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#305 : Vers le sud

Callie arrive à convaincre Brandon de venir avec elle dans un road-trip qui les mène jusqu'à Mexico sans que leurs mères soient au courant.

De leur côté, Stef et Lena découvrent un test de grossesse vide et se demandent s'il pourrait appartenir à quelqu'un dans la maison. Pendant ce temps, Mike et AJ continuent de se découvrir et AJ fait face à des nouvelles surprenantes.


3.8 - 5 votes

Titre VO
Going South

Titre VF
Vers le sud

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305 - Sneak Peek n°1


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305 - Sneak Peek n°2


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305 - Sneak Peek n°3


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305 - Sneak Peek n°4


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305 - Promo


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AJ dans le salon

AJ dans le salon

AJ et Callie dans le salon

AJ et Callie dans le salon

Mariana dans sa chambre

Mariana dans sa chambre



Callie et AJ dans le salon

Callie et AJ dans le salon

Stef trouve un test de grossesse

Stef trouve un test de grossesse


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Etats-Unis (inédit)
Lundi 06.07.2015 à 20:00
1.30m / 0.5% (18-49)

Plus de détails

Scénario : Michael MacLennan
Réalisation : Elodie Keene

Captures | Photos tournage

  • Chez les Foster

Dans sa chambre, Brandon dort lorsque Callie fait irruption dans sa chambre et lui demande de s'habiller et de la rejoindre dehors. Brandon ne comprend rien mais elle lui dit de se dépêcher et d'amener ses clés de voiture. Elle s'en va et il s'exécute.

Le matin, Lena se rend dans la cuisine pour préparer le café et s'aperçoit avec mauvaise humeur que les ratons-laveurs ont encore fait les poubelles. Quelqu'un sonne à la porte, elle va ouvrir et tombe sur un homme et Stef intervient : il s'agit d'Oscar, le plombier qu'elle a engagé qui vient plus tôt que prévu. Lena reproche à Stef d'avoir engagé quelqu'un sans lui en parler et Stef lui explique qu'elle ne supportera pas de partager sa salle de bain avec les enfants un jour de plus.

Dans le jardin, Stef ramasse les poubelles éparpillées partout et découvre, stupéfaite, une boîte de test de grossesse vide.

  • Dans la voiture

Brandon prévient Callie qu'ils sont presque à la frontière avec le Mexique. Callie acquiesce et Brandon la prévient que s'ils vont dans un autre pays, leurs mères les tueront. Elle lui répond alors qu'elle doit faire quelque chose au Mexique qu'elle ne peut pas faire en Californie sans avis parental. Il lui demande alors si c'est illégal et elle reste muette.


  • Chez les Foster

Dans le jardin, Stef cherche si le test n'est pas très loin mais ne le trouve pas. Elle rentre alors dans la maison tandis qu'Oscar travaille sur la plomberie de la cuisine et se rend dans la chambre. Lena est en train de faire le lit énervée et annonce à Stef qu'elles doivent aller voir un conseille. Stef est surprise et elles se disputent sur le fait qu'elles ne communiquent pas assez au goût de Lena et qu'elle ne se sent pas écoutée. Stef finit par lui parler du test de grossesse trouvée dans la poubelle et lui dit qu'elles doivent trouver à qui il appartient.

Lena se rend alors dans la chambre de Mariana et se renseigne sur sa relation avec Mat. Mariana lui annonce qu'ils ne sont plus ensemble et qu'elle a rompu car elle ne le voulait pas le retenir de s'amuser. Suite à quiproquo, Lena pense qu'ils ont couché ensemble et lui demande s'ils se sont protégés mais Mariana finit par lui dire qu'ils n'ont jamais couché ensemble. Elle lui demande pourquoi toutes ces questions et Lena lui répond tout simplement qu'elle voulait vérifier et demande quand Callie rentrera de la librairie.

  • En maison de repos

AJ, accompagné de Mike, arrive pour voir sa grand-mère. En signant le registre, il lui avoue que la dernière fois, elle ne l'a même pas reconnu mais Mike lui assure que voir un visage familier sera bien pour elle. Dans le couloir, Mike veut s'asseoir pour le laisser seul mais AJ lui fait comprendre qu'il veut bien qu'il vienne avec lui.

AJ et Mike arrivent donc dans la chambre d'Iris, la grand-mère d'AJ. Elle semble ravie de le voir et lui demande depuis combien de temps ils ne se sont pas vus. AJ lui répond que cela fait environ deux mois mais sa grand-mère ne sait plus qui il est. Mike se présente alors à Iris et AJ lui donne des chocolats car il sait qu'elle préfère ça à des fleurs. Elle lui redemande alors depuis combien de temps ils ne se sont pas vus.

  • Au Mexique

Brandon et Callie arrivent là où elle voulait et Brandon est surpris de voir une plage, il ne comprend pas pourquoi elle voulait venir jusqu'ici. Callie lui dit alors de regarder en haut et il voit des personnes faire du deltaplane et sauter des falaises.

Brandon est énervé de voir qu'elle n'a aucun problème mais que c'est pour ça qu'elle l'a emmené jusqu'au Mexique. Elle lui explique alors qu'elle a toujours rêver de voler et qu'elle n'a aucune bonne histoire dans sa vie, qu'elle voudrait en avoir une à raconter et le faire avec son meilleur ami. Brandon finit par céder en disant qu'en effet, ça leur fera une bonne anecdote, Callie saute de joie.

  • En maison de repos

Iris continue de parler à Mike et lui dit fièrement que son petit-fils vient la voir toutes les semaines. AJ lui dit qu'en réalité ce n'est pas le cas mais qu'il reviendra dès qu'il le pourra. Elle le remercie pour les fleurs mais il lui rappelle qu'il a apporté les chocolats. Il l'embrasse tendrement et ils s'en vont.

Dans le couloir, Mike demande à AJ s'il était proche de sa grand-mère et il lui répond que oui, mais moins que son frère Ty qui la connu plus longtemps en bonne santé. Mike lui demande alors s'il lui rendait visite et AJ lui affirme qu'avant, il le faisait. Mike se dirige alors vers le secrétariat et consulte le registre des visites : Ty Hendsale est venu rendre visite à sa grand-mère il y a deux jours.

  • Chez les Foster

Dans le salon, Lena essaie d'appeler Callie mais tombe sur la messagerie. Stef essaie alors de géolocaliser son portable mais se rend compte qu'elle l'a éteint et ses mères ne comprennent pas pourquoi. Le plombier passe et remarque la tension entre Stef et Lena. Stef souligne le fait que si elle a éteint son portable, c'est parce qu'elle ne veut pas être trouvée, Lena se demande pourquoi.

  • Au Mexique

Brandon et Callie suivent les instructions de l'homme pour utiliser le deltaplane et comprendre comment voler et s'arrêter. Ils s'entraînent sur des tables et l'homme leur demande ensuite de signer le formulaire pour les décharger de toutes responsabilités en cas d'accident. Callie en profite pour demander à Brandon pourquoi il a été viré d'Idyllwild et il lui raconte l'histoire de Kate puis du plagiat. Il avoue qu'au final il est content de ne plus la voir et énumère la liste des filles dramatiques qui ont fait des choses de mal dans sa vie et se tait au moment de citer Callie. L'homme revient les voir et ils décident de signer le papier.

  • Chez un fleuriste

Mike a remarqué que le bouquet de fleur d'Iris avait été offert par Ty et vient chez le fleuriste en question pour voir s'il se rappelle de quelque chose. L'homme s'en souvient vaguement, il se rappelle simplement que c'était un bon garçon mais qu'il n'avait pas assez de sous pour payer les fleurs. AJ demande alors s'il semblait aller bien et le fleuriste lui répond que oui. Mike donne sa carte et ils s'en vont.

  • Chez les Foster

Dans sa chambre, Mariana se fait interroger par Stef qui remarque qu'elle ment lorsqu'elle affirme que Callie est à la libraire. Stef la menace de la priver de sortie pendant très longtemps et Mariana avoue qu'ils sont partis au Mexique mais qu'elle n'en sait pas plus. Stef demande alors qui sont "ils".

Dans la cuisine, Stef et Lena ne comprennent pas ce que sont partis faire Callie et Brandon au Mexique. Stef imagine le pire et repense au test de grossesse : elle espère que Callie n'est pas enceinte et surtout que Brandon n'est pas le père. Elles entendent alors un craquement et surprennent Mariana en train d'écouter. Celle-ci hallucine que Brandon peut être le père du bébé de Callie et demande à ses mères pourquoi elles pensent ça. Elles lui montre alors le test et Mariana avoue que c'est le sien. Ses mères ne comprennent pas puisqu'elle a affirmé à Lena ne pas avoir couché avec Mat mais Mariana finit par avouer qu'elle a couché avec Wyatt.

  • Dans la rue

Mike et AJ retournent à la voiture et Mike voit le côté positifs des choses : son frère va bien et ils se rapprochent de le retrouver. AJ lui dit qu'il pourrait être inspecteur mais Mike lui dit que ce serait trop ennuyeux, qu'il préfère le terrain. Il reçoit justement un appel pour un rôdeur et ils partent.

  • Chez les Foster

Dans la cuisine, Stef et Lena essaient de comprendre pourquoi elle a fait un test si elle a eu ses règles le matin mais Mariana avoue avoir eu peur parce qu'elle avait eu des maux de ventre. Stef veut ensuite savoir pourquoi elle a couché avec Wyatt et Mariana admet qu'elle voulait le faire avec Mat mais qu'il n'a pas voulu et qu'une chose en entraînant une autre, elle l'a fait avec Wyatt. Mariana dit qu'elle voulait juste perdre sa virginité mais Stef ne comprend pas. Lena lui dit qu'elles veulent juste comprendre ses choix et Mariana s'en va en disant que personne n'est enceinte, que c'est tout ce qui compte.

Seules, Lena et Stef se disputent une nouvelle fois car Lena reproche à Stef d'avoir été trop dure avec Mariana plus qu'il ne le fallait. Le plombier passe de nouveau et Stef avoue à Lena que c'est n'importe quoi puisqu'en plus elles ont deux enfants qui sont au Mexique. Lena lui dit que ce sont des enfants responsables et qu'ils sont probablement juste à la plage.

  • Au Mexique

Juste avant de sauter, Brandon et Callie paniquent en disant que c'était une mauvaise idée et qu'ils ne connaissent l'homme que depuis quelques heures. La police arrive alors derrière eux et l'homme en espagnol leur dit de se dépêcher de sauter. Callie ne veut pas mais Brandon lui dit qu'ils vont se faire arrêter et sans réflechir, elle saute alors suivie de Brandon. Ils profitent à fond de ce moment dans le ciel et Callie crie, elle est heureuse de faire du deltaplane.

Ils atterrissent sur la plage et Callie exulte, elle est très heureuse de l'avoir fait et remercie Brandon. Ils décident de partir avant de se faire arrêter mais alors qu'ils arrivent à la voiture, une voiture de police arrive.

  • Devant une maison

Mike et AJ arrivent sur les lieux de l'intervention. Mike ne sait pas à quoi s'attendre et dit à AJ de rester dans la voiture puis il sort et rejoint d'autres policiers. Ils entrent dans la maison et intrigué par les bruits, AJ sort de la voiture pour se rapprocher de la maison. Il se fait alors violemment plaquer au sol par un policier qui pense que c'est un complique malgré le fait qu'il crie qu'il est avec Mike. Ce dernier arrive et crie sur l'officier en disant qu'il est son père d'accueil. Le policier le relâche et s'excuse auprès de Mike mais il lui dit qu'il devrait s'excuser auprès d'AJ. Mike demande alors à AJ s'il va bien, ce dernier lui répond que oui alors qu'il a l'air chamboulé.

  • Au Mexique

Devant les policiers, Brandon tente de parler espagnol pour leur expliquer qu'ils ne savaient pas que c'était illégal et Callie veut leur donner de l'argent. Les flics lui disent que ce n'est pas assez et Brandon a alors l'idée de leur donner son clavier de musique. Callie lui dit de ne pas faire ça mais Brandon s'agace en disant qu'ils n'ont pas d'autres solutions.

  • Chez les Foster

Stef et Lena viennent voir Mariana dans sa chambre et Stef s'excuse de sa réaction. Elles lui expliquent qu'elle doit faire attention d'avec qui elle le fait même si elles ne l'encouragent pas à le faire à son âge. Elles lui disent aussi que les préservatifs dans la salle de bain n'est pas un encouragement à le faire mais qu'elles savent qu'elles ne peuvent pas tout gérer. Mariana avoue qu'elle a rompu avec Mat à cause de ça, qu'elle ne voulait pas lui dire la vérité. Elle se met à pleurer et pense aussi que Callie ne lui pardonnera jamais mais Stef la rassure en disant que tout le monde commet des erreurs, que l'important est d'en retirer une leçon. Elles se font alors un gros câlin toutes les trois.

  • Au Mexique

A la frontière, l'attente est estimée à deux heures et Brandon s'inquiète que leurs mères vont deviner que quelque chose se trame s'ils rentrent tard. Ils parlent alors du fait que parfois, le monde se ligue contre eux et Callie s'aperçoit alors qu'ils ont besoin de leurs passeports pour revenir dans le pays, qu'elle n'y avait pas penser. Brandon s'énerve alors en disant qu'elle n'a pensé à rien et Callie lui reproche de toujours tout mettre sur son dos. Il finit par lui répondre que sa vie allait mieux lorsqu'elle n'était pas là et Callie se vexe, elle sort de la voiture en laissant Brandon en plan.

La dispute continue puisque Brandon la suit et lui balance qu'elle peut appeler son nouveau chéri pour qu'il vienne la chercher en parlant d'AJ. Elle lui dit que rien ne se passe entre eux et lui dit ses quatre vérités : elle pense qu'il attire les problèmes tout seul comme lorsqu'il a fait les fausses cartes d'identité ou le plagiat à son camp, elle lui dit d'arrêter de se faire passer pour la victime. Brandon propose alors de retourner à la voiture mais ils ne la voient plus.

  • Appartement de Mike

Mike et AJ rentrent et AJ se pose sur le canapé, en colère de ce qu'il s'est passé. Mike le pousse alors à parler et AJ explose : il pense qu'il ne vaut rien car c'est ce qu'on lui apprend depuis qu'il est petit, que les noirs finissent forcément dans la drogue ou en prison. Mike lui dit de ne pas penser et AJ lui demande pourquoi il veut l'accueillir alors qu'il sait que ça ne marchera pas. Mike lui avoue alors qu'il veut que ça marche car il veut penser qu'un ado comme lui qui n'a pas eu de chance peut s'en sortir. Il lui dit qu'il sera là pour lui et qu'il le soutiendra puis le prend dans ses bras, AJ se met à pleurer.

  • Au Mexique

Dans la voiture, Brandon avoue qu'il arrive à se mettre dans les ennuis tout seul, qu'il ne peut blâmer personne. Il admet aussi être soulagé d'avoir été viré d'Idyllwild car tous les jours ressemblaient au moment où ils étaient prêts à sauter de la falaise. Callie lui dit alors que pourtant, aujourd'hui il a sauté. Au moment de passer devant le guichet, Callie joue l'idiote pour s'excuser de ne pas avoir leurs passeports.

  • Chez les Foster

Brandon et Callie rentrent enfin de leur road-trip et sont accueillis par Stef et Lena qui sont énervées. Mariana crie de sa chambre qu'elle a été obligée d'avouer. Ils mentent et disent qu'ils ont seulement été à la plage et surtout qu'ils n'ont pas bu. Stef leur dit que cela aura de graves répercussions mais qu'en attendant, quelqu'un attend Brandon dans la cuisine.

Brandon arrive dans la cuisine et s'aperçoit que Tony est venu le voir. Brandon s'excuse de l'avoir accusé d'avoir comploté avec Kate et Tony blague sur toute la route que devait faire Brandon pour aller à Idyllwild. Il lui annonce aussi qu'après avoir parlé avec son pianiste, ils ont décidé de l'inclure dans leur groupe, ce qui veut dire qu'il peut retourner au camp.

Dehors, Stef emmène les poubelles et voit Oscar qui range son matériel, il dit avoir bien avancé dans les travaux. Il demande aussi à être payé entièrement car en général lorsque les couples se séparent, il n'est pas payé. Stef ne comprend pas pourquoi il parle de séparation et réalise que même lui pense que son mariage va mal.

Dans leur salle de bain, Stef et Lena discutent des travaux et Stef annonce à Lena qu'elle est d'accord pour aller voir un conseiller. Lena est surprise et Stef lui avoue qu'elle accepte car même leur plombier semble penser que leur mariage bat de l'aile, elle quitte la pièce les larmes aux yeux.

Dans le salon, Callie montre la vidéo du deltaplane à AJ qui est impressionné qu'elle ait fait ça. Il lui dit que la prochaine qu'elle a soif d'aventure, il faut qu'elle aille le voir et elle lui répond qu'elle ne peut pas être avec lui puisqu'il est son frère d'accueil. Il lui demande alors si quelque chose sera possible lorsqu'il sera chez Mike et elle répond en souriant qu'elle ne ferme pas la porte et s'en va. Seul, AJ est content avant de recevoir un appel sur son téléphone : il s'agit de son frère Ty.

Fin de l'épisode.

Ecrit par Emeline53.

In Brandon's room

Brandon: Ah!
Callie: Sorry. Sorry.
Brandon: What are you doing in my room?
Callie: Shh! I need you to come with me.
Brandon: Why?
Callie: I need your help with something.
Brandon: Oh, with what?
Callie: I will tell you later. Just get dressed and then meet me outside. Okay?
Brandon: Okay. Mmm?
Callie: And bring your car keys. Come on.

In the kitchen

Oscar: Morning!
Lena: Morning.
Oscar: Oh, am I too early?
Lena: Too early for what?
Stef: Ah, Oscar! You're here.
Oscar: Mrs. Foster, hello.
Stef: I thought you were starting on Monday.
Oscar: No, we said today, right? Yeah, you told me sooner the better.
Lena: Wait, you hired a contractor?
Stef: I was gonna talk to you about it this weekend.
Lena: Oh, I see, and by "talk to me about it," you mean you were gonna pretend like I had some say in this.
Stef: Honey, we had to make a decision.
Lena: Except we didn't make a decision, you did.
Oscar: If this is a bad time...
Stef: No, no, no, no, no. We've waited long enough. Come on in. Go straight through. You know where you're going.
Oscar: Okay.
Stef: All right. Thanks, Oscar.

Stef: Okay If I have to share a bathroom with those kids for one more day, I'm going to kill myself. Now, I realize to you that sounds good right about now, but getting all of those quotes was taking forever.
Lena: You want to handle something all by yourself? The raccoons got into the garbage.
Stef: Okay …

In the car

Brandon: Callie, we're almost at the border.
Callie: Yeah.
Brandon: Okay. Well, if we keep going, we're gonna, you know, be in Mexico.
Callie: Mm-hmm.
Brandon: Okay, see Mexico is another country and if we cross that border our moms will kill us.
Callie: Look, there's something I have to do that I'm not really allowed to do in the state of California. At least not without parental consent.
Brandon: Like something illegal? Callie...


In Stef and Lena's room

Stef: Hi, love, I know you're mad and I'm sorry to bother you...
Lena: We need to go to therapy.
Stef: What?
Lena: We've got to start communicating.
Stef: Okay, if this is about what just happened, I take complete blame. It's me. It's my fault, all right?
Lena: It's not just a one-time thing. We have to learn how to do better.
Stef: We're communicating right now! We're...
Lena: Sure, we talk. But most times I don't feel heard.
Stef: Well, I wasn't feeling heard when I told you that I was frustrated with your endless stream of contractor quotes.
Lena: See, this is what I'm talking about. I tell you something that's bothering me and you turn it right back around on me.
Stef: What...
Lena: We're never gonna get anywhere if we keep pointing the finger at each other. That's why we need a neutral third party to...
Stef: What? To tell us that you're right and I'm wrong?
Lena: No! To help us both learn how to listen.
Stef: Okay. Jenna and Kelly went to therapy and where are they? They broke up.
Lena: Well, by the time they started going, it was too late.
Stef: Okay, speaking of too late, does this happen to belong to you? Or is this something that you prefer to say with a neutral third party around?
Lena: Busted. I've been having an affair with Mr. Nesbit next door, and now I'm pregnant with an inflatable snowman.
Stef: Well, that's actually preferable to the other scenarios running around in my head right now.

Oscar: Sorry. Can you get that for me?
Lena: Not a problem.

Stef: Someone in this house is afraid they're pregnant and I think we should find out who it is.


In Mriana and Callie's room

Lena: Morning. How's my love bug? Sorry about all the noise. Where's Callie?
Mariana: Um, she said she was going to the library to work on her history paper.
Lena: And why are you still in bed?
Mariana: Day off.
Lena: Everything okay?
Mariana: Yeah. Everything's fine.
Lena: Good. And everything's okay with Mat?
Mariana: Actually, we broke up.
Lena: Oh, no. Mariana, what happened?
Mariana: Well, the tour got extended, so... He's basically gonna be on the road all summer and I just felt like I don't know, like I was holding him back.
Lena: From what?
Mariana: Having fun hooking up with other girls, I guess.
Lena: Other girls... So you and Mat have hooked up?
Mariana: Well, duh! We were boyfriend and girlfriend.
Lena: Okay. Did you use a condom?
Mariana: What?
Lena: When you hooked up.
Mariana: Mama, hooking up doesn't mean sex.
Lena: I thought that's what the kids called it now.
Mariana: Well, it can mean sex, but it also means a lot of other things.
Lena: So.. You and Mat didn't have sex?
Mariana: No. Why are you asking?
Lena: No reason. I just think it's It's good to check in every now and then.
Mariana: Okay.
Lena: So, um Did Callie mention when she might be back from the library?
Mariana: No.
Lena: All right.

At the nursery home

AJ: Last time I was here, she didn't even know who I was.
Mike: Still, I bet she enjoys seeing a friendly face, huh?
AJ: When all else fails, there's always chocolate, right?
Mike: Amen to that. How are you?
Man: Hi.
AJ: It's just, sometimes Grandma gets upset...
Mike: You want me to go in there with you?
AJ: AJ: Only if you want to.
Mike: Yeah.

AJ: Hey, Grandma.
Iris: Well, look who's here! I know I'm long overdue, but it's great to see you.
AJ: You look good.
Iris: Oh, I've seen better days, and don't you try telling me otherwise.
AJ: Here. Let me help you sit down.
Iris: How long has it been?
AJ: Two months.
Iris: No!
AJ: I'm afraid so.
Iris: Now remind me... Where have we met?
Mike: Uh, Miss Hensdale?
Iris: Iris, please.
Mike: Pleasure to meet you, Iris. My name is Mike Foster.
Iris: Oh, dear. Am I under arrest?
Mike: No, no, no. God, no. No, I'm looking after your grandson now.
Iris: My grandson?
AJ: Here, Grandma, I brought you your favorite.
Iris: Oh, I like these better than flowers.
AJ: That's what I figured.
Iris: So nice to see you. How long has it been?

In Mexico

Callie: I think this is the place.
Brandon: You're kidding me. Callie, what is this?
Callie: You'll see.

Callie: Wow, there's like no one here.
Brandon: Yeah. No one to hear us scream. We have beaches in San Diego. What's here that we can't do at home?
Callie: That.

Callie: Come on, Brandon, it'll be fun.
Brandon: Callie, I thought this was serious. Okay? I thought you were in trouble.
Callie: Well, so be happy that I'm not. Okay, I'm sorry I didn't tell you. I just figured if you knew what we were gonna do, then you'd probably try to talk me out of it.
Brandon: Oh, I'm definitely talking you out of it. We're not hang gliding.
Callie: Oh, come on. If you could have one superpower, what would it be?
Brandon: Callie...
Callie: Seriously, answer the question.
Brandon: I don't know. Like, read minds or be invisible or something.
Callie: Okay. Well, I wanna fly. Come on, I just got my driver's license. I'm finally off probation I can go anywhere I want to go. For the first time in my life, I'm free. I just wanna do something completely nuts.
Brandon: Well, this qualifies.
Callie: Oh, come on. I need this. All right? And you do, too. Brandon, I'm... almost 17 and I don't have any good stories. That's why I brought you here. I just wanted to do something completely crazy with my best friend.
Brandon: Whoo! Well, it would make a good story.

At the nursery home

Iris: Aren't these delicious? Have you met my grandson?
Mike: Uh, yes, I have. He's a good kid.
Iris: Isn't he? He comes to see me every week.
AJ: It's not every week, Grandma. But I'll be back soon.
Iris: I hope so. Thanks for the flowers.
AJ: It was the chocolates that I brought but you're welcome.
Mike: It was nice to meet you.

Mike: You okay?
AJ: Yeah.
Mike: It must be hard seeing your grandma like that, I mean... You guys were pretty close, right?
AJ: Not as close as my brother. She had more good years with him, but yeah, I guess.
Mike: He ever visit her?
AJ: Used to, yeah.
Mike: That look like it say "Ty Hensdale" to you?
AJ: Yeah.
Mike: According to this, he was here two days ago.

In the living room

Lena: Went straight to voice mail.
Stef: Why didn't you leave a message?
Lena: What am I gonna say "Hey Callie, it's mama, just checking to see if you're pregnant. Give us a call."
Stef: No, just that you're checking in and to get in touch.
Lena: Are you really gonna micromanage a phone call now? If you think you can do better, go ahead.
Stef: All I'm saying is, I think it's strange that Callie didn't answer her phone.
Lena: Why? She's in a library.
Stef: Maybe not.
Lena: So she turned off her phone.
Stef: They don't turn off their phones, Lena. They might miss a text or twit tweet.
Lena: I think they Snapchat these days. But then again, I thought that hooking up meant sex.
Stef: It doesn't?
Lena: Apparently not.
Stef: Wow. Anyway, my point is, is that they only turn off their phones if they don't want us to find them.
Lena: Why wouldn't Callie want us to know where she is?
Stef: And that's the question, isn't it?

In Mexico

Man: That's it. Light touch. Now ease out on the control bar and feel the lift. Move to the right. Ah, that's it. Now you're in the lift.
Brandon: Is that really all there is to this?
Callie: Sure. That plus a 1,000-foot drop.
Man: You guys are naturals. Close to listos.
Brandon: He thinks we're ready.
Man: So, now we're signing the release forms.
Callie: Okay. What's it say?
Brandon: Uh Basically, if we die, it's our own damn fault.
Callie: Great!
Brandon: Except if I die, it's your damn fault. Not that I have much to live for these days.
Callie: Brandon...
Brandon: I'm kidding. Though the idea of plummeting to my death off a 1,000-foot cliff is only slightly less appealing than telling moms that I got kicked out of Idyllwild.
Callie: What happened anyway?
Brandon: Uh, for starters, I got paired up with this total diva of a pianist.
Callie: Really? That bad?
Brandon: Worse than you can imagine. Brilliant, but basically evil. I mean, she'd just crap on everything I did. So, to prove a point, I put my name on this obscure Bach piece...
Callie: Wait a second, you plagiarized?
Brandon: And of course, she called it a steaming pile of...
Callie: Right. So she's an idiot.
Brandon: No, she's not the only one. I mean, we both got kicked out.
Callie: Yeah, that sucks.
Brandon: Big time. But, you know, at least it's over Now I don't have to deal with anymore crazy, dramatic women in my life. I mean, first it was Kat and Talya and... Life's too short, you know.
Man: Listos?
Brandon: What the hell, right?
Callie: Yeah. What the hell.

At the florist

Mike: We found this card in the flowers and we're wondering if you remember a young man who may have bought them from here a couple of days ago? Uh, African-American, about 20 years old.
Florist: Mmm-mmm.
AJ: Irises. That's what he bought.
Florist: Oh, yeah. I remember. Most men don't go in for irises. It's more of an old lady flower.
AJ: They were for an old lady.
Mike: Do you remember how he paid?
Florist: You mean like credit card?
Mike: Exactly.
Florist: Mmm, I don't think so. I'm pretty sure it was cash. Yeah, 'cause I remember he didn't have enough money, and he offered to put a couple of flowers back, but I just let him keep the whole dozen anyway. Nice kid.
AJ: Did he seem okay?
Florist: Yeah. I guess so.
AJ: That's my brother. We're trying to find him.
Mike: I don't suppose he's come back in?
Florist: Sorry.
Mike: Did he say anything that might indicate where he's living?
Florist: I wish I had more for you.
Mike: But thanks for your time. You'll call if he comes back in, right?
Florist: Of course. Good luck, guys.

In Mariana and Callie's room

Mariana: She said she was going to the library. What else do you want me to say?
Stef: Okay. You wanna rethink that answer and try again?
Mariana: What? You think I'm lying?
Stef: I didn't say that. It's just when you answered me, you looked up and to the left.
Mariana: So?
Stef: That's what people do when they lie.
Mariana: How do you know that?
Stef: Because I'm a highly trained police officer, Mariana, and if you don't tell me where Callie is right this second, you're going to be grounded until you qualify for social security.
Mariana: Okay... They may have gone a little further than the library.
Stef: Like how far?
Mariana: Like Mexico.
Stef: Mexico. Callie went to Mexico?
Mariana: Just to a beach. And that's all I know, honest!
Stef: Yeah, no, I believe you. You said "they", Mariana, who is "they"?

In the kitchen

Lena: Mexico? Together? Why? Why would they do that? What? What are you thinking?
Stef: I don't even wanna say...
Lena: Say!
Stef: I just I can't help thinking about the pregnancy test...
Lena: Don't! Don't say that.
Stef: Well well, you seriously think she went down there to but Callie could get whatever medical attention she would need right here.
Lena: What if she doesn't know that? What if she's afraid that we're going to find out? Okay, so... What if what if she is pregnant? Why is Brandon with her?
Stef: Oh, my god. You don't think that he's the father, do you? Mariana, get in here!

Mariana: Okay, hold up! Callie's pregnant with Brandon's baby?
Lena: We don't know that. We don't... We don't know what to think.
Mariana: But why would you think that in the first place?
Stef: Because of this.
Lena: And since it doesn't belong to any of us, we could only assume...
Mariana: It's mine.
Lena: Wait a minute, you told me that you didn't have sex with Mat.
Mariana: Because I didn't have sex with Mat.
Stef: Who did you have sex with?


In the street

Mike: It's not all bad news.
AJ: How you figure that?
Mike: Your brother's alive. And he's okay, and he's been around. If the florist or anyone at the nursing home sees him, they'll let us know. Meanwhile, we'll print up some fliers with his picture, okay? Don't give up. We're getting close.
AJ: You oughta be a detective.
Mike: Detective work's pretty dull. The real action's on the street.
Dispatcher: Call to any officers in the area, report of an 11-7 at 1-2-5 Winston. Repeat, 11-7 at 1-2-5 Winston.
AJ: What's an 11-7?
Dispatcher: Prowler on the scene.
Mike: Probably a burglar. Not far. Car 74 solo, I'm on my way with a ride-along.
AJ: A ride-along? That's me?
Mike: Yeah. That's you. Let's go.

In the kitchen

Lena: Okay, so the first question is, are you pregnant?
Mariana: No, we used a condom and I started my period this morning.
Stef: Thank god! So why take a pregnancy test?
Mariana: I don't know, I was freaking out. And I felt all weird and moody...
Stef: You're a teenager, Mariana, you're always weird and moody.
Mariana: And I also had a stomachache that one day. I don't know. I was just afraid. And mama had all those extra tests from when she was trying to get pregnant, and I figured, why not? It was supposed to make me feel better.
Lena: Well, we're not here to make you feel bad.
Stef: I guess the next question is why?
Mariana: Why have sex?
Stef: Well, yeah. That, too. But why have sex with Wyatt?
Mariana: Well, the plan was to have sex with Mat, but then he didn't want to...
Stef: So he was just backup sex?
Mariana: No! No, no, no, no! Look, that came out wrong.
Stef: Okay?
Mariana: I wanted to lose my virginity. I'm almost 16 and everyone in this house is having sex Maybe not Jude or Callie or you guys. But you gave Brandon and Jesus condoms I don't see what the big deal is.
Stef: Losing your virginity at 15 is a big deal, Mariana.
Mariana: I thought you guys were feminists.
Lena: Don't play that card. We said the exact same thing to your brothers.
Stef: I don't understand why you think that this is some kind of race.
Mariana: Well, I did, okay? And I'm not a virgin anymore, so...
Lena: Honey, I think what your mother is trying to say is just that we love you, and we wanna understand your choices.
Mariana: Well, no one's pregnant. Can't you just be happy about that?

Stef: What?
Lena: That was harsh.
Stef: No, it wasn't. I.. Where is all of this coming from? I just want us to be on the same page.
Lena: Obviously, Mariana feels terrible about this, what is the point in piling on the shame?
Oscar: Excuse me.
Stef: Can we just table this for a minute, please? We have two children in Mexico, doing god knows what.
Lena: Callie and Brandon are good kids. They're probably just enjoying a day on the beach.
Stef: Are you sure about that?

In Mexico

Callie: Scared?
Brandon: Nah, you?
Callie: Nah! Maybe a little bit.
Brandon: Yeah! Yeah, I'm terrified.
Callie: Maybe this is a bad idea, you know. We've had how much instruction?
Brandon: Uh couple of hours.
Callie: And we know how much about this guy?
Brandon: Next to nothing.
Callie: Exactly. How do we know he's legit, or if these gliders even work?
Brandon: I mean, that could be why they're on a deserted beach and not a big resort with lawyers and cameras.
Man: Wind is up. It's time.
Callie: Maybe we don't need to jump. Maybe this is all we needed to do, you know? Just stand on the brink and then step back from it. You know?
Brandon: Together.
Callie: Together.
Brandon: Yeah. I'm okay with that.
Callie: Okay. What? What's he telling us?
Brandon: To jump!
Callie: I don't think I can!
Brandon: Then I think we're getting arrested.
Callie: Okay!

Callie: Brandon! Ah! We're flying!
Brandon: Whoo! How do we land?
Callie: You can do this, all right? We're gonna land. And remember everything he told you, okay? Ready?

Brandon: Callie! Hey! You okay?
Callie: That was amazing!
Brandon: You feel like a superhero?
Callie: Yeah. Thank you. That's gonna make a really good story.
Brandon: All right. Let's get out of here.
Callie: Yeah!

At the house

Mike: All right, look. I need you to sit tight. I'll be right back. Car 74, arrived at the scene. Olynek's here, we'll go in tandem.
AJ: What's going on in there?
Mike: We don't know. So stay in the vehicle, got it?

Mike: So we think he's in there?
Officer: Mm-hmm.
Mike: All right. We'll take the front.
Officer: All right.

Officer 2: Hands in the air! Put your hands up! Get down! Hands back! Hands back now!
AJ: I'm with Mike! I'm with Mike!
Officer 2: Face down, do not move!
Mike: Hey! Hey! What the hell's going on? Put that away!
Officer 2: Got your guy's accomplice here.
Mike: He's with me! He's my ride-along! My foster son.
Officer 2: I just saw him and I thought...
Mike: Yeah! I know what you thought. Get up. You okay?
Officer 2: Look, I'm sorry, Foster.
Mike: I'm not the one you should be apologizing to.
Officer 2: Sorry.

Mike: You okay?
AJ: Yeah.
Mike: I told you to stay in the car.

In Mexico

Brandon: No sabia what we were doing was ilegal. We are inocente! Inocente! Okay, what are we supposed to do? "A show of respect?"
Callie: What does that mean?
Brandon: He says he wants respect.
Callie: Yeah I think it's this kind of respect?
Brandon: Oh, you're kidding.
Callie: That's all I got. I spent the rest how much do you have?
Brandon: I don't have anything. You told me to bring car keys. Wait. Wait. Hey! No, no, no, it's okay. I wanted to show you something. Here! Top of the linea. Usted no play the musica? Ustedes vendes, get mucho dinero.
Callie: Brandon, you can't do this.
Brandon: Do you have a better idea?

In Mariana and Callie's room

Stef: Um I think I think I owe you an apology. I... I wasn't trying to shame you, Mariana, I wasn't.
Lena: But sex is a big deal. Every time you have sex it's a big deal. You're sharing a vulnerable and precious part of yourself. You should always make sure you feel good about it.
Stef: Not that we're encouraging you to have sex at your age.
Lena: No, of course not. You're young, and so are your brothers. We give them condoms not to encourage them, but to protect them because we know we can't control everything.
Stef: Try as we might. Listen... We just want you to love yourself as much as we love you.
Lena: And it doesn't seem like you love yourself too much right now.
Mariana: That's why I broke up with Mat. I can't tell him what I did. What do I say to Callie? She's gonna hate me.
Stef: Oh, my love. You know what? We all do things that we wish we hadn't. But we learn from them, and if we manage not to repeat them Man, it feels really, really good.

In the car

Callie: No, thank you. No! Thank you! Thanks!
Brandon: What are we gonna tell moms? I mean, by the time we get home, it's gonna be so late.
Callie: I'll buy you another keyboard.
Brandon: It's not like I need it anyway. You ever get the feeling like the whole world is just conspiring against you? Yeah.
Callie: I'm pretty familiar with that concept. Wait! What does that sign say? We need passports? God, I thought we just needed our driver's licenses.
Brandon: Well, I guess you were wrong.
Callie: No, but when we came in to Mexico, they just waved us through.
Brandon: Maybe you should've done some research before you... No! Thank you! No! Thank you! Callie:No, thank you, sir!
Brandon: Before you kidnapped me and dragged me into another country for some stupid, illegal adventure.
Callie: Sure, sure. Nothing's ever your fault.
Brandon: Oh, so, how is this on me?
Callie: Don't worry, it's not. No, 'cause the whole universe is conspiring against you, and you can just blame one of us "dramatic girls" for ruining your life.
Brandon: Truth is, things were a lot easier before you showed up.
Callie: Screw you, Brandon.

Brandon: Callie! Callie! Callie! What're you gonna do, walk home from Mexico? Or maybe you can just call your new boyfriend to come pick you up, huh?
Callie: What are you talking about?
Brandon: Just saying, there is a new foster brother now.
Callie: There is nothing going on between me and A.J.
Brandon: I'm not blind, Callie.
Callie: Actually, I think you are, Brandon. Walking around thinking you're some victim? Acting like the world is out to get you? You don't see the drama that you create. You were the one who turned up to girls united and got yourself a restraining order. You were the one who started selling fake ids that got your hand crushed. You were the one who plagiarized Bach and then got kicked out of Idyllwild. Okay? If you're really worried about the drama in your life, Brandon, look at the common denominator, okay? It's you!
Brandon: Can we just go back to the car?
Callie: Where is the car?

At Mike's place

Mike: You want some dinner? I'm pretty beat. Maybe we should order in? What do you feel like? Chinese? Pizza? Look, I know today was tough...
AJ: You don't know.
Mike: Okay. Fair enough. You wanna talk about it?
AJ: Why? What you gotta say? You gonna tell me how to talk to cops, huh? My grandma already schooled me on that, all right? "Hands on the steering wheel, never resist" "Yes, sir, no, sir." "Let 'em look through whatever you got, and lie down like a dog 'cause you ain't no better than one."
Mike: Don't say that.
AJ: Why not? It's the truth! It's how a black man gets treated by the cops. You should know.
Mike: I may be a cop, but I'm also your foster father.
AJ: No, you ain't.
Mike: Okay, well, I'm gonna be.
AJ: Why? We both know this ain't gonna work.
Mike: Of course it is.
AJ: Why are you even doing this?
Mike: I'm trying to help you, A.J.!
AJ: You don't know how to help me, Mike! You got no idea what it's like to be living down to the low expectations society has for you. "Foster kid?" "Black kid?" "Oh! You must be headed for gangs, drugs, jail." I've been hearing it so long, I'm starting to wonder if they're right.
Mike: They're not right, A.J.! And you should stop listening to those people right now!
AJ: Except there's a lot more of them and only one of me.
Mike: Not anymore. Now there's two. Right? There's two of us. Come here! And this cop sees a bright talented, decent young man. This cop's not gonna let you live down to anybody's expectations. You understand me? Come here! All you need is someone who believes in you. Someone you can count on and I'm gonna be that person. You know why? 'Cause I have to believe in a world where a kid like you gets a real chance. That's why I'm doing this, A.J., okay?

In the car

Brandon: You didn't mess up my life, Callie. I did. It's just... Easier to blame you for it. And if I'm being honest, I was kinda relieved that Idyllwild kicked me out. If I could blame Kat, then it wasn't my fault. You know?
Callie: You think they'll give you another chance?
Brandon: Doubt it. And honestly, I don't wanna know the answer, either way. When we were at the edge of that cliff that's how it felt every day at camp. I was so close to something so huge only I was too scared to do something about it.
Callie: Except today you jumped, Brandon. You jumped.
Brandon: What're we gonna say?
Officer: Passport?
Callie: Hello, Officer. Um so it looks like we did something really stupid.

In the living room

Stef: Thank you. Hola.
Mariana: They made me tell!
Brandon: Okay, we didn't mean to You know what?
Stef: Don't start, Brandon.
Callie: It's my fault. I kidnapped Brandon and took him to Mexico. I just needed to get out of my head and we ended up getting out of the country.
Lena: Why why Mexico? What did you do?
Brandon: We just chilled on the beach. Nothing wild. We even used sunscreen.
Stef: Oh! Oh, that's good. Any drinking?
Callie: None. Promise.
Lena: Then how'd you get back into the country with no passports?
Callie: Played dumb.
Stef: That couldn't have been hard. There will be consequences that we talk about later, but right now Brandon, you have a visitor in the kitchen.

In the kitchen

Tony: Hey! Sucks to be you, huh?
Brandon: Um look, if this is about what I said about you and Kat... Setting me up, I'm sorry. I really thought...
Tony: Dude, I get it. Kat could drive Gandhi to smack a baby hard. But that's not the reason I drove all the way down here. How the hell do you make that drive every day, anyway?
Brandon: Well, that's one good thing, I guess, I don't have to anymore.
Tony: Okay. What if I told you, you might? See, I was talking to my pianist, Jin, and I said what a raw deal I thought you got. And he said if you want he'd be willing to take you on.
Brandon: So that means I'm back in? Aw, hell!

In the garden

Stef: Hey, Oscar. Finished for the day? How'd it go?
Oscar: Made some good progress.
Stef: Good. All right. Well, we'll see you on Monday, yeah?
Oscar: Uh yes. Although there is one thing...
Stef: Yeah, what is it?
Oscar: I have to ask if you can pay me now, in full.
Stef: Whoa, Oscar, wait a minute. We have a deal. A payment schedule. Why do you suddenly want...
Oscar: Look, when couples break up, it usually means I don't get paid until the lawyers are all done.
Stef: What why're you think Lena and I are breaking up? Why would you...
Oscar: Look, if you prefer, we could talk about an escrow account.

In the bathroom

Lena: Well, as much as it pains me to say it, seems like Oscar got a lot of work done today.
Stef: Yeah. Speaking of home repair, I think, um I think that you actually have a point.
Lena: I do?
Stef: Yeah. I was thinking that If you feel that that a third party would help us then, um I guess, I'm up for some couples counseling.
Lena: Wow. That's a surprise.
Stef: You're telling me.
Lena: What changed your mind?
Stef: Honestly, um our new contractor seems to think our marriage is in trouble. Yeah.

In the living room

AJ: You went hang-gliding?
Callie: Shh!
AJ: Are you crazy?
Callie: Little bit.
AJ: Were you scared? Brandon went, too?
Callie: Mm-hmm.
AJ: He was scared though, right?
Callie: Way more scared than me.
AJ: Well, the next time you're looking for adventure, you oughta knock on my door.
Callie: A.J...
AJ: Callie...
Callie: A.J., you're my foster brother.I can't.
AJ: Okay. What about when I'm not?
Callie: When you're...
AJ: When I move in with Mike.
Callie: Um, then I guess we will cross that bridge...
AJ: When we get to it? All right. I got all the time in the world.

AJ: Hello?
Ty: A.J., it's Ty.

Kikavu ?

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choup37, 15.04.2024 à 10:15

Il manque 3 votes pour valider la nouvelle bannière Kaamelott... Clic clic clic

chrismaz66, 15.04.2024 à 11:46

Oui cliquez;-) et venez jouer à l'animation Kaamelott qui démarre là maintenant et ce jusqu'à la fin du mois ! Bonne chance à tous ^^

Supersympa, 16.04.2024 à 14:31

Bonjour à tous ! Nouveau survivor sur le quartier Person of Interest ayant pour thème l'équipe de Washington (saison 5) de la Machine.

choup37, Hier à 08:49

5 participants prennent part actuellement à la chasse aux gobelins sur doctor who, y aura-t-il un sixième?

chrismaz66, Hier à 11:04

Choup tu as 3 joueurs de plus que moi!! Kaamelott est en animation, 3 jeux, venez tenter le coup, c'est gratis! Bonne journée ^^

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