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#315 : Délits mineurs

Callie participe à une publicité sur une réforme des familles d'accueil mais ses mères émettent des doutes, ce qui pousse la jeune femme à chercher des conseils auprès de Rita.

Espérant impressionner Mariana, Nick se tourne quant à lui vers Jesus afin de programmer leur premier rendez-vous mais Jesus prend un malin plaisir à faire passer le pire rendez-vous possible à sa soeur. Pendant ce temps, Stef se rétablit de sa masectomie tandis que Lena ne peut s'empêcher de se sentir coupable.


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Délits mineurs

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315 - Promo

315 - Promo


315 - Sneak peek #1 : Mariana, Lexi et Nick

315 - Sneak peek #1 : Mariana, Lexi et Nick


315 - Sneak peek #2 : Mariana et Jesus

315 - Sneak peek #2 : Mariana et Jesus


315 - Sneak peek #3 : AJ s'excuse auprès des Foster

315 - Sneak peek #3 : AJ s'excuse auprès des Foster


Photos promo

Jesus et Gabe discutent

Jesus et Gabe discutent

Jesus est déçu

Jesus est déçu

Jesus et Gabe discutent

Jesus et Gabe discutent

Jesus et Gabe discutent

Jesus et Gabe discutent

Jesus et Gabe discutent

Jesus et Gabe discutent

Jesus et Gabe discutent

Jesus et Gabe discutent

Gabe est perplexe

Gabe est perplexe

Moment câlin pour Stef et Lena

Moment câlin pour Stef et Lena



Mariana et Lexi discutent

Mariana et Lexi discutent

Jesus et Gabe discutent

Jesus et Gabe discutent

Rita et Callie discutent

Rita et Callie discutent

Rita et Callie discutent

Rita et Callie discutent

Rita et Callie discutent

Rita et Callie discutent

Rita et Callie discutent

Rita et Callie discutent

Jesus et Gabe discutent

Jesus et Gabe discutent

Brandon est content

Brandon est content

Gabe est perplexe

Gabe est perplexe

Jesus et Gabe discutent

Jesus et Gabe discutent


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Etats-Unis (inédit)
Lundi 22.02.2016 à 20:00
0.79m / 0.3% (18-49)

Plus de détails

Scénario : Michael MacLennan
Réalisation : Rob Morrow

Captures | Photos tournage

  • Chez les Foster

Callie et Justina présentent à Stef et Lena la publicité dans laquelle Callie joue afin de sensibiliser à la campagne sur la réforme concernant les familles d'accueil. Ses mères sont impressionnées mais veulent lire la réforme avant de la laisser se lancer dans quoique ce soit, ce qui agace Callie. Justina se montre compréhensive et informe tout le monde qu'elle leur fournira une copie de la réforme. Elle informe également Callie que pour soutenir cette réforme, elles ont été invitées à la Maison Blanche. Callie n'en revient et s'énerve de voir que Stef et Lena ne sont pas très enthousiastes. Justina les laisse seules et Callie demande des explications. Ses mères lui avouent qu'elles ne connaissent pas Justina et qu'elles ont peur que Callie fasse passer FostandFound avant ses projets scolaires. Callie leur assure que non avant d'aller ouvrir la porte lorsque quelqu'un sonne. Il s'agit de Mike et AJ, Callie est surprise.


  • Chez les Foster

Soutenu par Mike, AJ présente ses excuses à la famille Adams Foster. Il s'en veut d'être parti avec Ty après tout ce qu'ils ont fait pour lui et se montre très ému. Mariana le rassure en disant qu'ils comprennent et Stef le remercie d'être venu. AJ va patienter dehors tandis que Mike à Stef comment elle va depuis l'opération.

Sur le perron, Callie vient voir AJ. Elle avoue l'avoir trouvé très courageux mais AJ trouve qu'être parti et avoir manqué les funérailles de sa grand-mère c'était plutôt de la lacheté. Callie l'informe qu'elle a été le voir plusieurs fois en détention et s'excuse de l'avoir balancé à Stef mais lui assure qu'elle n'avait aucune idée de ce que Ty avait fait. Elle demande des nouvelles de Ty mais AJ préfère aller attendre dans la voiture.

  • Sur le chantier

Jesus vient voir Gabriel et lui annonce qu'il sait ce qu'il a fait et qu'il le trouve dégoûtant. Il lui balance ensuite sa ceinture d'outils et s'en va.

  • Au lycée Anchor Beach

Dans les couloirs, Mariana et Lexi se croisent et échangent quelques paroles maladroites avant que Lexi ne s'en aille. Nick arrive alors et demande des nouvelles de Stef, ce qui touche Mariana. Il lui annonce cependant que vu qu'il a attendu deux semaine pour l'emmener quelque part, il a le droit à une soirée entière et elle accepte. Il lui demande ensuite si Jesus est malade puisqu'il n'est pas venu en cours le matin, Mariana trouve ça étrange.

Dans le bureau de Lena, Sally présente son projet pour le conseil des étudiants et propose qu'il devienne également son projet de fin d'année. Monte est très emballée par le projet et ne tarie pas d'éloges quant à la présentation, ce que Lena trouve maladroit. Elle montre une objection au fait que ce soit le projet de fin d'année de Sally puisque le lycée va le financer mais Monte trouve une solution, ce qui agace Lena.

Mariana vient voir Jesus en étude afin de savoir pourquoi il a manqué des cours. Il finit par lui avouer qu'il a été voir Gabriel pour lui rendre sa ceinture d'outils mais Mariana ne comprend pas pourquoi il ne l'a pas simplement jeté. Jesus s'en va énervé, disant que c'était important pour lui.

  • Chez Girls United

Rita est surprise d'apprendre que Callie veut faire son projet de fin d'année en écrivant un papier sur elle mais accepte puisque Callie la qualifie de mentor à ses yeux. Elles parlent de son site FostandFound et Rita lui avoue qu'elle est très impressionée. Callie en profite pour lui annoncer qu'elle et Justina ont été invitées à la Maison Blanche pour soutenir la réforme et qu'elle ne sent pas de réel soutien de la part de ses mères. Rita comprend que Justina est derrière cette réforme et Callie est énervée d'apprendre que la réforme soutient la privatisation des maisons d'accueil, ce contre Callie se bat depuis le début.

  • Au restaurant

Brandon arrive au travail et Cortney s'étonne de le revoir puisqu'elle ne l'a pas vu depuis deux semaines, elle pense que c'est à cause du siège auto. Brandon lui annonce alors que sa mère a subit une chiurgie, Cortney s'excuse mais lui confie qu'ils ont eu raison de ne rien commencer ensemble. Brandon ne semble pas être de son avis.

  • Chez les Foster

Dans leur chambre, Lena parle de sa journée à Stef tout en se changeant derrière les portes du placard. Mariana arrive alors et veut leur parler de Gabriel. Lena et Stef appellent Jesus afin de discuter. Mariana les informe également que leur père biologique est enregistré comme délinquant sexuel et Stef s'énerve : elle prévient Jesus et Mariana qu'ils ne vont jamais le revoir et qu'il ne s'agit pas d'une blague, qu'il pourrait être très dangereux. Les ados acceptent.

  • Au lycée Anchor Beach

Dans les couloirs, Nick informe Jesus qu'il sort avec Mariana le soir-même et Jesus n'en revient pas puisque Mariana avait instauré une règle contre le fait de sortir avec les amis de l'un et l'autre. Nick lui demande des infos concernant ses endroits préférés afin de passer une bonne soirée mais Jesus veut se venger et lui assure qu'il sait ce qu'il faut.

  • Chez les Foster

Nick vient chercher Mariana pour leur rendez-vous et fait la connaissance de ses mères. Stef le met en garde contre les excès de vitesse tandis que Jesus déboule et apprend à sa soeur qu'ils vont chercher Lexi puisqu'il s'agit d'un double rendez-vous. Stef est contente mais Mariana accuse le coup.

  • Au restaurant

Brandon joue du piano et chante une chanson à Cortney pour lui faire comprendre qu'il veut sortir avec elle et tout le monde applaudit. Seuls, Cortney lui annonce qu'ils ne peuvent pas et que même si c'était le cas, qu'elle n'a pas le temps.

  • Chez les Foster

Dans la cuisine, Callie demande des explications à Justina sur la réforme et ne veut pas se faire baratiner car elle sait que c'est pro-privatisations. Justina lui confesse alors que oui mais argumente son point de vue : le but est d'enlever des fonds à l'Etat pour les investir dans des domaines privés qui s'occupent réellement de l'intérêt des enfants placés. Si des problèmes apparaissent, un coupable peut être trouvé alors que dans l'administration publique, personne ne veut prendre le blâme. Callie semble convaincue de son avis.

  • Dans un restaurant

Nick, Mariana, Jesus et Lexi sont tous les quatre dans un restaurant à burgers et Jesus ne cesse de charrier Mariana sur le fait que Lexi ait gagné l'élection de présidente des élèves. Lexi finit par s'isoler avec Jesus et lui demande s'il est au moins content qu'elle soit là puisqu'elle voit bien que c'était en premier lieu pour énerver Mariana.

Seuls, Mariana et Nick discutent, Mariana comprend que l'idée de l'emmener dans un restaurant à burgers alors qu'elle est végétarienne vient de Jesus et comprend pourquoi il a fait ça. Nick se confie un peu sur son père qui semble assez dur.

  • Chez les Foster

Dans la cuisine, Callie fait la vaisselle tandis que Mike tente de plaider la cause de Ty auprès de Stef : il est accusé de délit de fuite mais en plus de vol de voiture, ce qui alourdit sa peine à 5 ans. Stef ne veut rien faire à ce propos puisque techniquement, il est coupable de tous ces crimes. Mike lui donne alors le dossier de Ty en lui conseillant de le lire puisqu'elle pourrait comprendre beaucoup de choses. Une fois Mike parti, Callie prend la défense de Ty et rappelle à Stef ce qu'elles lui ont dit le jour où elle est arrivée ici : qu'elle n'était pas jetable. Elle lui affirme alors que Ty ne l'est pas non plus.

  • Au restaurant

Pendant sa pause, Brandon emmène Cortney dans une arrière pièce du restaurant où il a dressé une table et mis à manger. Il avoue alors à Cortney que puisqu'elle n'a pas le temps pour un rendez-vous, il a décide de lui en trouvé.

  • Chez les Foster

Dans la chambre, Lena se change derrière le placard tout en disant à Stef qu'elle est contente que les enfants soient à quatre pour leur double rendez-vous. Elle demande à Stef comment vont ses cicatrices mais Stef reste évasive et dit qu'elle va bien. Elle reçoit un appel concernant le père biologique de Jesus et Mariana, Gabe.

  • Dans la voiture de Nick

Sur le chemin du retour, Nick se fait alpaguer par une voiture au feu rouge. Encouragé par Jesus, il décide alors de faire la course lorsque le feu passe au vert. Malgré les protestations de Mariana et Lexi, Nick continue et grille un feu rouge pour gagner la course. Mariana lui ordonne alors de se garer et crie sur les garçons : elle et Jesus ont déjà failli mourir dans un accident, elle ne veut pas revivre ça. Les deux jeunes filles quittent la voiture en disant que s'ils veulent tuer quelqu'un, ce ne seront pas elles.

  • Au restaurant

Dans l'arrière-pièce, Brandon et Cortney mangent en tête à tête et Brandon lui confie qu'elle mérite qu'on prenne soin d'elle. Alors qu'ils s'apprêtent à s'embrasser, l'ex de Cortney, Eddie, débarque avec leur fils Mason. Il a été appelé au travail plus tôt et doit laisser Mason à Cortney, ce qui l'agace puisqu'elle travaille. Brandon se propose alors pour le garder pendant qu'elle finit son service.

  • Chez les Foster

Sur le porche, Mariana et Lexi décident de s'expliquer : Mariana lui avoue qu'elle l'a évité car elle se sent mal d'avoir perdu les élections tandis que Lexi lui confie que ce rôle est beaucoup plus dur qu'elle ne le pensait. Mariana lui parle ensuite de sa mère qui a dû subir une masectomie.

  • Au restaurant

Brandon a du mal à surveille Mason qui a la bougeotte et fait tout tomber par terre.Cortney, qui a finit son service, les observe quelques minutes et trouve le comportement de Brandon mignon. Ils repartent mais Brandon s'aperçoit qu'ils ont oublié le doudou de Mason. Sur le parking, Brandon redonne le nounours et embrasse Cortney.

  • Au tribunal

Lors de son procès, Ty plaide coupable pour les charges qui lui sont reprochées sous les yeux de Mike, AJ et Callie. Stef arrive alors et témoigne en sa faveur : elle explique son passé compliqué et demande un non-lieu pour son procès, même si elle est loin de pardonner l'accident qui a failli coûter la vie à deux de ses enfants.

  • Au lycée Anchor Beach

Dans le bureau de Lena, Sally annonce qu'elle a réussit à avoir tout le matériel donné et ce grâce à Monte qui est venue avec elle. Seules, Lena confie à Monte qu'elle trouve son implication dans le projet de Sally inapproprié mais Monte lui affirme que parfois elles peuvent contourner un peu le règlement pour aider des élèves, comme elle l'a fait avec la ré-intégration de Jesus au lycée.

  • Au tribunal

Le juge se prononce et Ty  prend 18 mois de prison. Il parle une dernière fois à son frère en lui disant de bien se comporter et de rester avec Mike. Ce dernier remercie Stef d'être venue mais elle est déçue des 18 mois et lui affirme qu'il peut remercier Callie car sans elle, elle ne serait pas là.

  • Chez Girls United

Callie vient voir Rita et lui annonce que Ty a pris 18 mois de prison. Elle lui annonce également qu'après explication avec Justina, elle a décide de soutenir la réforme car elle a été convaincue par les arguments de celle-ci. Rita est déçue puisque cette réforme va à l'encontre de ce qu'elle croit et elle trouve que Callie se laisse trop influencer par Justina. Callie s'énerve que dès qu'elle n'est pas d'accord avec quelqu'un, on lui tombe dessus alors qu'elle a le droit. Elle reproche à Rita de ne pas vouloir changer et accepter l'évolution des choses.

  • Chez les Foster

Dans le salon, Stef, Lena et Ana demandent à Jesus et Mariana de venir avec eux pour parler de Gabe. Jesus ne veut pas mais encouragé par Stef, il rester écouter ce qu'Ana a à dire : Gabriel est sur la liste des délinquants sexuels car lorsqu'ils se sont rencontrés, elle n'avait que 15 ans et lui en avait 18 ans. Il vendait alors de l'herbe à l'époque et lorsque ses parents l'ont appris, ils l'ont inscrit sur cette liste. Mariana ne comprend toujours pas pourquoi elle leur a dit qu'elle ne connaissait pas leur père, que c'était un étranger mais Ana leur confie qu'elle ne voulait pas qu'être les enfants d'une droguée et d'un dealeur soit leur histoire.

Dans leur chambre, Lena se change une nouvelle fois derrière la porte du placard et Stef lui demande alors ce qu'il se passe. Lena se trouve idiote et lui avoue qu'elle se sent coupable d'avoir un corps intact alors que Stef a dû subir une lourde opération. Stef lui dit alors que le fait qu'elle ait un beau corps ne la rend pas jalouse mais heureuse. Elle lui fait toucher le haut de sa poitrine puisqu'elle commence à avoir des sensations et elles se font un câlin.

  • Au cimetière

AJ et Callie sont présents sur la tombe de sa grand-mère. AJ espère que sa grand-mère lui pardonnera de ne pas avoir été présent à son enterrement mais Callie le rassure. Elle veut savoir pourquoi il ne voulait pas la voir lorsqu'il était en détention et AJ lui avoue qu'il avait honte car une histoire aurait pu commencer entre eux et qu'il a tout fichu par terre. Callie lui prend la main et l'embrasse, AJ sourit et réalise que peut-être pas.

  • Sur le chantier

Jesus vient s'excuser auprès de Gabriel pour ce qu'il lui a dit et lui confit qu'il sait exactement ce qu'il s'est passé. Gabriel s'énerve et informe Jesus qu'il n'est pas son père et qu'il ne le sera jamais.

Fin de l'épisode.

Ecrit par emeline53.

In the living room

"Advert: 35% of foster kids will be incarcerated at some point before they reach age 18. 66% of foster kids who age out will end up either homeless, in jail, or dead with in one year. How could we expect otherwise when this is how we care for them? Callie: I was one of the lucky ones. After seven different foster placements, I finally found a home and a family. But, as someone who barely survived it, I can tell you the system is severely broken. Help kids like me find the homes they deserve. Support SB-3301."
Callie: So, what do you think?
Lena: Well, it's very, very powerful.
Stef: Yeah.
Justina: Yeah, we think so.
Stef: I guess we just didn't realize that Callie would be supporting... Some new piece of legislation.
Justina: I'm sorry. I assumed you knew. We're trying to make some real change here.
Stef: Mm-hmm.
Justina: Yeah, and the statehouse - is where that happens.
Stef: Right.
Callie: That's a good thing, right?
Stef: We're not saying that it's not, but It's just that you're endorsing a bill that we know nothing about, Cal. Have you read it?
Callie: No, not like word for word... Okay. But I know that it's trying to reform the system, and I trust Justina.
Lena: Well, we certainly don't mean to suggest...
Callie: But you kind of are.
Justina: You know what, Callie? Your moms are absolutely right. You should all read it. I'll get you a copy as soon as I can.
Stef: Thank you.
Lena: That would be great. Appreciate it.
Justina: You know, there is something I've been waiting to tell you, Callie. Apparently, the work we've been doing has been getting a lot of attention, and we have been invited to the White House next month.
Callie: Are you serious?
Justina: Yeah. Yeah, they're having a symposium on foster care, and they want us to be there.
Stef: Wow. That's amazing. Of course, we need to look at the calendar Callie's school work and all that.
Justina: Of course. Okay, I'm gonna go and I'll talk to you later, Callie. I'll let myself out.
Stef: Thank you.
Lena: Thank you very much.

Lena: Are you okay?
I'm fine.
Lena: Take it easy. It's not been that long since surgery.

Callie: What is wrong with you guys?
Lena: Excuse me?
Callie: It's the White House.
Stef: Yes. It is a great opportunity, Callie, and hopefully you can go.
Callie: Hopefully
Lena: You have a lot on your plate already, honey. We can't let Fost and Found and all of this distract you from your school work.
Callie: It's not.
Lena: What about your senior project? You still haven't even declared what you're doing.
Callie: I have it figured out. I'm gonna talk to Rita tomorrow.
Lena: Okay, good.
Callie: So, what's the problem?
Stef: Callie, we really don't know Justina at all.
Callie: But I do, and she's doing a lot for me. And why are you always so suspicious of everyone?
Stef: No, hold on. Wanting to read the bill that you are being used to support is not being suspicious, Callie, it's being smart.
Callie: I'll get it. Oh, unless you guys are afraid it's home invasion.

Mike: Hey, Callie.
AJ: Hey.


In the living room

AJ: I just want you guys to know how bad I feel about what happened. Look, I know my brother did a terrible thing and then we just took off after all the...
Mike: You're doing great.
AJ: After all the nice stuff you guys did for me I should've made Ty turn himself in, but I was just I was afraid I wasn't gonna see him again. So, anyway I'm sorry.
Mariana: We get it, AJ. Family is everything.
Stef: It's good of you to come here and say all of that, AJ. Thank you.
Mike: Yeah. Good job.
AJ: I'll wait outside.

Mike: Hey, you got a sec? I just wanna know how you are doing.
Stef: Well, for 10 days since the surgery, I'm doing pretty well.

At the door

Callie: That was really brave.
AJ: Which part? Me running away or missing my grandma's funeral?
Callie: No, I meant...
AJ: I know what you meant, Callie.
Callie: Did they tell you I tried to come see you in juvie? Like, a few times? When I see you I had no idea what your brother had done when I told Stef where you were. I swear to you. And as soon as I found out, I called you. Have you heard from Ty?
AJ: I got a letter from him.
Callie: That's good. Is he okay?
AJ: I'm gonna go wait in the car.

On the site

Gabriel: Yeah. It's killing me, though. Too slow. Things have been drying up for me. You guys been keeping busy? You want one, right?
Jesus: Hey.
Gabriel: Later. I told you Stay away from me.
Jesus: I know you did, and I know why, too. I know what you are. You're disgusting.
Gabriel: Then what are you doing here?
Jesus: I don't want it. I don't want anything from you.

At school

Mariana: Hey.
Lexi: Hey. There you are. I haven't seen you in forever.
Mariana: Yeah, I know. I've just been so busy, you know?
Lexi: Tell me about it. This whole student government thing is a lot of work. Okay. I've gotta get to class.

Nick: Hey. How's your mom?
Mariana: A lot better. Thanks for asking.
Nick: You're welcome. So, does that mean I get to take you out now, or...
Mariana: You are really gunning for those french fries, aren't you?
Nick: Oh, no. No, no, no, 'cause you kept me waiting for two weeks, you owe me french fries plus interest. Yeah, it's a full-on date now All four food groups.
Mariana: Fine.
Nick: Sweet. Hey, where is Jesus? Is he sick today or something?

In Lena's office

Sally: So, for the Student Council's Community Outreach Project this year, here's what I was thinking. I thought if we take this space in City Heights and turn it into a park or a community garden...
Monte: It's very impressive.
Sally: And I was thinking, if I design the gardens and oversee the execution, it could also be my senior thesis.
Monte: Yeah, I don't see why not.
Lena: Uh, actually since the school funds the outreach program, it could be perceived that we are also funding your thesis, which is against the rules.
Monte: Oh. Yeah, that makes sense.
Sally: Yeah, I'll just I'll think of something else.
Monte: What if she got the materials donated?
Lena: Yeah. I guess that could work.
Sally: Yeah, I bet if you show the local nurseries what we just saw, they'll be lining up to help.
Lena: Thank you. Wow. That's that's a great idea. Yeah. I'll try. Thank you.

Monte: She's an incredible young woman, isn't she?
Lena: Yeah, she is.

At school

Mariana: Where did you go this morning?
Jesus: What?
Mariana: You missed first period. Where were you?
Jesus: It's none of your business.
Mariana: Fine. I'll tell Mama.
Jesus: Hey! I went to give Gabe his tool belt back.
Mariana: What? Why?
Jesus: Because I didn't want it anymore.
Mariana: So why not throw it away?
Jesus: Because I wanted to tell him that we know what he did.
Mariana: Who cares?
Jesus: I do! All right? I care.

At Girls United

Rita: You want a to write a paper about me?
Callie: Yeah, for my senior thesis.
Rita: Well, what about me?
Callie: I don't know, like, how good you are at your job, and everything you do here at GU. I haven't really figured it out yet, but you're like my mentor. Plus my moms are all over me to pick something, so I told them I was gonna do this.
Rita: Well, I'm very honored. I'm sure we could work something out. So, you know what? I was looking at the new and improved Fost and Found app, It looks really great.
Callie: Yeah, I know, right? And it looks so real and important.
Rita: Yeah, it's impressive.
Callie: I... I got invited to the White House.
Rita: What? For the foster care symposium?
Callie: Yeah. I mean, if my moms let me go.
Rita: Oh, come on, why wouldn't they let you go?
Callie: I guess they're not too excited about the work I've been doing with Justina.
Rita: Why not? What's going on?
Callie: She's been working on this foster reform bill.
Rita: Oh. She's the one behind that.
Callie: Yeah. Stef got really weird and suspicious and said she wanted to read the whole thing.
Rita: No, you know, honey, they're just being your moms. That's their job. You know they're really proud of you, right?
Callie: I guess. They're so annoying. What?
Rita: It's funny to hear you sound like a normal teenager.
Callie: Shut up. How's that for a normal teenager?
Rita: Sure, that's good too.
Callie: Mmm.
Rita: So, have you read it, the bill?
Callie: No. No, she hasn't sent it over yet.
Rita: I did.
Callie: How'd you get it?
Rita: I'm very connected. It's my business. It wasn't hard.
Callie: And?
Rita: There's some good things in it.
Callie: Uh-huh.
Rita: But it does allocate over 50% of the state foster care budget to privatized homes.
Callie: What? No. Okay, that doesn't make any sense, 'cause Justina's against privatization.
Rita: Not if she supports this bill, she isn't.

At the restaurant

Brandon: Hey.
Cortney: Hey, stranger. Long time, no see. Guessing my kid's car seat really scared you off, huh?
Brandon: Actually, my mom had surgery, so I had to take some time off.
Cortney: Oh. Sorry. Is she okay?
Brandon: Yeah. Good.
Cortney: Well, it's probably a good thing that we got to put the brakes on things. You're too young to be dating a woman with a kid, right?
Brandon: Don't tell me what I think.

In Stef and Lena's room

Lena: And the big highlight of my day was being shown up by my boss in front of the student body president. That was great.
Stef: Is everything okay?
Lena: Yeah. Yeah, it's just, you know, frustrating.

Mariana: Hey, so I'm kind of worried about Jesus.
Lena: What?
Stef: What? Why?
Mariana: Well, he found our birth dad.
Stef: Jesus! Get in here, please.
Mariana: But that's not all. The guy's a sex offender.

Mariana: I was looking hip up online, and he's on the sex offender registry thingee.
Jesus: Look, I only worked with him for a few days.
Stef: You worked with him, Jesus?
Lena: Stef, calm down.
Mariana: I didn't tell them that part.
Stef: No, no, wait. Okay, listen to me, the two of you. You are never to go near this man again. Do you hear me? All right? You have no idea who you are dealing with. He could be very, very dangerous, and this is not me overreacting. This is not me giving you a parental warning that you can just ignore, because you think that I'm being ridiculous. This could be very serious. You understand me? No, no, I want to hear you say yes.
Mariana: Yes.
Jesus: Yes.
Stef: Yes, thank you.

At school

Nick: Hey, man. I I wasn't gonna say anything, 'cause it seemed like it was never actually gonna happen, but I'm taking your sister out tonight.
Jesus: What? Who? Callie?
Nick: No, your twin sister.
Jesus: No. No, no, no, that's that's impossible, see, 'cause we have this "no dating each other's friends" policy - that she made.
Nick: Well, I guess she's in violation.
Jesus: Yeah. I guess she is.
Nick: Cool. Hey, look, now that the cat's out of the bag, I could use some advice. I wanna, you know, impress her, so tell me, what should I do?
Jesus: I got just the thing.

At the Fosters'

Nick: Ooh! You look great.
Mariana: Thank you. I want you to meet my moms.
Stef: Hey.
Nick: Uh, hey.
Mariana: This is Nick.
Nick: Hello.
Lena: Hi, nice to see you again.
Stef: Oh! Is that your Challenger out there?
Nick: It is, yeah.
Stef: Oh. You know I'm a cop, yeah?
Nick: Well, actually, it's not...
Stef: And I know pretty much all of the cops in town, and if you go two miles over the speed limit, I will hear about it. And after I impound your car, you will never see my beautiful daughter again.
Lena: She's kidding.
Stef: No.
Lena: So, where where are you guys headed tonight?
Jesus: Oh, we're just gonna grab a burger, you know? Come on, we're gonna be late to pick up Lexi.
Stef: Oh, a double date. That sounds good.

At the restaurant

Brandon: "You caught his eye, Surf Girl I wonder why, Surf Girl You won't try, Surf Girl To see him He's high and dry, Surf Girl It makes me cry, Surf Girl Just please reply, Surf Girl With "yes" To him". Thank you, thank you. So?
Cortney: I told you. Going out with me is not a good idea.
Brandon: Give me one reason why not.
Cortney: Among other things, I just don't have the time.
Brandon: Well, what if I found you the time?
Cortney: That makes even less sense than the song you just made up.
Brandon: Well, you didn't answer the question.

In the kitchen

Callie: Thanks for coming over.
Justina: Of course. You sounded upset on the phone, so what's going on?
Callie: I read the bill.
Justina: Okay.
Callie: And it's totally pro-privatization.
Justina: No. I mean, well, that's part of it, sure, but it's a comprehensive...
Callie: No, no, please don't talk to me like I'm stupid. You know how I feel about privatized homes. My friend Kiara was almost killed in one of these places.
Justina: Callie, I don't mean to talk down to you, but I would appreciate a chance to explain. I think I've earned that right, don't you? After all I've done to help you? As part of more comprehensive reform, privatization is incredibly effective. By taking the money out of the hands of bureaucrats, and spending it directly on the kids who need help and the families who are helping them, we can get so much more done. If all the money isn't going to the kids, the companies doing the placement are making a profit. Well, why shouldn't they make a profit when they're providing a superior service and taking big risks to do it? Think about it. When something bad happens in a privatized home, who's responsible? The company, the CEO. Right now, if something goes wrong, everyone in the system just passes the buck, and nothing ever changes.
Callie: This all just blows up the system.
Justina: Yeah, because it needs to be blown up. All right, think about it. Your school, Anchor Beach It's a charter school, right?
Callie: Yeah.
Justina: Yeah, they're taking government money out of the system, and they're using it to create a better, more responsive, more creative education for you, right? Yeah, well, then that's what we're doing with foster care. Doesn't that make sense?

At a restaurant

Jesus: So, Lexi what's it like being class president? I mean, you're the most popular girl in school now, right?
Lexi: Oh. Not really. But it's cool. It's a lot of work, but I kind of love it.
Jesus: Well, I bet you're really good at it. I mean, I can't think of anyone who could do a better job than you. I mean, can you, Mariana?
Mariana: No, she's she's pretty awesome.
Lexi: Let's go see what's on the jukebox.
Jesus: After you. Please.

Nick: I'm sorry. Jesus said this was your favorite place.
Mariana: I'm a vegetarian.
Nick: Oh god.
Mariana: I think it's called "payback."
Nick: Yeah.

Lexi: So, what's your deal? Are you even happy to be out with me or is this just some master plan to annoy your sister?
Jesus: Oh, no, no, no. Not at all. I... I'm sorry. Okay, I am stoked to be out with you. Really.
Lexi: You sure?
Jesus: I promise.

Waitress: Orders are up.
Nick: Thank you.
Mariana: Thanks.
Nick: Here you go.
Waitress: Enjoy.
Mariana: You're not really gonna eat that, are you?
Nick: What, my monster burger? Please, woman. I had my first one when I was six.
Mariana: No way. For real?
Nick: I wanted to order it, but my dad said if I did, I had to eat the whole thing, so...
Mariana: So you did? You were six.
Nick: Yeah. I threw up a couple of times. My dad told me we weren't leaving until I finished the last bite, so...
Mariana: Maybe I shouldn't say this, but that kinda makes your dad sound like a jerk.
Nick: You don't know the half of it.

In the kitchen

Mike: So, I was talking to Ty's lawyer about his hearing tomorrow. And it turns out that he's not just being charged with hit-and-run, but he's also being charged with grand theft auto.
Stef: Well, the truck belonged to Joe's father. I mean, unless Joe got his permission, Ty technically stole the car.
Mike: Come on, Stef. We all know that Ty needs to face charges for the crimes he did, but not for the crimes he didn't. He's looking at up to five years.
Stef: Okay. What do you expect me to do, Mike?
Mike: Well, I was hoping you could speak on his behalf.
Stef: What? Is that why you brought AJ over to apologize the other day?
Mike: What?
Stef: To soften me up to advocate for Ty?
Mike: No. That was completely AJ's idea. Okay, look, this might help you understand why Ty did what he did. If you could just take a look at it. Thanks. Bye.

Stef: I don't know exactly what he's expecting me to do. I don't have control over this.
Callie: You told me... When I first came here you told me that I wasn't disposable. So, why is Ty?
Stef: Callie, it's complicated.
Callie: No, it's it's not. It's not, really.

At the restaurant

Cortney: Huh. What is this?
Brandon: It's a date. You said you'd go out with me if you had the time. Well, you've got 15 minutes. Come on. It's like speed dating, and you know it's gonna beat that granola bar you eat every night. Right?

In Stef and Lena's room

Lena: Well, at least they're out together. I'm not sure Mariana's too thrilled about it, but it makes me feel better. Do do you want some help?
Stef: No. I'm fine.
Lena: Good. How's it healing?
Stef: It's you know. It's okay. I can't feel anything below my clavicle, Hopefully the numbness will wear off soon.
Lena: Yeah. Time will tell.
Stef: Oh, that's interesting.
Lena: What?
Stef: I had the guys down at the station track down Gabe's record, and you're not gonna believe this.

In Nick's car

Nick: Oh, I think I'm gonna bust.
Mariana: Which is what happens when you eat half a cow.
Jesus: Would you look at this guy?
Mariana: Whoa. Hey, easy.
Nick: What? This guy's going too slow.
Man: What's up, good looking? I got to enjoy Idiot.
Jesus: You're not gonna let him get away with that, are you?
Lexi: What's going on?
Jesus: He can't touch you, bro.
Mariana: Oh my god! Oh my God! Stop the car!
Lexi: Stop! Stop!
Mariana: What are you doing? Slow down! Slow down! You're gonna get us killed! Come on, baby! Stop the car right now! Pull the car over!Oh my God, you're gonna kill us!
Lexi: You're gonna run a red light!
Jesus: Nice!
Mariana: You're gonna get us killed! Stop the car or I swear to God I will never talk to you again.
Nick: Whoo!
What the hell is wrong with you?
Nick: Come on, we're just having a little bit of fun.
Mariana: No, we could've been in another accident. And after all our mom is going through? You're an ass.
Nick: Hey, wait, come on. Mariana.
Lexi: Yeah. And for the record - Not fun.
Nick: What? Come on, nobody got hurt. Hey, look all right, look, I'm sorry, okay? Please, can you just get back in the car?
Mariana: Screw you. You wanna kill somebody, it ain't gonna be us.

At the restaurant

Cortney: Well, that was very tasty. Nobody ever makes me a meal.
Brandon: Well, I didn't make it, but I'm glad you liked it. You deserve to be taken care of sometimes.
Mason: Mommy!
Cortney: Hey. What are you doing here?
Eddie: I've been texting you all night.
Cortney: I'm working.
Eddie: Yeah. No, I can see that.
Cortney: Brandon, this is Eddie, my Mason's father.
Brandon: Hey. Nice to meet you. Your bear.
Eddie: I got called into work early.
Cortney: So?
Eddie: So, you gotta take Mason.
Cortney: Eddie, I can't just keep him behind the bar.
Eddie: Why not? You got one kid here already. You'll figure it out.

Cortney: Did you have a good day? Huh? I missed you.
Brandon: My my shift's over. I I could watch him.
Cortney: Are you sure?

At the Fosters'

Lexi: So what's going on with your mom?
Mariana: She had a double mastectomy.
Lexi: Are you serious? Why didn't you tell me?
Mariana: I think I guess I've just been kind of avoiding you. It's not your fault. When you won the election I mean, you weren't even here last year, and you're still more popular than me, and I just... Whenever I hear how great you're doing, it kind of makes me feel like a loser.
Lexi: If it makes you feel any better, student council is seriously kicking my butt. It is so much work.
Mariana: It does make me feel a little bit better.

At the restaurant

Brandon: Thank you, buddy. I'm just gonna pick this up now. That's fine. Oh no, no, no, no, hey, hey. Yeah, we won't play with knives. You know what's better than a knife?
Mason: Cookies.
Brandon: A spoon. You want the spoon? Here you go. Don't put that in your mouth. It was on the floor. Here you go. Spoons are much better than knives.
Mason: Down!
Brandon: You don't want you should try... This spoon's really fun. It's better than the knife. It's better than the knife.
Mason: Mommy!
Brandon: Hey, wait, wait.
Cortney: Hey, bud!
Brandon: It hasn't all been this bad. I promise.
Cortney: No, you did great. Oh. Here's your spoon.
Brandon: Thanks.
Cortney: Well, they're letting me off early... I'm gonna get him home.
Brandon: Yeah, yeah, okay. There you go. Thanks.
Cortney: Do you wanna say bye to Brandon? Say, "Bye, Brandon."
Brandon: Bye, Mason.
Mason: Bye, Brandon.
Cortney: Bye, Brandon. Thank you.
Brandon: Bye.

Brandon: Wait! Hold on a sec.
Cortney: Oh! Oh god.
Brandon: Forgot his...
Cortney: Oh my god, thank you. He can't sleep without it. You just saved my life. Brandon. This is a bad idea.
Brandon: I've got lots of those.
Cortney: Mason, look who you forgot.

At the court

Juge: The defendant, Mr. Hensdale, is charged with felony hit-and-run, reckless driving, driving without insurance, and grand theft auto. Are you ready to enter a plea?
Lawyer: We are, Your Honor. We plead guilty to all charges.
Juge: In that case, we will move on to sentencing. Can I help you?
Stef: Yes, Your Honor. I am Ms. Stefanie Adams Foster I am a parent of the youths involved in the crash. I would like to offer a victim impact statement if I may, please.
Juge: Approach.
Stef: Thank you. Your Honor, as the victims' mother, I certainly would like to see justice done, but as an officer investigating the case, I feel that I also must tell you that I am confident that Tyrone Hensdale did not steal the truck that he was driving.
Lawyer: Mr. Olson claimed otherwise.
Stef: Joe Olson is afraid that he will be charged with obstructing justice. Your Honor, I brought along with me my case notes in the hope that you would consider them before sentencing. Thank you.
Juge: Thank you.
Stef: Your Honor, I do not feel that this was a malicious crime. I believe that these were the actions of a frightened young man. If I had had the experiences that he had with the justice system, quite frankly, I would be frightened too. Mr. Hensdale first entered into juvie when he was arrested at the age of 11 for throwing a rock into an abandoned building. At the age of 14, he was arrested for loitering. At 15, it was petty theft. The list goes on from there. Tyrone Hensdale has just never really been given a fair shake. While I am not prepared to say that I forgive him, I most certainly do understand why he did what he did. That is why I am asking the court for lenience.

In Lena's office

Monte: Alright. Go on, tell her.
Sally: Well, we got all the plants and materials donated, thanks to Monte.
Lena: Why why thanks to Monte?
Sally: Because she came with me. Those guys at the garden store had no chance once she started working her magic on them. So, are we good? Can this be my thesis?
Lena: I don't see why not.
Sally: Yay. Okay. I'm off to class. Thank you so much for everything.
Monte: It's gonna be great.

Monte: What's the problem now?
Lena: Are you gonna dig the holes for her too? This is totally inappropriate.
Monte: Encouraging a promising student? Expanding our community outreach?
Lena: No. Involving yourself in a student's thesis. Sally can't be perceived as getting special treatment, Monte. There are rules th...
Monte: Yes, of course there are. But sometimes, for the greater good, we bend them a little. You didn't seem to mind when I bent them to get your son back in school. Excuse me, I've got a conference call.

At the court

Juge: I've conferred with the DA, who has agreed to remove the charges of grand theft auto against Mr. Hensdale. However, in light of the defendant's previous record, I cannot let these additional offenses go unpunished. I order the defendant, Tyrone Hensdale, remanded into custody for a period of 18 months.
Ty: Hey, I'm gonna be fine. I'll be out before you know it. Until then, you've got Mike, right? He's he's gonna take care of you. Be good, okay?
Mike: Well, it's better than five years.
Stef: It still kinda sucks.
Mike: Thanks for doing this. I really appreciate it.
Stef: No, thank Callie. She's the one that got me here.

At Girls United

Rita: Hey.
Callie: Hey. Sorry I'm late, but the hearing took longer than I thought.
Rita: How'd it go?
Callie: He got 18 months.
Rita: Ouch.
Callie: Yeah.
Rita: Did you get to talk to Justina about the bill? What'd she say?
Callie: I did. She explained it to me, and I think I gotta say, I think it makes sense.
Rita: So, you're gonna support it? That's too bad.
Callie: What does that mean?
Rita: Well, I just don't like seeing kids being sold to the highest bidder.
Callie: No, that's that's not what this is, Rita. Okay, so the system is broken, right? We can agree on that? So, privatization is a way for us to change things up.
Rita: Yeah, a really dangerous way.
Callie: I don't know why you think it's so bad. Okay, so something goes wrong in a privatized home, who gets the blame? The CEO. That's a good thing. That means somebody's finally gonna be held accountable.
Rita: Are these your words or Justina's? I mean, are you thinking these thoughts or just swallowing whatever she feeds you?
Callie: How come whenever I disagree with something, everybody jumps all over me? Yeah, too bad. I'm sorry you don't get it.
Rita: I don't get it? Callie, I've been working in the system for over 30 years.
Callie: And let's be honest, Rita You have your own agenda.
Rita: And what agenda is that, Callie? Taking care of kids?
Callie: No, keeping things the same to protect your job.
Rita: Wow. That's what you think of me?
Callie: I think change is hard for people, especially when they can't see the big picture.
Rita: Say hello to the President for me.

In the living room

Stef: Hey, guys.
Jesus: Hey, what... What are you doing here?
Stef: Why don't you guys sit down, join us?
Lena: We've asked Ana to come and talk to you guys about your birth dad.
Jesus: Look, I don't really wanna...
Stef: Jesus, I think this is something you're gonna wanna hear, so why don't you have a seat?
Ana: So, your moms told me you found out Gabe was on the sex offender registry which was news to me. The reason he's on that list, it's not because he was He's on that list because of me. I... I was 15 when I met Gabe. He was 18. When my parents found out about us... Well, let's just say they didn't approve, because he was older and they found out he sold drugs. So, they forbid me from seeing him, and then, of course, I ran away to be with him. They called the police, they busted down his door, and they arrested him for possession. He mostly just sold pot. Well, not that that's okay, but because I was underage, they also charged him with unlawful sex with a minor, and that got him labeled a sex offender and put on that list, which I never knew until now.
Mariana: So, why do you always tell us he was a one-night-stand? I guess I didn't want you to think you came from a junkie and a drug dealer.
Ana: I didn't want that to be your story.

In Stef and Lena's room

Stef: Hey. What's going on?
Lena: What do you mean?
Stef: Since when do you turn away to change your clothes?
Lena: I guess I just I don't wanna make you feel uncomfortable.
Stef: Okay. Why would I feel uncomfortable?
Lena: 'Cause of everything you've been through. If I'm being honest I feel a little guilty. Guilty that my body is still intact. I just don't want to make you feel worse.
Stef: You're afraid I'm gonna feel jealous?
Lena: No. Sorry. It's really stupid.
Stef: It's not, honey. No, it's okay. I'm okay. I am. Come sit here. I am starting to get some feeling back. Right, there you are. I can feel you right there. For the record, you're not what makes me feel worse. You're what makes me feel better. Okay?

At the cimetery

AJ: I just hope she can forgive me for missing her funeral.
Callie: You did it to be with Ty. I think she'd understand. Do you forgive me for telling Stef?
AJ: There's nothing to forgive, Callie.
Callie: You're not mad at me?
AJ: Mm-hmm.
Callie: Then why wouldn't you see me when I came to juvie?
AJ: I was embarrassed. Ashamed, you know, but not mad. We were just getting somewhere, then I go and take off. I kind of figured I blew it. [Callie kisses him] I guess not.

On the site

Jesus: Hey. Look, I want to apologize for what I said. I... I was wrong. I didn't know you, but I do now.
Gabriel: You don't have to do this.
Jesus: Come on, man, I'm trying to talk to you.
Gabriel: Look I don't know what you're looking for, but you're not gonna find it with me, all right? I'm not your father, and I never will be.

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choup37, 18.04.2024 à 08:49

5 participants prennent part actuellement à la chasse aux gobelins sur doctor who, y aura-t-il un sixième?

chrismaz66, 18.04.2024 à 11:04

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choup37, 19.04.2024 à 19:45

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