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#307 : La Foi, l'Espérance et l'Amour

Lorsque Stef et Lena apprennent que Mariana veut se faire baptiser dans le but d'être la marraine d'Isabella, elles émettent quelques réserves que ne comprend pas leur fille.

Par aileurs, suite aux événements de l'anniversaire de Callie, Stef et Lena décident de prendre une grande décision concernant AJ pour ne pas nuire à l'adoption de Callie. Dans le même temps, AJ revoit son frère Ty qui veut partir le plus vite possible.


4 - 5 votes

Titre VO
Faith, Hope, Love

Titre VF
La Foi, l'Espérance et l'Amour

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307 - Sneak peek n°4


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Callie et AJ discutent

Callie et AJ discutent

Callie et AJ discutent

Callie et AJ discutent



Stef et Lena viennent finalement à l'église

Stef et Lena viennent finalement à l'église


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Etats-Unis (inédit)
Lundi 20.07.2015 à 20:00
1.33m / 0.5% (18-49)

Plus de détails

Scénario : Cristian Martinez & Kris Q. Rehl
Réalisation : Jann Turner

Captures | Photos tournage

  • Dans un parc

Callie et AJ sont assis sur le banc et discutent du dessin "Super Callie". Callie se renseigne sur les pouvoirs qu'elle pourrait avoir et est ravie d'apprendre qu'elle volerait. Elle lui apprend que son dessin est son cadeau d'anniversaire préféré, AJ est content de l'entendre. Derrière, son frère arrive et les deux frères se sautent dans les bras. Callie fait la connaissance de Ty avant de les laisser pour rejoindre Mariana. En discutant avec Ty, AJ se rend compte qu'ils risquent de partir plus tôt qu'il ne le pensait.

  • Dans la rue

Callie et Mariana finalisent la vente pour la voiture et le vendeur les informe qu'elles doivent changer la voiture de place à heure régulière pour ne pas avoir de pv puisqu'elles ne peuvent pas encore rouler avec vu qu'elles n'ont pas encore d'assurance. Callie et Mariana décident d'appeler la voiture Lucille et Mariana est folle de joie à l'idée d'avoir enfin une voiture, elle embrasse Callie qui semble mal à l'aise.

  • Chez les Foster

De retour à la maison, Callie se fait appeler par Stef et Lena dans la cuisine. Elle y découvre également Rita et ses mères la confronte quant à son baiser avec AJ. Callie promet que ce n'est arrivé qu'une fois et qu'elle ne veut pas créer d'autres problèmes mais ses mères ne comprennent pas alors pourquoi elle recommence encore. Elles l'informent qu'AJ ne va pas pouvoir rester chez elles sous le même toit que Callie et qu'il ira chez Rita en attendant que Mike ait sa licence.


  •  À Idyllwild

Brandon fait la connaissance de Jin, le pianiste de Tony qui a accepté de travailler aussi avec lui. Jin assure au prof qu'il est conscient du travail mais que ça lui donne une seconde chance pour performer à Disney Hall. Jin confie ensuite aux deux compositeurs qu'il sera impartial et Brandon remercie une nouvelle fois Tony d'avoir fait ça pour lui, il est heureux d'avoir des gens sur qui compter.

  • Chez les Foster

Mike et Stef attendent AJ sous le porche pour lui annoncer leur décision. Mike s'inquiète de ne pas voir arriver AJ puis Stef le laisse pour qu'il soit seul avec lui. AJ arrive et discute de son frère avec Mike pour qu'ils puissent se rencontrer. Mike accepte puis lui dit qu'il a quelque chose à lui dire.

Dans la cuisine, la famille dîne en compagnie de Rita qui demande à AJ quels sont ses centres d'intérêts et à Callie comment son application avance. Callie annonce qu'elle doit présenter le projet le lendemain devant le conseil et qu'elle espère que ça va fonctionner. Stef et Lena annoncent ensuite qu'AJ va déménager chez Rita, prétextant une expiration de leur licence de famille d'accueil. Ensuite Mariana prend la parole pour dire qu'elle va être la marraine d'Isabella, tout le monde est ravi jusqu'à ce qu'elle annonce qu'elle doit elle-même être baptisée pour pour être marraine. Stef et Lena lui disent non catégoriquement, ce qui jette un froid pendant le dîner.

À la fin du dîner, Callie raccompagne Rita à la porte et cette dernière veut savoir ce qu'il se passe avec AJ. Callie lui assure que ce n'est pas comme avec Brandon, qu'elle n'est pas amoureuse de lui. Rita lui raconte alors qu'elle a encore du mal dans son combat avec la nourriture car elle a pris de mauvaises habitudes afin de faire réfléchir Callie.

En rentrant à la maison, Callie et AJ se croisent dans les escaliers. Elle s'excuse du fait qu'il soit obligé de quitter la maison à cause d'elle mais AJ pense que ce n'est pas grave puisqu'ils pourront être ensemble dorénavant mais Callie lui annonce que finalement ce n'est pas une bonne idée de se mettre ensemble, AJ acquiesce.

Dans la cuisine, Mariana vient pour parler à ses mères : elle ne comprend pourquoi elles ne veulent pas la laisser se faire baptiser puisque Brandon l'est. Elle insiste car elle veut faire plaisir à Victor et Elena mais Stef et Lena refusent qu'elle puisse penser qu'elle ira en enfer si elle n'est pas baptisée et en veulent aux Gutierrez de lui avoir une telle idée dans la tête. Ses mères expliquent à Mariana qu'elles croient en l'amour et qu'elles ne veulent pas se laisser dicter par un soi-disant tout puissant.

Dans la salle de bain, Brandon et Callie se brossent les dents et Brandon parle d'AJ, disant qu'elle doit probablement savoir pourquoi il part mais Callie ne dit rien et pose des questions sur Idyllwild. Brandon lui avoue qu'il veut tenter quelque chose pour son prochain morceau de musique mais n'ose pas, Callie lui demande s'il a confiance en certaines personnes au camp pour leur demander.

  • À Idyllwild

Jin joue le morceau un peu particulier qu'a composé Brandon : en effet, il a mis des ustensiles de cuisine dans le piano pour que le son sorte différemment. Après avoir fini de jouer, Brandon demande aux deux garçons ce qu'ils en pensent et Tony avoue que c'est très audacieux. Jin adore mais ne veut pas se prononcer et Brandon ne sait pas quoi faire, il ne veut pas prendre trop de risques puisqu'il vient de revenir. Tony lui conseille alors de faire comme il le sent et de marcher à l'instict.

  • À la boulangerie

Mariana discute avec sa cousine Adriana qui n'en revient pas que ses mères ne veulent pas la laisser se faire baptiser. Mariana pense qu'il faut juste leur laisser du temps puisqu'elle les a mis devant le fait accompli. Elles entendent alors une dispute éclater entre Ana et ses parents dans l'arrière boutique : Victor et Elena parlent d'une recharge de médicaments et Ana en a marre de les avoir tout le temps sur son dos. Ana finit par partir en laissant Isabella dans les bras de sa mère.

Quelques minutes après, Stef et Lena débarquent à leur tour dans la boulangerie pour parler avec les Gutierrez. Elles veulent s'expliquer quant au baptême et n'apprécient pas qu'ils en aient parlé avec Mariana sans les prévenir. Elena reconnaît leur tort mais ne comprennent pas pourquoi elles ne veulent pas : ce n'est pas à elle de décider si leur fille croit en dieu ou non.

  • Chez Mike

Ty arrive chez Mike pour le rencontrer mais se montre très froid lorsqu'il comprend qu'il est policier. Ty pense qu'AJ n'est qu'une cause perdue pour Mike : le flic blanc qui veut sauver l'ado noir de la drogue et de la violence. Mike lui rétorque que ce n'est pas le cas puisqu'il veut simplement lui donner une chance et lui assure qu'il ne veut pas s'occuper d'AJ seulement jusqu'à ses 18 ans mais encore longtemps après.

  • Au lycée Anchor Beach

Callie présente son idée d'application devant le conseil : elle explique comment cela fonctionnera et comment cela permettra aux enfants-adolescents de savoir ce qu'il se passe autour d'eux, tels que les camps d'été ou bien les soins gratuits. Le conseil est satisfait de son appli mais s'étonne qu'elle ait arrêté le centre car ils pensent que c'était un projet d'indépendance beaucoup plus intéressant et immergeant.

  • Chez Mike

À l'écart, AJ explique à son frère qu'il ne vit pas encore chez Mike mais qu'il a été viré de chez les Foster car il a embrassé sa soeur d'accueil. Ty s'énerve de voir que c'est lui qui doit partir car il est noir mais AJ lui assure que cela n'a rien à voir puisque l'une des deux mères est aussi noire. Ty essaie de le convaincre qu'ils vont finir par le laisser tomber. Ils sont interrompus par Mike qui leur propose de manger quelque chose.

  • À Idyllwild

Brandon présente son morceau mais sans les ustensiles, il a décidé de ne pas prendre trop de risques. Tony vient le féliciter et s'étonne qu'il n'ait pas joué avec le piano amélioré mais Brandon a écouté son insctinct. Le prof est content de sa fugue mais lui demande d'être plus audacieux car ce n'est pas avec un morceau comme celui-là qu'il ira à Disney Hall.

  • Chez Mike

Le frère d'AJ est parti et Rita est présente pour lui dire qu'il va pouvoir emménager chez elle dans quelques jours puisqu'elle a eu les autorisations. Elle veut lui expliquer quelques règles et lui fait savoir qu'elle sait que Callie a été virée du centre à cause de lui. Mike est surpris d'entendre ça et AJ lui raconte mais le prévient que Callie ne veut pas que ses mères le sachent. Mike accepte et Rita continue : elle ne veut pas de fugue, de violence, de vol ou de mensonges sous son toit et ne donne pas de seconde chance, AJ acquiesce.

  • Chez les Foster

Dans la cuisine, Stef et Lena veulent préparer à manger et discutent du baptême, Lena s'indigne de la réaction des Gutierrez, elle trouve qu'ils ont été trop indiscrets dans leur question. Néanmoins, Stef lui fait remarquer qu'elles ont toujours dit qu'elles laisseraient leurs enfants croire en ce qu'ils veulent et qu'il est peut-être temps de commecer à l'accepter.

Le soir, Mike ramène AJ chez Stef et Lena. AJ s'excuse de ne pas lui avoir dit plus tôt pour le centre et Callie et Mike veut savoir si Callie lui plaît vraiment. AJ est gêné mais lui avoue que oui, même s'il ne sait pas vraiment s'il plaît à Callie. Mike lui conseille de lâcher l'affaire puisque Callie a déjà beaucoup à gérer et qu'il y a plein d'autres filles à qui il pourrait s'intéresser.

  • À l'église

Mariana est présente pour se faire baptiser et regarde la banderole "Faith, Hope, Love" en haut de l'église. Ana arrive avec Isabella et explique la dispute de la veille avec ses parents : elle a encore des anti-douleurs de l'accident et a tout jeté dans les toilettes puisqu'elle voulait vivre sans mais elle souffre et a voulu en racheter à la pharmacie. Ses parents ont alors cru qu'elle avait recommencé à se droguer et elle en a marre d'être suspectée. Stef et Lena arrivent derrière à la grande surprise de Mariana qui est ravie : ses mères lui ont même ramené des bracelets pour elle et Isabelle afin de marquer leur attachement l'une à l'autre. Le prêtre vient ensuite chercher Mariana pour l'entretien d'avant baptême.

En retrait, le prêtre explique à Mariana comment cela va fonctionner. Il est assez maladroit et Mariana le corrige plusieurs en disant qu'elle n'est pas une Gutierrez mais une Foster. Elle lui demande si elle doit croire en tous les serments qu'elle va prêter aujourd'hui et le prêtre s'étonne qu'elle puisse penser le contraire. Mariana lui demande alors si ses mères sont acceptées à l'église puisqu'elles sont gays et le prêtre répond que tous les pêcheurs sont acceptés, ce qui fait réagir Mariana.

  • Chez les Foster

Dans la cuisine, Callie est en train de manger lorsqu'AJ arrive sans lui jeter un regard. Callie ne comprend pas et AJ lui répète ce que lui a dit Mike, que c'est comme s'il avait embrassé la princesse et que maintenant il doit partir. Callie lui assure que cela n'a rien à voir avec lui mais avec elle : lorsqu'elle est arrivée chez les Foster, elle et sont tombés amoureux. AJ comprend alors pourquoi Brandon ne l'aime pas depuis le début... Callie lui explique qu'ils ont dû se séparer puisqu'elle avait plus besoin d'une famille que d'un copain. AJ lui rétorque alors que ses sentiments n'ont pas besoin d'être préservés puisqu'il n'est pas comme Brandon : il ne sera jamais son frère. Soudain, l'alarme de Callie sonne sur son portable pour changer la voiture de place.

  • À l'église

Mariana ressort de son entretien, regarde une nouvelle fois la banderole et annonce à Ana qu'elle ne peut pas être la marraine du bébé.

  • Dans la rue

Callie et AJ arrivent à la voiture pour la déplacer et AJ est surpris d'apprendre qu'elle et Mariana ont acheté une voiture. Ils montent dedans et AJ propose à Callie de faire un tour du quartier pour trouver une meilleure place et se promener un peu.

  • À l'église

Mariana vient voir ses mères pour annoncer qu'elle ne veut pas se faire baptiser car elle n'est pas d'accord avec les principes de l'église, elle ne veut pas entendre des gens dire que ses mères ne sont pas des gens biens parce qu'elles sont gays. Stef et Lena sont touchées mais Adriana arrive en disant qu'Ana a disparu avec le bébé et que personne ne la retrouve.

  • À Idyllwild

C'est au tour de Tony de présenter son idée de fugue et Brandon est choqué de voir que son camarade a piqué son idée du piano amélioré alors que tout le monde semble adorer.

  • Dans la voiture

Pendant qu'ils roulent, AJ demande à Callie si Brandon et elle c'est bien fini et elle lui assure que oui. Tout d'un coup, une voiture de police derrière leur fait signal pour se ranger et Callie panique car elle n'a pas encore d'assurance pour rouler.

  • À l'église

Tout le monde est à l'éxtérieur pour savoir où pourrait être Ana. Personne ne la trouve et Victor et Elena sont persuadés qu'elle a recommencé à se droguer. Le portable de Stef sonne, elle part répondre tandis que Mariana pense que c'est de sa faute puisqu'elle a dit qu'elle ne voulait plus être la marraine d'Isabella. Lena la rassure en disant que ce n'est pas de sa faute et Stef revient en disant que Callie et AJ se sont fait arrêter dans une voiture volée.

  • Chez les Foster

Stef et Lena disputent Callie et Mariana qui ont acheté une voiture sans leur en parler car c'est une voiture volée. Les filles se défendent en disant qu'elles voulaient attendre de pouvoir payer l'assurance avant d'en parler... Mariana reçoit un sms et répond, Stef et Lena s'indignent qu'elle soit en train de répondre mais Mariana leur annonce qu'Ana est revenue chez elle avec le bébé. Elle veut ensuite savoir si elles vont pouvoir récupérer l'argent et Stef, Lena et Callie la regardent dubitativement.

  • À Idyllwild

Brandon rattrape Tony et Jin qui sont sortis avant lui de la salle. Il n'arrive pas à croire qu'il lui a piqué son idée mais Tony se défend en disant que techniquement, il n'a rien inventé en mettant des ustensiles dans le piano mais qu'en effet, il s'est inspiré de son idée puisqu'il n'a pas eu le courage de le montrer devant la classe. Brandon réalise alors que Tony l'a fait revenir car il ne le voit pas comme une menace et lui dit clairement qu'il va donner tout ce qu'il a pour l'audition et qu'il le battra avant de partir.

  • Chez les Foster

Dans la cuisine, Stef et Lena cherchent ce qu'elles vont pouvoir faire à manger pour le dîner lorsque quelqu'un sonne à la porte. Mariana va ouvrir et il s'agit d'Ana qui leur demande de prendre son bébé.

Dans le salon, Victor et Elena sont venus en renfort. Ana explique qu'elle n'arrive pas à s'occuper du bébé et pleure. Elle ressent comme un vide en elle et l'avait déjà ressenti avec les jumeaux ; elle pensait alors que c'était à cause de la drogue mais encore aujourd'hui elle ressent la même chose. Elle pense qu'elle n'est pas faite pour être mère. Stef et Lena comprennent alors qu'elle pourrait souffrir de dépression post-natale mais ses parents sont persuadés qu'elle se drogue encore. Mariana est indignée par une telle réaction, elle ne comprend pas pourquoi ils voient toujours le pire en Ana puisque elle aussi, elle a dû lui pardonner des choses : Ana lui a menti, lui a pris de l'argent et pourtant ses mères lui ont toujours appris à voir le meilleur en les gens. Lena ajoute qu'elle n'est pas très douée en religion mais que ce qu'elle apprécie dedans c'est qu'elle pousse au pardon. Victor et Elena réalisent alors qu'ils ont peut-être été trop loins et promettent à Ana qu'ils vont rester à ses côtés.

Dans la cuisine, Lena regarde l'arbre planté en l'honneur de Frankie lorsque Stef arrive et Lena lui confie qu'elle déteste cet arbre puisqu'il lui rappelle tous les jours la perte de Frankie. Elle exlique à Stef que le discours d'Ana lui a fait réalisé qu'elle n'est toujours pas passé à autre chose et qu'elle souffre toujours... Stef la réconforte en disant qu'elle va rester à ses côtés jour après jour et lui promet qu'un jour, elle ira mieux et souffrira moins en voyant cet arbre.

Le lendemain dans la cuisine, une assistante sociale est présente et veut parler avec Callie. Stef et Lena pensent qu'il s'agit de la voiture volée ou bien encore de la relation entre Callie et AJ mais elles sont surprises d'apprendre que l'assistante sociale est présente concernant la relation de Callie et Brandon. En effet, elle doit affirmer au juge que leur maison est saine pour l'adoption de Callie mais elle a remarqué l'ordre de restriction dont a été victime Brandon à l'égard de Callie et elle s'interroge de pourquoi Stef et Lena ont fait ça. Elle ajoute qu'elle va enquêter sur ce sujet mais qu'en attendant, il n'est pas sain pour Callie de rester dans la maison.

Fin de l'épisode.

Ecrit par Emeline53.

In a park

Callie: So, what kind of powers does Super Callie have? Does she fly?
AJ: She doesn't just fly It's more like gravitational manipulation. Like riding gravity waves. Yeah, she flies.
Callie: And why do you only draw, like, superheroes?
AJ: Uh I understand those kinda stories. What?
Callie: Are you about to tell me you're like, like Captain America or something?
AJ: No. I guess I just spent a long time hoping that I'm more than what the world thinks of me.
Callie: Well, thank you for the for the drawing. It's my favorite birthday gift.
AJ: It's your favorite?
Callie: Wait. Is that him?
Ty: Lookin' good, mister man!
AJ: Ty, this is Callie. She's the girl that got me with her foster family.
Ty: I appreciate you lookin' out for my baby bro, Callie. It's been hard for him being the less handsome Hensdale boy.
AJ: Hey!
Callie: It's nice to meet you, Ty. Um, I'm gonna go meet Mariana, but I'll see you at home.
AJ: All right.

Ty: I see you got yourself a little shorty.
AJ: Oh, there ain't nothing going on. Uh-huh.
Ty: So, does she know?
AJ: Know what?
Ty: That we're leaving.

In the street

Man: Okay. I guess these belong to you now.
Callie: Ah! Thank you.
Man:Ooh! Don't forget to move your car for street cleaning. Those tickets are a racket!
Callie: Thank you for the heads up.
Mariana: Oh, my God! I can't believe we just bought a car. So What should we name her? How about "Lucille"? She looks like a Lucille. Do you want to break her in? I could use a ride to work.
Callie: Well, I can't drive you anywhere until we have insurance. And since we're not 18, that's gonna require telling Moms.
Mariana: Okay. Well, do you wanna break the news then?
Callie: Mariana, it's not that simple. We can't just tell Moms we bought a car, and then hit them up for money for insurance. That stuff's expensive.
Mariana: Okay. Between the two of us, it shouldn't take long to save up.
Callie: Yeah, until then, Lucille has to stay parked on the street.
Mariana: Okay, fine. I guess I'll just ride the bus.
Callie: I guess you will, huh?

At the Fosters

Lena: Callie, is that you?
Callie: Yeah!
Could you come here, please?
Callie: Hey! Um what are you...
We asked Rita to stop by because we wanted to talk to her about you and A.J.
Callie: Um, what about us?
I saw the two of you kiss, after the party.
Callie: Uh okay, it only happened that once. And I know that nothing we can't while he's living here, so...
Do you like A.J.?
Callie: I don't know how I feel. But I do know that I don't want a bunch of drama again.
And yet, here we are.
Lena: Honey, we just... We can't risk anything affecting your adoption.
Rita: The only way to protect everyone is to separate you and A.J.
You guys can't live in this house together.
Callie: So, what are you gonna do?


At Idyllwild

Tony: So, the plan is, we share Jin.
Jin: The three of us agreed to a Chinese wall. No pun intended. I'm completely neutral. I promise I won't say anything about what the other's working on.
Chris: You sure you're okay taking on two composers? It's a lot of extra work.
Jin: It's also two shots to play at Disney Hall.
Chris: All right, then. Welcome back, Brandon.

Brandon: Thank you for giving me another shot, guys. Seriously. This place is crazy and everyone's so intense. It's nice to make some real friends.
Tony: No worries, man. We gotta look out for each other when we can.

In front of the house

Mike: Shouldn't he be home by now?
Stef: Well, I'm sure he's just running late. Do you feel like you need me to stick around?
Mike: No, I got it. And I think it's better if I talk to him alone.
Stef: All right.

Mike: Hey!
AJ: Hey!
Mike: How'd it go with Ty?
AJ: Um, it was good. He really wants to meet you, like we talked about. That's okay, right?
Mike: Yeah.
AJ: All right. I just want him to see that you're cool and everything.
Mike: Yeah, of course. Any time. Listen, uh, there's something else we need to talk about.

In the kitchen

Stef: Well, whatever happened to that girl? What was her name? Kat?
Brandon: Oh, yeah. Um, she got kicked out and went back to Toronto.
Stef: Wow!
Rita: So, what's your story, A.J. ? What kind of stuff are you into?
AJ: Um...
Mariana: Oh! He's a really good artist.
Rita: Yeah?
Mariana: He did this super-awesome superhero drawing for Callie's birthday. What did you call her?
AJ: Um, Super Callie.
Rita: That's funny. Callie, how's your app coming that whole, you know, work-study independent thing?
Callie: Well, it's fine. Actually, I have to present for the advisor's board tomorrow. Fingers crossed. But, no, I'm like, really excited about it. I picked up a bunch of coding from Mariana.
Rita: That's cool. What's coding? Seriously. No, what is it?
Stef: Well, we have a little bit of an announcement.. Um A.J. is not going to be staying with us any longer.
Mariana: He isn't?
Lena: He's going to be staying with Rita.
Stef: Yes.
Mike: Just until I get my foster license.
Brandon: Why?
Stef: Uh, our license is expired, and with Callie's adoption coming up soon, you know, we're not going to take the courses to renew.
Lena: We just have a lot on our plates right now.
Rita: Yeah, and I'm happy to host A.J. at my place for a couple of weeks.
Mariana: When are you leaving?
Stef: Oh, Rita has just gotta get a quick home-study from CPS. So, probably a day or two.
Rita: Yeah.
Mariana: Well, we'll be sorry to see you go.
Stef: We really will.
AJ: At least there'll be one less person in the bathroom in the morning, right?
Stef: You said it. That's positive thinking.

Mariana: Well, I was gonna wait for Jude to get back from Connor's to make my big announcement, but it seems like we kinda need some good news. So Ana asked me to be Isabella's godmother.
Mariana: Oh, honey!
Stef: Well, that's really great, love.
Rita: That's a great honor. It sure is.
Mariana: And Isabella's not the only one that's gonna get baptized.
Lena: Meaning?
Mariana: I am, too.
Stef: In the Catholic church?
Mariana: Yeah.
Stef: No.
Mariana: What do you mean, no?
Stef: I mean no.

In front of the house

Callie: Okay, yeah, yeah, yeah. I know what you're thinking, but this is not Brandon all over again. Okay, this thing with A.J yeah, it shouldn't have happened, but it's not like I'm in love with him.
Rita: Okay. Listen I've been doing really, really good on my food plan. Really. I've been, like, dieting and exercising and Um, I lost a little bit of weight. Thanks so much for noticing. Okay? Uh, last week, I ate a cake. Not a piece of cake. An entire cake. Right? And I didn't even really enjoy it. And I felt so bad about myself. I'm like, "Rita, why did you do that?" "Why did you eat the whole cake?" Then I realized. It was a habit. I did it because it's a habit. And habits they are really hard to break. Right? You gotta be smart, Callie. You can't go through life just repeating the same mistakes.
Callie: I won't. I promise.
Rita: Promise?
Callie: Promise.
Rita: Yeah?
Callie: Yeah.
Rita: Okay.

In the stairs

AJ: Hey.
Callie: Hey, um I'm sorry about all this. I mean, it's not fair.
AJ: It's not all bad. Maybe if I'm at Rita's, we can...
Callie: No, we can't. Um I have a lot going on right now. And I really I just need to focus on myself.
AJ: Okay. Yeah. I get it.

In the kitchen

Mariana: I just I don't get the big deal. Didn't you baptize Brandon?
Stef: Yes... But that was more for my father.
Mariana: Well, why can't I do this for Ana and Victor? Victor's just worried that If I don't, he won't see me in heaven.
Stef: Oh, my God. Honey, that is just ridiculous.
Mariana: Not to him. And don't you think it's a good insurance policy? I mean, just in case.
Stef: We don't believe in heaven and hell, Mariana.
Mariana: Well, then what do we believe in? It's not like we ever go to church. Do we even believe in God?
Lena: Well... We believe in love. And in a higher power that lives within all things. One that inspires us to be kind and compassionate to each other.
Stef: What we don't believe in, is an angry old man up in the sky, threatening to send us to hell, if we don't do as he says. I don't like the Gutierrezes scaring you.
Mariana: I'm not scared. And look, I know the Catholic church isn't, like, pro-choice or whatever, and it doesn't support gay marriage.
Stef: Or the use of contraception.
Mariana: But I don't have to believe in any of that. I'm not converting. I just I want to be Isabella's godmother, and I can't if I don't get baptized.

In the bathroom

Brandon: Hey!
Callie: Hi.
Brandon: So, you sorry to see him go?
Callie: I know you aren't.
Brandon: I mean, are you buying the reasons Moms say he has to go to Rita's?
Callie: Why? Aren't you?
Brandon: Yeah, I mean, I guess so.
Callie: So, how's Idyllwild?
Brandon: Uh, good. Well, I think. I'm trying something kind of... Weird for my new piece. Um, and I have to play a part of it in class this week, and I'm just thinking it might be too risky. So...
Callie: If you're asking my advice, I don't know the black keys from the white ones, but isn't there someone at Idyllwild that you trust?
Brandon: Yeah I guess.
Callie: There you go.

At Idyllwild

Brandon: So, what'd you think? Am I crazy? Be honest.
Tony: Prepared piano... It's bold.
Brandon: Too bold?
Tony: There's no such thing.
Brandon: Is it risky?
Tony: Hell, yeah. But that doesn't mean you shouldn't play it.
Brandon: Okay, but put yourself in my shoes here. I'm not exactly in a position to take risks, you know. Not after they just barely let me back into the program.
Jin: I'm for it. I've never heard anything like it played here. But of course, I don't have a vote.
Brandon: What would you do? I still have time to convert it, you know, back to a traditional piece.
Tony: Ah! You know I can't make that decision for you, dude. Look, you just gotta go with this. You gotta go with your gut.
Brandon: Right, yeah. Go with my gut. And what's your gut saying when you want to throw up?

At the bakery

Adriana: Wait. So, your moms don't want you to be the godmother anymore? Why not?
Mariana: I don't know. I think it just kinda caught them off-guard. They'll come around. I hope so.
Adriana: Abuelo Victor's been talking about it all morning. He's so excited.

Ana: Stop monitoring my every move!
Elena: Just tell me why you need a refill. Those pills should've lasted you another week.
Ana: Because I ran out, okay? I lost them and I needed some more. It's none of your business anyway!
Elena: It is my business, Ana, if you are abusing your pain medication.
Ana: Well, I'm not! So, stop scrutinizing every single thing I do. I just need some air.
Mariana: Ana?
Elena: Back to work, mijas. Andale.
Ana: I'll be in the back.
Mariana: Hey. What are you...
Stef: We would like to have a conversation with the Gutierrezes, if that's all right?

Victor: Our church provides us with a sense of community and a sense of purpose. We just wanted to share that with Mariana. Is that so bad?
Lena: You told our daughter that she's going to hell.
Victor: I never said that.
Stef: Really? Okay, but if you're afraid that you won't meet her in heaven, what other option is there, Victor?
Victor: If Mariana isn't baptized before she dies, her soul will be in limbo. And we don't want her to suffer, waiting for purification, before she joins God in heaven. We didn't mean to overstep.
Stef: Mmm.
Mariana: Hey, um my moms just want to talk about the baptism.
Elena: We wouldn't be in this position if Ana had had her children baptized in the first place.
Ana: It's something I really regret.
Lena: We hear you, and we understand, Ana but here's the thing. Jesus and Mariana are not your children. Or your grandchildren. You have a relationship with Mariana because we allow it. It's not your place to parent her.
Ana: They're right. They're her parents. I'm sorry. I should've asked permission before any of this.
Lena: Yes. Yes, you should have.
Elena: Fine. You're right. Absolutely. But let me ask you something. You don't go to church, right?
Lena: No, we don't.
Elena: So, do you not believe in God?
Lena: That's a fairly personal question, Elena.
Elena: Okay. Then, tell me this. Is there any reason you don't want your children to believe in God?

At Mike's

AJ: Ty. Mike.
Mike: Nice to finally meet you. Hey! Can I get you something to drink?
Ty: Water's cool.
Mike: Okay.

Ty: So, he's a cop?
AJ: Ty, be cool.
Ty: So... A lonely white cop wants to foster a black teen. Oh, I've seen this movie before. Let me guess. You're gonna save my brother from being dangerous, violent, and criminally inclined, right?
Mike: Um I'm not interested in saving anybody. I'm fostering A.J., so I can provide him with a home.
Ty: Until he ages out. He's almost 18. What? You need a few months of government checks that bad?
AJ: Ty!
Mike: It's okay. Look, I'm not just in this till he turns 18. I'm not gonna just throw him out! I want him to go to college, get an education. I'm gonna support him any way I can. Look, I'm not in this for just a few months. This is forever.

At Anchor Beach

Callie: Foster kids have no control over where they live, who they live with. So, this app, "Fost and Found," will give them the access and information they need, so they can have some power, so they can make decisions for themselves.
Woman: Why can't they just look those things up on the Internet?
Callie: Well, most foster kids don't know what they need. So, they don't know what to search for. So, this web app will help direct them. You know, like two organizations that provide donated prom dresses or two dental clinics that provide free teeth cleanings. There's even a summer camp for foster kids that's free. But most of us don't even know these things exist. I know I didn't.
Woman: That's all great stuff, no doubt about it, but your old independent study at the drop-in center was so interactive. You got such terrific face-to-face time with the kids. This just seems so much less immersive.

At Mike's

Ty: So, how much longer were you at that other foster house before you moved in here?
AJ: I'm actually moving out of that house and into a different one for a little while. Mike still hasn't gotten his foster license.
Ty: Say what now? Why are you moving around so much?
AJ: I kissed my foster sister.
Ty: Hold up. That Callie girl? Why doesn't she have to move out?
AJ: Because...
Ty: Because the black kid kissed the white girl, and that's a big no.
AJ: That's not how it is, Ty. One of her moms is black.
Ty: Whatever. They're moving your ass out because they're gettin' rid of you. They don't want you to have anything to do with that girl.
AJ: No, man. It's not like that.
Ty: Listen to me, A.J. This Mike is not your forever father. They are getting rid of you. As sure as I'm sitting here, as soon as you wake up and realize that, you give me a call.
Mike: Hey! You guys hungry? Grub's up.

At Idyllwild

Chris: Great work, Brandon. Really nice. Glad to have you back. That's all we have time for. We'll hear from the rest of you tomorrow.
Tony: Dude, that was sweet. Really tight.
Brandon: Thanks for, you know, the advice.
Tony: No, all I said was to follow your gut. You can't go wrong with that.

Chris: Hey! So I liked your piece. I really did, but I feel like you're holding back, Brandon. You've got to be more imaginative, braver, and bolder. This is the time to take chances. You're not going to get anywhere definitely not Disney hall by playing it safe.

At Mike's

Rita: So, CPS did the home visit, so we're good to go.
Mike: Great!
Rita: I thought, maybe, we could go over some house rules before we move you in tomorrow?
AJ: Okay.
Rita: So, I saw you and Brandon get into it at Callie's party. And Mike told me that you're talking to your brother and that's fine, but there will be no lying. Understood?
AJ: Yes, ma'am.
Rita: Okay. I also know that you're the reason that Callie got fired from the drop-in center.
Mike: What? What do you mean, Callie got fired? What happened?
AJ: It was before I even met you. It's kinda how I ended up in detention.
Mike: What did you do?
AJ: She let me spend the night there, and I took off. Stole some spray paint.
Mike: I see.
AJ: She didn't want Stef and Lena to find out, so...
Mike: Okay.
Rita: Listen, didn't mean to narc on you there. Okay? But the point is, there are no second chances with me. There'll be no lying, no stealing, no running away, no fighting. One strike and you're out. You got it?
AJ: Got it.

In the kitchen

Lena: I can't believe she had the nerve to ask us if we didn't want our kids to believe in God. What the hell was that? And what the hell business is it of theirs?
Stef: I agree with you, love. I totally, absolutely agree with you. But you know, we haven't exactly exposed our kids to anything. We don't go to church. We don't pray. I mean, is it our fault that Mariana went running to the first person that talked to her about God?
Lena: No, no, no, no. This was not an invitation to learn more about the Catholic church. This was this was an ultimatum. This was blackmail. Victor literally said, you cannot be godmother if you're not baptized. What is that?
Stef: It's their beliefs.
Lena: Well It's not their place to impose their beliefs on our daughter.
Stef: I agree. But, you know, we've always said that we would allow our children to choose their own spiritual paths. I don't know. When does that when does that start?

In Mike's car

AJ: I should've told you about the drop-in center and everything.
Mike: Trying to protect Callie? I know. Look... Are you interested in her? Like, romantically? Relax, it's not a trick question. I honestly want to know.
AJ: Yeah, I guess. I mean, I'm not sure she's interested in me, but if she was, would that be a problem? I mean, it's okay if I'm living with you and Rita, right?
Mike: Look, I think Callie's a great girl. Honest. I just don't think getting involved with her is a great idea.
AJ: How come?
Mike: She just has a lot of stuff to work out. And she comes with more than her fair share of drama. There's just a lot of other girls out there, A.J. I just think you might be better off. That's all. Good night.

At the church

Ana: Sorry I'm late. She's been fussy all morning.
Mariana: Here, let me.
Ana: So, have you talked to Father Pena yet?
Mariana: Uh, no, not yet.
Ana: Where are your moms?
Mariana: Um, they're not coming. So, are you okay? I heard you and Elena fighting yesterday, and...
Ana: And you want to know if I'm abusing my pain killers. I flushed them, the whole bottle. I've been trying to live with the pain, but I finally realized I can't. So, I got a refill.
Mariana: Why didn't you tell your mom that?
Ana: Because my parents only see me as an addict. If they had the slightest idea that I was worried about relapsing, they'd be all over me.
Mariana: So, you're cool?
Ana: I promise. I... I'm sorry this has caused so much trouble, but I want you to know how much it means to me, not getting you and Jesus baptized was just another reminder of the million ways I was a terrible mother. Look who's here.

Mariana: You came.
Lena: Of course we came. And we come bearing gifts.
Stef: One of those in there is for you, and the other is for Isabella, to commemorate your godmother-goddaughter bond.
Mariana: So pretty. Thank you.
Father Pena: Mariana, are we ready?
Mariana: Um, yes. Father Pena, these are my moms.
Father Pena: Lovely to meet you.
Stef: Nice to meet you.
Lena: Nice to meet you.
Father Pena: Pleasure. Shall we?

Father Pena: Now, I know you weren't raised in the church, but I'm happy to see that your reunion with your grandparents is...
Mariana: My birth grandparents.
Father Pena: Oh, uh... Of course. Um I'm happy to see that your reunion with your birth grandparents has ignited an interest in a spiritual connection. Normally, before we do this, there's quite a bit of instruction, but these are obviously very special circumstances. So, then I'll bring you up and introduce you as Mariana Gutierrez...
Mariana: No, no, no. "Adams Foster."
Father Pena: Right. I'm sorry. I knew that. I'm just getting everything wrong today, aren't I?
Mariana: It's fine.
Father Pena: So, then, at the altar, you'll repeat after me, and recite the following oath before your congregation and God. "I believe and profess all that the holy Catholic church believes, teaches, and proclaims, to be revealed by God."
Mariana: Is it a sin to say the oath and not believe it?
Father Pena: Well, it is a sin to lie, but what don't you believe?
Mariana: Well, you met my moms. They're married. Would the church accept them?
Father Pena: Of course. We welcome all sinners.

In the kitchen

AJ: Rita told Mike I got you fired. And then, he told me that I'm supposed to stay away from you.
Callie: He said what?
AJ: And then, I realized that's why I'm going to Rita's. I crossed the line. I kissed the princess, and now, they want to keep me as far away from you as they can.
Callie: Why would you say that? What did he say?
AJ: He said that you had a lot of stuff to work out and that I should keep my distance.
Callie: What, you think that's about you? No, he's looking out for you, not me. When I first got here Brandon and I, kind of, fell for each other.
AJ: That's why that guy hates my guts.
Callie: We fell in love but I needed a family, so we ended it. I ended it. That's probably why Mike said that. He was he probably doesn't want you to get hurt.
AJ: I'm not worried about getting my feelings hurt, Callie. Besides, there's one big difference between me and Brandon. I'm never gonna be your brother.
Callie: Damn it, I'm gonna get a ticket!

At the church

Ana: What's this?
Mariana: It's a gift for Bella from my moms. But I have to tell you something.

In the street

AJ: What? When did this happen?
Callie: Just got it. My moms don't know yet. I hate parallel parking.
AJ: What's the hurry? Let's take it for a spin.
Callie: Well, I can't drive until I get insurance.
AJ: Come on, let's take it around the block one time. I'm sure we'll find a better parking spot. Come on, girl! Let me see your skills.

At the church

Mike: So, you guys are really okay with this?
Stef: It's Mariana's choice, not ours.
Lena: Hey, sweetheart, the service is about to start. What are you doing?
Mariana: I'm not... I'm not gonna get baptized.
Stef: Well, why not, love?
Mariana: Because I'm not gonna stand up there and say that I believe in a church that thinks my moms are sinners just for being gay. I mean, am I a sinner because I'm straight?
Stef: No.
Mariana: No, I'm not.
Lena: So, you're not gonna be Isabella's godmother?
Mariana: It's okay. I'll just keep looking out for her like I do. I don't need a title for that.

Adriana: Hey! Have you seen Ana?
Mariana: What? What do you mean?
Adriana: She said she was going to the restroom, but I think she left. I can't find her anywhere.

At Idyllwild

Chris: Good morning, everyone. Okay. Who's up first?
Tony: We'd like to go first, if that's okay?
Chris: It's all yours.

In Callie's car

AJ: Could you drive any slower?
Callie: I can't afford to get a ticket.
AJ: You know you can get a ticket for driving under the speed limit, right?
Callie: No way. Really?
AJ: So, you and Brandon... That's over, right? Like, you don't have a thing for him anymore?
Callie: Right.
AJ: So, you gonna drive this thing over to Rita's and visit me?
Callie: Maybe, if you're nice.
AJ: I'm always nice.
Callie: No, no, no, no, no. Oh, my God.

At the church

Stef: We've looked everywhere.
Mike: She's not answering her phone either.
Elena: I think she's using again.
Lena: Is that her?
Stef: No. I'm so sorry, I have to take this.
Mariana: No, she's not using again. I literally just talked to her about it.
Elena: Well, if it isn't her pain pills, then it's something else. We've been down this road before with Ana. Well, we just have to do this without her, come on.
Mariana: Do what? Baptize Isabella? No, you can't!
Victor: This is a family matter, Mariana. You've made it quite clear you don't want to be a part of ours.
Lena: Sweetheart...
Mariana: Ana hates me.
Lena: That is not what's happening here. You're not responsible for any of this.
Stef: Okay. Yeah. I will be right there.
Lena: What? What is it? What happened?
Stef: Callie and A.J. have been arrested...
Lena: What?
Stef: For stealing a car.

In the living room

Stef: It's a fake.
Mariana: But it's pink. It's called a pink slip, right?
Callie: We didn't exactly know what a title looks like.
Lena: No, of course you didn't. How could you? You're teenagers. I cannot believe you bought a stolen car. This is why you don't do things like this without talking to your parents.
Callie: Well, we were gonna tell you. We just wanted to wait to have enough money for insurance.
Stef: Are you really looking at your phone right now?
Mariana: Sorry, I just it's Adriana. Ana showed up to the reception. She's okay. But do you think we're gonna get any of the money back? I mean, they took the car.

At Idyllwild

Brandon: Super bold piece, man. I'm so glad everyone loved your idea.
Tony: Look, man. Sure I was inspired by what you played, but prepared piano has been around forever. It's not like you invented it.
Brandon: That is such bull. You know it. You never would've thought of that if it wasn't for me. Are you buying this?
Jin: I'm Switzerland, all right?
Brandon: Yeah, well, you know what the Swiss did in World War II? Nothing. They just stood by and watched. I mean, is that really who you wanna be, Jin?
Tony: Oh, chill out, Brandon. Look, there were no war crimes committed. Everyone went home last night, and made adjustments based on Chris' critiques. I was in a position to nad up and take a chance. I'm not gonna apologize for that.
Brandon: Man, that is so weak, it's actually pathetic.
Tony: Look who decided to grow a pair. It's not my fault you don't believe in yourself.
Brandon: Is that why you brought me back? Because you don't think I'm a real threat? Well, huge mistake, okay? You might've gotten away with stealing my idea, but we both know that my prepared piece would've blown yours out of the water. Okay? And if I ever had a doubt about the fact that I belong here, well, it's gone now, okay? So, prepare for some serious competition, my friend, 'cause I'm about to own you.

In the kitchen

Mariana: I'll get it.
Stef: What do you wanna do for dinner?
Lena: Oh, God. I don't know.
Stef: Should I run to the store? I could do it. Who is it, honey?
Lena: Hi, Ana.
Ana: I, um I think I made a mistake. I want you to take Isabella.

In the living room

Ana: I know you think that I left because I was using, but it's not what happened. I left because I couldn't stand up in front of all those people and promise to take care of my baby. I know it's horrible, I do, but I just I feel no connection to her. Look at all these parents, and they seem so happy. And that's not the way it is with me. I just feel so empty. This is the way I felt with you and Jesus. And I always thought that it was the drugs. But I guess... I guess I'm just not meant to be a mother.
Lena: I think it... It sounds like you might be suffering from postpartum depression.
Victor: Oh, is that her latest excuse?
Stef: This is a very real thing, Victor. Women have been known to struggle with it, sometimes for months, after having given birth.
Victor: Please!
Mariana: Why do you do that? Why do you always assume the worst of her? Look, I may not have been raised in a church, but my moms have always taught me to believe in family, and to believe in people, and to believe in the best possible version of people. And that's what Ana needs right now. For you to have faith in her. She needs your love and support.
Elena: You don't know what we've been through with her.
Mariana: I do. She stole money from me. She lied to me. But I still believe in her. You can't just assume she's using again, every time she has a bad day.
Elena: I guess we have been guilty of that, but you have to understand...
Mariana: No excuses. You either believe in her or you don't.
Lena: It's no secret that I've had my problems with the Catholic church, but one thing that I think is so beautiful, that they get really, really right, is forgiveness. Absolute forgiveness for ourselves, for others. I think we all deserve that.
Victor: I hope you know, mija we really do want you to succeed.
Ana: I just don't want to feel this way anymore.
Elena: So, we'll get you some help.

In the kitchen

Stef: What a day, huh? Sometimes, I wonder if it's ever gonna get any easier.
Lena: I hate that tree.
Stef: What?
Lena: I feel horrible saying it, but I hate it. Every day I come down here and I look through this window, and I hope and I pray that I will just see a tree instead of a reminder that I lost my baby. I know I should've said this in therapy, but I guess I was afraid. But after speaking with Ana about her postpartum, I think, um I think that I've been depressed, too ever since we lost Frankie. And I'm not saying that it's that it's postpartum. I just... I'm still not over it.
Stef: No, it's not gonna go away, love. That's not how grief works. I know you know that. It's awful, love, and it's messy and it sucks, and it's gonna take as long as it takes, and you feel it, and you ride it out, okay? And I'm gonna be here. I'm gonna be here every second, for whatever you need. You hear me? One day, you're gonna look out that window, and you're not gonna feel so sad, I promise.

In the kitchen

Lena: So, I'm guessing that you've heard about the whole "stolen car" misunderstanding. So, please let me get Callie down here to explain.
Stef: Hey, Callie! Can you come down here, please?
Social worker: Actually, that's not why I'm here. I was reviewing Callie's file for your final home study to recommend her adoption to the judge, and I have some concerns about Callie's foster brother.
Lena: Oh, well, A.J. will be moving to a new home in a few days.
Stef: Yes.
Social worker: It's not A.J. I'm worried about. It's Brandon. I'm wondering why you felt the need to take out a restraining order against your son.
Stef: I don't even know how you got that. That was expunged.
Social worker: Well, even if it was, I'm afraid I can't make a recommendation on her adoption until I investigate this further. And while I am, it's not appropriate for Callie to be in your care.

Kikavu ?

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choup37, 19.04.2024 à 19:45

Maintenant j'en ai plus que deux, je joue aussi sur kaa

CastleBeck, Hier à 11:48

Il y a quelques thèmes et bannières toujours en attente de clics dans les préférences . Merci pour les quartiers concernés.

Viens chatter !