussi sur kaa

CastleBeck, Hier à 11:48

Il y a quelques thèmes et bannières toujours en attente de clics dans les préférences . Merci pour les quartiers concernés.

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