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#314 : La tête sous l'eau

Lorsque Callie et Jude découvrent que des garçons du foyer frappent Jack, ils se tournent vers Justina afin d'avoir de l'aide.

De son côté, Jesus essaie d'apprendre à connaître Gabe au travail malgré les avertissements de Nick qui lui conseille de lui dire la vérité. Pendant ce temps, Mariana est surprise lorsque Nick l'invite à sortir mais découvre vite qu'il y a une autre raison derrière.

Enfin, Stef et Lena font une annonce important à la famille qui touche tous les membres.



4.71 - 7 votes

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Under Water

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La tête sous l'eau

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314 - Promo

314 - Promo


314 - Sneak peek #1 : Jesus et Gabriel

314 - Sneak peek #1 : Jesus et Gabriel


314 - Sneak peek #2 : Mariana, Nick et Jesus

314 - Sneak peek #2 : Mariana, Nick et Jesus


314 - Sneak peek #3 : Brandon et Courtney

314 - Sneak peek #3 : Brandon et Courtney


Photos promo

Jesus, Callie, Jude, Brandon et Mariana sont sur le canapé

Jesus, Callie, Jude, Brandon et Mariana sont sur le canapé

Callie (Maia Michell)

Callie (Maia Michell)

Sharon, la mère de Stef

Sharon, la mère de Stef

Stef, Lena et Sharon annoncent une mauvaise nouvelle

Stef, Lena et Sharon annoncent une mauvaise nouvelle

Stef, Lena et Sharon annoncent une mauvaise nouvelle

Stef, Lena et Sharon annoncent une mauvaise nouvelle

Jesus, Callie, Jude, Brandon et Mariana sont sur le canapé

Jesus, Callie, Jude, Brandon et Mariana sont sur le canapé

Jesus, Callie, Jude, Brandon et Mariana discutent avec Stef, Lena et Sharon

Jesus, Callie, Jude, Brandon et Mariana discutent avec Stef, Lena et Sharon

Stef, Lena et Sharon annoncent une mauvaise nouvelle

Stef, Lena et Sharon annoncent une mauvaise nouvelle

Jesus et Mariana sont inquiets

Jesus et Mariana sont inquiets

Jesus et Mariana sont inquiets

Jesus et Mariana sont inquiets

Jack, l'ami de Jude

Jack, l'ami de Jude

Jude voit un bleu sur le corps de Jack

Jude voit un bleu sur le corps de Jack

Jude et Callie voient un bleu sur le corps de Jack

Jude et Callie voient un bleu sur le corps de Jack

Callie et Jude discutent avec Jack

Callie et Jude discutent avec Jack

Callie et Jude discutent

Callie et Jude discutent

Jude (Hayden Byerly)

Jude (Hayden Byerly)


Logo de la chaîne Freeform

Etats-Unis (inédit)
Lundi 15.02.2016 à 20:00
0.81m / 0.3% (18-49)

Plus de détails

Scénario : Johanna Johnson
Réalisation : Ron Lagomarsino

Captures | Photos tournage

  • Au centre de détention

Callie se rend au centre afin de voir AJ mais la guichetière lui annonce qu'elle n'est pas sur la liste. Callie ne comprend pas mais la dame lui répond que si elle n'est pas sur la liste, c'est qu'AJ ne veut pas la voir ; Callie accuse le coup.

  • Chez le médecin

L'oncologue explique à Stef et Lena le déroulement de la masectomie et la récupération. Stef n'écoute qu'à demi-mot et s'imagine nageant nue dans une piscine.


  • Chez les Foster

Dans la cuisine, Sharon demande comment s'est passé le rendez-vous lorsque Stef et Lena rentrent de chez le médecin. Alors que Lena veut l'annoncer aux enfants, Stef préfère attendre que l'opération soit programmé. Mariana arrive alors en trombe dans la cuisine et demande à Lena si elle a une liaison avec Monte. Stef et Lena se regardent mais Lena répond par la négative : Mariana lui montre alors un montage qui tourne sur Twitter de Lena et Monte. Stef pense qu'il ne faut rien faire sinon cela va augmenter les rumeurs. À ce moment-là, Monte appelle Lena mais celle-ci ne répond pas.



  • Chez les Foster

Dans la chambre de Jesus, ce dernier avoue tout à Mariana pour Gabe et elle est énervée et surprise d'apprendre toute la vérité. Jesus avoue ne pas comprendre pourquoi il ne peut pas légalement les approcher. Stef les appelle dans le salon.

Dans le salon, Stef annonce son cancer et sa prochaine opération. Les enfants sont sous le choc et demandent comment ils peuvent aider puis ils se font tous un énorme câlin.

  • Chez des inconnus

Lena amène Stef près d'une piscine : celle-ci refuse dans un premier temps puisqu'elles sont en infraction mais Lena sourit et dit qu'elles n'ont pas besoin de maillot de bain, qu'elle veut juste réaliser son souhait. Stef rigole alors et elles se déshabillent.

  • Chez les Foster

Brandon travaille et regarde une photo de lui et sa mère. Jesus et Jude n'arrivent pas à trouver le sommeil. De leur côté, Callie et Mariana se renseignent en ligne sur le cancer du sein et la masectomie.

  • Chez des inconnus

Stef et Lena nagent toutes les deux nues et se font des câlins. De retour chez elles, elles font l'amour tendrement.

Dans sa chambre, Mariana se renseignent sur Gabe sur internet et découvre qu'il a été condamné pour des attouchements sexuels.

Fin de l'épisode.

Ecrit par emeline53.

At the juvenile center

Um, my name is Callie Jac uh, Adams Foster. Sorry. I just got adopted so I changed my name. Uh, I'm here to see AJ Hensdale. Anthony Joseph Hensdale.
Woman: You're not on his list.
Callie: I called and spoke to someone.
Woman: I see your request, but you're not on here.
Callie: So what does that mean?
Woman: He doesn't want to see you.

At the doctor

Dr. Hamagaki: We're doing what we call a skin sparing mastectomy. We remove the nipple and the areola, and we take the breast tissue out through here, leaving the skin to form an envelope that will help create the reconstructed breast. We'll then insert tissue expanders underneath the muscles of your chest wall. All right, now once you heal, your plastic surgeon will begin filling them with saline over the course of six to eight weeks. Any questions? Mrs. Adams Foster?
Stef: Nope.


In the kitchen

Sharon: How'd it go?
Stef: Fine. It went fine.
Sharon: And when are you gonna...
Lena: Um, next week hopefully. I think we should tell the kids.
Stef: Uh, no. I think we should just wait till they schedule the surgery. You know, less time for them to wait and worry, the better.
Lena: So...

Mariana: Mama. Are you having an affair with the principal of our school? Is that why you're having all of these private conversations behind closed doors and whispering and why Grandma won't leave?
Lena: No, I am not having an affair with Monte. Where did where did you hear this?
Mariana: It's all over Twitter.
Lena: Twitter? Who who did this?
Mariana: Who knows? But everyone's retweeting it.
Sharon: It is kind of funny.
Stef: Mom.
Lena: No, it's not funny or true.
Stef: Just ignore it, okay? It's gonna go away. Trust me.
Sharon: She's right. Otherwise, it'll look like she doth protest too much.
Mariana: One thing I can do is start a Twitter campaign to stopmakingupliesaboutmymom. Or you know, something better than that.

Lena: I'm sorry.
Stef: No.
Lena: I'm sorry.

Stef: Hey, Cal? Callie? Did you did you get a chance to see AJ?
Callie: No, he doesn't want to see me thanks to you.
Stef: Okay, Cal...
Callie: Listen I told you where AJ was because I thought I was talking to my mother, not a cop. Obviously, there's no difference.
Stef: Please watch your tone.
Callie: I'm sorry if you don't like my tone, but I lost a friend because you weren't honest with me.
Lena: Callie.
Stef: It's fine. Let her have her feelings. Apparently AJ is refusing to see Mike too.
Lena: What's gonna happen to him?
Stef: Well, he may end up in youth authority if he's not careful. I'm All right, I'm gonna go change.
Sharon: Well, I believe you have a call to return, so I'll give you some privacy.

On site

Gabriel: All right, so we're gonna build a wall over here. Just get me five two-by-fours and pick the straightest ones.
Jesus: Okay. Where'd you learn to do all this stuff?
Gabriel: On site, same as you.
Jesus: Oh.
Gabriel: You're gonna place those 16 inches apart on the ground.
Jesus: We're gonna build a wall on the ground?
Gabriel: That's easier. You'll see.
Jesus: Did you you grow up around here?
Gabriel: Near here.
Jesus: Where'd you go to high school?
Gabriel: Jefferson for a while.
Jesus: What year did you graduate?
Gabriel: I didn't.
Jesus: That's cool.
Gabriel: Now you think dropping out of high school is cool?
Jesus: Uh, no. No. I just I mean... No, I just... You got a big family?
Gabriel: Look, you ever use one of these?
Jesus: No.
Gabriel: This one time, I wasn't paying attention, gun bounced off a stud, hit me in the head. I got 15 stitches.
Jesus: So I should stop asking you questions?
Gabriel: Personal ones. If you wanna learn something, you ask. All right? You want to chit chat, work with one of the other guys.
Jesus: Yeah, okay. I mean, I want to work with you.
Gabriel: All right, man. Go grab me some more boards.
Jesus: Ah!

At the restaurant

Cortney: Great.
Brandon: Thanks.
Cortney: Your usual?
Brandon: Sure.
Cortney: Love that last song. What's it from?
Brandon: H, you know, the Brandon Foster roken Heart Collection. I wrote it for that girl that I told you about.
Cortney: Ah.
Brandon: Thanks. Hey, what'd they what'd they call this again?
Cortney: A Shirley Temple.
Brandon: Is that, like, a person or...
Cortney: Wait, you don't know who - Shirley Temple is?
Brandon: No.
Cortney: She's, like, the most famous child star of all time. She sang Animal Crackers in My Soup.
Brandon: Right. So, you're saying this is, like, a little girl's drink.
Cortney: You know, I think it takes a real man to order a Shirley Temple.
Brandon: Why does this suddenly feel like surfing all over again? I think you just like making fun of me. Really.
Boss: Uh don't forget you have inventory tomorrow.
Cortney: Yeah. All over it.
Brandon: Aren't we closed tomorrow?
Cortney: Yeah. He won't let me do inventory during business hours, so I get to come in alone with the ghosts of the early bird special.
Brandon: Wait, is this... You think this place is haunted?
Cortney: Oh, yeah. I know it is.
Brandon: Well, I'd love to see a ghost. Can I help?
Cortney: Seriously? You don't have better things to do?
Brandon: Other things to do, but not better.

In the living room

Callie: It's so professional.
Justina: It is. We're averaging over 10,000 users a week. Just wait till we launch the phone app.
Callie: Oh, um, actually, I've been getting some emails from kids saying that they have been having some trouble uploading their content or when they do sometimes, it disappears.
Justina: Well, I'll talk to our moderators. It might be that the content was inappropriate.
Callie: Uh, we have moderators?
Justina: Of course.
Callie: Okay, it's just the whole point of Fost and Found is so that kids have a place to tell their stories uncensored.
Justina: Moderation isn't censorship. It's a way to keep it a safe place for kids to speak up and not be bullied or shamed. For example, someone recently made an ugly accusation about you and we took it down.
Callie: What'd they say?
Justina: That you had sex with your Foster brother. Which of course is not true, but that's the sort of thing I'm talking about. We don't want people trying to tear you down with lies, do we?
Callie: No.
Justina: You know, or misrepresenting themselves. Like whoever's pretending to be your friend, AJ. Look, I hope you don't mind. But I had my programmers track their IP address, and it belongs to someone you know.
Callie: Who?
Justina: Your brother, Jude.

In Jude's room

Callie: Hey. What are you doing?
Jack: Checking my email.
Callie: On Jude's computer?
Jack: He said I could use it.
Callie: Did he say you could use it to catfish me?
Jack: I... I don't I don't I don't know what you're talking about.
Callie: We traced everything back to Jude's computer and I know it wasn't my brother. It was you, wasn't it?
Jack: I'm... I'm sorry. I... I... I... I didn't mean...
Callie: To pretend to be somebody else? Was it an accident?
Jack: No, it's just you you posted those pictures and and you looked really pretty, so so I was just saying you looked super, Callie, like the drawing on your wall...
Callie: But you let me sit in a coffee shop waiting for AJ.
Jack: Yeah, I know! I was there.
Callie: You were there, so are are you stalking me?
Jack: No, I was just gonna come by to tell you that it was that it was me, and and you were talking to this guy and then you came outside and took off.
Jude: Okay, Mom. I will.
Jack: Please don't tell Jude. He won't be my friend.

Jude: Hey. Are you going?
Jack: Yeah.
Jude: Wait, you're bleeding.
Jack: Oh, it's it's okay.
Jude: Let me see.
Callie: What happened to you?
Jack: I... I fell.
Callie: You didn't get those bruises from falling.
Jack: Did you get beat up?
Callie: Who did this to you?
Jack: Some of the older boys in the group home.
Callie: Do your supervisors know about this?
Jack: They don't care.
Jude: Well, you're not going back there. Our mom's a cop. She can help you.
Jack: No, no. Please, please. If they can't find another place, they're gonna put me in juvie. It's it's okay. It was my fault. If I if I just keep my mouth shut, I'll I'll be fine. I I gotta go.
Callie: Jude, he's right. He can end up in juvie.
Jude: Mom wouldn't let that happen.
Callie: AJ is in juvie right now because of her, so we don't know what she'll do.

In the garden

Sharon: Everybody up and out?
Stef: Ugh, it's like herding cats.
Sharon: You're not going to work today?
Stef: No. I have a couple of things I'd like to get done before I'm out of commission.
Sharon: Everything's gonna be fine, you know.
Stef: I know, I know. It's fine.
Sharon: Mm-hmm. Yes.
Stef: But just in case something does happen, Ma, I'd like to give you my power of attorney, if that's all right with you.
Sharon: Well first of all, nothing's gonna go wrong.
Stef: I know, I know, but I mean, it's just got to be prepared, Mom.
Sharon: Why aren't you asking your wife? Are you are you having problems?
Stef: No.
Sharon: No?
Stef: No.
Sharon: Is she having an affair?
Stef: No. Mother, we're fine.
Sharon: Are you sure?
Stef: Why are you asking this?
Sharon: I'm just saying, since I've been here, I I haven't seen much affection between the two of you.
Stef: Just because you're in lust with Will right now, Mother, doesn't mean everyone else is, you know.
Sharon: Well, just make sure that you have sex before the surgery.
Stef: Mother. Oh, my...
Sharon: What? It's important. I know how you get when you're you're scared and overwhelmed. You just want to batten hatches and weather the storm alone. Don't don't make that a self-fulfilling prophecy.

At school

Nick: Whoa, so your dad's alive, dude?
Jesus: Birth dad.
Nick: So you're gonna tell him who you are.
Jesus: Uh, I don't think so.
Nick: Why not? Is he cool?
Jesus: I mean, he's pretty cool.
Nick: So then man up and tell him.
Jesus: You man up.
Mariana: What the...
Nick: Oh! Ow! Sorry. He he pushed me.
Mariana: God, what is your problem? You act like you're nine years old. Seriously. Grow up.

Sally: Mariana?
Mariana: Hey, Sally.
Sally: I'm sorry about the election. I thought you should have won.
Mariana: Oh, my gosh. Thank you.
Sally: Anyway, I'd love for you to be a part of my administration as Chair of the Honor Board.
Mariana: I'd love to. Wow. Thank you so much for thinking of me. Thank you!
Sally: We'll talk later. Gotta run.

Jesus: Being Chair of the Honor Board is no honor. You're in charge of punishing students. But hey, if you're trying to win an unpopularity contest... Yeah, just don't expect to get, like, another date for the rest of high school.
Mariana: Okay, Dumb and Dumber, don't you have remedial something to get to?

At the juvenile center

Woman: You're not on the visitation list.
Callie: All right, well, will you please tell him that I'll be back tomorrow?
Woman: I'll put in your request.
Callie: Thank you.

At rehearsal

Mariana: O, wilt thou leave me so unsatisfied?
Mat: What satisfaction canst thou have tonight? The exchange of thy love's faithful vow for mine. Uh, can we save the kiss for the performance?
Brandon: Yeah, that's, that's fine. Um, okay. Zoey, let's rehearse the new song.
Zoey: Matt, your Shakespeare is so good. Maybe we could get together later and you could help me with my iambic pentameter.
Mat: Sure.

Mariana: So, I was thinking, as director of the play, I think you should lay down a no-dating policy between cast and crew. You know, to save the drama for the stage.
Brandon: Right. Is that what you think then? For the good of the play?
Mariana: Yes.
Brandon: No. Mariana, no. If you can't handle working with Mat, then we'll just cast Talya as Juliet, you know, assuming she's still speaking to me, - and then you …
Mariana: All right, all right. Don't get all crazy. I'm totally fine.
Brandon: Okay. Good. Zoey, from the top.

In the living room

Jack: Hey.
Jude: Hey.
Jack: What's going on?
Callie: This is Justina. She is a Foster care advocate not a social worker or a cop, so you can trust her.
Justina: Hey, Jack. So Callie told me what's been happening in your group home, and I'd like to help you if you want me to. Are they beating you up?
Callie: Show her.
Justina: They are in serious violation of their license. They could potentially get shut down. But at the very least, I can get you out of there.
Jack: Then where will I go?
Justina: Someplace safe. I'll make sure of it this time. I can get us an appointment at social services tomorrow. You just have to show them your bruises and tell them what happened.
Callie: She won't let them send you back to juvie.
Jack: Okay.
Justina: Good. Are you okay spending one more night there?
Jack: I know how to lay low.
Justina: Okay. So I'll tell Callie where and when, and I will see you tomorrow.
Jude: Still want to hang out? Come on.
Jack: Sure.

Callie: Hey, um, sorry what did you mean when you said you'll make sure he's safe this time? I thought you had nothing to do with him getting pulled out of his other home.
Justina: Well, I didn't, but someone did last time, and I'll make sure it doesn't happen again this time. I mean, it's just an expression, Callie. I'll text you later.

In Lena's office

Monte: Is Stef upset?
Lena: No, she she knows it's not true.
Monte: Well, good. I think we should just ignore it, not dignify it with any sort of response.
Lena: Yeah, that's what Stef thinks too.
Monte: Yeah, she's right. I mean, kids make up stories about their teachers and their principals all the time. When I was in grade school, we spread this rumor that our music teacher was having an affair with his T.A. Of course in his case it was true and he ended up divorcing his wife. But...
Lena: Did you send that tweet?
Monte: What? D Do you think I would do something like that?
Lena: No. I I don't even know why I said that. I'm sorry. I'm just a little stressed out.
Monte: About this or something else?
Lena: Stef. I'm sorry.
Monte: No.
Lena: She she she needs to have a surgery. So I'm gonna need to take at least a week off if that's okay.
Monte: Of course. Is it serious?
Lena: Um she's she's gonna be fine. She's gonna be fine.
Monte: I'm so sorry. I didn't, um I didn't mean to overstep. Of course you can take all the time off you need.
Lena: Thank you.

In Nick's car

Jesus: Okay, stop it! I'm gonna throw up!
Nick: Not until you man up!
Jesus: Okay, okay, okay! I'll do it, I'll do it! Just stop! You are such an ass.
Nick: Someday you're gonna say, "Thank you, Nick. Because of you, "I have a relationship with my father. Uh, birth father."
Jesus: Yeah, we'll see.
Woman: You guys want to get out of the car?

In the restaurant

Cortney: 0. 5. 0. 5. Having fun yet?
Brandon: Well, I mean, don't most places use, like, a computer for this?
Cortney: Most places aren't stuck in the 1940s.
Brandon: Speaking of which, where are all those ghosts?
Cortney: Hm. Oh, that's weird. Maybe they don't like you.
Brandon: What is not to like?
Cortney: I agree.
Brandon: Wait a minute.
Cortney: What?
Brandon: No, I'm I'm picking up on, like, a presence. It's a little girl. She's got curls a high-pitched voice, and she's she's calling me. I have to I have to I have to go. “Animal crackers in my soup Monkeys and rabbits loop the loop Gosh, oh, gee But I have fun Swallowing animals one by one Both: In every bowl of soup I see Lions and Tigers watching me I make 'em jump right through a hoop Those animal crackers in my soup”.
Cortney: You are pretty adorable.
Brandon: Sorry.
Cortney: No, it's not that I don't want to kiss you. It's just it's complicated.
Brandon: Why?
Cortney: Well, first of all, I'm older than you.
Brandon: By a few years. No big deal.
Cortney: And we're both on the rebound.
Brandon: I thought you were over your ex.
Cortney: I am, but it's pretty clear that you aren't of yours.

On site

Gabriel: Uh, yeah, you know, go back there and help and I'll be back there in a little bit. Hey! Nick. Thought you might not show up today.
Jesus: Yeah, sorry about that. I had something after school.
Gabriel: Um, school? You a senior?
Jesus: Yeah.
Gabriel: Um. Let's get to work. Here.
Jesus: What's this?
Gabriel: It's my old belt. Try it on. It's not safe to walk around with tools in your pockets.

At school

Nick: Hey, just the girl I wanted to see.
Mariana: Yeah, right.
Nick: No, seriously. I wanted to apologize. Look, I'm just trying to fit in, okay? It's hard coming to a new school junior year. I was just trying to make a friend by acting like a smart-ass and teasing a sister, 'cause I like you and you intimidate me.
Mariana: Why?
Nick: You're smart. Confident.
Mariana: I am?
Nick: You're just about the most beautiful girl I've ever seen. And now that I've made a complete idiot of myself, maybe we can go out sometime, get some fries or something?
Mariana: Maybe.

In the kitchen

Sharon: Oh, hi. I'm making spaghetti and meatballs for dinner. I hope that's okay.
Lena: That's fantastic. Thank you.
Sharon: Nothing's gonna happen, but I just want you to know that whatever decisions might need to be made, of course we would we would make them together.
Lena: About what?
Sharon: Didn't Stef talk to you about her power of attorney?
Lena: Yeah. Yeah.
Sharon: Oh, good. Because she said she was gonna go over to the school at lunch. I thought I might have put my foot in my mouth again. So you're all right with everything?
Lena: Not to worry.
Sharon: Oh, good, because I don't want there to be any tension between us.
Lena: It's all good. Thank you for making dinner. I'm just gonna go wash up.
Sharon: Take your time. I got everything under control.

In the bedroom

Lena: You okay?
Stef: I didn't sleep well last night.
Lena: Is there anything I can do?
Stef: Just need some rest.
Lena: Okay.

In the bathroom

Jesus: Why do girls inflict so much pain on themselves just to look pretty?
Mariana: Well, we can't all rock a unibrow.
Jesus: What? I do not have a unibrow.
Mariana: Whatever you have to tell yourself.
Jesus: Wow. You ever been curious about our birth dad?
Mariana: Why? Are you?
Jesus: I don't know. Do ever think he might not have been Latino?
Mariana: No. Why are you thinking about our birth dad? You've never been interested in knowing anything about him.
Jesus: I don't know. Nick was asking questions.
Mariana: Well, you don't have to answer them. Tell him it's personal.
Jesus: Yeah, well, speaking of Nick, I know you hate him, but...
Mariana: He's not so bad.
Jesus: Oh. Well, good, because he just got busted for doing donuts in the school parking lot and he's being sent to your honor board tomorrow, so go easy on him, okay?
Mariana: Sure. I'll see what I can do.

At school

Callie: I told you I needed the car after school today.
Brandon: Uh, I don't remember that, and actually I need it to get to work after rehearsal.
Callie: Well, the car doesn't belong to you. We all have to share it and you have it most of the time anyway.
Brandon: Well, what's so urgent? Are you gonna go see your boyfriend in juvie?
Callie: He's not my boyfriend and he's probably not even my friend anymore and you're supposed to be moving on, Brandon.
Brandon: I am.
Callie: Oh, yeah? Is that why you're doing Romeo and Juliet as your senior project?
Brandon: What does that mean?
Callie: Can I please just have the keys?

Honor Board

Sally: So everyone, this is Nick Stranos. He was doing donuts in the school parking lot. Do you have anything you want to say?
Nick: Yes. It's hard coming to a new school junior year. I guess I was trying to make a friend by showing off, but all I showed was what an idiot I am. Now, I like it here. It is the most beautiful school I've ever seen and I am very, very sorry for my actions.
Sally: Well, I think since this is your first offense, we can let you off with a warning. Mariana?
Mariana: I agree. As long as he cleans up the tread marks that he left behind. Inside are soap and scrub brushes, and since you're gonna be spending a lot of time on your knees, I've included these.

On site

Gabriel: Good job.
Jesus: Yeah. I can't believe we framed the whole room in a day. It's pretty cool.
Gabriel: Yeah. Well, you're a good worker, Nick. We'll see you tomorrow?
Jesus: Yeah.
Gabriel: All right, bud.
Jesus: Hey! I'm I'm not Nick. My name's not Nick. I'm Jesus your son. And look, I'm sorry I didn't tell you right away. I just wanted to get the chance to know you...
Gabriel: You gotta leave.
Jesus: Why?
Gabriel: I can't be around you.
Jesus: Oh, no. You don't have to worry. It's not like I want anything from you.
Gabriel: No, I can't legally be around you. Don't come back here again.


In a park

Jude: Here he is.
Callie: What happened to your arm?
Jack: They took me to the hospital. I told the doctors I fell.
Justina: Well, did those boys do that to you? Did they break your arm?
Jack: As long as I don't tell, they're gonna give me my own room and food and video games. Anything I want. And they're gonna protect me now.
Callie: They won't protect you.
Jack: Yes, they will. I finally have the power for the first time since I've been in the system. I have the power. Thank you anyway.
Callie: Hey, Jack! Hey, what about the other kids in the home? If you protect the people that let this happen to you, you're not gaining any power. You're giving it up for every kid in Foster care.
Jack: I'm really sorry I pretended to be your friend.
Callie: It's okay.
Jack: If I let them take me out of this home, they're just gonna put me in another one where I won't have any control, so I'm sorry.

Jude: I don't get it.
Justina: Some people don't want to be saved.
Callie: Everyone wants to be saved. They just sometimes need permission.

At the parking

Nick: Hey. Thanks for the kneepads.
Mariana: Obviously you're off the hook for those fries. Although, I know it wasn't - a serious offer.
Nick: Who says? I'd still like to take you out sometime. I'll even let you borrow these.
Mariana: Oh, you're disgusting!
Nick: I'm sorry, I'm sorry! Look, I don't know why I do that around you, okay? You make me say stupid things.
Mariana: Oh, so it's my fault?
Nick: Yes! Yes, because you really are so freaking hot.
Mariana: Fine.
Nick: What?
Mariana: I'll go out with you.
Nick: Uh, when?
Mariana: I don't know. Text me.

In the living room

Lena: Hey. What are you doing?
Stef: Um, getting my affairs in order.
Lena: It's not funny.
Stef: Well, I really do think that we need to update our wills, and I'd like to talk to you about Brandon having access to his hand money when he turns 18 just in case anything happens to the both of us. And there's one more thing that I would like to discuss with you.
Lena: Your power of attorney. Sharon mentioned it because she thought you came to my school yesterday to talk to me.
Stef: Mama, I did come by actually, but you were you were in your office alone with Monte with the door closed so I thought I would just would...
Lena: When are we ever gonna get past this?
Stef: I'm trying to, Lena.
Lena: By giving Sharon your power of attorney?
Stef: I did that because I don't want you to have to make the decision to pull the plug if if it comes to that.
Lena: Or maybe you're afraid I'll pull it because you're convinced I'm in love with Monte.
Stef: I don't I don't think you're in love with her. But... What if you What if you fall in love with her because I'm I'm ugly? 'Cause I'm...
Lena: What are you talking about?
Stef: Lena, you didn't want me to get the mastectomy because you were worried about our sex life and our intimacy and I might not like the way I look, that you might not like the way I look.
Lena: Honey, I said that when you didn't need the surgery, when I was trying to talk you out of doing something that wasn't necessary, when having it wasn't potentially going to save your life. This is different.
Stef: The result is the same. You know, I'm gonna have scars and I'm gonna have hard, artificial breasts that I can't even feel. I won't have nipples unless I get them tattooed on. I won't be beautiful like Monte. I'm I just I won't. And you know, I don't care about the surgery. I'm not afraid of this, that I don't I'm... I...
Lena: You're not going to lose me. And what's beautiful about you is so much more than your body. It's your heart and soul. Your mind. Your laugh. Your your courage and your compassion. Honey, I love this life that we've built together. Our kids. Our family. You're my home. And I'm so sorry that I said anything that ever made you feel like I wouldn't wouldn't always find you attractive and sexy and beautiful because I will. I mean, I always will.
Stef: I... I'm scared.
Lena: It's okay to be scared. What can I do for you? How can I help?
Stef: You can take me swimming?

At the restaurant

Cortney: You look like...
Brandon: I just walked here. Yeah, I did. My sister needed the car. But it gave me a chance to think about what you said, and yes, I am getting over someone, and sometimes that's easier to do when someone else comes along, but that doesn't mean that that person is the rebound person, okay? That person can also just be the one. You know, like when Romeo thought he was in love with Rosaline, but he was until he met Juliet.
Cortney: And then they killed themselves.
Brandon: Well, yeah, but they were still meant to be. So what if it's complicated? Do you have a car seat?
Cortney: Yep.
Brandon: I don't suppose you're, like, a nanny, right? Right?
Cortney: No, I'm a mother. I have a two-year-old son. When I told you things were complicated, I didn't just mean your side of things. Well, uh I think you should probably take some time and think about how much complication you can really handle.

At the juvenile center

Callie: Callie Adams Foster.
Woman: Okay. You're on the list.

Callie: Thank you for seeing me. AJ won't see any of us.
Ty: What do you want me to do?
Callie: Give him permission to have a foster family that loves him and will take care of him until you're out of here.

In Jesus' room

Mariana: Are you crazy? How long have you been working with him?
Jesus: Just a few days. Okay, but why would he say that he couldn't be around me legally?
Mariana: I don't know. Maybe Ana took out a restraining order against him.
Stef: Can everyone come downstairs please?

In the living room

Stef: Does anybody have any questions?
Mariana: How long are you gonna be in the hospital?
Stef: Just a few days.
Jude: Are you... Will you be okay after?
Stef: Yeah. Oh, yeah. Yeah, that's why I'm doing this. So that, um make sure I'm okay for a long time.
Brandon: What can we do?
Callie: How can we help? Um well, you can you can make sure you do your chores and and fold your own laundry, and that would help a lot, and, um I think stay close. That would be great because I think, um you know, being together as a family, that's probably more healing than any medicine. Hey, group hug, huh? Huh? All right, my babies.

At a house

Lena: Come on.
Stef: What are we doing? This is trespassing.
Lena: They're out of town.
Stef: What if somebody calls the cops?
Lena: You are a cop.
Stef: Oh, my God, babe.
Lena: What? You asked me to take you swimming.
Stef: Okay, we don't have suits, Lena.
Lena: Come on. Who needs suits?
Stef: Oh, this is so on. All right. Okay. Think you can outdo me? Last one in is on top tonight.

Kikavu ?

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Supersympa, 16.04.2024 à 14:31

Bonjour à tous ! Nouveau survivor sur le quartier Person of Interest ayant pour thème l'équipe de Washington (saison 5) de la Machine.

choup37, 18.04.2024 à 08:49

5 participants prennent part actuellement à la chasse aux gobelins sur doctor who, y aura-t-il un sixième?

chrismaz66, 18.04.2024 à 11:04

Choup tu as 3 joueurs de plus que moi!! Kaamelott est en animation, 3 jeux, venez tenter le coup, c'est gratis! Bonne journée ^^

choup37, 19.04.2024 à 19:45

Maintenant j'en ai plus que deux, je joue aussi sur kaa

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