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#216 : Si tu savais

Voulant protéger Daphne, Callie cache un secret et lorsque Daphne doit officiellement voir sa fille, les deux jeunes filles ont peur des conséquences qui pourraient en découler.

De leur côté, le groupe et Brandon jouent à une "pharm" party et les choses dégénèrent lorsque Mariana insiste pour venir et se retrouve coincée avec une inconnue qui fait une overdose. Lena et Stef décident d'envisager la proposition d'Ana sous l'insistance de Mariana. Enfin, Jesus se voit offrir une opportunité qu'il ne peut refuser.


4.25 - 4 votes

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If You Only Knew

Titre VF
Si tu savais

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216 - Promo

216 - Promo


216 - Sneak Peek n°1

216 - Sneak Peek n°1


216 - Sneak Peek n°2

216 - Sneak Peek n°2


Photos promo

Callie rassure Daphne

Callie rassure Daphne

Callie au foyer pour jeunes

Callie au foyer pour jeunes

Callie au foyer pour jeunes

Callie au foyer pour jeunes

Callie au foyer pour jeunes

Callie au foyer pour jeunes

Callie au foyer pour jeunes

Callie au foyer pour jeunes

Callie au foyer pour jeunes

Callie au foyer pour jeunes

Callie rassure Daphne

Callie rassure Daphne

Daphne et Callie stressent

Daphne et Callie stressent

Callie assiste à la rencontre

Callie assiste à la rencontre

La fille de Daphne rejoint sa maman adoptive

La fille de Daphne rejoint sa maman adoptive

Daphne, sa fille et l'assistante sociale

Daphne, sa fille et l'assistante sociale

La fille de Daphne rejoint sa maman adoptive

La fille de Daphne rejoint sa maman adoptive

La fille de Daphne rejoint sa maman adoptive

La fille de Daphne rejoint sa maman adoptive

La fille de Daphne rejoint sa maman adoptive

La fille de Daphne rejoint sa maman adoptive

L'assistante sociale essaie de raisonner tout le monde

L'assistante sociale essaie de raisonner tout le monde

Callie au foyer pour jeunes

Callie au foyer pour jeunes

Callie au foyer pour jeunes

Callie au foyer pour jeunes

Callie au foyer pour jeunes

Callie au foyer pour jeunes


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Etats-Unis (inédit)
Lundi 16.02.2015 à 20:00
1.28m / 0.5% (18-49)

Plus de détails

Scénario : Kelly Fullerton
Réalisation : Aprill Winney

  • Au travail de Callie

Les policiers interrogent Callie sous la surveillance de Robert et son avocat. Ils tentent de rallier Callie au kidnapping et savent qu'elle n'y est pour rien mais veulent qu'elle leur parle de Daphne. L'avocat les envoie balader en disant qu'ils n'ont rien contre elle si ce n'est le jouet et qu'il y en a des milliers de fabriqués.

  • Dans la voiture de Robert

Robert a raccompagné Callie et la laisse à quelques rues de chez elle. Il lui dit qu'il est heureux qu'elle ait appelé mais elle lui répond qu'elle ne voulait pas créer de problèmes supplémentaires à ses mères. Robert la prévient de ne pas en parler à personne puisqu'elle pourrait finir en prison et Daphne aussi. Il lui conseille de ne le dire ni à Daphne ni à Stef et Lena.


  • Chez les Foster

Callie rentre chez elle et ses mères sont surprises qu'elle se soit levée à 6h un samedi matin pour aller travailler mais Callie leur dit que c'est parce qu'elle travaille au centre pour jeunes l'après-midi. Stef la prévient que Daphne est là et l'attend dans sa chambre.

Callie monte rapidement dans sa chambre et a peur que les policiers soient venus la voir aussi mais elle est là parce qu'elle n'a rien à se mettre pour sa visite avec sa fille Tasha et veut lui emprunter des vêtements.

Dans le garage, Mat apprend à Brandon qu'ils vont aller dans une pharm party et que le principe est d'amener une pilule, de la mettre dans un bocal et ensuite d'en prendre une au hasard. Brandon trouve ça stupide mais Mat lui dit qu'ils y vont juste pour l'argent et qu'ils lui donneront tout pour qu'il puisse venir en tournée, précisant que c'était l'idée de Lou. Brandon est surpris mais prévient qu'il ne veut pas que Mariana vienne au cas où mais Mat lui annonce qu'elle compte venir en tournée avec eux.

Dans la cuisine, Stef et Lena confrontent à Mariana au sujet d'Ana et son bébé. Mariana est ravie d'apprendre qu'Ana est d'accord pour que ses mères l'adoptent mais Stef et Lena ne sont pas si emballées à l'idée. Mariana ne comprend pas puisqu'elles voulaient un bébé et que ce bébé sera sa soeur biologique et s'en va. Stef et Lena sont partagées mais avouent ne pas être aussi excitées par le bébé d'Ana que Frankie et que peut-être le destin les a poussées dans une autre direction.

Dans la chambre de Callie, Daphne essaie des vêtements de Callie et angoisse à l'idée que Tasha puisse la reconnaître mais Callie lui assure que non.

  • Lycée Anchor Beach

Un recruteur vient voir Jesus et lui parle de Flintwood, un internat qui met l'accent sur le sport et qui voudrait le recruter pour la lutte. Jesus est surpris et avoue que les études ne sont pas pour lui mais le recruteur lui dit qu'il n'y aura pas de distraction puisque pas de filles et qu'il y sera à sa place. Jesus semble intéressé mais lui répond que ses mères ne pourront pas payer mais l'homme lui annonce que l'école lui offre une bourse complète qui couvre tous les frais.

  • Chez les Foster

Dans la salle de bain des ados, Mariana tente de mettre ses lentilles de contact et Brandon est surpris mais elle lui assure qu'elle ne portera jamais de lunettes, elle doit juste trouver comment mettre ses lentilles. Il en profite pour lui parle de la tournée et dit qu'il ne veut pas d'elle mais elle lui répond que ce n'est pas à lui de décider mais à leurs mères. Brandon pense qu'elles ne voudront pas mais Mariana lui dit qu'elle sera une sorte de manager et qu'elle les aidera.

Dans sa chambre, Mariana lui montre l'argent qu'elle a déjà récolté pour le groupe en mettant ça sur un site d'aide participative. Brandon trouve l'idée plutôt cool mais ne veut toujours pas qu'elle vienne parce qu'elle n'a que 15 ans. Il lui dit aussi de ne pas venir le soir-même à la pharm party parce qu'il y aura beaucoup de monde mais elle lui assure que si elle ne peut pas y aller, elle devrait peut-être prévenir leurs mères que c'est dangereux pour lui aussi et s'en va.

  • Centre pour jeunes

Rafael souhaite bon courage à Daphne pour sa visite avec sa fille qui angoisse complètement. Elle pense que c'était une mauvaise idée mais Callie tente de la calmer. L'assistante sociale arrive alors avec Tasha et Daphne est très émue, elle la prend dans ses bras.

  • Chez les Foster

Dans la cuisine, Lena annonce à Stef qu'elles ont la maison pour elles seules ce soir et alors que Lena veut commander à manger, Stef sous-entend qu'elles pourraient en profiter pour faire l'amour puisque cela fait un moment. Lena est vexée car elle ne savait pas qu'elle en tenait compte mais Stef lui dit qu'elle veut juste être avec elle et Lena lui dit alors de sortir une bonne bouteille de vin.

Dans sa chambre, Brandon se prépare quand Lou vient pour l'aider à charger le matériel mais Brandon lui dit que Mat l'a déjà aidé. Elle s'excuse de ne pas l'avoir plus soutenu pour la tournée et qu'elle veut vraiment qu'il vienne. Brandon lui dit qu'elle avait raison et que même s'il ne peut pas y aller, elle devrait y aller puisqu'elle a travaillé très dur pour que ça arrive.

  • Centre pour jeunes

Alors que Daphne joue avec sa fille dans le bac à sable, Rafael tente d'en savoir plus sur Callie qui lui apprend qu'elle a été en famille d'accueil pendant 6 ans mais que maintenant elle est dans une famille qu'elle aime beaucoup. Rafael lui raconte qu'il a été en famille pendant 8 ans avant d'atterrir dans un foyer pour jeunes dans lequel il est resté jusqu'à ce qu'il ait 18 ans. Il s'étonne que Callie n'ait pas été adoptée en même temps que son frère mais alors qu'elle allait répondre, une dispute éclate dehors : la mère d'accueil de Tasha crie après Daphne en disant qu'elle sait que c'est elle qui a kidnappé Tasha à Noël. Daphne lui dit que c'est sa fille, qu'elle ne peut pas l'empêcher de la voir mais Tasha court vers Wendy en l'appelant "maman". Wendy dit alors à Daphne que si elle tient vraiment à sa fille, elle devrait la laisser tranquille.

  • A la pharm party

Mariana arrive à la fête mais le videur ne veut pas la laisser passer pensant que c'est juste une fan avant que Mat n'arrive et dise qu'elle est bien avec le groupe. Elle est étonnée de voir le bocal avec les pilules et comprend que ce n'est pas une "farm party" mais une "pharm party".

Brandon est heureux de voir autant de monde mais est étonné de voir Lou prendre une des pilules dans le bocal sans se soucier de ce que c'est. Elle lui dit alors de se détendre et de profiter.

  • Au centre pour jeunes

Daphne a très peur et ne comprend pas pourquoi les flics ne sont toujours pas venus la voir si la mère d'accueil de Tasha la suspecte. Elle pense alors à quitter la ville mais Callie lui avoue qu'ils sont venus la voir à cause du jouet qu'elle a donné à Daphne qu'elle a offert à Tasha mais qu'ils n'ont rien de concret. Daphne lui en veut de ne pas lui avoir dit mais Callie essaie de la calmer et qu'elle doit le faire pour elle, Brandon et Tasha.

  • A la pharm party

Brandon et Mariana parlent du fait de ne pas prendre de pilules au hasard car ce serait stupide quand Mat arrive pour prévenir Brandon qu'ils montent sur scène. Mariana a un souci avec sa lentille de contact mais ne veut pas le dire à Mat et le prévient qu'elle va partir chercher une salle de bain ou quelque chose.

Brandon monte sur scène et veut savoir comment va Lou mais elle lui dit qu'elle va bien et qu'il faut qu'il se détende.

Alors qu'elle cherche des toilettes, un mec rembarre Mariana en disant qu'ils sont dans un entrepôt désaffecté et qu'il n'y a pas. Elle se réfuge alors dans un box pour changer ses lentilles mais se fait enfermer accidentellement. Elle veut appeler son frère mais la musique commence et ils ne vont pas l'entendre.

  • Dans la rue

En rentrant chez elle, Daphne se fait accoster par les deux policiers qui sont venus voir Callie à son travail.

  • Au centre pour jeunes

Rafael et Callie rangent le local et Rafael propose à Callie de la raccompagner chez elle, elle finit par accepter. Il lui demande alors si ce que la femme a dit que Daphne, qu'elle avait kidnappé Tasha, est vrai et Callie défend Daphne. Elle lui dit alors qu'elle va se débrouiller pour rentrer et Rafael se sent mal de l'avoir vexée. Callie reçoit alors un appel de Mariana.

  • A la pharm party

Alors que le concert bat son plein, Mariana est toujours coincée dans le box et tente de garder son calme mais elle aperçoit alors une fille qui est évanouie.

  • Chez les Foster

Stef et Lena sont un peu soûles à cause du vin et parlent de leur vie sexuelle, Lena rassure Stef en disant qu'elles ont 5 enfants plus des parents biologiques à gérer et que c'est normal qu'elles n'en aient pas autant qu'avant. Stef lui assure qu'elle ne veut juste pas qu'elles deviennent laxistes sur ça parce que ça les éloignerait et pense que lit offert par Sharon à Noël est la première source de problème. Lena lui propose alors plus de vin et Stef lui répond que oui et qu'après elles devraient aller dans leur chambre et se sauter dessus. Lena prend alors la bouteille et court dans la chambre en disant que la dernière devra être dessus.

  • A la pharm party

Alors qu'ils chantent ensemble, Lou oublie les paroles pendant quelques instants et Brandon rattrape le coup tandis que cela fait rire Lou. De son côté, Mariana essaie de faire parler la jeune fille qu'elle a trouvé évanouie mais celle-ci se met à convulser.

  • Chez les Foster

Dans leur chambre, Lena s'excuse mais elle pense qu'elle a bu trop d'alcool et n'y arrive pas. Elle est contente qu'au moins Stef ait pris du plaisir mais elle comprend qu'elle a simulé et se vexe. Lena lui dit alors qu'elle ne voulait que faire des câlins mais que c'est elle qui voulait absolument faire l'amour. Stef lui propose alors de se faire un câlin et Lena veut savoir si elle avait déjà simulé avant. Stef lui avoue que oui mais que c'est normal puisque cela fait 10 ans qu'elles sont ensemble et que forcément, la magie s'en va mais Lena lui répond qu'elle, elle est toujours aussi excitée en la voyant rentrer le soir. Elles se mettent alors d'accord pour se rappeler de prendre soin l'une de l'autre, qu'elles doivent trouver du moment pour elles et parlent de l'adoption du bébé d'Ana.

  • A la pharm party

Le groupe finit son concert et Brandon aperçoit Callie qui lui fait signe de venir. Elle le prévient que Mariana est coincée dans un box et qu'elle l'a appelée, elle lui présente aussi Rafael. Mat arrive, paniqué de ne pas trouver Mariana tandis que la police arrive et évacue la pièce pour permettre aux secours de faire leur travail puisqu'ils viennent pour libérer Mariana et aider la jeune fille.

  • Chez les Foster

Le groupe et Mariana sont dans le garage en train de décharger leurs affaires quand une dispute éclate entre Brandon et Mariana : il pense qu'elle ne saura pas s'occuper d'elle-même en tournée mais elle ne comprend pas sa réflexion puisqu'elle était obligée d'appeler les urgences, sinon la fille serait morte et s'en va.

Mat la suit, laissant Brandon et Lou seuls. Lou pense en effet que c'est une mauvaise idée que Mariana vienne et une nouvelle dispute éclate entre eux puisque Brandon est énervé qu'elle ait pris la pilule dans savoir ce que c'était. Lou n'apprécie pas qu'il la juge mais il lui assure qu'il ne la juge pas mais qu'il s'inquiète. Elle se radoucie alors et s'excuse, lui promettant de ne pas recommencer.

Dans le jardin, Mat rejoint Mariana et lui avoue qu'il ne veut pas qu'elle vienne en tournée. Mariana est vexée et pense que Mat veut la quitter mais Mat lui assure que non, juste qu'il veut faire la tournée pour lui-même et qu'il ne peut pas se concentrer sur la musique et elle. Elle se met à pleurer mais lui promet de passer à autre chose.

Plus tard dans la salle de bain alors qu'elle se démaquille, Mariana interpelle Jesus pour lui demander un service tandis qu'il la charrie sur ses lunettes que dorénavant elle va porter.

Jesus arrive alors dans la chambre de ses mères, encouragé par Mariana pour parler du bébé d'Ana. Stef et Lena lui avouent alors qu'elle ne compte pas adopter le bébé puisque leurs envies ont changé et que la situation financière n'est pas au mieux. Jesus leur parle alors de Flintwood.

Devant la maison, Rafael a racccompagné Callie qui se dit qu'il doit penser qu'elle est un aimant à problèmes mais il lui assure qu'en fait, ce sont plutôt ses amis et ses frères et soeurs qui lui en créeent. Il lui demande alors pourquoi elle n'a pas été adoptée en même temps que son frère et elle lui confie que son père biologique  se bat pour sa garde mais qu'elle préfère les Foster parce qu'elle vient juste de connaître son père. Il comprend qu'il y a un souci et elle lui explique alors qu'elle a fait une bêtise et qu'elle n'ose pas en parler à ses mères parce qu'elles ont déjà fait beaucoup pour elle, qu'elle ne veut pas leur créer plus de problèmes.

Dans la cuisine, Stef et Lena discutent de Flintwood et avouent que même si cela semble être une très bonne école, elles ne sont pas prêtes à le laisser partir. Callie arrive alors et leur annonce qu'elle veut aller vivre chez Robert, sous le regard choqué de ses mères.

Fin de l'épisode.

Ecrit par Emeline53.

At Callie's work

Man: Look, Callie, it was Christmas. Your friend, Daphne, just wasn't thinking straight. She missed her baby. She saw an opportunity, and she took her.
Woman: I might've done the same thing if that was my kid.
Lawyer: That's a sad story, but what does it have to do with my client?
Man: Kidnapping is a very serious crime. Now, we don't think your client had anything to do with it, but obstructing justice is also serious.
Lawyer: Do you have any actual questions for Callie?
Woman: Honey, we understand you want to protect your friend. But what about that little girl? How scared she must have been being taken from the park by a stranger.
Man: Look, all you have to do is tell us the truth. You gave Daphne this wind-up toy that Tasha was holding when she was returned. Isn't that right?
Woman: Or maybe you really were involved. Maybe you helped. That's why you don't want to talk.
Lawyer: OK, enough. Are you seriously trying to connect my client with an alleged crime through a Tito the Chihuahua toy? How many of those things do you think are out there? A few hundred thousand?
Man: But only one was sold at this store. And she bought it.
Lawyer: Says who?
Woman: Says the salesperson that sold it to you, Callie. The same day Tasha was kidnapped.
Lawyer: You got a receipt?
Man: Look, we asked a question. Why don't you just let your client answer?
Lawyer: Because you're flying blind here. All you've got is a wind-up toy and a far-out theory. We're done here.

In Robert's car

Callie: Yeah, this is good, I'll walk from here. Thank you for coming.
Robert: Yeah, no, I'm I'm glad you called.
Callie: I would've called Stef and Lena, but...
Robert: But, Callie, if you're just protecting Daphne...
Callie: I'm not just protecting her.
Robert: OK, then you do exactly what the lawyer told you. They can't prove that you bought that toy or that you gave it to Daphne. The only way they can connect you to what happened is...
Callie: If I talk, I know.
Robert: You can't tell anyone, even me, anything that could get you in trouble. And I don't want you talking to Daphne about this. Or any one else. This is a very serious crime. Anyone involved with this in any way could go to jail. And Stef, you know, she's a police officer. She can't protect you, not without risking her own career.
Callie: I know. That's why I didn't call her.
Robert: Look, it's gonna be OK. You call me if the police try to question you or if you need anything. I'm gonna take care of this. And you. OK?
Callie: OK.


Foster's house

Callie: Hey.
Stef: Wait a minute. What do you have to say for yourself, young lady?
Callie: Huh?
Stef: Getting up at 6:00 AM on a Saturday to go to work.
Lena: Impressive.
Callie: Oh, well, I'm volunteering at the drop-in center later so I had to pick up the breakfast shift.
Stef: Oh, yeah, they do a big breakfast hamburger business?
Callie: Yeah, like, eggs and stuff.
Lena: You all right?
Callie: Yeah, I'm fine. I'm just tired.
Lena: Well, don't run yourself ragged, honey. You can always cancel your shift at the center.
Callie: No, no, I'm fine. They need the help, trust me.
Stef: Oh, uh, Daphne's here. I almost forgot.
Callie: Daphne's here?
Lena: Yeah, we told her she could wait in your room.
Callie: Mm, thanks.

Mariana and Callie's room

Callie: Hey. Everything OK?
Daphne: No. I don't have anything to wear.

In the garage

Brandon: Wait farm party? Like haystacks and stuff?
Mat: No, dude. It's, like, pharm, p-h-a-r-m. Admission is $10 cash plus a prescription pill, which they toss into a big bowl and pass around.
Brandon: So wait people just take whatever pill they pick, without even knowing what it is? That's beyond stupid...
Mat: I mean, we don't have to do it. We just have to play. Do you wanna go on tour or not? I mean, you could end up making a lot more than the $200 we're guaranteed if there's a big turnout.
Brandon: What do you mean, "I could?"
Mat: We're giving you the money.
Brandon: All of it?
Mat: All of it. It was Lou's idea.
Brandon: Really? Wow. OK, thanks. But I don't want Mariana coming, OK? Just in case.
Mat: Are you gonna be the one to tell her she can't come? 'Cause I'm not.
Brandon: I'm not afraid of Mariana.
Mat: You should be. I think of it as a healthy fear. She has a way of getting what she wants. Did she talk to you about the tour yet?
Brandon: What about it?

In Foster's kitchen

Lena: You told Ana that she should ask us to adopt her baby?
Mariana: No. I mean, yeah, kinda. Was she mad? What?
Stef: She wasn't mad. She actually agreed with you, Mariana. She asked us to take the baby.
Mariana: She did? Oh, my God. You guys, this was totally meant to be. I mean, we lost Frankie...
Lena: Whoa, whoa. Slow down. We haven't made any decisions yet.
Mariana: What do you mean? We'd be saving this baby from a terrible life.
Stef: We don't know that, love, we don't.
Mariana: You said yourself that Ana has no business taking care of a baby when she can't even care for herself.
Lena: This is a huge commitment, honey. And your mom and I need to talk about this before we make any decisions. OK?
Mariana: OK. You know, I don't get it. You took Jude and Callie in. And this baby, she's my sister.

Stef: Ouch. You know, I wonder if Ana's talked to Mike about this. He's gonna lose it. He's been working overtime trying to convince her that she can stay clean and do this.
Lena: Exactly. She's probably just gonna change her mind anyway.
Stef: Yeah, but what if she doesn't? What are we gonna tell the twins then?
Lena: We tell them we have to do what's right for the whole family.
Stef: You wanted a baby.
Lena: I didn't just want a baby, honey. I wanted the experience of being pregnant, of giving birth. And as horrible as I feel saying it, I wanted a child that was biologically a part of me.
Stef: That's not horrible.
Lena: It's not that I would have loved Frankie more, I just I wanted what you have, all of it. Foster, adopted, and biological children.
Stef: I understand. I know you don't think I can, but I do. It's just not the way it happened. And maybe whatever it is that controls our destiny, you know, whether it's fate or God or whatever. Maybe maybe it's just opened a different door for us to walk through.

Mariana and Callie's room

Daphne: Nothing too white lady goes to brunch. I want to look like me, just like the nice me.
Callie: Why don't you just wear what you're wearing? You look fine. It's not like Tasha's going to care.
Daphne: It's my first visitation. I just want it to be perfect. What about that?
Callie: Really?
Daphne: Yeah.
Callie: It's gonna be fine. You know, Tasha's just gonna be excited to see her mom.
Daphne: She's not gonna recognize me as the lady that took her from the park now. Will she?
Callie: No. No way.

At Anchor Beach

Recruiter: Flintwood has one of the best athletic programs in the country. Wrestling, for example. We've been national champions in our division three of the last four years.
Jesus: Just three? Slackers.
Recruiter: All right. Well, we also offer top notch academics. The best education money can buy.
Jesus: It sounds cool, really cool. I'm not gonna sugar coat it, school's not really my thing.
Recruiter: Look, a lot of our students have those challenges. And this is where being an all-boys school can really be helpful. There aren't any distractions.
Jesus: But I like distractions. Especially girl ones.
Recruiter: Don't worry, there'll be plenty of time to socialize. But we've tailored the curriculum to the ways boys learn best. Which is, you know, not necessarily sitting still inside a classroom. We take an active approach with an emphasis on sports, and camaraderie. Kinda like the military. Have you thought about college?
Jesus: I've thought about how embarrassing it's going to be when everyone gets in and I don't.
Recruiter: That's not gonna happen, not if you treat Flintwood the way you treat wrestling. You worked hard and it paid off. You went from being a promising wrestler to one who is being recruited by a prestigious school. You did that.
Jesus: Even if I wanted to check it out, my moms couldn't afford it. We have a big family and I'm an eater.
Recruiter: That wouldn't be an issue. I'm offering you a scholarship.
Jesus: You mean it'd be free?
Recruiter: Yes.

In children's bathroom

Brandon: Whoa. When did that happen?
Mariana: When I went to the eye doctor and couldn't read the chart.
Brandon: So, what, you wear glasses now?
Mariana: No. You will never see me wear glasses. No one will ever see me wear glasses. I just need to figure out these contacts.
Brandon: I don't think I can watch.
Mariana: I know. It's making me nauseous.
Brandon: Speaking of things that make me nauseous, Mat said you want to come on tour with us. No way. That's not happening.
Mariana: OK.
Brandon: What I'm sorry, what? What's OK?
Mariana: You're allowed to have your opinion. But it's not really your decision to make, it's Moms.
Brandon: Come on, Mariana. We're not bringing girlfriends.
Mariana: You're bringing yours.
Brandon: Yeah, she's in the band!
Mariana: Look, I'm prepared to do my part. I'm gonna sell merch and help with bookings and stuff. I'll be like your manager.
Brandon: OK. There's still no way in hell Moms are going to let you go. I mean, they're barely letting me go and that's only if I raise all this money.
Mariana: Which I can help you with.
Brandon: How?

Mariana and Callie's room

Mariana: Oh, look. We're already up to 150.
Brandon: That's cool. That's really cool, actually. But I still don't think Moms gonna let you go.
Mariana: Why? Because I'm a girl? That's a total double standard. Our moms are feminists.
Brandon: No, because you're 15, Mariana.
Mariana: Oh, please you're not even a whole year older than me. And don't be so sure I can't convince them. I'm gonna tell them I'm gonna keep an eye on you.
Brandon: Maybe I don't want the responsibility of keeping my eye on you. Which is what I'm going to tell them. And speaking of which, I don't think you should go to the gig tonight. OK, it's gonna be a rough crowd.
Mariana: Brandon, that's very sweet, but if it's too scary for me to go, well, I should probably warn Moms about it, right? I mean, do you think they want you playing in front of a "rough crowd?" Glad we had this talk though. I'll see you tonight!

At the youth center

Callie: Hey, can you cover the desk for me?
Rafael: Yeah, sure. Hey, is that your friend, right there? The one who's having her visitation today?
Callie: Yeah.
Rafael: Cool. Tell her good luck.
Callie: Thanks.

Callie: Hey. You look nice.
Daphne: This is a mistake. She's she's gonna remember me. Why was I so stupid?
Callie: Daphne, listen to me. Everything is gonna be fine. But you have to stop we can never talk about that ever again, OK?
Woman: Look who's here. Can you say, "Hi"?
Daphne: Can I give her a hug?

At Foster's house

Lena: So, Jesus is going to the movies, Brandon's band is playing and Jude is going on another "group date", so, looks like we're on our own tonight.
Stef: Really? Home alone. What ever will we do?
Lena: We could order in. How about Mexican?
Stef: Yeah, we could do Mexican, but it's awfully filling.
Lena: Uh, Thai?
Stef: Spicy.
Lena: You love spicy.
Stef: Spicy's not sexy.
Lena: You think you're getting laid tonight?
Stef: Well, it has been a while.
Lena: I didn't know we were keeping track.
Stef: I'm not keeping track. It's just...
Lena: It hasn't just been me.
Stef: I know. It's both of us. So you wanna?
Lena: Yeah, sure, I mean, how often do we get the house all to ourselves? We gotta take advantage of it, right?
Stef: Absolutely. So... Wine?
Lena: Get the good stuff.
Stef: Oh, please.

Brandon's room

Lou: I came by to help you load up.
Brandon: Thanks, but Mat was here a while ago, and I think we took care of it.
Lou: Sweet. All the credit, none of the work.
Brandon: Hey, thanks for giving me the door tonight. Mat said it was your idea.
Lou: I'm sorry I wasn't being more supportive. I really don't wanna go without you.
Brandon: I don't want that either. But I thought about it and you have to. If I can't go, I mean. And, I mean, don't worry, I get it. You've worked so hard for this. You have to do it, OK, no matter what. Careful. I don't want to mess up my look. Do I ? How do I look? Am I OK?
Lou: OK, let's go.
Brandon: Yes. OK.

At the youth center

Daphne: You wanna do a bigger one?
Tasha: Yes.

Rafael: So how long have you been in? Foster care, I mean.
Callie: Six years.
Rafael: Wow. I was in for eight. My dad took off and my mom was is mentally ill.
Callie: You were a foster kid?
Rafael: Oh, yeah. Coulda used a place like this back then, that's for sure. It sucked, but, you know, it inspired me to go to grad school, become a social worker. Right some wrongs, maybe. You know?
Callie: Did you ever find a permanent placement?
Rafael: No, no, I ended up living in a group home until I aged out. How about you? How's the home you're in now?
Callie: I love the family I live with. They even adopted my brother.
Rafael: Oh. But not you?

Wendy: I know you took her! Go on! Play with her. Play with her like nothing happened! You may have everybody else fooled, but I know!
Woman: Wendy, Wendy...
Wendy: I know what you did!
Woman: This isn't appropriate.
Wendy: I saw you! I've seen you before at the park! I know you took her! I know you took my baby!
Woman: You need to leave. You are not allowed to be here.
Wendy: But she is?
Rafael: Ma'am, that's enough. You need to leave. Now.
Woman: I'm so sorry, Ms. Keene...
Wendy: Don't apologize to her, she's a criminal. You might have them fooled, but I know better. And believe me, I'm gonna make damn sure the police figure it out, too. There's no way I'm letting that baby girl go back to you. Tasha belongs with us.
Daphne: You can't do that. She's my baby!
Tasha: Mommy!
Wendy: Hi, sweetheart.
Woman: You need to hand Tasha back to me and leave. I will bring her back to you at the end of the visit.
Wendy: Shh. It's OK. I'm gonna see you back at home in just a bit, OK? Be good, baby. If you care about Tasha, if you really care about her, you should let her go.
Daphne: It's OK. It's OK.

At the pharm party

Mariana: Hi. I'm with, Someone's Little Sister.
The bouncer: Good for you. Whose Little Sister?
Mariana: The band. I'm with the band.
The bouncer: Who isn't? Where's your cover?
Mariana: Seriously? Fine.
The bouncer: And where's the rest of it? A pill. You need a pill.
Mat: Dude, dude, she's with the band.
Mariana: What, so, as long as a guy tells you I'm with the band, then you believe me?
Mat: Please don't get into a fight with the bouncer.
Mariana: What's with the pills? I thought it was a farm party? Like barn animals. I wore denim.

Brandon: This crowd is huge. We could make some real money tonight. No, I'm good. What're you doing?
Lou: Having fun. Relax.

At the youth center

Daphne: Callie, what was all that. I don't get it. If Tasha's foster mom is screaming at the police, telling 'em I took Tasha, how come they ain't ever questioned me?
Callie: They don't have any proof.
Daphne: You don't know that. Maybe they have something and they're just waitin'. Maybe I should get outta town or somethin'.
Callie: No, Daphne, stop, you don't have to run. I know they don't have any evidence because they came to the burger stand this morning to question me.
Daphne: Why the hell you ain't tell me?
Callie: 'Cause Robert's lawyer told me told me I couldn't say anything, even to you. OK, I was trying to protect you.
Daphne: I didn't ask you to do that.
Callie: I know.
Daphne: How'd they know to come to you if they ain't got no evidence?
Callie: You remember the toy, wind-up dog I gave you? You gave it to Tasha, right? So they traced it back to the store where I bought it and the clerk ID'd me.
Daphne: What?
Callie: Yeah, but it's cool though. 'Cause they can't prove that I gave it to you. I think the cops probably came to me thinking that I would tell you and that you would panic and do something stupid, but you're not going to, right? You're going to stay calm. Hey.
Daphne: I don't know if I could do that. You know me, Callie. Staying cool is not my strength.
Callie: Well, you have to. All right, if not for you, for me. Hey, and for Brandon. And Tasha. OK?

At the pharm party

Mariana: Hey, did you know this is a "p-h-a-r-m" party? I didn't even know that was a thing.
Brandon: Yeah, that's why I didn't want you to come.
Mariana: Are you you're not gonna take anything, are you?
Brandon: No! That'd be...
Mariana: Beyond stupid.
Brandon: Yeah.
Mat: Time for us to set up. Wish me luck.
Mariana: You don't need it.
Mat: Why are you winking when you say that? Wait, are you being ironic in that way I totally don't get?
Mariana: No, no, there's just... There's something in my... I'm all good. I just I gotta find a bathroom. But kill it! I'll be the one hollering the loudest.
Mat: I should come with you.
Mariana: No, no! You're about to go on. I'll be quick. Don't worry about me. This is totally my scene. Oops. Oh. Sorry. Excuse me.

Brandon: How you feeling?
Lou: Dude, chill. I'm fine. I just like to take the edge off before I play. It's a great crowd. Let's have fun.

Mariana: Excuse me. Is there a bathroom around here?
Man: This ain't the House of Blues, it's a warehouse. People are peeing out back behind the dumpsters. Want me to meet you out there?
Mariana: No. No, thank you.
Man: I told you to lock this up. My equipment's spendy.
Mariana: Hey! Someone's in here! I'm in here! Hello! Hello! Someone's in here!
Lou: We're Someone's Little Sister!

In the street

Woman: Daphne Keene?
Daphne: Yeah?
Man: We'd like to ask you a few questions.

At the youth center

Rafael: Great job today.
Callie: I try my best.
Rafael: Well, you succeed. You have a ride home?
Callie: I'm just gonna take the bus.
Rafael: Oh, no, I'm happy to drop you off. Really, it's fine.
Callie: Thanks.
Rafael: Hey, can I ask you something? What was all that about, this afternoon? I mean, was that woman seriously accusing your friend of kidnapping?
Callie: I don't know. She wants to adopt Daphne's baby, so I guess she thought... Love makes people do crazy things, I guess. Actually, I think I'm just gonna take the bus. But thank you.
Rafael: Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to pry.
Callie: No, you didn't. Hey, what's up? OK, slow down. OK.

At the pharm party

Brandon and Lou: We're so much brighter than this town, We're gonna fly Gonna fly, Over everything, Over everything...

Mariana: Ah! Hey! Are you OK? Are you all right?

In Foster's living room

Lena: Don't feel bad about it, honey. We've got a lot on our plates.
Stef: Yeah, well, you know, so do Molly and Tracy, but to hear them talk about it, they go at it like bunnies.
Lena: Yeah, well, they don't have five kids and three birth parents to worry about. And any couple who says they're always having sex, isn't. Remember Hope and Kim?
Stef: Mm-hm.
Lena: They used to always brag about their sex lives and then when they broke up, Hope told me they hadn't had sex in six years.
Stef: You're kidding me! Six years?
Lena: Mm-hm.
Stef: You know what, my love, I am not complaining about our sex life. I just I just I just don't want us to get complacent. I mean, I want us to stay on it because, I'm sorry, but lesbian bed death is a real thing. It's real.
Lena: More wine?
Stef: Ahh. I thought you would never ask. And you know what? I think after that, we should head up to bed, naked, and make it happen.
Lena: Last one to bed has to be the top!
Stef: Hey! You're a cheater. That's an unfair advantage. Such a you're so...

At the pharm party

Brandon and Lou: But you can't break from the crowd, You bend to the desire, Caught in the crossfire, Here it comes.
Brandon: Caught in the crossfire.
Lou: Being caught in the crossfire.

Mariana: Help! I need you to stay awake for me, can you do that? Maybe we should try and walk around a little. Oh, my God!

Stef and Lena's room

Lena: I'm sorry. I think I had too much wine. Maybe next time we should have sex before dinner. Or maybe we should have dinner. And less drinks.
Stef: It's fine. It's fine.
Lena: I know, I know, I know. But at least you, you know... You got there. You did get there, didn't you?
Stef: I sorta got there.
Lena: It didn't sound like you "sorta got there." Did you fake your orgasm?
Stef: No! I didn't fake it. I may have embellished it a little.
Lena: What? Why?
Stef: I didn't want to hurt your feelings, love, and I had an emotional one.
Lena: An emotional orgasm?
Stef: Why does sex have to be so goal oriented?
Lena: It doesn't. Which is why you don't need to embellish anything to make me feel better.
Stef: OK. There was a lot of pressure tonight, I think.
Lena: All the pressure to have sex tonight was coming from you.
Stef: OK, OK
Lena: For the record, I would have been happy just cuddling.
Stef: Then let's cuddle a bit. Let's just cuddle, OK?
Lena: Have you ever faked it before?
Stef: Oh, come on, haven't you ever?
Lena: No. Never with you. And can I just say, please, that going forward if one of us, you know, can't get there, we just be honest about it. We've been together for ten years. I mean...
Stef: Well, it is true that you know, sex gets a little harder after you've been with someone for so long. It's not as new and exciting like it was in the beginning. Come on.
Lena: I still get excited every time you walk through the door at night. It may not be new, but it's better.
Stef: This is my favorite part...
Lena: Of tonight?
Stef: Of everything.
Lena: Me too.
Stef: We have to remember to take care of us, OK? In a little more than a year, Callie and Brandon are gonna be gone and the twins after that... Thank God for Jude.
Lena: At least we'll be able to have some more "us" time I mean, unless we...
Stef: We take Ana's baby? What do you think? Do you want to?

At the pharm party

Brandon and Lou: It must make you so tired, Being caught in the crossfire...
Lou: Thank you! We're "Someone's Little Sister"! We're touring this summer, check us out online!

Brandon: Hey, Callie, what're you doing here?
Callie: Mariana called me. She's locked inside a storage unit.
Brandon: What? Where?
Callie: Somewhere around here. This is Rafael. We work together at the drop-in center.
Mat: Have you seen Mariana?
Man: Cops!
Police: This is the police! Stop the music! And stay where you are! Stop the music. I repeat. This is the police! Stay where you are! We have a medical emergency. I'll repeat, we have a medical emergency. We need you to stay put and stay quiet so the EMT's can do their jobs!
Brandon: You gotta get outta here. Callie! What are you doing?
Mat: What's going on?

Mariana: Help! We need help!
Police: Stay back. Just stay where you are.
Mariana: In here, please. In here! Oh, my God! Hurry! She's barely breathing.
Man: What's her name?
Mariana: I don't know. I don't know her.
Man: Do you know what she took?
Mariana: No idea.
Brandon: She's OK. Go. She's on probation. Take her. Go, I'll take care of Mariana, go.
Man: Miss, can you hear me? Open your eyes. Can you hear me? Ma'am.

In the garage

Mariana: At least no one got arrested.
Mat: We didn't get paid either.
Mariana: Go ahead and say it. I know you're dying to.
Brandon: OK, fine. This is why it's a bad idea for you to come with us on tour with us this summer. You can't handle it.
Mariana: What was I supposed to do, let the girl OD so the show could go on?
Brandon: No, but if you hadn't been locked in a storage unit in the first place Then no one might have found her and she could have died. I'm sorry my stupid contact were bothering me.
Mat: Contacts? Since when?
Mariana: Not the hot issue here, Mat. So, yeah, I'm sorry I got locked in a storage unit. But I am not sorry that I called the police and possibly saved that girl's life.
Brandon: I didn't say that calling the police was a mistake.
Mariana: I "handled" myself fine. You're just mad because you know you shouldn't have been playing a gig like that anyway.

Lou: Wow. I didn't realize Mariana wanted to go on tour with us. You're totally right, it's a terrible idea. We don't have time to be baby-sitting her on the road.
Brandon: Yeah, because I'm going to be busy baby-sitting you.
Lou: What are you talking about?
Brandon: You totally screwed up on stage tonight when you took those pills.
Lou: Come on. It wasn't a big deal.
Brandon: Because I covered for you. Is that what it's gonna be like on tour?
Lou: Is this what it's gonna be like on tour? You judging my every move?
Brandon: You tell me. I mean, are you gonna get too high every night to perform?
Lou: I forgot a lyric. That happens when I'm sober, too. And I barely felt anything from those pills. Half the stuff people bring is Aspirin.
Brandon: Is that supposed to be comforting?
Lou: I'm not the one who screwed up tonight, OK. Thanks to your sister, we didn't get any money for the gig.
Brandon: This is not Mariana's She did the right thing, OK? That girl almost died.
Lou: She's fine.
Brandon: This could have been you. I don't care that you forgot some words to a stupid song. I care that you took some freaking mystery pills and didn't think about what would happen next. This is me caring. Not judging.
Lou: I guess I'm just not used to people caring about me like that.
Brandon: Well get used to it.
Lou: You're right. It was dumb. I'm sorry. I promise when we're on tour, I'll play all our gigs straight.
Brandon: OK.
Lou: You're wrong about one thing though. Our songs aren't stupid. They're awesome. At least mine are.

Mariana: You're not mad at me because you didn't get paid, are you?
Mat: No. I mean, I was a little blind-sided by that contacts reveal, but...
Mariana: I'm being serious.
Mat: So am I. Look, I don't think Brandon meant to hurt you. I think he was just upset at Lou and it came out wrong.
Mariana: Well, I'm sure they'll work it out before we go on tour.
Mat: I don't want you to go on tour. Please don't hate me.
Mariana: What?
Mat: I'm sorry. I should have told you sooner, but I was...
Mariana: Are you, like breaking up with me?
Mat: No, no. I don't wanna break up. Or see anyone else. It's not like that at all. It's just, I've been dreaming about this tour for years. It's a chance for me to really focus on my music before I don't know, life takes over. It's something I want to do, just for me.
Mariana: I wouldn't stop you from doing that.
Mat: I know. But I would stop myself. OK, tonight, through out the entire set I was scanning the crowd looking for you. And not because I was worried, but because I love you and I want to when you're in the room, you have my undivided attention. I'm sorry if that hurts your feelings. Why are you crying?
Mariana: I'm not it's... It's just my contacts.
Mat: Mariana...
Mariana: OK, fine. I'm upset.
Mat: Really?
Mariana: Really, but I'll get over it.
Mat: You promise?
Mariana: Promise.

In the children's bathroom

Mariana: Oh, Jesus, come here.
Jesus: What is it?
Mariana: I need you to do something.
Jesus: Nice glasses.

Stef and Lena's room

Jesus: I'm supposed to be in here, convincing you guys to adopt Ana's baby. Mariana asked me to. Are you guys really thinking about that?
Stef: Well, we were hoping to talk about to the both of you about this.
Jesus: So you're not...
Stef: Look, Jesus, the only reason we would even consider taking Ana's baby is because we love you and Mariana very much and this baby would be your sister.
Lena: And yes we wanted a baby. But things change, honey. We were just now sitting here talking about how nice it is to get to spend some time alone together every once in a while, just the two of us. The truth is, we have so many legal expenses right now, trying to fight for Callie, it's hard enough to put food on the table for five kids every night.
Jesus: What if you guys had one less kid to feed?

In front the house

Callie: After today, you must think I'm some kind of magnet for trouble.
Rafael: No, no I just hope that your friends, and your brothers and sisters, don't get you into trouble like that all the time.
Callie: I make way more trouble for them.
Rafael: You never told me why you didn't get adopted.
Callie: My birth father is fighting for custody.
Rafael: Is he a bad guy?
Callie: No, but I just found out about him. And this is my home. I love Stef and Lena and I really want to be a part of the family.
Rafael: But what?
Callie: I did something that they don't know about and I can't tell them because it would be really bad for a lot of people. I just feel so bad lying to them. You know, I can't even look them in the eye and after everything they've done, they don't deserve it.
Rafael: Callie, you have to tell them, whatever it is?
Callie: You're not listening to me. I cannot tell them! It would ruin lives and not just mine.
Rafael: What're you gonna do?

In the Foster's kitchen

Stef: I mean, I'm sure Flintwood is a great school and all...
Lena: It is. It's one of the best in the country.
Stef: I'm not ready to say goodbye to our son.
Lena: I know. We're supposed to have two more years.
Stef: You don't think this is the Universe punishing us because when we were in bed we said there would be some pluses to having the kids out of the house? We didn't mean tomorrow. He's just a baby.

Stef: Hey, sweets.
Lena: How was the center?
Callie: Oh, it was good, it was pretty good. So listen, there's something I have to tell you.
Lena: OK.
Callie: I think it would be I think I think I should go live with Robert.

Kikavu ?

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Supersympa, 16.04.2024 à 14:31

Bonjour à tous ! Nouveau survivor sur le quartier Person of Interest ayant pour thème l'équipe de Washington (saison 5) de la Machine.

choup37, 18.04.2024 à 08:49

5 participants prennent part actuellement à la chasse aux gobelins sur doctor who, y aura-t-il un sixième?

chrismaz66, 18.04.2024 à 11:04

Choup tu as 3 joueurs de plus que moi!! Kaamelott est en animation, 3 jeux, venez tenter le coup, c'est gratis! Bonne journée ^^

choup37, 19.04.2024 à 19:45

Maintenant j'en ai plus que deux, je joue aussi sur kaa

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